Academic literature on the topic 'Village alzheimer'

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Journal articles on the topic "Village alzheimer"


Lemaire, Alexandre, Marie-José Ancel, Nadine Béague, Géraldine Camagne, Julien Cousteaux, Laurie Flottes, Stéphany Lemaître, and Florent Ruzzu. "Une nécropole à crémation et un dépotoir du Premier âge du Fer à Dax (Landes), “Village Alzheimer, rue Pascal Lafitte”." Aquitania : une revue inter-régionale d'archéologie 36, no. 1 (2020): 51–71.

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Abstrak: Perkembangan memori pada lansia dapat mengalami kemunduran terutama dalam perkembangan kemampuan mental, termasuk kehilangan memori, disorientasi dan kebingungan. Penurunan fungsi kognitif yang terjadi pada lanjut usia dapat berlanjut menjadi gangguan demensia vaskuler maupun alzheimer disease apabila tidak ditangani dengan baik. Tujuan PKMS ini yaitu mengetahui fungsi kognitif pada lanjut usia. Kegiatan penyuluhan dilakukan dari rumah ke rumah hal ini dilakukan karena pandemi Covid-19, dimana tim pengabdian mengunjungi rumah-rumah lansia yang tinggal dikampung Belengan Kecamatan Manganitu. Deteksi dini ingatan dilakukan dengan menggunakan Short Portable Mental Status Questionnaire dan penyuluhan kesehatan resiko terjadinya demensia pada lansia. Dari 10 orang lansia yang dilakukan pemeriksaan melalui SPMQ terdapat 7 orang lansia memiliki kemampuan mengingat dengan baik, 2 orang mengalami gangguan mengingat ringan dan 1 orang lansia mengalami gangguan mengingat sedang. Abstract: The development of memory in the elderly can experience a decline, especially in the development of mental abilities, including memory loss, disorientation, and confusion. The decline in cognitive function that occurs in the elderly can progress to vascular dementia and Alzheimer's disease if not treated properly. The purpose of this PKMS is to know cognitive function in the elderly. Counseling activities were carried out from the house to house, this was done because of the Covid-19 pandemic, where the service team visited the homes of the elderly who lived in Belengan village, Manganitu District. Early detection of memory is carried out using the Short Portable Mental Status Questionnaire and health education on the risk of dementia in the elderly. Of the 10 elderly people who were examined through SPMQ, 7 elderly people had good memory skills, 2 people had mild memory problems and 1 elderly had moderate memory problems.
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Dainy, Nunung Cipta, Inne Indraaryani Suryaalamsah, and Dadang Herdiansyah. "SENAM OTAK SERTA EDUKASI KONSUMSI PANGAN SUMBER VITAMIN B12 DAN OMEGA-3 UNTUK CEGAH ALZHEIMERS." JMM (Jurnal Masyarakat Mandiri) 7, no. 2 (April 9, 2023): 1138.

