Academic literature on the topic 'Компенсація ризиків'
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Journal articles on the topic "Компенсація ризиків"
Вівчар, О. І., О. В. Сталінська, О. І. Дідченко, О. І. Когут-Ференс, and А. Я. Шатарський. "СУЧАСНА ПРАКТИКА ОЦІНКИ РИЗИКІВ ЛОГІСТИЧНОГО УПРАВЛІННЯ ЕКОНОМІЧНОЇ БЕЗПЕКИ ПІДПРИЄМСТВ ТРАНСПОРТУ." Actual problems of regional economy development 2, no. 16 (November 25, 2020): 237–46.
Full textPankiv, V. I. "Ефективний і безпечний контроль глікемії у хворих на цукровий діабет 2-го типу при застосуванні фіксованої комбінації пероральних цукрознижувальних препаратів." INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGY (Ukraine), no. 4.52 (May 1, 2013): 11–16.
Full textPankiv, V. I. "Цукровий діабет 2-го типу: як уникнути помилок і підвищити ефективність лікування." INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGY (Ukraine), no. 4.52 (May 1, 2013): 79–84.
Full textЗеленко, Н. "Механізм компенсації наслідків соціальних ризиків у системі соціального захисту населення України." Формування ринкової економіки в Україні, Вип. 21 (2010): 200–206.
Find full textКлименко, Ольга. "ДЕРЖАВНЕ РЕГУЛЮВАННЯ РИНКУ СТРАХУВАННЯ У ФОРС-МАЖОРНИХ СИТУАЦІЯХ." Public management 25, no. 5 (December 29, 2020): 95–106.
Full textKhutorska, L. A. "Динаміка поширеності та ризик розвитку діабетичної ретинопатії у хворих на цукровий діабет." INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGY (Ukraine), no. 3.51 (March 10, 2013): 35–40.
Full textRykov, S. O., and S. S. Lytvinenko. "Ризик виникнення післяопераційного гемофтальму у хворих з діабетичною ретинопатією та цукровим діабетом 2-го типу." Archive of Ukrainian Ophthalmology 10, no. 1 (May 17, 2022): 25–30.
Full textShtyrov, Oleksandr, and Artem Hirzhev. "РЕАЛІЗАЦІЯ МЕХАНІЗМІВ ДЕРЖАВНОЇ ПІДТРИМКИ РЕГІОНАЛЬНОГО РОЗВИТКУ НА ПРИКЛАДІ МИКОЛАЇВСЬКОЇ ОБЛАСТІ." Public Administration and Regional Development, no. 5 (September 10, 2019): 645–68.
Full textЧернявська, І. В., and М. Р. Микитюк. "МЕНОПАУЗАЛЬНИЙ МЕТАБОЛІЧНИЙ СИНДРОМ: ПОГЛЯД ЕНДОКРИНОЛОГА." Problems of Endocrine Pathology 76, no. 2 (June 10, 2021): 117–25.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Компенсація ризиків"
Савченко, Наталя Панасівна. "Регулювання графіка навантаження електричних мереж за допомогою споживача-регулятора з кінетичним енергонакопичувачем." Thesis, Донбаська національна академія будівництва і архітектури, 2018.
Full textThesis for the degree of candidate of technical sciences in specialty 141 – electric power industry, electrical engineering and electromechanics – National Technical University "Kharkov Polytechnic Institute" of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Kharkov, 2018. The thesis is devoted to regulation of electric load schedules with the help of regulator consumers to connect kinetic energy storages to their power supply system, which will lead to an increase in the efficiency of the functioning of electrical networks and power quality indicators. In the dissertation the methods of regulation of electronic loading schedules are investigated and the feasibility of using administrative buildings with storage devices connected to the power supply system, as consumers of regulators, is substantiated. The application of different types of accumulating devices in power supply systems has been investigated, and the use of a kinetic energy carrier for regulating load schedules of the consumer-regulator has been proposed. The analysis of risk assessment methods in energy with the purpose of their reduction, which will increase the reliability of the power supply system of the consumer-regulator, and the method of the hierarchy of T.Saati is used directly for the analysis of risks and their compensation when connected to the system of power supply of the kinetic energy accumulator. The design of the flywheel with a variable torque of inertia and imbalance loads, which differs from the existing presence of alternating moment of inertia and imbalance loads, which will reduce the energy consumption in the initial period of rotation of the flywheel and improve the smoothness of rotation in the working mode is developed, therefore, it has the best technical characteristics compared with analogues and can be used as a kinetic energy storage device. The method of balancing the load in the power supply system of an administrative building, based on the use of kinetic energy storage, has allowed to improve the quality of electricity due to the lack of switching in the power supply system. A model for energy exchange between the power supply system of the building and the kinetic energy storage device is developed, which differs from the current taking into account the design of the flywheel KES, which makes it possible to improve the accuracy of energy calculations. The possibility of regulating the electric load graphs of the consumer-regulator is shown when adjusting the parameters and characteristics of the kinetic energy storage, which will effectively regulate the load schedule of the electrical network as a whole. The influence of the design of the electric motor and the flywheel structure in the KEN on the accumulation of electric energy on the acceleration and loading characteristics of the drive for controlling the electric load schedule of the electric networks has been experimentally confirmed.
Савченко, Наталя Панасівна. "Регулювання графіка навантаження електричних мереж за допомогою споживача-регулятора з кінетичним енергонакопичувачем." Thesis, НТУ "ХПІ", 2018.
Full textThe thesis is devoted to regulation of electric load schedules with the help of regulator consumers to connect kinetic energy storages to their power supply system, which will lead to an increase in the efficiency of the functioning of electrical networks and power quality indicators. In the dissertation the methods of regulation of electronic loading schedules are investigated and the feasibility of using administrative buildings with storage devices connected to the power supply system, as consumers of regulators, is substantiated. The application of different types of accumulating devices in power supply systems has been investigated, and the use of a kinetic energy carrier for regulating load schedules of the consumer-regulator has been proposed. The analysis of risk assessment methods in energy with the purpose of their reduction, which will increase the reliability of the power supply system of the consumer-regulator, and the method of the hierarchy of T.Saati is used directly for the analysis of risks and their compensation when connected to the system of power supply of the kinetic energy accumulator. The design of the flywheel with a variable torque of inertia and imbalance loads, which differs from the existing presence of alternating moment of inertia and imbalance loads, which will reduce the energy consumption in the initial period of rotation of the flywheel and improve the smoothness of rotation in the working mode is developed, therefore, it has the best technical characteristics compared with analogues and can be used as a kinetic energy storage device. The method of balancing the load in the power supply system of an administrative building, based on the use of kinetic energy storage, has allowed to improve the quality of electricity due to the lack of switching in the power supply system. A model for energy exchange between the power supply system of the building and the kinetic energy storage device is developed, which differs from the current taking into account the design of the flywheel KES, which makes it possible to improve the accuracy of energy calculations. The possibility of regulating the electric load graphs of the consumer-regulator is shown when adjusting the parameters and characteristics of the kinetic energy storage, which will effectively regulate the load schedule of the electrical network as a whole. The influence of the design of the electric motor and the flywheel structure in the KEN on the accumulation of electric energy on the acceleration and loading characteristics of the drive for controlling the electric load schedule of the electric networks has been experimentally confirmed.