Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'VIH (virus) – Soins médicaux'
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Lemoine, Diane. "Influences du milieu carcéral sur l'adhésion de détenus séropositifs aux thérapies anti-V. I. H." Paris, EHESS, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004EHES0209.
Full textFor fighting HIV infection, therapies combinations' prescribed since 1996 has been successful so as to chronicize it. Because of a large number of contamination cases due to syringue sharing or non safe sexual intercourses, positive inmates had taken advantage of those regimens within the specific HIV health care. Presented as multivulnerables faced to different stigmatizations and often considered as in margins of society, analyzing both adherence to those treatments and its consequences on identity, yet moved by prison, could be profitable. So as to question patient-physician relationship and the goals of the different actors involved in the prison system. The thesis concludes that inmates, drug addicted or not, are adherents to those regimens at 85 %, just like the general population, thanks to their lifestyles, their mètis and to the support of the medical service, the social service and the associations. Which helps them to face the partly and temporary reification of their identity due to the philosophical and political conception of the prison system and his work. In the end, they manage both to protect their identity and to gain knowledge and abilities for long. But the totalitarian aspect of prison entails question about it as penal measure
Rapin, Didier. "Facteurs pronostiques des patients infectés par le VIH admis en réanimation : à propos de 130 observations." Bordeaux 2, 1997. http://www.theses.fr/1997BOR2M002.
Full textHagège, Meoïn. "Sortir et s'en sortir ? : parcours de santé et vulnérabilités de sortants de prison qui vivent avec le VIH ou une hépatite C." Paris, EHESS, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016EHES0096.
Full textThe health of inmates and released inmates is a public health problem seldom studied in France. The case study of men living with HIV and/or hepatitis C in the greater Parisian region is central to this PhD research. It aims to shed light on the life course and health trajectories before, during and after incarceration. These trajectories are constructed from data gathered through a three-pronged field work (observation, a series of biographical interviews and a survey). The study was conducted in and outside of prison to describe prisoners' experiences of care and treatment and the work done by healthcare and social work professionals. Hepatitis C is considered less important and severe than HIV, which explains the more frequent delays in recourse to care upon release and less challenging and stigmatizing experiences of the illness. Treatment interruptions are short and are part of the multiple adjustments that patients undertake to cope with release. These adjustments involve the tedious administrative procedures to (re)gain access to health and social welfare but also an embodied experience of release, (re)negotiation of personal and professional relationships. The interactions between the released inmates, their kin and the professionals who take care of them are described within the power structures in which they are embedded. In their institutional experience, patients are simultaneously regarded as subjects meant to interiorize health norms and asked to become self-reliant responsible individuals. Lastly, the trajectories of these men and women are inscribed in a process of progressing social vulnerability, exacerbated by HIV and HCV status, incarcerations and their release from prison. Prison release is lived as a liminal moment in the trajectories, as they pass from prison back into the city. The temporality is particular: it is constructed around activities and support relationships rather than based on linear chronological time; as a result prison release is full of uncertainty and seems interminable
Hugot-Van, Kemmelbeke Christine. "Une analyse économique de l'hétérogénéité des pratiques médicales : l'exemple de la prise en charge du VIH." Dijon, 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003DIJOE007.
Full textSoloy, Jean-Charles. "Prise en charge de l'infection à VIH en milieu carcéral. Exemple de la maison d'arrêt de Bordeaux-Gradignan. Etude de la population concernée entre 1987 et 1994." Bordeaux 2, 1997. http://www.theses.fr/1997BOR2M081.
Full textVignier, Nicolas. "Barrières et facteurs favorisant l'accès aux soins des immigrés originaires d'Afrique subsaharienne en France. Une comparaison en fonction de leur statut vis-à-vis du VIH et du VHB Access to health insurance coverage among sub-Saharan African migrants living in France: Results of the ANRS-PARCOURS study Refusal to provide healthcare to sub-Saharan migrants in France: a comparison according to their HIV and HBV status." Thesis, Sorbonne université, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018SORUS345.
Full textImmigrants from sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) are often exposed to periods of precariousness after arriving in France and are also one of the most affected populations by HIV and HBV infections. The aim of this thesis was to study the access to care of SSA immigrants according to their HIV or HBV status. The ANRS-Parcours survey was conducted among 2,468 SSA immigrants living in Paris area and the Baromètre santé 2010 among 27,653 people living in France. The Parcours survey used a biographical grid to collect indicators year after year analysed with a discrete-time logistic regression method. Sub-Saharan immigrants have access to health insurance coverage the year they arrived in France, but one in ten still did not have one three years after their arrival (more often in the absence of a permit of residence). They are more exposed to unmet health care needs than the rest of the population in France. This finding is aggravated by refusals to provide healthcare for participants covered by the specific health insurance for precarious or undocumented migrants and people living with HIV. The linkage to care takes place the year of the diagnosis. The likelihood of applying for a medical residence permit was higher among participants living with HIV. Social situations, which can change over time, affect the ability of immigrants to access health care. In the context of immigration, these social situations differ according to the reasons and conditions of arrival in France, depending on the status of the stay in France (having or not a residence permit, the right to work ...) and the way in which it evolves
Savary, Martin Karine. "La prise en charge des personnes vivant avec le VIH âgées de 60 ans et plus en Ile-de-France : représentations et perspectives." Thesis, Sorbonne Paris Cité, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015USPCB098.
Full textElderly HIV-positive people are no longer the exception. People are aging with this now chronic disease and moreover discover new diseases, aged-related premature. The question arises of their representations of the coming years in terms of accompaniment and living place. In addition, the view of the services and the institutions for elderly are not necessarily in phase with these representations. The expression of these prospects was concretized by a qualitative survey near 60 years old patients or older, of the active file of the COREVIH Ile-de-France Centre and by interviews with health-care and social-services professionals. A cartography of living situations and logics in place allowed to identify the relevant profiles to this study. In this context, replies show that they see themselves living in situations with loss of autonomy, except the oldest. The immigrant people rather wish a life in a nursing home, the MSM (men who have sex with men) choose home care or exlusive residence and heterosexuals people are shared but prefer to remain at home. Nevertheless, the continuing of a life in the age, at home or in institutions for elderly, comes along with strong fears. Discriminatory practices related to the disease or sexual orientation, disclosure of their HIV status in senior housing facility, rejection based on the review of the medical records, are frequently expressed. These fears generate true anguishes. The point of view of health-care and social-services professionals is still reducing, the taboos persist, and the cost represented by a elederly HIV-positive people can be a significant barrier. The issue is whether to adapt or create new facilities so that they are fairer and more compassionate for these seniors
De, Monteynard Laure-Amélie. "Infection par le VIH chez les patients migrants suivis en France." Thesis, Paris 6, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016PA066674/document.
