Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Vie urbaine au cinéma'
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Provot, Karine M. "La France Est Sa Banlieue: L'Identité Française et Sa Périphérie Urbaine à Travers le Cinéma, les Médias et la Musique." University of Cincinnati / OhioLINK, 2007. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=ucin1184688497.
Full textTschipke, Ina. "Lebensformen in der spätmittelalterlichen Stadt : Untersuchungen anhand von Quellen aus Braunschweig, Hildesheim, Göttingen, Hameln und Duderstadt /." Hannover : Hansche Buchhandlung, 1993. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb40162707q.
Full textAndersen, Hans Thor. "Storbyens ændrede socialgeografi : Storkøbenhavn i et nordvesteuropæiskn perspektiv /." København : C. A. Reitzel, 2005. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb40062005x.
Full textKim, Joon-Deok. "Intervention et rôle de l'État dans la vie cinématographique française : compte tenu de son renouvellement depuis 1981." Paris 1, 1997. http://www.theses.fr/1997PA010582.
Full textFrom arrival of the socialists in franch government in 1981, cinematographic politics lead by government have, all at once, an important and favorite evolution in every different sections of cinema. There are three major objects in it's politics ; reinforcement and renovation in cinematographic production, maintainning the frequentation in the movie theater and construction of national movie programs. The very important national measure about evolution of politics on helping cinematographic industries are directed in about six major axis according to objects like these; preserving production vitality and concentrating the creation, protection inheritance and developing it's conciousness around people, permitting qualified and diversified cinematographic culture of full life by diffusing it in the whole national territories, finally intensifing international exchange by offering French cinema of opportunities to reach to European and world-wide audiences. The aim of this paper is to set up the evaluation of French government as completely as possible in cinematographic domain, in order to disengage the hot issue and faintness, to analysis insufficiency and to search possible way for the future. Our work is to become organised in three major parts; government politics for financial support, control method and international aspects. In this manner, we can verify efficiency of French political model toward cinematographic world, that is considered as one of the best politics in the world and from that model one can have a base for innovating cinema politics in foregine countries especially in Korea from which we have come and where we wish to play a role for development and for diffusion of cinematography
Gunnemark, Kerstin. "Hembygd i storstad : om vardagslivets praktik och den lokala identitetens premisser /." Göteborg : Etnologiska föreningen i Västsverige, 1998. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb410762649.
Full textDos, Santos Volnei Edson. "Le cinéma : un rapport entre l'oubli et le présent : l'expérience émotionnelle d'une ville avec le cinéma." Paris 5, 1994. http://www.theses.fr/1994PA05H099.
Full textThe main objective of this is to reflect upon the social universe of a city, using the cinematographic reception as the supporting point. Thus, the empirical perspective of the thesis lies on the experience the city of Londrina has had with the cinema, with special emphasis which directs this work tries to vedate the cinema as the privileged place in which one can understand a city. The relationship cinema city is understood within a dimension of reciprocity; that is, the city is the generator "per excellence" of topics and history for the cinema allows itself to perceive, through the images and generates, the contours of a fiction which cuts through the daily activities of a city. The division proposed in this thesis tries to answer this question. Part I deals with methodological questions. As the methodology is proposed, questions related to the city and the cinema are discussed within a theoretical framework. Part ii aims at an empirical description of the city of Londrina, keeping in mind the main objective of this work. In an attempt to approximate the two preceding parts the unique experience of Londrina with the cinema is discussed in part iii, the last part of the thesis
Rodriguez-Torres, Deyssi. "Lutte pour la vie et lutte pour la ville : crise urbaine politique urbaine et pauvreté à Nairobi." Bordeaux 1, 1995. http://www.theses.fr/1995BOR1D018.
Full textRodriguez-Torres, Deyssi. "Lutte pour la vie et lutte pour la ville : crise urbaine politique urbaine et pauvreté à Nairobi." Bordeaux 1, 1995. http://www.theses.fr/1995BOR40018.
Full textSaupin, Guy. "Nantes au XVIIe siècle : vie politique et société urbaine, 1598-1720." Paris 4, 1992. http://www.theses.fr/1992PA040131.
