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Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Zoological garden'

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Ferreira, Manuel Maria Esteves Lopes. "Evolução do projecto de jardins zoológicos em arquitectura paisagista - Conceitos e critérios. Caso de estudo: Projecto para os habitats dos gorilas ocidentais das terras baixas, dos colobos guereza kikuyu e dos chimpanzés no Jardim zoológico de Lisboa." Master's thesis, ISA/UTL, 2011.

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Mestrado em Arquitectura Paisagista - Instituto Superior de Agronomia
From the earliest civilizations that Man collects and displays wild animals for entertainment, for educational purposes or just to mark their social status, but the main reason is that it helps him to find his position in relation to the rest of the world, mainly to the Nature. In today’s context, mainly focused in environment conservation and protection and therefore in a approach to the Nature matters, public’s awareness to those matters is essential for the success of institutions like zoological gardens. Landscape architecture should have an important role in the connection between these institutions and the public, giving answers to their demands, animal’s demands and today’s world demands. This word pretends to study zoological gardens’ evolution in parallel with the evolution of gardens’ design and Landscape architecture from earliest times until today, with the intent to show the close and indispensable connection between those two areas to contemporary zoological gardens’ planning and design. As result of this study is presented at the end a previous study of a project for gorillas, colobus and chimpanzees habitats in Lisbon’s Zoological Garden.
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Viljoen, Rynette. ""Third Nature" - Re-evaluating the boundary of Zoological Gardens." Diss., University of Pretoria, 2012.

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This dissertation explores the relationship between man, animal and architecture within the theoretical discourse of the liminal. This exploration comes to pass within the context of humanity’s on-going captivation with animals and the manifestation of this in typological architecture as Zoological Gardens. The National Zoological Gardens of Pretoria situated in within the Central Business District forms the proposed context of this dissertation. Potential manners in which the relationship between man and animal manifest as spatial construct or architecture are investigated, within the context of the Zoological Gardens. The strict boundary conditions that exist within this context are consequently criticised. The existing concrete palisade fence epitomises these strict boundaries; between man and animal, city and Zoological garden and observer and observed. The intervention considers the liminal space which is created due to these boundaries, and the possibilities of this liminal space, or third space, as a habitable threshold. The threshold is programmed as an urban intervention that addresses the boundary condition by facilitating public open space, public amenities, Zoo interface and a Gratis Observatory Route. The dissertation challenges conventional architectural typologies and proposes an intervention, a “third nature” that occupies this liminal space. The new condition attempts to blur the rigid boundaries between the existing conditions of ‘inside’ and ‘outside’ the Zoo. The intervention takes on the program of functioning as a public dwelling for man, in the form of public open space, while simultaneously offering an urban habitat for animals. The proposed intervention manifests as a typological architecture that creates thresholds over which to renegotiate the relation between man and his understanding of “Nature”.
Dissertation MArch(Prof)--University of Pretoria, 2012.
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Engelbrecht, Marissa. "Zoo inverso : an investigation of landscape architecture as an instrument to convey experience, habitat and beauty within a zoological garden enclosure." Diss., University of Pretoria, 2014.

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This dissertation explores the experiential quality of zoological garden enclosures and the threshold between man and animal. This exploration manifests within the context of man’s act of demarcation represented in zoological gardens. The National Zoological Gardens in Pretoria situated on the periphery of the Central Business District form the proposed context of this study. The zoological gardens provide a platform to explore the ill-defined threshold between man and animal, the lack of experiential levels and the quality of the enclosures as habitat. The study investigates landscape design as a medium for design intervention to enhance the experience of zoo enclosures for both the visitor and animal. Through a methodological approach, the dissertation aims to establish design stratagems grounded in theory of landscape architecture, zoo design theory and case study review. The stratagems will serve as catalyst to challenge current zoo design principles in order to determine a new set of principles for landscape intervention. The design will follow a hypothetical process that implements the principles as spatial explorations, followed by pragmatic considerations. The outcome will demonstrate on a spatial and experiential level how landscape design can combine ecology and aesthetics to create a hybridised interactive experience with nature, animals and humans in a detail enclosure design. Technical and programmatic requirements will test and refine the final proposal of the enclosure design.
Dissertation (ML(Prof))--University of Pretoria, 2014.
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Jurczynski, Kerstin. "Tuberculosis in South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens) - diagnostic options and its epidemiologic importance for other mammals within the zoological garden." Doctoral thesis, Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig, 2012.

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Tuberculosis is a widely spread zoonotic disease caused by acid-fast bacteria of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex in a variety of mammalian species. In pinnipeds, tuberculosis has been reported in different captive and wild sea lions and fur seals. The causative agent, Mycobacterium pinnipedii, is part of the M. tuberculosis complex and has shown pathogenicity in other mammalian species including human beings. Since 2000 the Heidelberg zoo has been dealing with tuberculosis in its collection of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). After a Malayan tapir (Tapirus indicus) was transferred to a zoological institution in France it transmitted the disease to the other tapirs that succumbed to tuberculosis. Culturing and spoligotyping confirmed the origin, the sea lions at the Heidelberg zoo. An investigation of the sea lion group housed at Heidelberg in addition to different species of mammals living in adjacent exhibits as well as a sea lion, born in Heidelberg but then living in Hamburg, revealed multiple cases of pinniped tuberculosis.
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Matzat, Talena. "Beitrag zum Bösartigen Katarrhalfieber bei Wiederkäuern in zoologischen Gärten: A contribution to malignant catarrhal fever in ruminants in zoological gardens." Doctoral thesis, Zoologischer Garten Leipzig, 2011.

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Bösartiges Katarrhalfieber ist eine unheilbare Virusinfektion bei Paarhufern, die wiederholt in zoologischen Gärten auftrat, ohne dass die erkrankten Fehlwirte Kontakt zu Reservoirwirten hatten. Die BKF-auslösenden Gammaherpesviren sind eng miteinander verwandt und werden von verschiedenen klinisch gesunden Reservoirwirten latent beherbergt und ausgeschieden. Einige dieser Reservoirwirte sind seit längerem bekannt, andere wurden erst kürzlich identifiziert und es wird vermutet, dass es noch weitere unerkannte Reservoirwirte für BKF-Viren gibt. Hervorzuheben ist, dass die Viren normalerweise eng an ihre Reservoirwirte gebunden sind. Es traten in letzter Zeit jedoch immer wieder Fälle auf, in denen auch Fehlwirte zwar infiziert waren, aber nicht erkrankten oder das Virus sogar ausschieden. Der Zusammenhang zwischen dem Verhalten der BKF-Viren bei Fehl- und Reservoirwirten und den ungeklärten BKF-Fällen in zoologischen Gärten wurde in der hier vorliegenden Studie näher untersucht. Es sollte herausgefunden werden, ob Wildwiederkäuer, die bisher nicht als Reservoirwirte für BKF-Viren galten, diese Viren ausscheiden und so möglicherweise für die oben erwähnten BKF-Fälle verantwortlich waren.
Malignant catarrhal fever (MCF) is an incurable infectious disease in even-toed ungulates, which occurred repeatedly in zoological gardens in Europe without any contact between known hosts and animals with clinical MCF. The causative agents are closely related viruses of the family gamma-herpesviridae, which are latently carried and shed by different clinically healthy ruminant species. Some of the hosts for MCF viruses have been known for many years, while others have been identified only recently. Yet, there are probably still more host species to be discovered. It has to be pointed out that generally MCF viruses are strictly associated with their hosts. However, it has been reported that known susceptible species were infected with MCF viruses without showing any signs of MCF, some of which even excreted the virus. This present study investigates the relationship between the behaviour of MCF viruses in hosts and susceptible species and the nebulous cases of MCF in zoological gardens. The goal was to determine whether wild ruminants, which are normally not known as hosts for MCF, shed these viruses and are possibly responsible for MCF cases mentioned above.
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Axmanová, Lenka. "ZOO DVŮR KRÁLOVÉ - PAVILON AFRICKÉ SAVANY." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta architektury, 2010.

