Academic literature on the topic 'Апарат контактний'
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Journal articles on the topic "Апарат контактний"
Lys, S. S., O. H. Yurasova, and Е. P. Shykalo. "Аналіз надійності системи допалювання водню в межах реакторного відділення АЕС." Scientific Bulletin of UNFU 29, no. 5 (May 30, 2019): 115–19.
Full textПоджарский, Михаил А., and Анатолий М. Нестеров. "МОДЕЛЮВАННЯ ТЕХНОЛОГІЧНОГО ПРОЦЕСУ ОКИСНЕННЯ ДІОКСИДУ СІРКИ З ВИКОРИСТАННЯМ ПРОГРАМИ CHEMCAD." Journal of Chemistry and Technologies 29, no. 4 (January 21, 2022): 570–79.
Full textAleeva, N. M. "Ефективність контактної корекції гіперметропії в дітей шкільного віку у віддалені терміни спостереження." Archive of Ukrainian Ophthalmology 9, no. 3 (January 11, 2022): 6–13.
Full textТуз, Валерій Омелянович, and Наталія Леонідівна Лебедь. "Гідродинаміка газорідинних потоків на капілярно-пористих структурах." Scientific Works 83, no. 1 (September 1, 2019): 39–44.
Full textШ. Бахронов, Хошим, and Абдумалік А. Ахматов. "ВИЗНАЧЕННЯ ОПТИМАЛЬНИХ КІЛЬКОСТЕЙ ТА РОЗМІРІВ ТАНГЕНЦІАЛЬНИХ ЗАВИХРЮВАЧІВ ВИХРОВИХ ПРИСТРОЇВ У SOLIDWORKS FLOW SIMULATION." Journal of Chemistry and Technologies 29, no. 3 (October 27, 2021): 442–48.
Full textА. Д. Петров, В. Ю. Тарасов, О. І. Захарова. "ВИЗНАЧЕННЯ СЛІДІВ КОНТАКТНОЇ ВЗАЄМОДІЇ ЛЮДИНИ З ВИБУХОВИМИ РЕЧОВИНАМИ." Криміналістичний вісник 32, no. 2 (February 4, 2020): 60–66.
Full textRegeda-Furdychko, M. M., М. S. Regeda, S. M. Regeda, and L. O. Furdychko. "ВПЛИВ ТІОТРИАЗОЛІНУ НА ПЕРВИННУ І ВТОРИННУ ІМУННУ ВІДПОВІДЬ ЗА УМОВ ФОРМУВАННЯ КОНТАКТНОГО ДЕРМАТИТУ ТА ПНЕВМОНІЇ." Вісник медичних і біологічних досліджень, no. 4 (February 25, 2021): 59–62.
Full textКвітка, Аліна. "ДІАГНОСТИЧНИЙ АПАРАТ ДЛЯ ВИЗНАЧЕННЯ СФОРМОВАНОСТІ СОЦІАЛЬНО-КОМУНІКАТИВНОЇ КОМПЕТЕНТНОСТІ МАЙБУТНІХ ОФІЦЕРІВ ДЕРЖАВНОЇ КРИМІНАЛЬНО-ВИКОНАВЧОЇ СЛУЖБИ УКРАЇНИ." Збірник наукових праць Національної академії Державної прикордонної служби України. Серія: педагогічні науки 24, no. 1 (April 26, 2021): 180–91.
Full textAndreychyn, M. A., N. A. Nychyk, N. H. Zavidniuk, Ia I. Iosyk, I. S. Ischuk, and O. L. Ivakhiv. "COVID-19: ЕПІДЕМІОЛОГІЯ, КЛІНІКА, ДІАГНОСТИКА, ЛІКУВАННЯ ТА ПРОФІЛАКТИКА." Інфекційні хвороби, no. 2 (August 11, 2020): 41–55.
Full textКоновалов, Д. В., and Г. О. Кобалава. "Застосування контактного охолодження повітря аеротермопресором в циклі газотурбінної установки." Refrigeration Engineering and Technology 54, no. 5 (October 30, 2018): 62–67.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Апарат контактний"
Самедов, Юсіф Фахрат, Юсиф Фахрат Самедов, Yusif Fakhrat Samedov, and С. О. Отенко. "Моделювання системи регулювання температури контактного відділення." Thesis, Cумський державний університет, 2016.