Full textMigrants, mainly from sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), represent an important part of people living with HIV in France. Despite early screening and access to care have both increased in France, an excess risk of late diagnosis and delayed treatment initiation is reported among migrants, particularly in men, compared with other HIV-infected individuals. The objectives of this thesis were to study time between entry into care and combined antiretroviral therapy (cART) initiation, excluding late access to care, and to evaluate biological and clinical outcome after cART initiation, according to geographic origin, sex and transmission group. Data from the French Hospital Database on HIV (FHDH ANRS CO4) were used. Compared with French native men who have sex with men (MSM), only men originating from SSA and non-French West Indies with CD4>350/µL at entry into care are more likely to begin cART later. Administrative delays in obtaining healthcare coverage do not appear to be the only one responsible. After cART initiation, whatever the CD4 cell count at cART initiation, and after taking into account demographic, immunovirological, clinical and therapeutic characteristics at cART initiation, compared with French native MSM, migrants have a lower likelihood of CD4 cell recovery. However, heterosexual men, whatever the geographic origin, are more likely to have worse virological and clinical outcomes. Older age, a lower CD4 cell count and pre-existing AIDS status at cART initiation had the biggest impact on outcomes of cART but socio-economic level, and lifestyle or behavioral risk factors which are not available in the FHDH could also influence outcomes of cART. Non-AIDS defining events are responsible for a higher morbidity, with a higher incidence of severe infections. After entry into care and cART initiation, except for the risk of non-AIDS infections in heterosexual migrants than in heterosexual nonmigrants, there is no difference of comorbidities between migrants and non migrants among heterosexual men and heterosexual women
Garcia, Eric. "Survie des patients infectés par le VIH admis en réanimation médicale pour insuffisance respiratoire aigue͏̈." Bordeaux 2, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000BOR2M111.
Full textLamontagne, Erik. "The economic analysis of the AIDS response and its determinants among sexual and gender minority." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2021. http://theses.univ-amu.fr.lama.univ-amu.fr/211220_LAMONTAGNE_906coigum240yxx699ovkzw401sgt_TH.pdf.
Full textHuman immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is one of the leading causes of death in low- and middle-income countries.On June 8, 2021, the United Nations adopted the Political Declaration on Ending Inequality and Ending AIDS by 2030. Nevertheless, the need for prevention and treatment in many of the most affected countries far exceed their ability to pay. In addition, AIDS mainly affects most-at-risk population groups. This thesis shows that the benefits of this massive investment by the international community to end the AIDS epidemic by 2030 exceed 6 for every 1 invested. While this is an attractive investment, achieving the global 95-95-95 HIV target is far from certain, especially for sexual and gender minorities who are up to 26 times more likely to acquire HIV.The economic models used in this research identify three main factors that impede the achievement of the targets. First, stigma and discrimination are the main barrier to accessing HIV services. Second, too little emphasis is placed on the role of mental health in vulnerability to HIV infection. Finally, it demonstrates that inequalities undermine HIV response efforts by reducing the uptake of HIV testing.The findings of this thesis encourage policy makers to consider the importance to address inequality, mental health and homophobia in order to ending AIDS
Servais-Walenda, Sophie. "La maternité avec risques : une analyse ethnographique des risques autour de la procréation au Burkina Faso." Thesis, Montpellier, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018MONTT056/document.
Full textSuccessive Maternal and Child Health policies during last three decades in the Global South were based on a quantitative approach to reproductive risk, with a homogeneous vision of women's life experiences. On the contrary, the anthropological approach defines risk as a social construction and considers that populations assess and prioritize their exposure risks in a relevant manner.Our approach is based on a long-term ethnographic study in Bobo-Dioulasso (Burkina Faso) and its environment. We conducted formal and informal interviews with women, their families and key informants. Contextual observations in urban and rural areas complete the data set.Our results show a form of trivialization of HIV/AIDS risk in its bioclinical aspects. However, although less visible, stigma is persisting, and the social dimension of disease are still a threat. Our research describes the living and working conditions of poor women. It highlights their exposure to risk related to women's work in both rural areas and cities. It specifically examines the risk associated with the current intensive use of pesticides, which particularly concern women.In addition, our research shows how women perceive the healthcare system as a threat. This perception of risk related to care is part of a broader context of « crisis of confidence » in the health care system that creates « mistreatments », especially among pregnant women.This doctoral research reveals the neglected and « not quantified » risks perceived by women. It contributes to the recognition of environment related risks and informal working conditions as major public health problems affecting mothers and children in West Africa
Guillon, Marlène. "Essays in HIV Prévention." Paris, EHESS, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015EHES0153.
Full textThe main objective of this dissertation is to offer an economic insight in the prevention of HIV. I study individual behaviors and the way these behaviors might influence HIV incidence. Chapter 1 gathers the available empirical evidence for the concept of "prevalence elasticity" in the case of HIV and demonstrates the existence of rational behavioral reaction to the risk of HIV infection. The next two chapters aim to integrate the positive externality of antiretroviral treatments on prevention in their cost-benefit analysis. Chapter 2 investigates the epidemiological and economic effects of a large scale HIV testing and treatment policy in South Africa. The results of Chapter 2 show that the success of a large-scale HIV treatment policy depends on its implementation conditions. Chapter 3 assesses the cost-effectiveness impact of an early access to care for migrant people living with HIV in France and shows that early access to care for migrants living with HIV in France would be a cost-saving intervention. Chapter 4 focuses on the determinants of sexual behaviors among the French population and studies the role of time and risk preferences in sexual behaviors. Results of Chapter 4 demonstrate that risk aversion is positively correlated with condom use among heterosexual men while present preference is negatively correlated with condom use among MSM (men who have sex with men) and women
Yaba, Wenceslas. "Organisation des soins et prise en charge des personnes vivant avec le VIH/SIDA au Gabon." Paris 6, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013PA066554.
