Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Visual area'
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Hudson, Andrew E. "Attentional modulation in primate visual area V4 /." Access full-text from WCMC:, 2007. http://proquest.umi.com/pqdweb?did=1296098321&sid=10&Fmt=2&clientId=8424&RQT=309&VName=PQD.
Full textCadieu, Charles Fredrick. "Modeling shape representation in visual cortex area V4." Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2005. http://hdl.handle.net/1721.1/30367.
Full textThis electronic version was submitted by the student author. The certified thesis is available in the Institute Archives and Special Collections.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 85-89).
Visual processing in biological systems is classically described as a hierarchy of increasingly sophisticated representations, originating in primary visual cortex (V1), progressing through intermediate area V4, and ascending to inferotemporal cortex. The computational mechanisms that produce representations in intermediate area V4 have remained a mystery. In this thesis I show that the standard model, a quantitative model which extends the classical description of visual processing, provides a computational mechanism capable of reproducing and predicting the responses of neurons in area V4 with a translation invariant combination of V1 responses. Using techniques I have developed, model neurons accurately predict the responses of 8 V4 neurons to within-class stimuli, such as closed contours and gratings, and achieve an average correlation coefficient of 0.77 between predicted responses and measured V4 responses. Furthermore, model neurons fit to a V4 neuron's grating stimulus response, can qualitatively predict the V4 neuron's 2-spot reverse correlation map. These results successfully demonstrate the first attempt to bridge V1 and V4 experimental data, by describing how representation in V4 could emerge from the nonlinear combination of V1 neural responses.
by Charles Fredrick Cadieu.
Mansouri, Sina Sharif. "On Visual Area Coverage Using Micro Aerial Vehicles." Licentiate thesis, Luleå tekniska universitet, Signaler och system, 2018. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:ltu:diva-68666.
Full textDuncan, Hazel Annette. "Beyond shadowplay : the body and the visual." Monash University, Centre for Comparative Literature and Cultural Studies, 2004. http://arrow.monash.edu.au/hdl/1959.1/5216.
Full textKing, Li-Wei. "Selectivity and development of the visual word form area." Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/1721.1/79184.
Full textCataloged from PDF version of thesis. "February 2013."
Includes bibliographical references (p. 95-113).
An area of left occipitotemporal cortex commonly referred to as the visual word form area (VWFA), has consistently been shown to activate during the processing of written language. However, the exact nature of the region's selectivity is still under debate. In this thesis, I explore the selectivity of the visual word form area at three different levels. First, I examine whether the VWFA differentiates between letter strings of different lexicality and pronounceability and argue that the VWFA's selectivity is greatly influenced by attention. Second, I explore the developmental course of mirror discrimination in the VWFA, and show that children do not display adult-like mirror discrimination of letters even into early adolescence. Finally, I look at the developmental course of VWFA selectivity for words compared to nonlinguistic visual stimuli. While children have adult-like activation patterns when words are compared to a low-level visual control, they show less specialization compared to adults when objects are used as a control.
by Li-Wei King.
Chen, Zhuling M. Eng Massachusetts Institute of Technology. "Production system improvement : floor area reduction and visual management." Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/1721.1/78157.
Full textCataloged from PDF version of thesis.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 69-70).
This thesis suggests on the development process of a new layout design and visual management tools to improve the efficiency of a production line in a medical device company. Lean production philosophy and common lean techniques were adopted as a guideline in this project. A new layout design was proposed to utilize less manufacturing space while maintaining or improving the current production rate. A thorough study of the current system was conducted and preliminary analysis on the current system efficiency was evaluated. Design concepts were generated based on major reduction opportunities, namely removal of non-production areas on the floor, a point of use inventory system, consolidation of equipment and benches, new bench configuration. The final layout design reduced 479 ft 2 from the original layout with the same production rate. Visual management tools were developed after identifying key performance indicators for the production line. The visual management tools presented important data in a comprehensive way, facilitated communication among the production team and management team and empowered production associates in making continuous improvement on the floor. Key Words: Lean Manufacturing, Floor Area Reduction, Visual Management, Key Performance Indicators, System Efficiency
by Zhuling Chen.
