Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Vray'
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Горбатенко, Д. В., and Олена Анатоліївна Глібко. "Розробка віртуальної іміджевої продукції з елементами 3D моделювання." Thesis, НТУ "ХПІ", 2012. http://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/3342.
Full textBoulet, Vincent. ""Car France estoit leur vray heritage" : le gouvernement du royaume français d'Henri VI (1422-1436)." Paris 1, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010PA010722.
Full textLapointe, Francis. "Analyse sémantique et description lexicographique de marqueurs pragmatiques construits avec VRAI en français québécois vraiment, pas vraiment, pour de vrai, pour dire vrai, à vrai dire et à dire vrai /." [S.l. : s.n.], 2005.
Find full textLapointe, Francis. "Analyse sémantique et description lexicographique de marqueurs pragmatiques construits avec VRAI en français québécois vraiment, pas vraiment, pour de vrai, pour dire vrai, à vrai dire et à dire vrai." Mémoire, Université de Sherbrooke, 2005. http://savoirs.usherbrooke.ca/handle/11143/2455.
Full textLagouarde, Clément. "Le "pour de vrai" et le "vrai" en art performance : fiction vs trace." Thesis, Bordeaux 3, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018BOR30017/document.
Full textPerformance art is a contemporary art is hard to define but which can be described as an action made an audience by a performance artist who, in contrast to the traditional theater, is the artist himself is inflicting sometimes real physical injuries. This art questions the 'like true' and the 'true' and seems less fictitious than traditional theater because blood’s physical injuries is 'true' and that he uses his trace as evidence (video recordings, sound recordings, photographs, objects, sketches, written, etc.). If the fiction and the trace seem opposed, because the first is an invention (the "like true") the other is a sustainable living action (the ' true') element, performance art then would think these two concepts not as opposites but as Horn related. As performance art, object of study here, presents his trail as a perennial element of a more or less invented action: as the 'true' including the border with the "like true" can be questioned. This thesis argues its assumptions through a comparative part between performance art and theatrical art, with as problematic fiction that seems opposite to 'true'. And a second consequential part on the possible "like true" of the trace, which allows the study of three epistemological traces : memory, writing, and trifle through respective examples of performance artists
De, Graeve Peter. "Verites crues. Les originaux du vrai." Université Marc Bloch (Strasbourg) (1971-2008), 1995. http://www.theses.fr/1995STR20049.
Full textStudy of the notion of truth (aletheia) in the works of martin heidegger. Elaboration of a text-theory, destined to counter, following a so-called 'complex' strategy of reading or interpreting, the fundamental oppositions in the philosophy of being. Renewal of the reading of greek philosophy (presocratics, plato, aristotle) and introduction of a new interpretation of the greek concept of truth
Buchta, Jan. "Optimalizace chlazení RD využívajícího zemní vrty." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta stavební, 2015. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-227800.
Full textLažek, Tomáš. "Pohon garážových vrat s asynchronním motorem." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta elektrotechniky a komunikačních technologií, 2019. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-401961.
Full textBendixon, Karl. "Faktorer som påverkar kostnadskalkyl vid vraksanering." Thesis, Linnéuniversitetet, Sjöfartshögskolan, SJÖ, 2012. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:lnu:diva-18919.
Full textKofakis, Petros-Alexis. "Prise et reconnaissance des objets en vrac." Grenoble 2 : ANRT, 1986. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb37598777h.
Full textKofakis, Petros-Alexis. "Prise et connaissance des objets en vrac." Paris 11, 1986. http://www.theses.fr/1986PA112316.
Full textThis thesis presents a complete solution to the problem of acquiring and recognizing an object among a set of randomly oriented objects in a bin, using range data. The system uses the information from a laser range-finder in order to isolate a workpiece, or more generally, a part of a workpiece to be handled by a robot. The position, orientation and aperture of the gripper are then calculated in such a way so as to optimize the success of prehension. The workpiece is then grasped and "shown" to the 30 system in order to recognize it, and determine its position and orientation relative to the robot hand. The recognition and localization are done with the use of very sparse information. This information is the coordinates of a set of points measured on the object's surface, plus an estimation of the surface normal direction at these points. The problem is formulated as a least-squares minimization problem, using just the geometric constraints available from object models
He, Qiwei. "Le dire-vrai chrétien selon Michel Foucault." Thesis, Lyon, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019LYSEN075/document.