Full textBackground: According to WHO, in Africa, 80% of the population has used at least once alternative medicine for primary health care. Gabon, with an estimated HIV prevalence of 5. 2% in 2011, is still among the countries of high prevalence of HIV infection. As a whole, 22,253 PLWHA (adults and children) are being treated, including 9976 on HAART. The procedures for HAART initiation are very long, stock-outs of ARVs recurring, stigma in care centers for PLWHA, all factors that favored the development of alternative medicine for HIV care in Gabon. Objective: To analyze the impact of alternative medicine in the treatment of PLWHA in Gabon. Methodology: A cross sectional survey was conducted during four months between May 2009 and September 2010 with people living with HIV over 18, being on ARVs for at least 6 months, who had given their consent, and with physicians and other caregivers of these centers. We used a simple random sample method. This survey was conducted in seven centers for PLWHA and caregivers, and eight centers for physicians. Data collection was done with the software Epidata. The analyzes were performed using SAS ™. Results: Among the 5752 patients on HAART followed in 7 sites included in the survey in 2009/2010, 422 PLWHA (including 58. 3% women) were in Libreville (284: 67. 29%) and in provinces 138 (32. 71%). Among them 90. 5% were christians (including 21. 5 from revivalist churches), 5. 68% were muslims, 4% stated that they had no religion. 12. 5% of doctors refer their patients to religious or spiritual groups. Conclusion: Our study showed that half of PLWHA did not know the procedures of ARV treatment, beliefs about HIV / AIDS were very different depending on whether you live in the province or the capital. Finally, the cultural context related to alternative medicine, was very present in the therapeutic routes of PLHIV in Gabon. Although PHAs have easy access to ARVs, but their association with organized and controlled alternative medicine can be beneficial
Préau, Marie. "Evaluation psychosociale de la qualité de vie des patients infectés par le VIH." Aix-Marseille 1, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004AIX10077.
Full textCapdet, Claire. "Infection par le virus de l'hépatite C dans une cohorte de patients traités par méthadone." Montpellier 1, 1998. http://www.theses.fr/1998MON11065.
Full textChauveau, Julien. "La multithérapie antirétrovirale comme bien systeme : implications pour l'accès aux soins du VIH/SIDA dans les pays du sud." Thesis, Aix-Marseille 2, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010AIX24020/document.
Full textAlthough human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) cannot be cured, infection with HIV can be restrained by antiretroviral (ARV) therapy, the best existing option to suppress replication of the virus on a long term basis among treated patients. Action of each individual ARV molecule, by itself, is inadequate to suppress viral replication. To become "highly active", antiretroviral therapies (HAART) have to combine several complementary drugs which have to be consume together. Even if existing economic literature on pharmaceutical markets offers several valuable insights, the analysis of markets in drugs used against HIV infection must take into account the composite structure of treatment. Such specificity, inherent ARV therapy, can be analyzed through the economic concept of "system " goods. The thesis is based on two empirical researches which have been conducted in Brazil and in seven sub-saharan Africa countries with aim to study recent evolutions that occured on the international pharmaceutical market considering both individual molecule and ARV therapy as a whole. Standing at the crossroads between intellectual property rights, market structures, treatment cost and availability, lessons emerging from our researcg contribute to provide a better understanding of mechanisms impacting on ARV markets in Southern Countries as well as economic and public health debates raised by the issue of universal access to HIV treatment
Santilli, Cecilia. "Accès aux soins et politiques migratoires en Europe : le parcours de vie des migrants subsahariens vivant avec le VIH et l'hépatite B : un regard croisé entre la France et l'Italie." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017AIXM0271/document.
Full textIn France and in Italy, AIDS and hepatitis B profoundly affect migrants from sub-Saharan Africa, particularly those living under precarious political, social, and economic conditions. Since 2010, when the AIDS epidemic had normalized in Western countries, in France and Italy there has been increasing interest in public policies regarding hepatitis B, which is associated more and more with HIV, and disease control strategies for migrant populations. Despite this, following a recent tightening of migration policies, difficulties with accessing healthcare and with asserting one’s rights have increased for migrants living with these two infections in France or in Italy. Building on the intersection of the policy trajectories for these two infections and their use in the area of migration policies, this thesis presents an analysis of the way the treatment of AIDS and hepatitis B currently in effect in France and in Italy for newly arrived migrants from sub-Saharan Africa contributes to the development of new forms of inequality. The analysis is comparative and associated with a microsocial and ethnographic study of the everyday treatments for migrant patients afflicted with AIDS and hepatitis B that are provided by two entities that take care of newly arrived migrants in Paris and in Rome (Comede in Paris, Samifo in Rome), and a macrosocial study of the translation of policy developments in regard to the health of migrants and the fight against AIDS and hepatitis B at the international level and at the national level in France and Italy
Boulègue, Cyril. "Synthèse d'analogues peptidiques de la chimiokine RANTES : une nouvelle approche dans le traitement des infections par VIH. Etude méthodologique des synthèses stéréosélectives de thiazolines." Montpellier 2, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000MON20161.
Full textZongo, Sylvie. "Procréer en temps d'infection à VIH : offre de soins et expériences de femmes en milieu urbain (Burkina Faso)." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012AIXM3071/document.
Full textThis thesis is about the procreation in the context of HIV infection based on remarkable therapeutic progress nowadays in caring people. It's based on three big parts which show at the same time global ranges and elements based on HIV positive women's experience in Burkina Faso. In associations fighting against HIV and health centers, people receive more information on the possibility to have children when they are HIV positive but under the condition of essential medicines, furthermore the therapeutic and nutritional supply is sometimes supported by some agencies. These information and supply are got back by people namely women who once organize direct and build not only their behavior but also their choice of procreation and their distance of caring. This treatment of procreation in the context of HIV in Burkina Faso explains a process of recomposition and taking in charge HIV in health centers. A recomposition characterized by an evolution of speeches, representations and birth of new activities which requires new practices for care givers, a strengthening of interference of medicines in people's sexual and reproductive life. Besides for women, the emergency of new maternity which is written in the report in “maternity-femininity” make more place in the figure of the topic about the family and couple's relationship
Mbaye, Elhadji Mamadou. "De la contradiction en politiques publiques : l'action publique en direction des migrants vivant avec le VIH/sida en France." Grenoble 2, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009GRE21021.
