Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Vietnam'
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Hoang, Thi Lien. "Investiční klima ve Vietnamu." Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2007. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-4892.
Full textHořínková, Eva. "Pojistný trh Vietnamu." Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2009. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-9555.
Full textTo, Viet. "Le Vietnam et l'organisation des Nations Unies." Nice, 1991. http://www.theses.fr/1991NICE0027.
Full textNguyen, Duy Hoang. "Kreditgenossenschaften in Vietnam /." Berlin : Logos, 2003. http://www.gbv.de/dms/zbw/36672276X.pdf.
Full textDalglish, Carol. "Refugees from Vietnam." Thesis, Online Version, 1989. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?did=1&uin=uk.bl.ethos.235511.
Full textSemones, Marianne Rutledge. "Made in Vietnam American apparel and textile firms' operations in Vietnam /." Ohio : Ohio University, 2005. http://www.ohiolink.edu/etd/view.cgi?ohiou1126294341.
Full textBen, Hassen Nadia. "Influence de l'hydromorphie du sol sur le développement des systèmes racinaires de plantules tropicales : diversité comportementale d'essences forestières représentatives du Parc National de Cat Tien (Vietnam)." Lyon 1, 2001. http://www.theses.fr/2001LYO10060.
Full textDutton, George. "The Tây Sơn uprising : society and rebellion in eighteenth-century Vietnam /." Honolulu : Univ. of Hawai'i Press, 2006. http://www.h-net.org/review/hrev-a0f4j6-aa.
Full textIncludes bibliographical references and index. The Tây Sơn era and the long eighteenth century in Đại Việt -- The leaders : laying claim to power -- The peasants: life under Tây Sơn authority -- The social margins : Christians, pirates, and others.
Nakashima, Mio. "Le système social de la communauté de notables et l'évolution du village : les villages du canton de La Nôi, du 19e au 20e siècle." Paris 7, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010PA070042.
Full textThis research is set to analyze and to know the traditional village society and the relation between society and its economic evolution in Vietnam. This study focuses particularly on the region La Nôi and Yen Lung, in the west of Ha Nôi, the region which has achieved successfully an economic development in comparison with other regions. The principal questions in this study are the followings: Why they had been able to achieve the long-term evolution? What is the factor for this evolution? What is the importance in each village society, at their progress? Points of view to this analysis can be divided into three parts. The first is focused on the historical background. That contributes comprehension about basic elements of the economic success. The second part tackles the change of social situation through centuries. By studying data about village community and members, chronological changes or the change of families at power in village society happened inside the village community would be able to come to light. The last part treats the interior problems in the village which were influential in social transmission. Analyzing claims by village inhabitants helps to know a number of conflicts occurred among them. It is considerably useful to have deeper understanding about village structure and its changes. Basing on these analyses, this thesis tackles to approach the structure of villages where the economic development has been achieved over centuries
Edlund, Carola. "A black and white reflection of Vietnam : En svartvit reflektion av Vietnam." Thesis, Högskolan Dalarna, Grafisk teknik, 2005. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:du-1625.
Full textCharaby, Nadja. "Die laotisch-vietnamesischen Beziehungen : Kontinuität und Wandel." Berlin Logos-Verl, 2006. http://deposit.d-nb.de/cgi-bin/dokserv?id=2900755&prov=M&dokv̲ar=1&doke̲xt=htm.
Full textBlanc, Lilian. "Les formations forestières du Parc National de Cat Tien (Viêt-nam) : caractérisation structurale et floristique, étude de la régénération naturelle et de la dynamique successionnelle." Lyon 1, 1998. http://www.theses.fr/1998LYO10102.
Full textNguyen, Huu Mai, and Serene Sirikhoon. "Cosmetic market in Vietnam." Thesis, Mälardalen University, School of Sustainable Development of Society and Technology, 2008. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:mdh:diva-802.
Full textIntroduction: Among the Asia Pacific markets, Vietnam is the fastest growing market. However, despite the high growth, the competition in Vietnam is stiff as the main competitor as Unilever, L’Oreal, Johnson & Johnson and P&G occupy the market. Therefore, cosmetic company need effective marketing plan to cope with strong competition.
Problem Statement: “How can cosmetic companies successfully plan a marketing strategy in the Vietnamese cosmetic market for its skin care product line?”