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The goal of the thesis is an architectural study of Exposition Hall for the okapi, bongo and the hippos, including open-air concept. The pavilion has an organic, regular shape of drop, which is the entry point deformed inwards. The face is made of aluminum facade system. The interior of the pavilion evoking a rainforest environment with rooflights and pillars in the shape of trees. Around the pavilion to span the different paddocks lined visitor's tour, seats and view points.
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Marešová, Ivana. "Účtování, oceňování a vykazování zvířat v zoologických zahradách." Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2014.

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The primary goal of my thesis is an analysis of czech accounting regulations in the area of evaluation, accounting and reporting of an animals that is followed by survey of solutions used in particular zoological gardens of the Czech Republic. My thesis also contains basic informations of history, legislation and funding of zoological gardens in the Czech Republic.
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Tučková, Markéta. "NOVÝ POLYFUNKČNÍ PAVILON PRO ZOO DVŮR KRÁLOVÉ." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta architektury, 2019.

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The thesis presents a proposal for revitalization and revitalization of the brownfield area of the Zoological Garden in Dvůr Králové nad Labem by inserting a new polyfunctional pavilion. The new building will provide the garden with a wider platform for environmental enlightment, educational activities and representation. The Master´s thesis also outlines the solution of another unused area and its connection to the area of main interest.
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Panušová, Petra. "Rozvojová strategie v oblasti cestovního ruchu pro ZOO Chleby." Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2011.

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This diploma thesis deals with the formulation of tourism development strategy for ZOO Chleby. After an evaluation of importance of zoos in the Czech Republic, the theoretical part follows, relating mainly to the issue of marketing of tourism services. The work also focuses on a comprehensive analysis of external and internal environment of ZOO Chleby, especially on the evaluation of competition and importance within the tourist area of Polabí. The key part of the analysis is represented by a marketing research containing two surveys among potential and existing visitors of the zoo. The final section is devoted to the formulation of particular parts of the development strategy, including instruments of the marketing mix and design of specific measures for the director of ZOO Chleby.
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Jurczynski, Kerstin [Verfasser], Klaus [Akademischer Betreuer] Eulenberger, Klaus [Gutachter] Eulenberger, and Andreas [Gutachter] Beineke. "Tuberculosis in South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens) - diagnostic options and its epidemiologic importance for other mammals within the zoological garden / Kerstin Jurczynski ; Gutachter: Klaus Eulenberger, Andreas Beineke ; Betreuer: Klaus Eulenberger." Leipzig : Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig, 2012.

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Kocmanová, Michaela. "Panda a panda." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta stavební, 2020.

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This diploma thesis presents a project documentation for construction of a zoo pavilion with a restaurant. The structure has to be designed in compliance with regulations for buildings with almost zero energy consumption. Its construction site is located within the existing compound of Prague’s zoo on plot no. 1491/1. The pavilion is proposed to house giant pandas. The building has three floors- one underground and two above. It is covered by a flat green roof. In terms of circulation, the structure is composed from two parts. The first one is formed by premises for the pandas, including necessary facilities for their wellbeing and their breeding; and the second part is visitors’ part, including restaurant, gift shop and amenities. The building is enclosed by two exterior expositions for pandas which are connected with the interior exposition premises by two ramps- tunnels. There is a roof terrace adjacent to the restaurant for visitors to enjoy the view of pandas in their exterior grounds. The vertical structure of the pavilion for giant pandas is a combination of load bearing brick walls and cast-in-place concrete walls- the underground floor and the ground floor is formed by the cast-in-place concrete walls and the upper floor is formed by the brick walls made out of autoclaved aerated concrete blocks. The horizontal structures are formed by prestressed concreted floor panels or in the case of the upper floor by cast-in-place reinforced concrete slabs.
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Stejskalová, Markéta. "Analýza návštěvnosti Zoo Brno." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta podnikatelská, 2017.

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The main aim of this diploma thesis is to analyse visitation of the zoological garden in Brno and to make recommendations which could result in higher values of visitation. The major causes of the fluctuation in visitation are found out and the econometric model is created. Due to this model, we can predict the future values of the reference indicator. In order to determine the interdependence between Zoo Brno attendance and the number of guests accommodated in the South Moravian Region, the econometrics model of South Moravia Region visitation was created too. Based on the analysis of external and internal environment, recommendations which could positively influence Zoo Brno attractiveness and number of its visitors are suggested. All used methods of analysis and creating model are presented in the theoretical part of this diploma thesis.
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Matzat, Talena. "Beitrag zum Bösartigen Katarrhalfieber bei Wiederkäuern in zoologischen Gärten." Doctoral thesis, Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig, 2012.

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Bösartiges Katarrhalfieber ist eine unheilbare Virusinfektion bei Paarhufern, die wiederholt in zoologischen Gärten auftrat, ohne dass die erkrankten Fehlwirte Kontakt zu Reservoirwirten hatten. Die BKF-auslösenden Gammaherpesviren sind eng miteinander verwandt und werden von verschiedenen klinisch gesunden Reservoirwirten latent beherbergt und ausgeschieden. Einige dieser Reservoirwirte sind seit längerem bekannt, andere wurden erst kürzlich identifiziert und es wird vermutet, dass es noch weitere unerkannte Reservoirwirte für BKF-Viren gibt. Hervorzuheben ist, dass die Viren normalerweise eng an ihre Reservoirwirte gebunden sind. Es traten in letzter Zeit jedoch immer wieder Fälle auf, in denen auch Fehlwirte zwar infiziert waren, aber nicht erkrankten oder das Virus sogar ausschieden. Der Zusammenhang zwischen dem Verhalten der BKF-Viren bei Fehl- und Reservoirwirten und den ungeklärten BKF-Fällen in zoologischen Gärten wurde in der hier vorliegenden Studie näher untersucht. Es sollte herausgefunden werden, ob Wildwiederkäuer, die bisher nicht als Reservoirwirte für BKF-Viren galten, diese Viren ausscheiden und so möglicherweise für die oben erwähnten BKF-Fälle verantwortlich waren
Malignant catarrhal fever (MCF) is an incurable infectious disease in even-toed ungulates, which occurred repeatedly in zoological gardens in Europe without any contact between known hosts and animals with clinical MCF. The causative agents are closely related viruses of the family gamma-herpesviridae, which are latently carried and shed by different clinically healthy ruminant species. Some of the hosts for MCF viruses have been known for many years, while others have been identified only recently. Yet, there are probably still more host species to be discovered. It has to be pointed out that generally MCF viruses are strictly associated with their hosts. However, it has been reported that known susceptible species were infected with MCF viruses without showing any signs of MCF, some of which even excreted the virus. This present study investigates the relationship between the behaviour of MCF viruses in hosts and susceptible species and the nebulous cases of MCF in zoological gardens. The goal was to determine whether wild ruminants, which are normally not known as hosts for MCF, shed these viruses and are possibly responsible for MCF cases mentioned above
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Rembold, Heather Lynn. "Cahuilla ways: An investigation of the Cahuilla Indians." CSUSB ScholarWorks, 1998.

