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A viticultura é um cultivo perene bastante presente no estado do Rio Grande do Sul e tem a Serra Gaúcha como o principal polo vitícola do país, tendo sua produção atrelada a colonização italiana, que deu início ao povoamento do território. A maior parte da produção é realizada no sistema convencional, todavia a região serrana também vem se destacando atualmente pela viticultura orgânica. A uva já é a fruta mais cultivada no sistema orgânico no estado do Rio Grande do Sul e tem a sua base centrada na agricultura familiar e na pequena propriedade rural. Neste artigo é discutido a formação do território da viticultura orgânica no município de Cotiporã pertencente a Serra Gaúcha, um dos municípios de maior produção de uva no estado e que tem na viticultura a principal atividade agrícola. Para cumprir com os objetivos propostos a pesquisa foi embasada em diferentes etapas: coleta de dados e informações em fontes primárias e secundárias, revisão de referencial teórico sobre o tema, trabalho de campo, aplicação de entrevistas semiestruturadas e análise dos dados coletados. Concluiu-se que a viticultura orgânica está em expansão no município, os viticultores buscam no sistema orgânico melhor qualidade de vida, preservação ambiental e rentabilidade financeira.Palavras-chave: Viticultura Orgânica; Preservação Ambiental; Cotiporã. ABSTRACTThe viticulture is a quite present everlasting cultivation in the state of Rio Grande do Sul and it takes the Serra Gaúcha as the main viticultural pole of the country, having his production harnessed the Italian colonization, which gave beginning to the settlement of the territory. Most of the production are carried out in the conventional system, however the mountain region also comes standing out at present for the organic viticulture. The grape is already the fruit most cultivated in the organic system in the state of Rio Grande do Sul and it has his base centered in the familiar agriculture and in the small rural property. In this article it is discussed the formation of the territory of the organic viticulture the local authority of Cotiporã pertaining to Serra Gaúcha, one of the local authorities of bigger production of grape in the state and what has in the viticulture the main agricultural activity. To be necessary with the objectives proposed the inquiry it was supported in different stages: collection of data and informations in primary and secondary fountains, revision of theoretical referential system on the subject, work of field, application of semistructured interviews and analysis of the collected data. It was ended that the organic viticulture is in expansion in the local authority, the vinedressers look in the best organic system for quality of life, environmental preservation and financial profitability.Keywords: Organic Viticulture; Environmental Preservation; Cotiporã.
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Brown, A. G., I. Meadows, S. D. Turner, and D. J. Mattingly. "Roman vineyards in Britain: stratigraphic and palynological data from Wollaston in the Nene Valley, England." Antiquity 75, no. 290 (December 2001): 745–57.

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Stratigraphic and palynological evidence from trenches at Wollaston, Northamptonshire, suggest viticulture was extensively practised at this Roman site. It is argued that the apparent lack of viticultural tools and wine presses in the archaeological record in Britain is not reliable evidence for the absence of viticulture at that time.
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Bakon, Matus, Ana Cláudia Teixeira, Luís Pádua, Raul Morais, Juraj Papco, Lukas Kubica, Martin Rovnak, Daniele Perissin, and Joaquim J. Sousa. "Synthetic Aperture Radar in Vineyard Monitoring: Examples, Demonstrations, and Future Perspectives." Remote Sensing 16, no. 12 (June 11, 2024): 2106.

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Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) technology has emerged as a pivotal tool in viticulture, offering unique capabilities for various applications. This study provides a comprehensive overview of the current state-of-the-art applications of SAR in viticulture, highlighting its significance in addressing key challenges and enhancing viticultural practices. The historical evolution and motivations behind SAR technology are also provided, along with a demonstration of its applications within viticulture, showcasing its effectiveness in various aspects of vineyard management, including delineating vineyard boundaries, assessing grapevine health, and optimizing irrigation strategies. Furthermore, future perspectives and trends in SAR applications in viticulture are discussed, including advancements in SAR technology, integration with other remote sensing techniques, and the potential for enhanced data analytics and decision support systems. Through this article, a comprehensive understanding of the role of SAR in viticulture is provided, along with inspiration for future research endeavors in this rapidly evolving field, contributing to the sustainable development and optimization of vineyard management practices.
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IRIMIA, Liviu Mihai, and Cristian Valeriu PATRICHE. "Geographical distribution, environmental characteristics and valuation possibilities of the areas that have gained viticulture potential in Romania as a result of climate change." Present Environment and Sustainable Development 18, no. 2 (November 30, 2024): 367–78.

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Climate change leads to the modification of the climatic conditions that have defined the specific of Romania wine regions. Using a GIS based methodology for evaluating the viticultural potential of geographical areas, this research reveals: the geographical distribution in Romania of the areas that acquired viticulture potential during the 1991-2013 time period; the possibilities of exploiting these areas in relation to the current land use; the grape varieties that could be grown and the types of wine that could be produced in these areas. According to the results of this research, during the 1991-2013 time period the total area with viticulture potential is, at Romanian level, with 25,245 km2 larger than during the 1961-1990 time period. The areas that acquired viticultural potential are mostly located in the northern half of Romania and at altitudes exceeding 550 m asl. Analyzed in relation to the type of current land use, from the area that has acquired viticultural potential, 11,408 km2 are excluded from the possibility of viticultural use, being occupied by forests, water bodies and industrial and residential constructions. The difference of 13,837 km2 corresponds to agricultural lands of which 8,700 km2 could be exploited through viticulture if this would be considered by land owners a more economically efficient alternative of capitalizing on them.
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Fernandes, António, Nataša Kovač, Hélder Fraga, André Fonseca, Sanja Šućur Radonjić, Marko Simeunović, Kruna Ratković, Christoph Menz, Sergi Costafreda-Aumedes, and João A. Santos. "Challenges to Viticulture in Montenegro under Climate Change." ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 13, no. 8 (July 30, 2024): 270.