Full textThe Foucaldian reading of the Church Fathers in the 1980s occupies a central place in his project of genealogy of the modern subject. One of its most important axes is the analysis of the Christian notion of truth-telling. The formation of an analytic discourse of self, combined with the obligation of total obedience to the other, is an essential part of Christian subjectivity. Our analysis focuses on the various forms of the basic obligation to manifest one's truth in the three Christian practices of baptism, penance, and the direction of consciousness. We propose a critical reading of the Foucauldian analysis of the Christian truth-telling in the course of 1980, On the Government of the living, Wrong-doing, Truth-telling and Confessions of the Flesh, by examining the singularity of its method compared to historians. We also retrace the evolution of the way Foucault problematizes his analysis of Christianity and broadens the historical context. Finally, we propose a comparative reading of the notion of truth-telling both in Confucian philosophy and early Christianity
Mixter, Jeffrey. "Linked Data in VRA Core 4.0: Converting VRA XML Records into RDF/XML." Kent State University / OhioLINK, 2013. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=kent1366642050.
Full textBelcikowski, Christine. "Mimêsis et Alêtheia ou une poétique du vrai." Paris 12, 1999. http://www.theses.fr/1999PA120076.
Full textSöder, Robert, and Magnus Liljerås. "VRA-PROGRAMVARA MED TILLHÖRANDE STYRELEKTRONIK." Thesis, Örebro universitet, Institutionen för naturvetenskap och teknik, 2013. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:oru:diva-32366.
Full textBeijerstam, Emma, and Frida Sköldefalk. ""Från vrak till världsklass" : En studie om Vasamuseets marknadsföring." Thesis, University of Kalmar, Baltic Business School, 2010. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:lnu:diva-2385.
Full textSverige har ett stort utbud av besöksmål och kan erbjuda människor många och varierande upplevelser. Det medför att en hård konkurrens förekommer på marknaden om att locka besökare. En attraktion måste därför kunna erbjuda något unik som lockar till intresse och skapar en medvetenhet hos den potentiella besökaren. För att få en kund att besöka en specifik attraktion krävs även att kunden får ett värde vid besöket som resulterar i en minnesvärd upplevelse. Marknadsföring är ett viktigt verktyg för att på ett effektivt sätt kunna kommunicera det unika med en attraktion till den tänkta besökaren. Vasamuseet är ett unikt besöksmål som erhåller regalskeppet Vasa som deras primära sevärdhet. Museet har över en miljon besökare varje år och är ett av Sveriges attraktivaste besöksmål.
Syftet med denna studie är att klargöra och diskutera hur Vasamuseets marknadsföring organiseras med tanke på deras unika attraktion. Uppsatsen riktar sig främst till potentiella besökare men likväl till människor som tidigare besökt Vasamuseet. Detta för att skapa en förståelse och förhoppningsvis ett intresse kring hur museets marknadsföring organiseras för att kunna nå ut till omvärlden som de i högsta grad är en del av. Uppsatsen utgick från en induktiv ansats med kvalitativa djupintervjuer. De respondenter som är förekommande i studien innefattar fem anställda på Vasamuseet som besitter betydande kunskap för vårt forskningsämne.
Uppsatsens slutsats visar på att personlig försäljning är ett väl användbart marknadsföringsverktyg för Vasamuseet att nå ut till sina besökare. Personlig försäljning lämpar sig bäst då museet främst marknadsför sig genom workshops utomlands i och med att deras primära marknader finns utanför Sveriges gränser.
Raflin, Marie-France. ""Socialisme ou barbarie" : du vrai communisme à la radicalité." Paris, Institut d'études politiques, 2005. https://spire.sciencespo.fr/notice/2441/53r60a8s3kup1vc9kd4rhb0q4.
