Academic literature on the topic 'Voies d’exécution'
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Journal articles on the topic "Voies d’exécution"
Nasom-Tissandier, Hélène. "Immunité d’exécution des États et créances salariales." Revue internationale de droit économique XXXVII, no. 1 (January 4, 2024): 93–107.
Full textAssontsa, Robert. "L’actualité du droit OHADA des voies d’exécution." Revue de la recherche juridique, no. 2 (May 3, 2022): 1119–59.
Full textLeborgne, Anne. "Effectivité du droit à l’exécution forcée du créancier et silence des personnes légalement requises." Les Cahiers de droit 56, no. 3-4 (December 17, 2015): 447–66.
Full textMbodji, Mohamadou Fallou. "L’Actualité De L’Immunité D’Exécution Des Entreprises Publiques Des États Parties De L’Ohada." International Journal of Procedural Law 8, no. 2 (November 4, 2018): 294–304.
Full textFometeu, Joseph. "Le juge de l’exécution au pluriel ou la parturition au Cameroun de l’article 49 de l’Acte uniforme OHADA sur les voies d’exécution." Revue internationale de droit comparé 60, no. 1 (2008): 19–44.
Full textPrujiner, Alain. "L’injonction, voie d’exécution forcée des obligations de faire." Revue générale de droit 20, no. 1 (March 28, 2019): 51–64.
Full textGrandaubert, Victor. "Le sort des biens diplomatiques." Revue internationale de droit économique XXXVII, no. 1 (January 4, 2024): 109–22.
Full textBenlahouès, Daniel, and Éric Roditi. "L’organisation invariante de l’activité de calcul de dose." Carrefours de l'éducation 57, no. 1 (May 29, 2024): 19–34.
Full textMOPONDI BENDEKO MBUMBU, Alexandre David, and Pierre BOMA KITIR CLAVER. "Historique du système éducatif en République Démocratique du Congo : État des lieux et Perspectives d’avenir." LAKISA, Revue des Sciences de l’Éducation 4, no. 7 (July 1, 2024): 19–30.
Full textChenevier-Gobeaux, Camille. "Apport de la copeptine à l’exploration du syndrome polyuro-polydipsique." Revue de biologie médicale 348, no. 3 (June 1, 2019): 43–52.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Voies d’exécution"
Bassène, Philippe Kouhangholale. "Les mesures d’exécution sur les valeurs mobilières et les droits d’associé dans l’espace OHADA." Thesis, Toulouse 1, 2013.
Full textThe introduction to the social securities specific enforcement measures, is one of the key issues of standardization achieved by Uniform Act simplified recovery procedures and channels implementation of OHADA. No one can doubt that the social securities are certainly the most important part of the movable property. Yet the question of entering social securities had not been taken into account by the laws of the several States party to the OHADA. It is true that the use attempted to provide a specific solution to the seizure of shares and securities. But this solution recommended did not seem suited to the reality of the property involved. Indeed, the practice had spread to seize on, the corporate securities in the hands of third parties or agent of the issuer of the securities, but this practice was inappropriate because the holder of the securities is not representative of the creditor. He is, according to the case, the agent of the issuing entity or agent of the account holder. The inadequacy of this practice was especially burdensome for practitioners and opportunities to seize social securities multiplied. Thus, the gradual importance of social securities warrants, on behalf of the effectiveness of the right to seize, that appropriate measures are introduced to regulate the seize of securities and associated rights in the OHADA. Remains to be seen if these measures are not heavy enough for the creditor because, in addition to the general difficulties of execution that the creditor will meet throughout the procedure, they are characterized by some technicality due to the inclusion rules of company law and securities law
Llauro, Fabien. "La protection patrimoniale du couple face aux procédures civiles d'exécution." Thesis, Perpignan, 2019.
Full textThe civil enforcement procedures were designed to be conducted against a single debtor, whose patrimony is easily identifiable, without social interaction and especially without a life of a couple.However, the couple does not have the legal personality, it does not have a patrimony, it is composed of the patrimony of each of the members whose interactions are inevitable. Thus, it should irradiate civil enforcement procedures. However, it is not the case, the consideration of the couple is partial when the procedure relates to a real estate. It is non-existent when it relate to movable property.The purpose of this thesis is to harmonize the patrimonial protections of the couple and the implementation of civil enforcement procedures. By developing a regime of the debtor in a couple that combines the desire for independence and autonomy inherent in the law of conjugal regimes and the need for speed and efficiency specific to civil enforcement procedures
Jost, Bertrand. "Les distributions en droit privé." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université Paris-Panthéon-Assas, 2022.
Full textIt is usual that some people divide a good or a loss amongst them. For example, common property must be shared. Obligations are divided between creditors and debtors according to the Civil Code (article 1309). Partners divide up the profits and losses generated by their partnership. Creditors must split the profit earned by the seizure of their debtor goods, whether he is bankrupt or not. Of these various operations, a theory can be proposed. The concept of distribution can be erected and paired with rules common to all the operations matching with the concept. The distributive logic and distributive issues, long forgotten in private law, are thus uncovered
Tissot, Stéphanie. "Effectivité des droits des créanciers et protection du patrimoine familial." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2015.
