Academic literature on the topic 'Violence politique – Afrique'
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Journal articles on the topic "Violence politique – Afrique"
Bangoura, Dominique. "État et sécurité en Afrique." Politique africaine 61, no. 1 (1996): 39–53.
Full textRichards, Paul. "Sur la nouvelle violence politique en Afrique : le sectarisme séculier au Sierra Leone." Politique africaine 70, no. 1 (1998): 85–104.
Full textTshibilondi Ngoyi, Albertine. "Rôle de la femme dans la société et dans l’Église." Thème 23, no. 2 (December 22, 2017): 203–28.
Full textPiron, Florence. "Méditation haïtienne." Sociologie et sociétés 49, no. 1 (January 9, 2018): 33–60.
Full textAdjiwanou, Vissého, and Thomas K. Legrand. "Effets des normes de genre, de l’éducation et de l’emploi sur l’autonomie décisionnelle des femmes en Afrique subsaharienne." Articles 44, no. 1 (July 9, 2015): 89–128.
Full textDawoulé Kouassi, Eméline. "Absence de recours, le veuvage dans le patriarcat." Ambigua: Revista de Investigaciones sobre Género y Estudios Culturales, no. 7 (December 14, 2020): 229–48.
Full textChauveau, Jean-Pierre, Jacobo Grajales, and Éric Léonard. "Introduction : foncier et violences politiques en Afrique." Revue internationale des études du développement N°243, no. 3 (2020): 7.
Full textChrétien, Jean-Pierre. "Les racines de la violence contemporaine en Afrique." Politique africaine 42, no. 1 (1991): 15–27.
Full textTurco, Angelo. "Sémantiques de la violence : territoire, guerre et pouvoir en Afrique mandingue." Cahiers de géographie du Québec 51, no. 144 (February 19, 2008): 307–32.
Full textYebga, Solange Ngo. "Initiatives locales de la société civile en santé reproductive au Cameroun: Étude de cas des associations en milieu urbain." Regions and Cohesion 2, no. 1 (March 1, 2012): 25–48.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Violence politique – Afrique"
Bangoura, Mohamed Tétémadi. "Violence politique et conflits en Afrique : le cas du Tchad /." Paris ; Budapest ; Kinshasa [etc.] : l'Harmattan, 2006.
Full textNgowet, Luc. "Les fondements théoriques de la modernité politique africaine : essai de phénoménologie politique." Sorbonne Paris Cité, 2016.
Full textAny consideration of African political thought cannot disregard the issue of its recovering by Africanist discourse. The hegemony of this discourse is partly at the origin of our reflection on the theoretical foundations of modernity in Africa, that seeks to lay the foundations for a long-term research agenda on African political thought. Beyond a contention with the Africanist discourse, my thesis is also motivated by a more fundamental objective that presupposes and seeks to demonstrate that African thought has always played a vital role in the construction of the political modernity of Africa. I will analyse the contours and content of the theoretical foundations of that african political modernity through a methodology and a principle of reason that will bear witness to those foudations with conviction and lucidity. My doctoral dissertation therefore has two main objectives. First, it seeks to develop a critique of Africanist reason that will lead to an interpretation of endogenous discourses on politics in Africa, through a method of investigation called political phenomenology. Such a phenomenological understanding of politics as an instrument that can elucidate African modernity in Africa will be based on a critical interpretation of major african political texts written in both French and English. Secondly, my thesis aims at developing a philosophizing history of African political thought, providing a precise understanding of its concepts and issues. In sum, this dissertation would have achieved its objective if it read as a philosophical meta-narrative on African modernity, the specificity of which I shall define
Mallèvre, François. "Les politiques constitutionnelles au maghreb : essai d'interpretation." Versailles-St Quentin en Yvelines, 1998.
Full textLefranc, Sandrine. "Politique du pardon : amnistie et transitions démocratiques : une approche comparative." Paris, Institut d'études politiques, 2000.
Full textOndoua, Antoine. "Sociologie du corps militaire en Afrique noire : le cas du Cameroun." Thesis, Rennes 1, 2013.
Full textIt is a common perception that the army in Africa and more particularly in black Africa, is associated with putsch, riots, rebellions and violence. Yet, specificities can be pointed out, especially in the two following points: political stability and promotion to the highest office. In that way, in francophone africa, Cameroon and Senegal since their independence, have managed to preserve themselves from any violent upheaval. In Cameroon, beyond a certain internization of the rofessional sense ( army submitted to political power), we can state that the political stability is due to the fact that it has blended into a neo-patrimonial system up to the point of becoming itself a neo-patrimonialised institution. Nonetheless, in spite of defending partisan interests (the "Prince", the ruling class and his family) the army turns out to be a symbol of the process of rationalization and democratization of the state (bureaucratic principles, law enforcement, peacekeeping, socio-cultural mixing etc.). The question is now to figure out if the position of the cameroonian army is determined either by the symbol or by the system. In other words, is the Cameroonian army loyal because of its being neo-patrimonialised or because the neo-patrimonial system relies on such loyalty?
