Academic literature on the topic 'Wind-tides'
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Journal articles on the topic "Wind-tides"
Farrer, Lawrence A. "WIND TIDES ON LAKE OKEECHOBEE." Coastal Engineering Proceedings 1, no. 6 (January 29, 2011): 7.
Full textTolman, Hendrick L. "PROPAGATION OF WIND WAVES ON TIDES." Coastal Engineering Proceedings 1, no. 21 (January 29, 1988): 36.
Full textShang, Jiancheng, Jian Sun, Lei Tao, Yuanyi Li, Zhenhua Nie, Haiying Liu, Rui Chen, and Dekui Yuan. "Combined Effect of Tides and Wind on Water Exchange in a Semi-Enclosed Shallow Sea." Water 11, no. 9 (August 23, 2019): 1762.
Full textHagen, Jonas, Klemens Hocke, Gunter Stober, Simon Pfreundschuh, Axel Murk, and Niklaus Kämpfer. "First measurements of tides in the stratosphere and lower mesosphere by ground-based Doppler microwave wind radiometry." Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 20, no. 4 (February 28, 2020): 2367–86.
Full textPaugam, Caroline, Damien Sous, Vincent Rey, and Samuel Meule. "FIELD STUDY OF WIND TIDE IN SEMI-ENCLOSED SHALLOW BASINS." Coastal Engineering Proceedings, no. 36v (December 28, 2020): 27.
Full textHibbins, R. E., M. P. Freeman, S. E. Milan, and J. M. Ruohoniemi. "Winds and tides in the mid-latitude Southern Hemisphere upper mesosphere recorded with the Falkland Islands SuperDARN radar." Annales Geophysicae 29, no. 11 (November 4, 2011): 1985–96.
Full textLai, Zhigang, Ronghua Ma, Mingfen Huang, Changsheng Chen, Yong Chen, Congbin Xie, and Robert C. Beardsley. "Downwelling wind, tides, and estuarine plume dynamics." Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 121, no. 6 (June 2016): 4245–63.
Full textKareem, Kola Yusuff, Yeonjeong Seong, Kyungtak Kim, and Younghun Jung. "A Case Study of Tidal Analysis Using Theory-Based Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Disaster Management in Taehwa River, South Korea." Water 14, no. 14 (July 9, 2022): 2172.
Full textBunya, S., J. C. Dietrich, J. J. Westerink, B. A. Ebersole, J. M. Smith, J. H. Atkinson, R. Jensen, et al. "A High-Resolution Coupled Riverine Flow, Tide, Wind, Wind Wave, and Storm Surge Model for Southern Louisiana and Mississippi. Part I: Model Development and Validation." Monthly Weather Review 138, no. 2 (February 1, 2010): 345–77.
Full textPei, Qiantong, Jinyu Sheng, and Kyoko Ohashi. "Numerical Study of Effects of Winds and Tides on Monthly-Mean Circulation and Hydrography over the Southwestern Scotian Shelf." Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 10, no. 11 (November 9, 2022): 1706.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Wind-tides"
Hebel, Martin. "Tides Within: Concerto for Wind Ensemble." University of Cincinnati / OhioLINK, 2021.
Full textLargier, John L. "Internal shelf tides and wind-driven motions in deepening the surface mixed layer." Thesis, University of Cape Town, 1987.
Full textPoulose, Jismy. "Interaction of storm tides with wind waves : coastal inundation along the west coast of India." Thesis, IIT Delhi, 2019.
Full textLöffelmann, J., Friederike Lilienthal, and Christoph Jacobi. "Trend analyses of solar tides in the middle atmosphere." Universität Leipzig, 2019.
Full textUnter Verwendung eines mechanistischen globalen Zirkulationsmodells wurden Trends von solaren Gezeiten in der mittleren Atmosphäre analysiert. Die Simulationen, die in den unteren Atmosphärenschichten mit monatlich gemittelten Reanalysedaten angetrieben wurden sowie mit angepassten CO2 und Ozonverteilungen, decken einen Zeitraum von Januar 1980 bis Mai 2018 ab. Aus diesen Daten wurden Zeitreihen für Monatsmittel in den Amplituden des Windes und der Temperatur für alle vier Gezeiten herausgefiltert. Die über lineare Regression gewonnen Trends ergeben -global betrachtet in der Mesosphäre und unteren Thermosphäre - vorwiegend negativsignifikante Trends im Juli und Oktober. Im April und Januar können jedoch je nach Gezeit und Parameter positive wie auch negative Trends vorkommen. Weiterhin wurden die Datenreihen auf mögliche Trendänderungen mit Hilfe eines statistischen Algorithmus untersucht. Ein Großteil dieser Trend-Wendepunkte in den Zonalwindamplituden liegen für die untersuchten Monate Januar und April in den Jahren von 1985 bis 1988 und von 2012 bis 2015. Eine direkte Verbindung zwischen Änderungen in der atmosphärischen Ozonkonzentration und Trends in den Amplituden solarer Gezeiten lassen sich in den hier behandelten Größen daher nicht ableiten.
