Journal articles on the topic 'Zoological garden'
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Connolly, Pippa. "The zoological garden." Opticon1826 7, no. 12 (April 30, 2012): 23.
Full textEchude, D., MI Amobi, SU Umar, IM Ezenwa, and CN Okechukwu. "Checklist and Comparison of Butterfly Species found in Zoological and Botanical Gardens, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Enugu State, Nigeria." Bio-Research 18, no. 1 (March 30, 2020): 1071–77.
Full textNorell, Angela. "Minnesota Zoological Garden Library." Science & Technology Libraries 8, no. 4 (December 13, 1988): 39–44.
Full textJohnson, Joseph, and Audu Danladi Naomi. "Investigation of Parasitic Infections among Primates in Selected Zoological Gardens in Nigeria." Asian Journal of Applied Science and Technology 06, no. 01 (2022): 82–88.
Full textKenton, C. Lint. "INCUBATION IN THE ZOOLOGICAL GARDEN." International Zoo Yearbook 3, no. 1 (June 28, 2008): 98–100.
Full textAdams, Azubuike, and Azubuike Amarachi Salome. "Impacts of Zoological Garden in Schools (A Case Study of Zoological Garden, Kano State Nigeria)." Open Journal of Ecology 04, no. 10 (2014): 612–18.
Full textDavid, D., S. Perl, I. Davidson, N. Avni-Magen, and B. A. Yakobson. "Rabies in an Israeli zoological garden." Veterinary Record 160, no. 9 (March 3, 2007): 301–3.
Full textPlatonova, Elena Anatolyevna, Andrey Olegovich Tolstoguzov, Svetlana Nikolaevna Lyabzina, and Anna Alekseevna Sushchuk. "Zoological researches in Botanical Garden of PetrSU." HORTUS BOTANICUS 13, no. 13 (January 2018): 722–27.
Full textLarnyoh, Kwasi, and Dadson Awunyo Vitor. "User value for Kumasi zoological garden, Ghana." International Journal of Leisure and Tourism Marketing 5, no. 1 (2016): 79.
Full textRehmann, P., A. Gröne, B. Gottstein, H. Sager, N. Müller, J. Völlm, and L. N. Bacciarini. "Alveolar echinococcosis in the Zoological Garden Basle." Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde 147, no. 11 (November 1, 2005): 498–502.
Full textEspinaco-Virseda, Angeles. "One of Every Type: Collection, Description and the Production of the Generic Animal at the Hamburg Zoological Garden, 1863-1911." Brock Review 12, no. 1 (March 20, 2011): 1–20.
Full textMontes Espín, Rosalina, Ileana Fernández-Santana, Amanda Lucía Vitlloch Ramos, Leosveli Vasallo Rodríguez, Mario A. Lima Cruz, and Javier Francisco-Ortega. "The expeditions of the research yacht Utowana and the building of the plant living collections of the oldest botanical garden of Cuba." Webbia 76, no. 2 (September 7, 2021): 143–66.
Full textBergh, W. K. "THE ZOOLOGICAL GARDEN-NOAH'S ARK OF FUTURE GENERATIONS." International Zoo Yearbook 4, no. 1 (December 18, 2007): 61–62.
Full textCardenal, Ernesto, David Draper Clark, and César Ferreira. "Zoológico de Iquitos / The Zoological Garden of Iquitos." World Literature Today 80, no. 3 (2006): 46.
Full textSommer, Robert. "Development of the zoological garden and mental hospital." American Journal of Orthopsychiatry 78, no. 3 (2008): 378–82.
Full textSwinney, Geoffrey N. "Granny (c. 1821–1887), “a zoological celebrity”." Archives of Natural History 34, no. 2 (October 2007): 219–28.
Full textAdetunji, VE. "Prevalence of gastro-intestinal parasites in primates and their keepers from two zoological gardens in Ibadan, Nigeria." Sokoto Journal of Veterinary Sciences 12, no. 2 (September 5, 2014): 25–30.
Full textSykes, John M., and John G. Trupkiewicz. "REPTILE NEOPLASIA AT THE PHILADELPHIA ZOOLOGICAL GARDEN, 1901–2002." Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 37, no. 1 (March 2006): 11–19.
Full textOkulewicz, A., M. Kaźmierczak, and K. Zdrzalik. "Endoparasites of exotic snakes (Ophidia)." Helminthologia 51, no. 1 (March 1, 2014): 31–36.