Full textFrom real communism to radicality ? Was the identity of the journal and the group " Socialisme ou barbarie " intellectual or political ? Analysis of the review and in-depth interviews supports the second interpretation ; however the subsequent intellectual itineraries of ex-members provide a contrasting vision of the group. Political and social itineraries were able to be retraced in detail ; as a specific generational entity, the group was atypical within its political generation by its radical rejection - both of the burgeoning communist regimes of Central Europe - and of the USSR, of which criticism had been conceived previously - and of communists in opposition, an attitude that was rare among exponents of the extreme left. In addition to this constant was the importance given to independent organisation, but the group gradually distanced itself from the simple " working man " point of view which besides had revealed the widening gulf betwween communists and the working classes. The result of the entity perpetual evolution was the abandon of its original Marxist dimension - and of its prior militancy to become quite exclusively aradical thinking and exchanging group around a journal
Danino, Philippe. "Le meilleur ou le vrai : Spinoza et l'idée de philosophie." Thesis, Paris 1, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013PA010675.
Full textBeing accused by Albert Burgh of appraising his own philosophy as the best above all others, Spinoza rectified : only the philosophy he could understand did he know as true. But vainly will one seek any authentic definition, in his works, of the idea of philosophy, or an overall programme of rational knowledge, such as Bacon, Descartes or Hobbes endeavored to make out. Can one find in Spinoza a specific, singular indeed conception of the idea of Philosophy ? Studying occurrences, the nature of the definition, eventually what the change from the prospective title Philosophy to that of Ethics may signify, generates as many indications about an idea of philosophy conceived as a praxis of distinction, or, as Althusser would say, as activity consisting of drawing boundaries. But a very idea of philosophy constitutes itself by this movement, and only by this movement, namely via necessary relations with what, a priori, is not itself : the vulgar, the ignorant, the theologian, the sovereign. In other words the idea of philosophy generates itself within a system of singular encounters. Analyzing their fruits enables one, then, to recompose the idea of “true philosophy”: it is firstly that of a practice of producing ideas (understanding, philosophizing with rectitude, speaking as philosopher) and of communicating them (speaking to the “vulgar”, to the sovereign, disseminating as philosopher). Finally something like a philosophic natural disposition comes to light, an effort experienced in an exultation proper to the “true philosopher”, who is already wise by virtue of his movement toward perfection and his growing power
Faydel, Josette. "Les jeux du vrai et du faux "je" : une photobiographie." Paris 1, 1992. http://www.theses.fr/1992PA010573.
Full textOnly short fragments of photobiographies existed before. The author presents herself as the Marcel Duchamp's adopted grand-daughter, a ready-made one. M. D. Would be a harbinger of the style, with a conference given in the U. S. A. : apropos of myself. This peculiar kind of self-biography plays with the eye of a theater photographer, turned towards what can be seen, avoidind therefore the III celebration, that duchamp rejected. The sequences of images take other biographies, of writters and artists, on which the exjournalist inquieres. The multiple "I" is looking for a lost completude, white king on a black square of a starting chess game. One of the two east-west poles is Japan, other sort of the elsewhere otherwise. The journey is incribed in an eight squares french window, reminding duchamp's fresh widow, which blindness is a repeated theme for the apprentice absolute voyeur. The one whose name is partly fay, in other terms : beech, can see, throughout her real window, a red beech, carrying all the written pages like new leaves. There is a ninth added part, that offers four photographic possible ways to end the game. Nine being the number of the cosmical tree, announces a new cycle
Dekdouk, Abdelkader. "Modèles algébriques pour le parallélisme vrai et le raffinement d'actions." Nancy 1, 1997. http://www.theses.fr/1997NAN10188.
