Academic literature on the topic 'Vigne – Effets des changements climatiques'
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Journal articles on the topic "Vigne – Effets des changements climatiques"
Morin, Gwenaël, Renan Le Roux, Andrew Sturman, and Herve Quénol. "Évaluation de la relation entre températures de l’air et températures de surface issues du satellite modis : application aux vignobles de la vallée de Waipara (Nouvelle-Zélande)." Climatologie 15 (2018): 62–83.
Full textBuka, Irena, and Katherine M. Shea. "Les changements climatiques mondiaux et la santé des enfants canadiens." Paediatrics & Child Health 24, no. 8 (December 2019): 558.
Full textKipp, Amy, Ashlee Cunsolo, Kelly Vodden, Nia King, Sean Manners, and Sherilee L. Harper. "Aperçu - Les effets des changements climatiques sur la santé et le bien-être dans les régions rurales et éloignées au Canada : synthèse documentaire." Promotion de la santé et prévention des maladies chroniques au Canada 39, no. 4 (April 2019): 134–39.
Full textJohnson, Maxime. "Le paradoxe environnemental du numérique." Gestion Vol. 49, no. 1 (March 19, 2024): 70–72.
Full textSANI I, Zaharadine MOHAMED. "INITIATIVES ET INNOVATIONS PAYSANNES D’ADAPTATION AUX VARIABILITÉS CLIMATIQUES DANS TONDIKIWINDI (OUEST NIGÉRIEN)." Liens, revue internationale des sciences et technologies de l'éducation 1, no. 3 (December 5, 2022): 287–302.
Full textGendreau, Yanick, Audrey Lachance, Marylène Ricard, Hélène Gilbert, Nicolas Casajus, and Dominique Berteaux. "Changements climatiques : défis et perspectives pour les plantes vasculaires en situation précaire au Québec." Botanique 142, no. 1 (November 22, 2017): 16–35.
Full textSODJINOU, Epiphane, and Saïd K. HOUNKPONOU. "Impact des changements climatiques sur les revenus des ménages agricoles au Bénin : Evidence basée sur l’application du modèle Ricardien." Annales de l’Université de Parakou - Série Sciences Naturelles et Agronomie 9, no. 1 (June 30, 2019): 43–54.
Full textMacIntyre, Elaina, Sanjay Khanna, Anthea Darychuk, Ray Copes, and Brian Schwartz. "Synthèse des données probantes - Évaluation de la communication des risques en présence de changements climatiques et de phénomènes météorologiques extrêmes : examen de la portée." Promotion de la santé et prévention des maladies chroniques au Canada 39, no. 4 (April 2019): 155–71.
Full textChabi, Biaou Ibidun Hervé, Akibou A. Akindele, Hervé Yabi, and Euloge Ogouwale. "Trajectoires de l'agriculture familiale face aux changements climatiques dans la zone agro-écologique 3 du Bénin." Proceedings of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences 384 (November 16, 2021): 325–30.
Full textMalena-Chan, Rachel. "Recherche qualitative originale - Modélisation narrative pour étudier l’engagement à l’égard de la lutte contre les changements climatiques chez de jeunes dirigeants communautaires." Promotion de la santé et prévention des maladies chroniques au Canada 39, no. 4 (April 2019): 172–82.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Vigne – Effets des changements climatiques"
Plantevin, Marc. "Exploring varietal diversity as a tool for adapting wine production to climate change, using an ecophysiological, chemical and sensorial approach. Application to the Bordeaux area." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Bordeaux, 2025.