Full textПересьолков, Олександр Романович, and Ольга Володимирівна Круглякова. "Дослідження умов формування поля густини зрошення насадки при подачі рідини відцентровими форсунками." Thesis, НТУ "ХПІ", 2017.
Full textОтенко, С. О., Юсіф Фахрат Самедов, Юсиф Фахрат Самедов, and Yusif Fakhrat Samedov. "Моделювання системи автоматизації регулювання температури контактного відділення у виробництві сірчаної кислоти." Thesis, Сумський державний університет, 2017.
Full textАтрошкіна, Л. С. "Основні напрями підвищення ефективності вихрових контактних пристроїв колонних апаратів." Thesis, Сумський державний університет, 2013.
Full textБабенко, Володимир Миколайович. "Закономірності гідродинаміки і масообміну в процесах ректифікації суміші розчинників на новому контактному пристрої." Thesis, НТУ "ХПІ", 2016.
Full textDissertation for the degree of candidate of engineering sciences on specialty 05.17.08 – processes and equipment of chemical technology. – National technical university "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute" of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Kharkiv, 2016. The dissertation is dedicated to the study of the separation process of liquid heterogeneous mixtures on the regular contact devices with different geometric parameters of the packing elements. The mechanism of the liquid film formation for the column apparatuses utilized in rectification is investigated according to the hydrodynamic characteristics of the process. It is shown that the main factor in the intensification of mass transfer processes for regular contact devices is velocity recovery of the liquid film. It is proved that the main factors of the solvent mixture separation efficiency are low specific resistance of an apparatus for a gas and constructional characteristics of the contact devices of a rectification column. Graphical and empirical relationships are obtained to calculate height of the packed bed, specific surface of a nozzle, depending on the linear gas velocity in a column apparatus and geometric parameters of the packing devices. Practical recommendations for the design of column units with high energy performance are developed. A new regular contact element that combines large surface area with low hydrodynamic resistance is suggested. A process flow diagram of the solvent mixtures separation is given, which was developed and implemented in the production line of PJSC "PHARMSTANDARD-BIOLIK" (Kharkiv city).
Артюхов, Артем Євгенович, Артем Евгеньевич Артюхов, Artem Yevhenovych Artiukhov, Крістіна Вікторівна Коробченко, Кристина Викторовна Коробченко, Олена Юріївна Смілянська, and Елена Юрьевна Смелянская. "Визначення оптимальної конструкції масообмінно-сепараційних елементів контактних пристроїв колонних апаратів." Thesis, Технологічний інститут Східноукраїнського Національного університету ім. В. Даля, 2011.
Full textЦелью работы является исследование влияния гидродинамических факторов и конструкции массообменно-сепарационных элементов на режимы работы абсорбера колонного типа, работающего с применением принципов вихревих вісокотурбулизированных потоков. При цитировании документа, используйте ссылку
The objective is to study the influence of hydrodynamic factors and design mass-transfer and separation elements in the modes of absorber column type, which operates using the principles of high turbulized vortex flows. When you are citing the document, use the following link
Бабенко, Володимир Миколайович. "Закономірності гідродинаміки і масообміну в процесах ректифікації суміші розчинників на новому контактному пристрої." Thesis, НТУ "ХПІ", 2016.
Full textDissertation for the degree of candidate of engineering sciences on specialty 05.17.08 – processes and equipment of chemical technology. – National technical university "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute" of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Kharkiv, 2016. The dissertation is dedicated to the study of the separation process of liquid heterogeneous mixtures on the regular contact devices with different geometric parameters of the packing elements. The mechanism of the liquid film formation for the column apparatuses utilized in rectification is investigated according to the hydrodynamic characteristics of the process. It is shown that the main factor in the intensification of mass transfer processes for regular contact devices is velocity recovery of the liquid film. It is proved that the main factors of the solvent mixture separation efficiency are low specific resistance of an apparatus for a gas and constructional characteristics of the contact devices of a rectification column. Graphical and empirical relationships are obtained to calculate height of the packed bed, specific surface of a nozzle, depending on the linear gas velocity in a column apparatus and geometric parameters of the packing devices. Practical recommendations for the design of column units with high energy performance are developed. A new regular contact element that combines large surface area with low hydrodynamic resistance is suggested. A process flow diagram of the solvent mixtures separation is given, which was developed and implemented in the production line of PJSC "PHARMSTANDARD-BIOLIK" (Kharkiv city).
