Academic literature on the topic 'Електричні характеристики'
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Journal articles on the topic "Електричні характеристики"
Мілованов, Ю. С., І. В. Гаврильченко, В. Я. Гайворонський, Г. В. Кузнецов, and В. А. Скришевський. "Особливості протікання струму в гетероструктурах оксид титану–кремній." Ukrainian Journal of Physics 57, no. 5 (May 30, 2012): 545.
Full textКорольова, Я. Ю., В. В. Онищенко, А. І. Нос, and О. В. Лукашук. "Задачі покриття і типізації комутаційних схем в конструкціях мультимедіа." Системи обробки інформації, no. 2(165) (May 21, 2021): 28–33.
Full textFedorov, Serhii, Artem Sybir, Mykhailo Hubynskyi, Semen Hubynskyi, Svitlana Foris, Alexey Gogotsi, and Serhii Koval. "ДОСЛІДЖЕННЯ РЕЖИМІВ РОБОТИ ПІЛОТНОЇ ЕЛЕКТРОТЕРМІЧНОЇ ПЕЧІ КИПЛЯЧОГО ШАРУ ПРОДУКТИВНІСТЮ 10 КГ/ГОД." Metallurgicheskaya i gornorudnaya promyshlennost, no. 3-4 (November 27, 2019): 48–55.
Full textДегода, В. Я., В. Т. Весна, Б. В. Кожушко, and Г. П. Подуст. "Аномальна провідність у монокристалах селеніду цинку під рентґенівським опроміненням." Ukrainian Journal of Physics 57, no. 9 (September 30, 2012): 929.
Full textТеряєв, В. І., С. О. Бур’ян, and В. П. Стяжкін. "УЗГОДЖЕНЕ РЕГУЛЮВАННЯ КООРДИНАТ ДВИГУНА-ГЕНЕРАТОРА В РЕЖИМІ ЕЛЕКТРИЧНОГО ГАЛЬМУВАННЯ." Vidnovluvana energetika, no. 3(62) (September 28, 2020): 62–69.
Full textNiemyj, S. V., and V. M. Brytkowskyi. "Проблеми оптимізації напруги у бортовій мережі електрообладнання автотранспортних засобів." Scientific Bulletin of UNFU 29, no. 8 (October 31, 2019): 106–9.
Full textПетровський, О. М. "ЗМІНА ЕЛЕКТРИЧНИХ ВЛАСТИВОСТЕЙ НАСІННЯ ПІД ВПЛИВОМ ВИСОКОЧАСТОТНОГО ЕЛЕКТРОМАГНІТНОГО ОПРОМІНЕННЯ." Вісник Полтавської державної аграрної академії, no. 2 (June 26, 2014): 151–55.
Full textКарпчук, Г. Л., and М. О. Будько. "ОСОБЛИВОСТІ РОБОТИ СИСТЕМИ "ПОЛІКРЕМНІЄВА ФОТОБАТАРЕЯ – ПРОТОНООБМІННИЙ ЕЛЕКТРОЛІЗЕР"." Vidnovluvana energetika, no. 3(62) (September 28, 2020): 16–26.
Full textЖуравльов, Ю. І. "УПРАВЛІННЯ ТЕПЛОВИМ РЕЖИМОМ ТЕРМОЕЛЕКТРИЧНИХ ОХОЛОДЖУВАЧІВ У НЕРІВНОМІРНОМУ ПОЛІ ТЕМПЕРАТУР." Таврійський науковий вісник. Серія: Технічні науки, no. 1 (April 8, 2022): 22–35.
Full textGaevskii, O., V. Ivanchuk, and I. Korniienko. "СИСТЕМА ВИМІРЮВАННЯ ПАРАМЕТРІВ ФОТОЕЛЕКТРИЧНИХ МОДУЛІВ В РЕАЛЬНИХ УМОВАХ ЕКСПЛУАТАЦІЇ." Vidnovluvana energetika, no. 2(57) (September 2, 2019): 32–39.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Електричні характеристики"
Лагдан, І. В., Олексій Іванович Пилипенко, and Борис Іванович Байрачний. "Дослідження впливу іонів літію на електричні характеристики оксидно-нікелевого електрода лужного акумулятора." Thesis, НТУ "ХПІ", 2014.
Full textБезпрозванних, Ганна Вікторівна, and К. В. Ільченко. "Впровадження захищених дротів – шлях до модернізації розподільчих електричних мереж." Thesis, Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2016.
