Books on the topic 'Weak instrument'
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Mikusheva, Anna. Robust confidence sets in the presence of weak instruments. Cambridge, MA: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Economics, 2007.
Find full textMikusheva, Anna. Robust confidence sets in the presence of weak instruments. Cambridge, MA: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Economics, 2007.
Find full textMikusheva, Anna. Robust confidence sets in the presence of weak instruments. Cambridge, MA: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Economics, 2007.
Find full textTarifliche Arbeitszeitpolitik--ein Instrument der Beschäftigungspolitik? Frankfurt am Main: P. Lang, 1989.
Find full textChelimsky, Eleanor. Medical devices: Underreporting of problems, backlogged systems, and weak statutory support. [Washington, D.C.]: U.S. General Accounting Office, 1989.
Find full textAnalogien zur Bibel im Werk Büchners: Religiöse Sprache als sozialkritisches Instrument. Frankfurt am Main: P. Lang, 1996.
Find full textEdskes, Cor H. Arp Schnitger und sein Werk: Bildband mit den erhaltenen Orgeln und Prospekten Arp Schnitgers. Bremen: Hauschild, 2009.
Find full textWaldura, Markus. Monomotivik, Sequenz und Sonatenform im Werk Robert Schumanns. Saarbrücken: Saarbrücker Druckerei und Verlag, 1990.
Find full textSchindler, Jürgen-Peter. Der Nürnberger Orgelbau des 17. Jahrhunderts: Leben und Werk der Nürnberger Stadtorgelmacher Steffan Cuntz und Nicolaus Manderscheidt. Michaelstein/Blankenburg: Institut für Aufführungspraxis, 1991.
Find full textSuppan, Wolfgang. Werk und Wirkung: Musikwissenschaft als Menschen- und Kulturgüterforschung. Tutzing: Hans Schneider, 2000.
Find full textJosef, Hopfenzitz, ed. Die Baumeister-Orgel von 1737 in der Klosterkirche Maihingen: Erbauer, Werk und Restaurierung, 1988/90. Nördlingen: F. Steinmeier, 1991.
Find full textTheobald, Hans-Wolfgang. Der Ostheimer Orgelbauer Johann Georg Markert und sein Werk: Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des Orgelbaus in Thüringen im 19. Jahrhundert. Tutzing: H. Schneider, 1990.
Find full textFriedrich, Jakob, ed. Die Valeria Orgel: Ein gotisches Werk in der Burgkirche zu Sitten/Sion. Zürich: Verlag der Fachvereine, 1991.
Find full textRenger, Jens. Im Labyrinth der "poetischen Idee": Werk- und rezeptionsästhetische Studien zur Instrumentalmusik des frühen Beethoven. Sinzig: Studio Verlag, 2003.
Find full text1953-, Schramm Michael, ed. Dokumentation zum Symposium Hans Felix Husadel--Werk, Wirken, Wirkung. Bonn: Militärmusikdienst der Bundeswehr, [2006], 2006.
Find full textKnoch-Mund, Gaby. Disputationsliteratur als Instrument antijüdischer Polemik: Leben und Werk des Marcus Lombardus, eines Grenzgängers zwischen Judentum und Christentum im Zeitalter des deutschen Humanismus. Tübingen: Francke, 1997.
Find full textKarg-Elert, Sigfrid. Sixty-six chorale-improvisations: Op. 65. Boca Raton, Fla: Masters Music Publications, 1995.
Find full textZhou, Zhong-Rong. Dental Biotribology. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2013.
Find full textMoehler, Michael. Pure Instrumental Morality. Oxford University Press, 2018.
Full textSajó, András, and Renáta Uitz. Constitutions and Constitutionalism. Oxford University Press, 2017.
Full textTschirgi, Necla, and Cedric de Coning. The Challenge of Sustaining Peace. Oxford University Press, 2018.
Full textMacuane, Jose Jaime, and Carlos Muianga. Natural resources, institutions, and economic transformation in Mozambique. UNU-WIDER, 2020.
Full textEdling, Max M. Perfecting the Union. Oxford University Press, 2021.
Full textA new test machine for measuring friction and wear in controlled atmospheres to 1200 ⁰C. [Washington, D.C.]: NASA, 1990.
