Academic literature on the topic 'Zoological garden'

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Journal articles on the topic "Zoological garden"


Connolly, Pippa. "The zoological garden." Opticon1826 7, no. 12 (April 30, 2012): 23.

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Echude, D., MI Amobi, SU Umar, IM Ezenwa, and CN Okechukwu. "Checklist and Comparison of Butterfly Species found in Zoological and Botanical Gardens, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Enugu State, Nigeria." Bio-Research 18, no. 1 (March 30, 2020): 1071–77.

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Butterflies are creatures of nature with great economic importance as pollinators and bio-indicators. This study provides checklist of butterfly species present in Zoological and Botanical gardens of University of Nigeria, Nsukka and was conducted for three Months. Butterflies were sampled twice a week between 7.00 -10.00am from May to July 2019; using sweep net along existing transects within the gardens. Non-invasive method was adopted, butterflies were captured, photographed and released. Photographed samples were identified to species level by cross matching with relevant keys. A total of 91 butterflies belonging to 16 species, 10 genera and 3 families were sampled. Alpha diversity test showed a significant difference (p<0.05) in terms of Relative Abundance, Diversity and Dominance of butterfly species between the two gardens. The Botanical garden had Relative Abundance of 63.73%, Dominance of 0.23 which was higher compared to Zoological garden which had 36.16% and 0.10; but these was contrary to species diversity where Zoological garden was more diverse (H1=2.48) than botanical garden (H1=1.82). The differences observed could be attributed to variations in vegetation composition.
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Norell, Angela. "Minnesota Zoological Garden Library." Science & Technology Libraries 8, no. 4 (December 13, 1988): 39–44.

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Johnson, Joseph, and Audu Danladi Naomi. "Investigation of Parasitic Infections among Primates in Selected Zoological Gardens in Nigeria." Asian Journal of Applied Science and Technology 06, no. 01 (2022): 82–88.

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In nature, wild animals live on large area and have consequently, a low genetic resistance against parasitic infections because of hoe exposure. When herds of these wild animals are kept in captivity in Zoological Gardens, the problem of parasite infection can aggravate and pose a serious threat to endangered species, occasionally causing sudden and unexpected local declines in abundance; unfortunately, there have been few detailed and comprehensive studies on the common parasitic infections, prevalence of the parasitic infections in the primates and the Health care management of the captive primates. The focus of the research work is on investigation of parasitic infection among primates in selected Zoological Gardens in Nigeria the researcher has the following objectives, The researcher adopted experimental method sample of fresh feaces were collected differently for 5 days and was examined at two different laboratory, that Ibadan and Jos. The Ibadan Zoological Garden twenty seven species of primates were examined, with only six infested with Trichuris Trichuria parasite; common in chimpanzee, mona monkey, Tantalus and white throated. In Jos Plateau Zoological Garden, twenty-four species of primates were examined only thirteen primates were infested with Trichuris Trichuria, F buskii, Eimeria, Ascaris Lumbricoides, S. mansoni, Hetrophyes, Those infested, are Red patas, softy mongabey, Baboon, Mona Monkey, Tantalus, and Chimpanzee. Kano Zoological Garden, thirty species of primates were examined, only eleven were infested with Ascaris Lumbricoides, Eimeria, Trichuris Trichuria, Fasciola those infested are Baboon, Chimpanzee, Mona Monkey, Patas, Tantalus Monkeys. All the above examination of the faecal sample material, a direct wet smear was used to reveal the parasites; examined with a how power objective (10x).
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Kenton, C. Lint. "INCUBATION IN THE ZOOLOGICAL GARDEN." International Zoo Yearbook 3, no. 1 (June 28, 2008): 98–100.

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Adams, Azubuike, and Azubuike Amarachi Salome. "Impacts of Zoological Garden in Schools (A Case Study of Zoological Garden, Kano State Nigeria)." Open Journal of Ecology 04, no. 10 (2014): 612–18.

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David, D., S. Perl, I. Davidson, N. Avni-Magen, and B. A. Yakobson. "Rabies in an Israeli zoological garden." Veterinary Record 160, no. 9 (March 3, 2007): 301–3.