M.Eng.in Manufacturing
Zaharia, Andrew D. "Neural computation of visual motion in macaque area MT." Thesis, New York University, 2016. http://pqdtopen.proquest.com/#viewpdf?dispub=10192285.
Full textHow does the visual system determine the direction and speed of moving objects? In the primate brain, visual motion is processed at several stages. Neurons in primary visual cortex (V1), filter incoming signals to extract the motion of oriented edges at a fine spatial scale. V1 neurons send these measurements to the extrastriate visual area MT, where neurons are selective for direction and speed in a manner that is invariant to simple or complex patterns. Previous theoretical work proposed that MT neurons achieve selectivity to pattern motion by combining V1 inputs consistent with a common velocity. Here, we performed two sets of experiments to test this hypothesis. In the first experiment, we recorded single-unit V1 and MT responses to drifting sinusoidal gratings and plaids (two gratings superimposed). These stimuli either had jointly varying direction and drift rate (consistent with a constant velocity) or independently varying direction and drift rate. In the second experiment, we presented arbitrary, randomly chosen combinations of gratings in rapid succession, to sample as widely as possible the space of stimuli that could excite or suppress neural responses. Responses to single gratings alone were insufficient to uniquely identify the organization of MT selectivity. To account for MT responses to both simple and compound stimuli, we developed new versions of an existing cascaded linear-nonlinear model in which each MT neuron pools inputs from V1. We fit these models to our data. By comparing the performance of the different model variants and examining their parameters that best accounted for the data, we showed that MT responses are best described when selectivity is organized along a common velocity. This confirms previous predictions that MT neurons are selective for the arbitrary motion of objects, independent of object shape or texture. We explore new model variants of MT computation that capture this behavior. These studies show that in order to characterize sensory computation, stimuli must be complex enough to engage the nonlinear aspects of neural selectivity. By exploring different linear-nonlinear model architectures, we identified the essential components of MT computation. Together, these provide an effective framework for characterizing changes in selectivity between connected sensory areas. Supplementary materials: figures 3.4(a-e), 3.10(a-e), and 3.14(a-e) are rendered as movies.
Downes, Sarah. "Reading Jean Rhys : empire, modernism and the politics of the visual." Thesis, The University of Hong Kong (Pokfulam, Hong Kong), 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/10722/206736.
Full textpublished_or_final_version
Doctor of Philosophy
Crook, J. M. "A neurophysiological investigation of the feline extrastriate visual cortex (area 18) using oriented and textured stimuli : A comparison with area 17." Thesis, Keele University, 1987. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.379422.
Full textBiro, Dora. "The role of visual landmarks in the homing pigeon's familiar area map." Thesis, University of Oxford, 2002. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.249515.
Full textZhao, Ruilin 1972. "Functional analysis of middle temporal visual area and its associated behavior." Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2002. http://hdl.handle.net/1721.1/8084.
Full textIncludes bibliographical references (leaves 106-120).
Our lab's long-term goal is to elucidate the circuitry of the visual cortex, to develop quantitative computational models of neuronal function in the visual cortex, and to establish how these models may relate to visual perception and visually guided behavior. Central to this goal is the analysis of functional architecture, which is crucial to an understanding of how the brain works. In my thesis research, I applied behavioral and microstimulation techniques to demonstrate the causal connections between neural activity and behavior. Understanding these relationships is one of the fundamental issues needed to be addressed in Neurobiology. Specifically, I focused on the functional analysis of the middle temporal visual area (MT) and the behavior associated with it. MT is an extrastriate area that is primarily involved in visual motion processing. A very important function within MT is a segregation of center-surround interactions which plays a critical role in processing visual motion cues. There are two types of motion center-surround interactions in MT neurons: surrounds may reinforce (at wide-field sites) or suppress (at local-motion sites) the centers' directional responses. They are important in representing the initial stages of a functional segregation between wide-field and local-contrast motion processing. To further study the computational model used by the brain to readout sensory information, I conducted microstimulation experiments in MT by changing stimulation amplitudes (from 10/LA to 160tA) and frequencies (from 25Hz to 500Hz). Microstimulation can introduce an additional velocity signal into MT and the pursuit and saccadic systems usually compute a vector average of the visually evoked and microstimulation-induced velocity signals.