Purpose: To study (1) Market’s environment which includes economic, legal, and culture aspects; (2) Market’s Competition which includes marketing strategy of existing cosmetic companies; and (3) Consumers’ demands which contains demographic, psychographic elements and marketing mix.
Research tools: Interview, field study and secondary data
Finding & analysis: The market environment in Vietnam in term of economic, legal and culture is favorable. The consumers demand in skin care products of the Vietnamese is increasing. However, the competition is high. Therefore, the newcomer should be competitor oriented.
Recommendation: However, there are some sections that are less competitive: (1) low price moisturizing, (2) low price acne products and (3) low-price, middle-price and high-price suncare products. The cosmetic company should design their marketing mix to serve this section.
Huong, Dao Lan. "Mortality in transitional Vietnam." Doctoral thesis, Umeå : Umeå University, 2006. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:umu:diva-878.
Full textTran, Thi Thanh Huong. "Attempted suicide in Vietnam /." Stockholm, 2006. http://diss.kib.ki.se/2006/91-7140-924-6/.
Full textNossum, Johan Henrik. "Straight baselines of Vietnam /." [Oslo] : Centre for Development and the Environment, Univ. of Oslo, 2000. http://www.gbv.de/dms/spk/sbb/recht/toc/357196708.pdf.
Full textDay, Jeremy Noel. "Cryptococcal Meningitis in Vietnam." Thesis, Open University, 2010. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.518368.
Full textNguyen, Huong T. M. "Teacher learning in Vietnam." Thesis, University of Nottingham, 2015. http://eprints.nottingham.ac.uk/28023/.
Full textDo, Chau Giang. "Paediatric tuberculosis in Vietnam." Thesis, Open University, 2016. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.701361.
Full textNguyen, Huu Mai Sirikhoon Serene. "Cosmetic market in Vietnam /." Västerås : Mälardalen University. School of Sustainable Development of Society and Technology, 2008. http://www.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:121438/FULLTEXT01.
Full textNguyêñ, Thị Thiềng. "Mortalité infantile au Viet-Nam : facteurs déterminants." Paris 5, 1998. http://www.theses.fr/1998PA05H058.
Full textIn Viêt-nam, both overall and child mortality has fallen for many years. This overall drop in mortality has taken place since the 1960s. However, since 1986, the shift towards a market economy has exaggerated differences in quality of life between socio-economics classes of the population. A very strong policy to protect the health of young children has been implemented. Two important questions arise: what is the factor that plays a the most important role in child mortality, and do there exist child mortality differentials between the socio-economics groups in the population? Different factors were examined: the analysis of non-economic intermediary factors; the analysis of inequality before death between sub-groups in the population, between provinces, even for young children who can benefit from free health care. The results give evidence that among the intermediary factors, the spacing of births plays the most important role in child mortality, and that inequality before the death of young children is quite high. This study of the change in inequality before child deaths will follow after this thesis, and will use forthcoming data from the demographic and heath survey of April 1998
Bui, Thi Thanh Thao. "L'hospitalier et le culturel : de l'analyse du milieu hospitalier vietnamien." Paris 8, 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002PA083721.
Full textThe concept of culture is used to discover otherness and human being over the world. It is very rich tool by its large signifcations. It helps the sociologists to understand some opened societies. In the case of Viêt-Nam, its Hospital system shows a medical pluralism, a social and technical division of labor between families, and let see an incorporation of cultural foreign parts in health practises. This cultural syncretism can be observed in other spheres. It is the result of the french colonization and other periods of colonization in their effects on structuration of the vietnamese nation, because Viêt-Nam has to develop this social and cultural phenomenon to be always alive d to preserve its identity. Nowadays, however functional, the vietnamese health system has some difficulties to face economic liberalization. This situation can destroy overhangs of socialist public health policy and increase social inequalities
Trinh, Thi-Linh. "Pratiques éducatives parentales, estime de soi et mobilisation scolaire de l'adolescent vietnamien : la dynamique de la représentation par l'adolescent de l'accompagnement scolaire parental." Toulouse 2, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009TOU20101.
