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Seminar on Hidden Symmetry of Physical Structures, Recipe of Weyl (2nd 1996 Rzeszów, Poland). Proceedings of the Second Seminar on Hidden Symmetry of Physical Structures, Recipe of Weyl, Rzeszów, November 1996. Edited by Wal A and Kuźma M. Rzeszów: Wydawn. Wyższej Szkoły Pedagogicznej, 1997.

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Well-structured mathematical logic. Durham, North Carolina: Carolina Academic Press, 2013.

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Molin, Bernard. Hydrodynamique des structures offshore. Paris: Editions Technip, 2002.

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Shi, Wei. Quantum well structures for infrared photodetection. Hauppauge, N.Y: Nova Science Publishers, 2009.

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Shi, Wei. Quantum well structures for infrared photodetection. Hauppauge, N.Y: Nova Science Publishers, 2009.

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Bakhoum, Mourad M., and Juan A. Sobrino, eds. Case Studies of Rehabilitation, Repair, Retrofitting, and Strengthening of Structures. Zurich, Switzerland: International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering (IABSE), 2010.

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<p>This document provides case studies of structural rehabilita-tion, repair, retrofitting, strengthening, and upgrading of structures, which might be encompassed – in short – by the convenient umbrella terms “Conservation / Upgrading of Existing Structures”. The selected studies presented in this SED cover a variety of structural types from different countries.</p> <p>Strengthening and rehabilitation of structures is usually a challenge because of uncertainties associated with old struc-tures and difficulties due to restrictions on the geometry and materials used, as well as other structural or functional con-straints. When repairing an existing structure the engineers involved have plenty of possibilities, lots of constraints, and in some cases there are no applicable codes. Strengthening and rehabilitating is sometimes a complex and exciting work; an art.</p> <p>The book is a summary of practices to help structural engineers. The reader of this book will discover different approaches to put forward strengthening or rehabilitation projects. Even identical technical problems could have very different efficient solutions, as discussed in the papers, considering structural, environmental, economic factors, as well as contractor and designer experience, materials, etc.</p>
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Choudhry, M. A. Optical studies of double well structure. Manchester: UMIST, 1994.

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Tuhfatullin, Boris. Nonlinear problems of structural mechanics. Methods of optimal design of structures. ru: INFRA-M Academic Publishing LLC., 2021.

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The textbook discusses methods of optimal design of structures, including methods for minimizing the functions of one and several variables; methods for solving linear and nonlinear programming problems; examples of optimal design of flat steel frames with elements made of rolled and composite I-beams. It is intended for students studying in the specialty 08.05.01 "Construction of unique buildings and structures", undergraduates studying in the training program "Modern technologies of design and construction of buildings and structures", studying the discipline "Nonlinear problems of structural mechanics", as well as for postgraduates of the direction 08.06.01 " Engineering and construction technologies. Construction of buildings and structures", studying the discipline "Construction Mechanics".
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Pelke, Eberhard, and Eugen Brühwiler, eds. Engineering History and Heritage Structures – Viewpoints and Approaches. Zurich, Switzerland: International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering (IABSE), 2017.

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The present Structural Engineering Document (SED) is a compilation of contributions devoted to the vast topic of history of structural engineering as well as interventions on heritage structures and structures of high cultural values. Various, some-times opposed, viewpoints and approaches are expressed and presented. The rather heterogeneous and controversial nature of the content of this SED shall stimulate lively discus-sions within the structural engineering community who needs to increase the awareness of historical and cultural aspects of structures and structural engineering. Current structural engineering methods and practice are only at the very begin-ning of effective engineering, really integrating historical and cultural aspects in the assessment of existing structures and in intervention projects to adapt or modify structures of cultural values for future demands. Knowing the past is indispensable for modern structural engineering!
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Anderson, John E., Christian Bucher, Bruno Briseghella, Xin Ruan, and Tobia Zordan, eds. Sustainable Structural Engineering. Zurich, Switzerland: International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering (IABSE), 2015.