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Abstrak: Lansia berisiko mengalami penurunan fungsi kognitif atau alzheimers yaitu ketika mengalami kesulitan mengingat, mempelajari hal-hal baru, berkonsentrasi, atau membuat keputusan yang memengaruhi kehidupan sehari-hari. Salah satu upaya mencegah terjadinya penurunan fungsi kognitif adalah dengan mengonsumsi pangan sumber vitamin B12, omega-3 dan aktivitas senam otak. Tujuan kegiatan ini adalah meningkatkan pengetahuan pralansia dan lansia tentang upaya pencegahan penyakit alzheimers. Kegiatan dilaksanakan pada bulan Desember 2022 dengan menggunakan metode penyuluhan, diskusi dan praktik senam otak. Peserta kegiatan ini adalah anggota Posbindu Subadra Desa Sinar Sari, Kecamatan Dramaga Kabupaten Bogor sebanyak 59 orang. Evaluasi kegiatan dilakukan dengan pengisian kuesioner pre-test dan post-test yang diisi oleh peserta dan kuesioner kepuasan mitra dalam hal ini kader Posbindu Subadra. Hasil dari kegiatan ini telah tercapai peningkatan pengetahuan peserta dari skor rata-rata 58.9 saat pre-test menjadi rata-rata nilai 90,0 saat post-test. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini telah berhasil meningkatkan pengetahuan lansia dan pralansia tentang mencegah penyakit alzheimers dan pentingnya memenuhi asupan gizi vitamin B12 dan Omega-3. Senam otak sebaiknya dilakukan secara berkala atau menjadi program rutin Posbindu agar para lansia tetap terjaga kesehatan fungsi kognitifnya. Abstract: The elderly are at risk of cognitive decline or Alzheimer's when they have difficulty remembering, learning new things, concentrating, or making decisions that affect their daily lives. One of the efforts to prevent cognitive decline is consuming food sources of vitamin B12 and omega-3 and brain exercise activities. This activity aims to increase the knowledge of the pre-elderly and the elderly to prevent Alzheimer's disease. The action was carried out in December 2022 using the method of counseling, discussion, and brain exercise practice. The participants of this activity were members of Posbindu Subadra Sinar Sari Village, Dramaga District, Bogor Regency, totaling 59 people. Evaluation of activities was carried out by filling out pre-test and post-test questionnaires by participants and partner satisfaction questionnaires. This activity has increased participant knowledge from an average score of 58.9 during the pre-test to an average score of 90.0 during the post-test. This community service activity has succeeded in increasing the knowledge of the elderly and pre-elderly about preventing Alzheimer's disease and the importance of fulfilling nutritional intake of vitamin B12 and Omega-3. Brain gymnastics should be done regularly or become a routine Posbindu program so the elderly can maintain their cognitive function and health.
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Stanzani-Maserati, Michelangelo, Maddalena De Matteis, Luca Bosco, Flavia Baccari, Corrado Zenesini, Micaela Mitolo, Chiara La Morgia, Roberto Gallassi, and Sabina Capellari. "“Build Your Village”—Conducting the Village Test on Cognitively Impaired Patients: A First Journey into Alzheimerland." Brain Sciences 14, no. 6 (May 21, 2024): 523.

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Background: This work aimed to study the Village Test (VT) in a group of patients with Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and compare the results with those of a group of patients with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and controls. Methods: A total of 50 patients with AD, 28 patients with MCI, and 38 controls were evaluated. All participants underwent the VT and an extensive neuropsychological evaluation. Results: The mean ages of the participants were 74.4 years for those with AD, 74 for those with MCI, and 70.2 for the controls. The AD group built smaller and essential villages with a scarce use of pieces, a poor use of dynamic pieces, and scarce use of human figures. All constructions were often concentrated in the center of the table. Conclusions: The villages built by the AD group represent a cognitive and affective coarctation and indicate a sense of existential disorientation and isolation. The VT is a useful aid for getting in touch with the inner emotional and existential states of patients with AD, and it could represent a complementary screening tool for orienting cognitive impairment diagnoses.
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Prayanti, Diorita Dyah, and Muhammad Hamdan. "Correlation Between Zinc Level and Cognitive Function Among the Pre Elderly." Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience 17, no. 7 (July 1, 2020): 3108–12.

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Zinc is required for various physiological and biochemical functions in the body. Although it is needed in the physiological processes of the body, deficiencies and excess levels of Zinc can harm humans. Excess levels of Zinc in the body can cause Alzheimer’s disease while Zinc deficiency can cause impaired cognitive function. This study aims to determine the correlation between Zinc levels with cognitive function among the pre-elderly in Bulak Village, Surabaya. The subjects were all elderly patients who visited Integrated Health Service Post of Elderly in Bulak, Kenjeran, and Surabaya from April 2015 to July 2015. The subjects were divided into 2 groups, the case group consisted of subjects with TMT-B >180 seconds and the control group consisted of subjects with TMT-B ≤180 seconds. Zinc levels of subjects were examined in hair using the technique of atomic absorption spectrometer (AAS). Data analysis was using Chi-Square test with SPSS 21.0 program. There was no correlation between Zinc levels with cognitive function either statistically or clinically (p = 0.777, RO= 1.174, CI = 0.387-3.650). In conclusion, Zinc levels were not correlated with cognitive function among the pre-elderly in Bulak Village, Surabaya.
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Santoso, Andreas Putro Ragil, Devyana Dyah Wulandari, and Devyani Dyah Wulansari. "Hubungan Paparan Pestisida Terhadap Kadar Trigliserida Pada Petani Di Daerah Mojokerto." JOURNAL OF MUHAMMADIYAH MEDICAL LABORATORY TECHNOLOGIST 3, no. 1 (June 4, 2020): 61.