(cont.) Increasing either amplitude or frequency generally increases the relative weight of the electrical velocity signal,' with the effects of amplitude being slightly more prominent. In addition, applying higher current fre-quencies appears to preserve the directionality of microstimulation better than does applying higher current amplitudes. With increasing frequencies, the magnitude of the electrical velocity signal either increased or remained constant, while its direction remained consistent. In contrast, increasing current amplitude tended to decrease the magnitude of the signal and increased its variability in direction. This finding is consistent with the idea that large current amplitudes, which presumably activate many MT columns signaling different directions, introduce noise into the behavior. My preliminary results have demonstrated that microstimulation in MT can also introduce an additional positional signal into the saccade system and that this electrical signal is combined with the visually evoked signal through a vector summation mechanism. The direction of this electrical signal is highly correlated with the position of the receptive field relative to the fixation point. To test the notion that the center-surround properties of MT neurons may be important for signaling the relative motion between object and background, we conducted behavioral experiments by using real background motion to simulate the microstimulation experiments at wide-field sites ...
by Ruilin Zhao.
Tanaka, Tomohiro. "Visual response of neurons in the lateral intraparietal area and saccadic reaction time during a visual detection task." Kyoto University, 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/2433/179343.
Full textBerman, Daniel. "Representations of Spatial Frequency, Depth, and Higher-level Image Content in Human Visual Cortex." The Ohio State University, 2018. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=osu1542184547546769.
Full textPrice, D. J. "The organisation and development of area 18 of the cat's visual cortex." Thesis, University of Oxford, 1985. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.355793.
Full textGhadooshahy, Azriel (Azriel Sion). "A prefrontal source of visual target enhancement in the macaque area V4." Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/1721.1/114077.
Full textCataloged from PDF version of thesis.
Includes bibliographical references (page 16).
The ventral pre-arcuate area (VPA) in the primate prefrontal cortex has recently been found to play an important role in feature-based selection of visual targets in the context of a naturalistic free-gaze visual search task. While VPA neuronal activation was found to be necessary for behavioral performance as well as target selection in the FEF, its role in the broader context of the visual system remains to be addressed. To this end, we have interrogated the role of the VPA in mediating the effects of feature attention in the macaque visual area V4 by recording in V4 with and without muscimol inactivation in the VPA. We report here that neuronal activation in the VPA is necessary for firing rate increases related to target selection in V4. KEYWORDS: feature attention, visual search, muscimol, neurophysiology
by Azriel Ghadooshahy.
S.M. in Neuroscience
Abel, Paul Lawrence. "The pattern of anatomical connections in visual area V2 of Macaque monkey /." Thesis, Connect to this title online; UW restricted, 1997. http://hdl.handle.net/1773/9079.
Full textSolomon, Selina Sharmalar. "Population signals in the middle temporal (MT) area of marmoset visual cortex." Thesis, The University of Sydney, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/2123/12685.
Full textDi, Silvestro Lorenzo Paolo. "Data Mining and Visual Analytics Techniques." Doctoral thesis, Università di Catania, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/10761/1559.
Full textSantarcangelo, Vito. "Visual Behavior Analysis in Retail Scenario." Doctoral thesis, Università di Catania, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/10761/4135.
Full textCavallet, Mikael. "Distribuição da atenção visual em áreas não adjacentes do campo visual." Universidade de São Paulo, 2010. http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/59/59134/tde-17112011-154944/.