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Saunders, Dusty Wood. "ZOOGATE : a forecourt to the National Zoological Gardens." Diss., University of Pretoria, 2010.

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The project originated as a means to find a solution to the lack of legibility that the National Zoological Gardens’ entrance expresses where it is situated on the Northern gateway into the Pretoria CBD. In order to develop an appropriate responsive architecture, the proposed solution aims to find the requirements for a successful public interface for tourist attractions and the local community. Attention will also be given to the transitional spaces between the natural environments of the Zoo and the city. The aim firstly is to steer away from mono-functional urban spaces and tourist attractions hidden behind built barrier, in order to ensure that the architecture will be an asset to tourism and the general public.
Dissertation (MArch(Prof))--University of Pretoria, 2010.
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Nolan, William Downing Eric. "Capturing life zoological gardens and the emergence of cinema /." Chapel Hill, N.C. : University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2008.,1887.

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Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2008.
Title from electronic title page (viewed Dec. 11, 2008). "... in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the Department of English and Comparative Literature." Discipline: English; Department/School: English.
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Ramos, Cassandra Athalie. "Endoparasitism of carnivores kept at the Johannesburg Zoological Gardens." Diss., University of Pretoria, 2014.

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This study was conducted to determine the occurrence of intestinal parasites found in captive wild carnivores at the Johannesburg Zoological Gardens. Faecal samples were collected from the enclosures of 22 different carnivore species from the families Canidae (Canis adustus, Lycaon pictus, Vulpes zerda, Otocyon megalotis); Felidae (Acinonyx jubatus, Caracal caracal, Felis silvestris lybica, Leopardus wiedii, Leptailurus serval, Panthera leo, Panthera tigris altaica, Puma concolor, Uncia uncial); Hyaenidae (Hyaena hyaena); Mustelidae (Lutra maculicollis, Mellivora capensis); Procyonidae (Nasua nasua); Ursidae (Tremarctos ornatus, Ursus arctos, Ursus martimus) and Viverridae (Civettictis civetta, Genetta genetta). The samples were collected during routine cage cleaning. Faecal samples collected from 7 carnivore species, namely, cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus), caracal (Caracal caracal), African wild cat (Felis silvestris lybica), small spotted genet (Genetta genetta), margay (Leopardus wiedii), honey badger (Mellivora capensis) and fennec fox (Vulpes zerda), tested positive for cysts of Giardia sp. All infections were clinically inapparent. Two strobilar stages of a tapeworm recovered from a cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) during necropsy at Johannesburg Zoological Gardens were identified as Hydatigera taeniaeformis.
Mini-dissertation (MSc)--University of Pretoria, 2014.
Veterinary Tropical Diseases
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Wenker, Christian J. Wenker Christian J. "Dentale Affektionen beim europäischen Braunbären (Ursus arctos SSP.) im Zoo unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Bären im Berner Bärengraben = Dental affections of the European brown bear (Ursus actos SSP.) in a zoological garden with special consideration of the bears in the Berneses Bear Pit /." [S.l.] : [s.n.], 1997.

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Labuschagne, K., LJ Gerber, I. Espie, and S. Carpenter. "Culicoides biting midges at the National Zoological Gardens of South Africa." Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research, 2007.

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Abstract Culicoides biting midges (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) are responsible for the transmission of a large number of pathogens to livestock and wild animals. In this study the presence of the genus, using light traps based at four different sites within the National Zoological Gardens of South Africa, was investigated during 2002-2004. In total, 37species were recorded, including large numbers of Culicoides irnicola Kieffer, 1913, which is responsible for the transmission of economically important arboviruses in South Africa, Europe, Middle and Far East. These results are discussed with reference to the wider Culicoides fauna in the Onderstepoort area of South Africa, their vector competence as well as biosecurity at the National Zoological Gardens.
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Van, Heerden Nicolene. "Corporate social responsibility : a consumer survey at the National Zoological Gardens of South Africa." Diss., University of Pretoria, 2013.

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Collier, Robert A. "National Zoological and Botanical Park of Costa Rica master planning explorations." Virtual Press, 1990.

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This creative project investigated, planned and developed a master plan for the new National Zoological Botanical Park of Costa Rica. Based on an appraisal of the appropriate vegetation type for introduction onto a proposed study site, the flora and fauna from similar sites elsewhere in Costa Rica were identified. Placing the flora in the appropriate areas on the proposed study site allowed the fauna that has direct association with specific flora to be located. Based on slope analysis, contour formations, flora and fauna habitats, visitor and staff requirements, a master plan for the new National Zoological and Botanical Park of Costa Rica was developed.
Department of Landscape Architecture
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Å, kerberg Sofia. "Knowledge and pleasure at Regent's Park : the gardens of the Zoological Society of London during the nineteenth century." Doctoral thesis, Umeå universitet, Historiska studier, 2001.

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The subject of this dissertation is the Zoological Gardens of the Zoological Society of London (f. 1826) in the nineteenth century. Located in Regent s Park, it was the express purpose of the Gardens (f. 1828) to function as a testing-ground for acclimatisation and to demonstrate the scientific impor­tance of various animal species. The aim is to analyse what the Gardens signified as a recreational, educational and scientific institution in nineteenth-century London by considering them from four different perspectives: as a pan of a newly-founded society, as a part of the leisure culture of mid-Victorian London, as a medi­ator of popular zoology and as a constituent of the Zoological Society's scientific ambitions. After an introduction which describes the devlopment of European zoos, Chapter two recapitu­lates the early years of the Society and the Gardens. The original aims of the Society—science and acclimatisation located in a museum and zoological garden—as stated in various prospectuses, are examined. The implications of acclimatisation, it being a problematic practice, are outlined and the connections between acclimatisation, the Society, the Gardens and the British Empire are also briefly considered. The founding of the Gardens is extensively described as well as how the animals were obtained and how exhibits were arranged. Chapter three is based primarily on the popular response to the Gardens in the 1850s when, after a period of decline, the institution once again became a common London visiting-place. The most important questions of this chapter concern the public and how it reacted to the Gardens of this period. The financial problems preceding the five years between 1850 and 1855 ^ described as well as how the Society managed to regain its popularity. This process was closely linked to the decision in 1847to let non-members of the Society enter the Gardens, and the implications of this resolution are discussed. As a background to the Gardens' popularity, two other London recreations are also described: the Colosseum Panorama and the Surrey Zoological Garden. The Surrey Zoological Gar­den especially is interesting, as it was a rival of the Society's Gardens, and the different attractions of these establishments are considered. Chapter four focuses on the official and non-official guidebooks to the Gardens and the implica­tions of these as mediators of popular zoology. The historical and cultural connection between the guidebooks and travel handbooks is oudined and also how the genre as a whole is constructed. The progress and development of the Society's guidebooks during the nineteenth century is described and the differences between these guidebooks and the non-official ones are examined. Finally, with the aid of Victorian children's books, I argue that the guidebooks can literally be considered as travel handbooks since a visit to the Gardens may be regarded as a journey of knowledge. Chapter five is an in-depth study of the zoological science of the Gardens. The scientific work of the Society is briefly described, starting with the Committee of Science and Correspondence, and the Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London. The Proceedings reports that base their findings on animals in the Gardens are then described together with minor detours into the history of taxonomy and morphology.
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Murray, Narisara. "Lives of the zoo charismatic animals in the social worlds of the Zoological Gardens of London, 1850--1897 (England) /." [Bloomington, Ind.] : Indiana University, 2004.