Full textIn the context of socioeconomic transformation in Vietnam, we are interested in parental school accompaniment regarding young pupils between 14 and 15 years old, in a relationship with their self evaluation and their school mobilization when dealing with homework and other lessons at home. According to the interactionist approach (Baubion, Malrieu,. & Tap, 1987), we see a subject as the author and the actor of his development in a constant interaction with his environment, which include different social spheres. Thus, the central objective of this study is to analyse the dynamic of family's education in connection with personal development and school success of adolescents. Approaching the question in an eclectic way, we interrogated 696 pupils in Hanoi to gather quantitative database for analysing the relation between adolescents' representation of the parental school accompaniment, their auto-evaluation and their school mobilization. In the qualitative phase, semi-directive interviews with 25 parents helped us find out the parental education styles which are most representative in Vietnamese families. This analysis was done with three case studies (parent-adolescent) without which we could not expand and see the relation between different variables of the study in depth. The results showed that there are two main parental school accompaniment styles: Parental Affective Support and Allow-to-do on Principle relating to socio-affective development (self esteem) and school investment. In addition, our case studies helped us verify the influence of family's educational styles on the psychological dynamic of school mobilization; it also unfolded the driving and complex role of adolescents' self appreciation or depreciation
Wright, Brendan D'Arcy. "Selling America, ignoring Vietnam : the United States Information Agency in Vietnam, 1954-1960." Thesis, University of British Columbia, 2009. http://hdl.handle.net/2429/12656.
Full textNguyen, Pouplin Julie. "Plantes antipaludiques du Vietnam : étude ethnopharmacologique et chimique." Paris, Muséum national d'histoire naturelle, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007MNHN0037.
Full textIn order to discover new antimalarials, an inventory of the plants used in traditional medicine in the south of Vietnam has been done and an ethnopharmacological selection has been made. From 55 collected samples, 220 extracts have been obtained and evaluated for their activity on P. Falciparum and their toxicity on human cells. Their screening has led to select 9 plant species with high antiplasmodial and low or non cytotoxic activities. Studying the alkaloids of the Menispermaceae A. Flava, F. Tinctoria et C. Fenestratum, we have shown that the major alkaloids couldn’t be only responsible for activity and we have isolated some minor alkaloids, which include two original structures. The bioguided study of I. Malayana has led to the isolation of active compounds with undetermined glycosylated complex structures. These results rationalize the use of these plants for the treatment of malaria and validate the ethnopharmacological approach in antimalaria drug research
Jammes, Jérémy. "Le caodaïsme : rituels médiumniques, oracles et exégèses : approche ethnologique d’un mouvement religieux vietnamien et de ses réseaux." Paris 10, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006PA100162.
Full textAppeared in the 1920’s, in Cochinchina, Caodaism, a religious movement has had political issues in the south of Vietnam. This ethnological study considers a diachronic and synchretic reading of this movement’s keystone : the spirit-mediumship. Indeed, through this way of communication with the spirits, through the textual production that frames it like oracles and exegesis, and through its mediumnistic connections, the researcher can relate the genesis of Caodaism as well as its identity means in the current Socialist Republic of Vietnam. My analysis compare the characteristics of the Holy See of Tây Ninh with ones of a missionary organization called Cơ Quan Phổ Thông Giáo Lý Đại Đạo. My approach indicates how this organization displays a current dynamic in Vietnam and overseas through the choice of a consensus with the local authorities, in order to open a school, to publish exegesis or to practice a mediumistic meditation
Ton, That Quang. "Plantes antipaludiques du Vietnam : Wedelia trilobata (L.) Hitch. (Ateraceae) Tiliacora triandra (Roxb.) Diels (Menispermaceae)." Paris, Muséum national d'histoire naturelle, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008MNHN0007.