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The Montenegrin climate is characterised as very heterogeneous due to its complex topography. The viticultural heritage, dating back to before the Roman empire, is settled in a Mediterranean climate region, located south of the capital Podgorica, where climate conditions favour red wine production. However, an overall increase in warmer and drier periods affects traditional viticulture. The present study aims to discuss climate change impacts on Montenegrin viticulture. Bioclimatic indices, ensembled from five climate models, were analysed for both historical (1981–2010) and future (2041–2070) periods upon three socio-economic pathways: SSP1-2.6, SSP3-7.0 and SSP5-8.5. CHELSA (≈1 km) was the selected dataset for this analysis. Obtained results for all scenarios have shown the suppression of baseline conditions for viticulture. The average summer temperature might reach around 29.5 °C, and the growing season average temperature could become higher than 23.5 °C, advancing phenological events. The Winkler index is estimated to range from 2900 °C up to 3100 °C, which is too hot for viticulture. Montenegrin viticulture requires the application of adaptation measures focused on reducing temperature-increase impacts. The implementation of adaptation measures shall start in the coming years, to assure the lasting productivity and sustainability of viticulture.
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Halenko, Oleksander. "Wine Production, Marketing and Consumption in the Ottoman Crimea, 1520-1542." Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient 47, no. 4 (2004): 507–47.

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AbstractThis effort to estimate the amount of wine production in the Southern Crimea in the sixteenth century opens a window into the ways of accommodation of viticulture, wine production and wine commerce by the Ottoman Empire in a province with a predominantly Christian population. The terminology invented by the Ottomans to denote the taxes levied on viticulture reveals their highly sophisticated rationalistic approach, by which they settled the contradiction between the Islamic prohibition of wine and their practical interest in such a lucrative business, while tax rates developed on this basis granted a signi ficant tax break to Muslim viticulturers. The data of two extant Ottoman tax-registers for the Crimea show that such ingenious fiscal policy stimulated both Muslim investment in this business and conversion of local Christian peasants to Islam. Also, through data on the taxation of wine commerce, estimations of prices and tax rates for marketed wine were suggested. Cet essai d'estimer la quantité de vin produit en Crimée du sud au XVI e siècle ouvre en fait des perspectives sur l'adaptation de la viticulture, de la production et du commerce du vin par les Ottomans dans une province ayant une population principalement chretienne. La terminologie utilisée par les Ottomans pour la levée de taxe sur la viticulture révèle une approche rationnelle très so fistiquée, grace à laquelle avaint été résolue la contradiction existant entre la prohibition islamique du vin et l'intèrêt pratique pour une occupation lucrative. L'imposition qui s'est développée sur cette base accordait aux viticulteurs musulmans des allégements fiscaux signi ficatifs. Les données des deux registres de taxe existants montrent qu'une telle politique fiscale ingenieuse a apparement stimulé à la fois les investissements musulmans dans ce domaine et la conversion des paisans chrétiens locaux a l'islam. À travers les informations sur l'imposition du commerce du vin, des estimations de prix et de niveax d'imposition sur le vin mis en vente sont égalem, ent suggerés.
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Chelotti, Marcelo Cervo, and Rosa Maria Vieira Medeiros. "CARTOGRAFIAS DA VITICULTURA EM MINAS GERAIS: da gênese no Sul à expansão para o Norte." InterEspaço: Revista de Geografia e Interdisciplinaridade 7, no. 20 (March 28, 2021): 202106.

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CARTOGRAPHS OF VITICULTURE IN MINAS GERAIS: from South genesis to North expansionCARTOGRAFÍAS DE LA VITICULTURA EN MINAS GERAIS: de la génesis en el Sur a la expansión al NorteRESUMOO presente artigo tem como objetivo analisar a reorientação no deslocamento do padrão espacial do cultivo de uvas no estado de Minas Gerais, originalmente localizado no Sul, mas expandiu-se para o norte mineiro nas últimas décadas. Os procedimentos metodológicos centraram-se na revisão de literatura sobre a viticultura no Brasil, e na coleta em dados secundários na Pesquisa Agrícola Municipal/PAM/IBGE, nos Censos Agropecuários do IBGE, além do Banco de Dados de Uva, Vinho e Derivados/VITIBRASIL. Os mapas temáticos demonstraram a dinâmica da viticultura em Minas Gerais, evidenciando uma mudança no padrão espacial, ou seja, historicamente concentrada no sul do estado, mas verificamos no pós-1990 uma expansão geográfica para o norte, principalmente em direção ao Cerrado e vale do Rio São Francisco. O papel desempenhado pela pesquisa, na busca de novas técnicas para a viticultura em regiões tropicais, tem uma grande centralidade nesse processo, uma vez que estamos diante de um novo paradigma para a produção de uvas e vinhos.Palavras-chave: Viticultura; Regionalização; Geografia do Vinho; Minas Gerais.ABSTRACTThis article has the goal to analyze the reorientation in the displacement of the spatial pattern of grape cultivation in the state of Minas Gerais, originally located in the south, but has expanded to the north of Minas Gerais in recent decades. The methodological procedures focused on the literature review on viticulture in Brazil, and the collection of secondary data from the Municipal Agricultural Research/PAM/IBGE, the IBGE Agricultural Census, and the Grape, Wine and Derivatives Database/VITIBRASIL. Thematic maps showed the dynamics of viticulture in Minas Gerais, showing a change in the spatial pattern, that is, historically concentrated in the south of the state. Sao Francisco River. The role played by the research in the search for new techniques for viticulture in tropical regions has a great centrality in this process, since we are facing a new paradigm for the production of grapes and wines.Keywords: Viticulture; Regionalization; Wine Geography; Minas Gerais.RESUMENEl presente artículo tiene como objetivo analizar la reorientación en el desplazamiento del patrón espacial del cultivo de la uva en el estado de Minas Gerais, originalmente ubicado en el sur, pero se ha expandido al norte de Minas Gerais en las últimas décadas. Los procedimientos metodológicos se centraron en la revisión de la literatura sobre viticultura en Brasil, y en la recopilación de datos secundarios en la Investigación Agrícola Municipal/PAM/IBGE, en los Censos Agrícolas del IBGE, además de la Base de Datos de Uva, Vino y Derivados/VITIBRASIL. Los mapas temáticos demostraron la dinámica de la viticultura en Minas Gerais, mostrando un cambio en el patrón espacial, es decir, históricamente concentrado en el sur del estado, pero en la década de 1990 verificamos una expansión geográfica hacia el norte, principalmente hacia el Cerrado y Vale do Río São Francisco El papel desempeñado por la investigación, en la búsqueda de nuevas técnicas para la viticultura en las regiones tropicales, tiene una gran centralidad en este proceso, ya que nos enfrentamos a un nuevo paradigma para la producción de uvas y vinos.Palabras-clave: Viticultura; Regionalización; Geografía del Vino; Minas Gerais.
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Quénol, Hervé, Iñaki Garcia de Cortazar Atauri, Benjamin Bois, Andrew Sturman, Valérie Bonnardot, and Renan Le Roux. "Which climatic modeling to assess climate change impacts on vineyards?" OENO One 51, no. 2 (May 15, 2017): 91.