Full textThe aim of the PhD is to study the physiological behaviour of a wide range of Vitis vinifera grapevines varieties as well as the typicity of their wines produced in the context of a changing climate in the Bordeaux vineyards. To study those questions, data were mostly collected in an experimental common garden in château La Tour Carnet, belonging to the “Vignobles Bernard Magrez” and planted in the heart of the Bordeaux vineyards. Some data were also sourced from the VitAdapt experiment plot, planted next to the research center “Institut des Sciences de la Vigne et du Vin”.This PhD includes two main parts. The first part is related to physiological assessment of the adaptation potential of the varieties. Phenology dates of 69 varieties from the La Tour Carnet plot were collected over two vintages to classify the varieties on a range from earlier phenology to later phenology. Among those 69 varieties, 25 were selected to study their yield components over one to two vintages.Responses to water deficits were studied for 48 different varieties with δ13C and water potential measurements over multiple vintages taken from the VitAdapt plot. This allowed to characterise the varietal effect on the water use efficiency (WUE). WUE in non-limiting conditions (when considered with phenology) was found to be a potential tool to asses resilience to water deficit for these varieties. Hydroscapes (which where correlated with some of the δ13C metrics) were also drawn using water potential measurements on a subset of 6 varieties for defining the strategies of those varieties in their iso/anisohydricity behavior.Finally, a large study covering 51 varieties over multiple vintages aimed to analyse the varietal effect on the acidic components from veraison to harvest. Varietal differences in malic acid degradation and tartaric acid modulation were characterized. pH was found to be differently impacted by tartaric acid, malic acid and inorganic cations over the course of the ripening period with a strong varietal effect. It helped in identifying varieties that tend to keep a low pH despite a higher malic acid degradation rate or despite increased uptake of K+.The second part of the PhD studied the volatile composition and the sensory profiles of the wines produced from a subset of 25 red varieties. The wines were made in vintages 2018 to 2022, from the experimental vineyard of La Tour Carnet, in similar winemaking conditions.A first analyses questioned the varietal effect on the volatile composition of the wines. By quantifying 52 known volatile compounds on all the wines, a precise assessment of the varietal effect on those compounds was performed, excluding potential vintage/evolution biases. Similarities among varieties were shown by means of a hierarchical clustering analyses (HCA). This HCA also revealed that classical Bordeaux varieties tend to produce wines with some similarities in their volatile composition.All the wines went through sensory analyses with a large panel of wine professionals. By rating their typicity, a classification of the varieties based on the typicity of the wines they produce was made. Classical Bordeaux varieties were found to produce highly typical wines but other varieties not from Bordeaux were also producing very typical wines. Then a Check-All-That-Apply (CATA) was made by the judges to characterize the sensory profiles of the wines. Through statistical treatments, the boundaries of the sensorial space of the Bordeaux typicity were established. Finally, an HCA was made to assess similarities in sensory profiles from the 25 varieties that allowed to identify 5 non-Bordeaux varieties of interest for their potential introduction in the Bordeaux vineyards.Two last sensory analyses were made to assess the impact of those 5 non-Bordeaux varieties in a classical blend that showed that the typicity of the blend was barely impacted, even when new varieties account for 30% in the final blend of the wine
Neethling, Etienne. "Adaptation de la viticulture au changement climatique : vers des stratégies à haute résolution." Thesis, Rennes 2, 2016.
Full textAdaptation to climate change is a major challenge facing the viticulture sector. Within an appropriate temporal and spatial framework, the aim of this thesis was to enhance the conception of climate change adaptation in viticulture, all towards constructing high resolution strategies. The methodological framework used in this study consisted of several steps. Using a regional climate model, the first step was to evaluate the potential impacts of future climate changes on grape growing in the Anjou-Saumur wine growing sub-region. With warming predicted to continue by +1.1°C to +3.8°C in the far future, grapevine phenology is expected to advance significantly. Secondly, two contrasting study areas in Anjou-Saumur were equipped with climatic and agronomic measurements at vineyard-level scales. For three consecutive growing seasons, local variability in climate- and grapevine-related variables were studied. Results have shown a strong spatial variability in local climate conditions, which were reflected on grape phenology and grape composition. This spatial heterogeneity in local conditions should represent an important buffer in response to future climate changes, allowing winegrowers to manage the expected climate change impacts. And finally, wine growers’ perceptions, vulnerability and adaptive processes to climate variability and change were assessed through individual semi-structured interviews. Within the context of climate change and the key issues surrounding adaptation, this thesis have highlighted the importance of local environmental knowledge and contextual understanding in framing adaptation strategies across different temporal and spatial scales
Rességuier, Laure de. "Variabilité spatiale et temporelle de la température à échelle locale dans le contexte du changement climatique : Effet sur le développement de la vigne et la maturation du raisin." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Bordeaux, 2024.
