Academic literature on the topic 'Wooclap'

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Journal articles on the topic "Wooclap"



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Este estudo apresenta a percepção dos alunos do Educação Superior sobre o efeito do uso da ferramenta tecnológica Wooclap em sua experiência de aprendizagem, após o retorno à sala de aula após as restrições impostas pela pandemia COVID-19. Neste estudo, 74 alunos das disciplinas de Geografia do Ensino Fundamental e de Turismo da Universidade de Sevilha completaram uma pesquisa on-line - utilizando a plataforma de pesquisa SurveyMonkey - sobre sua percepção do uso da ferramenta Wooclap na sala de aula. A maioria dos alunos sentiu que o Wooclap era uma ferramenta dinâmica e fácil de usar, que os tinha ajudado a se concentrar melhor, que seu uso tinha facilitado o processo de aprendizagem e que lhes tinha permitido interagir mais com o professor. Estes resultados demonstram como o uso da ferramenta de tecnologia Wooclap pode facilitar o processo de aprendizagem, bem como a comunicação entre alunos e professores. Entretanto, a maioria dos estudantes prefere ser avaliada através da combinação da avaliação clássica com ferramentas tecnológicas (e não apenas através da combinação da avaliação clássica com ferramentas tecnológicas). Os resultados do presente estudo corroboram os benefícios de promover o uso da ferramenta Wooclap no ensino do terceiro ciclo.
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Rodríguez-Rodríguez, Elena, Marta Sánchez-Paniagua, María Moreno-Guzmán, and Irene Ojeda-Fernández. "USO DE WOOCLAP EN QUÍMICA ANALÍTICA: IMPACTO EN EL RENDIMIENTO Y PERCEPCIÓN ESTUDIANTIL." Actualidad Analítica 88 (December 2024): 5–9.

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Este estudio evalúa la efectividad de Wooclap, una herramienta interactiva, en la enseñanza de Química Analítica en la Universidad Complutense de Madrid durante el curso 2023-24. Participaron estudiantes de Química Analítica I y II, del saGrado en Farmacia, quienes utilizaron Wooclap para repasar conceptos tanto en modalidad síncrona como asíncrona. Los resultados mostraron que el porcentaje de aprobados fue superior en los/as estudiantes que realizaron algún Wooclap en clase, con respecto a los que no realizaron ninguno. La herramienta fue bien valorada por el alumnado, destacando su capacidad para hacer las clases más dinámicas y motivadoras. El uso de Wooclap mejoró la participación y el rendimiento académico, creando un entorno de aprendizaje interactivo y colaborativo. Por ello, se resalta la importancia de la asistencia a clase y el uso de tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC) para el éxito académico.
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Catala Estada, Belén, Diego Muñoz-Higueras, and Jordi Sanjuán Belda. "Student Response Systems in higher education: A comparative analysis using Wooclap platform in economic courses." Journal of Management and Business Education 7, no. 2 (March 30, 2024): 244–60.

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The introduction of technological tools such as student response systems to dynamise classes in higher education has been increasing in recent years, although often without proper monitoring of their effects. This research aims to analyse the main added value of the use of the Wooclap platform in university education, and whether there are differences in its results depending on the heterogeneous characteristics of the courses and groups in which it is applied. To this end, a comparative analysis has been carried out in three different courses in the field of economics at the University of Valencia. In all three courses, questions were introduced in Wooclap during theory classes. Students in the three courses were given an anonymous survey at the end of the course to evaluate the use of this tool. The students were very satisfied with the tool, highlighting that it helps them to maintain their attention, identify the most important concepts, understand and consolidate them. Furthermore, by means of the Chi-square test, no significant differences were observed in the three groups, from which it can be deduced that beyond the specific characteristics of the course, the profile of the students or the lecturer, this tool can be extrapolated to different contexts and satisfactory results can be expected. The ease of implementation, the possibility of obtaining immediate feedback from students and breaking the monotony of classes are other advantages for lecturers. The conclusions drawn highlight the potential of Wooclap to extend its use in higher education.
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Soto Martínez, Gloria, Cristina Sánchez-López, and Helena-Fuensanta Martínez-Saura. "La utilidad metodológica de Wooclap: un estudio sobre la motivación y participación estudiantil universitaria." REDU. Revista de Docencia Universitaria 22, no. 1 (June 30, 2024): 105–20.