Хухрянський, Олег Миколайович, Олег Николаевич Хухрянский, and Oleh Mykolaiovych Khukhrianskyi. "Гідродинамічні та тепломасообмінні характеристики модульних комбінованих тарілчасто-насадкових контактних секцій." Thesis, Сумський державний університет, 2021.
Full textThe dissertation work is devoted to the study of heat and mass transfer equipment for sorption processes in direct contact of gas and liquid using combined plate-packed bed block in column apparatuses, as well as a deeper description of this process, which is an actual task of chemical technology. The capacity of columns, sectioned by trays of the failure type, can be easily increased by using trays with a large free section. However, such trays have little efficiency because they operate at high splash removal. One of the modern tendencies is the combination and combination of trays and packed contact devices in one apparatus. It was proposed to place special separators in the separation space between the hole plates to reduce the harmful effect of splashing on the efficiency of the hole plates. Such separators work as foam layer stabilizers when the device is operating in a developed bubbling mode, and they themselves are an additional phase contact zone, so the introduction of combined plate- packed bed contact devices in one column is a promising direction of scientific research. Therefore, a promising direction is the use of trays and packed contact devices combined in the column apparatus. The developed design makes it possible to intensify the processes of heat and mass transfer due to liquid film ruptures and increases the local coefficients of mass transfer, because of using the bubbling final effects, which are characterized by a constant renewal of multiphase interface. It is possible to increase the efficiency and intensity of separation processes, avoid liquid splashing in existing column heat and mass transfer devices. In devices with combined contact sections, higher values of mass transfer coefficients are obtained with lower specific energy consumption, which determines their high energy efficiency. At the same time, mass transfer processes in combined tray-packed sections in active hydrodynamic modes have not been sufficiently studied. Physical and physicochemical methods of analysis were used for the dissertation work. The physical experiment was carried out by experimental tests of the hydrodynamic and mass transfer characteristics of a combined heat and mass transfer laboratory apparatus. In experimental studies, methods of visual observation of the two-phase system behavior inside a contact element were used, hydrodynamic characteristics were determined by methods of instrumental measurements, and methods of physicochemical analysis were used for the qualitative and quantitative composition of mixtures. Graphic interpretation and statistical processing of research results were carried out using the mathematical statistics methods using applied computer programs. The dissertation presents the developed models of flow interaction in combined block plate-packed bed devices that allow us to determine the hydrodynamic parameters and characteristics of the process. A mechanism for the formation of phase flows in a block contact element is proposed; the existence of several zones of the gas-liquid system is revealed. During physical simulations, the hydrodynamic characteristics and limit modes of operation of the contact sections were determined. The air and water were used as working media in hydrodynamic experiments. The tests were carried out for several modifications of the combined contact blocks, differing from each other by the presence of one or two stabilizers installed at a distance from the tray, as well as with the distance between the stabilizers. When using the stabilizer, a more homogeneous gas-liquid structured and turbulized system was obtained. With the help of the developed design of stabilizers, it was possible to achieve a uniform direction of gas and liquid over the entire cross-sectional area of the apparatus. It was also possible to level the bypass and reduce the swinging of the gas-liquid layer, increase the foam height, reduce the area of splashes and their amount, because of which an increase in the mass transfer surface is achieved. When installing two stabilizers, a significant reduction in the splash zone was observed, since the presence of a stabilizer due to its design and input effects manifested at the end of each lamella distributes splashes over the entire geometric surface, thereby creating an additional mass transfer surface. In this case, the second stabilizer acts like a spray trap. Dependences of the foam layer height and hydrodynamic resistance of the contact stage are obtained to determine the main operating parameters of the column device with combined contact elements under consideration. It is established that hole plates with a larger free cross-section work more stable than hole plates of with a smaller free cross-section. The design characteristics of foam layer stabilizers necessary for achieving a high degree of separation are justified. The set height of the stabilizer above the plate is in the range of 100-120 mm. It is shown that when using foam layer stabilizers, the gas content in foam at the contact stage is reduced, which leads to more stable and uniform operation of the device. In the dissertation work presented the mechanism