Full textConsidering the sensitivity of grapevines to environmental factors, in particular soil and climate, and the challenges raised by climate change, it is important to study the spatial distribution of climate and its interactions with the plant at the scale of wine-growing regions. One of the main components of terroir, which characterises the interactions between human factors, vines and the physical parameters of the environment, is temperature. This factor affects photosynthesis and therefore the production of biomass, but also the grape composition and wine typicity. To characterise terroir, the wine-growing territory scale is relevant, as these are contiguous areas where collective decisions and actions are built, allowing processes of adaptation to climate change to be defined. The first objective of this research was to characterise the spatial and temporal variability of temperature at different scales, from the wine-growing region down to the vineyard plot, using physical geography approaches. The environmental factors and weather conditions that influence this distribution were identified. A second objective was to characterise the grapevine response in terms of phenology. This was carried out through observations and phenological modelling based on temperature data, in order to predict the key stages of vine development (budburst, flowering, veraison and a proxy for grape maturity), at local scale. These models were parameterised and evaluated under current and future climatic conditions in Saint-Émilion, Pomerol and surrounding appellations. One of the visible effects of climate change is the rising sugar concentration in grapes, which leads to higher alcohol content in wines. While this has occasionally led to more consistent ripening in late-ripening areas that have historically struggled to produce quality wines, in other areas, over-ripening can lead to unbalanced wines that fail consumer expectations. A third objective of this research was to evaluate the influence and relative importance of several abiotic factors of the terroir (temperature, vine water and nitrogen status) and two biotic factors (berry weight and the timing of phenology) that influence the dynamics of sugar accumulation at local scale. This work improves our knowledge of terroir and provides the wine industry with information and tools to optimise vineyard management, training systems, and adaptation of plant material to the local terroir characteristics. It is also a useful tool to anticipate the necessary adaptations in the context of climate change
Cuccia, Cédric. "Impacts du changement climatique sur la phénologie du Pinot noir en Bourgogne." Thesis, Dijon, 2013.
Full textThe viticulture is an important economic and cultural sector in Burgundy. The current climate change raises a number of issues including its impact on crops. In this thesis, the idea is to develop a methodology to address the problem: what are the potential impacts of changes in temperature on the phenology of Pinot noir in Burgundy for years 2031-2048?The evolution of temperatures in Burgundy since 1961 is characterized by a positive temperature shift at the end of the 1980s followed by a period where the temperature increases of about 1.5 ° C.One of the interests of this thesis is to develop, following a strategy developed during the thesis, a spatial database conducted over the period 1989-2009 to estimate the ability of the WRF model to reproduce the climate Burgundy by disaggregating large scale data. The model reproduces satisfactorily the seasonal and spatial variability in global climate despite bias (cold on the Tx and hot on the Tn).To regionalize the climate change, WRF was used to disaggregate data from the scenario SRES/A2 on the periods 1970-1987 and 2031-2048. After being evaluated and inter-compared three phenological models, using average temperatures data to simulate the dates of occurrence of phenological stages of Pinot Noir, have been applied to these decompositions.The impact of warming temperatures on the horizon 2031-2048 (SRES/A2), estimated at 1.35 ° C on average, is characterized by an earlier flowering and veraison of about 7 and 15 days respectively. The interstadial duration is also reduced of about 5 days
Bellard, Céline. "Effets des changements climatiques sur la biodiversité." Thesis, Paris 11, 2013.