Full textThis work fits into the process algebra framework. Its goal is twofold. Firstly, to define algebraic models for true-concurrency and secondly to extend these models with action refinement concept. We begin by defining two operational models of true-concurrency for an extension of an ACPlike language. True-concurrency of the first model rests on the causality principle and assumes instantaneity of action occurrences. While the second one is based on the ST idea assuming that action occurrences are durable. Then we establish for each operational model its corresponding algebraic model for which it is proved correct and complete. These models define pro cess algebras that provide formalisms to express explicitly a true-concurrent behaviour, in addition to their ability of algebraic verification. The second step of this work is the semantic definition of action refinement operator within both the defined causal and ST models. The action refinement operator permits to relate specifications at different levels of abstraction by implementing an abstract action with a concrete activity. Hence it introduces the notion of vertical modularity which is very relevant for the design of action systems. We finalise this work by enriching both the true-concurrent models including action refinement with the mechanism of abstraction w. R. T unobservable actions, following the abstraction principles stated by the observational equivalence of Milner and the branching equivalence of Van Glabbeek and Weijland. As far as we know this mechanism constitutes a crucial tool for the verification of reactive systems
Chareix, Fabien. "La Vraye et saine philosophie de Christian Huygens (1629-1695)." Paris 10, 1999. http://www.theses.fr/1999PA100148.
Full textSéroussi, Valérie. "De la théologie à la politique : le moment socialiste vrai." Paris 1, 1997. http://www.theses.fr/1997PA010506.
Full textThe present work, based on my reading of die Rheinischen Jahrbucher and das deutsche Burgerbuch, is an attempt at rediscovering true socialism healed of the Marxian-Engelsian injury. It is a question of reviving a historical moment, when socialism, born in Germany of French communism, was not yet embodied in marxism. The debate on the relationship between German socialism and theology is therfore redefined around moses heb who considered society to be sacred
Koudela, Michal. "Návrh na zefektivnění procesu obrábění válcové součásti pro ropné vrty." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta strojního inženýrství, 2015. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-231121.
Full textMoore, Courtney Elyse. "Upstream regulators of VRAC activation in Human 1321N1 Astrocytoma Cells." Wright State University / OhioLINK, 2017. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=wright151610732605961.
Full textDahmane, Chafia. "Etude du champ de contraintes au sein d'un solide en vrac." Grenoble 2 : ANRT, 1987. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb37604161t.
Full textZaidka, N. (Neha). "Gender construction and performativity in religious folklore:insights from Hindu vrat kathas." Master's thesis, University of Oulu, 2019. http://jultika.oulu.fi/Record/nbnfioulu-201901121042.
Full textDahmane, Chafia. "Étude du champ de contraintes au sein d'un solide en vrac." Compiègne, 1987. http://www.theses.fr/1987COMPD086.
Full textThis thesis is a first step of a study among to understand the mechanism of stress transmission in a flowing or quiescent granular solid. This study is limited to the following configuration: the solid at rest is enclosed in a cylindrical silo with a flat bottom. Extra load can be, or not, exerted on the horizontal upper surface of the bed. An experimental method has been tested which allows the determination of the horizontal normal stress (Srr) by means of a cylindrical body immersed in the bed of solid (sand), through which gas can, either or not, pass. The analysis of experimental results led us to draw out some information about the stress distribution. Actually the stress field is proportional to the solid apparent density and transmitted in the same direction as gravity. The horizontal normal stress (Srr) is uniform along any cross-section of the bed. An equation is proposed which fits both with the present Srr results and wall shear stress data obtained in silos by previous authors
Vinet-Couchevellou, Maud. "Vrai et faux Alzheimer à l'épreuve de la notion de pseudodémence." Thesis, Rennes 2, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015REN20046.
