Academic literature on the topic 'Villes françaises'
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Journal articles on the topic "Villes françaises"
Ndour, Dieynaba, Sébastien Oliveau, and Yoann Doignon. "Distance à la ville et (dé)croissance démographique des espaces ruraux français (1990-2015)." Revue d’Économie Régionale & Urbaine Pub. anticipées (February 22, 2025): 5–24.
Full textPumain, Denise, and Brigitte Baccaïni. "Les migrations dans le système des villes françaises de 1982 à 1990." Population Vol. 53, no. 5 (May 1, 1998): 947–77.
Full textChauvel, Jeanne. "Le projet du Grand paris." Tocqueville Review 34, no. 2 (January 2013): 75–90.
Full textGarner, Guillaume. "Milieux marchands et institutions du commerce : La question du droit d’étape à Mayence de 1797 à 1814." Revue de Synthèse 142, no. 1-2 (August 10, 2021): 105–36.
Full textPinon, Jean. "Le retour des Ormes dans les villes françaises." Revue forestière française 74, no. 3 (September 11, 2023): 347–57.
Full textLaurent, Maryla. "Villes françaises jumelées avec les villes polonaises." Hommes et Terres du Nord 1, no. 1 (1991): 15–16.
Full textLapenna, Lucia. "Le voyage en Italie de Mlle Raucourt, actrice-ambassadrice du théâtre de Napoléon." Elephant and Castle, no. 33 (2024): 65–76.
Full textPinson, Gilles. "La gouvernance des villes françaises." Pôle Sud 32, no. 1 (2010): 73.
Full textPolle, Benjamin. "Les villes françaises climato-passives." Alternatives Économiques N°298, no. 1 (January 1, 2011): 51.
Full textOberti, Marco, and Edmond Préteceille. "Le trompe-l’œil de la ségrégation dans la métropole parisienne." Tocqueville Review 28, no. 1 (January 2007): 75–106.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Villes françaises"
Lucchini, Françoise. "Les équipements culturels des villes françaises." Paris 1, 1997.
Full textThe linking of "cultural equipments" and "city" leads to a new way of thinking the city which refer to the cultural signs that societies leave in the urban space. This new dimension of urban reality is explored here through the cultural activities of french cities. The indicators used in each city rely on existing cultural equipment and investments related. In a country where the state has been intervencing for long in matters of cultural politic, the level of the city is particulary convenient for intervention. The high diversity of urban cultural policies and the large number of urban cultural equipments witness of that fact. As a whole, the sector of culture is primarily a service to the citizens, which has been spread in most cities. The cultural function of the cities, shown by the organization of urban cultural equipments, seems to strengthen the hierarchal organization of the cities. This cultural function has a stronger diversity and a larger range the bigger the city is. Thus, in this time of comparison and competition between cities, especially in terms of image and quality of life, culture appears to reinforce the relative position of cities in the french urban system. Still, the urban cultural function is also a specific activity as far as it does not correspond to any other feature of the urban system, apart from the evident city size. The social profile of the city certainly elicit the relation of french people to culture, but scarcely explain the repartition of cultural urban equipments. These actual embodiments of culture obey to their own logic, connected to local energies and to the specific ressources of each city
Borraz, Olivier. "Le gouvernement des villes : une analyse comparée dans deux villes suisses et deux villes françaises." Paris, Institut d'études politiques, 1994.
Full textThe government of a city is the product of an interaction between four dimensions : politics, administration, urban society and the other territorial bodies. This definition, when applied to Lausanne and Yverdon-les-Bains - two cities of the canton of Vaud - and to Besancon and Pontarlier – two French cities - highlights two distinct phenomena. First, the interactions between these four dimensions never cease to evolve acording to changes that affect each one of them ; thus both the shape and content of the cities' government are perpetually transformed. The first part of the thesis focuses on the dynamics of these transformations. Second, local elected officials play an essential role in the system of government that combines the four dimensions : members of the collegial executive in Switzerland and deputy mayors in France are the pivotal points of these different dimensions and they ensure its regulation. The fundamental difference between the two countries lies therefore in the existence in Switzerland of a central and collegial body of authority - the municipality - in opposition to the existence in France of a "facade" of mayoral authority behind which lies a significant differenciation of deputy mayors. The difference between the two countries has to do, also, with the existence, in Switzerland, of procedures enabling citizen participation ; France, on the contrary, lacks such procedures. The second part of the thesis will subsequently analyse the part played by elected representatives in the interactions between the four dimensions of the government of cities ; it will then compare types of government. .