Full textGlobal biodiversity is changing at an unprecedented rate due to loss of habitat, biological invasions, pollution, overexploitation. Furthermore, climate changes and their synergies with other threats will probably become the main drivers of biodiversity loss in the next century. Nowadays, the multiplicity of approaches and the resulting variability in projections make it difficult to get a clear picture of the future of biodiversity due to climate change. Yet, the majority of models indicate alarming consequences for biodiversity, with the worst- case scenarios leading to an increase of extinction rates. The aim of this thesis was to improve the knowledge about of the different consequences of climate change on biodiversity worldwide. To do that I mainly used modelisation and meta-analyses approaches. The first part of my work was to investigate the consequences of sea level rise for the ten insular biodiversity hotspot and their endemic species, during which I highlighted that between 6 and 19% of the islands would be entirely submerged. Then I studied the effects of climate and land use changes on biological invasions worldwide. The results showed that invasives species response to climate and land use changes depend on region, taxa and species considered. We also emphasized that some regions could lose a significant number of invasive alien species. Besides, we also found that hotspot that are mainly islands or group of islands are highly suitable for invasive species. Finally, in the last part, I quantified the exposure of biodiversity hotspots to the combined effects of climate change, land use change and biological invasions. This work highlighted the pressing need to consider different drivers of global change in conservation planning. In addition, we established some prioritization framework among the hotspot. Finally, conservation strategies to protect habitat and species under global changes, can only be achieved through closed collaboration with park managers. Overall, implementation of effective adaptation strategies to climate change can only succeed with public support
Biscéré, Tom. "Effets des métaux et des changements climatiques sur les coraux." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Sorbonne université, 2018.
Full textCoral reefs have largely degraded in recent decades under the influence of human activities. Among those disturbances, the increase in metal concentrations affects many reefs worldwide (e.g. Australian Great Barrier Reef, Costa Rica, Red Sea, New Caledonia). Furthermore, reefs have now to face climate change, and more particularly temperature increase and ocean acidification. In this context, the aims of my thesis were to (1) determine the effects of the main metals present in lateritic sediments (iron, manganese, nickel and cobalt) on coral physiology using concentrations representative of those measured along the New Caledonian coastline, and to (2) define their potential roles in this context of climate change. My results showed that metals affect coral metabolism in different ways. While at ambient temperature, a nickel or manganese enrichment stimulates host metabolism and symbiont photosynthesis, conversely a cobalt enrichment inhibits calcification and becomes even toxic for the host and symbionts, from 1 μg L-1. Despite its importance in photosynthetic processes, an iron enrichment induces a decrease in Symbiodinium densities and an inhibition of calcification rates. Under thermal stress, manganese enhances coral tolerance to temperature increase, likely by stimulating their antioxidant defenses, while nickel worsens its effects by decreasing even more their growth. These works represent an important step towards a better understanding of coral responses to metal enrichment and would explain, to some extent, species susceptibility to climate change
Cheikh, Mohamed Fadel Mohamed Fadel Aghdhafna. "Gouvernance littorale et changements climatiques en Mauritanie." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université de Lille (2022-....), 2023.