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<p>Sustainability is the defining challenge for engineers in the twenty-first century. In addition to safe, economic, and effi-cient structures, a new criterion, sustainable, must be met. Furthermore, this new design paradigm–addressing social, economic, and environmental aspects–requires prompt action. In particular, mitigation of climate change requires sustainable solutions for new as well as existing structures. Taking from both practice and research, this book provides engineers with applicable, timely, and innovative information on the state-of-the-art in sustainable structural design. <p>This Structural Engineering Document addresses safety and regulations, integration concepts, and a sustainable approach to structural design. Life-cycle assessment is presented as a critical tool to quantify design options, and the importance of existing structures–in particular cultural heritage structures–is critically reviewed. Consideration is also given to bridge design and maintenance, structural reassessment, and disaster risk reduction. Finally, the importance of environmentally friendly concrete is examined. Consequently, structural engineers are shown to have the technical proficiency, as well as ethical imperative, to lead in designing a sustainable future.
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Collins, Stephen. Theoretical studies of wavepacket propagation in semiconductor quantum well structures. [s.l.]: typescript, 1986.

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Jóźwiak, Waldemar, and Tomasz Ernst. Study of geological structures containing well-conductive complexes in Poland. Warszawa: Instytut Geofizyki Polskiej Akademii Nauk, 2000.

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Bai, Yong. Subsea engineering handbook. Burlington, MA: Gulf Professional Pub., 2012.

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Kenny, J. P. Protection of offshore installations against impact: Background report. London: H.M.S.O., 1988.

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Reggio, Villere. Rigs-to-reefs: The use of obsolete petroleum structures as artificial reefs. New Orleans, La: U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Gulf of Mexico OCS Regional Office, 1987.

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Reggio, Villere. Rigs-to-reefs: The use of obsolete petroleum structures as artificial reefs. New Orleans, La: U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Gulf of Mexico OCS Regional Office, 1987.

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Reggio, Villere. Rigs-to-reefs: The use of obsolete petroleum structures as artificial reefs. New Orleans, La: U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Gulf of Mexico OCS Regional Office, 1987.

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Reggio, Villere. Rigs-to-reefs: The use of obsolete petroleum structures as artificial reefs. New Orleans, La: U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Gulf of Mexico OCS Regional Office, 1987.

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Reggio, Villere. Rigs-to-reefs: The use of obsolete petroleum structures as artificial reefs. New Orleans, La: U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Gulf of Mexico OCS Regional Office, 1987.

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Reggio, Villere C. Rigs-to-reefs: The use of obsolete petroleum structures as artificial reefs. New Orleans, La: U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Gulf of Mexico OCS Regional Office, 1987.

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Mikkelsen, Hȧkon. Optoelectronic modulators in bulk, multiple quantum well and superlattice semiconductor structures. Aachen: Verlag Shaker, 1994.

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Special Offshore Symposium China (1994 Beijing, China). The proceedings of the Special Offshore Symposium China: China/Asia offshore developments, offshore and shallow water oil/gas developments, structure analysis, hydrodynamics, fluid-structure interaction and ice. Golden, Colo: International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers, 1994.

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Grant, Eryk. Unemployment and psychological well-being: A linear structural analysis. London: NELP, 1986.

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The well-decorated garden: Making outdoor ornaments and accents. Asheville, N.C: Lark Books, 1999.

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Wiener, Richard Witt. Detailed studies of selected, well-exposed fracture zones in the Adirondack Mountains Dome, N.Y. Washington, D.C: U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 1987.

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Wiener, R. W. Detailed studies of selected, well-exposed fracture zones in the Adirondack Mountains Dome, N.Y. Washington, D.C: U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 1987.

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Brendle, D. L. Geophysical logging to determine construction, contributing zones, and appropriate use of water levels measured in confined-aquifer network wells, San Luis Valley, Colorado, 1998-2000. Denver, Colo: U.S. Dept. of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, 2002.

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Qiang, Bai, ed. Subsea engineering handbook. Burlington, MA: Gulf Professional Pub., 2010.

