Academic literature on the topic 'Vkorc1 gene'
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Journal articles on the topic "Vkorc1 gene"
Chowdhury, MSI Tipu, Md Fakhrul Islam Khaled, Sadia Sultana, Mohammad Walidur Rahman, MRM Mandal, Khurshed Ahmed, and Harisul Hoque. "Validation of Pharmacogenetic Testing Before Initiation of Warfarin Therapy." University Heart Journal 15, no. 2 (August 19, 2019): 74–78.
Full textSchaafhausen, Anne, Simone Rost, Johannes Oldenburg, and Clemens Müller. "Identification of VKORC1 interaction partners by split-ubiquitin system and coimmunoprecipitation." Thrombosis and Haemostasis 105, no. 02 (2011): 285–94.
Full textSipeky, Csilla, and Béla Melegh. "Haplogroup analysis of vitamin-K epoxide reductase (VKORC1) gene: novel element in the optimization of anticoagulant therapy." Orvosi Hetilap 149, no. 39 (September 1, 2008): 1839–44.
Full textGeisen, Christof, Matthias Watzka, Katja Sittinger, Beate Luxembourg, Michael Steffens, Clemens R. Müller, Thomas F. Wienker, Edelgard Lindhoff-Last, Erhard Seifried, and Johannes Oldenburg. "Pharmacogenetics of Oral Anticoagulation - VKORC1-Haplotypes Determine the Inter-Individual and Inter-Ethnical Variability." Blood 108, no. 11 (November 16, 2006): 719.
Full textOldenburg, Johannes, Simone Rost, Andreas Fregin, Christof Geisen, Vytautas Ivaskevicius, Erhard Seifried, Inge Scharrer, et al. "Mutations in the VKORC1 Gene Cause Warfarin Resistance, Warfarin Sensitivity and Combined Deficiency of Vitamin K Dependent Coagulation Factors." Blood 104, no. 11 (November 16, 2004): 277.
Full textJakjovski, Krume, Nikola Labachevski, Aleksandar Petlichkovski, Aleksandar Senev, Jasmina Trojacanec, Emilija Atanasovska, Elena Kostova, and Mirko Spiroski. "Distribution of CYP2C9 and VKORC1 Gene Polymorphisms in Healthy Macedonian Male Population." Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences 1, no. 1 (December 15, 2013): 1–5.
Full textEddine El Mokhtari, Nour, Boris Ivandic, Jens Müller, Stefan Schreiber, Matthias Watzka, Almut Nebel, and Johannes Oldenburg. "Functional promoter polymorphism in the VKORC1 gene is no major genetic determinant for coronary heart disease in Northern Germans." Thrombosis and Haemostasis 97, no. 06 (2007): 998–1002.
Full textFerron, Mathieu, Julie Lacombe, Amélie Germain, Franck Oury, and Gérard Karsenty. "GGCX and VKORC1 inhibit osteocalcin endocrine functions." Journal of Cell Biology 208, no. 6 (March 9, 2015): 761–76.
Full textHarrington, Dominic, Sarah Underwood, Colin Morse, Martin Shearer, Edward Tuddenham, and Andrew Mumford. "Pharmacodynamic resistance to warfarin associated with a Val66Met substitution in vitamin K epoxide reductase complex subunit 1." Thrombosis and Haemostasis 93, no. 01 (2005): 23–26.
Full textKantemirova, Bela I., Elena N. Chernysheva, Ekaterina A. Orlova, Musalitdin A. Abdullaev, Olga V. Petrova, and Giorgi A. Rostoshvili. "The effect of polymorphic alleles carriage of the VKORC1 gene on clinical and laboratory parameters in patients with acute coronary syndrome." Kazan medical journal 103, no. 5 (October 3, 2022): 737–43.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Vkorc1 gene"
Zuchinali, Priccila. "Papel dos polimorfismos do gene VKORC1 no efeito da suplementação oral de vitamina K em pacientes hiperanticoagulados." reponame:Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da UFRGS, 2012.
Full textHarbuzova, Yelizaveta Antonivna, Єлізавета Антонівна Гарбузова, and Елизавета Антоновна Гарбузова. "Association of polymorphic variants of the gene VKORC 1 with ischemic atherothrombotic stroke." Thesis, Sumy State University, 2016.
Full textMarcatto, Leiliane Rodrigues. "Avaliação farmacogenética para os genes CYP2C9 e VKORC1 em pacientes usuários de varfarina e em indivíduos da população geral brasileira." Universidade de São Paulo, 2017.
