Academic literature on the topic 'Volatilité des Taux de Croissance'
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Journal articles on the topic "Volatilité des Taux de Croissance"
Iordan, G., Adriana Iordan, and D. Ulmeanu. "Le taux de croissance des os carpiens." Morphologie 89, no. 287 (December 2005): 178.
Full textHarley, Calvin B., and Samuel Goldstein. "Protein Turnover During Aging of Cultured Human Fibroblasts." Canadian Journal on Aging / La Revue canadienne du vieillissement 9, no. 2 (1990): 177–87.
Full textAlmishal, Yasser, and Kais Khder. "Peur du Flottement et le Mécanisme de Transfert de Volatilité entre le Taux d’intérêt et le Taux de Change." رؤى اقتصادية, no. 6 (June 2014): 19–39.
Full textPallud, J., E. Mandonnet, H. Duffau, M. Kujas, R. Guillevin, D. Galanaud, L. Taillandier, and L. Capelle. "Valeur pronostique du taux de croissance radiologique spontanée dans les gliomes de bas grade." Neurochirurgie 52, no. 5 (November 2006): 480.
Full textÖsch, Daniel. "L'inégalité, frein à la croissance? L'effet de l'inégalité des revenus sur les taux de croissance de dix pays de l'Europe de l'Ouest." Swiss Political Science Review 7, no. 2 (June 2001): 27–49.
Full textCaprioglio, Alberto, and Rosamaria Fastuca. "Étiologie et traitements des béances antérieures chez les patients en croissance : une étude narrative." L'Orthodontie Française 87, no. 4 (December 2016): 467–77.
Full textMELIN, J. M., and M. LARBIER. "Influence du taux protidique de l'aliment de démarrage sur les performances de croissance et d'emplumement du faisan." Annales de Zootechnie 37, no. 3 (1988): 143–50.
Full textDenton, Frank T., and Byron G. Spencer. "Population Aging and Its Economic Costs: A Survey of the Issues and Evidence." Canadian Journal on Aging / La Revue canadienne du vieillissement 19, S1 (2000): 1–31.
Full textLegay, Jean-Marie, Annie Heizmann, and Catherine Thiriot-Quiévreux. "Dissymétrie et taux de croissance des valves de la coquille chez les jeunes huîtres de Crassostrea gigas Thünberg." Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences - Series III - Sciences de la Vie 323, no. 6 (June 2000): 537–42.
Full textBelkoura, M., and A. Dauta. "Interaction lumière-température et influence de la photopériode sur le taux de croissance de Chlorella sorokiniana Shih. et Kraus." Annales de Limnologie - International Journal of Limnology 28, no. 2 (1992): 101–7.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Volatilité des Taux de Croissance"
Razafindramanana, Olivasoa Miaranirainy. "Variabilité du taux de change, flux commerciaux et croissance économique : le cas de Madagascar." Thesis, Pau, 2015.
Full textIn this thesis, we tried to know the relationship between the variability of exchange rates, trade flows and economic growth in Madagascar. In other words, we have studied the effects of volatility and misalignment of the exchange rate on exports, imports, and economic growth. To conduct this study, we used annual data from the 1971-2012 period for global exports and imports, and the 1990-2011 period for exports and imports by sector. We measured the volatility using two methods, and we got the volatility by moving standard deviation and volatility calculated by the GARCH. The method of cointegration was used to study the variables. With NATREX model, the misalignment was calculated as the difference between REER at time t and REER equilibrium. On the last part of this work and to resolve our problem, we use the method SUR (Seemingly Unrelated Regression). This method allowed us to estimate our model with two equations for export volumes and import volumes.Finally, the results show that for the case of Madagascar, considering exports, misalignment has a significant positive impact on overall export whatever the definition of volatility, indeed over-evaluation increases export. Then, volatility has a significant positive impact on overall export only with the inclusion of VOLGARCHTCEN. Moreover considering imports, misalignment has a significant positive impact on the overall import with the inclusion of VOLMASDTCER, and VOLMASDTCEN, over-evaluation increases import. The volatility has a significant positive impact on the import in the case of : VOLMASDTCEN, VOLGARCHTCER, VOLGARCHTCEN. With the global export or import, misalignment has no significant impact on the growth rate, however volatility has a significant negative impact on growth rates considering VOLMASDTCER, and VOLMASDTCEN
Yougbaré, Lassana. "Effets macroéconomiques des régimes de change : essais sur la volatilité, la croissance économique et les déséquilibres du taux de change réel." Clermont-Ferrand 1, 2009.