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Actualmente, existen evidencias científicas de que el uso de las herramientas tecnológicas incrementa la motivación de los estudiantes ante la tarea a desarrollar, mostrando mayor interés hacia las mismas. Por lo que este estudio parte de la necesidad de encontrar recursos para captar y motivar al estudiantado en su proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. Para ello, el objetivo del trabajo fue analizar desde el punto de vista de los estudiantes el grado de empleabilidad (utilidad, interés y motivación) de la herramienta Wooclap en un contexto de educación universitaria según el sexo, la edad y la titulación de los estudiantes. Se realizó un estudio cuantitativo, con una muestra de 275 estudiantes universitarios de los Grados de Educación Infantil (EI), Educación Primaria (EP), Educación Social (ES), Doble Grado de Maestro en Educación Infantil y Primaria (PCEO_IyP), Doble Título con Itinerario Específico de Grado en Educación Primaria con Mención en Educación Física y Grado en Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deporte (PCEO_PyEF) y Educación Social (ES). Empleando un cuestionario de 15 ítems realizado a través de la plataforma Google Form, diseñado para valorar los diferentes campos sobre la empleabilidad de la herramienta digital Wooclap. Los resultados ponen de manifiesto que las estudiantes mujeres, que los estudiantes más jóvenes y que los pertenecientes a la Programación conjunta de estudios oficiales de Educación Infantil y Primaria valoran más positivamente la utilidad de la herramienta Wooclap. En conclusión, estos hallazgos resaltan la necesidad de incorporar este tipo de recursos tecnológicos en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje en el ámbito universitario.
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Fioravanti, Chiara, Giulia Lombardi, Marina Pietrangelo, and Francesco Romano. "PRATICHE DIDATTICHE SULLA REDAZIONE DEGLI ATTI AMMINISTRATIVI." Italiano LinguaDue 16, no. 1 (June 23, 2024): 140–55.

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Sensibilizzare i funzionari della PA sulla necessità di redigere atti amministrativi chiari e sintetici è ancora un tema attuale e urgente, nonostante le numerose iniziative intraprese in questa direzione negli ultimi anni. Nell’ambito di una collaborazione scientifica tra CNR IGSG e Città Metropolitana di Venezia, è stato sperimentato un nuovo modello didattico per la formazione linguistica dei funzionari. Tale metodo prevede l’integrazione del format erogativo-trasmissivo tradizionale con un format applicativo-laboratoriale, attraverso l’utilizzo di una piattaforma digitale per lo student engagement (Wooclap). Questo articolo dà conto dell’esperienza realizzata, analizzando vantaggi e limiti dell’utilizzo integrato delle tecnologie ICT per i laboratori sulla scrittura amministrativa, col fine di alimentare la condivisione di buone pratiche in questo ambito. Teaching practices on the drafting of acts Raising civil servants’ awareness of the importance of writing clear and concise administrative documents is still a topical and urgent issue, despite the many initiatives taken in recent years. As part of a scientific collaboration between CNR IGSG and the Metropolitan City of Venice, a new didactic model to train civil servants in administrative writing was tested. This method proposes that the traditional frontal teaching format be integrated with a laboratory format that employs the use of a digital platform designed to stimulate the students engagement (Wooclap). The aim of this article is to report on the experience gained, to analyse the advantages and limitations of the integrated use of ICT technologies for administrative writing workshops, and to promote the exchange of good practices in this field.
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Moreno-Medina, Irene, Manuel Peñas-Garzón, Carolina Belver, and Jorge Bedia. "Wooclap for improving student achievement and motivation in the Chemical Engineering Degree." Education for Chemical Engineers 45 (October 2023): 11–18.

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Mercat, Christian. "Case study from Université Claude Bernard, Lyon 1." Open Education Studies 4, no. 1 (January 1, 2022): 120–35.