Full textVisual attention is a set of processes which permits a preferential processing of visual information in a given moment. Several models of visual attention propose that attention might be allocated and focused in only one location by time when spatial cues are used to orient this displacement. However, different studies have been finding evidences that in appropriate circumstances, attention can be deployed to non-adjacent areas of the visual field. The main objective of the present study was to investigate the distribution of attention on these areas when the size and the localization of peripheral spatial cues were manipulated. The results suggest that visual attention can be deployed to more than one location simultaneously as a gradient with peaks in processing quality. The results also indicate that the ability to divide attention might depend on the localization in which the events occur in relation to each hemifield. Events that occur in different hemifields have more chance to take advantage of independent focus of attention while events that happen on the same hemifield have more chance to be processed by a single attentional focus but that this difference seems to be relative than absolute. This study have also contributions for the understanding of the focalization process when different tasks are requested revealing that the adjustment of the attentional focus to the size of a cued area is more easily verified in tasks that require fast detection of an target than when temporal order judgments are requested.
Das, Nibedita. "Critical analysis of Shyambazar traffic intersection area, Kolkata: A study of visual appropriateness." Kansas State University, 2006. http://hdl.handle.net/2097/145.
Full textDepartment of Landscape Architecture/Regional and Community Planning
Ray B. Weisenburger
This research explores the challenges related to the visual image of a city situated in a developing country. Originated as the colonial capital of British India, Kolkata faces new urban challenges in the post colonial world. This report intends to answer questions of imageability of the city as relevant to the Third World countries. Empathizing on the issues of scarcity of land, traffic congestion, accumulation of the urban poor, inadequacies in infrastructure and the organic expansion of fluid city boundaries under the neo-ideological globalization and liberal economic policies – Kolkata faces a host of urban problems. Imageability of the city usually tries to define the positive image of a city. The question here is, should the notions of imageability be confined to cities that inherently have succeeded in maintaining an appealing public image or should it be applied to the potential qualities of visual appropriateness to cities that have historically remained unattractive? This research intends to explore the visual quality of an area surrounding the five point intersection at Shyambazar, Kolkata, India. This study will be based on a number of observations and the different visual analysis techniques applicable in critically analyzing the visual conditions of an urban street pattern of a megacity in India. The main objective of this study is to find an appropriate visual quality for Kolkata, a megacity in the tropics – considering various related factors like – historical significance, demographic trends, geographical and climatological influences, transportation pattern, existing land use, socio-economic structure and inherent or associated urban problems of planning in developing nations.
Courtney, Jon R. "Examining memory for area and distance untangling the relationship between memory psychophysics and boundary extension /." Fort Worth, Tex. : Texas Christian University, 2006. http://etd.tcu.edu/etdfiles/available/etd-07262006-140632/unrestricted/courtney.pdf.
Full textSmith, Jackson. "The link between neural activity in area MT of visual cortex and motion perception." Thesis, McGill University, 2012. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=110544.
Full textLa transformation des potentiels d'action en perception ne peut êtrecomprise qu'en expliquant d'abord la façon dont le cerveau utilise les réponsesneurosensorielles pour dicter le comportement perceptif. À l'heure actuelle, nousignorons dans quelle mesure cela est accompli par les processus ascendant etdescendant. Dans un modèle ascendant, l'activité neurosensorielle a une incidencedirecte sur la perception. Cependant, dans un modèle descendant, l'état mentald'ordre supérieur du sujet détermine la perception, tout en alimentant également leretour des signaux vers les neurones sensoriels. La validité de chaque modèle estcomplexifiée par la prédiction que le lien entre les neurones sensoriels et lecomportement perceptif est fortement influencé