Colombani, Anouk. "L'après-violence : (ré)conciliations (im)possibles ?" Thesis, Paris 8, 2017.
Full textMore than fifty thousand processes of national reconciliation have been organised since the end of the eighties. Yet the outcome is still uncertain: is reconciliation possible? The instances of extreme violence which emerged in the twentieth century seem to have created an insoluble paradox. On the one hand, we must accept reconciliation to avoid new massacres. (Doesn't violence generate more violence?) On the other, it seems more incongruous than ever to call for reconciliation. Who has the right to order a victim of genocide to agree to r conciliation? The underlying assumption in this work is that reconciliation never really works because liberal theory cannot conceive of violence, and, more generally, social sciences are unable to deal with violence. As a result, we have to understand the scientific storytelling produced by liberal philosophy and transitional justice. We can then oppose the storytelling to a "philosophy of the concrete" and a philosophy of detail, which draw on anthropology and history in order to grasp what we almost incidentally call violence
Dugrand, Camille. "Prendre la rue : politique de la citadinité vagabonde en Afrique : les Shégués de Kinshasa." Thesis, Paris 1, 2014.
Full textBased on several field works in Kinshasa, the object of the thesis is the trajectories of « Shégués », these young city-dwellers who take a « different » path in the streets of the congolese megapolis. By « taking » the street and living in it they, diverge of conventional forms of existence under a roof in a family and throw themselves in a wandering urban adventure which generates both constraints and alternatives. In contrast to dominant discources that tend to represent them as marginal, isolated and inaudible « street children », it appears that Shégués are essential figures of the urban experience in Kinshasa. Subjected to a life full of constraint and uncertainty, they gather aroud new forms of sociability that can be seen as ways to support each other, forms of violence but also as alternative opportunities to « exist ». They can also constitute forms of distinction and even lead to the rise of famous and renowed people. The Shégués create a street culture that paves the way to heterogeneous interactions with other city dwellers and sometimes an incorporation of urban networks of power. Their social differenciation entails a process of stigmatization along a series of constraints. It also provides additional opportunities to have agency in the city and even reach some forms of popularity and prestige. How do they have agency on the city? What do they tell us on the youth’s perspectives of personal accomplishement in Kinshasa today? What are the political effects of the violence they both exert and endure? Do they produce a counter-hegemonic culture? Or do their actions tend to reinforce a violent political order? What are the social frontiers between these young actors and other city-dwellers? Do they shape a culture of subversion and protest? The trajectories of Shégués shed light on the ambivalence of a youth sub-culture, totally reliant on its local environment to urvive and that reclaim the codes established by the dominant sectors of society while challenging the exclusion they endure. While they can appear to reinforce the current « top-down » social order, the Shégués also shape new subversive and contentious life styles in a evolving megapolis, itself generating new norms and new ways of life and survival. In the end, the Shégués assert their role as actors of urban dynamic that keeps creating new figures of legitimacy and prestige while continuously reformulating new imagineries of alternative life possibilities. They express the critical and political ambition of their wandering life that contribute to « citadinity » in Kinshasa but also impact it. They do so by reinventing the ways to teverse their destiny and eventually gain acess to « another life »
Attindéhou, Olivier-Charles Bernardin. "Penser l'instabilité socio-politique en Afrique subsaharienne. Examen des causes et revendication heuristique : la stabilité par le chaos. Les cas illustratifs de la Côte d'Ivoire et du Rwanda." Thesis, Lyon, 2017.