Full textCurrently, there is essentially two diagnostic choices to explain cognitive impairment in the elderly: "depression"or " Alzheimer's Disease" (AD) the later being a clinical diagnostic that cannot be formally confirmed duringlife. Depression, whose spectral empowerment and biologisation allows the reductionist biomedical model tointegrate depression into pre-dementia chapters of AD, is presented as the modern and exclusive version ofpseudodementia that defines a potentially reversible non-organic dementia state. Our research shows that thisissue is complex and that several factors, unidentified so far, participated in a distortion of the psychiatricconcept of pseudodementia. The first factor is a lack of knowledge and a poor understanding of thepseudodementia primary paradigm: the Psychogene Pseudodemenz of German psychiatry (late 19th - early20th).The second factor is an incomplete and revised interpretation of the British secondary paradigm - theKiloh’s Pseudo-dementia (1961) - where the concept of depressive pseudodementia is introduced.The thirdfactor is an application of the " Alzheimer’s disease movement" (1975-1985), which has led, through the "dementia syndrome of depression " of American psychiatry, to the rise of the third paradigm : depression. The“Alzheimer’s disease movement” cancelled the possibility to use a conceptual framework within whichetiologies of dementia and psychopathological dimension of pseudodementia can be thought.This issue isbecoming increasingly important in the current context of the promotion of early diagnosis and preclinicaldiagnosis of AD.Our research, which supports an integrated approach to aging, proposes a new theoretical andpractical framework able to participate to the reformulation of aging issues and therefore on political, economicand social choices. Based on a qualitative analysis of case series, we show that Pseudodementia is closely tied toneurotic and psychotic inhibition, including depressive presentation but not limited to it. Today more than everthe notion of pseudodementia is required in the care of the elderly
Beşeoğlu, Gökhan. "Le vrai sens de la main invisible : la fin d'un mythe ?" Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012AIXM1114.
Full textThe purpose of this research is to discover the true meaning of the famous "invisible hand" of Adam Smith through human nature with particular emphasis on the role of human imagination. To inform the biggest myth in the history of the modern economy, we will refer to different concepts of the Scottish master as the philosophy, sympathy, impartial spectator, surprise, wonder, admiration or virtues. In this approach, it may be essential to emphasize the characteristics of man namely his love for coherent, regular, harmonious and simple systems, to improve his condition, his search for convenience, his desire to approval or his aversion for disapproval from others. The purpose of its various references is to prove an evident and intelligible consistency not only regarding to the uniqueness of the Smithian philosophy but also regarding to the true meaning of the invisible hand of the founding father of the modern economics
López, Villanes Noam, and Castillo Sofía Vizcarra. "La cadena de valor de la cocaína: un análisis georreferenciado del Vrae." Politai, 2012. http://repositorio.pucp.edu.pe/index/handle/123456789/92732.
Full textKocyba, Kristina-Monika. "„Le vrai citoyen du monde“: Zu Yvan Golls Exildichtung Jean sans Terre." HATiKVA e.V. – Die Hoffnung Bildungs- und Begegnungsstätte für Jüdische Geschichte und Kultur Sachsen, 2015. https://slub.qucosa.de/id/qucosa%3A34946.
Full textBoumahdi, Mohammed. "Conception et réalisation d'un triaxial vrai de grande capacité simulateur d'ouvrages souterrains." Lille 1, 1990. http://www.theses.fr/1990LIL10176.
Full textRicochon, Cécile. "Détermination quantitative des endotoxines bactériennes dans l'eau pour préparations injectables en vrac." Bordeaux 2, 1995. http://www.theses.fr/1995BOR2P043.
Full textKrimi, Issam. "Modèles mathématiques et heuristiques pour l'optimisation des chaînes logistiques portuaires du vrac." Thesis, Valenciennes, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019VALE0010.
