Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'WIRELESS LAN TECHNOLOGY'
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Kulyasov, Sergey. "Upgrading LAN infrastructure in manufacturing company to support wireless technology." Menomonie, WI : University of Wisconsin--Stout, 2005. http://www.uwstout.edu/lib/thesis/2005/2005kulyasovs.pdf.
Full textWei, Xin. "Analysis of Quality of Service of Wireless LAN for IEEE 802.11e." Thesis, Linköping University, Department of Electrical Engineering, 2004. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-2154.
Full textNowadays Wireless LAN is playing a more and more important role in network systems. After 1999, in which the IEEE organization published its Wireless Local Network standard 802.11[1], many people saw the advantages of the standard but also the lack of support for multimedia streaming. A lot of research work has been done on the proposed IEEE 802.11e standard draft during the past 4 years. It is supposed to be able to fully support Quality of Service. The final version will be published early in 2004. In my thesis, I propose two possible methods to improve the performance of service differentiation in the MAC layer. The first one is calledPCWA (Practical Contention Window Adjustment). It is a method with which the station finds a best size of its contention window when running the EDCF (Enhanced Distributed Coordination Function) access method. It helps to improve the total system throughput, the jitter and the delay of traffics with different priorities. The second method is called AIPM (Adaptive Initiative Polling Machine). It uses the polling mechanism for differential service, intelligently arranging the polling time to reduce the delay as much as possible, achieving large improvement in performance. This method significantly increases the total system throughput, while the delay and jitter of the traffics are very much small in comparison to EDCF.
Gutti, Krishna. "Low cost secure network connectivity for a municipal organization." Thesis, KTH, Mikroelektronik och Informationsteknik, IMIT, 2005. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-92266.
Full textTrådlös Lokal Areal Nätverken (WLANs) baserat på 802.11 teknologien var i början uppfattade med det sikta med av skaffande trådlös anslutning till klienten anordningen i inlemmat områdena , sådan som kontor byggnad , hemmen etc. eller på platsen var tråden är alltför dyr till vara placerat. Den här ‘var som helst’ anslutning är sa till har förbättrat arbetaren produktiv vid tillåt en till verk böjlig från olika ställen for resten en’s skrivbord. Just nu vi er vittne växten av båda allmänhet och privat nätverken baserat på WLAN teknologien. Sådan hotspots är vanligtvis inlemmat till nätverken ägare lokalerna sådan som henne kontor, läger etc. Den här gränsen den räkna samman täckningen areal av de här nätverken. Den er ofta inte ekonomisk genomförbar till installera Tillträde Meningen i det hel tåt ställen så pass nätverken förbrukaren makt gå. Den här har bli ett problem för många nätverk skaffa; en förståndig lösande skulle bli till samlad adress problemet vid inlåtande in i att ströva avtalen så är redan gjort vid mest Vid Areal Trådlös Nätverken skaffa. Sådan operatör bestämd ströva avtalen kanna skaffa nästan kontinuerlig täckningen över en mycket vid areal sådan som en hel stor stad. En om målarna av det här projektet var till att studera potential kostnad effektiv teknisk lösandet så pass skaffa WLAN tillträde till Stor stad av Stockholm nätverken baserat på 802.11 teknologerna inklusive bedömningen från olik teknisk aspekterna (e.g., utrymme förstärkningarna , förbättringarna i handover latent tillstånd etc). Rätt spridandeen och företagsledning strategisk var också värderat ut. Teknologerna tillåt skilj tjänsten för förbrukaren, sättande i stånd till tillhandahållande av Röst över Trådlös Lokal Areal Nätverken (VoWLAN) tjänsten och annan interaktiv tjänsten var studier. Teknologerna för authentication, bemyndigandena och räkenskapen var studier. Ytterligare tekniskt medel av skaffande befästa tillträde till trådlös nätverken var undersöka. Bedömningen av arkitekturen så pass tillåta begrava - operatör ströva var gjord. Idag gemensam förbrukaren är alltmer rörlig och där er en behov till skaffa befästa tillträde till gemensam datan till de här rörlig förbrukaren. Täckningen erbjudande vid WLAN nätverken evn med stor ströva avtalen skulle stilla har täckningen öppning vilken kanna bli nedsatte vid användande den 3G nätverken vilken er vida spridde. Verklig Privat nätverk teknologerna ni är lyckosam använd för skaffande befästa avlägsen tillträde till datan och Rörlig IP teknologien skaffar applicering hårdnackenheten till rörlig förbrukaren jämn fördriva tiden kopplande emellan nätverken WLAN till 3G). Där er ett behov för dem till tillpass - finnas for att skaffa befästa, rörlig tillträde till datan. Sådan befästa rörlig tillträde kunde också bli försynt utan tillit till den över, standardiserat lösandet. En målet av den här övervinna teorin var till att bedöma den teknisk lösandet till möjliggöra sådan befästa, rörlig tillträde till daton. Ström produkten var värderat ut och en förslagen av passande produkten för staden av Stockholm var givit. Den över lösandet tillsammans skulle skaffa staden av Stockholm med befästa trådlös nätverken anslutning[.]