Full textWith a general assembly of householders, a multiform council of leading citizens and a town council where are staying a mayor and six aldermen, the city of Nantes knows an important municipal life in the seventeenth century. The annual assembly of a few hundred electors with personal vote and the failure of closing plans in 1631 and especially in 1710-1720 give it a great originality. If the open deliberative assemblies disappear towards 1620, the extended councils resist as far as 1720. The officers of the justice court of Nantes and the audit office of Britain have the monopoly of mayor office. From 1598 to 1639, the aldermen mostly come from justice courts, from 1640 to 1668, merchants and men of justice are balanced; from 1669 to 1720, merchants triumph over barristers and attorneys. This evolution is in accordance as well with the change of Nantes trade as the social consequences of the politic problems in the seventeenth century. The reproduction of the ruling class yields to a co-optation trough eligibility rolls. The monarchy respects the self-regulation of the leading citizens. This does not lead to the confiscation of the power by a little minority of old families because the integration of the nouveaux riches and the powerful immigrants is finally very easy. The true dynasties are few, but form a cell fit to give continuity in the municipal administration
Lardy, Caroline. "Travail et vie monastique : enquête filmique dans un Carmel de France." Paris 10, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004PA100131.
Full textThe video camera, as a main tool of research, enabled to study carmelites daily life into a French Carmel. Aspects such as communal or solitary, materials or rituals, revealed the main features unique to the monacal life organisation. The prescriptions coming from the Rule and the Constitutions have a main influence on carmelites, visible into mental and behavioural habitus. The filmic description of actions and their detailed analysis has shown that the changeover between the religious to the non religious, the solitary to the communal is being accomplished as a fluid and harmonious continuity. All the practical conditions aim, in the daily monk's life, to an encounter with God. The seven films give an insight into essential elements of the monastic life as well as discreet evidences of the carmelitan spirituality
Kim, Kyu-Won. "La fête populaire et la ville : une étude comparée en France et dans les pays voisins." Paris 4, 1999. http://www.theses.fr/1999PA040110.
Full textLe, Flohic Claude. "Mythes et réalité dans le cinéma rural américain." Nancy 2, 1999. http://www.theses.fr/1999NAN21018.
Full textMons, Alain. "Le désordre de la ville et la photographie après-guerre : Etats-Unis, France, 1945-1960." Paris 5, 1986. http://www.theses.fr/1986PA05H069.
Full textAt the begining, the hypothesis is to question the city through the prominent photographic pictures, constituent a memory and a patrimony. The city expresses itself and is expressed through the images after war, a important period in the photographic documentary chosen appears an "exploratory look" where the spatial and social dimensions are always together. A "disorder" of the city appears clearly, there is a multiplicity of the quotidian. We can see that through two corpus. The first is american (particulary new-york) the other one is french (paris) the method system is a "confrontation", analysis of pictures and productions compared with the corpus where radical differences appear : differences of vision about urban, then cultures and ways of life. The reading is symbolic. We try to find somme connexions between urban anthropology and sociology of the picture. In united states, there is a photographic history of the dayly life in new-york city with weege, model, klein, an a reference marks of urban territory with de carava and frank. In france, it is a dreamt and paradoxal paris with doisneau, les quinze", ronis, but already boubat and elsken indicate a deep change in the city life. With americans there are a critical view and "pulsion" of the town. With french there are tender view on "country" urban life. This rechearch's a thought on the real of the town, and a social analysis of photographic pictures
Daileader, Philip. "True citizens : violence, memory, and identity in the medieval community of Perpignan, 1162-1397 /." Leiden : Brill, 2000. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb388000763.
Full textDaileader, Philip Catafau Aymat. "De vrais citoyens : violence, mémoire et identité dans la communauté médiévale de Perpignan, 1162-1397 /." Canet : Trabucaire, 2004. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb39160654m.
Full textSelçuk, Asli. "Le visage secret : approche d'un film et son insertion dans le contexte cinématographique turc actuel." Paris 1, 1996. http://www.theses.fr/1996PA010642.
Full textIn the aftermath of the foundation of the republic of Turkey (1923), cinema, a new discovery, was one of the art forms that influenced the masses most. Following the early films made with popular approaches, several important names came to the fore in the making of cinema as art. Among contemporary directors who have developed their work through the years with this scope, omer Kavur is immediately noticed. This Ph. D dissertation analyzes the significance of Kavur in this country's cinema, and attempts to define the connection of this cinema to the global context and its specific place in the history of turkish cinema. The experience of having worked with Kavur as assistant director, having intimately witnessed the process of his search for originality, and participated in this process both physically and mentally, has been shaped into this dissertation. The search for identity in turkish cinema and the distancing of the viewer from his own cinema within a contracting economy and weakened box-office, are explained with data. It becomes all the more important today that, despite the disappearance of export markets, as for many other countries cinemas, Kavur attempts to make art films. The effort to reach the inner roots of the mystical content of "secret face", which forms the main theme, aims at the same time to search for and determine the place of turkish cinema in the contemporary world
Huet, Armel. "La raison urbaine : communauté et socialité." Paris 10, 1988. http://www.theses.fr/1988PA100076.