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Abstract We present the Active Learning tools introduced in basic mathematics courses in the Preparatory Curriculum for Engineering schools at Université Claude Bernard. Additions were introduced in the academic year 2018/2019 in Foundations of Mathematics 2, in the first year of bachelor study program. Its content are Linear Algebra (matrices, vector spaces and linear applications), Calculus (Taylor polynomials, Integration) and Differential Equations (1st and 2nd order). The Active Learning adaptations resided in the introduction of interactive material, mainly Digital Geometry (Geogebra booklets and classes), and more formative assessment, mainly through an exerciser (WIMS) and during classes (using Wooclap and Kahoot).
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Süreyya KURTOĞLU, Fatma, Deniz TOĞRUL, and Ayşenur Çelik BAYAT. "Yabancılara Türkçe Öğretiminde Yazma Becerilerinin Geliştirilmesi için Kullanılan Web 2.0 Araçları Hakkındaki Öğrenci Görüşleri: Wooclap Örneği." Journal of Turkish Studies Volume 18 Issue 1, Volume 18 Issue 1 (2023): 329–44.

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Rodriguez Calzada, Lorena. "LEARNING NEW INNOVATIVE METHODOLOGIES USED IN COVID-19 TIMES." Journal of Management and Business Education 4, no. 3 (December 6, 2021): 338–53.

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Currently, online or hybrid teaching are increasingly in demand and have been driven by social, demographic and health factors such as that experienced during the global COVID-19 pandemic. The traditional classroom as originally was conceived has expanded both its temporal and physical limitations. This text shows how new innovative methodologies have been developed through different applications such as Wooclap or Gamification works, with the main objective of checking the perception, motivation and satisfaction of students. These are useful tools for teachers to get an easy and fast feedback from students. Two hypotheses are also presented, which will be contrasted with the analysis of the grades of the final tests of the 2019/2020 academic year and several questionnaires, with a high response ratio (88.33%), but with a small sample (60 subjects), where it has been found that the students adapt to the methods previously exposed. The main conclusion is the following: students adapt to remote teaching, they get involved in the subject and spend time learning, they are motivated to use innovative techniques, they show interest and participation in them. Resumen En la actualidad la docencia online o híbrida están cada vez más solicitadas y se han visto impulsadas por factores sociales, demográficos y sanitarios como el vivido durante la pandemia mundial por el COVID-19. El aula tradicional como se concebía en origen ha expandido sus limitaciones tanto temporales como físicas. En este texto se expone cómo se han desarrollado nuevas metodologías innovadoras a través de diferentes aplicaciones como Wooclap o trabajos con Gamificación, con el objetivo fundamental de comprobar la percepción, motivación y satisfacción del alumnado. Herramientas útiles para los docentes por conseguir en el alumnado una retroalimentación fácil y rápida. Se exponen, además, dos hipótesis que serán contrastadas con el análisis de las calificaciones de las pruebas finales del curso académico 2019/2020 y varios cuestionarios, con una ratio de respuesta alto (88,33%), pero con una muestra pequeña (60 sujetos), donde se ha comprobado que el alumnado se adapta a los métodos expuestos previamente. La conclusión principal es la siguiente: los alumnos se adaptan a la docencia en remoto, se involucran en la asignatura y emplean tiempo en el aprendizaje, les motiva emplear técnicas innovadoras, muestran interés y participación en las mismas.
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Holovnia, Olena S., Natalia O. Shchur, Iryna A. Sverchevska, Yelyzaveta M. Bailiuk, and Oleksandra A. Pokotylo. "Interactive surveys during online lectures for IT students." CTE Workshop Proceedings 10 (March 21, 2023): 185–206.