Loeb, Hans-Peter [Verfasser]. "Application-driven exploration of a programmable platform for Wireless LAN / Hans-Peter Loeb. Technische Fakultät. Center of Excellence - Cognitive Interaction Technology CITEC." Bielefeld : Universitätsbibliothek Bielefeld, Hochschulschriften, 2013. http://d-nb.info/1030605572/34.
Full textSacchi, Alessandro. "A motivation for text on RTP." Thesis, KTH, Mikroelektronik och Informationsteknik, IMIT, 2005. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-92280.
Full textFokus i detta examensarbete ligger på överföring av data mellan mobila enheter. Det analyserar resursutnyttjandet vid användande av Wireless LAN-anslutning i några situationer, samt brukar analysen för att föreslå och utvärdera ett antal nya applikationer för överföring av röstsamtal och filer. Mätningar visar den höga konsumtion av batterikraft som anslutning till ett trådlöst nätverk gränsnitt, även då det inte används "aktivt" för dataöverföring, medan de applikationer som använts här behöver bara mycket begränsad minneskapacitet. I detta examensarbete ingår även ett program för överföring av filer mellan två eller flera mobila apparater, föreslaget att ingå i Minisip, en VoIP applikation. Dessutom föreslås och utvärderas en applikation som undersöker möjligheterna att vid röstsamtal överföra realtidskodad text via RTP och/eller UDP stream. Använd tillsammans med en röst-till-text- och text-till-röstomvandling i ändpunkterna möjliggör denna genomförande av röstsamtal även då mycket begränsade trådlösa anslutningar nyttjas.
Exchange student from Pisa.
Ndlovu, Nkanyiso. "Investigating wireless network deployment configurations for marginalized areas." Thesis, University of Fort Hare, 2011. http://hdl.handle.net/10353/463.
Full textSkoglund, Johan. "Security of IEEE 802.11b." Thesis, Linköping University, Department of Electrical Engineering, 2003. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-1656.
Full textThe IEEE 802.11b standard is today the only commonly used standard in Europe for fast wireless networks. This makes it possible to connect computers to networks in places where it is not possible to use wires. Examples of such situations are internet access at airports, communication in emergency areas or for military communication. Common for all these situations is that network security is important.
This thesis consists of two different parts. The first part handles the security mechanisms and the second part is an evaluation of the possibilities to use IEEE 802.11b in embedded applications. The part that handles the security includes the security mechanisms found in the standard, flaws in these mechanisms and methods that try to reduce these problems.
Lian, Jason Hailin. "An improved media access control protocol for wireless LANs a thesis submitted to Auckland University of Technology in partial fulfilment of the requirements of the degree of Master of Information Technology, 2004." Full thesis. Abstract, 2004.
Find full textPerchalski, Steven Joseph. "Shipboard sensor closed-loop calibration using wireless LANs and DataSocket transport protocols." Thesis, Monterey, Calif. : Springfield, Va. : Naval Postgraduate School ; Available from National Technical Information Service, 2003. http://library.nps.navy.mil/uhtbin/hyperion-image/03Jun%5FPerchalski.pdf.
Full textThesis advisor(s): Xiaoping Yun, Fotis Papoulias. Includes bibliographical references (p. 81-82). Also available online.
Grape, Torbjörn. "Wireless LANs, Real-Time Traffic." Thesis, Linköping University, Department of Electrical Engineering, 2003. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-1794.