Full textCoastal ecosystems and coastlines are subject to intense pressure, caused by growing human activity and climatic trends that are sometimes irreversible. In Mauritania, the coastal zone is home to 47% of the country's population (mainly in Nouakchott and Nouadhibou) and concentrates almost 80% of the industrial infrastructure on which 98.4% of the country's exports depend.Therefore, more than other countries in the sub-region, rising sea levels are putting a large part of Mauritania's population, infrastructure, ecosystems and maritime resources at risk. Indeed, the vulnerability of Mauritania's coastline no longer needs to be demonstrated. The IPCC has cited this area of the West African coast as one of the very first to suffer from marine submersions in the near future.In view of the importance of this potential for Mauritania's economic structure and the risks affecting it, particularly those linked to climate change, we rise the subsequent problematic: what governance should be put in place for the Mauritanian coastline, specially by the State, local authorities and Mauritania's partners?It is in this context that this thesis aims to the following questions: (i) What are the vulnerable areas on the coast and what are the various threats? (ii) What are the existing methods of managing the coast and how can they respond to the ever-increasing constraints caused by climate change and its interactions with human activity?Given its complexity, the size of Mauritania's coastline and the diversity of stakeholders with conflicting interests, improving coastal governance must be based on consultation, transparency and equity. This requires a legal framework and appropriate consultation, coordination and cooperation mechanisms. Management, research, observation, information, communication and monitoring & evaluation capacities must also be consolidated and strengthened.The results obtained will contribute to (i) improving knowledge about the Mauritanian coastline; (ii) establishing sustainable and appropriate management of the coastline; (iii) contributing to the fight against climate change.Key words: Governance, Coastline, Climate change, Mauritania
Bonnardot, Valérie. "Le climat et la vigne en Bourgogne orientale : climatologie appliquée et recherches d'indices climatiques pour la vigne en Côte de Beaune." Dijon, 1996.
Full textThis thesis deals with climate and vineyard in burgundy. Climatic resources and risks results for burgundy winegrowing area has been established. The great lines of the climate, which depend on the geographical situation, where the oceanic, continental and mediterranean influences are meeting, has been displayed using a comparison with other great winegrowing areas in France. But the real climatic advantages for the vineyard is realised in the inferior scale, the cote, between plateau and the eastern plain of Saône. Some main topoclimatic elements are given. The second point of the research is orientated towards the determination of climatic indices for pinot noir grape in the cote de Beaune. Phenological dates (of budding, flowering, ripening and harvest) are estimated using correlations, composite analysis and linear regression methods. Results show that differences between real and estimated dates are small by 3 or 6 days
Rondeau, Marine. "Floraison de la vigne et changement climatique : effet de l’augmentation de la température sur le métabolisme carboné au cours du développement floral." Thesis, Reims, 2018.
Full textStudies on climate change predict significant changes in temperature for next decades. The global warming could impact the crop plants development. Indeed, thermal stresses affect almost all aspects of plant development including growth, floral development and yield. Plants modify their metabolism to prevent damage caused by environmental changes. Temperature is an important factor for the phenology, the vigor and especially the floral development in grapevine. So, a few degrees increase during flowering can result in a complete flowers loss and therefore fruits. In addition, an increase of temperature stimulates vegetative development and thus rises the carbohydrates consumption, while net photosynthesis decreases due to the respiration raise. In this study, we investigated the temperature increase impacts on the carbon metabolism which has a major role in the flowering process in grapevine. We particularly focused our attention on the physiological modifications in leaves and inflorescences. at the level of the photosynthesis and the respiration with the increase of the day temperature. Moreover, expression analyzes of some key genes involved in photosynthesis and metabolism allowed to improve the understanding in the carbohydrate distribution mechanisms, between vegetative and reproductive organs, during a temperature increase
Pey, Alexis. "Réponses biochimiques et physiologiques des symbioses marines tempérées face aux changements climatiques." Nice, 2012.