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Thesis (Ph.D.)--Indiana University, 2004.
Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 66-01, Section: A, page: 0316. Chair: Thomas F. Gieryn. Title from dissertation home page (viewed Oct. 12, 2006).
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Ludwig, Carsten Mario [Verfasser]. "Non-invasive detection methods of steroids and its application in cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus) in European zoological gardens / Carsten Mario Ludwig." Berlin : Freie Universität Berlin, 2019.

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Rogasch, Eva [Verfasser], Helge [Akademischer Betreuer] Kampen, Helge [Gutachter] Kampen, and Günter [Gutachter] Schaub. "Diversity, ecology and vector potential of mosquito populations (Diptera: Culicidae) in two differentially structured zoological gardens in Germany / Eva Rogasch ; Gutachter: Helge Kampen, Günter Schaub ; Betreuer: Helge Kampen." Greifswald : Universität Greifswald, 2019.

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Rogasch, Eva Verfasser], Helge [Akademischer Betreuer] Kampen, Helge [Gutachter] Kampen, and Günter A. [Gutachter] [Schaub. "Diversity, ecology and vector potential of mosquito populations (Diptera: Culicidae) in two differentially structured zoological gardens in Germany / Eva Rogasch ; Gutachter: Helge Kampen, Günter Schaub ; Betreuer: Helge Kampen." Greifswald : Universität Greifswald, 2019.

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Rogasch, Eva Verfasser], Helge [Akademischer Betreuer] [Kampen, Helge Gutachter] Kampen, and Günter A. [Gutachter] [Schaub. "Diversity, ecology and vector potential of mosquito populations (Diptera: Culicidae) in two differentially structured zoological gardens in Germany / Eva Rogasch ; Gutachter: Helge Kampen, Günter Schaub ; Betreuer: Helge Kampen." Greifswald : Universität Greifswald, 2019.

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Venturini, Rachel de Castro. "O zoológico entendido como paisagem contemporânea." [s.n.], 2013.

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Orientador: Lúcia Eustáchio Fonseca Ribeiro
Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Artes
Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-22T15:22:03Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Venturini_RacheldeCastro_M.pdf: 6049730 bytes, checksum: f0134aea73d73c6237ae3ad68877e47e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013
Resumo: A pesquisa aqui apresentada busca o entendimento, sob o ponto de vista das Artes Visuais, do processo criativo dos recintos expositivos pertencentes à exposição "O Caminho da Serpente". Sediada na Fundação Parque Zoológico de São Paulo (FPZSP), essa mostra é direcionada para a manutenção e exposição da população de serpentes pertencente à Fundação. Contudo, o seu objetivo não se limita a apresentar ao público espécimes nativos e exóticos em um cenário "bonito" e, sim, construir um ambiente propício ao bem-estar dos animais, bem como a vivências que resultem na educação ambiental e no vínculo positivo do visitante com as serpentes. Dentro desse projeto expositivo abrangente, encontra-se o objeto de estudo: o processo de criação coletivo e multidisciplinar de ambientações realistas, fundadas na representação de um habitat selvagem, e destinadas à manutenção e exposição de um ser vivo. E considerando que a pesquisa está imersa em um contexto de interface entre áreas, abarcando a criação em artes visuais, bem como o universo dos zoológicos, optou-se por abordar e discutir esse mesmo objeto, a partir de um elemento que sempre se manteve como campo propício de englobar a criação, identificado como mediador de ambos os universos e constantes em todo o processo: a paisagem
Abstract: The research presented here seeks to understand, under the point of view of the Visual Arts, the creative process of exhibition venues belonging to the exhibition "O Caminho das Serpentes". Headquartered in the Zoological Park of São Paulo, this show is directed to the maintenance and exposure of the population of snakes belonging to the Foundation. However, its goal is not limited to present to the public native and exotic specimens in a "beautiful "scenario, and yes, build an environment favorable to the welfare of animals, as well as the experiences that result in environmental education and the positive bond of the visitor with snakes. Within this extensive exhibition project, is object of study: the processes of creating collectives and multidisciplinary realistic ambientations, based on the representation of a wildlife habitat and designed to the maintain and exposure of a living being. And considering that research is embedded in a context of interface between areas, encompassing the creation in visual arts as well as the world of zoos, it was decided to address and discuss the same subject, from an element that always kept as favorable field to encompass creation, identified as a mediator of both universes and constant throughout all process: the landscape
Artes Visuais
Mestra em Artes Visuais
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Prattley, Hadassa. "Defamiliarising the Zoo : Representations of Nonhuman Animal Captivity in Five Contemporary Novels." Thesis, University of Canterbury. Humanities, 2012.

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While human-animal relations have always been part of human cultures the public zoo is a relatively recent phenomenon that reflects very specific elements of Western cultures’ modern ideas about, and relationships with, nonhuman animals. By becoming such a familiar part of popular culture the zoo naturalises these ideas as well as certain modes of looking at and interacting with animals. In this thesis I argue that as literary works contemporary novels provide a valuable defamiliarisation of zoos which encourages the re-examination of the human attitudes and practices that inform our treatment of nonhuman animals. Through my analysis of J.M. Ledgard’s novel 'Giraffe', Diane Hammond’s 'Hannah’s Dream', Lydia Millet’s 'How The Dead Dream', Valerie Martin’s 'The Great Divorce' and Ben Dolnick’s 'Zoology' I explore the inherently anthropocentric social construction of nonhuman animals in human discourses and the way the novels conform to or subvert these processes. I demonstrate that nonhuman animal characters are constructed through a process of identification which involves naming, recognising the existence of their emotions and mediating their nonhuman forms of communication. Anthropocentric tendencies both aid and hinder this identification, for example the human valuing of sight over the other senses that sees eyes become important literary symbols and the gaze a crucial part of interaction and attributing meaning. Gaze and observation are also fundamental to the concept of the zoo where human treatment of nonhuman animals is represented in visual terms in the relationship between powerful spectator and disempowered object. Drawing on texts from multiple disciplines I argue that the anthropocentric nature of socially constructed nonhuman animals in human discourses means that any study of these animals is actually concerned with the human ideologies and processes that create them; as a site of captivity that markets wildness and freedom the paradoxical nature of the zoo provides the literary setting for an exploration of these themes.
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Van, Sittert Lambert Petrus. "ZOO : Animatechnic : Architecture as Escapism." Diss., University of Pretoria, 2011.