Paugam, Caroline. "Niveau d'eau à la côte en bassin semi-ouvert ˸ : effets combinés du vent, des vagues et de la bathymétrie." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Toulon, 2021.
Full textThis doctoral research focuses on water level variations in semi-open coastal basins and the impact of wind, waves and bathymetry. The two phenomena causing water level variations studied are wind-tides and seiching. Three coastal basins were selected on the French coast of the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region˸ the Vaccarès lagoon, the Berre lagoon and the Toulon Bay. The choice of these sites is due to the fact that they are exposed to equivalent wind regimes, their depths, morphologies and openings to the seaare different, allowing a comparative analysis. This work is based on the use of in-situ water level data from the HTM-NET network and two experimental campaigns. It was shown that the higher the wind speed, the steeper the slope of the free surface. Wind-tide is all the more important as the depth of the basin is low. In addition, the greater the opening to the sea, the lower the wind-tide. The determination of a constant drag coefficient allowed a satisfactory prediction of moderate wind-tides. It was also observed that in basins of finite depth and limited fetch conditions, the wave conditions are responsible for a higher wind friction on the water surface. The analysis of the currents showed that the presence of wind-tides has an impact on the currentology in the three sites. The periods of the seiches in the three sites were determined and the axes of resonance could be partly identified. The seiche amplitudes are of the order of mm in the Vaccarès lagoon and cm in the Berre lagoon and the Toulon Bay. The high friction in theshallow water site is responsible for an attenuation of the seiche amplitudes. The presence of seiche was correlated with wind-tides in the Berre and Vaccarès lagoons, which have a moderate opening to the sea. On the other hand, in the Toulon Bay, which has a large opening to the sea, other forcings are likely to excite the natural modes
Wargula, Anna (Anna Elizabeth). "Wave-, wind-, and tide-driven circulation at a well-mixed ocean inlet." Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2017.
Full textCataloged from PDF version of thesis.
Includes bibliographical references (pages 93-104).
The effects of waves, wind, and bathymetry on tidal and subtidal hydrodynamics at unstratified, shallow New River Inlet, NC, are evaluated using field observations and numerical simulations. Tidal flows are ebb-dominated (-1.5 to 0.6 m/s, positive is inland) inside the main (2 to 5 m deep) channel on the (1 to 2 m deep) ebb shoal, owing to inflow and outflow asymmetry at the inlet mouth. Ebb-dominance of the flows is reduced during large waves (> 1 m) owing to breaking-induced onshore momentum flux. Shoaling and breaking of large waves cause depression (setdown, offshore of the ebb shoal) and super-elevation (setup, on the shoal and in the inlet) of the mean water levels, resulting in changes to the cross-shoal pressure gradient, which can weaken onshore flows. At a 90-degree bend 800-m inland of the inlet mouth, centrifugal acceleration owing to curvature drives two-layered cross-channel flows (0.1 to 0.2 m/s) with surface flows going away from and bottom flows going toward the bend. The depth-averaged dynamics are tidally asymmetric. Subtidal cross-channel flows are correlated (r² > 0.5) with cross-channel wind speed, suggesting that winds are enhancing and degrading the local-curvature induced two-layer flow, and driving three-layer flow.
by Anna Wargula.
Ph. D. in Mechanical and Oceanographic Engineering
Chahboun, Abderrahim. "Les formations sableuses fluviatiles, littorales et eoliennes aux embouchures des oueds tensift, ksob et souss (atlas-atlantique, maroc)." Paris 6, 1988.
Full textKai-yin, Chen, and 陳凱胤. "Observation of Atmospheric Tides of Three Dimensional Wind Field in Mesosphere Using Chungli VHF Radar." Thesis, 2016.
Full text國立中央大學
The antenna array which consists of five Yagi antenna was used in this research.Five Yagi antenna was placed in a cross shape and the distances of each Yagi were different. The position of the target in three dimensional space can be derived by different phases.The targets may fail to locate because of different phases during operating in radar system and phase confusion. By using IGRF model, different phases during operating in radar system can be solved and geometric logic can deal with the phase confusion. Positions of the meteor tails can be located successfully and the three dimensional wind field of the mesosphere can be estimated with sliding window method.After surveying the HWM wind field observed, they are consist with my results and the Diurnal Tide features are quite obvious.
Timko, Patrick George. "Tidal and wind forced flow in Clode Sound : observations and numerical modelling /." 2004.
Find full textBooks on the topic "Wind-tides"
Muschal, Frank. Energy from wind, sun, and tides. Ann Arbor, Mich: Cherry Lake, 2008.
Find full textTolman, H. L. The numerical model WAVEWATCH: A third generation model for hindcasting of wind waves on tides in shelf areas. Delft: Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, 1989.
Find full textO'Connor, William P. The 14 month wind stressed residual circulation (pole tide) in the North Sea. Greenbelt, Md: Goddard Space Flight Center, 1986.