Full textThe usage of Wireless Local Area Networks is increasing rapidly throughout the world. The technology today is not quality proof for the market’s demands. We want to be able to completely wireless perform our demands, such as confer via video or IP-telephony. This is what we call multimedia real-time traffic. It may be achieved over the physical infrastructure in some areas with good results. The goal of this Master’s Thesis is to analyze the possibilities and give solutions and suggestions to achieve multimedia over the wireless networks, with emphasis on the protocol Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance (CSMA/CA).
This Master’s Thesis is a theoretical study and the suggested solutions have not been tested in an actual wireless network. Instead they have been tested by computer simulation to give an indication of improvements. Basic configurations are set to the same as in the IEEE 802.11 standard.
Different methods to reach possible improvements of a WLAN are studied, analyzed and simulated. Such methods are: priority, congestion management and multi-channel protocol. Simulations results show how the priority affects the wireless network and how a multi-channel protocol improves the latency and efficiency of the network. The simulation part is concentrated to show improvements of real-time traffic, which is time sensitive. With a multi- channel protocol the network can allow more users, i.e. more traffic. Also, the network will gain improvement in stability.
Abdul, Halim Syafnidar. "Exploring wireless network security in Auckland City through warwalking a dissertation submitted to Auckland University of Technology in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Computer and Information Sciences (MCIS), 2007." Abstract. Full dissertation, 2007.
Find full textMola, Guilo. "Interactions of Vertical Handoffs with 802.11b wireless LANs : Handoff Policy." Thesis, KTH, Mikroelektronik och Informationsteknik, IMIT, 2004. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-93067.
Full textNomadic Computing har för avsikt att revolutionera dagens Internet tillämpningar. För att lyckas måste dock infrastrukturen, IT protokollen och handoff procedurer utformas och implementeras med intentionen att förse mobilt dataöverföring med både driftsäkerhet och autonoma processer. En stor del av de nödvändiga förutsättningarna är tillgängliga tack vare Mobile IP, men mångfalden inom de befintliga Wireless teknologierna utgör fortfarande ett problem. Det stora antalet disponibla Wireless tekniker varierar från teknologierer som förser användaren med en stor täckningsgrad, till sådana som förser användaren med högre bandbredd, begränsad till lokala anv ändningområden. Även Uni-directional ad-hoc links kan läggas i denna lista av mångfald. För att förverkliga fördelarna med den tänkta infrastrukturen fullt ut måste den mobila enheten kunna utföra omkopplingar från den ena wireless teknologin till den andra, med syftet att vara osynlig för användaren. Utöver detta är det meningen att en apparat med många anslutningar ska kunna välja den anslutning som passar bäst, var gång en ny koppling ska göras, beroende på den tjänst som efterfrågas. Det här examensarbetet presenterar en möjlig lösning, som utnyttjar både Vertical Handoff optimering och Policy Management. Prototyp-enheten vi anv änder oss av för att genomföra undersökningen är Smart Badge v4, utrustad med GPRS och 802.11b Wireless LAN anslutningar.
Aljuaied, Ali M. "Generic Bluetooth data module." Thesis, Monterey, Calif. : Springfield, Va. : Naval Postgraduate School ; Available from National Technical Information Service, 2002. http://library.nps.navy.mil/uhtbin/hyperion-image/02sep%5FAljuaied.pdf.
Full textThesis advisor(s): Xiaoping Yun, Baer Wolfgang. Includes bibliographical references (p. 57-58). Also available online.
Zen, Hushairi. "Design of MAC protocols to support quality of service for multimedia traffic in wireless LANs." Thesis, Edith Cowan University, Research Online, Perth, Western Australia, 2009. https://ro.ecu.edu.au/theses/1864.
Full textSilva, Eusebio Pedro da. "Network-based control, monitoring and calibration of shipboard sensors." Thesis, Monterey, Calif. : Springfield, Va. : Naval Postgraduate School ; Available from National Technical Information Service, 2003. http://library.nps.navy.mil/uhtbin/hyperion-image/03sep%5FSilva.pdf.
Full textThesis advisor(s): Xiaoping Yun, Fotis Papoulias. Includes bibliographical references (p. 61-62). Also available online.