Full textGlobal climate change leads significant reactions on marine ecosystems which, when dealing with sessile species, can drive to episodes of mass mortalities. In the north-western Mediterranean Sea, recent events of mortalities severely impacted gorgonian communities, threatening their survival, but also all the associated biodiversity. The implementation of strategies of preservations requires preliminary acquisitions of the knowledge at ecological, evolutionary, physiological, biochemical, genomic and genetics levels. In this ambitious framework, these doctoral studies aimed to better define the answers induced by thermal stress of two Mediterranean symbiotic Cnidarians : the white gorgonian Eunicella singularis and the sea anemone Anemonia viridis. A first part of the works was carried out of two populations of the white gorgonian, associated with their photosynthetic symbionts (zooxanthelles), collected at two geographical zones with contrasted thermal profiles. This study allowed us to identify the superior limits of thermal resistance of the populations and to estimate the possible links between the genetic varieties of the hosts and the symbionts, and their thermal resistance. Complementary studies then allowed identifying, on this symbiotic gorgonian early molecular indicators induced by a hyperthermia, implying the global antioxidant defences capacities and the degree of protein ubiquitination. Finally, our studies led on the sea anemone allowed to deepen our knowledge developed on this model concerning the antioxidant enzymes and in particular the glutathione peroxidases (GPx). The measures of the GPx activities in the different holobiont compartments did not reveal major modifications during the stress, but the appearance of one activity band induced by the hyperthermia could represent a new potential marker of stress
Books on the topic "Vigne – Effets des changements climatiques"
Dussey, Don Ayan. L'homme face aux effets nefastes de changements climatiques. Lomé, Togo: Publications de CERDIA, 2003.
Find full textWilliamson, T. B. Climate change and Canada's forests: From impacts to adaptation. Edmonton: Sustainable Forest Management Network, 2009.
Find full textExamen scientifique des effets des changements climatiques sur les organismes nuisibles aux végétaux. FAO pour le compte du Secrétariat de la Convention internationale pour la protection des végétaux, 2021.
Full textExamen scientifique des effets des changements climatiques sur les organismes nuisibles aux végétaux. FAO pour le compte du Secrétariat de la Convention internationale pour la protection des végétaux, 2021.
Full textAcot, Pascal. Histoire du climat : Du Big Bang aux catastrophes climatiques. Librairie Académique Perrin, 2009.
Find full textHistoire du climat : du big bang aux catastrophes climatiques: Pascal Acot. [Paris]: Perrin, 2004.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Vigne – Effets des changements climatiques"
LECLERCQ, Julie, Dominique THIS, and Patrice THIS. "Épigénétique et amélioration des plantes cultivées." In Épigénétique en écologie et évolution, 241–67. ISTE Group, 2024.
Full textDIELE-VIEGAS, Luisa Maria. "Biogéographie et changement climatique." In La biogéographie, 327–44. ISTE Group, 2022.
Full text"CHAPITRE 2. Les impacts potentiels des changements climatiques et des événements extrêmes sur la production agricole et effets réciproques." In Démographie, climat et alimentation mondiale, 21–44. EDP Sciences, 2020.
Full textReports on the topic "Vigne – Effets des changements climatiques"
Iyer, Ruhil, and Léa Pare Toe. Effet des aléas climatiques sur les pratiques d’hygiène et d’assainissement en milieu rural au Burkina Faso. The Sanitation Learning Hub, Institute of Development Studies, August 2022.
Full textBibiane Ndjebet, Cécile, and Phil René Oyono. Bassin du Congo : La sécurisation des droits fonciers des femmes lue à travers la théorie des droits de propriété. Rights and Resources Initiative, December 2020.
Full textMeloche, Jean-Philippe, Jérôme Dupras, Andrew Gonzales, Justin Leroux, and François Vaillancourt. Étude sur la mise en œuvre d’outils d’écofiscalité au service de la conservation et de l’adaptation aux changements climatiques dans les basses-terres du Saint-Laurent. CIRANO, June 2023.
Full textMeloche, Jean-Philippe, Cédric Bourbonnais, Arnaud Dragicevic, Tejasvi Hora, Noémie Lacroix, Julie Lebert, Justin Leroux, et al. Étude sur la mise en œuvre d’outils d’écofiscalité au service de la conservation et de l’adaptation aux changements climatiques dans les basses-terres du Saint-Laurent. CIRANO, June 2023.
Full textRousseau, Henri-Paul. Gutenberg, L’université et le défi numérique. CIRANO, December 2022.
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