of splash removal in a combined contact element and provides empirical dependences for determining the amount of splash. Equations for calculating the lower and upper limits of operation of a combined contact element are given. A model of mass transfer during the absorption of carbon dioxide is proposed. It allows, given the concentration of carbon dioxide in the liquid in the upper and lower sections of the contact device, to determine the required height of the contact block. It is shown that intensive mixing of phases occurs in combined tray-packed sections operating in a stable foam mode, which leads to an increase in the size of the contact surface and the rate of its renewal, and restrains the gas content in a certain range (up to 0.7). Based on physical modelling, the dependences for calculating the efficiency of the combined contact element on the mode and design parameters were determined, which adequately describe the processes observed in experimental studies, and show a fairly high correlation with experimental data in the range of 5-20%, An improved device for washing air filters and a gas washer of columns I and II in the production of soda ash, as well as the use of the studied structures in scrubbers for capturing dust or organic substances, are proposed with combined plate- packed bed contact sections. In industrial conditions, when modernizing existing process lines for the production of soda ash, when using the results of the dissertation work, the proposed process gas purification system will provide a degree of purification from 96,4 – 99,0%, and the indicators of the separation process will meet the requirements that are necessary for the reliable operation of process lines. Based on the theoretical and experimental studies performed in the work, scientifically based practical recommendations for the design and engineering methods for calculating column apparatuses using block plate- packed bed contact elements based on a combined principle are developed in order to increase the efficiency of separation processes and reduce hydraulic resistance, with the determination of rational design parameters of elements of separation systems. The results of the work are implemented in business contracts, research projects and in the educational process, which is confirmed by the relevant acts of application. The design of a foam layer stabilizer, a device for separating two-component emulsions, a foam apparatus, a combined heat and mass transfer apparatus, and a heater-demulsifier of the "Heater-Treater" type has been developed and protected by Ukrainian patents for a useful model. The use of these structures in an active hydrodynamic regime contributes to an efficiency increase of mass transfer with a relatively insignificant increase in hydraulic resistance. The developed designs can be used to improve the operation of the existing separation and bubbling apparatus.
Нікольський, Валерій Євгенович. "Синергетичні реакційно-масообмінні процеси в газорідинних апаратах і паливних агрегатах хімічної технології." Thesis, НТУ "ХПІ", 2016.
Full textA thesis for Doctor of Technical degree, specialty 05.17.08 – process and equipments of chemical technology. – National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute" Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Kharkiv, 2016. The thesis deals with the improvement of actual engineering science-technical problem: the development of the modern energy effective ecological technologies, the means of energy generation and consumption using the heat recuperation systems on the base of synergetic unity of hardware implementation of the processes and system approach. For that the methodological fundamentals and practical methods of increasing of fuel utilization efficiency in the gas-liquid apparatuses and in the fuel combustion units of chemical technology at the expense of heat processes intensification were developed. Looking for improvements in fuel efficiency and materials saving the new constructions of gas-liquid apparatuses and fuel combustion units were created. On this base the ecological and energy efficiency technological systems were synthesized. They confirm to the requirements of modern power engineering and they are acceptable for the chemical technology and the other industries, as well as for communal services and agriculture. The high-effective contact-module system was developed. It was equipped with the immersion combustion apparatuses with multiple phase inversion and oscillation modulating of contacted phases. The system can be used for heat supply of industrial and agricultural buildings, apartment houses without using boilers with heat utilization of combustion products, when heat rating of 200, 400, 600, 1000, 2000 kWt is assumed, depending a need for generated heat. The expenses for complex structures and buildings’ heating using the development are decreased by 2,5 – 2,8 times in comparison with the traditional means. Contact-module system has stood the government heat-ecological test, which confirmed its high efficiency, ecological compatibility, serviceability. Construction standard specifications for serial production in the different branches of economy were obtained. The developed and presented in the thesis apparatuses, technological processes and equipments were applied in chemistry, metallurgy, motor-car industries and in communal services in Ukraine and CIS countries.