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The article investigates student response systems (SRS), and how to apply them to facilitate students' engagement and to improve the overall students' experience during online lectures. The authors give an overview of different student response systems (Mentimeter, AhaSlides, Kahoot!, Wooclap, Socrative, Poll Everywhere, and Slido) and make a comparison of their features. The work describes the experience of using the Mentimeter student response system at online lectures in the Operating Systems course for second-year students IT students of Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University (Software Engineering, Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Cybersecurity specializations). The data is collected using observation, surveys and taking existing data. Data analysis methods include visual analysis (box plots, Q-Q plots, histograms) and statistical analysis (descriptive statistics, Shapiro-Wilk normality test, F-test, Kruskal-Wallis rank sum test). The study provides experimental results showing an increase in the number of students' answers within the lectures. It also highlights IT students' problems and preferences during online lectures. The authors give recommendations on using SRS during online lectures, aimed at improving the lecturer’s interaction with the audience.
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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Wooclap"


Hutain, Jérôme. "Enseignement actif et apport du numérique pour accroître l’engagement dans l’apprentissage des étudiants." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Rennes 2, 2024.

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L’objectif de cette thèse est d’examiner dans quelle mesure, et sous quelles conditions, l’enseignement actif peut accroître l’engagement dans l’apprentissage des étudiants et la réussite académique. L’enseignement actif est une forme d’enseignement dans laquelle les étudiants sont amenés à participer de différentes façons durant les cours magistraux, notamment à partir d’un environnement numérique accessible depuis leur propre appareil technologique (smartphone, ordinateur portable, tablette). L’engagement dans l’apprentissage est mesuré avant et après un enseignement rendu actif par l’enseignant. La mesure de l’engagement est réalisée à partir d’une échelle à trois dimensions : cognitive (attention durant le cours), affective (intérêt pour le cours) et comportementale (participation durant le cours). Trois expérimentations ont été réalisées dans des contextes d’enseignement présentiel et distanciel à l’université. Dans la première étude (Hutain et Michinov, 2022a), l’engagement lié à l’utilisation d’activités interactives, afin de permettre aux enseignants d’en maximiser l'usage et d’améliorer l'engagement des étudiants lors de cours en présentiel, a été étudié. La deuxième étude (Michinov et Hutain, 2023) propose une approche pédagogique visant à réduire les activités multitâches des étudiants durant les cours magistraux, en raison de l’utilisation de divers appareils technologiques, en affichant la diapositive du professeur sur leurs propres appareils. Les résultats des deux premières études montrent que le fait de visualiser la diapositive du professeur sur leur propre appareil, en plus des quiz et de la possibilité de poser des questions, augmente l'engagement affectif des étudiants durant tout le cours. Enfin, la troisième étude (Hutain et Michinov, 2022b) a permis de comparer les effets de l'affichage d'un feedback individuel ou collectif pendant un cours en ligne. Les résultats montrent que les étudiants ont perçu une plus grande menace liée à la comparaison sociale et ont fait preuve d'un engagement comportemental et de performances scolaires plus faibles dans la condition de feedback collectif que dans la condition de feedback individuel. L'effet inverse a été constaté sur l'intérêt pour le cours, qui s’est révélé plus élevé lors de l’affichage du feedback collectif basé sur les quiz. Considérés dans leur ensemble, ces résultats suggèrent que certaines formes d'activités, adossées à certaines fonctionnalités d'un environnement numérique, peuvent influencer positivement ou négativement l'engagement, les performances et les comportements des étudiants
The aim of this thesis was to examine to what extent, and under what conditions, interactive teaching can increase student engagement in learning and academic success. Active teaching is a form of teaching in which students are encouraged to participate in different ways during lectures, involving a digital environment accessible from their own technological device (smartphone, laptop or tablet). Engagement in learning was measured before and after active teaching using a scale with three components: cognitive (attention during the lecture), affective (interest in the lecture) and behavioral (participation in the lecture). Three experiments were carried out in face-to-face and distance learning contexts at university. In the first study, entitled "Improving student engagement in face-to-face courses using the functionalities of a digital learning environment" (Hutain et Michinov, 2022a), we examined the engagement associated with the use of interactive activities in order to enable teachers to maximize their use and improve student engagement in face-to-face courses. The second study, entitled "Displaying the teacher's slideshow on students' devices prevents multitasking and promotes engagement during lectures" (Michinov et Hutain, 2023), was based on the observation that students often resort to multitasking activities on various technological devices during lectures. The findings of these two studies showed that viewing the teacher's slides on their own device, in addition to quizzes and being able to ask questions, increased students' affective engagement from the beginning to the end of lectures. Finally, in a third study, entitled "Collective feedback based on quizzes in online learning: A 'double-edged' effect on attitudes, emotions and academic behavior related to the course" (Hutain et Michinov, 2022b), we investigated collective feedback. The aim of this study was to compare the effects of posting individual or group feedback during an online course. The results show that students perceived a greater threat of social comparison and showed lower behavioral engagement and academic performance in the collective than in the individual feedback condition. The opposite effect was found for interest in the course, which was higher when group feedback based on quizzes was displayed. Taken together, these results suggest that certain forms of activity, combined with certain features of a digital environment, can influence student engagement, performance and behavior either positively or negatively
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Book chapters on the topic "Wooclap"