Full textTobelem-Zanin, Christine. "Qualité de la vie et diversité des villes françaises de plus de 50. 000 habitants." Paris 1, 1989. http://www.theses.fr/1989PA010517.
Full textMany authors had the quality of life as subject of their studies. Now and then it is necessary to take stock on this question and to try to propose a new definition of the concept. We have done such work in the first part of our research, trying to explain or to found a clear difference between life quality and well-being. In the second part, using for the most part, the economic studies and statistic national institute data, we have tried to create some materials and socials indicators of French urban life quality. We have find that is impossible to establish a single classification of the biggest French cities (more than 50 000 inhabitants) on a single basis of life quality. We have proposed a few classifications after different quantitative and qualitative analysis. The third part of this research is based on a local view of life quality that propose different municipalities to theirs inhabitants. The local council of four big cities have been inquired and, besides, we have done a prospective work on the analysis of the answers to a questionnaire of a biggest sample of municipalities
Le, Corre Yannick. "Le "pattern ambiant" : une entité opératoire de caractérisation et de conception des ambiances urbaines." Nantes, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006NANT2091.
Full textThe design of urban outdoor public spaces needs a global thinking about the urban territory and its various spatial, functional, climatic, human and sociological components. Faced to the generally empiric and intuitive integrative approach used by architects and urban designers, this thesis work aims to develop a "scientific" method to analyse and characterise the urban ambiances, enabling thus to have a better assessment and understanding of ambiance qualities and to help to the design of urban places taking into account the living conditions of people. From this viewpoint, the observation of how urban space is used and lived by people, how it can be appropriated during various sequences of time by pedestrian, can be seen as the expression of a social life and of an urban dynamic but also as the revelation of urban ambiance specifities and qualities. Therefore, the proposed investigation method is based on the in situ observation of urban scenes and urban situations located in different places in town and at different times and seasons. Each scene is then analysed in order to highlight significant interactions between the pedestrian behaviours and uses of the space and the spatial and microclimatic conditions. Nevertheless, due to the large number of ambient factors, the research limits the investigation field to the three main dimensions and to their corresponding ambient parameters that are:-The climatic dimension with parameters like sun, wind, humidity, air outdoor temperature and the physical parameters linked to the light and the sound. -The architectural and spatial dimension and parameters like centrality, morphology, urban layout and materials. -The behavioural and use dimension related to physical attitude and clothing aspect, and the uses of space in term of use figures and space collective appropriation ways. The concept of "ambient pattern" that must come to light from this combined and multi-criteria analysis is based on an organised structure of spatial, time-dependant, climatic and behavioural components. It must be built from a rigorous inventory of essential, secondary or influential parameters that may induce particular behaviour and enable the identification of typical scenes with their occurrence conditions. 120 urban scenes have been observed and analysed to build, on a behavioural point of view, a typological classification. 18 main types of spatial appropriation that express specific ambiance qualities, have been isolated. Inside these types, some significant combination of spatial, climatic and behavioural factors constituting an organized scheme have been identified. Their recurrence enables to propose urban ambient figures that constitute "ambient patterns". Significant results have already been obtained and this work has enabled to formalize a method for a better characterization and design of outdoor spaces favouring ambient qualities of spaces. The "ambient pattern" opens large opportunities to pursue researches on investigation and observation methods of living conditions in public spaces, and at the same time, it enables to carry out a more operational work on the way to integrate ambiances approach in the programming and design of urban public spaces
Franqueville, André. "Une Afrique entre le village et la ville : les migrations dans le Sud du Cameroun /." Paris : ORSTOM, 1987. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb34954938n.
Full textJakir, Aleksandar. "Dalmatien zwischen den Weltkriegen : agrarische und urbane Lebenswelt und das Scheitern der jugoslawischen Integration /." München : R. Oldenbourg, 1999. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb37217652g.
Full textAïssaoui, Dalila. "Processus de ségrégation socio-spatiale et vie quotidienne." Paris 10, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000PA100072.
Full textGuerra, Isabel. "Changements urbains et modes de vie dans la péninsule de Setùbal de 1974 à 1986." Tours, 1991. http://www.theses.fr/1991TOUR4504.
Full textThe main question of this research is the understanding of the complex relations between the urban change and the ways of life on an industrial region in the central part of portugal. Different ways of approach to the subject have been used. A "systemic analysis" based on the study of the economic and urban systems and also a "strategic analysis" focused on the understanding of the rural migrant's paths to the peninsula of setubal. The articulation of such approaches makes possible to emphatize the dynamics that are and make local development
Taillibert, Christel. "L'Institut international du cinéma éducateur." Paris 1, 1998. http://www.theses.fr/1998PA010503.
