Academic literature on the topic 'Ville de la connaissance au Maroc'
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Journal articles on the topic "Ville de la connaissance au Maroc"
El Bardai, Rabie, Kamal Targuisti, and Khadija Aluni. "Caractérisation hydrodynamique des sources karstiques : cas de la source de Ras El Maa (Rif Septentrional, Maroc)." Revue des sciences de l’eau 27, no. 2 (June 13, 2014): 139–53.
Full textLamrini, Bouchra, Marie-Véronique Le Lann, El Khadir Lakhal, and Ahmed Benhammou. "Gestion supervisée d’une unité de coagulation pour la potabilisation des eaux à partir d’une méthodologie d’apprentissage et d’expertise." Revue des sciences de l'eau 20, no. 4 (January 21, 2008): 325–38.
Full textChambouleyron, Mathieu, Frédéric Andrieu, Matthieu Charrier, Cyrille Chatelain, and Jean-François Léger. "Contribution à la connaissance de la flore du Maroc saharien atlantique." Le Journal de botanique 100, no. 1 (2022): 4–31.
Full textLegué-Dupont, Pascale. "L'enfant, l'oublié de la ville?" Diversité 141, no. 1 (2005): 25–31.
Full textBakis, Henry, and Alexandre Schon. "Ville de la connaissance et terreau numérique." Netcom, no. 26-3/4 (October 30, 2012): 275–306.
Full textGomy, Yves, Harold Labrique, Guy Chavanon, Abdellatif Janati Idrissi, and Alexandre François. "Contribution à la connaissance des Histeridae du Maroc (Coleoptera)." Les Cahiers du Musée des Confluences. Etudes Scientifiques 2, no. 1 (2011): 23–74.
Full textQuézel, P., M. Barbéro, A. Benabid, R. Loisel, and S. Rivas-Martínez. "Contribution à la connaissance des matorrals du Maroc Oriental." Phytocoenologia 21, no. 1-2 (October 27, 1992): 117–74.
Full textBammi, Jamal, and Allal Douira. "Contribution à la connaissance de la flore vasculaire de la fôret de l'achach, plateau central (Maroc)." Acta Botanica Malacitana 29 (December 1, 2004): 23–41.
Full textMiller, Susan Gilson, and Maâti Monjib. "De l’historiographie et de la ville au Maroc." Horizons Maghrébins - Le droit à la mémoire 56, no. 1 (2007): 107–13.
Full textChambouleyron, Mathieu. "Contribution à la connaissance de la flore du Maroc septentrional : Maroc Atlantique nord, Rif, Littoral méditerranéen." Acta Botanica Malacitana 44 (September 19, 2019): 131–35.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Ville de la connaissance au Maroc"
Alaoui, Aziz Bouchra. "La knowledge city : un modèle pour la ville du futur en Afrique ? L'expérience du Maroc." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Sorbonne université, 2024.
Full textIn Africa, despite abundant natural resources and a young, creative population, the continent continues to struggle to spark sustainable growth. The scars left by decades of colonization, compounded by internal conflicts, still hinder the much-anticipated takeoff. International aid and poverty alleviation programs have yet to deeply transform the economic foundations of the continent. However, the advent of new technologies offers Africa a unique opportunity to make a qualitative leap by focusing on the knowledge economy. To achieve this transition, it is essential to create "knowledge territories", spaces conducive to innovation. This thesis explores the continent's capacity to adopt this model, using Morocco as a case study, which could inspire other African nations toward sustainable development based on knowledge. It deeply examines the concepts of the knowledge economy and "knowledge cities," evaluating their potential to catalyze a radical transformation of the African continent into a true hub of innovation and knowledge
Elamri, Jamila. "Marrakech, ville touristique." Aix-Marseille 1, 1996.
Full textEl, Aydi Es-Sai͏̈d. "Rabat, ville touristique." Aix-Marseille 1, 1996.
Full textKherrati, Saâdia. "Les relations port-ville à Casablanca." Montpellier, 1985.
Full textEl, Hammoumi Souad. "Fès, ville culturelle." Aix-Marseille 1, 1994.
Full textThe city of fes is a national patrimony for morocco. Many factors have encouraged the developement and the cultural expansion of the city. All theses favourable conditions had helped the town to become an universal cultural center. The city has many valuables monuments that witness to moroccan civilization. This heritage is not made only by monuments and buildings but also by trades of art. Now, the existance of these trades is very important for the preservation of the architectural heritage. This patrimony had been built with great efforts of the previous generations ; it should be safeguarded and transmitted to the future generations in the best conditions. It's in 1970 that the moroccan authorities, with the help of unesco, launched the first systematic studies on the value of the architectural patrimony. The aim of this campain is not only to avoid the disappearance of the universal patrimony, but to help fes to remain, what it has always been, an intellectual junction and a source of culture
Boulakjam, Noureddine. "Rayonnement géographique de la ville de Khouribga, Maroc." Paris 4, 1997.