Full textThe right to enforced performance offers creditors legal remedies for forcing defaulting debtors to perform their obligations. However, this relationship of obligation is less a tie between two people as it is a tie between two sets of assets. This explains why obligations are performed in respect of the property of the debtor. Performance should thus be entirely extraneous to the debtor's family situation and concern only the debtor's personal assets. Yet despite the fact that families do not have legal personality, "community property" (patrimoine familial) commonly comes into play. In the broad sense of the term, "community property" is thus necessarily of interest to third-party creditors. Certain property is afforded special protection generally intended to protect the family. In addition to legal protection, contractual protection may also apply. The legislation in this area thus allows for a certain degree of flexibility with respect to private will, even if it ultimately reduces a creditor's claim. This protection thus necessarily conflicts with the creditor's right to performance and raises the question of the legitimacy of the interference it causes. In some cases, the balance is maintained between guaranteeing creditors' ability to exercise their right to enforced performance and ensuring legitimate protection of family assets. In other cases, however, this balance is threatened or even upset, calling the entire tenor and intent of the right to enforced performance into question
Guindo, Ismael. "Essai critique sur le droit de rétention : plaidoyer pour une réforme en droit OHADA." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Bordeaux, 2024.
Full textIn a vision of attractiveness and competitiveness in the life of affairs, the ohada’s law wants to be a tool of juridical security so that to attract foreign investors and permit a dynamism of national investments. However, the aroused hopes by this juridical system are far to be consolidated. The results of the OHADA remain unclear after more than thirty (30) years of existence. From this remark and by the prism of the law of sureties, we are free to ask questions on the capacity of the OHADA’s law to bring sufficient guaranties in the relationship between the creditor and the debtor. The particular case of the retention law which effectiveness is compromised for its inadequate appproach, is an indicator on the necessity of a new approach of the law of sureties in its enirety. Shouldn’t we rethink the skeleton and the structuration of the law of sureties in african law ? This current study suggests an approach which priorises the realities of the juridical environnment of the OHADA so that to find a deep reshape which will give back to the OHADA law its real position that it must hold face to the economic challenges of its space
Séjean-Chazal, Claire. "La réalisation de la sûreté." Thesis, Paris 2, 2017.
Full textUp until the order of 23 March 2006 on security rights, a creditor aiming at realizing his surety had to resort to the procedures of execution available to any creditor in order to implement his general right of pledge. The effects of the real surety would manifest only after the execution sale of the encumbered property, through the preferential satisfaction of the creditor during the proceedings of the price distribution. The 2006 reform of the law of security rights has altered this situation by generalizing the judicial attribution and by legalizing the conventional attribution of the encumbered property. These modes of realization are deemed to be simpler and faster than the traditional enforcement proceedings, but also more efficient to shut out the other competing secured creditors. From now on, the creditor benefiting from a real surety is favoured as soon as he exercises his rights against the defaulting debtor. In order to exercise his power of constraint, he may rely on all the enforcement proceedings that are specific to the real surety. The legislator has carefully provided guidelines to use these attribution techniques to protect the interests of the debtor. However, the legal framework applicable to these modes of realization deserves to be adjusted in order to improve their legal certainty, their efficiency, and therefore their attractiveness. The effects of these modes of realization against the competing secured creditors of the recipient are not completely clear. Attribution is often presented as a technique that ensures the plaintiff an exclusive satisfaction, while the competing creditors’ claims are redirected on a hypothetical consigned remainder. Although the other creditors cannot take part in the procedure, nothing justifies that their rights be undermined. It is therefore important to determine how to reconcile the optional attribution of the encumbered property and the rights of the competing secured creditors
Séjean-Chazal, Claire. "La réalisation de la sûreté." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Paris 2, 2017.
Full textUp until the order of 23 March 2006 on security rights, a creditor aiming at realizing his surety had to resort to the procedures of execution available to any creditor in order to implement his general right of pledge. The effects of the real surety would manifest only after the execution sale of the encumbered property, through the preferential satisfaction of the creditor during the proceedings of the price distribution. The 2006 reform of the law of security rights has altered this situation by generalizing the judicial attribution and by legalizing the conventional attribution of the encumbered property. These modes of realization are deemed to be simpler and faster than the traditional enforcement proceedings, but also more efficient to shut out the other competing secured creditors. From now on, the creditor benefiting from a real surety is favoured as soon as he exercises his rights against the defaulting debtor. In order to exercise his power of constraint, he may rely on all the enforcement proceedings that are specific to the real surety. The legislator has carefully provided guidelines to use these attribution techniques to protect the interests of the debtor. However, the legal framework applicable to these modes of realization deserves to be adjusted in order to improve their legal certainty, their efficiency, and therefore their attractiveness. The effects of these modes of realization against the competing secured creditors of the recipient are not completely clear. Attribution is often presented as a technique that ensures the plaintiff an exclusive satisfaction, while the competing creditors’ claims are redirected on a hypothetical consigned remainder. Although the other creditors cannot take part in the procedure, nothing justifies that their rights be undermined. It is therefore important to determine how to reconcile the optional attribution of the encumbered property and the rights of the competing secured creditors
Book chapters on the topic "Voies d’exécution"
Bernard, Christine. "L’animal appréhendé par les voies d’exécution." In Les mutations contemporaines du droit de l’animal, 263–77. DICE Éditions, 2023.
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