Full textScholz, Stephan, and Hans Grasmück. "Der Oasis Park auf Fuerteventura, ein Vergnügungspark mit botanischem Garten." Der Palmengarten 78, no. 1 (June 30, 2014): 50–61.
Full textGuimaraes, Ana M. S., Manoel L. Javorouski, Marcelo Bonat, Oneida Lacerda, Bruna Balbinotti, Lucyenne G. P. B. Queiroz, Jorge Timenetsky, Alexander W. Biondo, and Joanne B. Messick. "Molecular detection of "Candidatus Mycoplasma haemominutum" in a lion (Panthera leo) from a brazilian zoological garden." Revista do Instituto de Medicina Tropical de São Paulo 49, no. 3 (June 2007): 195–96.
Full textLawrenz, B., J. Hentschke, and R. Göltenboth. "Myopathies in wild equids in the Zoological Garden of Berlin." Pferdeheilkunde Equine Medicine 14, no. 6 (1998): 485–94.
Full textMOUDRÝ, LUBOMÍR. "New graphic design and information system at Zoological Garden Decin." International Zoo Yearbook 35, no. 1 (January 1997): 320–24.
Full textHaruna, H., A. A. Aliko, S. M. Zakari, and A. H. Omeiza. "Quantitative analysis of plant species diversity in Kano zoological garden." Bayero Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences 11, no. 1 (February 7, 2019): 208.
Full textČerný, Miloš, and Jindřich Roháček. "Cerodontha (Poemyza) unisetiorbita Zlobin, 1993 (Diptera: Agromyzidae), a leaf-miner on bamboo: first records from Central Europe/ Cerodontha (Poemyza) unisetiorbita Zlobin, 1993 (Diptera: Agromyzidae), vrtalka minující na bambusu: první nálezy ve střední Evropě." Acta Musei Silesiae, Scientiae Naturales 64, no. 1 (March 1, 2015): 91–96.
Full textRuxanda, Flavia, Adrian Florin Gal, Bianca Boşca, Bianca Alexandra Matosz, Vasile Rus, Cristian Raţiu, and Viorel Miclăuş. "Anthracosis in a Baboon From a Zoological Garden. A Case Report." Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca. Veterinary Medicine 73, no. 2 (November 30, 2016): 437.
Full textFernando, Saminda P., and Preethi V. Udagama-Randeniya. "Parasites of Selected Reptiles of the National Zoological Garden, Sri Lanka." Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 40, no. 2 (June 2009): 272–75.
Full textGurler, Ali Tumay, Yunus Emre Beyhan, Mustafa Acici, Cenk Soner Bolukbas, and Sinasi Umur. "Helminths of Mammals and Birds at the Samsun Zoological Garden, Turkey." Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 41, no. 2 (June 2010): 218–23.
Full textMazurkevich, A., A. Homyak, and V. Galat. "The peculiarities of strongylatoses of ungulates from the Kyiv zoological garden." Parasitology International 47 (August 1998): 323.
Full textPate, M., T. Švara, M. Gombač, T. Paller, M. Žolnir-Dovč, I. Emeršič, W. M. Prodinger, et al. "Outbreak of Tuberculosis Caused by Mycobacterium caprae in a Zoological Garden." Journal of Veterinary Medicine Series B 53, no. 8 (October 2006): 387–92.
Full textEmikpe, Benjamin Obukowho, Olajumoke Abimbola Morenikeji, and Theophilus Aghogho Jarikre. "Zoo animals' disease pattern in a university zoological garden, Ibadan, Nigeria." Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Disease 6, no. 2 (February 2016): 85–89.
Full textSIGLER, ELIZABETH UZEE, and MARK S. MYERS. "Breeding the Wrinkled hornbillAceros corrugatusat the Audubon Park and Zoological Garden." International Zoo Yearbook 31, no. 1 (January 1992): 147–53.
Full textFRÄDRICH, HANS. "Breeding the White-lipped peccary Tayassu pecari at Berlin Zoological Garden." International Zoo Yearbook 34, no. 1 (January 1995): 217–21.
Full textTOBLER, I., and B. SCHWIERIN. "Behavioural sleep in the giraffe ( Giraffa camelopardalis ) in a zoological garden." Journal of Sleep Research 5, no. 1 (March 1996): 21–32.