par le niveau de corrélation entreles signaux neurosensoriels.Dans la présente thèse, trois questions importantes sont posées afin demieux comprendre la façon dont le cerveau relie l'activité neurosensorielle aucomportement perceptif. (1) Un modèle ascendant peut-il expliquer la détectiond'un mouvement visuel? (2) Les neurones visuels reçoivent-ils des signauxdescendants qui prédisent la détection du mouvement? (3) La connexion entre lesneurones visuels et la détection du mouvement est-elle liée aux corrélations entreles signaux neurovisuels?Pour répondre à ces questions, nous avons enregistré l'activité neuronalede la région temporale médiane (MT i.e. V5) du cortex visuel pendant que lessujets simiens effectuaient un exercice de détection du mouvement. L'expériencea été conçue afin de distinguer l'activité ascendante de l'activité descendante dansle temps au moyen d'un signal mobile bref et imprévisible pour capter le momentoù les neurones échangeaient de l'information. On a poussé la distinction encomparant les composantes spectrales, ascendante et descendante, des potentielsde champs locaux qui ont été enregistrées pendant les réponses de décharge. Lessources potentielles de corrélation neurale ont été limitées en choisissant despaires de neurones ayant des champs réceptifs qui ne se chevauchaient pas, et enenregistrant le signal de chaque neurone à l'aide d'une électrode distincte située à1 à 2 mm de sa contrepartie. Il a été tout particulièrement important d'adapter lesstimuli mobiles pour maximiser la contribution de chaque neurone à la détectiondu sujet.Trois observations majeures ont été faites. (1) Le lien entre les réponses dedécharge de l'aire MT et la détection du sujet est bien expliqué par un modèleascendant. (2) Les signaux descendants sont arrivés dans l'aire MT, mais après laréponse ascendante locale au signal mobile. (3) La corrélation entre une paire deneurones de l'aire MT et le lien de la paire par rapport à la détection dumouvement a été dynamique et variée. Somme toute, les résultats présentés danscette thèse favorisent une connexion ascendante entre les neurones sensoriels et lecomportement perceptif, mais suggèrent une interaction dynamique entre lesréponses sensorielles et les signaux descendants.
Dambacher, Michael, Martin Rolfs, Kristin Göllner, Reinhold Kliegl, and Arthur M. Jacobs. "Event-related potentials reveal rapid verification of predicted visual input." Universität Potsdam, 2009. http://opus.kobv.de/ubp/volltexte/2010/4495/.
Full textOliveira, Juliana Rigotti de. "Accessibility and pedestrian mobility oith phisical disabilities and visual area in urban Tauabté city (SP)." Universidade de Taubaté, 2015. http://www.bdtd.unitau.br/tedesimplificado/tde_busca/arquivo.php?codArquivo=799.
Full textO aumento da população, o desenvolvimento econômico e a facilidade na aquisição de veículos para o transporte individual no Brasil (automóvel e motocicleta) nas últimas décadas resultaram em políticas e projetos voltadas para o sistema viário e a mobilidade dos veículos motorizados, fazendo com que o pedestre com deficiência ou não, se adapte ao ambiente existente. As políticas e projetos voltados para a acessibilidade e mobilidade das pessoas com deficiência (PCD) são recentes e estão implantadas em algumas cidades brasileiras. Ao partir dessa premissa, esta pesquisa tem o objetivo de analisar medidas direcionada a acessibilidade e mobilidade do pedestre nas calçadas na área urbana da cidade de Taubaté localizada no Estado de São Paulo. Foi realizado pesquisa de campo, com abordagem quantitativa, de modo exploratório, probabilístico e por acessibilidade. Os atores participativos, estão dentro das classes dos deficientes físicos e deficientes visuais, a amostra foi composta de 31 participantes. O instrumento aplicado foi um questionário e para análise dos dados foi aplicado a análise de Correlação de Pearson (R). O trabalho desenvolvido teve como referência básica a literatura existente sobre o assunto, assim como na pesquisa de campo. Os resultados obtidos demonstram que as dificuldades de acessibilidade e mobilidade das pessoas com deficiência, ocorrem devido a estrutura atual das calçadas, como largura, obstáculos, barreiras físicas e ausência de sinalização. Conclui-se que o Poder Público precisa adotar um conjunto de medidas, como práticas aplicadas com sucesso em outras cidades e países, por meio de planejamento a longo prazo e elaboração de políticas públicas que respeite as características e limitações das PCD física e visual.
Hunter, Matthew W. "Liberation in White and Black: The American Visual Culture of Two Philadelphia-area Episcopal Churches." Diss., Temple University Libraries, 2011. http://cdm16002.contentdm.oclc.org/cdm/ref/collection/p245801coll10/id/108346.
Full textPh.D.