Full textThe public action among migrants living with Aids is at the crossroads of a social policy and a restrictive policy. The stakeholders in the junction of these two policies are always oblige to take into account the opposite logics if these two policies. Our aim is to analyze the acting of stakeholders in the junction of these two policies. This analyze involve many issues. In the origin and host countries, the bonds between these two policies question's the migration of patients living with AIDS in search of the last therapeutic projections or treatments essential to their survival. In the countries of origin particularly in Sub-Saharan Africa, the link between health and migration question's the push factors of "health tourism". The social and political contexts in those countries encourage people to leave their own countries. Some of them know their Aids status before leaving their countries but a lot of them ascertain their Aids status in host countries. What is the scope of health tourism concerning Aids in France? Who are these patients who emigrate (statute, sex, level of studies. . . ) which is the place of health in their migration project? In the host countries the arrival of foreign patients living with Aids in efficient health. Systems but nevertheless in crisis, also question's the Universalist aiming of the health system particularly in France. These issues and the debates which they cause are often put, at the political agenda by politicians, in terms of costs of their health care and the increase of the number of new recipients in medical benefits. On the level of the implementation of the policy against Aids, the issue of migrants living with Aids also question's the working and logics of the health services witch are not adapted to these immigrant populations in terms of cultural and social issues? Which are the problems raised by health care of migrants living with Aids in the France? Which are the strategies and programs implemented to improve health care among migrants living with AIDS? The inscription on the political agenda of the issue of migrants living with AIDS and in precarious situation, requires an important social and medical treatment? How this specific care is organized in hospitals? How the social professionals are integrated in care for migrants living with AIDS? Which are the resources mobilized for this socio-medical care? The care of migrants asks also the question of cultural dimensions of health care among these populations. Some organizations recruit cultural mediators to improve the health care of migrants. How those professionals are integrated in health services? Which are their roles? ln this context of development of immigration policy control, the health and AIDS sector seems to escape from the restrictions of foreigners rights
Ndiaye, Bakhao. "Facteurs de risque de l'accès tardif aux soins et de la perte de vue chez les patients infectés par le VIH suivis à Bruxelles et dans la région Nord Pas-de-Calais." Lille 2, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009LIL2S046.
Full textAhoua-Leray, Laurence. "Prévention de la transmission du VIH de la mère à l'enfant (PTME) au Mozambique : engagement dans les soins et défis programmatiques de la stratégie B+." Thesis, Bordeaux, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019BORD0151/document.
Full textIn 2015, the World Health Organization published new guidelines for the prevention of motherto- child transmission (PMTCT) of HIV and recommended that all seropositive pregnant and breastfeeding women be provided with lifelong anti-retroviral therapy (ART) (option B+).However, there are rising concerns about the effectiveness of the strategy in truly reducing the number of vertical HIV transmissions; there are indeed programmatic challenges related to its implementation; in particular, the sub-optimal levels of engagement in care of mother/infantpairs observed mainly in sub-Saharan Africa. The aim of the present thesis was to discuss, from a public health perspective, the programmatic challenges of engagement in care under option B+ strategy, with the example of Mozambique, a country known to have one of the highest HIVprevalence figures in the world. More specifically, we focused on three important aspects of engagement in care: the antenatal cascade of care, the maternal ART retention and the HIV exposed infant (HEI) testing coverage.We observed a high uptake of HIV testing, significant improvement in ART coverage over time and a better acceptance of ART at initiation in HIV+ pregnant women. Retention in care by the end of the first year of ART in HIV+ pregnant women and HIV testing coverage in HEI remainsub-optimal. Therefore, interventions to improve the mother-infant pair’s engagement in care should be systematically promoted. Finally, we underscore the considerable heterogeneity of definitions of outcomes used across various PMTCT programs.This work has highlighted the gaps in optimal engagement care of the mother-infant pair and its consequences on achieving virtual elimination of MTCT of HIV. We also highlighted the importance of having a consensus approach to measure PMTCT programme outcomes to allow national and international comparisons. Efforts to retain women under lifelong ART, ensuring their HIV-exposed infants receive the expected PMTCT services at the right moments along the continuum until final HIV status is determined, is the cornerstone of achieving an AIDS free generation by 2030
Cousien, Anthony. "Modélisation dynamique de la transmission du virus de l'hépatite C chez les utilisateurs de drogues injectables : efficacité et coût-efficacité des interventions de réduction des risques et des traitements antiviraux." Sorbonne Paris Cité, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015USPCC187.
Full textHepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is widespread among people who infect drugs (PWID) in France, with a seroprevalence around 70% despite the risk reduction measures. Since 2011, new antiviral regimens prescribed for a shorter duration, more effective and with a higher tolerability than the previous dual-therapy peg-interferons + ribavirin are becoming available to treat chronic hepatitis C. These new treatments could be used to prevent HCV transmission by treating infectious individuals rapidly after infection (« Treatment as Prevention »). The objective of this thesis was to estimate the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of improvements in risk reduction interventions and in the cascade of care of chronique hepatitis C (testing, linkage to care, antiviral treatment initiation and effectiveness of the latter) in a PWID population in Paris Area. We used a dynamic model for HCV transmission including the cascade of care and natural history of chronic hepatitis C, and the social network of the population. Our results show that an improvement in current risk reduction intervention would have a limited impact on the health of PWID. Initiating antiviral treatment independently of the severity of the liver disease would have an important impact on the HCV disease incidence and prevalence. However, for a "Treatment as Prevention" strategy to be highly effective and cost¬effective high improvements in the entire cascade of care of chronic hepatitis C are needed. This strategy would allow to control the epidemic by decreasing HCV transmission and the related morbidity-mortality and it would be cost-effective. However, a middle-term elimination of HCV would remain unlikely
Le, Port Gildas. "Mesures de prévention sanitaire et de préparation à la sortie en milieu carcéral : recommandations nationales, actions à la maison d'arrêt de Gradignan." Bordeaux 2, 1998. http://www.theses.fr/1998BOR2M009.
Full textMoty, Céline. "De la mesure à la maîtrise de la variabilité des pratiques médicales en France : illustration avec le dépistage de l'infection à cytomégalovirus chez la femme enceinte en France." Bordeaux 2, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005BOR21218.
Full textEvaluation of medical practices has been done in France for 20 years, the variability of these practices is still an unsolved problem with causes and consequences that we document. The structures that realise these evaluations are multiple, with different methods and objectives. This diversity does not contribute to the visibility and coherence of the evaluation. Furthermore, measuring the variability of medical practices is not often followed by the implementation of actions making the practices converge and get them standardised. Indicators and information systems operational in routine for evaluation studies are lacking, as well as a clear definition of a standard, of an acceptable deviation, and of control method to follow-up, incite and correct. As an illustration, we present the variability in serological screening practices for cytomegalovirus infection in pregnant women and the actions set up to limit this variability
Warszawski, Josiane. "Apports du recueil des antécédents de maladies sexuellement transmissibles dans les enquêtes en population générale." Paris 11, 1999. http://www.theses.fr/1999PA11T004.