Full textActually, malaria is still a major problem of public health with 40% of the world population and 300 millions of clinical cases per year with an annual mortality of 2 millions persons specially among the young children. The dramatical increase of the resistance of Plasmodium to the antimalarial drugs available led to an urgent research of new antimalarial drugs. The medicinal plants have played a important role and aways walk side by side in history of the malaria. Viet Nam is one of the countries which have high ratio of malarial resistance (R3). There are many traditional medicinal plants which were used for malarial treatment. By that bases, some vietnamese traditional medicinal plants were harvested to be used in this thesis. 1. The plant Wedelia trilobata (L. ) Hitchc. (Asteraceae) Nine compounds, including two old and seven new one, were isolated from the leaves. Two old compounds are kind of sesquiterpene γ-lactones and seven new compounds are kind of sesquiterpene δ-lactones, (9R)-eudesman-9,12-olides that were named wedelolides. All new compounds have antimalarial activities in vitro higher than two old compounds. Seven new compounds presented a cytotoxicity on MRC5 cells. The major compound wedelolide A (WT8) was tested in vivo on Swiss female mice, infected by Plasmodium berghei ANKA 65 strain according to the Peters’s test and the inhibition at dose 80 mg/kg is around 80,0 % at J3. 2. The plant Tiliacora triandra (Roxb. ) Diels (Menispermaceae) Eight compounds were isolated from the roots. Six compounds are kind of bisbenzylisoquinolines (BBIQ), one of benzylisoquinoline (BIQ) and one of aporphine (APORPHIN). All compounds are old but four of them are isolated from the roots of T. Triandra for the first time (A3, F4F7A, LHA9 and A6). The BBIQs have antimalarial activities in vitro higher than BIQ and APORPHIN. The BBIQs are toxic according to the cytotoxic test in vitro on MRC5 cells. The antimalarial test in vivo of the BBIQs and methanol extract showed remarkable results
Vu, Chi Dong. "Villes et organisation de l'espace au Viêt-nam." Avignon, 1996. http://www.theses.fr/1996AVIG1009.
Full textThis thesis is the continuation of the achievement of the atlas of Vietnam (Vu Tu Lap, Christian Taillard, Reclus - la Documentation francaise, 1994). Its author start with the hypothesis that vietnamwhere a great majority of the population is in the agricultural sector - is getting structured through the development of urban poles. He applies concepts and methods spatial analysis. The cartographic tool of representation and analysis is privileged in this thesis. The localisation of the cities one in relation with another, the hierarchy of polarisation end the urban network's morphology enable to present structures end dynamics of space on the move today, as the country is experiencing a essong economic growth
Chauvet, Claire. "Du commerce avec les esprits des Quatre Palais : étude d'un culte de possession à Hà Nôi (Viêt Nam)." Paris 10, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004PA100102.
Full textIn the frame of the composite kinh religious system, this thesis deals with the Four Palaces possession cult. Male and female mediums are regularly possessed by the most popular spirits - heroes - of the pantheon and act as their mediators. They "trade" and negotiate with them by transmitting human's offerings and requests in exchange of protection or recommendations. This study aims at analyzing various practices of the worship and their inscription in the country's social structures and history. As many religious phenomena, it was prohibited in the 50th by the communist government until the end of the 80th and the "renovation" policy. It is currently in a paradoxical situation: still prohibited in theory, but developing in fact. Often marginalized or ostracized, the phenomenon however seems central while dealing with personal misfortunes or search for prosperity, and meanwhile, lying in the frame of Viêt Nam history and nation through spirits' representations
Mellac, Ghislaine Marie. "Des forêts sans partage : dynamique de l'espace et utilisation des ressources dans un district de montagne au nord Viêt Nam." Bordeaux 3, 2000. https://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-01024803.
Full textBui, Ngoc Son. "Confucianism and constitutionalism in Vietnam." Thesis, The University of Hong Kong (Pokfulam, Hong Kong), 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/10722/197124.
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Doctor of Philosophy
Huynh, Thuy Phan Trang. "Situation juridique de la filiale vietnamienne d'une société mère française." Toulouse 1, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010TOU10009.
Full textWith the development of groups of companies around the world, the installation of foreign affiliates seems obvious, sometimes unavoidable. This topic is particularly relevant to Vietnam, which stands today as one of the most attractive places to invest in the world. As a company, the subsidiary is, above all, a legal personality independent of the parent company, complying with Vietnamese law. However, the group requires contributions of the subsidiary as a member of the group. Therefore, the sacrosanct principle of autonomy of subsidiary and the parent company, even if these close relationships affect the principle of autonomy of legal persons. Faced with this reality, Vietnamese law and French law have recognized the existence of the relationship between the subsidiary and the parent company and seek to define them in persevering the legal autonomy of the subsidiary. Through numerous legal reforms, Vietnam attracts investors with a familiar business environment in accordance with international standards. The workforce represents a relatively low cost and has a growing propensity for consumption. With a guaranteed investment environment, political stability, a legal system in constant improvement, and an industrious and disciplined work force, Vietnam is currently one of the key markets to attract foreign investors
Quek, Ser Hwee. "Before Tet : American bombing and attempts at negotiation with North Vietnam, 1964-1968 /." Thesis, Connect to this title online; UW restricted, 1995. http://hdl.handle.net/1773/10482.