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The impact of climatic change on viticulture is significant: main phenological stages appear earlier, wine characteristics are changing,... This clearly illustrates the point that the adaptation of viticulture to climate change is crucial and should be based on simulations of future climate. Several types of models exist and are used to represent viticultural climates at various scales. In this paper, we propose a review of different types of climate models (methodology and uncertainties) and then few examples of its application at the scale of wine growing regions worldwide.
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Quénol, Hervé, Iñaki Garcia de Cortazar Atauri, Benjamin Bois, Andrew Sturman, Valérie Bonnardot, and Renan Le Roux. "Which climatic modeling to assess climate change impacts on vineyards?" OENO One 51, no. 2 (May 15, 2017): 91–97.

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The impact of climatic change on viticulture is significant: main phenological stages appear earlier, wine characteristics are changing,... This clearly illustrates the point that the adaptation of viticulture to climate change is crucial and should be based on simulations of future climate. Several types of models exist and are used to represent viticultural climates at various scales. In this paper, we propose a review of different types of climate models (methodology and uncertainties) and then few examples of its application at the scale of wine growing regions worldwide.
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Ferrer-Alos, Llorenç. "Commercial Structures and the Globalisation of Viticulture in Catalonia: From Brandy to Wine and Cava (Eighteenth–Twentieth Centuries)." Historical Review/La Revue Historique 17 (May 26, 2021): 251.

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This paper analyses the evolution of viticulture in Catalonia since theeighteenth century, when the industry entered the international market, with massive exports of brandy to northern Europe and the Spanish colonial market. In the nineteenth century, Catalan viticultural produce was exported mainly to Latin America in exchange for the importation of cotton. After the phylloxera crisis, viticulture experienced difficulty in internationalisation until the specialisation in cava, a sparkling wine made in the same way as champagne, kept the wine production going. In the twenty-first century, thespecialisation in quality wines is also related to the export to international markets.
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Danko, Richard, Pavel Pavloušek, Magdalena Kapłan, and Kamila E. Klimek. "Conception, Consequences and Design of Cool Climate Viticulture Training Systems." Agriculture 14, no. 11 (November 1, 2024): 1966.

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In this review, the problems, challenges and opportunities of trellis design are dealt with in the conditions of cool climate viticulture influenced by climate changes. Viticulture in so-called cool climate regions faces a number of weather and climatic extremes that directly or indirectly damage the grapes and so the wine. A suitable option is to use the structural and technical implementation of vine trellises—training systems, canopy management, and pruning methods which can help the plant withstand various extremes. At the same time, it is essential to choose trellis design training systems that growers can maintain and that support the appropriate quality of the grapes. Viticultural regions of warmer climate are strengthening the shading potential of training systems. Even so, the central viticultural areas withstand highly variable extremes of previous vintages with numerous shortcomings in the shading potential of trellis design. Meanwhile, the cool climate regions tend to use a trellis design with a simple canopy and easy sunlight exposition to reach the maximum solar contribution.
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Albedyll, Astrid von, Lisa Vogt, and Daniel Dreesmann. "MUCH MORE THAN OLD WINE IN NEW SKINS: STUDENTS’ AND ADULTS’ KNOWLEDGE ON GRAPEVINE AND VINEYARDS AS A STARTING POINT FOR NEW TOPICS IN SCHOOL." Journal of Baltic Science Education 16, no. 4 (August 25, 2017): 612–24.

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Young people continually lose contact to their natural surroundings and agriculture. As school is one of young people’s main source of knowledge it should bring students and nature back together, by using agricultural examples. This research examines German students’ and adults’ knowledge on plant biological basics and viticulture choosing grapevine as an agricultural example of plants. It was undertaken as a paper-and-pencil test with participants of different ages and from different educational backgrounds. The results reveal the weaknesses of participants’ knowledge concerning botanical as well as viticultural aspects. Additionally, the results show a positive correlation between their age and their knowledge on viticulture. Thus, it shows the chance given by developing new teaching material meeting curriculum requirements, modern didactical approaches and the attempt of reconnecting young people with their agricultural surroundings. By using the example of grapevine a local and culturally important agricultural plant is chosen as a representative of different phenomena of botany as well as steps of food processing. Keywords: biology curriculum, science education, sustainability education, knowledge on grapevine, botany and viticulture.
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Maghradze, David, Gabriele Cola, Luigi Mariani, and Osvaldo Failla. "Analysis of agroclimatic resources for Georgian viticulture." BIO Web of Conferences 13 (2019): 04013.

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One of the results of the “Research Project for the Study of Georgian Grapes and Wine Culture” promoted by the National Wine Agency of the Republic of Georgia was the production of a bilingual handbook for modern viticulture. The first sections of the handbook were devoted to the agrometeorological analysis of environmental resources and limitations, comprising a general analysis of Georgian climate and agrometeorological features, followed by detailed regional cards. The agrometeorological analysis of Georgia was based on daily data collected by National and International networks for the period 1974-2013. Several agrometeorological indexes were calculated in order to define resources and limitations for viticulture for each viticultural region of Georgia, providing fundamental information for grape-growing and wine-making.
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Mceachern, George Ray. "Oregon Viticulture." HortScience 38, no. 7 (December 2003): 1457c—1458.

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Dierend, W. "Weinanbau – Viticulture." Erwerbs-Obstbau 60, S1 (November 2018): 1.

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Buzatu, Gilda-Diana, and Liviu Cristian Mărăcineanu. "Evaluation Of Levels Of Climate Favorability For Viticulture In Breasta Viticultural Centre." ACTA Universitatis Cibiniensis 67, no. 1 (September 1, 2015): 105–10.