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Alzheimer’s chronic generational neuro disease is indicated by the loss of neurons and synapses, factors that cause Alzheimer’s include cholesterol such as triglycerides and poisoning due to pesticides due to pesticides due to spraying activity. This study aimed to determine the extent of pesticide exposure to triglyceride levels in farmers in the Mojokerto area. This research is an observational type of research with an experimental approach. This research was conducted in Sumbersono Village, Dlanggu Subdistrict, Mojokerto Regency with 25 farmers who carried out spraying activities. This study uses a correlation test that is the Spearman's test with a confidence level of p < 0.05. Based on results of the study showed that farmers who carried out pesticide spraying activities with a working period of up to more than 15 years with a long time under the field around 3-6 hours but did not use personal protective equipment properly. The results of the average triglyceride levels of 158.2 mg / dL Spearman's test showed triglyceride hash to work mas amounted to 0.899, to the length of work of 0.442 and to the use of PPE 0.811 it showed p > 0.05 which means there was no relationship between farmers who carried out spraying activities with triglyceride levels.Keyword: Farmer, Spraying activity, Triglycerides
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Cox, Paul Alan, David A. Davis, Deborah C. Mash, James S. Metcalf, and Sandra Anne Banack. "Dietary exposure to an environmental toxin triggers neurofibrillary tangles and amyloid deposits in the brain." Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 283, no. 1823 (January 27, 2016): 20152397.

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Neurofibrillary tangles (NFT) and β-amyloid plaques are the neurological hallmarks of both Alzheimer's disease and an unusual paralytic illness suffered by Chamorro villagers on the Pacific island of Guam. Many Chamorros with the disease suffer dementia, and in some villages one-quarter of the adults perished from the disease. Like Alzheimer's, the causal factors of Guamanian amyotrophic lateral sclerosis/parkinsonism dementia complex (ALS/PDC) are poorly understood. In replicated experiments, we found that chronic dietary exposure to a cyanobacterial toxin present in the traditional Chamorro diet, β- N -methylamino- l -alanine (BMAA), triggers the formation of both NFT and β-amyloid deposits similar in structure and density to those found in brain tissues of Chamorros who died with ALS/PDC. Vervets ( Chlorocebus sabaeus ) fed for 140 days with BMAA-dosed fruit developed NFT and sparse β-amyloid deposits in the brain. Co-administration of the dietary amino acid l -serine with l -BMAA significantly reduced the density of NFT. These findings indicate that while chronic exposure to the environmental toxin BMAA can trigger neurodegeneration in vulnerable individuals, increasing the amount of l -serine in the diet can reduce the risk.
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Afgin, Anne E., Magda Massarwa, Edna Schechtman, Simon D. Israeli-Korn, Rosa Strugatsky, Amin Abuful, Lindsay A. Farrer, Robert P. Friedland, and Rivka Inzelberg. "High Prevalence of Mild Cognitive Impairment and Alzheimer's Disease in Arabic Villages in Northern Israel: Impact of Gender and Education." Journal of Alzheimer's Disease 29, no. 2 (March 20, 2012): 431–39.

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S.Kirubakaran, S. Kirubakaran, K. Logeswari K.Logeswari, G. Aravind G.Aravind, M. Janaki M. Janaki, and J. Shanmuga Priya J. Shanmuga Priya. "Chronic Morbidity Pattern and Quality of Life among Geriatric Fisherman Population in Pondicherry-An Explanatory Sequential Mixed Method Study." BJKines National Journal of Basic & Applied Sciences 15, no. 01 (June 18, 2023): 115–21.