Full textThree obstacles stand in the way of identifying targets for the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and HIV infection: the heterogeneity of these infections, the large number of factors involved in their spread and methodological problems encountered in epidemiological investigations, especially in samples representative of the general population. We investigated the validity of collecting data conceming STD history by questionnaire and analysed such data from national surveys of sexual behaviour carried out between 1989 and 1994. Four French surveys (ACSF, ACSJ, KABP-92 and Baromètre Santé-93) and seven European surveys were studied as part of a Concerted Action (Belgium, Finland, France (ACSF), the former East and West Germany, Norway and the Netherlands). We took the various sampling designs, with their diverse levels of complexity, into account in the statistical analysis. We found that this method of data collection caused no major classification bias, as the results of the various studies were consistent, both with each other and with other published studies and epidemiological surveillance data. We found that not only was a history of STD a marker of past exposure to the risk of HIV infection in both sexes, it was also a marker for current high-risk sexual behaviour in men. A history ofmycosis in men was as effective a risk marker as a history ofbacterial STDs. Our results show that the strategies used for STD screening in France, in particular that for Chlamydia trachomatis, are not as effective as those used in northem European countries. The results of the French surveys also showed that men were less likely than women to tell their sexual partners that they had a STD. Screening was generally more widespread among women and individuals educated beyond schoollevel, but socially disadvantaged women and young people were less likely to undergo early screening
Toure, Hapsatou. "Etude des aspects médico-économiques liés au passage à échelle des interventions de prévention de la transmission mère-enfant du VIH (PTME) dans les pays à ressources limitées." Thesis, Bordeaux 2, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012BOR21917/document.
Full textA decade into the implementation of prevention of mother-to-child HIV transmission (PMTCT) programs, countries are making impressive progress towards fulfilling global commitments and achieving global goals. However, achieving a generation free from HIV will entail sustained effort and commitment in the coming years and estimating the cost of this work is fundamental. In light of the global economic downturn, reliable and up-to-date information on the costs of the dedicated services is needed to estimate the amount of additional resources required to scale up those services within the context of the Millennium Development Goals, and to assist resource-limited countries, external funders and multilateral agencies in planning, identify cost drivers and areas of potential savings. This work pursued the aims (1) to produce a reliable estimation of the costs associated with PMTCT services in five low- and middle-income countries, and (2) to ascertain the range and median unit costs needed for scaling up these services across a prevention, treatment and care continuum. Countries were selected given three key criteria related to their economic level and health spending, the national HIV epidemic status and typology, and the coverage of their maternal, neonatal and child health (MNCH) and PMTCT programs. Data were collected in Cote d’Ivoire, China, Namibia, Rwanda, and Ukraine using a health-care provider perspective from October 2009 to April 2010. In-country samples were designed to reflect publicly funded MNCH facilities that were delivering a define range of PMTCT and pediatric HIV services. The package includes HIV testing and counseling, male partner testing, CD4 testing, antiretroviral prophylaxis provision, community-based activities, HIV-exposed infant prophylaxis, and 2-year post-partum family planning. Additional information on prices and volume of services was collected from national government bodies, international donor partners, and non-governmental organizations. Cost data were then analyzed using a bottom-up approach of "micro-costing" where costs are calculated by identifying the actual resources used for each patient. Primary outcomes are costs per specific end-users and nation-wide total program costs, subdivided by major cost categories. After that, we simulated the expected costs over time according to a scale-up analysis estimating the costs needed to increase service coverage under various scenarios of coverage and antiretroviral protocols. These scenarios are incremental in their content: each subsequent scenario adds components and costs to the previous one. Future costs are discounted at a 3% rate. The affordability of each scenario (compared to the previous one) was concomitantly examined through the generation of incremental cost effectiveness ratios. The cost of inaction, measured in both terms of cases non-averted and deaths non-avoided throughout the scaling-up period, was ultimately assessed
Kabinda, Maotela Jeff. "Problématique du risque résiduel transfusionnel du VIH et des hépatites B et C en République Démocratique du Congo: un problème de santé publique." Doctoral thesis, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/2013/ULB-DIPOT:oai:dipot.ulb.ac.be:2013/209042.
Full textLa transfusion sanguine est un acte médical, qui a pour but d’apporter au malade du sang ou ses dérivés. Elle est le résultat d’une chaîne d’activités complexes au cours de laquelle interviennent différentes catégories de personnel médical et paramédical, par conséquent elle ne peut pas être considérée comme un acte anodin. Elle reste entachée de beaucoup de risques, qui peuvent être, de type infectieux, immunologiques, hémodynamiques et métaboliques.
Afin de lutter contre ces risques, la sécurité transfusionnelle (l’ensemble des mesures visant à éliminer les risques immunologiques et infectieux liés à la transfusion des produits sanguins a été définie par l’OMS qui de surcroit en a précisé les 3 composantes principales qui sont: a) la disponibilité du sang. b) l’innocuité du sang. c) l’utilisation judicieuse de produits sanguins labiles.
Notre travail s’est focalisé sur l’un de ces aspects à savoir l’innocuité du sang. En effet, tandis que les pays du Nord sont à la recherche des virus émergents et commencent à déclarer que les risques viraux sont de plus en plus maîtrisés, l’Afrique se trouve encore dans la phase d’implantation de politiques et stratégies de sécurité transfusionnelle sous l’impulsion de l’OMS .L’incidence des risques viraux globalement supérieures à celle des pays du Nord est différente d’un pays à un autre.
Le risque résiduel (qui est un risque qui subsiste après la réponse au risque ou après l'application de mesures d'atténuation du risque) viral transfusionnel peut être attribué à quatre facteurs :a) l’erreur technique la plupart du temps humaine ;b) un variant viral non reconnu par certains réactifs ;c) un don infectieux séronégatif chez un porteur chronique ;d) ou un don réalisé chez un sujet très récemment infecté (« fenêtre silencieuse »).
Hypothèses :
Les hypothèses émises pour ce travail étaient :
- La connaissance, les attitudes et les pratiques de la population générale, des donneurs de sang et des prestataires de soins ne sont pas adéquates vis-à-vis de la sécurité transfusionnelle.