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Abstract The aim of this present research was to evaluate the climatic conditions of a viticultural centre, as there are always needed studies to determine the climate favorability of the vine cultivation and the varieties resistant to heat and water stress, especially when climate change affects globally viticulture. The present research was made using the interpretation of Craiova Regional Weather Centre’s meteorological records for the year of 2014, for Breasta viticultural centre. The climatic factors permitted the determination of several indexes used in viticultural climatology for the appreciation of the viticultural biotope characteristics. Assessment of climatic resources through synthetic climatic indexes, clearly express the generous heliothermic offer available for Breasta viticultural centre, the guarantee of quality and specificity of vine products obtained in this area.
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Carbonneau, A. "TROPICAL VITICULTURE: SPECIFICITIES AND CHALLENGES FOR A QUALITY VITICULTURE." Acta Horticulturae, no. 910 (October 2011): 15–34.

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Hoemmen, Garrett, Ira Altman, and Matt Rendleman. "Impact of sustainable viticulture programs on American Viticultural areas: Lodi AVA." Journal of Wine Research 26, no. 3 (June 18, 2015): 169–80.

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Fraga, Helder, Iñaki García de Cortázar Atauri, Aureliano C. Malheiro, José Moutinho-Pereira, and João A. Santos. "Viticulture in Portugal: A review of recent trends and climate change projections." OENO One 51, no. 2 (May 15, 2017): 61.

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<p class="Abstract" style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Aim:</strong> The winemaking sector in Portugal is of major socio-economic relevance, significantly contributing to the national exports and sustaining many wine-related activities, including oenotourism. Portuguese viticultural regions present a wide range of edaphoclimatic conditions with remarkable regional specificities, thus contributing to the individuality of their wines. Owing to the strong influence of climate and weather factors on grapevines, climate change may drive significant impacts on Portuguese viticulture.</p><p class="Abstract" style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Methods and results:</strong> Climatic projections for the next decades in Portugal highlight an overall warming and drying trend of the grapevine growing season, potentially resulting in modifications in phenology, growth, development, yields and eventually wine characteristics and typicity. Furthermore, the current viticultural suitability of each region is projected to undergo significant changes, suggesting a reshaping of the optimal conditions for viticulture throughout the country. In order to sustain high quality levels and affordable yield regularity, cost-effective, appropriate and timely adaptation measures must be implemented by the sector.</p><p class="Abstract" style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Conclusion:</strong> The most recent scientific studies covering the potential impacts of climate change on Portuguese viticulture are herein presented.</p><p class="Abstract" style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Significance and impact of the study:</strong> Possible adaptation measures against these threats are also discussed, foreseeing their integration into decision support systems by stakeholders and decision-makers.</p>
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MacCracken, Rosalyn Francine, and Paul R. Houser. "Spatial Analysis of Climate-Viticulture Indices for the Eastern United States." International Journal of Applied Geospatial Research 7, no. 4 (October 2016): 23–37.

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This study characterizes the climate structure in the Eastern United States for suitability of winegrape growth. For this study, the Eastern US is defined as the 44 contiguous Eastern most states. This excludes the premium wine growing states of California, Washington, Oregon and Idaho. For this characterization, a comparative study is performed on the four commonly used climate-viticulture indices (i.e., Average Growing Season Temperature, Growing Degree Days, Heliothermal Index and Biologically Effective Degree Days), and a new climate-viticulture index, the Modified-GSTavg (Mod-GSTavg). This is accomplished using the 1971 – 2000 PRISM 800-meter resolution dataset of climate temperature normal for the study area of 44 states and 62 American Viticultural Areas across the Eastern United States. The results revealed that all the climate indices have similar spatial patterns throughout the US with varying magnitudes and degrees of suitability.
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Vincent, Charles, Tom Lowery, and Jean-Philippe Parent. "The entomology of vineyards in Canada." Canadian Entomologist 150, no. 6 (November 22, 2018): 697–715.

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AbstractIn Canada, viticulture has been practiced since the arrival of European settlers. After a period of low activity due to the prohibition in North America, viticulture enjoyed a renaissance in the 1970s such that it became a rapidly growing industry in Canada. It is currently practiced mainly in five provinces,i.e., British Columbia, Ontario, Québec, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick. In Eastern Canada, several species of wild vines (VitisLinnaeus; Vitaceae) grew naturally before cultivation of domesticated cultivars and these had their entomofauna. In contrast, no wild vines grew in British Columbia. As a consequence, the insect fauna varies according to the provinces and the regions and the agroclimatic conditions. Here we review the literature relevant to viticultural entomology in Canada and discuss the main grape insects. It is noteworthy that certain insect pests of grapes were the subject of the first issues ofThe Canadian Entomologist. Selected milestones are provided to document the evolution of research in grape entomology in the context of dynamic evolving viticultural and oenological industries. In recent years, the arrival of several invasive species challenged the sustainability of integrated pest management programmes.
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Santos, João A., Helder Fraga, Aureliano C. Malheiro, José Moutinho-Pereira, Lia-Tânia Dinis, Carlos Correia, Marco Moriondo, et al. "A Review of the Potential Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Options for European Viticulture." Applied Sciences 10, no. 9 (April 29, 2020): 3092.

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Viticulture and winemaking are important socioeconomic sectors in many European regions. Climate plays a vital role in the terroir of a given wine region, as it strongly controls canopy microclimate, vine growth, vine physiology, yield, and berry composition, which together determine wine attributes and typicity. New challenges are, however, predicted to arise from climate change, as grapevine cultivation is deeply dependent on weather and climate conditions. Changes in viticultural suitability over the last decades, for viticulture in general or the use of specific varieties, have already been reported for many wine regions. Despite spatially heterogeneous impacts, climate change is anticipated to exacerbate these recent trends on suitability for wine production. These shifts may reshape the geographical distribution of wine regions, while wine typicity may also be threatened in most cases. Changing climates will thereby urge for the implementation of timely, suitable, and cost-effective adaptation strategies, which should also be thoroughly planned and tuned to local conditions for an effective risk reduction. Although the potential of the different adaptation options is not yet fully investigated, deserving further research activities, their adoption will be of utmost relevance to maintain the socioeconomic and environmental sustainability of the highly valued viticulture and winemaking sector in Europe.
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Venios, Xenophon, Elias Korkas, Aspasia Nisiotou, and Georgios Banilas. "Grapevine Responses to Heat Stress and Global Warming." Plants 9, no. 12 (December 11, 2020): 1754.