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Abstract Background: Almost half of the geriatric population in India has chronic morbidity. Health status is an important factor that has a significant impact on the quality of life of an elderly population. Objectives: To find out the pattern of chronic morbidities and to explore the coping skills among the Geriatric Population. Methodology: The study was Explanatory Mixed Methods study design, where a quantitative phase (Survey) followed by the qualitative phase (In depth interviews [IDI]) is used. A total of 450 patients aged 60 and above from the coastal villages were studied and analysed. Socio Demographic details, Morbidity Patten and the treatment taken. Results: For the 5 item General Health Questionnaire among the 254 Young old 92 (36.2%) were positive and among the 216 Older/Oldest population about 88 (40.7%) were positive which is statistically significant (p value 0.0224) comparing the two age categories Regarding Alzheimer’s disease – 8 item questionnaire positive there is statistically very significant (p value 0.0003) difference among the Young old 44 (17.6%) and for Older/Oldest population about 64 (29.6%).Conclusion: Hence it is prudent to screen the elderly population for these General health, Alzheimer’s diseases spread knowledge, awareness and self-care advice to them among the fisherman community though their food pattern and physical activity is on positive note. This will help to create “the society for ages” and to promote the concept of active and healthy ageing. Keywords: Elderly, Quality of Life, Chronic morbidity, Geriatrics, Fisherman
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Kirubakaran, Dr S., Dr K. Logeswari, Dr G. Arvind, Dr M. Janaki, and Dr J. Shanmuga Priya. "Chronic Morbidity Pattern and Quality of Life among Geriatric Fisherman Population in Pondicherry-An Explanatory Sequential Mixed Method Study." BJKines National Journal of Basic & Applied Sciences 15, no. 01 (June 18, 2023): 115–21.

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Background: Almost half of the geriatric population in India has chronic morbidity. Health status is an important factor that has a significant impact on the quality of life of an elderly population. Objectives: To find out the pattern of chronic morbidities and to explore the coping skills among the Geriatric Population. Methodology: The study was Explanatory Mixed Methods study design, where a quantitative phase (Survey) followed by the qualitative phase (In depth interviews [IDI]) is used. A total of 450 patients aged 60 and above from the coastal villages were studied and analysed. Socio Demographic details, Morbidity Patten and the treatment taken. Results: For the 5 item General Health Questionnaire among the 254 Young old 92 (36.2%) were positive and among the 216 Older/Oldest population about 88 (40.7%) were positive which is statistically significant (p value 0.0224) comparing the two age categories Regarding Alzheimer‘s disease – 8 item questionnaire positive there is statistically very significant (p value 0.0003) difference among the Young old 44 (17.6%) and for Older/Oldest population about 64 (29.6%).Conclusion: Hence it is prudent to screen the elderly population for these General health, Alzheimer‘s diseases spread knowledge, awareness and self-care advice to them among the fisherman community though their food pattern and physical activity is on positive note. This will help to create ―the society for ages‖ and to promote the concept of active and healthy ageing.
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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Village alzheimer"


Krier, Damien. "Évaluation coût-résultat d’un modèle d'inclusion sociale et de soins personnalisés pour les personnes atteintes de la maladie d’Alzheimer et autres maladies apparentées : le « Village Landais Henri Emmanuelli » comme modèle alternatif aux EHPAD." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Bordeaux, 2024.