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Platonova, Elena Anatolyevna, Andrey Olegovich Tolstoguzov, Svetlana Nikolaevna Lyabzina, and Anna Alekseevna Sushchuk. "Zoological researches in Botanical Garden of PetrSU." HORTUS BOTANICUS 13, no. 13 (January 2018): 722–27.

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Larnyoh, Kwasi, and Dadson Awunyo Vitor. "User value for Kumasi zoological garden, Ghana." International Journal of Leisure and Tourism Marketing 5, no. 1 (2016): 79.

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Rehmann, P., A. Gröne, B. Gottstein, H. Sager, N. Müller, J. Völlm, and L. N. Bacciarini. "Alveolar echinococcosis in the Zoological Garden Basle." Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde 147, no. 11 (November 1, 2005): 498–502.

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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Zoological garden"


Ferreira, Manuel Maria Esteves Lopes. "Evolução do projecto de jardins zoológicos em arquitectura paisagista - Conceitos e critérios. Caso de estudo: Projecto para os habitats dos gorilas ocidentais das terras baixas, dos colobos guereza kikuyu e dos chimpanzés no Jardim zoológico de Lisboa." Master's thesis, ISA/UTL, 2011.

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Mestrado em Arquitectura Paisagista - Instituto Superior de Agronomia
From the earliest civilizations that Man collects and displays wild animals for entertainment, for educational purposes or just to mark their social status, but the main reason is that it helps him to find his position in relation to the rest of the world, mainly to the Nature. In today’s context, mainly focused in environment conservation and protection and therefore in a approach to the Nature matters, public’s awareness to those matters is essential for the success of institutions like zoological gardens. Landscape architecture should have an important role in the connection between these institutions and the public, giving answers to their demands, animal’s demands and today’s world demands. This word pretends to study zoological gardens’ evolution in parallel with the evolution of gardens’ design and Landscape architecture from earliest times until today, with the intent to show the close and indispensable connection between those two areas to contemporary zoological gardens’ planning and design. As result of this study is presented at the end a previous study of a project for gorillas, colobus and chimpanzees habitats in Lisbon’s Zoological Garden.
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Viljoen, Rynette. ""Third Nature" - Re-evaluating the boundary of Zoological Gardens." Diss., University of Pretoria, 2012.

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This dissertation explores the relationship between man, animal and architecture within the theoretical discourse of the liminal. This exploration comes to pass within the context of humanity’s on-going captivation with animals and the manifestation of this in typological architecture as Zoological Gardens. The National Zoological Gardens of Pretoria situated in within the Central Business District forms the proposed context of this dissertation. Potential manners in which the relationship between man and animal manifest as spatial construct or architecture are investigated, within the context of the Zoological Gardens. The strict boundary conditions that exist within this context are consequently criticised. The existing concrete palisade fence epitomises these strict boundaries; between man and animal, city and Zoological garden and observer and observed. The intervention considers the liminal space which is created due to these boundaries, and the possibilities of this liminal space, or third space, as a habitable threshold. The threshold is programmed as an urban intervention that addresses the boundary condition by facilitating public open space, public amenities, Zoo interface and a Gratis Observatory Route. The dissertation challenges conventional architectural typologies and proposes an intervention, a “third nature” that occupies this liminal space. The new condition attempts to blur the rigid boundaries between the existing conditions of ‘inside’ and ‘outside’ the Zoo. The intervention takes on the program of functioning as a public dwelling for man, in the form of public open space, while simultaneously offering an urban habitat for animals. The proposed intervention manifests as a typological architecture that creates thresholds over which to renegotiate the relation between man and his understanding of “Nature”.
Dissertation MArch(Prof)--University of Pretoria, 2012.
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Engelbrecht, Marissa. "Zoo inverso : an investigation of landscape architecture as an instrument to convey experience, habitat and beauty within a zoological garden enclosure." Diss., University of Pretoria, 2014.