Full textLe, Anh Hai. "Tertiary Hospitality Education in Vietnam: An Exploratory Study." Thesis, Griffith University, 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/10072/365951.
Full textThesis (Professional Doctorate)
Doctor of Education (EdD)
School of Education and Professional Studies
Arts, Education and Law
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Thai, Trung Kien. "Le logement de la famille en droit vietnamien : approche critique et comparative de la notion." Lyon 3, 2010. https://scd-resnum.univ-lyon3.fr/out/theses/2010_out_thai_t.pdf.
Full textHousing is one of the basic conditions of the family life. In Vietnam, in these last years, the access of each family to the housing becomes difficult because of the high price of the real estate, while morality and custom are insufficient for the resolution of the family disputes in this fields. Consequently, the legal rules must constitute a new regulation towards the housing of the family. Nevertheless, in Vietnamese law, there has not been a notion of the housing of the family yet. Taking into account the present context, this study tries to establish a concept of family housing in Vietnamese law, which attaches to the current evolution of the family itself. The housing of the family will thus be protected in all family unions notwithstanding the couple form, in all family relationships, at all periods of family life, but with, obviously, different measures according to the persons and situations in question. Such a concept will allow, in a systematic way, to determine the respectful place of housing in the family life and the legal statute of the family housing, those that will contribute all to consolidate the attachment of the members of the family. In addition, this critical and comparative study highlights convergences and divergences between the Vietnamese law and foreign legal systems, in particular France’s one. Acquired knowledge is completely useful for the legislative and judicial activities in Vietnam, in the research of best protections for the family, of which those in favour of the housing of the family
Ly, Toan Quan. "Géopolitique du Vietnam : un état entre continent et mers du sud." Paris 1, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000PA010304.
Full textLe, Quan. "La création d'entreprises par les jeunes : le cas du Vietnam." Toulon, 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003TOUL2001.
Full textBerthouly, Cécile. "Caractérisation des bovins, des buffles et des poules de la province de Ha Giang au Nord du Vietnam." Paris, AgroParisTech, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008AGPT0031.
Full textKeenan, Bethany S. Reid Donald M. "Vietnam Is fighting for us French identities and the U.S. - Vietnam War, 1965-1973 /." Chapel Hill, N.C. : University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2009. http://dc.lib.unc.edu/u?/etd,2353.
Full textTitle from electronic title page (viewed Jun. 26, 2009). "... in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the Department of History." Discipline: History; Department/School: History.
Marsala, Miles Steven. "Baby Boomers and the Vietnam War: A life Course Approach to Aging Vietnam Veterans." BYU ScholarsArchive, 2015. https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/etd/5999.
Full textMartini, Edwin Anton. "Invisible enemies the American war on Vietnam, 1975-2000 /." College Park, Md. : University of Maryland, 2004. http://hdl.handle.net/1903/1669.
Full textThesis research directed by: American Studies. Title from t.p. of PDF. Includes bibliographical references. Published by UMI Dissertation Services, Ann Arbor, Mich. Also available in paper.
Phan, Thi Nhiem. "Macroeconomic adjustment in a transition economy the case of Vietnam /." Access electronically, 2003. http://www.library.uow.edu.au/adt-NWU/public/adt-NWU20041217.161455.
Full textDa, Guillaume. "Les procédés de transformation post-récolte du manioc à petite échelle dans les villages métiers au Vietnam : analyses et potentialités d'innovations." Dijon, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008DIJOS033.