BOOSTANI, Nooshin. "L’intégration du smartphone dans l’enseignement-apprentissage du vocabulaire en classe de FLE : le cas de la plateforme Wooclap." In Numérique et didactique des langues et cultures, 91–108. Editions des archives contemporaines, 2022.

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Le numérique connaissant un essor considérable dans le domaine de la didactique des langues, de nouvelles pratiques voient constamment le jour et soulèvent des problématiques qui ne laissent pas les chercheurs indifférents. L’intégration des plateformes interactives dans le processus d’enseignement en est sans doute un très bon exemple ; une pratique innovante qui ne cesse de se répandre et qui soulève de nouvelles questions relatives à l’utilisation du smartphone dans la salle de classe. Le présent article s’intéresse à l’une de ces plateformes, appelée Wooclap, et s’interroge sur sa contribution à l’acquisition du vocabulaire et au développement des compétences lexicales et interactives des apprenants ; interrogations auxquelles nous tentons de répondre en analysant les résultats d’un projet d’expérimentation, mis en place chez des apprenants de FLE (Français Langue Étrangère) dans un institut de langue et de culture françaises en France. Fondée sur une approche empirique, notre étude s’inscrit dans un cadre théorique qui tient compte des nouvelles approches lexicales et des avancées neurolinguistiques dans l’apprentissage. Elle se base sur un corpus constitué de réponses aux enquêtes, d’activités conçues pour/avec Wooclap et de traces d’interaction ou de productions écrites enregistrées sur l’espace numérique de travail. En favorisant des réflexions alliant théorie et pratique, cette méthodologie nous a permis d’évaluer les apports ainsi que les limites de ces dispositifs numériques dans l’enseignement-apprentissage du vocabulaire.
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Martínez-Saura, Helena Fuensanta, Gloria Soto Martínez, and María Cristina Sánchez-López. "LA HERRAMIENTA WOOCLAP Y EL RENDIMIENTO ACADÉMICO DE LOS UNIVERSITARIOS." In Actas del XI Congreso Internacional de Psicología y Educación., 1078–87. Dykinson, 2023.

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Sánchez, Elena Gala, Matías-Jesús Alonso Navarro, and Mª Mar Ramos Gallego. "Uso de la herramienta interactiva “Wooclap” en el Laboratorio de Química Orgánica:." In Propuestas de investigación educativa., 6–12. Dykinson, 2024.

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Carrillo-Vico, Antonio. "Uso de la metodología de clase inversa y la evaluación continuada en la docencia de Bioquímica dinamizada mediante la herramienta interactiva Wooclap." In Ciclos de mejora en el aula. Año 2022. Experiencias de innovación docente de la Universidad de Sevilla, 1221–137. 2022nd ed. Editorial Universidad de Sevilla, 2022.