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This dissertation explores the experiential quality of zoological garden enclosures and the threshold between man and animal. This exploration manifests within the context of man’s act of demarcation represented in zoological gardens. The National Zoological Gardens in Pretoria situated on the periphery of the Central Business District form the proposed context of this study. The zoological gardens provide a platform to explore the ill-defined threshold between man and animal, the lack of experiential levels and the quality of the enclosures as habitat. The study investigates landscape design as a medium for design intervention to enhance the experience of zoo enclosures for both the visitor and animal. Through a methodological approach, the dissertation aims to establish design stratagems grounded in theory of landscape architecture, zoo design theory and case study review. The stratagems will serve as catalyst to challenge current zoo design principles in order to determine a new set of principles for landscape intervention. The design will follow a hypothetical process that implements the principles as spatial explorations, followed by pragmatic considerations. The outcome will demonstrate on a spatial and experiential level how landscape design can combine ecology and aesthetics to create a hybridised interactive experience with nature, animals and humans in a detail enclosure design. Technical and programmatic requirements will test and refine the final proposal of the enclosure design.
Dissertation (ML(Prof))--University of Pretoria, 2014.
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Jurczynski, Kerstin. "Tuberculosis in South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens) - diagnostic options and its epidemiologic importance for other mammals within the zoological garden." Doctoral thesis, Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig, 2012.

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Tuberculosis is a widely spread zoonotic disease caused by acid-fast bacteria of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex in a variety of mammalian species. In pinnipeds, tuberculosis has been reported in different captive and wild sea lions and fur seals. The causative agent, Mycobacterium pinnipedii, is part of the M. tuberculosis complex and has shown pathogenicity in other mammalian species including human beings. Since 2000 the Heidelberg zoo has been dealing with tuberculosis in its collection of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). After a Malayan tapir (Tapirus indicus) was transferred to a zoological institution in France it transmitted the disease to the other tapirs that succumbed to tuberculosis. Culturing and spoligotyping confirmed the origin, the sea lions at the Heidelberg zoo. An investigation of the sea lion group housed at Heidelberg in addition to different species of mammals living in adjacent exhibits as well as a sea lion, born in Heidelberg but then living in Hamburg, revealed multiple cases of pinniped tuberculosis.
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Matzat, Talena. "Beitrag zum Bösartigen Katarrhalfieber bei Wiederkäuern in zoologischen Gärten: A contribution to malignant catarrhal fever in ruminants in zoological gardens." Doctoral thesis, Zoologischer Garten Leipzig, 2011.

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Bösartiges Katarrhalfieber ist eine unheilbare Virusinfektion bei Paarhufern, die wiederholt in zoologischen Gärten auftrat, ohne dass die erkrankten Fehlwirte Kontakt zu Reservoirwirten hatten. Die BKF-auslösenden Gammaherpesviren sind eng miteinander verwandt und werden von verschiedenen klinisch gesunden Reservoirwirten latent beherbergt und ausgeschieden. Einige dieser Reservoirwirte sind seit längerem bekannt, andere wurden erst kürzlich identifiziert und es wird vermutet, dass es noch weitere unerkannte Reservoirwirte für BKF-Viren gibt. Hervorzuheben ist, dass die Viren normalerweise eng an ihre Reservoirwirte gebunden sind. Es traten in letzter Zeit jedoch immer wieder Fälle auf, in denen auch Fehlwirte zwar infiziert waren, aber nicht erkrankten oder das Virus sogar ausschieden. Der Zusammenhang zwischen dem Verhalten der BKF-Viren bei Fehl- und Reservoirwirten und den ungeklärten BKF-Fällen in zoologischen Gärten wurde in der hier vorliegenden Studie näher untersucht. Es sollte herausgefunden werden, ob Wildwiederkäuer, die bisher nicht als Reservoirwirte für BKF-Viren galten, diese Viren ausscheiden und so möglicherweise für die oben erwähnten BKF-Fälle verantwortlich waren.
Malignant catarrhal fever (MCF) is an incurable infectious disease in even-toed ungulates, which occurred repeatedly in zoological gardens in Europe without any contact between known hosts and animals with clinical MCF. The causative agents are closely related viruses of the family gamma-herpesviridae, which are latently carried and shed by different clinically healthy ruminant species. Some of the hosts for MCF viruses have been known for many years, while others have been identified only recently. Yet, there are probably still more host species to be discovered. It has to be pointed out that generally MCF viruses are strictly associated with their hosts. However, it has been reported that known susceptible species were infected with MCF viruses without showing any signs of MCF, some of which even excreted the virus. This present study investigates the relationship between the behaviour of MCF viruses in hosts and susceptible species and the nebulous cases of MCF in zoological gardens. The goal was to determine whether wild ruminants, which are normally not known as hosts for MCF, shed these viruses and are possibly responsible for MCF cases mentioned above.
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Axmanová, Lenka. "ZOO DVŮR KRÁLOVÉ - PAVILON AFRICKÉ SAVANY." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta architektury, 2010.