Stavroulakis, Georgios. "Rapidly deployable, self forming, wireless networks for maritime interdiction operations." Thesis, Monterey, Calif. : Springfield, Va. : Naval Postgraduate School ; Available from National Technical Information Service, 2006. http://library.nps.navy.mil/uhtbin/hyperion/06Sep%5FStavroulakis.pdf.
Full textThesis Advisor(s): Alex Bordetsky. "September 2006." Includes bibliographical references (p. 79-81). Also available in print.
Raghavan, Anand. "Interference cancellation for collocated wireless radios." Diss., Available online, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2007, 2007. http://etd.gatech.edu/theses/available/etd-06272007-234911/.
Full textLaskar, Joy, Committee Chair ; Cressler, John, Committee Member ; Kornegay, Kevin, Committee Member ; Tentzeris, Emmanouil, Committee Member ; Lee, Chang-Ho, Committee Member.
Demircin, Mehmet Umut. "Robust video streaming over time-varying wireless networks." Diss., Atlanta, Ga. : Georgia Institute of Technology, 2008. http://hdl.handle.net/1853/24790.
Full textCommittee Chair: Yucel Altunbasak; Committee Member: Chuanyi Ji; Committee Member: Ghassan AlRegib; Committee Member: Ozlem Ergun; Committee Member: Russell M. Mersereau.
Yip, Hoi-kit, and 葉海傑. "Packet scheduling techniques for coordinating colocated Bluetooth and IEEE 802.11b in a Linux machine." Thesis, The University of Hong Kong (Pokfulam, Hong Kong), 2004. http://hub.hku.hk/bib/B29727285.
Full textTuset, Peiró Pere. "Contributions to the development of active RFID systems at the 433 MHz band." Doctoral thesis, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/10803/401894.
Full textDado el potencial de la tecnología RFID activa, esta tesis contribuye a su desarrollo centrándose en las capas más bajas de la pila de protocolos, es decir, la capa física y la capa de enlace de datos. Estas capas determinan el alcance de la comunicación entre el interrogador y las etiquetas, el número de etiquetas que un interrogador puede leer por segundo y el consumo de energía que utilizan las etiquetas en el proceso, que son los parámetros de rendimiento clave. En la capa física la tesis evalúa los aspectos de propagación de la banda 433 MHz en diferentes entornos y los compara con la banda 2.4 GHz. Los resultados demuestran que, para la misma potencia de transmisión, los sistemas RFID activos que funcionan en la banda 433 MHz consiguen un mejor alcance de comunicación gracias a unas mejores características de propagación. En la capa de enlace de datos la tesis propone LPDQ (Low-Power Distributed Queuing), un nuevo protocolo de acceso al medio, y lo compara con FSA (Frame Slotted ALOHA). LPDQ combina LPL (Low-Power Listening) para la sincronización de red y DQ (Distributed Queuing) para la transmisión de datos. En comparación con el caso óptimo de FSA, LPDQ consigue un rendimiento cercano al máximo teórico (99.5%) independientemente del número de etiquetas y reduce el consumo de energía de las etiquetas en más de un 10%.
Given the potential of active RFID technology, this thesis contributes to its development by focusing on the lowest layers of the stack, that is, the physical and data-link layers. These layers determine the tag communication range, packet throughput and energy consumption, which are key performance parameters. At the physical layer, the thesis studies propagation aspects of the 433 MHz band in different environments and compares it to the 2.4 GHz band, which is also used in active RFID systems. The results demonstrate that active RFID systems operating at the 433 MHz band can achieve a better communication range at the same transmit power due to better propagation characteristics. At the data-link layer, the thesis proposes LPDQ (Low-Power Distributed Queuing), a new MAC (media access control) protocol, and compares it to FSA (Frame Slotted ALOHA). LPDQ combines LPL (Low-Power Listening) for network synchronization and DQ (Distributed Queuing) for data transmission. Compared to the optimal FSA case, LPDQ can achieve a performance close to the theoretical maximum (99.5%), regardless of the number of tags, and reduces tag energy consumption by more than 10%.
Liou, Yu-An, and 劉育安. "The Study of Indoor Location Technology Based on Wireless LAN." Thesis, 2014. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/98510885659188656990.