Full textDuring the last few decades, tremendous progress in maritime transportation has been noticed. In this emerging era of international trading, the port-related supply chain has attracted much attention. Indeed, several works have been proposed to study both seaside and yard side decision problems in container terminal context. However, few researchers have investigated these problems for bulk ports. In this thesis, we are interested in proposing a set of mathematical models and heuristics to optimize port-related supply chains. This study is guided by a real case of an integrated bulk port owned by OCP group. The main contributions of this work are:- Studying machine scheduling under synchronized and periodic maintenance restrictions. This problem can be found in several chemical and mineral industries.- Studying integrated berth allocation and crane assignment problem under availability and high tides constraints. This problem was inspired by OCP bulk port of Jorf lasfar.- Studying dynamic storage location assignment problem for bulk cargo. This problem was inspired by fertilizers hangars in Jorf lasfar Phosphate Hub.The first contribution is resumed to proposing two mixed integer programming models, a set of lower bounds and a variable neighborhood search for large instances. The second contribution is resumed to proposing two new mixed integer programming models to formulate the problem, a rolling horizon heuristic based on a mathematical model and a congestion dissipation strategy. In addition, we investigated a set of variable neighborhood search heuristics to solve industrial-based instances. The third contribution is about designing a decision support system (DSS) for fertilizers warehouse management. First, we proposed a mixed integer programming model for dynamic storage location assignment problem for bulk cargo. This model is the heart of our DSS. Several use cases were presented and tested to study the efficiency of our decision support system
Vlavonou, Sohe Loïc Elysée Gino. "Understanding Autochthony-Related Conflict: Discursive and Social Practices of the Vrai Centrafricain." Thesis, Université d'Ottawa / University of Ottawa, 2020. http://hdl.handle.net/10393/41154.
Full textFriard, Jonas. "Les canaux anioniques sensibles au gonflement cellulaire : inhibiteurs, perméabilité, rôle dans la transition épithéliomésenchymateuse et l’inflammasome." Thesis, Université Côte d'Azur (ComUE), 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018AZUR4093/document.
Full textAnion channels have always been underestimated compared to cationic channels mainly because of the difficulty in characterizing their molecular identities and the absence of potent selective inhibitors. It is a class with great heterogeneity and complexity, including CFTR activated by cAMP, anoctamines activated by intracellulaire calcium and VRAC channels activated by cell swelling. The molecular identity of an essential protein to the ionic currents triggered by cell swelling was discovered in 2014, allowing the scientist community to investigate the role of these channels. In a first part, we highlighted the lack of specificity of the inhibitors of different chloride channels. This study shed lights on the need to develop new inhibitors to discriminate the different chloride channels, but also the need to couple the pharmacological approach to a genetic approach. In a second part, we have demonstrated the glutathione permeability of Volume Regulated Anion Channels. Our results therefore suggest that VRAC channels might be involved in the regulation of oxidative stress as glutathione is the main antioxidant within the cell. In the third part of my thesis, we have shown that TGFβ1 growth factor stimulates the opening of Volume Regulated Anion Channels which is correlated with both a loss of glutathione and an intracellular accumulation of reactive oxygen species. The latter is at the origin of an epitheliomesenchymal transition of renal cells. The pharmacological inhibition as well as the genetic repression of the VRAC channels significantly reduces the effects of TGFβ1. Finally, in the last part, we characterized the role of Volume Regulated Anion Channels in the secretion of pro-inflammatory factors by macrophages stimulated by hypotonic shock. In collaboration, we have shown that blocking the regulation of cell volume, under the control of these channels, leads to an inhibition of the inflammasome and therefore of the secretion of pro-inflammatory factors. Although cell signaling mechanisms remain to be determined, this work highlights the importance of VRAC in the epithelial-mesenchymal transition and inflammasome. It appears that these channels could be promising therapeutic targets in a certain number of pathologies and that it is essential to continue the investigations in this field
HOFMANN, FRANCAIS VERONIQUE. "Cancer bronchiolo-alveolaire et shunt intra-pulmonaire vrai : a propos de 3 observations." Lyon 1, 1990. http://www.theses.fr/1990LYO1M297.
Full textCheikh, Hussein Akil El. "Les notions du vrai et du faux d'après le Coran (introductions et perspectives)." Paris 1, 1992. http://www.theses.fr/1993PA010563.