Find full textLee, Melissa M. Crippling Leviathan. Cornell University Press, 2020.
Full textThe Tyne and Wear Passenger Transport (Sunderland) Order 1998 (Statutory Instruments: 1998: 3269). The Stationery Office Books (Agencies), 1999.
Find full textMurphy, Liam. The Normative Force of Law. Oxford University Press, 2018.
Full textDer Tod Der Primadonna: Der Mensch ALS Instrument Im Literarischen Werk E. T. A. Hoffmanns. Peter Lang Publishing, 2003.
Find full textBritain, Great. Sunderland City Council (Sunderland Strategic Transport Corridor - New Wear Bridge) Scheme 2014 Confirmation Instrument 2015. Stationery Office, The, 2015.
Find full textBritain, Great. Sunderland City Council (Sunderland Strategic Transport Corridor - New Wear Bridge) Scheme 2009 Confirmation Instrument 2012. Stationery Office, The, 2012.
Find full textBritain, Great. The Local Government Reorganisation (Property) (Tyne and Wear) Order 1988 (Statutory Instruments: 1988: 1093). Stationery Office Books, 1988.
Find full textKindt, Tom, and Victor Lindblom, eds. Lukas Bärfuss. edition text + kritik im Richard Boorberg Verlag, 2020.
Full textBritain, Great. Sunderland City Council (Riverside Sunderland - New River Wear High Level Footbridge) Scheme 2020 Confirmation Instrument 2021. Stationery Office, The, 2021.
Find full textBritain, Great. The Tyne and Wear Development Corporation (Area and Constitution) Order 1987 (Statutory Instruments: 1987: 924). Stationery Office Books, 1987.
Find full textBritain, Great. The Local Government Reorganisation (Debt Administration) (Tyne and Wear) Order 1986 (Statutory Instruments: 1986: 501). Stationery Office Books, 1986.
Find full textBeeldvorming, instrument, actie: Gedachten over besturen en bestuurskunde naar aanleiding van het werk van prof.dr. Jan Kooiman. Van Gorcum, 1996.
Find full textBritain, Great. Sunderland City Council (Sunderland Strategic Transport Corridor - Temporary Works New Wear Bridge) Scheme 2009 Confirmation Instrument 2012. Stationery Office, The, 2012.
Find full textThe Agricultural Wages Committees (Cleveland, Durham, Northumberland and Tyne and Wear) Order 1989 (Statutory Instrument: 1989: 1173.). Stationery Office Books, 1989.
Find full textMoehler, Michael. Rational Choice Contractualism. Oxford University Press, 2018.
Full textThe Durham and Tyne and Wear (County and District Boundaries) Order 1992 (Statutory Instruments: 1992: 3054). Stationery Office Books, 1992.
Find full textThe Northumberland and Tyne and Wear (County and District Boundaries) Order 1992 (Statutory Instruments: 1992: 3055). Stationery Office Books, 1992.
Find full textMandelbaum, Michael. The Four Ages of American Foreign Policy. Oxford University Press, 2022.
Full textJesse, Eschbach, and Association Cavaillé-Coll (Paris), eds. Aristide Cavaillé-Coll: Aspects of his life and work = aspects de sa vie et de son oeuvre = Aspekte zu Leben und Werk. Paderborn: Verlag Peter Ewers, 2003.
Find full textThe Durham and Tyne and Wear (County and District) (Boundaries) (Variation) Order 1993 (Statutory Instruments: 1993: 3129). Stationery Office Books, 1993.
Find full textThe Durham, Northumberland and Tyne and Wear (County and District Boundaries) Order 1992 (Statutory Instruments: 1992: 3050). Stationery Office Books, 1992.
Find full textCust, James. The Role of Governance and International Norms in Managing Natural Resources. Oxford University Press, 2018.
Full textGlixon, Jonathan E. Daily Offices and More. Oxford University Press, 2017.
Full textLomazzi, Vera, and Isabella Crespi. Gender Mainstreaming and Gender Equality in Europe. Policy Press, 2019.
Full textMartinez, Luis. The State in North Africa. Oxford University Press, 2020.
Full textBarbalet, Jack. The Theory of Guanxi and Chinese Society. Oxford University Press, 2021.
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