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To seek the essence of architecture in the provision of physical control would be to reduce architecture to mere building1. This dissertation questions the accepted pre-eminence of the rational over the intuitive in architectural design. Further investigation into the question forms a themed theoretical discourse around the origins of architecture, or enclosure and the escapism provided by ornamentation. The question is not restricted to the current architectural context and is discussed and ordered by the title trilogy. The investigation departs from a mythical scale gradually focussing to the macro and micro theories, ending on a site contextual level. Anima is the feminine Latin root for ‘soul’ or ‘spirit’, also ‘animal life’ (related to a creature’s breath); Technic is from the Latin technicus which means ‘details’ and ‘methods’. Combined, the words anima and technic refer to an imaginative creative ability, mediation between the unconscious and conscious mind2. Animatechnic becomes a mythological state of process and becoming in which the art of making or representation blurs the boundary between the emotional artisan and the technician; it is further viewed as a simile to the origins of architecture and the art of enclosure. Architecture as Escapism presents the post-modern theoretical debate regarding representation in the current age of production and consumerism, where the authenticity of product and experience plays a vital role. Ornamentation and representation provides objects with narrative lines and places objects in a metaphorical position against each other. The relevance of this understanding to the dissertation is in a possible neo-archaic approach to inventiveness and meaning in an age of production devoid or illusive of sacred being or awareness. ZOO becomes the metaphysical space where the situations of enclosure and escapism accumulate in multiple forms, a place where man’s perceptions of authenticity and reality is challenged. The concepts within the ZOO situation crystallises in the National Zoological Gardens of South Africa (NZG). ZOO is regarded as a collective, a world within a world, a representation in itself of the post modern situation, a microcosm. NZG is the place where, the situations and conditions of the mythical and further theoretical discourse are staged. It is a place where contemporary Animal and Man meets; a landscape of enclosure, cages or artificially copied habitats and representations to provide escapism. ZOO is a space where the collection of Animal and Man can be observed on a global spectrum; the mythical tempus of Paradise, of primordial plenitude. The dissertation aims to communicate the interconnectedness of the trilogy and investigates, interprets and gives form to the discourse and the metaphors or analogies surrounding the theme on various theoretical scales. The project hopes to inform intuitive design approaches by documenting and illustrating the design process involved. The building is redesigned and reinterpreted throughout the process. The investigation should therefore, be seen as the near final synthesis of method or the becoming of a structure and not the rationalised drive to a product.
Dissertation (MArch(Prof))--University of Pretoria, 2011.
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Pivelli, Sandra Regina Pardini. "Análise do potencial pedagógico de espaços não-formais de ensino para o desenvolvimento da temática da biodiversidade e sua conservação." Universidade de São Paulo, 2006.

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A literatura especializada apresenta a importância de zoológicos, museus, aquários e jardins botânicos como instrumentos da conservação, educação e pesquisa envolvendo o conhecimento das espécies. Paralelamente tem ocorrido um aumento significativo na preocupação pela questão ambiental proclamando, com freqüência considerável, a educação como uma das áreas-chave para enfrentar este novo desafio. Neste cenário observa-se uma ampliação do conceito de educação que não se restringe mais ao âmbito escolar, proporcionando o crescimento de espaços não-formais dedicados ao ensino, especialmente os relacionados ao meio ambiente. Entretanto, poucos estudos têm sido feitos sobre o seu potencial educativo. O presente trabalho analisou o potencial pedagógico de quatro instituições que expõem a biodiversidade, localizadas no litoral de São Paulo: o Parque Ecológico Voturuá (São Vicente), o Jardim Botânico Chico Mendes (Santos), o Museu de Pesca (Santos) e o Acqua Mundo (Guarujá). Buscou-se ainda as concepções de biodiversidade e sua conservação nas instituições. Para tanto, três aspectos foram analisados para esta pesquisa: os espaços de exposição, os materiais escritos que apresentam os objetivos e as atividades desenvolvidas nestas instituições e o discurso das pessoas envolvidas no desenvolvimento de atividades institucionais ligadas a temática da biodiversidade. A análise dos dados se deu numa abordagem qualitativa da pesquisa educacional, buscando os significados dados por estas instituições à temática da biodiversidade, a questão de sua conservação e verificando o potencial pedagógico destes espaços não-formais de ensino. Para tanto, foram feitas observações dos espaços, análise de materiais escritos, tais como: documentos, propostas de trabalhos técnicos e pedagógicos, folhetos de divulgação e outros; e análise de questionários e entrevistas realizadas com os profissionais responsáveis que estão diretamente envolvidos no planejamento e desenvolvimento das atividades institucionais ligadas a temática da biodiversidade. Os referenciais teóricos utilizados para a análise dos significados basearam-se em autores que discutem as concepções de biodiversidade, as relações homem e natureza, as concepções de conservação da natureza e, por conseguinte, de biodiversidade e que analisam espaços não formais de ensino. Apesar de contemplarem universos diferentes de atuação, foi possível identificar características comuns dentre uma grande diversidade de atividades oferecidas nestes locais. Todas elas, a partir desta análise, apresentam potencial educativo para o desenvolvimento da temática da biodiversidade quanto ao aspecto expositivo. No entanto, freqüentemente o papel mais enfatizado perante a mídia é o de entretenimento, enfocando suas múltiplas atrações, constituídas por seres vivos, em suas diversas formas de conservação. Tal ênfase influencia as exposições que ficam constantemente a mercê das políticas locais, sem às vezes sequer conseguir estabelecer um objetivo maior ou uma identidade própria, dependendo diretamente da filosofia estabelecida pelo diretor de cada instituição. Este enfoque pode ter sido construído a partir de nossas próprias representações das várias formas da natureza que nos acompanham através dos tempos. No entanto, apesar desta difícil realidade, estes locais vem sendo progressivamente procurados pelo público escolar e conseguem estabelecer expressividade a partir de experiências educacionais inovadoras e relevantes que eventualmente contrapõem seus paradigmas existenciais e exercem constante pressão para a mudança dos cenários institucionais.
The specialized literature presents the importance of zoological gardens, museums, aquaria and botanical gardens as tools for the preservation, education and research involving the knowledge of the species. Concomitantly, there has been a significant increase in the preoccupation with the environmental issue, proclaiming education, with considerable frequency, a key-area to face this new challenge. In this context it is possible to observe an extension of the concept of education which is no longer restricted to the scholastic level, providing the growth of non-formal spaces dedicated to teaching, especially those related to the environment. Nevertheless, few studies about its educative potential have been made. This work analyzed the pedagogical potential of four institutions that exhibits biodiversity located on the coast of São Paulo: the Parque Ecológico Voturuá (Ecological Park Voturuá) in São Vicente, the Jardim Botânico Chico Mendes (Botanical Garden Chico Mendes) in Santos, the Museu de Pesca (Fishing Museum) in Santos and the Acqua Mundo (Acqua World) in Guarujá. Futhermore, Biodiversity and your preservation conceptions in the institutions were investigated. For such porpose, three aspects of these institutions were analyzed for this research: the exhibition locations, the written materials that present the objective and their activities, and the discourse of the professionals directly involved with the planning, handling and communication of the collections. The data analysis was carried out through a qualitative approach of the educational research, seeking the meanings of institutions given to the thematic of the biodiversity and the issue of its preservation, verifying the pedagogical potential of these non-formal spaces dedicated to teaching. For such purpose, written materials were analyzed such as: technical and pedagogical documents, information leaflets and others; observation visits, questionnaires and interviews analysis were made. The theoretical sources used in the analysis of the meanings were based on authors who question the concepts of biodiversity, the man and nature relations, the concepts of nature preservation and, therefore, of biodiversity, and who analyze non-formal teaching spaces. Despite contemplating different universes of performance, it was possible to identify common characteristics within a great diversity of activities offered in those places. All of them, from this analysis, present educative potential for the development of the thematic of biodiversity. However, the most emphasized role before the media is frequently that of entertainment, focusing their multiple attractions, composed of living beings, in their different forms of preservation. Such emphasis influences the exhibitions which are constantly at the mercy of the local policies, without even managing, sometimes, to establish a greater objective or a proper identity, depending directly on the philosophy established by the director of each institution. This approach may have been developed from our own representations of the various forms of nature which have accompanied us through time. Nevertheless, despite this difficult reality, these places have been progressively sought by the scholastic public and they have succeeded in establishing expression from innovative and relevant educational exp eriences which have been eventually compared with their existing paradigms and exert constant pressure so that a change of the institutional settings may take place.
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Pouillard, Violette. "En captivité. Politiques humaines et vies animales dans les jardins zoologiques du XIXe siècle à nos jours : ménagerie du Jardin des Plantes, zoos de Londres et Anvers." Doctoral thesis, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, 2015.