Full textThis study has been devoted to the geographical influence of Khouribga city, a new Moroccan city born from the wealth of phosphates of its under-ground. Through personal investigations on the different relationships that keeps Khouribga city with its hinterland, we have observed that most these relationships hold inside its circle and do not concern the regional population. Ever since, there is evidently a net opposition between the real attraction area of the city and its administrative commandment area. This situation can be explained as follows. 1: the week economic diversity 2: the competition that exerts the city of Oued-Zem (the second city of the region) on the neighboring population. 3: the influence of Casablanca city on the regional population. Now, in spite of the restricted area of the Khouribga, that does not prevent that it has been able, in a relatively short time, to create its own attraction zone (rural communes of the province of Settat belong) and to insert itself fully into the Moroccan urban communes of the province of Settat belong) and to insert itself fully into the Moroccan urban network: unknown city before 1920, it has failed in 1982 under the first eleven Moroccan cities, that is a best proof
Chehhar, Mohammed. "Sexualités marocaines : l'enquête dans la ville de Khouribga." Paris 5, 1991.
Full textThe various practices unfolding in the realm of sexual life show signs of change. This study attempts to unravel the modes of emergence of these changes, while approaching their places, their forms, their processes, their rhythms, their tonalities as well as the modes of resistance the latter meet up with. This investigation also apprehends the study of the components of sociality through the richness of gestures of everyday life and sexuality - from beauty care to clothing and adornment, not with standing aspects of rule-bending behavior. This study also involves a fieldwork in the Moroccan town of Khouribga where the life-stories have been collected, together with research within and upon the Arab world. The text is enhanced by an unprecedentedly wide ranging bibliography and highlighted by historical flashbacks
El, Ghazouani Khatima. "Espace, ville et aménagement : analyse et réalité marocaines." Bordeaux 1, 1986.
Full textBuob, Baptiste. "Artisanat et tradition au Maroc : étude d'anthropologie filmique sur les dinandiers de la Médina de Fès." Paris 10, 2006.
Full textThe study deals with the craftsmen from medina of Fes specialized in brass objects manufacturing: copperware manufacturers called swainya. The approach follows filmic anthropology’s principles wich gets cinematographic experience in the heart of ethnologic fieldwork. This work is composed of two independents and complementaries parts : four ethnographic films describing technical processes of objects manufacturing; and a written work that aimes at a monographical study dealing with history, socioeconomy, techniques and ideas that surround technicals acts of the copperware manufacturers. Facts and analysis reveal that swainiya’s activity is far from corresponding to meanings commonly combined with morrocan’s “traditionnal” craftwork. The present work offers to rethink relations between “tradition” and “craftwork” in Morocco
Sahsah, Mohammed. "Naissance et développement d'une ville minière marocaine : Khouribga." Saint-Etienne, 1996.
Full textKhourdigha region is not historically speaking as important as the fat plains of Tadla and Chaouia. This wide region is a transhumance because of climate and soil condition however, the basement of this region contains one of most important phosphate deposits of the word (by its volume and its quality) and working of this deposit will totally transform economical bases, but also demographical and social structures and the life of nomad in the past population was organised around them. Mining activity has created the basic infrastructure necessary to space life, looking like a desert and abore all, it has created the first populating seltlment, consequently the urban heart of Khouribga. Khouribga paternity comes from mining activity and its development is narrowly linked to the progress of phosphate economy. Neverthless since the end of the French protectorate in Morocco, followed by a big development of mining activity, Khouribga has expanded in a regular way
Books on the topic "Ville de la connaissance au Maroc"
Sari, Driss Ben. Connaissance géophysique du Maroc. Rabat: Editions du Service géologique du Maroc, 1988.
Find full textWitt, Pierre. Figuig: La ville oasis du Maroc oriental. Rabat:, 2009.
Find full textVidal, Laurent. Mazagão, la ville qui traversa l'Atlantique: Du Maroc à l'Amazonie, 1769-1783. [France]: Aubier, 2005.
Find full textRibas-Mateos, Natalia. Tanger, Maroc: La sociologe d'une ville-frontière = A sociological study of Tangiers, Morocco. Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen Press, 2014.
Find full textBenbaddi, Kassou. Rapports ville-campagne et organisation de l'espace dans la province de Khemisset (Maroc). Lille: A.N.R.T, Université de Lille III, 1987.
Find full textBenhima, Yassir. Safi et son territoire: Une ville dans son espace au Maroc (11e-16e siècle). Paris: Harmattan, 2008.