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La asignatura donde se ha realizado el Ciclo de Mejora en Aula (CIMA) se denomina Bioquímica y Biología Molecular, del primer curso del grado en Enfermería. La asignatura consta de un programa docente de 30 temas. En el curso 2022-2023, he impartido la docencia de los 17 primeros en dos de los cuatro grupos de la asignatura, que abarcan los bloques temáticos bioelementos, biomoléculas, agua y tampones biológicos, estructura y función de las proteínas, enzimología, introducción al metabolismo y respiración celular y metabolismo de los glúcidos, con un total de 160 estudiantes entre los dos grupos. Para el desarrollo de los CIMAs, con antelación al abordaje de cada uno de los bloques en la clase presencial, el estudiante recibe el material docente que debe trabajar durante una semana y posteriormente rellenar un cuestionario sobre el grado de entendimiento del material. Las clases presenciales posteriores se utilizan como un entorno de puesta en común de los contenidos estructuradores a través de actividades teórico-prácticas dinamizadas con la herramienta Wooclap. Al final de cada bloque/s se llevan a cabo actividades de evaluación continuada, que engloban los contenidos clave de todos los bloques temáticos tratados hasta ese momento
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Marín, Diana Pérez. "PROPUESTA DE MODELO DE EVALUACIÓN CONTINUA USANDO WOOCLAP EN CLASES EN LÍNEA DE LOS GRADOS DE EDUCACIÓN E INFORMÁTICA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD REY JUAN CARLOS." In El reto de la evaluación en la enseñanza universitaria y otras experiencias educativas., 641–58. Dykinson, 2022.

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Lytvyn, Olena. "DIGITAL TOOLS FOR CREATING EDUCATIONAL CONTENT." In The scientific paradigm in the context of technological development and social change. Publishing House “Baltija Publishing”, 2023.

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The use of technology has grown significantly at the universities in recent years. Blackboards have been replaced with PowerPoint presentations, online courses, and videos. Nowadays all universities incorporate technologies into their curriculum in some form. They have digitilised their whole education system by recognising the function of digital classes. More and more aspects of today’s world become digital because of the advancement of the internet, mobile phones, mobile apps, tablets, laptops, and other gadgets, Digital education is replacing conventional education in classrooms at many universities and colleges. The purpose of the paper is to demonstrate how teachers may build their curriculum and support materials, employing the most creative side to personalise learning, using modern technologies. Although, many people favour traditional teaching methods, the possibilities are endless when technology is integrated into the classroom. The education has become much more accessible, with a wide choice of learning techniques. Teachers should think about why students want to use the technology in the classroom rather than need it. It will surely assist educators in tracking a student progress and developing innovative lesson strategies. Students who learn using technology can build skills that will help them to succeed in the future. Methodology of the study is based on general research methods of analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, observation and abstraction, which are used to systematise achievements in the theory and practice of modelling systems of different nature in the humanities and, in particular, in pedagogics. In general, our research aims to contribute to better understanding of accrued benefits of using GSRSs in learning and to gauge the extent to which the use of digital technologies can enhance students’ learning experience. More specifically, our objective is to understand how students experience the use of digital platforms and to explore the extent to which these interactive technologies influence classroom dynamics, engagement, motivation and learning. In our study, we addresse the following four research questions: Interactive collaboration between a teacher and students using digital tools; features of the digital learning tool Quizlet and its correlation with the SAMR model; the impact of the digital learning tool Kahoot! on teaching and learning; benefits of using Pear Deck, Wooclap, Baamboozle, Gimkit, in the educational process.We employed a qualitative approach to address four stated questions. We believe that a qualitative research approach is relevant to utilise in this study because the phenomenon being studied is not easily distinguished from the context in which it is observed. Using explorative case studies, we intend to unravel complex perceptions and issues relating to the use of digital technologies in the context of students’ engagement, motivation and learning. This approach is used to enrich the insights gained from the exploration of the literature and provide deep levels of interpretation for the phenomenon under consideration.Results of the study show that due to technology improvements, the education has become more flexible and accessible. Online degrees and mobile learning are more popular, physical boundaries have been removed, and technologies can help their employees pursue their education. These are an excellent way for teachers to teach students how to keep organised and simplify their tasks right from the start. In addition, giving students an access to the information, modern technology has the potential to excite and empower them.Practical implications. Educational technology improves a student performance by systematically approaching instructional resources. It recognises individual needs by incorporating technologies into the classroom instruction and tracking a student progress. Instructors must appropriately expose conditions the or select an appropriate technology for the curriculum delivery and track outcomes to determine the success of the measures. Digital learning tools and technology engage students and improve critical thinking skills, the foundation for developing analytic reasoning. Because they require students to observe the rules and conventions to play, interactive social skill games effectively teach them discipline. Students experience feelings of accomplishment due to gaining new knowledge and skills through digital learning tools, which give them the confidence to pursue new interests. Value/originality. The technological advancement has boosted distance learning education. It provides an easy access to all learning resources and allows for convenient interaction with the teacher. Instructors can quickly create and manage groups using learning tools and technologies, such as social learning platforms. Digital technologies in education have given a rise to various Learning management systems (LMS). They have promoted virtual classrooms where a teacher can interact with students in real-time, share his resources, deliver his lecture, assess students’ learning, collect feedback, and reply to their queries.Students collaborate to solve ongoing educational challenges using online platforms. Hackathons have emerged as a successful event to find the solutions to many challenging problems. Students can express themselves and collaborate on activities by sharing their thoughts and ideas. Using learning tools and technologies, students can build self-directed strong learning abilities. They can figure out what they need to know, locate and use online resources, apply what they have learned to the problem, and even analyse comments. As a consequence, they have increased their production and efficiency. Technologies break down all educational barriers, allowing students and teachers to communicate in real time and learn across the time and place. A complete and thorough learning process adds a new dimension to their learning and helps them to achieve academic success. Students have an access to a wide range of online resources and journals related to their studying topics through their computers and portable devices, allowing them to obtain additional information to complete assignments. Furthermore, digital platforms provide reliable and high-quality data from their computers, anywhere and anytime. In addition to information resources, the educational technologies allow students to connect with academic professionals around the world. Thus, in the context of modern technological development, teachers have to use a variety of gadgets, such as: smartphones and tablets, available online resources; specialized learning products as: animation, games, or artificial intelligence-based systems, to make their materials lively, interesting, and relevant. The compatibility of e-learning systems with new smart devices is an important element for easier access and faster uptake of digital learning. Technological innovations help to facilitate learning for different age groups and topics. The importance of big data and the use of analytics in education is an important part of technologies. Educational institutions realize the value of comprehensive data on student and faculty performance as they expand the use of virtual classrooms, e-learning platforms, and online exams.
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Conference papers on the topic "Wooclap"