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Leviatan, Uri. Effects of intra-community inequality in kibbutzim on their members' well-being and health. Haifa: Institute for Research and Study of the Kibbutz and the Cooperative Idea, University of Haifa, 2009.

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La somnolencia de la razón: Reflexiones sobre organización social, economía y bienestar en tiempos de crisis. Madrid: Biblioteca Nueva, 2011.

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Shapiro, H. D. How to program well: A collection of case studies. Burr Ridge, Ill: Irwin, 1994.

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Halekotte, Wilhelm. Stadt Werl 1600-1700: Das historische Stadtmodell und weiterführende Erkenntnisse zur Stadtgeschichte. Werl: A. Stein, 1999.

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Erickson, P. Oil-based drilling muds: Off structure monitoring--Beaufort Sea. Sidney, B.C: Seakem Oceanography, 1988.

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Bachmann, Hugo, and Walter Ammann. Vibrations in Structures. Zurich, Switzerland: International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering (IABSE), 1987.

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<p>«Vibrations in Structures» concentrates on vibrations in structures as excited by human motion or machine operation. Man-induced vibrations may arise from walking, running, skipping, dancing, etc. They occur mostly in pedestrian structures, office buildings, gym­nasia and sports halls, dancing and concert halls, stadia, etc. Existing publications treat by and large some isolated aspects of the problem; the present one attempts, for the first time, a systematic survey of man-induced vibrations. Machine-induced vibrations occur during the operation of all sorts of machinery and tools with rotating, oscillating or thrusting parts. The study concentrates rather on small and medium size machinery placed on floors of industrial buildings and creating a potential source of undesirable vibrations. The associ­ated questions have rarely been tackled to date; they entail probiems similar to those of man-induced vibrations.</p> <p>The book is consciously intended to serve the practising structural engineer and not primarily the dynamic specialist. It should be noted that its aim is not to provide directions on how to perform comprehensive dynamic computations. Instead, it attempts the following:</p> <ol> <li>to show where dynamic problems could occur and where a word of caution is good advice;</li> <li>to further the understanding of the phenomena encountered as well as of the underlying principles;</li> <li>to impart the basic knowledge for assessing the dynamic behaviour of the structures or structural elements;</li> <li>to describe suitable measures, both preventive to be applied in the design stage and remedial in the case of rehabilitation.</li> </ol>
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Mosesov, Marat. Fundamentals of metal science and welding. ru: INFRA-M Academic Publishing LLC., 2021.

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The textbook discusses the properties of metals used in construction, methods of their production and processing, as well as methods and technical means of performing welded joints. The presented material meets the requirements of the federal state educational standards of higher education of the latest generation and the programs of the courses "Technology of structural materials" and "Metal Science and Welding", taught to students of the faculties "Industrial and Civil Engineering", "Hydraulic Engineering", "Heat and Gas Supply and Ventilation", "Construction of unique buildings and structures", as well as to first-year students of the Faculty" Mechanization, Automation and Electrification of Construction " and undergraduates studying the course of metal structures and technologies of structural materials. It will be useful for students in mastering the lecture material, conducting laboratory work and completing diploma projects, as well as for students of advanced training courses and retraining of construction specialists.
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Dellagiarino, George. The resource evaluation program: Structure and mission on the outer continental shelf. Herndon, VA: U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Resource Evaluation Division, 1998.

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Jin hai kai fa ji shu ci dian: English Chinese dictionary of offshore technology. Taibei Shi: Ming shan chu ban she, 1986.

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Keller, Thomas. Use of fibre reinforced polymers in bridge construction. Zurich, Switzerland: International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering (IABSE), 2003.