Full text朝陽科技大學
The expending of technology and smart devices, Many applications are used for mobile services. There are many kinds of mobile services. Especially context-aware applications is an important issue. It adopts user data, such as user preferences, location, time and so on. These data will be analyzed through the systems and the services will be recommended based on user's demand. Global positioning system is used for outdoor location. However, it's not suitable for indoor location. Therefore, indoor positioning systems using other techniques, such as Ultrasonic, Radio Frequency Identification, Wireless Local Area Network positioning methods. Consideration of implementation costs, this paper adopts wireless network for positioning. Message transmission will be more unstable when the smart device farther away from the wireless AP.We use this feature for indoor positioning research. The experimental results show that the availability of the positioning method.The location system output user’s location them the system will also use ontology to provide context-aware services. Experimental results show that our proposed method is useful.
Hong, Kai-Sheng, and 洪凱晟. "A Digital Guiding System ─ Implementation and Research Using RFID and Wireless LAN Technology." Thesis, 2005. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/75141123516031462263.
Full text國立中正大學
The purpose of the research is to develop a digital guide system using RFID technology, in order to simplify the user interface, which can apply to exhibition or museum guiding. A high-mobility and user-friendly guide system is built on a QT2410 platform with wireless and RFID modules. In this thesis, a guide system is implemented on a Linux-based embedded system. USB wireless LAN cards provide the communication capability of each distributed systems; RFID modules recognize the tags for location. Using Qt/Embedded graphic library, user can operate the guide system via GUI and touch panel. Since all the software are developed individually or using open-source project, it is cost-effective.
Ding, Zih-Yin, and 丁姿吟. "Baseband Receiver Design for Next-Generation High-Throughput Wireless LAN with MIMO-OFDM Technology." Thesis, 2005. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/52318150649309184864.
Full text國立臺灣大學
The establishment of the next-generation high throughput wireless LAN, IEEE 802.11n, has started. It is a standard which aims to provide high throughput transmission for the demand of several novel multimedia applications. In this thesis, a base band receiver for next generation wireless LAN is proposed with the transmitter architecture and packet format according to the proposal of IEEE 802.11n. The inner receiver can be divided into several parts: initial synchronization, tracking loop, channel estimation and data recovery. The initial synchronization includes packet detection, coarse and fine symbol boundary estimation, fractional carrier frequency offset estimation. A fine symbol boundary estimation which is robust to channel noise is introduced. The tracking loop includes joint estimation of residual fractional carrier frequency offset and sampling clock offset. The receiver exploits the orthogonal training sequence to find a set of least square error estimation of the channel. The data recovery is composed of MIMO signal decoding and soft demapping. The method of MIMO signal decoding is related to transmission mode which is adjusted depending on whether the transmitter has channel information. When the transmitter owns accurate channel information, the transmitted signal is pre-processed before transmitting and then the multiple transmitted streams can be detected independently. Therefore the complexity of receiver can be reduced. The MIMO signal decoding result is sent to soft demampper to calculate bit metrics which are the input of soft decision Viterbi decoder. In addition to architecture design of receiver, the circuit design of all functional blocks which have been verified with Novas Debussy are also presented.
Lin, Ching-Lung, and 林清隆. "Deployment of an Intelligent Dynamic Local Power Dispatch System Using LAN and Wireless Technology." Thesis, 2006. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/22070934596475437456.
Full text中原大學
Abstract Escalating energy costs and the overloaded power plants during peak demand periods are major concerns many industrialized nations have to deal with today. This dissertation discusses the deployment of an Intelligent Dynamic Local Area Power Dispatch System (IDLAPDS) utilizing Radio Frequency (RF) and local Area Network (LAN) technologies consis of Local Power Dispatch Card (LPDC), Local Host System (LHS) and Central Power Dispatch System (CPDS). In this paper, the authors will further discuss on ways to incorporate Artificial Intelligence (AI) ideologies in building a LAPDS that is both more efficient in energy deployment and saving. In this dissertation, the author consists of the idea of Artificial Intelligence and LAPDS to present the IDLAPDS, which links 'how to disperse power load' and 'how to economize the power effectively'. The main targets of the system is to reduce peak, to shorten sharp from peak load indirectly, to release power developing and power deman, and to dispatch and save the power more effectively. There are two application cases in this dissertation. An electronic factory that the factory reduced peak load by IDLAPDS for several months. It is not only to drop peak load 21.6%, to reduce sharp, but also to save more than NT$40,000 in September. That is very considerable result, which reduces electric rate by nearly 14% in a month. Another case, an university is made up by 8500 students and more than 600 lecturers and staffs. There are more than 100 air-conditioning classroom, which are controlled by IDLAPDS to pander to the experiment goal of this research. Author converts the lecturing timetables to the system control parameters. The devices are controlled by LPDCs, and LPDCs transfer the parameters to LHS by using RF to procure for the Intelligence power load dispatch. The system economizes nearly 10% electricity for one week.