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The goal of the thesis is an architectural study of Exposition Hall for the okapi, bongo and the hippos, including open-air concept. The pavilion has an organic, regular shape of drop, which is the entry point deformed inwards. The face is made of aluminum facade system. The interior of the pavilion evoking a rainforest environment with rooflights and pillars in the shape of trees. Around the pavilion to span the different paddocks lined visitor's tour, seats and view points.
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Marešová, Ivana. "Účtování, oceňování a vykazování zvířat v zoologických zahradách." Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2014.

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The primary goal of my thesis is an analysis of czech accounting regulations in the area of evaluation, accounting and reporting of an animals that is followed by survey of solutions used in particular zoological gardens of the Czech Republic. My thesis also contains basic informations of history, legislation and funding of zoological gardens in the Czech Republic.
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Tučková, Markéta. "NOVÝ POLYFUNKČNÍ PAVILON PRO ZOO DVŮR KRÁLOVÉ." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta architektury, 2019.

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The thesis presents a proposal for revitalization and revitalization of the brownfield area of the Zoological Garden in Dvůr Králové nad Labem by inserting a new polyfunctional pavilion. The new building will provide the garden with a wider platform for environmental enlightment, educational activities and representation. The Master´s thesis also outlines the solution of another unused area and its connection to the area of main interest.
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Panušová, Petra. "Rozvojová strategie v oblasti cestovního ruchu pro ZOO Chleby." Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2011.

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This diploma thesis deals with the formulation of tourism development strategy for ZOO Chleby. After an evaluation of importance of zoos in the Czech Republic, the theoretical part follows, relating mainly to the issue of marketing of tourism services. The work also focuses on a comprehensive analysis of external and internal environment of ZOO Chleby, especially on the evaluation of competition and importance within the tourist area of Polabí. The key part of the analysis is represented by a marketing research containing two surveys among potential and existing visitors of the zoo. The final section is devoted to the formulation of particular parts of the development strategy, including instruments of the marketing mix and design of specific measures for the director of ZOO Chleby.
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Jurczynski, Kerstin [Verfasser], Klaus [Akademischer Betreuer] Eulenberger, Klaus [Gutachter] Eulenberger, and Andreas [Gutachter] Beineke. "Tuberculosis in South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens) - diagnostic options and its epidemiologic importance for other mammals within the zoological garden / Kerstin Jurczynski ; Gutachter: Klaus Eulenberger, Andreas Beineke ; Betreuer: Klaus Eulenberger." Leipzig : Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig, 2012.

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Books on the topic "Zoological garden"


author, Nag Prithvish, and Sanyal Ram Bramha honouree, eds. Zoological garden of Kolkata: Dedication of R.B. Sanyal. Varanasi: Bharati Prakashan, 2013.

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Copyright Paperback Collection (Library of Congress), ed. Forbidden Garden. New York: Sonnet Books, 2000.

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Keeling, C. H. Belle Vue bygones: A farewell to the Manchester zoological garden. [U.K.]: Clam Publications, 1990.

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John, Sedgwick. The peaceable kingdom: A year in the life of America's oldest zoo. New York: Morrow, 1988.

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Shōzōkan, Sannomaru. Dōbutsu bijutsuen: Egakare, kizamareta dōbutsutachi = Zoological art garden : animals depicted and carved. [Tokyo]: Kunaichō, 2003.

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Nix, Susan Durr. The Living Desert. Palm Desert, CA: Living Desert, 1991.

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Edwards, Roger. Glasgow Zoological Gardens, 1840. Uddingston: Zoological Society of Glasgow and West of Scotland, 1998.