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Suivant les récents développements historiographiques dans le champ de l’histoire des animaux, cette thèse aborde l’histoire des jardins zoologiques du côté des bêtes elles-mêmes. Elle examine donc non seulement les politiques humaines de gestion des animaux de zoo, mais aussi leurs influences sur les corps et les comportements des animaux, et leurs évolutions mutuelles.

L’examen débute à la fondation du jardin zoologique, c’est-à-dire au moment de la création de la ménagerie parisienne du Jardin des Plantes en 1793, et se centre, outre sur cette institution originelle, sur le jardin zoologique de Londres, créé en 1828, et celui d’Anvers, fondé en 1843.

Pour écrire l’histoire des animaux de zoo, la thèse mobilise une méthodologie qui mêle des indicateurs descriptifs – témoignages sur les corps et comportements animaux, sur les infrastructures de captivité, sur les soins et l’alimentation dont bénéficient les bêtes, – et quantitatifs – étude sérielle sur la longue durée des entrées et sorties d’animaux ainsi que des longévités des primates et des grands félins. L’évolution de ces différents indices est examinée au sein d’un cadre chronologique régi par les politiques des gestionnaires de zoos. Ainsi, après une première partie débutant à la fondation des institutions étudiées, une seconde s’ouvre au début du XXe siècle, alors que le marchand allemand Carl Hagenbeck ouvre en 1907 un zoo privé à Stellingen, près de Hambourg, qui popularise un nouveau type de présentation des bêtes, par lequel celles-ci sont exposées durant la journée en plein air et séparées du public par des fossés. Enfin, une troisième partie s’amorce à partir des années 1950, lorsque les zoos s’attellent à la mise en œuvre d’une nouvelle fonction, celle de protection des espèces ex situ, s’ajoutant aux trois autres traditionnellement endossées (récréative, éducative, scientifique).

L’examen des vies des bêtes sous l’influence des politiques humaines aboutit à élaborer une nouvelle chronologie des zoos, qui distingue un long XIXe siècle, dévoreur de vies animales ;une seconde phase, hygiéniste, à partir de l’entre-deux-guerres, caractérisée par les volontés des gestionnaires de rationaliser les conditions de captivité, mais dont les incidences sur les vies animales sont toutefois réduites ;enfin une troisième, attentive aux animaux, du milieu des années 1970 à nos jours, qui permet la naissance d’une nouvelle économie animale des zoos, qui voit l’atténuation des ponctions en milieu naturel pour la plupart des taxons (spécifiquement les mammifères et les oiseaux).

Ce faisant, l’étude met aussi en évidence, à rebours des discours finalistes de l’historiographie officielle, des permanences, immanentes à la captivité des animaux dans le contexte des zoos. Il s’agit d’une part de l’expression par les bêtes de comportements anormaux dans des proportions qui dépassent le niveau anecdotique ;il s’agit d’autre part de l’approvisionnement en milieu naturel, qui, bien qu’en déclin dans le contexte du bouleversement de l’économie animale, persiste jusqu’à nos jours en nombre important pour les taxons moins considérés, soit les poissons et les invertébrés, et se réincarne en de nouveaux avatars pour les autres (ponctions dans le cadre des programmes de protection, captures scientifiques, )./

Following in the footsteps of recent developments in the French historiography, this dissertation aims at balancing the attention given to humans and animals. The research therefore focuses on human policies concerning the management of animals kept in zoological gardens, as well as on their consequences on the bodies and behaviors of animals, and on mutual influences between humans and animals.

The study begins with the birth of the zoological garden, i.e. the creation of the Jardin des Plantes Menagerie in 1793, and focuses on this institution as well as on the London Zoo, created in 1828, and the Antwerp Zoo (1843).

In order to write the history of zoo animals, the method uses both descriptive indicators – testimonies on animals bodies and behaviors, on captive environments, on animal cares, handling and food, – and quantitative indicators – long-term study of the arrivals and departures, births and deaths of animals and of the longevity of Primates and Pantherinae in captivity. The evolution of these indicators takes place in a chronological framework based on the policies designed to manage zoo animals. The first part begins with the foundation of the zoological gardens. The second one starts at the beginning of the 20th century, when German dealer Carl Hagenbeck opened a zoo in Stellingen, near Hamburg (1907) which popularized a new way to display the animals, in open-air enclosures separated from the public by ditches. The third part starts in the 1950’s, when zoos implemented a new function, one of ex situ conservation, in addition to their other traditional recreative, educative and scientific missions.

This study of animal lives under human influence results in a new chronology of zoological gardens, discerning a long 19th century, that consumed animal lives, a second phase, hygienist, from the interwar period, marked by the managers’ willingness to rationalize the conditions of captivity, without much influence on animals lives and longevity, and a third one, from the mid-1970’s to the present time, characterized by increased attention to zoo animals and their well-being, allowing the birth of a new animal economy of zoological gardens, by which in situ captures decline for most taxa (specifically mammals and birds).

The dissertation also shows, in opposition with the finalist discourses of the official historiography, somes continuities, immanent to animal captivity in the context of zoological gardens. Abnormal behaviors in animals especially appear in proportions exceeding the anecdotal level. Another important phenomenon pointing to continuities is the collecting in the wild which, although it declined at the same rhythm that the new animal economy developed, has persisted to this day, profusely for the least considered taxa (fishes and invertebrates), and resurfacing in new iterations for mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians (capture for purposes of conservation, for scientific collecting, ).
Doctorat en Histoire, art et archéologie

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Li, Yixiao. "A service-centric approach for a sustainable zoological garden." 2013.

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M. Tech. Tourism and Hospitality Management
Consumers are beginning to recognize their own footprint on the planet and are becoming both more understanding in their ability to find new travel opportunities and more conscious of the effects their travel will have on the places and people they visit. Therefore, more responsible service providers have seen an increase in this new - and fastest growing - tourism segment. Satisfying consumer demand is certainly not a nice to have; it is a need for survival of the business. So, creating a sustainable future zoo it is evident that adopting a service centric approach has the potential to enhance visitors experience and thus the long term success of the zoo. The goal of the study is to adopt a service centric approach that would enhance vision experience and thus ensure the long term success of the zoo. The finding of this study could assist Pretoria zoo to identify the trends of zoo visitors and helped the zoo to improve their facilities and service to meet the satisfaction of zoo visitors, and ensured the long term success of the zoo.
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Janovcová, Markéta. "Faktory ovlivňující velikost zoo populací u ještěrů, hadů, želv a krokodýlů: efekt stupně ohrožení, velikosti a atraktivity pro člověka." Master's thesis, 2015.

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There is a large number of species existing in the world; each year, however, the number of the endangered ones rapidly increases. Nowadays, captive breeding becomes an option for their survival in refugees. Sufficient population with satisfactory breeding management gives hope for survival to the endangered species (in mid-term) or even possible future reintroduction to their natural habitat. WAZA is currently the world's leading association of worldwide zoos and similar breeding facilities. Because these institutions operate as a network to facilitate the exchange of reared individuals, for conservation purposes, their captive populations may be seen as one large population characterized by its size, i.e., the total number of individuals. Such view is currently recognized by many conservationists as the so-called concept of Noah's Ark. The space on the Ark is limited, therefore it is needed to heed the characteristics of the species aboard to maximize the conservation potential. Many factors influence the presence of species in zoological gardens. Following previous studies we selected some factors that may be important, i.e., body lenght, taxonomy, and IUCN status. Analysis of these factors among the main reptile clades shall reveal the pattern of reptile composition in worldwide zoos. One of the factors...
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Dvořáková, Slavěna. "Využití ZOO Dvůr Králové ve vzdělávání." Master's thesis, 2010.