Pasquet, Michel. "Les mutations récentes des petites villes de la région Centre : contribution à l'étude des petites villes françaises." Orléans, 1999.
Full textMassol, Frédéric. "Tourisme de patrimoine des petites villes. Centres anciens et activités touristiques : Pézenas et quelques petites villes françaises." Montpellier 3, 2008.
Full textThe historic centres of towns of 2000 to 20 000 inhabitants constitute an undeniable asset for a qualitative tourist development which can be called « Tourism of heritage ». This built heritage requires to be identified, safeguarded, protected, sometimes rehabilitated then developed even staged. Its access must be organized and managed to prevent the potential risks and nuisances engendered by an excessive number of visitors. The numerous economic or public actors concerned by the urban dynamic are sometimes driven by different logics which it is advisable to harmonize. The transfers of competences to intermunicipal management can in this case bring a certain complexity to the governance. The historic centres constitute the medium of numerous actions linked to the animation of heritage. The national label “Cities and Countries of art and history”, introduced and developed by the French Ministry of Arts and Communication, supplies the methodology and the tools needed to use it. The example of the town of Pézenas (France, Hérault, 8000 inhabitants) seemed to us particularly representative of a real policy of tourist development on the long term. The tourist production, which results of the conjunction of initiatives of public and private actors, is marketed thanks to a more professionalized tourist communication, leaning itself on internet and on the actions of city networks. A mastered tourist activity can then generate beneficial social, cultural and economic impacts on the society that receives it
Santamaria, Frédéric. "Les villes moyennes françaises : entre hiérarchie et réseaux : (étude comparée avec l'Espagne et le Royaume-Uni)." Pau, 1998.
Full textMedium-sized tonws are an essential element in the organization of the frend territory. For about twenty years they have been confronted with economic difficulties. They have thus become the weak part of an urban network challenged by globalization. This situation raises the question of town and country planing. In the light of their recent initiatives, we evaluate the capacity of these towns to contribute to economic development and planing. In contrast with the traditional hierarchical analysis of the french territory, we use the concept of network to draw a comparison with spain and the united-kingdom and to measure how medium-sized towns innovate in areas such as the economy, culture, social policies. The role and place of these towns in transport networks is taken into account as isolation impinges urban development. We demonstrate that medium sized towns have indeed been involved in a multifaceted movement of innovation and that this is a new phenomenon. Moreover, it appears that there is no fatality n the decline of medium-sized towns. On the contrary, they can play an active rol< in the process of metropolization which characterise contemporary urban developments. However, such an evolution implies, in the french case, a radically new conception of the territory in political and ideological terms. Under these circumstances, medium-sized towns could be key actors in a renewed policy of town and country planing
Ducom, Estelle. "Le modèle des ceintures limitrophes (fringe belts) : une application aux villes françaises." Phd thesis, Université Rennes 2, 2005.
Full textAlicot, Laetitia. "Enjeux et bilan du tourisme urbain : quelques expériences significatives de villes françaises." Paris 1, 1998.
Full textOver the past few decades, tourism has become a key sector in the economic world. The period has seen the structure of demand change. In France, those changes are mostly the fragmentation of holidays and a shift from a passive to more a cultural type of vacation. In this connection, urban destinations attract an increasing number of tourists. The growth of this form of travel is expected to continue and be sustained by an improved supply of tourist services. The first part of this thesis offers an analysis of the trends underpinning the revival of urban tourism and a study of tourist flows into the city, motivations and urban practices. The second part provides an inventory of initiatives directed at promoting tourism taken by french cities over the past ten years. In addition to urban development and planning, these initiatives focus on facilities, projects and promotional activities, and on the sector's institutional organisation and the marketing of tourism products. By analyzing the situation under varying angles, an in-depth inventory can be drawn up which reveals facts of major importance : the issue of capacity, transport, etc. Findings resulting from this study are broadly supported by a survey involving tourist bureaux in cities with a population in excess of 20,000. Through this inventory, towns are classified based on their dynamism and proposals made to set up a permanent urban tourism observation plan. The third part highlights the conclusions made in an earlier stage. Four cities, Bordeaux, Fontainebleau, Strasbourg and Troyes have been selected for their size, geographical position and critical mass in terms of supply of tourist services. In this section, their various tourism enhancement approaches are analyzed
Voldman, Danièle. "Histoire d'une politique : la reconstruction des villes françaises de 1940 à 1954." Paris 1, 1995.