Full textRecognizing the importance of the exchange rate system for open economies, we study the macroeconomic effects of exchange rate regimes. In the first chapter, we define the exchange rate regime and discuss the official or de jure classification of exchange regimes by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) as well as de factoclassifications developed by Levy Yeyati and Sturzenegger (2005) and by Reinhart and Rogoff (2003). We subsequently discuss the question of which classification(s) of regimes to use. In the second chapter, the impact of exchange rate regimes on growth volatility is investigated. Building on the literature on the relationships between the exchange rate arrangement and volatility and the literature on the determinants of growth volatility, the objective is to know whether the exchange rate system affects growth volatility once the determinants of volatility identified by the existing literature are controlled for. The chapter also assesses the channels through which the exchange rate regime affects volatility. In particular, we ask whether the contribution of terms of trade instability to growth volatility is influenced by the exchange rate arrangement. Is the impact of the exchange rate regime on volatility affected by financial and economic development ? Volatility or instability is measured from a trend which process is obtained from panel unit root tests. By using de jure exchange rate regimes along with de facto ones as classified by Reinhart et Rogoff (2003), we are able to assess the sensitivity of the results to the classification of exchange regimes. In the third chapter, the analysis is taken a step further by investigating whether the relation between growth and volatility is modified by the exchange rate system. Does the exchange rate regime modify the direct impact of volatility on growth ? In other words, does a given level of volatility reduces output growth identically under fixed and flexible regimes ? Moreover, are the indirect effects of volatility on the growth rate of per capita real output modified by the exchange rate system ? To answer the latter question, the channels of investment, human capital, trade and financial development are considered. Another objective of the chapter is to verify whether the effects of exchange rate regimes and volatility on output growth are heterogeneous or not according to the very quantiles of output growth. To pursue this avenue, we use the technique of regression quantiles with instrumental variables. In the fourth chapter, the impact of the exchange rate arrangement on the economy's adjustment is analyzed. Does the adjustment of the economy – measured by real exchange rate misalignment – depend on the exchange rate regime ? Is the impact of the exchange rate system on misalignment explained by its effects on real overvaluation and undervaluation episodes ? What do de jure and de facto exchange rate regimes, and deviations of announced from observed exchange rate policies reveal ? To answer these questions, we follow two steps. In the first one, a cointegration relation between the real exchange rate and its real and nominal determinants is estimated using non stationary panel techniques (Pedroni, 1996, 2000 and 2004) in the samples of low income, middle income and high income countries. Misalignment is then obtained as the deviation of the actual real exchange rate from its equilibrium value, the latter being determined by the equilibrium values of the fundamentals. In the second step, the impact of the exchange rate regime on the economy's adjustment is assessed using the measure of real exchange rate misalignment computed in the first step
Yougbare, Lassana. "Effets macroéconomiques des régimes de change : essais sur la volatilité, la croissance économique et les déséquilibres du taux de change réel." Phd thesis, Université d'Auvergne - Clermont-Ferrand I, 2009.
Full textGaies, Brahim. "Globalisation financière et croissance dans les pays en développement : mise en évidence des effets sur l’instabilité financière et l’instabilité monétaire." Thesis, Paris 10, 2018.
Full textThis thesis examines whether or not it is beneficial for least developed countries to engage more in the process of financial globalization in pursuit of their economic growth, and if this process influences the effects of financial and monetary instability on the latter. This thesis is divided into three parts. Before examining the theoretical framework of financial globalization, the first part sketches its genesis on a background of the research for an answer to the problem of its regulation. The second part focuses on the literature on the impact of financial globalization on growth. This is done in order to draw lessons for the establishment of a study covering 72 low-income developing countries over the period 1972-2011. The third part centers on the impact on economic growth of financial globalization and the two aforementioned types of instability, discussed both separately and in conjunction. Evidence is provided by two empirical studies based on the same spatio-temporal framework as the previous one. These studies are preceded by a review of the literature on the relationship between financial globalization, financial and then monetary instability and growth, in addition to a theoretical analysis of financial instability. This illustrates that financial and monetary instability have negative effects on growth, while financial globalization and in particular investment-globalization, unlike indebtedness-globalization, promotes the benefits of macroeconomic policies and international trade. This can be find in addition to its direct positive effect on growth, even in the presence of the two instabilities of which it reduces the negative effects
Fontanelli, Luca. "Essais sur la dynamique industrielle et le commerce international." Thesis, Université Côte d'Azur, 2022.