Liberation in White and Black studies, respectively, Washington Memorial Chapel (WMC) and The Church of the Advocate (COA), which are two Episcopal parishes in the Diocese of Pennsylvania. This dissertation investigates the ways that the visual culture of these spaces represents and affects the religious, racial and national self-understanding of these churches and their ongoing operations by offering particular and opposing narrative interpretations of American history. These "sacred spaces" visually describe the United States (implicitly and explicitly) in terms of race and violence in narratives that set them in fundamental opposition to each other, and set a trajectory for each parishes' life that has determined a great deal of its activities over time. I develop this thesis by situating each congregation and its development in the context of the entire history of both the Episcopal Church and Philadelphia as related to race, violence and patriotism. WMC is what historian of religions scholar Jonathan Z. Smith calls a "locative" space and tries to persuade all Americans to patriotically covenant with images of heroic "White" freedom struggle. COA is what Smith calls a "utopian" space and tries to compel its visitors to covenant with a subversive critique of the United States in terms of the parallels between biblical Israel and the African American freedom struggle. My analysis draws especially on the theoretical work of Pierre Bourdieu and David Morgan. A major focus of Pierre Bourdieu's work in both Language and Symbolic Power, and The Logic of Practice is the power of group-making. Group-creating power is often exercised through representations that create a seemingly objective sense of group identity and a social world that is perceived as "natural." David Morgan writes that religious visual culture functions as this sort of political practice through the organization of memory among those who are drawn to "covenant" with images. The Introduction of my dissertation lays out the theoretical approaches informing the visual culture analysis of these Episcopal Churches and raises the significant questions. Three main chapters provide: 1) an historical background of patriotism, race and violence in the Episcopal Church and in Philadelphia in particular, and 2-3) a thorough analysis of the history and visual culture of each space in context. A great deal of my analysis will be interpretive "readings" of the visual culture of the aforementioned churches in their larger contexts to explain how the visual culture represents social classifications to affect the constituents religious, racial and national self-understanding, and their ongoing operations by offering particular and opposing narrative interpretations of American history. The project concludes by summarizing the ways that the analysis of these spaces explicates the thesis with thoughts about the implications for the disciplines involved and further research.
Temple University--Theses
Kogan, Cary. "The expression of neurofilament protein and mRNA levels in the lateral geniculate nucleus and area V1 of the developing and adult vervet monkey (Ceorcopithicus aethiops) /." Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1999. http://www.collectionscanada.ca/obj/s4/f2/dsk1/tape10/PQDD_0028/MQ50807.pdf.
Full textTanaka, Yusuke. "Visual responses to moving objects with invariant contours in the monkey superior temporal polysensory area(STP)." 京都大学 (Kyoto University), 1999. http://hdl.handle.net/2433/182003.
Full textKidman, Gillian C. "Middle years school students' area judgement rules: A cross-sectional study." Thesis, Queensland University of Technology, 2002. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/36667/1/36667_Digitised%20Thesis.pdf.
Full textGilbert, Johann. "Étude et développement d'un réseau de capteurs synchronisés à l'aide d'un protocole de communication sans fil dédié à l'Internet des objets." Thesis, Toulon, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018TOUL0012/document.
Full textIn the last 20 years, the coming up of Internet of Things and Cloud Computing has conditionedthe need to deploy sensors everywhere to feed databases and analytics. To meet this requirements,new kind of networks have been massively deployed based on the sub-gigahertz frequency which haveunknown effect on human health.Couple the non-invasive aspect of the Visible Light Communication (VLC) with IoT could notonly reduce potential risks for human health but also avoid radio band saturation. However, today'stechniques consist mainly in broadcast data from light sources to receivers which is the opposite of theIoT paradigm. In this study, we will present a new design where the gateway is not a classic photodiodebut a camera.With this camera based method, we are able to design a star network using VLC. Even if the datarate is not the same as standard method, we are now able to collect data emanating from many sensorsat once with only one photoreceptor. This system also includes the ability of discriminate LED matrix,which transfer the same data faster, and single LED. Finally, data rate can be handle autonomouslyby the system to provide an optimal data transfer
Distefano, Alessandra. "The Effect of Emotions and Imagery Appeals on Visual Consumption Experiences." Doctoral thesis, Università di Catania, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/10761/1608.