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The potential effects of the forthcoming climate change include the rising of the average annual temperature and the accumulation of extreme weather events, like frequent and severe heatwaves, a phenomenon known as global warming. Temperature is an important environmental factor affecting almost all aspects of growth and development in plants. The grapevine (Vitis spp.) is quite sensitive to extreme temperatures. Over the current century, temperatures are projected to continue rising with negative impacts on viticulture. These consequences range from short-term effects on wine quality to long-term issues such as the suitability of certain varieties and the sustainability of viticulture in traditional wine regions. Many viticultural zones, particularly in Mediterranean climate regions, may not be suitable for growing winegrapes in the near future unless we develop heat-stress-adapted genotypes or identify and exploit stress-tolerant germplasm. Grapevines, like other plants, have developed strategies to maintain homeostasis and cope with high-temperature stress. These mechanisms include physiological adaptations and activation of signaling pathways and gene regulatory networks governing heat stress response and acquisition of thermotolerance. Here, we review the major impacts of global warming on grape phenology and viticulture and focus on the physiological and molecular responses of the grapevine to heat stress.
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Sapaev, J. B., J. N. Fayziev, A. Supaeva, I. B. Sapaev, D. Nazaraliev, and G. S. Turaeva. "Exploring some possible impacts of climatic changes on viticulture." E3S Web of Conferences 452 (2023): 01030.

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Viticulture is a significant economic value in numerous countries. Environment assumes an imperative part in the terroir of a given wine area, as it emphatically controls overhang microclimate, plant development, plant physiology, yield, and berry structure, which together decide wine ascribes and typicity. New difficulties are, nonetheless, anticipated to emerge from environmental change, as grapevine development is profoundly subject to climate and environmental conditions. Changes in viticultural reasonableness in the course of the last many years, for viticulture overall or the utilization of explicit assortments, have effectively been accounted for in some wine districts. Despite spatially heterogeneous effects, environmental change is expected to intensify these new patterns of reasonableness for wine creation. These movements might reshape the geological appropriation of wine districts, while wine typicity may likewise be compromised much of the time. Changing environments will subsequently encourage the execution of opportune, reasonable, and savvy transformation methodologies, which ought to likewise be arranged and tuned to nearby circumstances for a compelling gamble decrease. Although the capability of the different variation choices isn't yet completely explored, meriting further exploration exercises, their reception will be of most extreme pertinence to keep up with the financial and ecological supportability of the exceptional valuable viticulture and winemaking area in Europe.
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Tziolas, Emmanouil, Aikaterini Karampatea, Eleftherios Karapatzak, and George F. Banias. "Balancing Efficiency and Environmental Impacts in Greek Viticultural Management Systems: An Integrated Life Cycle and Data Envelopment Approach." Sustainability 16, no. 20 (October 18, 2024): 9043.

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Greek wines excel in quality and exports, but the viticultural sector faces significant challenges from complex supply chains, shifting European policies, and the growing need for sustainability amidst climate change and economic pressures. External environmental costs could affect significantly the decision-making process of farmers, reflecting a broader evaluation of sustainability in viticulture. This study evaluates the economic and environmental impacts of organic, integrated, and conventional viticulture management systems in Drama, Greece using a life cycle (LC) approach and data envelopment analysis (DEA) to determine efficiency, quantify environmental impacts in monetary terms, and incorporate these costs into the analysis. Organic management systems have lower energy consumption and emissions compared to integrated and conventional systems, with organic systems ranging from 4546 to 6573 kWh/ha in energy use and 1358 to 1795 kg CO2 eq./ha in emissions, while integrated and conventional systems range from 9157 to 12,109 kWh/ha and 2961 to 3661 kg CO2 eq./ha. The DEA analysis reveals that most organic systems perform efficiently when accounting for environmental costs, whereas conventional systems face significant efficiency declines, with only a few maintaining optimal performance. Policy-supported transitions based on the provider gets principle are crucial for balancing economic and environmental goals in viticulture, as the integration of shadow prices significantly impacts efficiency.
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tippetts, jason. "The Science of Biodynamic Viticulture." Gastronomica 12, no. 1 (2012): 91–99.

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Biodynamics, as a viticultural method, is generally not well understood by either its practitioners or its detractors. Detractors complain that biodynamics is rooted in mysticism and has no scientific basis whatsoever and thus no place in the increasingly scientific world of viticulture and oenology. Proponents counter that the biodynamic method established by Rudolf Steiner in the early twentieth century is fundamentally based on scientific facts, and that the results of applying the method are consistent and easily discernible in both the vineyard and the wine glass. This article elucidates the very complex relationship between Steiner's theory and reductivist science and suggests that only by better understanding this relationship can we truly appreciate what the biodynamic method is.
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Anderson, Jon D., Gregory V. Jones, Andrew Tait, Andrew Hall, and Michael C. T. Trought. "Analysis of viticulture region climate structure and suitability in New Zealand." OENO One 46, no. 3 (September 30, 2012): 149.

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<p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Aims</strong>: This research analyzes four climate indices derived from gridded, interpolated data to assess New Zealand’s climate structure and variation among wine regions.</p><p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Methods and results</strong>: High resolution gridded data based on 1971-2000 climate normals was used to characterize climate indices depicting viticultural suitability in a geographic information system. The statistical properties of each index were assessed over 21 New Zealand viticulture regions. The results show predominately cool to moderately warm climate suitability in New Zealand, comparable to many European and United States regions. While many viticulture regions have one primary class of suitability, variability of climate within regions can be significant, with some regions containing two to four climate classes, making them suitable for a greater range of cultivars.</p><p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Conclusion</strong>: While the indices depict broad patterns expected over New Zealand, both within and between region variations can be substantial among the indices. However, two indices, Growing Season Average Temperature (GST) and Growing Degree-Days (GDD), are functionally identical, but GST is easier to calculate and overcomes many methodological issues in GDD.</p><p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Significance and impact of the study</strong>: This research provides the basis for evaluating general suitability for viticulture in New Zealand, assists comparisons between viticulture regions in New Zealand and worldwide, and offers growers measures of assessing appropriate cultivars and sites.</p>
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Gonçalves, Fátima, Cristina Carlos, Luís Crespo, Vera Zina, Amália Oliveira, Juliana Salvação, José Alberto Pereira, and Laura Torres. "Soil Arthropods in the Douro Demarcated Region Vineyards: General Characteristics and Ecosystem Services Provided." Sustainability 13, no. 14 (July 13, 2021): 7837.