Palomo, Esteban José, Julio Montes-Torres, Sergio Gálvez-Rojas, Juan Miguel Ortiz-de-Lazcano-Lobato, Francisco Ortega-Zamorano, Jorge García-González, and Ariadna Jiménez-Partinen. "GAMIFICATION USING WOOCLAP: AN EXPERIENCE TEACHING COMPUTER ENGINEERING SUBJECTS." In 17th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation, 7024–30. IATED, 2024.

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Verdú, Isabel Seguí, Larisa Dunai, and Lilia Sava. "Integration of Wooclap and Autodesk© Technologies in Graphic Engineering Teaching." In 2024 IEEE 11th International Conference on E-Learning in Industrial Electronics (ICELIE), 1–5. IEEE, 2024.

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APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles

Rodríguez-Rodríguez, Elena, Marta Sánchez-Paniagua López, María Moreno-Guzmán, Irene Ojeda-Fernández, Inmaculada Mateos-Aparicio, María Alejandra García-Alonso, María Luisa Pérez-Rodríguez, et al. "WE-PARE PROJECT: THE USE OF WOOCLAP AND “EUREKAS” TO PROMOTE ACTIVE PARTICIPATION IN UNIVERSITY STUDENTS." In 17th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation, 3625–32. IATED, 2024.

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Gulisano, Federico, Rafael Jurado-Piña, Daniel Gálvez-Pérez, Alicia García Galiana, José Ramón Marcobal, Antonio Martínez Raya, and Begoña Guirao. "IMPLEMENTATION OF GAMIFICATION ACTIVITIES USING WOOCLAP AND DEVELOPMENT OF SUPPORT TOOLS FOR TEACHERS TO ASSESS STUDENT LEARNING PROCESS." In 17th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation, 3251–60. IATED, 2024.