Full textIn order to relate Koranic truth to the same notion in human thoght, this study begins with stressing the issue of this question in western thought, issue which is characterized by the failure of metaphysical truth and the triump of built-up truths that can be invested in a human project aiming at dominating the environment. The cultural background of Koran and particularly the arabic language, suggests an ambiguous notion of truth; bat a deeper analysis reveals a truth that can be identified with a being whose primary determinations are power, stability, appropriateness and usefulness because specific methodological weak points the exegesis of Koran cannot make out a satisfactory picture of the characteristics of Koranic truth neither of its antithesis, which are likened to God as the immutable beign on one hand, and to its antithesis - nothingness - on the other hand, the present study makes an inventory of the mentionned weak points which are responsible for the gap between the text and its commentaries, the latest being the projection onto the text of views and ideas of extrinsic origins. This work sets criterions for a significant commentary on the text and a consequent characterization of the notions. Lastly, this study discusses the widespread idea of Koran an truth-itself and ends with hypothesis concerning the outlines of the Koranic conception of world as a cradle of the conception of truth and its contraries
Diagne, Ramatoulaye. "Verite et communication du vrai. Arnauld entre l'evidence cartesienne et le formalisme leibnizien." Paris 4, 1991. http://www.theses.fr/1991PA040233.
Full textThe aim of this work is to demonstrate that arnauld's conception of truth, occupies an intermediate position between descartes's and leibniz's. Arnauld recognizes that as far as the research of truth is concerned, signs and language in general are very important. He meets to a certain extent the position of leibniz, while descartes views the language as an obstacle to thought. So, we have to analyse how these three authors consider the problem of the communication of truth. Besides the theory, the concrete efforts to communicate truth had been examined. Which leads us necessarily to a reflexion about the various forms of the ways of writing. Actually, the authors are concerned with the most efficient way of writing : letters, essays, discourses. . . All this reveals that they did not always find comprehension from their interlocutors. But far from abating their enthusiasm, these difficulties lead them, arnauld and leibniz mostly, to a new form of optimism, based one leibniz'z met aphysics. Even descartes, while emphasizing the impossibility of a real communication of truth, does not give up. This work ends in a demonstration of how relevant this problem of the communication of truth remains, after so many years
Martins, Luiz Paulo Leitão. "Sujets de vérité : une généalogie du dire vrai sur soi dans la psychanalyse." Thesis, Sorbonne Paris Cité, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018USPCC039.
Full textThis thesis proposes an investigation on the constitution of subjects in psychoanalysis through discourses of truth. Based on the studies developed by Michel Foucault, we define two methodological orientations for our research: (1) the first one consists in analyzing how the discourses of truth of a historical period determine modalities of being for the subjects; (2) and the second aims to examine how the subject is constituted by the discourses of truth that he tells about himself. Our hypothesis is that the different modalities of relationship between subject and truth have a historical formation and that it is necessary to analyze its genealogy in order to understand how the practice of truth-telling about oneself in psychoanalysis implies a certain constitution of the subjects. In the first part, we consider how some discourses and practices involving power relations in modernity have formulated truths about the subject: the development of an anthropology with the formation of the human sciences; the production of a science of the subject from a history of sexuality. In the second part, we orient our research towards a history of the relationship between subject and truth, considering the problematic of the government. Based on Foucault’s studies on the tragedy Oedipus the King by Sophocles, we identify a significant link between practices of truth in Antiquity and forms of subjectivity; for the establishment of justice, the truth needed to be said by an “I”. But if the first person who tells the truth in Oedipus is different from the first person who tells the truth in the first centuries of Christianity, it would be necessary to define from what techniques and practices of truth Christianity has promoted a rupture in the history of subjectivity between the ways of being subject in Antiquity and those that constitute a genealogy of the modern subject. Following Foucault’s hypothesis, we see in this rupture the establishment of a hermeneutics of the self. In the third part, we discuss the requirement to formulate statements of truth in the history of psychiatry and its consequences for the constitution of psychoanalysis. Truth-telling about oneself in psychoanalysis must consider the elaboration of a theory of the subject that, contesting the anthropological thought, participates in a science of sexuality. Truth-telling about oneself in psychoanalysis relocates the problem of the relationship between subject and truth into the hermeneutics of the self, and this insofar as the psychoanalytic subject is constituted by a close relationship with the truth that necessarily passes through language, the experience of finitude and the other. Finally, we present an alternative to this model of subjectivity through the characterization of the practice of parrhêsia in Antiquity, which encompasses an aesthetic of existence related to an ethics and a politics of the self
Arpots, Robert Peter Leonard. ""Vrank en Vry" : Johannes le Francq van Berkheij (1729-1812) /." Nijmegen : Zetwerk Infobever, 1990. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb35502066b.