Full textAtanaskova, Elena, Zoran Kochevski, Jovana Stefanovska, and Goran Nikolovski. "Endoparasites in wild animals at the zoological garden in Skopje, Macedonia." Journal of Threatened Taxa 3, no. 7 (July 26, 2011): 1955–58.
Full textCavallero, Serena, Margherita Montalbano Di Filippo, Silvia Rondón, Claudio De Liberato, Stefano D’Amelio, Klaus G. Friedrich, and Federica Berrilli. "Nuclear and Mitochondrial Data on Trichuris from Macaca fuscata Support Evidence of Host Specificity." Life 11, no. 1 (December 31, 2020): 18.
Full textDriskell, Elizabeth A., Debra L. Miller, Shannon L. Swist, and Zoltan S. Gyimesi. "PCR Detection of Ranavirus in Adult Anurans from the Louisville Zoological Garden." Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 40, no. 3 (September 2009): 559–63.
Full textK.M., Adelakun, Kehinde A.S., Laoye O., Ihidero A.A., and Dalha A. "Blood Biochemical of Nile Crocodile (Crocodylus niloticus) in Kano Zoological Garden, Nigeria." Journal of Zoo Biology 2, no. 1 (December 22, 2019): 31–37.
Full textRedrobe, S. P., and J. C. Patterson-Kane. "Calodium hepaticum (syn. Capillaria hepatica) in Captive Rodents in a Zoological Garden." Journal of Comparative Pathology 133, no. 1 (July 2005): 73–76.
Full textRahman, SM, AR Dey, UK Kundu, and N. Begum. "Investigation of gastrointestinal parasites of herbivores at Dhaka National Zoological Garden of Bangladesh." Journal of the Bangladesh Agricultural University 12, no. 1 (December 20, 2014): 79–85.
Full textPérez Cordón, G., A. Hitos Prados, D. Romero, M. Sánchez Moreno, A. Pontes, A. Osuna, and M. J. Rosales. "Intestinal parasitism in the animals of the zoological garden “Peña Escrita” (Almuñecar, Spain)." Veterinary Parasitology 156, no. 3-4 (October 2008): 302–9.
Full textNasiri, Vahid, and Farnoosh Jameie. "Intestinal parasitic infection in wild animals of a zoological garden in Alborz, Iran." Journal of Istanbul Veterinary Sciences 3, no. 2 (August 31, 2019): 37–42.
Full textThompson, C. W. "Patrick Geddes and the Edinburgh Zoological Garden: Expressing Universal Processes Through Local Place." Landscape Journal 25, no. 1 (January 1, 2006): 80–93.
Full textREILLY, SHARON E. "Breeding the Rhinoceros hornbill Buceros rhinoceros at the Audubon Park and Zoological Garden." International Zoo Yearbook 27, no. 1 (January 1987): 263–69.
Full textREILLY, SHARON E. "Breeding the Rhinoceros hornbill Buceros rhinoceros at the Audubon Park and Zoological Garden." International Zoo Yearbook 27, no. 1 (December 18, 2007): 263–69.
Full textRivero, Julia, Ángela María García-Sánchez, Rocío Callejón, and Cristina Cutillas. "Characterization of trichuris species from porcupine (Hystrix cristata) at zoological garden of Spain." Acta Tropica 228 (April 2022): 106276.
Full textIlić, Tamara, Zsolt Becskei, Bojan Gajić, József Özvegy, Predrag Stepanović, Katarina Nenadović, and Sanda Dimitrijević. "Prevalence of endoparasitic infections of birds in zoo gardens in Serbia." Acta Parasitologica 63, no. 1 (March 26, 2018): 134–46.
Full textRomanow, Peter, Walter Poduschka, and Werner Deutsch. "Zur intraspezifischen Lautkommunikation des Russischen Desmans Desmana moschata (Linnaeus, 1758) (Insectivora: Talpidae: Desmaninae) nebst einigen Angaben zu seinem Sozialverhalten." Bijdragen tot de Dierkunde 66, no. 1 (1996): 43–54.
Full textOkulewicz, A., M. Kaźmierczak, J. Hildebrand, and M. Adamczyk. "Endoparasites of lizards (Lacertilia) from captive breeding and trade networks." Helminthologia 52, no. 1 (February 2, 2015): 34–40.
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