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APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles

De-Miguel-Molina, María, Daniel Catalá-Pérez, and Antonio Igea-Sesma. "La herramienta Wooclap en distintos entornos de aprendizaje." In IN-RED 2024: X Congreso de Innovación Educativa y Docencia en Red, 1–9. València: Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2024.

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Este trabajo describe la experiencia de utilizar puntualmente la plataforma colaborativa Wooclap en dos contextos diferentes: como apoyo en el aula presencial, en dos grupos de grado, y como apoyo en un curso online, en un diploma de posgrado. En ambos casos, la participación del alumnado se ha incrementado y han valorado la utilidad de la herramienta, especialmente en el curso online. Desde el punto de vista del docente, es una herramienta bastante intuitiva y que no ha supuesto un esfuerzo desproporcionado. Además, al ser una herramienta que en ambas universidades está accesible para todos, ha resultado muy sencillo que, tanto el equipo de profesores como los alumnos, pudiesen compartir sus dudas y resultados. Asimismo, la generación automática de informes permite un mejor seguimiento de la actividad.
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles

Gimeno Longas, Maria Jose, Maria Teresa Angulo Carrere, Carmen Bravo-Llatas, and Maria Pilar Álvarez Vázquez. "USING WOOCLAP TO ENHANCE ACTIVE ENGAGEMENT IN HISTOLOGY PRACTICES." In 16th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies. IATED, 2024.

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Borras-Gene, Oriol, José Luis López Bastías, Irene Ros-Martín, Gema Alcolea-Díaz, César Cáceres, and Alberto Sánchez. "En busca del consenso: encuentro usando Wooclap para la reflexión sobre la Innovación Docente - [Seeking consensus: Wooclap-facilitated gathering for reflecting on Teaching Innovation]." In Innovación educativa en los tiempos de la inteligencia artificial. Actas del VII Congreso Internacional sobre Aprendizaje, Innovación y Cooperación, CINAIC 2023. Zaragoza: Servicio de Publicaciones Universidad, 2023.

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Carrasco-Hernández, Antonio, Gabriel Lozano-Reina, María Encarnación Lucas-Pérez, María Feliz Madrid-Garre, and Gregorio Sánchez-Marín. "NEW ACTIVE METHODOLOGIES TO IMPROVE ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE IN THE UNIVERSITY CONTEXT: THE WOOCLAP EXPERIENCE." In 15th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies. IATED, 2023.

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Álvarez Vázquez, María del Pilar, María José Gimeno Longas, Carmen Bravo-Llatas, and María Teresa Angulo Carrere. "Uso de Wooclap para mejorar el dinamismo y la atención en clases de Histología." In IN-RED 2024: X Congreso de Innovación Educativa y Docencia en Red. València: Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2024.

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Wooclap es una herramienta online que los docentes pueden usar para plantear preguntas con distintos formatos a las que el alumnado contestará en el aula o fuera de ella, de manera individual o en modo competición. En este trabajo se recoge la experiencia llevada a cabo en las clases teóricas de la asignatura Biología celular e Histología con alumnos de primer curso del grado en Odontología y sus valoraciones. Además de permitir registrar la asistencia, esta herramienta ha demostrado ser sencilla, intuitiva y de fácil manejo, ofreciendo una amplia variedad de tipos de preguntas lo que aumenta las opciones para abordar el repaso de conceptos y motivar al alumnado. Los estudiantes han valorado satisfactoriamente la herramienta y considerado que permite aumentar el dinamismo de la clase, incrementa la comunicación y ayuda a mantener la atención en el aula. Los resultados obtenidos apoyan la idea de que el uso de móviles en el aula posee un gran potencial para favorecer la participación activa del alumnado y reforzar el aprendizaje.
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles

Carrillo-Abad, Jordi, Òscar Gil-Castell, Josep Ribes, Rut Sanchis-Martínez, Nuria Martí, María Victoria Ruano, Juan Bautista Giménez, et al. "INNOVATIVE PEDAGOGICAL STRATEGIES IN CHEMICAL ENGINEERING EDUCATION: HARNESSING THE POWER OF WOOCLAP FOR ACTIVE LEARNING." In 16th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies. IATED, 2024.

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