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Viticulture is one of the oldest and most profitable forms of agriculture; it is also one of the most intensive farming systems. As intensive cultivation threatens the environment, there is increasing interest in the concept of sustainability within the wine industry, as well as new business opportunities, as customers begin to pay more attention to environmental and sustainability issues. Recognizing the key role of soil quality in environmentally and economically sustainable viticulture makes it essential to understand better soil arthropod communities, given their crucial functions in maintaining soil quality and health. The ‘Douro Demarcated Region’ (DDR) in northern Portugal offers good potential, in regards to biodiversity, due to its significant areas of non-crop habitats. This work aims to compile information on soil arthropod communities (both soil surface and soil-living) collected in the DDR vineyard agroecosystems. A description of the ecosystem services provided by them, as a basis for the development and implementation of sustainable viticulture systems, is also an objective of this work. An important set of soil arthropods necessary for the delivery of vital ecosystem services for viticulture, with particular reference to supporting and regulating services, occurred in this ecosystem. Eight classes were chiefly represented in a sample of about 167,000 arthropod specimens: Arachnida, Chilopoda, Diplopoda, Entognatha, Insecta, Malacostraca, Pauropoda, and Symphyla. The most representative were Entognatha and Insecta in soil-surface arthropods, and Arachnida and Entognatha in soil-living arthropods. The presence of recognized groups as bioindicators in agroecosystems, such as soil quality indicators, is also revealed. This knowledge is expected to contribute to a more efficient and sustainable management of the viticultural ecosystem.
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Chadha, K. L. "INDIAN VITICULTURE SCENARIO." Acta Horticulturae, no. 785 (May 2008): 59–68.

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Kraysvetniy, M. I. "DON VITICULTURE ORIGIN." Russian Vine 17 (November 2021): 69–93.

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From the editorial office. Mikhail Ivanovich Kraisvetny died in June 2020. This article was submitted by him to the editorial office in an unfinished form for review. Some of the author's conclusions, according to the editorial board, are controversial and do not correspond to modern knowledge. The editorial board does not share the views of the author, however, preparing for the release of the anniversary volume, it considered appropriate to publish this article in the author's edition, in view of the topical issues raised in the work, and in view of Mikhail Ivanovich's huge contribution to the creation of the Museum of the History of Viticulture and wine-making Don.
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Osrečak, Mirela, Ana Jeromel, Marko Karoglan, Marina Anić, Ana-Marija Jagatić Korenika, Nera Huzanić, and Ivana Puhelek. "Mycorrhiza in viticulture." Glasnik zaštite bilja 43, no. 4 (July 24, 2020): 26–30.

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Mikorizne gljive žive u simbiozi s korijenom viših biljaka, pa tako i vinove loze. Tijekom zajedničkog suživota, mikorizne gljive pomažu biljci u stjecanju vode i mineralnih hranjivih tvari iz tla, dobivajući za uzvrat produkte fotosinteze od biljke. Mikoriza igra ključnu ulogu u ciklusu hranjivih tvari u ekosustavu, a također štiti biljku od stresa iz okoliša pri čemu ujedno i povećava otpornost biljaka na štetnike i bolesti. Mikorizne gljive također imaju pozitivnu ulogu u prilagodbi biljke na nepovoljne uvjete tla. Štoviše, mikoriza kod inokuliranih trsova vinove loze može znatno povećati prinos i poboljšala kvalitetu grožđa.
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Çakıtlı, G. "Sustainability in viticulture." Acta Horticulturae, no. 1385 (January 2024): 157–64.

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Tupchiev, Usmon Sindorovich. "HISTORICAL STAGES OF VITICULTURE AND VITICULTURE PRODUCTION IN CENTRAL ASIA." Theoretical & Applied Science 85, no. 05 (May 30, 2020): 44–46.

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MĂRĂCINEANU, Liviu, Nicolae GIUGEA, Ionică GOFIȚĂ, and Ramona CĂPRUCIU. "CLIMATE EVALUATION OF VITICULTURE IN OLTENIA. CASE STUDY: CETATE - DOLJ." "Annals of the University of Craiova - Agriculture Montanology Cadastre Series " 53, no. 2 (January 5, 2024): 100–103.

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Oltenia is generally characterized by favourable climatic conditions for producing high-quality wines. On a statistical scale, viticulture in Oltenia accounts for approximately 20% of the entire country's viticulture. Corcova, Segarcea, Sâmburești, Drăgășani, Banu Mărăcine, Cetate, or Galicea Mare are just a few of the recognized major viticulture centers known for the quality of their wine production. This paper aims to evaluate the climatic characteristics of the viticulture center in Cetate, based on specific meteorological and climate indicators specific for viticulture in the current period. The climatic data and their interpretation describe the favourability of the climatic conditions for viticulture, the main climatic parameters' trends, and offer the possibility of establishing suitable varieties.
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Lisetskii, Fedor, Eugenia Zelenskaya, and Maria Rodionova. "Geochemical Features of Fallow Land in Ancient Plots in the Chora of Chersonesos." Geosciences 8, no. 11 (November 9, 2018): 410.

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The ancient city of Chersonesos created an agricultural zone in the 4th and 3rd centuries BC (under the conditions of climate aridization); this zone was initially used for viticulture and the export of wine, and grain farming later developed at the distant chora (in North-Western (NW) Crimea). The purpose of our work was to verify whether the ampeloecological conditions, especially the geochemical features of the soil and rock, limited viticulture in NW Crimea. Fallow lands in 13 plots in the near and distant chora of Chersonesos were studied using ampelopedology; specifically, we compared agrochemical properties and the concentrations of macro- and trace elements in the renaturation soil horizon and in the parent rock. The main differences between the soils of the two regions were determined by the accumulation of cinnamonic soils of Chersonesos Si, K, Fe, Al, P2O5; in the distant chora, there are specific elements, including V, Pb, Rb, Cr. The climate and the biogeochemical diversity of soils and rock could be significant factors causing the differences in wine quality in the two regions of western Crimea; these factors are still reflected in modern viticultural practices when using the concept of “terroir”. These findings are consistent with the different roles of ancient viticulture in SW (South-Western) and NW (North-Western) Crimea (i.e., export and local consumption, respectively), which have been highlighted by historians.
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Kızılaslan, Nuray, and Zafer Hızarcı. "Coğrafi İşaretli Erbaa Narince Bağ Yaprağı Üreticilerinin Yüksek Sistem Bağcılığı Benimsemesini Etkileyen Faktörlerin Belirlenmesi." Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology 10, no. 5 (June 2, 2022): 899–906.