Full textIn France during the world war ii, the rebuilding of bombed cities begun early. In autumn 1940, the Vichy government set up agencies to coordinate the first clearance of rubble and to examine the elements of a consistent policy of urban development. Those policies were continuated after the liberation with the "Ministère de la reconstruction et de l'urbanisme". The history of town planning politics from 1940 to 1954 involves administrative, social, financial and architectural issues. It includes the analysis of networks of architects and town planners, with a description of relations between central policies and local decisions (11 case-studies). At the end of the process, town planning follows the reconstruction of cities with the same agencies
Luxembourg, Corinne. "Villes en transition : les avatars de l'industrie dans les villes françaises petites et moyennes (Blagnac, Bourges, Gennevilliers, Le Creusot, Valenciennes)." Phd thesis, Université de Nanterre - Paris X, 2008.
Full textCes villes sont devenues des espaces de l'entre-deux, des villes interfaces, tour à tour interrogées sur leur caractère industriel, sur leur urbanité, sur les relations des espaces de production avec l'espace urbain et les bouleversements dont elles font l'objet. Parallèlement ou successivement, ces villes connaissent des évolutions, parfois sous l'impulsion de politiques comme les pôles de conversion, les pôle de compétitivité, les tentatives de revitalisation industrielle ou les choix de tertiarisation. Toutefois quels que soient les choix établis, à différent degré ces villes restent industrielles par le ressenti des habitants, l'habitat des salariés, le paysage, l'imaginaire. A cela s'ajoutent des volontés politiques de conserver, de mettre en patrimoine, de marquer l'espace urbain d'éléments évocateurs d'identité, de mémoire collective. Chaque aspect apporté, provoqué par la désindustrialisation, est un des avatars de l'industrie dans ces villes.
Luxembourg, Corinne. "Villes en transition : les avatars de l’industrie dans les villes françaises petites et moyennes (Blagnac, Bourges, Gennevilliers, Le Creusot, Valenciennes)." Paris 10, 2008.
Full textSince the late 1960s, the process of deindustrialization in Europe and particularly in France has become increasingly widespread. Thus the French industry has lost 500 000 jobs between 2000 and 2006. At the local level, mainly small and medium towns are affected, particularly because of their economic incentives and land. Five small and medium-sized cities were chosen according to their socio profile: Blagnac, Bourges, Gennevilliers, Le Creusot, Valenciennes. These cities have become in between spaces, interface cities, one another questioned about their industry, their urbanity, the relation between production space and urban space and upheavals they are faced to. Parallel or successively, these cities are experiencing changes, sometimes led by policies such as the poles of conversion, the competitiveness cluster, attempts of industrial stimulation or choices leading to the development of services. But whatever the choice made at different levels, such industrial cities are still felt by residents, housing employees, landscape, imaginary. There are also political will to conserve, save heritage, to mark the urban space with suggestive elements of identity and collective memory. Every aspect made, caused by deindustrialization, is one of the avatars of industry in these cities
Books on the topic "Villes françaises"
Merlin, Pierre. Les banlieues des villes françaises. Paris: La Documentation française, 1998.
Find full textUniversité de Paris I: Panthéon-Sorbonne, ed. Les équipements culturels des villes françaises. Lille: A.N.R.T. Université de Lille III, 1998.
Find full textFrançois-Xavier, Blanchard, ed. 1814, résistance et occupation des villes françaises. Paris: Editions Historiques Teissèdre, 2001.
Find full textLaurent, Chapelon, and Leclerc Ronan, eds. Accessibilité ferroviaire des villes françaises en 2020. Paris: Documentation française, 2007.
Find full textParis, Université de, ed. Le gouvernement des villes: Une analyse comparée dans deux villes suisses et deux villes françaises. Lille: A.N.R.T, Université de Lille III, 1994.
Find full textZanin, Christine. Qualité de la vie dans les villes françaises. Mont-Saint-Aignan: Université de Rouen, 1995.
Find full textpréf, Déjeant-Pons Maguelonne, ed. Le concept de développement durable: L'exemple des villes françaises. Paris: L'Harmattan, 2003.
Find full textauthor, Foucault Martial 1972, Jerôme Bruno author, and Jerôme-Speziari Véronique author, eds. Villes de gauche, villes de droite: Trajectoires politiques des municipalités françaises de 1983 à 2014. Paris: Sciences po les presses, 2018.
Find full textGardon, Sébastien. Goût de bouchons: Lyon, les villes françaises et l'équation automobile. Paris: Descartes, 2011.