Lee, Chih-Hun, and 李志虹. "The Impact of Deep-Submicron CMOS Technology on 2.4-GHz Wireless LAN Receiver Front-End." Thesis, 2002. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/77918629449630522888.
Full text國立交通大學
A monolithic 2.4-GHz, 65-mW, 0.25-um CMOS receiver front-end which meets the specifications of the Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) 802.11b standard is described. In advance, significant CMOS RF-IC’s devices, which include MOS transistors, planar inductors, MIM/MOSFET capacitors, and IC package bondwires, have been accurately modeled and optimized. A description is given for the planning of a WLAN 802.11b system with direct-conversion architecture, which eliminates the need for external discrete components, such as image-reject filter. The prototype receiver utilizes a 2.5-V supply voltage and includes a current-reuse dual-gain low noise amplifier and two quadrature signal paths, each of which is composed of a current-injection sub-harmonic mixer, and a DC notch filter with different outputs of an IF amplifier. Subsequently, the IF outputs of the receiver front-end are connected to a variable-gain amplifier and a 5-th order Chebyshev low pass filter (LPF) followed by an analog-to-digital converter (ADC). The experimental receiver front-end has a simulated input referred IP3 of —30.1 dBm (at high gain mode) or 2.1 dBm (at low gain mode), a P1dB of —38 dBm (at high gain mode) or -5 dBm (at low gain mode). Both on-wafer and packaged implementations will be presented for design analysis and verifications.
Vu, Ngoc-Tu, and 武玉秀. "The Acceptance Model of New Technology in Industrial Market:The Empirical Study of Wireless LAN in Vietnam." Thesis, 2008. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/01796998836127974742.
Full text雲林科技大學
In the stronger intensity of market economy’s competition in Vietnam, every company is exerting oneself to survival. Relying on new technology might be the optimal way with some of them. They hope that, within the preeminence in internet connection wherever and whenever, Wireless LAN can bring back advantage in their business. However, managers fit wireless LAN up and staffs are users, some staffs want to apply it, someone not or it is necessary to set wireless LAN up? Thus, in this study, the author based on the technology acceptance model (TAM) to investigated staff’s behavioral intention in applying wireless LAN for their works, by the effect of technological usefulness and technological benefits. The findings of this study demonstrate that the applied model works well, and help researcher understand the impact of factors in sample’s intention. Moreover, they also present a serial of managerial implications for senior managers who want to accept wireless LAN in business, wireless LAN’s equipments suppliers
Full textPeng, Fang. "Perceptions of travellers regarding wireless local area networks at international airports. A thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements of the degree of Master of Computing, Unitec Institute of Technology [i.e. Unitec New Zealand]. A research study /." Diss., 2008. http://www.coda.ac.nz/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1013&context=unitec_scit_di.
Full textPhadke, Aboli Manas. "Designing and experimenting with e-DTS 3.0." Thesis, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/1805/4932.
Full textWith the advances in embedded technology and the omnipresence of smartphones, tracking systems do not need to be confined to a specific tracking environment. By introducing mobile devices into a tracking system, we can leverage their mobility and the availability of multiple sensors such as camera, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and Inertial sensors. This thesis proposes to improve the existing tracking systems, enhanced Distributed Tracking System (e-DTS 2.0) [19] and enhanced Distributed Object Tracking System (eDOTS)[26], in the form of e-DTS 3.0 and provides an empirical analysis of these improvements. The enhancements proposed are to introduce Android-based mobile devices into the tracking system, to use multiple sensors on the mobile devices such as the camera, the Wi-Fi and Bluetooth sensors and inertial sensors and to utilize possible resources that may be available in the environment to make the tracking opportunistic. This thesis empirically validates the proposed enhancements through the experiments carried out on a prototype of e-DTS 3.0.