Full textThis dissertation presents new theoretical and empirical evidence on the properties of firms' and industry dynamics and international trade. In particular, this thesis aims at answering a series research questions linked to the explanation of firms' heterogeneity in the context of the most recent findings related to both firms' learning and imperfect selection.First, we provide a survey of the main mechanisms of market selection used in economics. We gather them in three theoretical paradigms, that we try to reconcile in terms of underlying laws of selection. We show that the three paradigms have been converging to selection mechanisms focussing on firm heterogeneity and increasing returns, that are however fostered by theories which differ in terms of sources of increasing returns, generating mechanisms of firm heterogeneity, firm rationality and emphasis on equilibrium states vis-á-vis out-of-equilibrium dynamics. Our discussion suggests that the convergence between the theoretical paradigms is taking place in the direction of research, which is aimed at the replication of empirical patterns related to firm heterogeneity, rather than in the theory underlying selection mechanisms.Second, we build a simple international trade two-country model of competition among heterogeneous firms to study the effects that firm learning and imperfect market selection exert on export flows, market shares and firm productivities. Market selection in each country is driven by a finite pairwise Pólya urn process, which embodies dynamic increasing returns at the firm level. In presence of a static distribution of firm productivity, the market selection process leads to a monopoly. When firm learning is included in the model, markets converge to non-monopolistic structures, whose degree of competition depends on trade openness and selection intensity. Finally, we show that our simple stochastic model with firm learning and imperfect selection is able to jointly reproduce a wide ensemble of stylized facts concerning intra-industry trade, industry and firm dynamics. In addition, we show that trade activities increase concentration and volatility.Third, we investigate the firm growth rates volatility-size relation and its determinants in a comprehensive dataset of French manufacturing firms between 1993 and 2009. Differently from previous contributions, we study the relation using sales data for firms at both the aggregate and sectoral level. First, we show that the relation deviates from the linear approximation found in previous studies. It is indeed J-shaped, very steep for small firms and flat for large ones. Second, we explain this new empirical finding via a tractable model of imperfect selection encompassing firms competing on the basis of both size and productivity. Our contribution suggests that large firms are Gibrat's and that the empirical shape of the firms' growth rates variance-size relation can be explained by imperfect selection mechanisms whose outcomes are mediated by both the strength of shares reallocation and firms' joint heterogeneity in size and productivity.Finally, we investigate the characteristics of firms using Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the link between AI use and productivity in a comprehensive database of French firms in 2018. We find that AI users tend to be larger and younger than non-users. AI use is positively related to several complementary assets, including digital infrastructure, complementary digital technologies, and human capital. Focussing on the AI-productivity nexus, we show that the largest AI users are more productive, but that this premium is related to their selection into AI use. When we consider either all AI users or AI buyers, no average relationship between AI and productivity growth could be retrieved. However, we find a positive AI-productivity link for AI developers, especially when productivity growth over a sufficiently long time period is considered
Ebeke, Christian. "Essais sur les effets macroéconomiques des envois de fonds des migrants dans les pays en développement." Phd thesis, Université d'Auvergne - Clermont-Ferrand I, 2011.
Full textCoulibaly, Dramane. "Essais sur les transferts internationaux : une approche macroéconomique." Phd thesis, Paris 1, 2010.
Full textEbeke, Christian Hubert Xavier Camille. "Essays on the macroeconomic consequences of remittances in developing countries." Phd thesis, Université d'Auvergne - Clermont-Ferrand I, 2011.
Full textGesser, Vincent. "Évaluation d'options de change avec volatilité stochastique." Paris 1, 1999.
Full textPalidda, Ernesto. "Modélisation du smile de volatilité pour les produits dérivés de taux d'intérêt." Thesis, Paris Est, 2015.
Full textThis PhD thesis is devoted to the study of an Affine Term Structure Model where we use Wishart-like processes to model the stochastic variance-covariance of interest rates. This work was initially motivated by some thoughts on calibration and model risk in hedging interest rates derivatives. The ambition of our work is to build a model which reduces as much as possible the noise coming from daily re-calibration of the model to the market. It is standard market practice to hedge interest rates derivatives using models with parameters that are calibrated on a daily basis to fit the market prices of a set of well chosen instruments (typically the instrument that will be used to hedge the derivative). The model assumes that the parameters are constant, and the model price is based on this assumption; however since these parameters are re-calibrated, they become in fact stochastic. Therefore, calibration introduces some additional terms in the price dynamics (precisely in the drift term of the dynamics) which can lead to poor P&L explain, and mishedging. The initial idea of our research work is to replace the parameters by factors, and assume a dynamics for these factors, and assume that all the parameters involved in the model are constant. Instead of calibrating the parameters to the market, we fit the value of the factors to the observed market prices. A large part of this work has been devoted to the development of an efficient numerical framework to implement the model. We study second order discretization schemes for Monte Carlo simulation of the model. We also study efficient methods for pricing vanilla instruments such as swaptions and caplets. In particular, we investigate expansion techniques for prices and volatility of caplets and swaptions. The arguments that we use to obtain the expansion rely on an expansion of the infinitesimal generator with respect to a perturbation factor. Finally we have studied the calibration problem. As mentioned before, the idea of the model we study in this thesis is to keep the parameters of the model constant, and calibrate the values of the factors to fit the market. In particular, we need to calibrate the initial values (or the variations) of the Wishart-like process to fit the market, which introduces a positive semidefinite constraint in the optimization problem. Semidefinite programming (SDP) gives a natural framework to handle this constraint
Book chapters on the topic "Volatilité des Taux de Croissance"
"Population urbaine - taux de croissance." In Cahiers de l'Afrique de l'Ouest, 142–43. OECD, 2020.
Full text"Taux d'entreprises à forte croissance." In Panorama de l'entrepreneuriat 2011, 78–79. OECD, 2011.
Full textLambert, Robin. "Le groupe nominal - le taux de croissance." In Guidelines for Translation from French into English, 31–32. Presses universitaires de Paris Nanterre, 2016.
Full text"Répartition des entreprises par taux de croissance." In Panorama de l'entrepreneuriat 2011, 82–83. OECD, 2011.
Full text"Croissance et changement structurel : Une évaluation récente du rôle du taux de change réel." In Rapport sur le commerce et le développement, 233–36. UN, 2016.
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