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In this study, it was aimed to determine the factors that are effective in the adaption of high system viticulture by Erbaa narince vineyard leaf producers.Comparative analysis of the two groups using primary data collected from a total of 112 farmers, of which 44 were engaged in high-system viticulture and 68 were engaged in viticulture according to goble training system in 8 villages where it was appropriate to interview 25% of the total 33 villages in Erbaa. it is made. Demographic characteristics of producers such as number of households, education level, age and gender were examined. Chi-Square and logistic regression analysis were used to determine whether social, economic and adoption factors differ in terms of groups. The factors that were effective in the adoption of high system viticulture were determined as the age of the producer, agricultural income, total vineyard area and viticulture experience. High system viticulture, which has been tried to be expanded in Erbaa since 1998, has not been found to be at the desired level. It is important to develop attractive credit facilities for directing in viticulture according to goble training system producers to high system viticulture, facilitate application processes in material and certified seedling support, and announcing supports to producers, increase the training-extension activities related to high system viticulture.
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Fraga, Helder, Iñaki García de Cortázar Atauri, Aureliano C. Malheiro, José Moutinho-Pereira, and João A. Santos. "Viticulture in Portugal: A review of recent trends and climate change projections." OENO One 51, no. 2 (May 15, 2017): 61–69.

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Aim: The winemaking sector in Portugal is of major socio-economic relevance, significantly contributing to the national exports and sustaining many wine-related activities, including oenotourism. Portuguese viticultural regions present a wide range of edaphoclimatic conditions with remarkable regional specificities, thus contributing to the individuality of their wines. Owing to the strong influence of climate and weather factors on grapevines, climate change may drive significant impacts on Portuguese viticulture.Methods and results: Climatic projections for the next decades in Portugal highlight an overall warming and drying trend of the grapevine growing season, potentially resulting in modifications in phenology, growth, development, yields and eventually wine characteristics and typicity. Furthermore, the current viticultural suitability of each region is projected to undergo significant changes, suggesting a reshaping of the optimal conditions for viticulture throughout the country. In order to sustain high quality levels and affordable yield regularity, cost-effective, appropriate and timely adaptation measures must be implemented by the sector.Conclusion: The most recent scientific studies covering the potential impacts of climate change on Portuguese viticulture are herein presented.Significance and impact of the study: Possible adaptation measures against these threats are also discussed, foreseeing their integration into decision support systems by stakeholders and decision-makers.
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Droulia, Fotoula, and Ioannis Charalampopoulos. "A Review on the Observed Climate Change in Europe and Its Impacts on Viticulture." Atmosphere 13, no. 5 (May 20, 2022): 837.

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The European climate is changing displaying profound on agriculture, thus strongly reaching the scientific community’s attention. In this review, the compilation of selected scientific research on the agroclimatic conditions’ changes and their impact on the productivity parameters (phenology timing, product quality and quantity) of grapevines and on the spatiotemporal characteristics of the viticultural areas are attempted for the first time. For this purpose, a thorough investigation through multiple search queries was conducted for the period (2005–2021). Overall, increasing (decreasing) trends in critical temperature (precipitation) parameters are the reality of the recent past with visible impacts on viticulture. The observed climate warming already enforces emerging phenomena related to the modification of the developmental rate (earlier phenological events, shortening of phenological intervals, lengthening of the growing season, earlier harvest), the alteration of product quality, the heterogeneous effects on grapevine yield and the emergence of new cool-climate viticulture areas highlighting the cultivation’s rebirth in the northern and central parts of the continent. The vulnerability of the wine-growing ecosystem urges the integration of innovative and sustainable solutions for confronting the impacts of climate change and safeguarding the production (quantity and quality) capacity of viticultural systems in Europe under a continuously changing environment.
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Alonso Ugaglia, Adeline, and Bernard Del'Homme. "Impact économique et financier de la conversion en agriculture biologique (AB) : le cas de la viticulture biologique." Économies et Sociétés. Systèmes agroalimentaires 46, no. 1034 (2012): 2037–56.

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Les conversions en agriculture biologique (AB) se développent rapidement en viticulture sans que les connaissances et outils permettant d’accompagner cette rupture soient opérationnels. Peu d’études appréhendent ce changement en termes économiques. Cet article propose une méthode pour analyser de manière dynamique l’impact des trajectoires de conversion des viticulteurs. Celle-ci repose sur des indicateurs économiques et financiers dont les résultats sont analysés à l’issue d’enquêtes qualitatives menées auprès d’une dizaine d’entreprises.
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This article shows the role, importance of the viticultural industry in the country's economy, prospects for the production and export of exportable products using marketing strategies in the field, analyzes the opinions of a number of scientists, thoroughly examines the main problems and shortcomings in the development of the industry. Proposals have been cited for the development of viticulture prospects and the use of a marketing strategy for its export.
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Häfner, Lutz K. "Winegrowing and Winemaking in Russia: The Late Nineteenth Century to October 1917." Journal of Modern Russian History and Historiography 15, no. 1 (September 19, 2022): 5–38.

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Abstract The article focuses on winegrowing, winemaking and wine consumption in Russia before October 1917. At the turn of the century, there were two competing narratives on Russian viticulture: the first posited viticulture as prosperous with a radiant future; the second asserted a fundamental crisis in viticulture. This article explores the extent to which war and revolution helped undermine the foundations of viticulture and the wellbeing of winegrowers. It argues that, although war and revolution had deleterious effects on viticulture, structural deficits (such as a pronounced lack of financial capital, technical knowledge) as well as consumer preferences undercut the industry.
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Omazić, Branimir, Maja Telišman Prtenjak, Ivan Prša, Andreina Belušić Vozila, Višnja Vučetić, Marko Karoglan, Jasminka Karoglan Kontić, et al. "Climate change impacts on viticulture in Croatia: Viticultural zoning and future potential." International Journal of Climatology 40, no. 13 (March 13, 2020): 5634–55.