- La sécurité transfusionnelle en RDC n’est pas suffisante associée à un taux élevé des dons familiaux, une prévalence élevée des marqueurs viraux, le risque résiduel de virus de VIH, VHB et VHC devrait être considérable.
Objectif :
Contribuer à l’amélioration de la transfusion sanguine en RD Congo en apportant des informations évidentes et actualisées, susceptibles de contribuer à la réduction de la morbidité liée aux maladies transmissibles par le sang.
Ce travail regroupe huit études. Une première étude retrace l’historique de l’implantation des services de transfusion sanguine et les différents résultats obtenus. Les 3 études suivantes évaluent la connaissance, l’attitude et la pratique des différents intervenants (la population générale, les donneurs de sang et les prestataires de soins) de la chaine de la transfusion sanguine. Deux études se focalisent sur la séroprévalence des hépatites et l’estimation du risque résiduel des hépatites B, C et du VIH. Les deux dernières études ont porté sur les séroprévalences des hépatites B, C et du VIH chez les receveurs (femmes enceintes et enfants de 6-59 mois).
La première étude fut une synthèse des données des rapports annuels du Centre National de Transfusion Sanguine avec comme objectif de jeter un regard sur l’organisation du système transfusionnel et ses réalisations.
La deuxième étude était une étude transversale menée d’une manière aléatoire auprès de 416 personnes âgées de 18 à 65 ans, résidant dans les trois zones de santé de la ville de Bukavu à l’Est de la RDC. Elle avait comme objectif l’évaluation des connaissances, attitudes et pratiques en matière de don de sang dans la population générale.
La troisième étude transversale descriptive et analytique a concerné 595 donneurs de sang de la ville de Bukavu. Son objectif était d’évaluer les connaissances, attitudes, pratiques et comportements chez les donneurs de sang du Sud-Kivu et identifier les facteurs de risque des marqueurs viraux.
La quatrième étude qui était transversale, a porté sur tout le personnel des soins :médecins, infirmiers, sage femmes, agents de formation rapide en activité dans les services hospitaliers du Sud-Kivu. Elle a eu comme objectif l’évaluation des connaissances, attitudes et pratiques des prestataires en matière de transfusion sanguine, d’infections VIH et d’hépatites B et C dans la province du Sud-Kivu.
La cinquième étude fut celle de suivi de cohorte des donneurs de sang bénévoles et non rémunérés. Son objectif était d’évaluer la séroprévalence des hépatites B et C chez les donneurs de sang bénévoles et non rémunérés.
La sixième étude a consisté aussi à l’étude de cohorte de donneurs de sang bénévoles à Bukavu. Son l’objectif était de déterminer les taux d’incidences du VIH, AgHBs et VHC chez les donneurs bénévoles du sang et estimer le risque résiduel du VIH, AgHBs et VHC chez les donneurs de sang de Bukavu.
La septième étude était une étude transversale sur les femmes enceintes de la communauté de Maniema (RD Congo). Elle avait comme objectif de déterminer la prévalence de VHB, VHC et VIH chez la femme enceinte et identifier les facteurs de risque.
Enfin la huitième étude était aussi une étude transversale sur les enfants de 6 à 59 mois de la communauté de Maniema (RD Congo). Elle avait comme objectif de déterminer la prévalence de VHB, du VHC et du VIH chez les enfants de 6 à 59 mois et en déterminer les facteurs de risque.
Le système transfusionnel en République Démocratique du Congo est en phase d’implantation. En douze ans, c'est-à-dire de 2 001 à 2 012, il y a eu 112 882 donneurs bénévoles de sang mobilisés, plus de 80 % de produits sanguins sécurisés et plus de 80% des besoins couverts. Par ailleurs 89 688 infections du VIH ont pu être évitées par la qualification systématique des produits sanguins. Pendant la même période, 8 461 personnes ont pu être formées en transfusion sanguine. Mais il y a eu surtout une régression des marqueurs viraux. C’est ainsi que pour le VIH la prévalence est passée de 4,7% à 2,1 % entre 2 001 et 2 012 tandis que l’hépatite B a connu une régression de 7,1% à 3,5% pendant la même période. Pour l’hépatite C, ce taux est passé de 11,8% à 2,3% entre 2 004 et 2 012.
Dans la population générale la pratique de don de sang est très peu connue, nos travaux ont montré que :61% de la population ne connaissaient pas la pratique de don de sang. Certains aspects (risque infectieux viral) de la sécurité transfusionnelle ne sont pas très connus par le premier maillon de la chaine transfusionnelle (donneur de sang) et les prestataires de soins. En effet les résultats de nos études ont montré que 23,5% de donneurs de sang avaient un bon score de connaissance sur les aspects de la sécurité transfusionnelle et 11,7% prestataires avaient un bon score de la connaissance et de la pratique sur la sécurité transfusionnelle. Notre travail a montré que la prévalence des trois virus chez les donneurs de sang est importante :dans une série la séroprévalence était pour le VHB de 4,8%, pour le VHC de 3,9% et pour le VIH de 1,6%. Dans une autre série la prévalence était de 4,2% et 3,8% respectivement pour les hépatites B et C tandis que la coïnfection VHB et VHC a été évaluée à 2,2%.
L’estimation du risque résiduel a montré que le risque résiduel est très élevé dans notre pays. Ce risque résiduel est de 1/1 515 dons pour le VIH soit 6 dons de sang sur 10 000 seraient séropositifs alors qu’ils étaient testés négatifs. Pour les hépatites B et C, le risque résiduel était de 1/329 pour le VHC et de 1/126 dons pour l’hépatite B. Pour 1 000 dons de sang testés au virus de l’hépatite B, 8 seraient séropositifs alors qu’ils avaient été déclarés négatifs au test. Pour le virus de l’hépatite C, ce sont 3 personnes pour 1 000 dons de sang.
Au niveau des principaux receveurs :la séroprévalence du VIH chez les femmes enceintes était de 4,1 %, mais elle était plus importante, 15,6%,chez les femmes enceintes qui avaient un antécédent de transfusion sanguine (OR =4,9 et p=0,02).La prévalence du VHB était de 5,9 % mais plus élevée chez la femme enceinte avec antécédent de transfusion (12,5%) et de tatouage (24,2%) et la prévalence du VHC était de 4,1% et plus élevée chez la femme avec antécédent de transfusion sanguine (12,5%).