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Koehler, Cortus T. Architecture, birds, zoological gardens, and private aviculture. Monticello, Ill., USA: Vance Bibliographies, 1988.

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North of England Zoological Society. Zoological Gardens, Chester: Zoo review : annual report. Chester: North of England Zoological Society, 1999.

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Warin, Robert. Portrait of a Zoo: Bristol Zoological Gardens 1835-1985. Bristol: Redcliffe Press, 1985.

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Book chapters on the topic "Zoological garden"


Geddes, Patrick, and Ray Bromley. "Zoological Garden Completed, Pleasure Garden and Sports Park." In Town Planning towards City Development, 102–5. Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY : Routledge, 2017. | Series: Studies in: Routledge, 2017.

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Allard, Ruth, and Laura Martin. "Zoological Gardens." In Encyclopedia of Science Education, 1119–20. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2015.

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Allard, Ruth, and Laura Martin. "Zoological Gardens." In Encyclopedia of Science Education, 1–2. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2012.

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Tahan, Mary R. "The Dogs at the Buenos Aires Zoological Gardens." In The Return of the South Pole Sled Dogs, 197–223. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.

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Meritt, Dennis A. "History of Geoffroy’s Tamarins, Saguinus geoffroyi, at Lincoln Park Zoological Gardens, 1974–1985." In Primates, 261–67. New York, NY: Springer New York, 1986.

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Woods, Abigail. "Doctors in the Zoo: Connecting Human and Animal Health in British Zoological Gardens, c.1828–1890." In Animals and the Shaping of Modern Medicine, 27–69. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2017.

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"Colony or Zoological Garden?" In The Nature of German Imperialism, 141–77. Berghahn Books, 2016.

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Norell, Angela. "Minnesota Zoological Garden Library." In Sci-Tech Libraries Serving Zoological Gardens, 39–44. Routledge, 2019.

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"7143 zoological garden [n]." In Encyclopedic Dictionary of Landscape and Urban Planning, 1151–52. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2010.

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BRADDOCK, ALAN C. "“Our Yard Looks Something like a Zoological Garden”:." In A Greene Country Towne, 118–40. Penn State University Press, 2016.

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Conference papers on the topic "Zoological garden"


Ohashi, Yutaro, Shuichi Nagata, Hiroshi Mashima, Hideaki Ogawa, and Makoto Arisawa. "A Participatory Learning Environment by Using Voice Trackback System in Zoological Garden." In Seventh IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT 2007). IEEE, 2007.

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Bilkova, Alzbeta. "BARRIER-FREE USE OF ZOOLOGICAL GARDENS � CASE STUDY." In 4th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on Social Sciences and Arts SGEM2017. Stef92 Technology, 2017.

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"Zoo Architecture the Building Typology of Large-scale Constructions in Zoological Gardens." In 6th Annual International Conference on Architecture and Civil Engineering (ACE 2018). Global Science and Technology Forum, 2018.

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Ferrante, Linda, Simona Normando, Daniela Florio, and Barbara De Mori. "Animal welfare and Ethics course for post-graduate at Veterinary School: how to improve assessment methodologies with a bottom up approach." In Third International Conference on Higher Education Advances. Valencia: Universitat Politècnica València, 2017.

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Animal Welfare, with its strong ethical component, is increasingly central to public debate and in all sectors dealing with animals has become a key expertise to acquire. This paper presents a post-graduate level course on animal welfare and ethics assessment delivered by the Veterinary School of Padua University, Italy. The course was delivered at Garda Zoological Park, Italy, allowing students to do an experience with wildlife in a peculiar management system. Teachers used an inquiry-based approach to lead students ‘construct’ their experience in welfare assessment. At the end of the course students, divided into groups, had to develop a protocol for the assessment of the animal welfare of a species in the zoo. The analysis of these final works and a pre-test and post-test questionnaires were used to assess the effectiveness of the course. Results highlighted a growing awareness of the complexity of assessment methodologies and more attention on animal based indicators. Students found difficulties using a bottom-up approach but were satisfied at the end of the course. Improvements can be done to promote reflections on reasons to assess animal welfare and its ethical component, on the utility of such assessment and on a balanced use of tools and methodologies.
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