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Le vieillissement démographique augmente les cas de maladie d'Alzheimer et de maladies apparentées, souvent associées à la démence. Le « Village Landais Henri Emmanuelli » (VLHE) est une initiative unique en France visant à améliorer la qualité de vie des patients, de leurs aidants et des professionnels de santé. Cette thèse évalue l'efficience du modèle VLHE comparée à un EHPAD, en se focalisant sur ses impacts cliniques et économiques. Le VLHE fait l'objet d’un étude observationnelle prospective, dont les résultats ont servi de base pour ce travail. En l'absence de contrefactuel direct, des groupes témoins de personnes admises en EHPAD ont été constitués à partir de plusieurs sources de données. La thèse se divise en quatre chapitres : une revue de la littérature et trois analyses comparatives sur les coûts de prise en charge en institution, le recours aux soins hospitaliers et l'évolution clinique des personnes atteintes de démence et admises au VLHE ou en EHPAD. Sur le plan clinique, la durée médiane de survie pour des personnes atteintes de démence et nouvellement admises en institution est d’environ 38 mois, sans différence significative entre les résidents accueillis en EHPAD et ceux au VLHE. La sévérité des troubles cognitifs ainsi que les comorbidités, telles que les antécédents de cancer et l'hypertension, influencent significativement la durée de vie des résidents. Un déclin des fonctions cognitives et fonctionnelles est observé après l'admission en EHPAD ou VLHE, avec un ralentissement potentiel de ces pertes chez les résidents du VLHE durant la première année, bien que cette différence ne soit pas significative par rapport aux résidents en EHPAD. Sur le plan économique, le coût est plus élevé au VLHE, mais avec un recours réduit aux soins hospitaliers et de meilleures conditions de fin de vie. Ce travail offre des perspectives pour améliorer la prise en charge des personnes atteintes de démence et justifie la nécessité de recherches supplémentaires pour valider et compléter ces résultats
Population ageing is leading to an increase in cases of Alzheimer's disease and related disorders, often associated with dementia. The "Village Landais Henri Emmanuelli" (VLHE) is a unique initiative in France aimed at improving the quality of life for patients, their carers, and healthcare professionals. This thesis evaluates the efficiency of the VLHE compared to a traditional nursing home (NH), focusing on its clinical and economic impacts. The VLHE is the subject of a prospective observational study, the results of which served as the basis for this work. In the absence of a direct counterfactual, control groups consisting of individuals admitted to EHPAD were created using several data sources. The thesis is organised into four chapters: a literature review followed by three comparative analyses on institutional care costs, the use of hospital services, and the clinical progression of individuals with dementia admitted to either VLHE or NH. Clinically, the median survival for individuals with dementia newly admitted to care is approximately 38 months, with no significant difference between those in NH and VLHE. The severity of cognitive impairment, as well as comorbidities such as a history of cancer and hypertension, significantly influence residents' survival. A decline in cognitive and functional abilities is observed following admission to both NH and VLHE, with a potential slowing of this decline in VLHE residents during the first year, although this difference is not statistically significant compared to NH residents. Economically, costs are higher at VLHE, primarily due to a higher staffing ratio, but with reduced use of hospital services and improved end-of-life care. This work provides insights into improving dementia care and highlights the need for further research to validate and expand upon these findings
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Books on the topic "Village alzheimer"


Taking Sides. The Crowood Press, 2008.

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Book chapters on the topic "Village alzheimer"


Bellini, Gloria, Marco Cipriano, Nicola De Angeli, Jacopo Pio Gargano, Matteo Gianella, Gianluca Goi, Gabriele Rossi, Andrea Masciadri, and Sara Comai. "Alzheimer’s Garden: Understanding Social Behaviors of Patients with Dementia to Improve Their Quality of Life." In Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 384–93. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.

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AbstractThis paper aims at understanding the social behavior of people with dementia through the use of technology, specifically by analyzing localization data of patients of an Alzheimer’s assisted care home in Italy. The analysis will allow to promote social relations by enhancing the facility’s spaces and activities, with the ultimate objective of improving residents’ quality of life. To assess social wellness and evaluate the effectiveness of the village areas and activities, this work introduces measures of sociability for both residents and places. Our data analysis is based on classical statistical methods and innovative machine learning techniques. First, we analyze the correlation between relational indicators and factors such as the outdoor temperature and the patients’ movements inside the facility. Then, we use statistical and accessibility analyses to determine the spaces residents appreciate the most and those in need of enhancements. We observe that patients’ sociability is strongly related to the considered factors. From our analysis, outdoor areas result less frequented and need spatial redesign to promote accessibility and attendance among patients. The data awareness obtained from our analysis will also be of great help to caregivers, doctors, and psychologists to enhance assisted care home social activities, adjust patient-specific treatments, and deepen the comprehension of the disease.
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Mitchell, Wendy. "My neighbourhood, my future …?" In Dementia and Place, 90–93. Policy Press, 2021.

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This chapter tackles Wendy Mitchell's narrative about being diagnosed with Mixed Dementia, Alzheimer's and Vascular and her life moving into a new neighbourhood. People in the neighbourhood had been vital in fighting loneliness amidst the pandemic. Whilst Zoom and technological connection had been a lifesaver during the pandemic lockdown, human contact and socialisation are still essential in people's lives. Thus, the safety of her neighbourhood due to simple acts of kindness enabled Mitchell to venture out of her comfort zone, and to take the chance to photograph and post on the village's Facebook page. The chapter clarifies that a person's talent does not go away simply after being diagnosed with dementia. It notes how the COVID pandemic gave people a chance to appreciate forms of people and places.
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