Full textWarfarin is the most prescribed oral anticoagulant in the world. Pharmacogenetic algorithms have been developed to estimate the dose of warfarin. The main aims of the present study were to develop a pharmacogenetic-based warfarin dosing algorithm and compare algorithm developed in this study with others algorithms available in the literature. We included two patient cohorts treated with warfarin (first cohort, n = 832; and second cohort, n = 133). Polymorphisms were genotyped in the CYP2C9 * 2, CYP2C9 * 3 and VKORC1 (c.G1639A). The derivation of the algorithm was performed using the data from the patients in the first cohort with a stable dose (n = 368) and was replicated using data from patients from the second cohort (n = 133). Our algorithm achieved a determination of coefficient of 40%, including variables: age, sex, weight, height, self-declared race, use of amiodarone, use of enzymatic inducers, genotypes in VKORC1 (c.G1639A) and phenotypes according to CYP2C9 polymorphisms. Our data suggest that the developed algorithm is more accurate than the IWPC algorithm when the application is focused on patients from the Brazilian population. Pharmacogenetics- based warfarin dosing algorithms developed for a specific population may lead to improved performance compared use dosing algorithms currently available
Mitchell, Cathrine. "Evaluation of CYP2C9 and VKORC1 gene variants that may result in warfarin dosage sensitivity and poor pregnancy outcomes." Thesis, 2008.
Full textCunha, Inês Antunes. "Impacto prognóstico dos polimorfismos dos genes de susceptibilidade aos dicumarínicos (CYP2C9 e VKORC1) em termos de eventos cardiovasculares e cerebrovasculares." Master's thesis, 2014.
Full textIntrodução: Os principais genes implicados na resposta farmacodinâmica e farmacocinética aos dicumarínicos são o gene do citocromo P450 2C9 (CYP2C9) e o da subunidade 1 do complexo da epóxido redutase da vitamina K (VKORC1). Os efeitos dependentes destes polimorfismos na cascata da coagulação podem contribuir para determinar a suscetibilidade individual para as diferentes doenças vasculares. Contudo, existe pouca literatura publicada sobre a eventual associação destes polimorfismos com as patologias vasculares. Objetivos: Avaliar o impacto dos diferentes polimorfismos dos genes CYP2C9 e VKORC1 na ocorrência a médio prazo de hemorragia major e de eventos cardiovasculares e cerebrovasculares. População e Métodos: Análise retrospetiva de uma base de dados unicêntrica constituída por 92 doentes cronicamente anticoagulados com dicumarínicos por patologia cardíaca e, previamente submetidos a um estudo genético para os polimorfismos de suscetibilidade aos dicumarínicos (CYP2C9 e VKORC1). No grupo de doentes anticoagulados por fibrilhação auricular (FA) (n=47), foi realizado um seguimento clínico mediano de 5,8 anos para avaliar a ocorrência de hemorragia major e de eventos cardio e cerebrovasculares. Construiu-se um endpoint composto que incluiu AVC isquémico, SCA e morte e um endpoint AVC isquémico global correspondente à prevalência global de AVC isquémico antes do início da anticoagulação oral e durante o seguimento clínico. Para a análise dos eventos definiram-se, para o gene CYP2C9, 2 sub-grupos: CYP2C9 1/1 e CYP2C9 não 1/1, incluindo este último os doentes heterozigóticos e os homozigóticos para os alelos 2 e 3. Resultados: Dos 92 doentes estudados, 51 (55,4%) eram do sexo masculino, sendo a idade média da população de 66 anos. A maioria dos doentes estava anticoagulada por FA (57,3%). Os genótipos mais frequentes foram o CYP2C9 1/1 e o VKORC1 G/A. Quanto ao gene CYP2C9, a incidência de hemorragia major, de AVC isquémico, do endpoint composto e da morte foi numericamente superior no grupo de doentes com CYP2C9 não 1/1 comparativamente com o grupo de doentes com CYP2C9 1/1, apesar de a diferença não ter atingido significância estatística. A SCA ocorreu com maior frequência no grupo de doentes CYP2C9 1/1 em relação ao grupo de doentes não 1/1, sem diferença estatisticamente significativa. Relativamente aos polimorfismos do gene VKORC1 e à ocorrência de eventos, também não se detetaram diferenças com significado estatístico. Contudo, verificou-se que a hemorragia major e o endpoint composto ocorreram com maior frequência no genótipo GG do que no GA e no AA, enquanto que a morte foi mais frequente nos heterozigóticos para o alelo A. A incidência de SCA foi numericamente superior no genótipo AA do que no GG e GA. A ocorrência de AVC hemorrágico não se verificou em nenhum dos grupos de doentes com FA. Na população total estudada e no sub-grupo de doentes com FA, os genótipos CYP2C9 não homozigóticos para o alelo *1 estiveram associados, respetivamente, a um risco 10 e 6 vezes superior de AVC isquémico, comparativamente ao genótipo homozigótico 1/1. Conclusão: Na população de doentes com FA estudada, não foi observada interação entre o tipo de genótipo CYP2C9 e VKORC1 e a incidência de hemorragia major ou dos eventos cardiovasculares e cerebrovasculares estudados. No entanto, a prevalência global de AVC isquémico foi significativamente superior nos doentes com genótipo CYP2C9 não 1/1