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Heading: Utilization of ZOO Dvůr Králové in Education This thesis deals with the educational function of zoos and capacity utilization of the ZOO Dvůr Králové nad Labem in ethological fieldwork. The thesis results into a summary of theoretical knowledge concerning zoological gardens and their educational function supplemented by the results of questionnaire survey detecting the concept of perception of education in the Czech and foreign zoos. Further result of this thesis is a set-out of full-scale materials for ethological fieldwork including introductory lecture, worksheets and methodological manuals for teachers. Key words: fieldwork, zoological garden, educational program, worksheet
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Cebáková, Zuzana. "Tvorba a ověření výukových programů pro žáky 2. stupně ZŠ v ZOO Plzeň." Master's thesis, 2015.

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Title: Creation and verification of educational programs for students of lower secondary education in ZOO Pilsen The diploma thesis is focused on the ZOOs in the Czech Republic and their educational activities. The most examined one is Zoological and botanical garden in Pilsen, for which I created two educational programs including worksheets for students and teachers. The educational programs were then tested at a selected group of students from 8th grade of lower secondary school. The evaluation was based on the success of students in solving tasks in the worksheets. The practical output of this thesis are designed educational programs (methodology for teacher) and worksheets for ZOO Pilsen (programs Mysterious Africa, Far Australia) including correct solution.
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ŠERÁKOVÁ, Veronika. "Preference ve výživě losa evropského v zoologických zahradách." Master's thesis, 2014.

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The thesis deals with food preferences of elk (Alces alces) in Czech zoological gardens and contains observation of food preferences in zoo Hluboká nad Vltavou. The results are compared with food offer and preference in the wilds described in literature. The first part of the thesis is aimed at literary review about elk, its characteristic, categorization, distribution and biology. It is focused mainly on the studies dealing with feeding habits and food preferences of elk in the wilds and captivity. The second part describes observation of food preferences of three elks in zoo Hluboká nad Vltavou, provided during 10 feedings. The food quality and composition of feed ration was also evaluated not only in zoo Hluboká nad Vltavou, but also in zoo Praha and zoo Brno (based on information from local zoo keepers). Analysis of variance showed that there are differences in feeding latency between various types of food. Elks preferred dried herbs, carrot and oak bark. On the contrary, elks did not preferred oat flakes and both granules for giraffes and elks. Recommendation for feed ration improving, including also food preferences of the elk were also suggested.
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Šťastný, Michal. "Mediální obraz krizové komunikace zoologických zahrad." Master's thesis, 2015.

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Zoological gardens play an important role in conservation and preservation of wildlife nowadays. Building a positive image and trust of the public is very important for them to be able to work on this mission. Providing the public with up-to-date and positive information about what goes on within the organisation helps keeping up or even increasing visitor numbers. Press staff of the zoos use a set of simple marketing tools to turn some of their animals into iconic celebrities. On the other hand, zoos have their fair share of crisis situations such as the loss or escape of animals, natural disasters, injuries to staff or visitors, loss of trust or increasing entrance fees. This thesis analyses a number of such important crises in Czech zoos using qualitative analysis methods and offers some solutions that might diminish the impact of similar situations in future.
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MLČOCHOVÁ, Nela. "Projektová výuka se zaměřením na informovanost žáků 1. stupně v oblasti ochrany volně žijících zvířat." Master's thesis, 2012.

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This diploma thesis deals with the matter of protection of feral animals against trafficing. The theme is composed for use at primary school within the framework of project teaching. The work is divided into theoretical and practical section, according to the content. The matter of CITES is expressed in the theoretical part, also the educational activities in the zoological gardens are described in this part (including the educational offer of the Zoo Ohrada) and last but not least the basic concepts for didactical aspect of the thesis are defined. The practical part includes a questionnaire studying the pupils´ attitude to animals generally; evaluation of educational activities offered by the zoological garden Ohrada (included evaluation of the commute); and the project itself. The outcome of the thesis is to check the service ability of the project in practise.
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Polakovičová, Dana. "Looking at and through the Beast: Construction of 'Animal' within the Prague Zoo." Master's thesis, 2014.

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The thesis is based on the presumption that zoological gardens are cultural institutions which reflect social and cultural interpretations of what is called 'nature' and animals. By analyzing data gained through participant observation it focuses on the meanings and forms which are ascribed to animals living in the Prague Zoo via the gaze of visitors. Furthermore, by analysis of visual and textual sources provided by the zoo, I examine how the 'zoo animal' is constructed by the zoo itself. I argue that this zoo animal constitutes a specific form of the animal, different from both the domesticated and the wild one. The zoo and its visitors create a chimeric 'beast' which encompasses different and even contradictory trends and conceptions of thinking about the zoo animal.
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Jordaan, June. "Astronomical Centre at the National Zoological Gardens." Diss., 2007.

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The project is an astronomical educational facility with entertainment features. The main feature of the facility is the planetarium. The site of the project is located in The National Zoological Gardens forecourt in the northern part of the Inner City Tswane.
Dissertation (MArch(Prof))--University of Pretoria, 2008.
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Fechner, Kim. "Distribution of Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis in clinically asymptomatic bulls and different non-ruminant species." Doctoral thesis, 2017.

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Allenby, Maurice Craig. "Experience management in the National Zoological Gardens of South Africa." Diss., 2014.

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The National Zoological Gardens of South Africa is an animal-based tourist attraction that needs to offer a competitive product in order to remain relevant and to meet its various mandates. Functioning within the experience economy it strives to stage experiences that satisfy the motivations and expectations of its visitors. The study aimed at determining who visits the zoo, what motivates them to visit the zoo as well as what their expectations are and whether the zoo meets their needs in this regard. It also aimed at determining whether or not different demographic groups had different needs and whether their specific needs were being met. The study employed two self-administered questionnaires, using convenience sampling, whereby visitors entering and leaving the zoo where requested to complete the questionnaires. The data was analysed using SAS 9.2 programme and a further G-Test for goodness of fit was performed to determined dependency between race demographic and response. A total of 572 entry questionnaires and 293 exit questionnaires were completed. The two largest demographic groups that visit the zoo are white and black visitors who responded as a relatively homogeneous group. It was concluded that there were not responses in these two groups that indicated dependency between race and response. For the smaller demographic groups some of responses indicated a dependency between race and response but these form a small component of the zoo’s visitors. A high revisit and referral intention are good indicators of visitor satisfaction with 279 indicating their intention to revisit and 277 to recommend the zoo to family and friends. This study emphasises the importance of understanding the motivations, expectations and satisfaction of demographic groups as part of effective experience management.
Dissertation (MPhil)--University of Pretoria, 2014.
Tourism Management
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Lloyd-Lister, Nadia. "The design of a wildlife medical centre at the National Zoological Gardens." 2014.