Full textМілих, Володимир Іванович, А. М. Ольховський, and Наталія Володимирівна Полякова. "Чисельно-польовий аналіз магнітного поля двигуна постійного струму з різними аксіальними довжинами магнітопроводу." Thesis, Кременчуцький національний університет ім. Михайла Остроградського, 2013.
Full textМірчук, Ігор Анатолійович. "Підвищення експлуатаційних характеристик суднових кабелів за рахунок технологічних режимів охолодження та радіаційного опромінення електричної ізоляції." Thesis, Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2020.
Full textPh.D. thesis undertaken in research specialization 141 "Electric Power Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Electric Mechanics" (14 – Electrical Engineering). – National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute", Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Kharkiv, 2020. The dissertation is devoted to increasing of the operational properties of shipboard cables due to the technological modes of cooling and electron beam irradiation of insulation and sheath based on modern flame retardant halogen-free polymeric compounds, which provide the necessary complex of electrical, physical and mechanical properties with appropriate control of technological processes. To achieve this, the following tasks were set: – to prove the expediency of gradual cooling of polyethylene insulation of high-voltage power cables to ensure both operational parameters and stability of properties during operation; – to substantiate the application of the method of electro-thermal analogy for the construction of a mathematical model of cooling of insulated conductor taking into account the temperature distribution over the thickness of insulation in a non-constant thermal mode; – to develop a method of calculating the technological parameters of the cooling mode of power cable, based on the calculation of a nonlinear thermal equivalent circuit of insulated conductor in a non-constant thermal mode, taking into account dependence the thermal resistance and heat capacity of the insulation from the temperature by methods of discrete resistive equivalent circuits; – to determine the influence of technological cooling modes on the temperature distribution in the thickness of extruded in sulation and to justify the duration of the transition process, which corresponds to achievement of the same temperature over the entire thickness of power cables insulation various design at different time points, depending on the cooling water temperature; – to verify experimentally the efficiency of detecting technological defects in the design of the power shipboard cable by partial discharges values; – to create a methodology for optimizing the power shipboard cable with coaxial construction to ensure maximum heat flow power dissipation into the environment, which causes an increase in current load, if insulation thermal resistance provided; – to prove the efficiency of the use a protective polymer sheath with high thermal conductive properties to increase the current load of power shipboard cables; – to determine the effect of accelerated electron beam energy on the mechanical and electrical properties of shipboard cables and determine the irradiation coefficient range for insulation which provides an increase of operational characteristics, on the basis of correlation between the electrical and mechanical properties of filled with flame retardants halogen-free compound based on ethylene-vinyl acetate modified by electron beam; – to verify the efficiency of absorbed dose distribution along the perimeter and length of shipboard cables after irradiation according to obtained results of mechanical and thermal tests of polymeric halogen-free flame retardant protective sheath of cable; – to determine the thermal stability of the halogen-free flame-retardant polymeric protective sheath modified by irradiating, on basis of accelerated thermal aging, to predict the service life of shipboard cables and to substantiate the possibility of operation in conditions with high humidity and high operating temperatures for unscreened cable with unscreened twisted pairs and thermoplastic insulation and protective sheath. Object of research – technological modes of cooling and irradiation of electrical insulation of shipboard cables, based on halogen-free filled with flame retardants polyolefin compound. Subject of research – electrical, mechanical and thermal operational properties of the shipboard cables polymer insulation and sheath based on filled with flame retardants halogen-free compounds. Research methods. Theoretical and experimental studies are based on the use of methods of numerical and physical modeling of technological modes of cooling and electron beam irradiation of polymeric electrical insulation and protective sheath of shipboard cables. Methods of theory of non-stationary thermal conductivity to calculation of cooling mode of polymeric cable insulation. Differential equations of thermal conductivity and electrical conductivity. The method of electro-thermal analogies to determine the temperature distribution in the thickness of insulation at different time points, depending on the temperature of cooling water for shipboard power cable. Nonlinear thermal and electrical equivalent circuits of insulated conductor in transient thermal mode. Implicit Euler method and nodal potentials method for obtaining temperature distribution in thickness of cable insulation. A method of optimizing the design of the power cable provided cooling during operation to increase the current load. Thermal balance equation to determining the thermal resistance of insulation during operation. Irradiation crosslinking theory to determine the optimal irradiation dose of polymeric insulation. The theory of thermal aging of insulation to predict the service life of shipboard cables. Approximation of experimental electrical, mechanical and thermal properties of modified by irradiation insulation of shipboard cables. Correlation and regression analysis of electrical, mechanical and thermal properties after modification by irradiation of polymeric insulation and protective sheath of shipboard cables. Partial discharge detection technique in high voltage solid polymeric insulation for defect detection on technological stage of production power shipboard cable. The following scientific results are obtained in the work. The dissertation solves the scientific and practical problem of increasing the operational properties of shipboard cables due to the technological modes of cooling and irradiation of electrical insulation based on