Full textThis study deals with the analysis and the potentialities for improvement of the manufacturing process for producing cassava starch at the household level in developing countries. Despite the great diversity of the technologies employed in different socio-economic contexts, few studies analyzed the performances of these manufacturing processes at this level. This thesis, based on a case study, proposes a method of analysis of the manufacturing process for producing starch from cassava and its optimization at this small scale. To begin with, it aims to carry out a double diagnosis: a first phase consisting of a participatory assessment with the stakeholders from the cassava processing value chain; followed by a quantitative assessment in which balance sheet flows of materials and energy are measured and performed. The comparison with other processing technologies in Colombia is also carried out. In the second phase, the processing stages and the possible technological innovations are analyzed by modeling two types of realistic extractors. The case study was conducted in a cluster of craft villages in northern Vietnam. The results showed that the main differences between the three processing types, which differ in the rasping and extraction stages, were in capacities, water consumptions and electrical requirements. New technologies have been adopted in order to overcome high space limitation constraints for processing activities. Thus, a dynamic model was obtained for two types of extractors in order to reduce the quantity of discharged liquid waste. A simulation of a recycling process for both types of extractors showed that the water consumption level could be reduced from 35% to 43%. The realistic design of this optimization is proposed without major modification of the equipment. Looking ahead, the methodology proposed in this study is formalized in order to be improved and used as a basis for other process of manufacturing and products
Nguyen, Thi My Thanh. "Bilan de l'écotourisme au Vietnam : faiblesse de la gestion à travers l'exemple de la zone touristique du centre-nord." Paris 3, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006PA030086.
Full textEcotourism is considered by the Viet Nam Government as one of the solutions to improve the current situation of tourism in the country, since this activity sector plays a key role in the diversification of the aspects of tourism and its products. However, as Ecotourism can develop only in fragile natural areas, a proper management of this sector is vital for the future of Viet Nam tourism in general and of Ecotourism in particular. This thesis is divided in five main sections. Part One discusses the two faces of tourism worldwide and stresses the importance of setting up a sustainable development strategy. Part Two assesses Viet Nam Tourism. Part Three presents the most important tourism-related resources of the country and analyses thoroughly the development process of Ecotourism in the recent years. Part Four identifies and analyses in depth the actual management of Ecotourism in Northern Central part of Viet Nam and, from this concrete situation, will fully assess activities of Ecotourism management all over the country. Part Five will present, as a result and conclusion, some solutions for a sustainable development of Ecotourism in Viet Nam
Anderson, James Adams. "Frontier management and tribute relations along the Empire's southern border : China and Vietnam in the 10th and 11th centuries /." Thesis, Connect to this title online; UW restricted, 1999. http://hdl.handle.net/1773/10513.
Full textCao, Xuan Dung. "Ouverture commerciale et inégalité de revenus : le cas du Vietnam." Paris 1, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007PA010082.
Full textPham, Thai Binh. "Macroeconomic essays on Vietnam economy." Doctoral thesis, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2020. http://hdl.handle.net/10803/670164.
Full textHesselman, Fredrik. "Vietnam, gerillakrig och asymmetriska metoder." Thesis, Försvarshögskolan, 2004. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:fhs:diva-1678.
Full textThe Vietnam wars from 1945 to 1975 tell the story of how the communists and North Vietnam,with the support of China and the Soviet union, defeat the colonial power France and the superpower US and establish a communist regime. There were two episodes that seriously damagedNorth Vietnam´s enemies; Dien Bien Phu 1954 and the Tet offensive 1968.The object of the thesis is to investigate the asymmetric methods used in revolutionary warfareand how these methods, more or less consciously, were used by North Vietnam in 1954 and 1968.Beaufre´s theory about indirect strategy is used a theoretical starting point, partly to findexplanations to the asymmetric nature and partly to evaluate the value of Beaufre’s theory as anexplanatory model. The method used has been a qualitative analysis of content and the thesis ismainly disposed in a chronological and thematic order.The thesis shows that France and the US/South Vietnam versus the Vietnamese communists haddiametrical opposing perceptions of time, operative depth and human sacrifices, which led thecontracting parties to use widely different conduct of military operations that formed the basis foran asymmetric relationship.
Avdelning: ALB - Slutet Mag 3 C-uppsHylla: Upps. ChP 02-04
Häggström, Björn. "A photographic journey through Vietnam." Thesis, Högskolan Dalarna, Grafisk teknik, 2005. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:du-1624.
Full textPham, Hai Chung. "Brand consumption in contemporary Vietnam." Thesis, Bournemouth University, 2015. http://eprints.bournemouth.ac.uk/24523/.
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