Full textMurabito, Francesca. "Deeply Incorporating Human Capabilities into Machine Learning Models for Fine-Grained Visual Categorization." Doctoral thesis, Università di Catania, 2019. http://hdl.handle.net/10761/4144.
Full textHjärkéus, Erik, and Tim Larsson. "Riktade ljudeffekters påverkan på den visuella uppmärksamheten : En ögonrörelsestudie." Thesis, Högskolan Dalarna, Bildproduktion, 2018. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:du-29347.
Full textOrtis, Alessandro. "Methods for Sentiment Analysis and Social Media Popularity of Crowdsourced Visual Contents." Doctoral thesis, Università di Catania, 2019. http://hdl.handle.net/10761/4136.
Full textZiesche, Arnold, and Fred H. Hamker. "Brain circuits underlying visual stability across eye movements—converging evidence for a neuro-computational model of area LIP." Universitätsbibliothek Chemnitz, 2014. http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bsz:ch1-qucosa-147862.
Full textLi, Jin. "The typical and atypical development of the visual word form area: the role of innate connectivity and experience." The Ohio State University, 2020. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=osu1593448336086218.
Full textWheat, Katherine L. "The role of Broca's area for phonology during visual word recognition : investigations using magnetoencephalography and transcranial magnetic stimulation." Thesis, University of York, 2012. http://etheses.whiterose.ac.uk/2082/.
Full textBerman, Daniel. "From Photons to Photos: Mapping Functional and Organizational Properties of Human Visual Cortex with fMRI." The Ohio State University, 2015. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=osu1422972281.
Full textGiovannardi, Gianmarco. "Geometric properties of 2-dimensional minimal surfaces in a sub-Riemannian manifold which models the Visual Cortex." Master's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2016. http://amslaurea.unibo.it/11473/.
Full textWestraadt, Georina. "The potential for facilitating a rich variety of learning opportunities through the learning area arts and culture (visual arts)." Thesis, [S.l. : s.n.], 2007. http://dk.cput.ac.za/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1032&context=td_cput&preview_mode=1&z=1243931944.
Full textStevens, James Barrie. "Preferences for visual attributes in the process of selection and location of street trees in the Brisbane metropolitan area." Thesis, Queensland University of Technology, 1995. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/36248/1/36248_Stevens_1995.pdf.
Full textMi, Liang. "A Testbed for Design and Performance Evaluation of Visual Localization Technique inside the Small Intestine." Digital WPI, 2014. https://digitalcommons.wpi.edu/etd-theses/620.
Full textSeeloff, Desiree Machelle. "But is it local? A Content Analysis of Farm-to-Table Restaurants within the Columbus Metropolitan Area." The Ohio State University, 2017. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=osu1494289333534779.
Full textJohnson, Bryan Fisher. "Influence of Several Herbicides on Visual Injury, Leaf Area Index, and Yield of Glyphosate-Tolerant Soybean (Glycine max)." Thesis, Virginia Tech, 2001. http://hdl.handle.net/10919/32295.
Full textMaster of Science
Buffalo, Elizabeth Ann. "Memory, visual perception, the perirhinal cortex, and area TE : findings from behavioral studies in monkeys and in human amnesic patients /." Diss., Connect to a 24 p. preview or request complete full text in PDF format. Access restricted to UC campuses, 1998. http://wwwlib.umi.com/cr/ucsd/fullcit?p9911843.
Full textLa, Delfa Gaetano Carmelo. "Methodologies and Technologies for Indoor Localization: a Computer Vision Based Approach." Doctoral thesis, Università di Catania, 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/10761/3928.
Full textPAPA, Dorina. "Visual perception of the historic city image. An urban landscape approach to integrate the residual margins of the historical area. Gjirokastra case study." Doctoral thesis, Università degli studi di Ferrara, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/11392/2478771.
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