modern halogen-free flame retardant polymeric compounds. The mathematical model of technological process of cooling insulated conductor in unsteady thermal mode, by taking into account dependence of thermal and physical characteristics of polymeric insulation from the temperature, for determine the temperature distribution throughout the thickness of polyethylene insulation at different time points depending on water temperature under gradual cooling, has been improved. Mathematical model allows to determine the conditions for ensuring stable characteristics of the shipboard power cable during operation. The criterion for determination of technological parameters of the cooling mode of power shipboard cables, which is the time of the transitional process of cooling the insulated conductor to achieve an equal temperature throughout the thickness of the polymeric insulation, is proposed. The optimum thickness of the polymeric protective sheath on condition of long-term thermal stability of irradiated cross-linked based on polyolefin insulation has been established. It provides a 30 % increase current load of the coaxial design shipboard power cable. The range of irradiation coefficient for halogen free flame retardant insulation of shipboard cables when guarantees increasing electrical resistance of polymeric insulation modified by electron beam more than twice, the breakdown direct current voltage 1,3 times relative to the non-irradiated condition, is determined. The correlation between mechanical and electrical properties of halogen-free based on polyolefin insulation modified by electron beam, depending on the linear velocity of the cable under the electron beam and constant value of electron beam current. The distribution of the absorbed dose along the perimeter and length of the halogen-free flame retardant polymeric protective sheath depending on the technological parameters of the irradiation modes of shipboard cables, is established and allows to determine the irradiation dose for cables, when protective sheath provides increasing the resistance to aggressive chemicals while high physical and mechanical properties is still available. The stability of the cables structure to high temperature and humidity is experimentally proved on the basis of accelerated aging of unscreened cable with unscreened twisted pairs, with thermoplastic polyethylene insulation and protective polyvinylchloride sheath with adequate aging during operation. It allows predicting the service life of shipboard cables depending on the operating temperature. A technique for calculating the technological parameters of the power cable cooling mode by the methods of discrete resistive equivalent circuits has been developed. A technique based on the calculation of a nonlinear thermal scheme of substitution of conductor with polyethylene insulation in a non-constant thermal mode, taking into account the dependence of thermal resistance and heat capacity from the temperature. The proposed methodology and algorithms can be applied to determine the technological modes of cooling cable polymeric insulation without using expensive full-scale experiments, especially important for the new compounds development and cable constructions, as well as modernization available at cable factories equipment for cooling power cable, data cable with twisted pairs, radio frequency and optical cables. The efficiency of determining partial discharges in high-voltage solid insulation has been proved to detect defects at the technological stage of the producing of power shipboard cables, as well as to adjust the technological process of cooling. The methodology for heat transfer in a coaxial design single-core power cable based on criterial equations of natural convection has been developed to optimize the design of the power shipboard cable to ensure the maximum linear density of heat flow dissipated from the cable surface. The efficiency of application of polymeric materials based on micro- and nanocomposites with high thermal conductivity for sheath of high-voltage shipboard cables, providing a 30 % increase in thermal dissipating of power cable, is shown. It is established the energy of accelerated electrons 0.5 MeV provides a higher degree of crosslinking of polymeric halogen-free insulation based on filled with flame retardants compound compared to the energy of 0.4 MeV at the same irradiation coefficient, electron beam current and the number of wire passages under electron beam. It is established an increase of tensile strength, electrical insulation resistance and breakdown DC voltage of crosslinked polymeric halogen-free insulation with irradiation coefficient 5-7 m/(mА∙min) with constant value of elongation at break not less than 120 % which ensure a compromise between rigidity and flexibility of the shipboard cable. It is established an increase in 1,5–2 times the time of reaching the critical parameter – elongation at break of the modified by electron beam polymeric sheath based on a halogen-free compound compared to the same thermop lastic non-modifying sheath. It is an increase service life of the shipboard control cable at maximum operational temperatures in 1,5–2 times. The materials of the dissertation are used at the educational process Department of Electrical Insulating and Cable Technique of National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute" at education bachelors and masters in disciplines of specialty "141 – Electric Power Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Electric Mechanics" (specialization "141.04 Electrical Isolating, Cable and Fiber-Optic Technique"), at "Azov Cable Company" (Berdians'k) at development and determination of optimal technological parameters of production modes of halogen-free, flame retardant shipboard cables, Association "Ukrelectrocable", in PJSC "Yuzhkable Works". Dissertation work was performed at the PJSC "Ukrainian Scientific and Research Institute of Cable Industry" (Berdians'k) and Department of Electrical Insulating and Cable Technique of National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute" (Kharkiv) according to research programs of PJSC "Ukrainian Scientific and Research Institute of Cable Industry" (PM EIUV.505.564–2018 "The research of thermal stability of the sheath cable SPOVEng-FRHF 12x2,5 before and after exposure under electron beam", PM EIUV.505.584–2019 "Determination of the quantity and distribution of the absorbed dose after irradiation of the sheath of shipboard flame retardant cables") wherein the applicant was one of the program developers and executor of individual sections.