Full textSubsaharan Africa presents itself, involuntarily, like an area in the grip of a succession of crises, conflicts, civil wars. These negative externalities of sociopolitical instability are apprehended, often, by the means of the causal ritual. That's why, the terms "ethnic group", "identity" - when it isn't question of underdevelopment, or the injection of democratic deficit - near the commentators, in a cursory mention, are convened to explain the perceived disorder. Thus, the events of 1994 in Rwanda are brought back to a "ethnic" conflict Hutu/Tutsi; negleging consequently the acuity of the complexity of reality or failing this, that of the convergence of variables. And yet, while going down in this cognitive depth, any observer would note that sociopolitical instability in subsaharan Africa remains a construction in time and space, optimized by the unrepentant desire of power of the political actors. The historical structures, far from being true determinants, take part in the social construction of reality carrying ideas, rules, and practices representational which set up the necessary grammar of the social upheaval. Our present work, not only comes to examine the usually advanced causes, but is also opposed to the culturalist arguments mobilized for the explanation or the comprehension of sociopolitical instability in subsaharan Africa. This is why, we retain that the scientific accuracy related with the comprehension of sociopolitical mechanisitc movement in subsaharan Africa is function of the mode of knowledge of perceived reality. Consequently, we estimate that sociopolitical instability in subsaharan Africa, is an evolutionary dynamic process which, notwhithstanding, the strutural disorder, strives for a relative stationnarity, then absolute before the advent of stability
Gnangui, Judicaël. "Statut et dynamique du personnage de l'orphelin dans le roman francophone d'Afrique subsaharienne." Phd thesis, Université de la Sorbonne nouvelle - Paris III, 2013.
Full textArzel, Lancelot. "Des "conquistadors" en Afrique centrale : espaces naturels, chasses et guerres coloniales dans l'Etat indépendant du Congo (années 1880 - années 1900)." Thesis, Paris, Institut d'études politiques, 2018.
Full textCentral Africa has been characterized by a very long thirty years war from the 1880s to the 1900s as the Congo Free State, the private property of the King of the Belgians Leopold II, was built up in the region. This thesis aims at analysing armed violence and conflicts occurring in the Congo area at the end of the 19th Century and studying war experiences of European soldiers involved in the colonial conquest – also named “conquistadors”. This research is based on a various sources such as private archives (letters, memoirs, notebooks), state archives (commission of inquiry) and iconographic material (drawings, photographs), embracing a large social history of those soldiers from their departure to the Congo to their return in Europe. The analysis of their representations and practices during the colonial conquest period reveals one key element, i.e. the importance of their relationship to nature and wildlife. As fierce hunters they define the natural world and populations as many examples of savagery that need to be domesticated and controlled. Thus this research showcases the strong links established by those men between hunting and war of conquest. Those European soldiers think of themselves as powerful chiefs, well armed and helped by a mighty colonial army, the Force Publique. They have developed hunting gestures and practices that helped them to submit indigenous peoples and impose forced labour. This thesis especially argues that such hunting model is very significant in the rubber wars that were led by the Congo Free State and private companies; it also shows the importance of trophies in colonial war experiences. The links between hunting and war are finally well-exemplified back in Europe when those soldiers displayed African items and animal trophies
Books on the topic "Violence politique – Afrique"
Violence politique et conflits en Afrique: Le cas du Tchad. Paris, France: L'Harmattan, 2005.
Find full textBangoura, Mohamed Tetemadi. Violence politique et conflits en Afrique: Le cas du Tchad. Paris: L'Harmattan, 2005.
Find full textBatchana, Essohanam. Elections et violences politiques en Afrique Noire, enjeux et défis. Lomé, Togo: Presses de l'Ires-Rdec, 2017.
Find full textKoffi, Aimée-Danielle Lezou. Considérations sociales, culturelles et politiques sur les élections en Afrique. Paris: L'Harmattan Côte d'Ivoire, 2021.
Find full textKrog, Antjie. Country of my skull: Guilt, sorrow, and the limits of forgiveness in the new South Africa. New York: Times Books, 1999.
Find full textCountry of My Skull: Guilt, Sorrow and the Limits of Forgiveness in the New South Africa. Penguin Random House, 1999.
Find full textCountry of My Skull: Guilt, Sorrow, and the Limits of Forgiveness in the New South Africa. Three Rivers Press, 2000.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Violence politique – Afrique"
Eglou, Tchouwa. "Les TIC : quel impact pour la démocratisation de la gouvernance politique au Togo ?" In Didactique des langues, plurilinguisme et sciences sociales en Afrique francophone : quelles places à l’interdisciplinarité ?, 75–91. Observatoire européen du plurilinguisme, 2020.
Full text"Villes, urbanisation et violences politiques en Afrique du Nord et de l’Ouest." In Cahiers de l'Afrique de l'Ouest. OECD, 2023.
Full textReports on the topic "Violence politique – Afrique"
FICHE D’INFORMATION : Contrevenants à la légitimité : Les femmes dans les groupes armés communautaires. RESOLVE Network, December 2020.
Full textRecensement des Priorités de Recherche sur L’extrémisme Violent en Afrique du Nord et au Sahel 2018. RESOLVE Network, January 2021.
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