Full textBuld'ireva, Žanna Vasil'evna. "Modeli rovanire spektral'n'ih proävlenij vra^satel'noj relaksacii v molekulârn'ih gazah." Sankt-Peterburgskij gosudarstvennyj universitet, 1998. http://www.theses.fr/1998BESA2082.
Full textCherief, Ferroudja. "Contributions à la sémantique du parallélisme : bisimulations pour le raffinement et le vrai parallélisme." Phd thesis, Grenoble INPG, 1992. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00341775.
Full textUllrich, Florian [Verfasser]. "Molecular identification and electrophysiological characterization of the volume-regulated anion channel VRAC / Florian Ullrich." Berlin : Freie Universität Berlin, 2017. http://d-nb.info/1123572283/34.
Full textCherief, Ferroudja Sifakis Joseph Jorrand Philippe. "Contributions à la sémantique du parallélisme bisimulations pour le raffinement et le vrai parallélisme /." S.l. : Université Grenoble 1, 2008. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00341775.
Full textBedoya, Garland Eduardo. "The deforestation and the tragedy of the commons between VRAE coca farmers: 2001 – 2004." Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Centro de Investigación en Geografía Aplicada, 2016. http://repositorio.pucp.edu.pe/index/handle/123456789/119792.
Full textLos bosques en el Valle del río Apurímac y Ene (VRAE), la segunda región cocalera del Perú, son recursos comunes públicos que se manejan como privados por los agricultores principalmente cocaleros, sin un control efectivo de tal uso por parte del Estado. La necesidad de sobrevivencia de los agricultores cocaleros, su percepción crematística sobre el bosque, y la mayor o menos disponibilidad de tierras constituyen factores determinantes en el ritmo de deforestación del bosque primario y secundario. Variables tales como la legalidad de tenencia del predio no parecen tener influencia. Sin embargo, otros factores también institucionales facilitan una ocupación del espacio muy desordenada y destructiva, tales como las políticas de Estado en los procesos de titulación y la debilidad o ausencia del mismo. Las organizaciones de base de los agricultores centradas en defender el cultivo de la coca y/o acceder a condiciones crediticias y técnicas para sus productos legales no consideran a la defensa del bosque como un aspecto fundamental de su agenda. Tampoco existían organizaciones de base cuya agenda central fuese el control y la vigilancia del manejo de los recursos forestales. Los agricultores son conscientes del daño ambiental y de salud que provoca la economía de la coca. Todo ello nos induce a argumentar que los productores rurales amazónicos se encuentran atrapados en el “dilema del prisionero”. Por un lado, la presión institucional y mediática los presiona fuertemente a no cultivar coca y por otro lado, si ellos no siembran coca y no deforestan otros seguirán ese camino destructivo y se beneficiaran de manera inmediata de tal decisión.
Zevallos, Trigoso Nicolás, and Boucher Fátima Rojas. "Una lectura desde el capital político a la estrategia de seguridad en el Vrae." Politai, 2012. http://repositorio.pucp.edu.pe/index/handle/123456789/92558.
Full textWalley, Elizabeth. "Contre l’amour courtois: Le vrai amour chez Marie de France et Chrétien de Troyes." Scholar Commons, 2017. http://scholarcommons.usf.edu/etd/6973.
Full textGagnon, Christine. "La pratique médicale alternative, être à la fois un vrai médecin et un médecin différent." Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1999. http://www.collectionscanada.ca/obj/s4/f2/dsk2/ftp01/MQ38086.pdf.
Full textArce, Arce Gerardo Alberto. "Los riesgos de militarizar la lucha contra el narcotráfico: algunos apuntes sobre el Plan VRAE." Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2008. http://repositorio.pucp.edu.pe/index/handle/123456789/47370.
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