Chez les enfants les résultats étaient les suivants :la prévalence du VHB observée dans notre étude était de 3,6%, mais cette prévalence était de 6,6% chez les enfants avec un antécédent de transfusion sanguine. Elle était de 5,7% chez les enfants dont la mère avait eu une transfusion sanguine lors de la grossesse. La prévalence du VHC était de 2,8%. Elle était plus élevée chez les enfants qui avaient un antécédent de transfusion (7,6%) et dont la mère avait un antécédent de transfusion sanguine (11,1%). La séroprévalence du VIH était de 3,7%. Une prévalence plus élevée du VIH était observée chez les enfants avec une histoire personnelle de transfusion sanguine (11,4%) et une histoire maternelle de transfusion (9,8%).
Les résultats de ce travail montrent que la sécurité transfusionnelle est précaire. Cette précarité se situe à plusieurs niveaux :au niveau des services ayant la transfusion en charge par suite d’insuffisance dans l’organisation et dans le financement. Ensuite au niveau des acteurs c.-à-d. la population générale et les institutions sanitaires, par l’insuffisance des notions de base de la sécurité transfusionnelle et de prévention des maladies virales transmissibles par le sang.
Les résultats de ce travail montrent que la séroprévalence des marqueurs du VIH, des hépatites B et C est importante et leur risque résiduel est considérable.
Il est utile de procéder au renforcement des capacités de tous les acteurs de la chaine transfusionnelle en appliquant certaines stratégies innovantes proposées dans ce travail (utilisation des sociologues, anthropologues dans les séances de sensibilisation de la population…), l’éducation de la population, des techniques éfficaces de dépistage afin d’espérer réduire le risque infectieux lié à la transfusion sanguine.
Doctorat en Sciences de la santé publique
Irambona, Renovate. "Contribution à l'étude de l'accompagnement psychosocial de la femme enceinte dans les services de Prévention de la Transmission Mère-Enfant du VIH au Burundi." Doctoral thesis, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/2013/ULB-DIPOT:oai:dipot.ulb.ac.be:2013/209773.
Full textL’objectif de cette thèse était de comprendre l’état psychologique des femmes enceintes lors du dépistage du VIH dans les services de Prévention de la Transmission Mère-Enfant (PTME) du VIH à Bujumbura. Cette compréhension permettrait d’optimiser la prise en charge psychologique de ces femmes enceintes au moment du dépistage du VIH et de mettre en place un accompagnement psychosocial dans leur milieu de vie. De façon spécifique, ce travail visait à :(1) analyser le contenu verbal des entretiens de conseils pré et post-test tels qu’ils sont faits dans les services de PTME, et de les comparer avec les normes proposées en la matière par l’OMS ;(2) évaluer l’anxiété chez les femmes enceintes à différents moments du dépistage du VIH; (3) analyser les raisons du refus du dépistage et du renoncement aux soins par les femmes enceintes séropositives à VIH.
La recherche a été réalisée principalement auprès des femmes enceintes rencontrées dans les services de consultation prénatale à Bujumbura, capitale du Burundi. Les outils de récolte des données étaient des entretiens conseillers-femmes enceintes au cours des activités de dépistage, les échelles d’évaluation de l’anxiété (HADS et STAI), des questionnaires de rétention/impact de l’information, des focus groups et un récit de vie. Ces outils nous ont permis de recueillir des données que nous avons traitées qualitativement par analyse de contenu et quantitativement par des analyses statistiques avec le logiciel SPSS.
Les résultats sont présentés dans cinq études. Notre première étude a montré que l’adaptation locale du schéma proposé par l’OMS pour les conseils pré et post-test en dépistage prénatal du VIH est une nécessité. Cela permettrait aux conseillers de mieux communiquer avec les femmes enceintes. Les trois autres études portant sur l’évaluation de l’anxiété ont montré que les besoins psychologiques des femmes enceintes au cours du dépistage du VIH devraient être reconnus et pris en compte. La détection de l’anxiété devrait être systématique afin de commencer une prise en charge psychologique dès le début du processus de dépistage et ainsi aller au devant des conduites d’évitement. La cinquième et dernière étude a montré que la stigmatisation et ses conséquences seraient à la base du refus du dépistage du VIH et du traitement en cas de séropositivité. Dès lors, le suivi médical doit être associé à un suivi psychologique pour réaliser une prise en charge intégrée des femmes enceintes dans les services de PTME. En continuité avec cette prise en charge au niveau des structures de santé, des stratégies d’accompagnement psychosocial adéquates devraient être planifiées au niveau des communautés. En outre, nous recommandons des études visant les problématiques psychologiques et sociales liées au VIH/SIDA chez la femme enceinte au Burundi.
Abstract:The announcement of the diagnosis of a serious illness is always a difficult experience for the patient and to a lesser extent, to the doctor. When it comes to HIV / AIDS, the challenge is even more important that in many cases, this disease vehicle with shame, guilt and risk of stigmatization of HIV-positive person. For pregnant women in Burundi, the situation is even more worrying. Socio-cultural barriers cause avoidance of HIV testing, while the screening is a gateway to care for the prevention of HIV transmission from mother to child.
The objective of this thesis was to understand the psychological state of pregnant women in HIV testing services in the Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission (PMTCT) of HIV in Bujumbura. This understanding would maximize the psychological care of pregnant women at the time of HIV testing and to develop psychosocial support in their living environment. Specifically, this work aimed to: (1) analyzing the verbal content of counseling interviews pre and post-test as they are made in PMTCT services, and compare them with the proposed standards in this area by WHO, (2) assess anxiety in pregnant women at different stages of HIV testing, (3) analyze the reasons for refusal of screening and seeking care for pregnant HIV-positive.
The research was conducted mainly among pregnant women encountered in antenatal clinics in Bujumbura, Burundi's capital. Tools for data collection were interviews between counselors and pregnant women during routine screening, rating scales of anxiety (HADS and STAI), questionnaires of retention / impact of information, focus groups and a life story. These tools have allowed us to collect data that we have treated qualitatively by content analysis and quantitatively by statistical analysis using SPSS.
The results are presented in five studies. Our first study showed that local adaptation of the scheme proposed by the WHO for counseling pre and post-test in antenatal HIV testing is a necessity. This would allow counselors to better communicate with pregnant women. The other three studies of anxiety assessment showed that the psychological needs of pregnant women in HIV testing should be recognized and taken into account. Anxiety screening should be systematic to begin psychological support early in the process of HIV testing. The fifth and final study showed that stigma and its consequences would be the causes for refusal of HIV testing and treatment in HIV positive cases. Therefore, medical care should be combined with psychological support to achieve an optimal management of pregnant women in PMTCT services. In continuity with this support in the structures of health, psychosocial support strategies should be planned at the community level. In addition, we recommend studies related to psychological and social issues of HIV / AIDS among pregnant women in Burundi.