Д`яченко, Олексій Вікторович, Алексей Викторович Дьяченко, and Oleksii Viktorovych Diachenko. "Оптимізація структурних, електричних та оптичних характеристик шарів тонкоплівкових сонячних елементів на основі оксидів Mg, Zn, Cu, отриманих спрей-піролізом." Thesis, Сумський державний університет, 2019.
Full textДиссертационная работа посвящена определению эффективности и основных фотоэлектрических характеристик (внешнего и внутреннего квантовых выходов, напряжения холостого хода, плотности тока короткого замыкания, фактора заполнения ВАХ) солнечных елементов (СЭ) на основе гетероперехода (ГП) n-Zn1-xMgxO / p-CuxO с фронтальными токосъемными прозрачными слоями n-ITO, ZnO:Al в зависимости от конструктивных особенностей приборов с помощью моделирования физических процессов в ФЭП; оптимизации их конструкции путем минимизации оптических и рекомбинационных потерь в СЭ; исследованию влияния физико-технологических условий нанесения функциональных слоев MgO, ZnO, Zn1-xMgxO , CuO методом пульсирующего спрей-пиролиза на их структурные, субструктурные, оптические и электрофизические свойства для оптимизации их характеристик с целью дальнейшего использования в качестве базовых слоев ФЭП; созданию прототипа прибора на основе ГП n-Zn1-xMgxO / p-CuO и определению его электрических свойств. Установленные взаимосвязи между физико- и химико-технологическими условиями нанесения пленок оксидов металов и их структурными, субструктурными, оптическими свойствами, элементным составом могут быть использованы для дальнейшего создания приборов опто- и микроэлектроники, гелиоэнергетики и сенсорики с улучшенными характеристиками.
PhD thesis is devoted to determining the efficiency η and the main photoelectric characteristics (external and internal quantum yield, open circuit voltage, short-circuit current density, fill factor) of solar cells based on n-Zn1-xMgxO / p-CuxO heterojunctions with frontal transparent contacts n-ITO, ZnO:Al, depending on the design features of the devices by modelling the physical processes in the solar cells; to optimization of the design of such solar cells by minimizing optical and recombination losses in such devices; to the study of influence of the physical conditions of deposition of functional layers of MgO, ZnO, Zn1-xMgxO, CuO by the spray pyrolysis method on their structural, substructural, optical, and electrical properties in order to optimize their characteristics with a view to further its usage as the base layers of solar cells; to creating a prototype device based on n-Zn1-xMgxO / p-CuO heterojunction and determining its electrical properties. The established relationships between the MgO, ZnO, CuO films growth conditions and Zn1-xMgxO nanocrystals synthesis conditions and structural, substructural, optical properties, chemical composition could be used to further development of photovoltaic devices with the enhanced characteristics. The prototype of the solar cell with the ITO / n- Zn1-xMgxO / p-CuO / Cu structure was created.
Сущенко, Б. І., and А. К. Рилова. "Дослідження електричних і оптичних характеристик світловипромінювальних діодів." Thesis, Сумський державний університет, 2018.
Full textСущенко, Б. І., and А. К. Рилова. "Дослідження електричних і оптичних характеристик світловипромінювальних діодів." Thesis, Сумський державний університет, 2018.
Full textСиротенко, О. Г. "Електродинамічне гальмо стенду для дослідження характеристик електричних двигунів." Thesis, Київський національний університет технологій та дизайну, 2018.
Full textДроменко, В. Б. "Аналіз підходів до вимірювання характеристик складних електричних кіл." Thesis, Київський національний університет технологій та дизайну, 2019.
Full textЧерняк, Леонід Михайлович, Леонид Михайлович Черняк, Leonid Mykhailovych Cherniak, Алла Михайлівна Хмаренко, Алла Михайловна Хмаренко, and Alla Mykhailivna Khmarenko. "Опробування стенду для вивчення електричних характеристик іонних рідин." Thesis, Вид-во СумДУ, 2009.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Електричні характеристики"
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