Find full textMichèle, Lambert-Bresson, and Térade Annie, eds. Villes françaises dans la première moitié du XIXe siècle: Embellissement, équipement, transformations. [Paris]: Editions RecherchesIpraus, 2006.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Villes françaises"
Naegle, Gisela. "Armes à double tranchant? Bien Commun et chose publique dans les villes françaises au Moyen Âge." In De Bono Communi. The Discourse and Practice of the Common Good in the European City (13th-16th c.), 55–70. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers, 2010.
Full textRuggiu, François-Joseph. "4. Les logiques résidentielles des élites dans les villes de province françaises de la fin du XVIIe siècle à la fin de l’Ancien Régime." In Living in the City: Elites and their Residences, 1500-1900, 109–35. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers, 2008.
Full textBooth, Trudie Maria. "La ville et la campagne." In Les mots français, 201–10. New York, NY : Taylor & Francis Group, 2019.: Routledge, 2019.
Full textVadelorge, Loïc. "« Allez dire à la ville… »." In Le Joint français, printemps 1972, 101–14. Rennes: Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2024.
Full textAlmoguera, Adrián. "À Rome, pour Rome et contre Rome." In Reconstruire Rome : la restauration comme politique urbaine, de l'Antiquité à nos jours, 195–226. Rome: Publications de l’École française de Rome, 2024.
Full textBochaca, Michel, and Pierre Prétou. "Entre châtiment et grâce royale : l’entrée de Bordeaux dans la mouvance française (1453 - 1463)." In Le châtiment des villes dans les espaces méditerranéens (Antiquité, Moyen Âge, Époque moderne), 87–114. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers, 2012.
Full textGilli, Patrick, and Enrica Salvatori. "Conclusions. L’ancien et le nouveau : remarques sur l’historiographie des villes du Midi." In Les identités urbaines au Moyen Âge. Regards sur les villes du Midi français, 313–16. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers, 2014.
Full textCaïti-Russo, Gilda. "Écrire pour la ville. Écrire « la ville » : notes pour une nouvelle édition des Petit(s) Thalami de Montpellier." In Les identités urbaines au Moyen Âge. Regards sur les villes du Midi français, 303–12. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers, 2014.
Full textHébert, Michel. "Unité et diversité de la ville. Rapport introductif." In Les identités urbaines au Moyen Âge. Regards sur les villes du Midi français, 171–88. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers, 2014.
Full textLiévaux, Pascal. "Le rôle des hôtels de ville dans l’élaboration d’une architecture publique "à la française"." In Public Buildings in Early Modern Europe, 131–42. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers, 2010.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Villes françaises"
Russell, Alexander. "Réalisation variable des occlusives en français louisianais : l'affrication et l'aspiration à la Ville Platte." In 2ème Congrès Mondial de Linguistique Française. Les Ulis, France: EDP Sciences, 2010.
Full textGallego García, Tagirem. "Du terrestre et de l’eau-delà, corruption et spiritualité de l’Inde: approche bachelardienne à l’ambivalence de l’eau dans Le gardien du Gange de Guy Deleury." In XXV Coloquio AFUE. Palabras e imaginarios del agua. Valencia: Universitat Politècnica València, 2016.
Full textVargas, Emiliano. "Médiatisation et métamorphose dans la culture musicale. Des jams de jazz aux jams de black music à Buenos Aires." In Actes du congrès de l’Association Française de Sémiotique. Limoges: Université de Limoges, 2024.
Full textBlibli, Mustapha, Ammar Bouchair, and Faouzi Hannouf. "Apport des technologies numériques à l’étude des fortifications du génie militaire français dans une ville d’Algérie au début de la colonisation : Djidjelli, 1839-1862." In FORTMED2015 - International Conference on Modern Age Fortifications of the Western Mediterranean coast. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2015.
Full textReports on the topic "Villes françaises"
Ruedin, Didier, and Dina Bader. Panorama de la diversité au sein du personnel de l’administration de la Ville de Neuchâtel. Université de Neuchâtel – Swiss Forum for Migration and Population Studies (SFM), December 2022.
Full textRuedin, Didier, Dina Bader, and Chloé Salathé. Panorama de la diversité au sein du personnel de l’administration de la Ville de La Chaux-de-Fonds. Université de Neuchâtel – Swiss Forum for Migration and Population Studies (SFM), September 2023.
Full textHunter, Janine, Lorraine van Blerk, Thomas d'Aquin Rubambura, Cold Musiwa Mubigalo, Luc Mufano, Wayne Shand, Anabelle, et al. Vie de rue dans la ville à la frontière: Des jeunes de la rue racontent leurs vies quotidiennes à Bukavu, RDC. StreetInvest, August 2022.
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