Find full textEl-Maliki, Abderrahman. L'exode rural au Maroc: Étude sociologique de l'exode du Tafilalet vers la ville de Fès. Lille: A.N.R.T, Université de Lille III, 1990.
Find full textKatan, Yvette. Oujda, une ville frontière du Maroc, 1907-1956: Musulmans, juifs et chrétiens en milieu colonial. Paris: L'Harmattan, 1990.
Find full textProgramme de recherche urbaine pour le développement. Intégration à la ville et services urbains au Maroc: Apport du PRUD à l'analyse de l'urbanisation au Maroc : gouvernance, services collectifs et competences urbaines. Rabat: Institut national d'aménagement et d'urbanisme, 2005.
Find full textShīkhī, Nūr al-Dīn. Répertoire des thèses universitaires réalisées sur la ville de Tanger, Maroc: [en français, espagnol, anglais & arabe]. Tétouan, Maroc: Faculté des lettres et des sciences humaines, Université Abdelmalek Essaâdi, 2007.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Ville de la connaissance au Maroc"
Bourkia, Abderrahim. "Des supporters dans la ville." In Le Maroc au présent, 205–11. Centre Jacques-Berque, 2015.
Full textSoussi, Mohamed Mokhtar, and Hind El Haoulani. "Connaissance du Maroc urbain et rural." In De la culture marocaine moderne, 130–36. En toutes lettres, 2022.
Full textCohendet, Patrick, David Grandadam, and Laurent Simon. "Montréal, ville créative : diversités et proximités." In L'économie de la connaissance et ses territoires, 155–71. Hermann, 2010.
Full textScherrer, Nadine, Bernard Sillano, Marc Bouiron, Colette Castrucci, and Françoise Paone. "Introduction. Marseille ou la connaissance de la ville." In Fouilles à Marseille : la ville médiévale et moderne, 21–33. Publications du Centre Camille Jullian, 2011.
Full textGignoux, Stéphane. "Les pratiques de la copropriété dans la ville de Tanger : du dispositif juridique à son interprétation par les usagers." In Le Maroc au présent, 841–51. Centre Jacques-Berque, 2015.
Full textGarcia-Sanchez, Pedro. "De ville en cité : la (re) connaissance de la vulnérabilité." In La reconnaissance à l’épreuve, 277–84. Presses universitaires du Septentrion, 2008.
Full textCheynis, Éric. "Du transnational au local : lutter contre la pauvreté en milieu urbain au Maroc." In Explorer la ville contemporaine par les transferts, 53–72. Presses universitaires de Lyon, 2017.
Full textLaudat, Patrizia, and Hafida Boulekbache. "Prospectives urbaines : de la connaissance des villes aux stratégies d’action." In Les arts de la ville dans le projet urbain, 21–33. Presses universitaires François-Rabelais, 2011.
Full textTebbaa, Ouidad. "La question des carrières de la ville de Marrakech au Maroc." In Workshop Tunisie, 124–27. Les Presses de l’Université de Montréal, 2008.
Full textMouchtouris, Antigone. "L’être Urbain/Homo Urbanus/astos : apports de la sociologie américaine à la connaissance de l’acteur urbain." In Regards croisés sur la ville américaine, 265–79. Presses universitaires de Franche-Comté, 2018.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Ville de la connaissance au Maroc"
Pi Chevrot, José Javier. "La creación del lugar Donostia - San Sebastian anterior a 1813: los casos de la colina sobre el puerto y del Campanario." In Seminario Internacional de Investigación en Urbanismo. Barcelona: Maestría en Planeación Urbana y Regional. Pontificia Universidad Javeriana de Bogotá, 2014.
Full textTalenti, Simona. "Visions “humaines” ou “infernales”: les moyens de transport et la perception de la ville chez Le Corbusier." In LC2015 - Le Corbusier, 50 years later. Valencia: Universitat Politècnica València, 2015.
Full textGuijarro Cebrián, Cristina. "La thématique de l'eau dans l'œuvre de Driss Chraïbi." In XXV Coloquio AFUE. Palabras e imaginarios del agua. Valencia: Universitat Politècnica València, 2016.
Full textNoaillon, E., S. Azogui-Lévy, G. Lescaille, R. Toledo, V. Descroix, P. Goudot, and J. Rochefort. "Impact des recommandations de l’ANSM dans la prise en charge en cabinet libéral des collections circonscrites aiguës suppurées de la cavité orale d’origine dentaire : enquête nationale." In 66ème Congrès de la SFCO. Les Ulis, France: EDP Sciences, 2020.
Full textReports on the topic "Ville de la connaissance au Maroc"
Rousseau, Henri-Paul. Gutenberg, L’université et le défi numérique. CIRANO, December 2022.
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