Doctorat en Sciences Psychologiques et de l'éducation
Bitassa, Waguena Urbain. "Le sida au Togo : enjeux éthiques et théologiques." Thesis, Strasbourg, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017STRAK015.
Full textHIV/AIDS is still a serious challenge for humanity as evinced by the commitment of Governments and International Organizations. The fight against it conjures many actors, given the specific challenges it poses and the different spheres of intervention it requires. This study explores the ambivalent interweaving of interests and conflicts among the different protagonists. What about the sick in all these? The sociological study carried out in Togo proved to be an indispensable source of reflection on the subject. Beyond strategies of prevention and care, this study proposes forming multifaceted - therapeutic and institutional - alliances as a new way forward. For the highest level of efficiency on the part of actors, the author proposes: initiating centers of dialogue and undertaking a true reflection on the knotty ethical and theological issues in the fight against HIV/AIDS. Inadequacies in the present system of care warrants a new holistic vision of the human person in line with all fundamental human needs
Mounsade, Kpoundia Fadimatou. "Sida et mutations professionnelles dans les structures de santé au Cameroun : l'exemple de la prise en charge psychosociale." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014AIXM3122.
Full textThe reorganisation of HIV care in Cameroon, now essentially driven by the will to control the social aspects of the illness, disturbs the usual knowledge and practices of hospitals carriers. Firstly, the psychosocial work appears as a mix of nutritional education, social assistance and psychology follow-up. Secondly, new actors, coming in major from HIV/AIDS associations without any diploma training as doctors and nurses, are introducing as counsellors to insure the psychosocial care. The HIV patient is integrating in the treatment process by bringing models of seropositivity’s acceptation and as well as therapeutic follow up. They also insure the “pair-seropositive” psychological support. Yet, although these new agents play a central role in HIV care, they are not considering as health professionals. The tag of this thesis is to analyse how psychosocial care is ensure and how it brings out the lay expertise in order of understanding the impact of counsellor’s activities on HIV health centre and on the associations they are affiliated. This study is based on ethnographic data collected from the interview and observation of the professional practises of 193 interviewers in 15 health centres and 26 associations against HIV/AIDS were observed in 5 regions in Cameroon
Champenois, Karen. "VIH : comment la recherche en épidémiologie s’est orientée de l’évaluation thérapeutique au dépistage et à la prévention." Thesis, Lille 2, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011LIL2S043/document.
Full textIn years following the onset of HIV infection, priority was given to therapeutic research. Since the introduction of highly active antiretroviral therapy in 1996, mortality and morbidity related to HIV have decreased dramatically. However, the epidemic remains active, especially among men who have sex with men (MSM), highlighting the need for changes in testing and prevention policies. This thesis presents the evolution of a part of research in epidemiology of HIV in Northern countries, focusing first on HIV treatments effectiveness then moving toward to limitations of current HIV testing strategies, new strategies of HIV testing, and finally addressing prevention. This Ph.D thesis contains five epidemiological studies conducted in France.The first study, conducted in 175 HIV-1 infected antiretroviral-naive patients, showed that lopinavir/ritonavir was efficient regardless to polymorphisms carried by the viral protease.The second study, based on an economic model accounting changes in medical practices and the impact of new drugs, showed that lifetime cost associated with HIV care is €535,000/patient (€320,700 discounted) for a life expectancy of 26.5 years under current conditions. Moreover, it highlighted that annual cost of care increases with late access to care (€21,600/year if AIDS or CD4 count <200 cells/mm3 at HIV care initiation, vs. €19,400 if CD4 count >500 cells/mm3, undiscounted costs).The third study conducted in 1,008 HIV-infected patients newly diagnosed, showed that 93% of patients had seen a general practitioner within 3-year period prior to HIV diagnosis. Of patients enrolled, 82 who sought care for HIV-related symptoms within this period had a missed opportunity for HIV testing proposition. Similarly, 55% of MSM who notified to a healthcare setting that they belonged to this risk group had a missed opportunity for HIV testing proposition. The fourth study assessed a community-based HIV testing strategy targeting MSM (532 MSM tested into the program studied). This HIV testing reached people at high risk of HIV, on third of these was little or not tested in other testing facilities. Among the 15 patients who tested positive (2.8%), 12 (80%) received confirmation and linked to care (median CD4 count =550 cells/mm3). The fifth study, a case-control study conducted in MSM in northern France (53 cases of early syphilis and 90 controls) showed receptive oral sex without a condom and anal sex toy use as the main risk factors for syphilis acquisition. Our results highlight limitations of current HIV testing strategies. They show the importance of promoting routine HIV testing in primary care settings, and extension of testing facilities that target populations with specific risk. In addition, they enhanced prevention for risk reduction measures for HIV and STIs. In the era of effective and well tolerated but expensive antiretroviral therapy, testing and prevention are significant issues in the control of the HIV epidemic
Roux, Perrine. "Observance thérapeutique des patients multitraités : le cas de la toxicomanie." Thesis, Aix-Marseille 2, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010AIX20651/document.
Full textThe epidemic of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) has profoundly changed the relationship between medicine and humans and vice versa. On the one hand, the intense stigmatization associated with HIV infection has made the disease more complex than for any other pathology. On the other hand, the chronicization of infection has forced care providers to investigate in greater detail the intimate relationship between patient and treatment, and more particularly, the therapeutic adherence. My research work aimed to investigate this latter argument in greater detail, favoring a less paternalistic approach toward therapeutic adherence in HIV-infected patients and applying this approach to multi-treated populations with comorbidities such as drug dependence and hepatitis C. Through several articles, we tried to put in evidence that a model of care that includes patient’s perception about care may lead to better understand non-adherence to treatment (ongoing drug use, drug injection or treatment diversion). In fact, injection cessation or reduction of opioid consumption in dependent individuals is a non-linear process which could take a long time, and which is often punctuated with relapse. Our findings showed the positive impact of access to adequate care to treat not only the disease but also the harm related to non adherence to treatment. The idea is to promote a more deliberative relationship between physician and patient, including a harm reduction approach