Find full textUnited States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Scientific and Technical Information Branch., ed. The 14 month wind stressed residual circulation (pole tide) in the North Sea. [Washington, DC]: National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Scientific and Technical Information Branch, 1987.
Find full textWolf, E. L. Wind, hydro and tides Fully sustainable energy. Oxford University Press, 2018.
Full textBook chapters on the topic "Wind-tides"
Snowber, Celeste Nazeli. "Water, Wind, Tides, and Heron Lessons." In Dance, Place, and Poetics, 41–53. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022.
Full textZou, Caineng. "New Energy Resources—Wind, Light and Tides." In New Energy, 391–423. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2020.
Full textShipway, Martin. "The Wind of Change and the Tides of History: de Gaulle, Macmillan and the Beginnings of the French Decolonizing Endgame." In The Wind of Change, 180–94. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2013.
Full textHäusler, Kathrin, and Hermann Lühr. "Longitudinal Variations of the Thermospheric Zonal Wind Induced by Nonmigrating Tides as Observed by CHAMP." In Aeronomy of the Earth's Atmosphere and Ionosphere, 339–48. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2011.
Full textHafner, Manfred, and Giacomo Luciani. "Economics of Power Generation." In The Palgrave Handbook of International Energy Economics, 103–9. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022.
Full text"The political and institutional dimension: Gender strategies and women's participation in decision-making." In Against Wind and Tides, 9–23. United Nations, 2016.
Full text"Gender equality indices: A brief outlook." In Against Wind and Tides, 69–72. United Nations, 2016.
Full text"List of the beijing platform for action's strategic objectives." In Against Wind and Tides, 67–68. United Nations, 2016.
Full textZdravkovich, M. M. "Non-Uniform Free Stream." In Flow Around Circular Cylinders, 458–96. Oxford University PressOxford, 1997.
Full textSoukissian, Takvor, Harilaos Kontoyiannis, Flora Karathanasi, and Kostas Belibassakis. "The Aegean Sea: Wind Waves and Tides." In The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2020.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Wind-tides"
Tolman, Hendrik L. "Propagation of Wind Waves on Tides." In 21st International Conference on Coastal Engineering. New York, NY: American Society of Civil Engineers, 1989.
Full textTolman, Hendrik L. "North Sea Wind Waves on Tides and Storm Surges." In 22nd International Conference on Coastal Engineering. New York, NY: American Society of Civil Engineers, 1991.
Full textDighe, Kalpak A., Craig A. Tepley, Raul Garcia, and Jonathan Friedman. "The Arecibo Observatory Daytime Lidar : Preliminary Results." In Optical Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere. Washington, D.C.: Optica Publishing Group, 1993.
Full textIllarionova, Margarita, and Margarita Illarionova. "THE INFLUENCE OF SEA ICE ON THE SEA COAST OF SHANTAR ISLANDS." In Managing risks to coastal regions and communities in a changing world. Academus Publishing, 2017.
Full textIllarionova, Margarita, and Margarita Illarionova. "THE INFLUENCE OF SEA ICE ON THE SEA COAST OF SHANTAR ISLANDS." In Managing risks to coastal regions and communities in a changing world. Academus Publishing, 2017.
Full textRahman, Mosfequr, Mohammad Bashar, Gustavo Molina, Valentin Soloiu, and Travis Salyers. "Numerical Investigation on Vertical Axis Wind Turbine in Search for an Efficient Design." In ASME 2015 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2015.
Full textCifuentes, Cristian, Gonzalo Tampier, Alonso Echevarría, and Carlos Felipe Hurtado. "Determination of Mooring Load Levels on a Cage Designed for Exposed Aquaculture in Chile." In ASME 2023 42nd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2023.
Full textKorablina, Anastasia, Anastasia Korablina, Victor Arkhipkin, Victor Arkhipkin, Sergey Dobrolyubov, Sergey Dobrolyubov, Stanislav Myslenkov, and Stanislav Myslenkov. "MODELING STORM SURGES AND WAVE CLIMATE IN THE WHITE AND BARENTS SEAS." In Managing risks to coastal regions and communities in a changing world. Academus Publishing, 2017.
Full textKorablina, Anastasia, Anastasia Korablina, Victor Arkhipkin, Victor Arkhipkin, Sergey Dobrolyubov, Sergey Dobrolyubov, Stanislav Myslenkov, and Stanislav Myslenkov. "MODELING STORM SURGES AND WAVE CLIMATE IN THE WHITE AND BARENTS SEAS." In Managing risks to coastal regions and communities in a changing world. Academus Publishing, 2017.
Full textReports on the topic "Wind-tides"
Hart, Kate, Jodi Lejeune, Rebecca Beavers, Sam Whitin, Christopher Overcash, Monique LaFrance Bartley, and Suzie Boltz. National Park Service beach nourishment guidance (second edition). National Park Service, May 2023.
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