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<p>The aim of the present Structural Engineering Document, a state-of-the-art report, is to review the progress made worldwide in the use of fibre rein­forced polymers as structural components in bridges until the end of the year 2000.<p> Due to their advantageous material properties such as high specific strength, a large tolerance for frost and de-icing salts and, furthermore, short installation times with minimum traffic interference, fibre reinforced polymers have matured to become valuable alternative building materials for bridge structures. Today, fibre reinforced polymers are manufactured industrially to semi-finished products and ccimplete structural components, which can be easily and quickly installed or erected on site.<p> Examples of semi-finished products and structural components available are flexible tension elements, profiles stiff in bending and sandwich panels. As tension elements, especially for the purpose of strengthening, strips and sheets are available, as weil as reinforcing bars for concrete reinforcement and prestressing members for internal prestressing or external use. Profiles are available for beams and columns, and sandwich constructions especially for bridge decks. During the manufacture of the structural components fibre-optic sensors for continuous monitoring can be integrated in the materials. Adhesives are being used more and more for joining com­ponents.<p> Fibre reinforced polymers have been used in bridge construction since the mid-1980s, mostly for the strengthening of existing structures, and increas­ingly since the mid-1990s as pilot projects for new structures. In the case of new structures, three basic types of applications can be distinguished: concrete reinforcement, new hybrid structures in combination with traditional construction materials, and all-composite applications, in which the new materials are used exclusively.<p> This Structural Engineering Document also includes application and research recommendations with particular reference to Switzerland.<p> This book is aimed at both students and practising engineers, working in the field of fibre reinforced polymers, bridge design, construction, repair and strengthening.
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Hadid, Zaha. LF one: Landscape Formation one in Weil am Rhein, Germany. Basel: Birkhäuser, 1999.

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Bengtsson, Staffan. Studies on structures and properties of soluble cell-well polysaccharides in rye and barley. Uppsala: Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Dept. of Food Science, 1991.

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Doran, Laura Dover. The well-decorated garden: 50 ornaments and accents to make for your outdoor room. New York: Lark Books, 2001.

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Delouche, Cliff. Investigation of loss of well control, Eugene Island Block 277, OCS-G 10744 Well A-2, July 6, 2001. New Orleans: U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Gulf of Mexico OCS Regional Office, 2002.

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Delouche, Cliff. Investigation of loss of well control, Eugene Island Block 277, OCS-G 10744 Well A-2, July 6, 2001. New Orleans: U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region, 2002.

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Delouche, Cliff. Investigation of loss of well control, Eugene Island Block 277, OCS-G 10744 Well A-2, July 6, 2001. New Orleans: U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region, 2002.

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Delouche, Cliff. Investigation of loss of well control, Eugene Island Block 277, OCS-G 10744 Well A-2, July 6, 2001. New Orleans: U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region, 2002.

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SetkovSerbin, Evgeniy. Building structures. Calculation and design. ru: INFRA-M Academic Publishing LLC., 2021.

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The textbook outlines the basics of designing and calculating the simplest and most widely used load-bearing structures in construction practice. Meets the requirements of the federal state educational standards of secondary vocational education of the latest generation. It is intended for students and teachers of construction colleges and technical schools, as well as other secondary vocational educational institutions that train specialists in construction specialties, primarily in the specialty 08.02.01 "Construction and operation of buildings and structures" with all its specializations of the basic level. It may be of interest to students of higher education, where the discipline "Building structures" is included in the curriculum, but is not a profile. It can be useful for construction technicians engaged in production activities or design work in the field of new construction or reconstruction in the housing and communal complex, especially in small businesses.
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Ying Han jin hai ji shu ci hui. Beijing: Hai yang chu ban she, 1985.

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Operations, International Workshop on Composite Materials for Offshore. Composite materials for offshore operations: Proceedings of the First International Workshop. Boulder, Colo: U.S. Department of Commerce, Technology Administration, National Institute of Standards and Technology, 1995.

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Platte, Hartmut. 128 Jahre Kapelle St. Maria Magdalena: 75 Jahre St. Josephs-Verein Niederbergstrasse : Jubiläumsschrift, ein Rückblick im Jahr 2000. Werl: St. Josephs-Verein, 2000.

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Ferreira, Doneivan F. Decommissioning of offshore oil and gas installations: Economic and fiscal issues. Campinas, SP, Brazil: Editora Komedi, 2005.

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