Introduction: The key genes involved in the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics response to dicumarinics are the gene of cytochrome P450 2C9 (CYP2C9) and the subunit 1 of K vitamin’s epoxide reductase complex (VKORC1). The dependent effects of these polymorphisms in the coagulation cascade can help to determine the individual susceptibility to different vascular diseases. However, there is little published literature on the possible association of these polymorphisms with vascular pathologies. Objectives: To evaluate the impact of different polymorphisms of the CYP2C9 and VKORC1 genes in the medium term occurrence of major bleeding, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events. Methods: Retrospective analysis of a database with 92 patients chronically anticoagulated with dicumarinics for cardiac disease and previously submitted to genetic testing for polymorphisms with susceptibility to dicumarinics (CYP2C9 and VKORC1). In the group of patients anticoagulated for atrial fibrillation (AF) (n = 47), a mean clinical follow-up of 5.8 years was conducted to assess the occurrence of major bleeding and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events. A composite endpoint that included ischemic stroke, ACS and death and another global ischemic stroke endpoint before oral anticoagulation and during follow-up were constructed. Two sub-groups: CYP2C9 1/1 and CYP2C9 non 1/1 were defined for the CYP2C9 gene allowing the analysis of the events, the latter sub-group included heterozygote and homozygote patients for the alleles 2 and 3. Results: Of the 92 studied patients, 51 (55.4 %) were male, with a mean age of 66 years. Most of the patients were anticoagulated due to AF (57.3%). The most common genotypes were CYP2C9 1/1 and VKORC1 G/A. As for the CYP2C9 gene, the incidence of major bleeding, ischemic stroke, the composite endpoint and death was numerically higher in the group of patients with CYP2C9 non 1/1 when compared with the group of patients with CYP2C9 1/1, but the differences were not statistically significant. ACS was more frequent in the group of patient with CYP2C9 1/1 without statistically significant difference. Regarding the VKORC1 polymorphisms and the occurrence of events, the differences had also no statistical significance. However, major bleeding and the composite endpoint occurred more frequently in the GG genotype than in the GA or AA, whereas death was more frequent in heterozygotes for the allele A. The incidence of ACS was numerically higher in AA genotype than in GG and GA. Among the entire population and in the subgroup of patients with AF, CYP2C9 non homozygous genotypes for the allele * 1 were associated with a 10 and 6 times higher risk of ischemic stroke when compared to homozygous genotype 1/1, respectively. Conclusion: In the studied population of patients with AF, no interaction was observed between the type CYP2C9 and VKORC1 genotypes and the incidence of major bleeding or cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events. However, the overall prevalence of ischemic stroke was significantly higher in patients with CYP2C9 non 1/1 genotype
Book chapters on the topic "Vkorc1 gene"
Spohn, G., Th Wunderlich, A. Kleinridders, Ch Geisen, E. Seifried, and J. Oldenburg. "Analysis of the Biological Importance of the VKORC1 Gene via Knock-Out Mice." In 37th Hemophilia Symposium, 256–58. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2008.
Full textMarinova, M., Ph Westhofen, M. Watzka, B. Pötzsch, and J. Oldenburg. "Functional Promoter Polymorphism in the VKORC1 Gene is no Major Genetic Determinant for Vitamin K Dependent Coagulation Factor Activity." In 37th Hemophilia Symposium, 261–63. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2008.
Full textHünerberg, M., G. Spohn, C. R. Müller, and J. Oldenburg. "Creation and Characterization of a Knock-Out Mouse for the VKORC1L1-Gene." In 37th Hemophilia Symposium, 266–68. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2008.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Vkorc1 gene"
Wieland, Ivonne, and Karl-Walter Sykora. "Variable Clinical Phenotype in 5 Patients with the Same VKORC1 Gene Mutation." In 49. Hamburger Hämophilie Symposion. Georg Thieme Verlag KG, 2019.
Full text"The Frequency of CYP2C9 and VKORC1 Gene Polymorphic Alleles in Georgian Population." In 5th International Conference on Biological, Chemical and Environmental Sciences. International Institute of Chemical, Biological & Environmental Engineering, 2016.
Full textSaeeda, Hina, and Muhammad Adil Abid. "An Ideology for the Prediction of Critical Haplotype Blocks of Variants in Genes (Cyp2c9 And Vkorc1) for Warfarin (Anticoagulant) Drug Dosage to Treat Heart Patients Efficiently by Using Ml (Machine Learning) and Data Stream Mining Techniques." In ICAIP 2019: 2019 3rd International Conference on Advances in Image Processing. New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2019.
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