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M. Tech. Architecture (Professional)
The National Research Foundation has recognized the zoo as a critical player towards the conservation of animal heritage in southern Africa. Yet, as we have seen, tantamount to having outstanding research methods, is having the needed facilities to deploy them effectively. In order for this to come to bare, the zoo requires a careful assessment of architectural concerns. This thesis presents exactly those. The wildlife medical centre here proposed precipitates out of a comprehensive study engaging the following issues of concern; zoo healthcare and rehabilitation, sub-nature and animal architecture. The proposed site location currently supports the out-dated hospital (built in 1969), which is on the zoo's south-eastern corner along Boom Street. Its facilities include a veterinary hospital, research laboratories, a bio-bank, temporary wards, and rehabilitation wards whose design derives not only from traditional matters of architectural concern but also the informed, first-hand knowledge of the animals' needs and preferences as understood by the zoo's staff. Additionally, the proposed design exposes and showcases the zoo's research facilities along its public interface in order to better serve its educational efforts. Thus, this proposal presents the means for promoting conservation awareness and, at the same time, empowers its dedicated staff.
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Vysopal, Ondřej Věnek. "Zoo tady a tam. Výzkum chování návštěvníků v zoologické zahradě v Praze a Reykjavíku." Master's thesis, 2013.

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In my diploma thesis I deal with the perception of the modern zoological gardens by observing visitor behavior. The thesis captures the emergence of zoos in Europe in the late 18th and 19th century gardens and their role as a source of knowledge and as a representation of the relationship between man and animal. Based on the observations of visitors I present two European zoological gardens - Prague Zoo and Reykjavík Zoo & Family Park - as spaces reflecting a certain culture. Reykjavík as a place with a simple mission dedicated for the education of small children in several fields, not only in zoology, and Prague as a complex universe, a merge of several different places with different meanings, such as a place for education, relaxation, photographing, standing against the contemporary western critical theories of zoological gardens. Key words: Zoological gardens, visitors, animals, humans, culture, looking at animals, behavior of visitors, Reykjavík, Prague, Iceland
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Oliveira, Rita Tatiana Vasconcelos L. "A função educativa dos biocativeiros como factor modelador da consciência bioética." Doctoral thesis, 2011.

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Tese de Doutoramento em Ciências da Educação na especialidade de Filosofia da Educação apresentada à Universidade Aberta
Os agentes educativos formais ou informais, enfrentam desafios conjuntos que se têm vindo a complexificar em virtude das exigências societais. Esta situação é particularmente sentida no ramo da Educação Ambiental, pois esta encerra objectivos formativos e ecossistémicos muito ambiciosos. Tendo em conta este cenário, a presente tese tem como objectivo dar uma perspectiva englobante sobre a dimensão educativa ambiental de um desses agentes, a saber, os biocativeiros, não só na óptica dessas instituições mas igualmente analisando os efeitos da faceta educativa dos cativeiros biológicos sobre os sujeitos que os visitam. Esta dissertação pretende ser um olhar integrador, sobre como os objectivos, o discurso, os valores e programas educativos do Oceanário e Jardim Zoológico, ambos de Lisboa, modelaram a consciência bioética dos indivíduos que visitaram, educativamente, estes locais. Para tal, este estudo procura, a partir de um fundo filosófico, operacionalizar a noção de consciência, enquanto mecanismo de carácter ético -moral, necessária à relação do Ser Humano com o mundo natural (consciência bioética) para detectar, empiricamente, qual o impacto educativo dos cativeiros biológicos. O estudo analítico foi realizado numa amostra de estudantes (12 -16 anos de idade) provenientes de uma escola básica portuguesa, sendo então um estudo exploratório quase -experimental. Esta dissertação demonstra a existência de uma modelação, ao nível das atitudes, valores e capacidades de ajuizamento ético -moral da realidade (humana e natural), nos sujeitos que foram alvo do plano experimental. Contudo, os dados demonstram que o efeito educativo ficou muito aquém dos invocados objectivos formativos e de razão de ser dos cativeiros biológicos que fizeram parte do estudo. Por esta razão, a tese inclui uma reflexão final onde se lança o desafio às instituições e principalmente aos agentes educativos, para que se avance na direcção de uma educação (ambiental) de carácter holístico, onde as dimensões tecno -científica e cultural sejam harmonizadas com o mundo ético -moral, no sentido da possível criação de uma educação que abranja todos e que considere a totalidade, de forma objectiva e subjectivamente integradora, ou seja, A Educação Bioética.
Formal and informal education agents, face at the present time, challenges together that have been getting more complex due to society demands. This situation is particularly true for Environmental Education because it has highly ambitious educational and ecosystemic goals. Taking these facts into consideration, this thesis wishes to give a broad perspective about the educational dimension of one of these agents, animal captivity institutions (eg. zoos, aquaria or animal parks), not only looking from the institutions’ point of view but also analysing the effects of their educational dimension in the public. This dissertation aims at giving global a standpoint about objectives, discourses, values and educational programs of the Lisbon’s Oceanary and Zoological Garden, and the way they have influenced the bioethical consciousness of the individuals that have visited these places. In order to achieve this purpose, it was first necessary to use a philosophical background to come up with an operational notion of conscience, view as an ethically moral mechanism necessary to the human and natural world relation (bioethical consciousness). After this step, an empirical study was done, with the objective of detecting the education impact of the quoted institutions on the publics’ bioethical consciousness. The analytical study was performed on a sample of students (12 -16 years) of a Portuguese basic school; therefore it is a exploratory quasi-experimental study. This study demonstrates that there was an influence upon, not only in the attitudes and values but also on the ethical and moral reasoning (over human and environment relations) of the individuals that took part of the empirical experiment. Nevertheless, the data showed that the educational effect was much less significant than it would be expected from the nature of the objectives and of the reasons of being, of the animal captivity institutions that were visited. This thesis includes some final afterthoughts aiming to set a challenge both to the institutions and foremost to educational agents in order to move forward in the direction of an holistic approach to (environmental) education, which bridges between the cultural and techno-scientific spheres and the world of ethics and morals. The main goal is to have an education that takes into consideration every element, in an objective and subjective way: Bioethical Education.
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Tempírová, Lenka. "Dvě tváře ZOO - vnímání zoologických zahrad z pohledu jejich příznivců a odpůrců." Master's thesis, 2013.

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Two faces of ZOO Perception of zoos from the view of their supporters and opponents The main topic of this thesis is a role of zoological gardens in the modern society, especially their importance to conservation of biodiversity as well as to progress in public education. I was interested not only in the opinions and the attitudes of the supporters of zoological gardens, but also in views of their opponents as the opposite side. In the case of the opponents I wanted to reveal if their criticism of zoos is based on negative emotions (bad feeling from breeding animals in captivity and thinking about their rights to freedom) or rise from real inadequacies (for example bad living conditions of animals). So in the theoretical part of the thesis I was concerned about contributions of zoological gardens in many ways as well as about their limitations, mostly mentioned by their opponents. To be more precise in drawing conclusions I made my own empirical research which was based on questionnaires and interviews with directors of certain zoos in the Czech Republic. The main aim of my research was not only a usual opinion poll, but also a detection of differences in opinions and personal characteristics between supporters and opponents of zoos. I also wanted to find out which aspects of zoos are highly...
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BRADOVÁ, Veronika. "Questing v zoo jako výuková pomůcka pro malé skupiny s dětmi mladšího školního věku." Master's thesis, 2019.

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The main aim of this diploma thesis is to create quests by which children of younger school age get acquainted with the environment of Hluboká Zoo. It includes methodological materials for teachers. Quests were created based on theoretical and practical knowledge. Their aim is to arouse interest in nature. As a teaching aid, it can be used not only by the school but also by the general public for educational and educational purposes. The thesis also contains information about Questing, outdoor games, leisure, out-of-school teaching and training in zoos.
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