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Gu, Sanjun, and Kirk W. Pomper. "(360) Development of a Viticulture Website at Kentucky State University for Growers." HortScience 40, no. 4 (July 2005): 1028D—1028.

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Kentucky has a rich history in viticulture. The Kentucky Vineyard Society was founded in 1798 and Kentucky was the third largest grape and wine producer by 1860. During Prohibition, however, vines were either uprooted or left unattended, and the grape industry essentially disappeared in Kentucky. Since 1990, the grape and wine industry has shown a resurgence; however, there are limited educational opportunities in viticulture in Kentucky. Kentucky State University (KSU) emphasizes the development of alternative high-value crops for sustainable agriculture production. In 2000, a viticulture program was initiated at KSU to develop cultivar, vine management, and pest and disease control recommendations. Aware of the fact that grape growers in Kentucky are mostly new to grape culture, KSU has developed a viticulture website ( to disseminate viticulture information. The website provides information that includes setting up a new vineyard, managing a “mature” vineyard (Vitis, Kentucky weather and climate, site selection, cultivars, rootstocks, trellising, care of young vines, canopy management, irrigation and nutrition, pest, and disease management), grape growers' corner (questions and answers, buy and sale, resources), and selected links. A monthly viticulture calendar is also available. In the future, the site will be updated with research results in viticulture from KSU and other southeastern institutions, growers' feedback, and information on wine making. The viticulture website will aid in the promotion of the grape and wine industry in Kentucky and states with a similar climate, and benefit grape growers from this profitable and expanding market.
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Plahuta, Primož, Zora Korošec-Koruza, Peter Stanovnik, and Peter Raspor. "Current Viticulture and Winemaking Technology versus GMO Viticulture and Winemaking Technology." Journal of Wine Research 17, no. 3 (December 2006): 161–72.

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Rankovic-Vasic, Zorica, Ana Vukovic-Vimic, and Mirjam Vujadinovic-Mandic. "Priority measures of adaptation to climate change in the viticulture sector in Serbia." Zbornik Matice srpske za prirodne nauke, no. 147 (2024): 67–79.

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Viticulture production, like the entire agriculture, is subject to climate changes related to a significant increase in air temperature. High air temperatures during the ripening period negatively affect the yield and quality of grapes. Apart from the increase in air temperature, grape production is also affected by rainfall and the frequency of extreme events. Climate projections for the future predict a further increase in air temperature and a change in the most important viticultural indices. The analysis shows that there has been a change in the climate category according to WI and HI values, and in some areas also CI. The Drought Index (DI) does not show significant changes in the first two periods (2021- 2040; 2041-2060), in contrast to the increased frequency of droughts and the extension of the duration of the dry period during the year. Since the most significant risks in viticulture come from high temperatures during the grape ripening period and from hail and stormy weather during the growing season, appropriate adaptation measures are needed.
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Muntean, Maria Doinița, Liliana Lucia Tomoiagă, Horia Silviu Răcoare, Alexandra Doina Sîrbu, Ioana Sorina Giurcă, Veronica Sanda Chedea, Alin Cristian Teușdea, and Maria Comșa. "Millerandage—One of the Grapevine Cultivation Challenges in the Climate Change Context." Horticulturae 11, no. 2 (February 4, 2025): 165.

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This study investigates millerandage, a physiological disorder affecting grapes during their development. In the climate change context, millerandage can become a viticultural hazard problem causing yield drops and posing challenges regarding wine quality due to uneven ripening in grape clusters. Using the 2023 vintage data from the Research Station for Viticulture and Enology Blaj (SCDVV Blaj), Târnave wine region, Romania, we assessed the climate conditions of 2023, focusing on the adverse climatic conditions from the flowering phenophase and the observed millerandage grade that occurred as a consequence. A total of 26 grapevine cultivars were monitored, assessing millerandage grade by field observations carried out in two grapevine plantations (S1 and S2) in July (BBCH 79) and September (BBCH 87). The results show statistically significant differences, with cultivars like Ezerfurtu (Ez), Napoca (Na), and Rhin Riesling (RR) exhibiting a millerandage grade higher than 35%, while cultivars like Pinot noir (PN) and Pinot gris (PG) showed resilience, with millerandage grades below 1%. These findings highlight cultivar-specific vulnerabilities and provides insights into millerandage’s role as a climate change challenge in viticulture.
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Klimenko, O. E., N. I. Klimenko, and N. N. Klimenko. "Organic viticulture elements development." IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 659, no. 1 (February 1, 2021): 012004.

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Corzo, P. "TROPICAL VITICULTURE IN VENEZUELA." Acta Horticulturae, no. 199 (August 1987): 27–29.

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SAVIĆ, Svetozar, and Miško VUKOTIĆ. "Viticulture Zoning in Montenegro." Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca. Horticulture 75, no. 1 (May 19, 2018): 73.

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Montenegro’s viticultural regions and sub-regions were defined in the 2007 Law on Wine, based on the country’s empirical, traditional, historical and social heritage. However, during the process of defining these regions and sub-regions, the influence of climatic and soil factors crucial in the determination of dependent characteristics, such as the physiology of the grapevine and the quality of the grapes and wine, was not researched thoroughly enough. This work presents the climatic characteristics of the existing sub-regions, as well as the results of the climate’s impact on the physiological reactions of the most common domestic grape cv. Vranac (Vitis vinifera L.), facilitating a new viticultural zoning in Montenegro. Over a period of 56 years, the following climatic parameters were analysed: air temperature, precipitation, insolation and air humidity. These parameters suggest that all the sub-regions in Montenegro have uniform climatic parameters. The modification of certain climatic parameters is influenced by two large bodies of water – the Adriatic Sea and Lake Skadar – and by altitude. The duration of the individual phases and vegetation of the Vranac grape variety differed only slightly in the different sub-regions. As a reflection of the influence of climatic factors in different locations, Vranac grape and wine was analysed chemically and given a sensory evaluation. The analysed parameters indicate a nearly uniform chemical composition and sensory evaluation of all wines. Wines produced at lower altitudes were distinctive for their superior quality.
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BEKAR, Tuğba. "Waste Technology in Viticulture." Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology 6, no. 1 (April 5, 2016): 17.

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