Academic literature on the topic 'Диференціальна фільтрація'
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Journal articles on the topic "Диференціальна фільтрація"
Molchanov, V. F., and А. V. Chernyshov. "Постановка нестаціонарної граничної задачі фільтрації рідини у пористому середовищу." HERALD of the Donbass State Engineering Academy, no. 2 (46) (October 1, 2019): 150–54.
Full textФуртат, І. Е., and Ю. О. Фуртат. "МЕТОД МОДЕЛЮВАННЯ РУХУ ТЕМПЕРАТУРНОГО ФРОНТУ ЗА НЕІЗОТЕРМІЧНОЇ ФІЛЬТРАЦІЇ." Таврійський науковий вісник. Серія: Технічні науки, no. 3 (November 2, 2021): 47–54.
Full textТрасковецька, Лілія. "КОМП’ЮТЕРНЕ МОДЕЛЮВАННЯ ЕЛЕКТРОДИНАМІЧНИХ ПРОЦЕСІВ." Збірник наукових праць Національної академії Державної прикордонної служби України. Серія: військові та технічні науки 86, no. 4 (April 16, 2022): 204–19.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Диференціальна фільтрація"
Мягкий, Олександр Валерійович. "Підвищення завадостійкості теплової дефектоскопії багатошарових конструкцій та трубопроводів." Thesis, Харківський національний університет радіоелектроніки, 2018.
Full textThe dissertation on the receipt of scientific degree of candidate of engineering sciences on speciality 05.11.13 – devices and methods of testing and materials composition determination. Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, Kharkiv, 2019. The dissertation is devoted to the question of immunity to interference improvement in the thermal non-destructive testing of multilayered honeycomb constructions and pipelines, both by the monitoring mode selection with the criterion of maximum signal-to-interference ratio, and by the further computer processing of obtained experimental data. Thermophysical models of multilayered honeycomb constructions are proposed. The software package "TermoPro_TFH_Statistic" was worked out and number of experiments at the thermal flaw detection modes selection were performed on its basis. A number of full-size and laboratory-scale experiments were conducted to investigate the interference effect on thermal non-destructive testing. A number of filters have been worked out, as well as the sequence of their use to significantly reduce the interference level during the thermal flaw detection. Due to this, the sensitivity of thermal defectoscopy to detection of defects of the "non-adhesive" type in honeycomb structures increased – the size of the threshold defect was decreased from 6mm to 3mm, and the reliability of their detection increased by 17-20%.
Мягкий, Олександр Валерійович. "Підвищення завадостійкості теплової дефектоскопії багатошарових конструкцій та трубопроводів." Thesis, Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2019.
Full textThe dissertation on the receipt of scientific degree of candidate of engineering sciences on speciality 05.11.13 – devices and methods of testing and materials composition determination. Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, Kharkiv, 2019. The dissertation is devoted to the question of immunity to interference improvement in the thermal non-destructive testing of multilayered honeycomb constructions and pipelines, both by the monitoring mode selection with the criterion of maximum signal-to-interference ratio, and by the further computer processing of obtained experimental data. Thermophysical models of multilayered honeycomb constructions are proposed. The software package "TermoPro_TFH_Statistic" was worked out and number of experiments at the thermal flaw detection modes selection were performed on its basis. A number of full-size and laboratory-scale experiments were conducted to investigate the interference effect on thermal non-destructive testing. A number of filters have been worked out, as well as the sequence of their use to significantly reduce the interference level during the thermal flaw detection. Due to this, the sensitivity of thermal defectoscopy to detection of defects of the "non-adhesive" type in honeycomb structures increased – the size of the threshold defect was decreased from 6mm to 3mm, and the reliability of their detection increased by 17-20%.