Full textHe international institute of educational cinematography was inaugurated in Rome on november, 5, 1928. It had been created on benito mussolini's initiative and set within the framework of the society of nations. So, it had a double statute, national since it was financed, lodged and controlled by the italien government and international considering its general objectives and the right of examination of differents international organisations. Its main objective was to promote the production, the diffusion and the exchange of educational films in a spirit in accordance with the basic objectives of the society of nations wich were mutual knowledge, comprehension and collaboration. In spite of the slenderness of its human and financial means, the spheres of its activities were very large and diverse. It was supposed tigather information concerning the didactic and educational cinematography at a world-wide level. Its work was known through several publications, espacially its monthly reviews. It was synthetized too during the important international congress which convened more than 400 members in rome in april 1934. Lastly, the institute was at the origin of many practical realizations: an international convention for the abolition of the taxes on educational films, the compilation of an international catalogue of educational films, the creation of the cinematographic festival of Venice. . . Althrough it had been given freedom of action, the international institute suffered for the consequences of Mussolini's foreign politics and was closed when italy left the society of nations on december 1937
Savignac, Emmanuelle. "Strates et sédiments de l'imaginaire de la ville : Paris aujourd'hui." Paris, EHESS, 2001. http://www.theses.fr/2001EHES0217.
Full textBarrette, Valérie. "Élaboration d'un indice global de qualité de vie par intégration de données multisources : cas de la Ville de Sherbrooke." Sherbrooke : Université de Sherbrooke, 2003.
Find full textCheridi, Djamel. "Changement et continuité dans l'Algérie des années 1980 : les espaces urbains de sociabilité." Paris 7, 1995. http://www.theses.fr/1995PA070025.
Full textThje purpose of this thesis is to wonder about the evolution of determinants and ways of social link formalization process in independen algeria, specialy in the 1980's, by the way of a study of sociability areas. In the first instance, we strove to emphasize the contradictory nature of the progressive social project which refuse to take charge of the consequences of modernization on the modalities and the aim of social integration in the name of a monistic and communal conception of society and social link that reject multiplicity of social indentities. We assigned the second part to reveal the fact that the reorientation of the aim of political power intervention toward mass organizations and voluntaries associations in the 1980's lead to remopve any apportunities of development of sociability areas in which the structuration of a societary type of social link could be possible. This study conclude with an analysis of the development of informal, non organized and non instiitutionalized manifestations of sociability, on the one hand, and the rise of a particular form of religious sociability : the islamist sociability, on the other hand, resulting from the social dis
Tahrani, Souha. "Vers un outil de réalité virtuelle pour l'analyse et la communication des ambiances lumineuses dans le projet urbain." Nantes, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006NANT2077.
Full textThe urban environment is defined by the interaction between the morphological and physical characteristics of the city as interpreted by the human senses. To fully comprehend the urban space, we chose a dynamic immersive approach in our research that bases itself on the user’s real-life experience. Our research methodology applies virtual reality (VR) techniques to evaluate urban daylighting ambiences through the use of solar effects. Our study suggests immersive experimental methods to analyze visual perception. The study is carried on two stages:The First stage is a theoretical approach which looks into two axes:The methods used in urban space analysis by showing the complex interactions between the “visual perception - daylight- urban space” elements. The use of VR as a design tool in the fields of architecture and urban design. Two axes allow to identify and correlate the main elements of our methodology. The second stage will use sensorial inquiries to conduct three experimental studies on an existing urban path. These studies compared between users’ observation of the daylight phenomena in situ and its representations in vitro. These experiments were evaluated on three levels according to the degree of immersion and interaction. The goal is to determine the necessary conditions for the solar effects restitution, as well as validating the contributions of VR in daylighting ambiences analysis. The results obtained show that visual perception is influenced by the urban qualities and the experiment context. The results also showed the potentials for VR in rendering urban daylighting ambiences despite of the technical and financial limitations
Vidal, Frédéric. "Les habitants d'Alcântara : histoire sociale d'un quartier de Lisbonne au début du 20e siècle /." Villeneuve-d'Ascq : Presses universitaires du Septentrion, 2006. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb40223347f.
Full textBibliogr. p. 433-459. Notes bibliogr.
Fournet-Guérin, Catherine. "Vivre à Tananarive : géographie du changement dans la capitale malgache /." Paris : Éd. Karthala, 2007. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb41024374c.
Full textChambolle, Luc Marie Jean-Louis. "Une citoyenneté en actes approche pragmatique et modelisation de l'interpellation épistolaire des maires de Lyon (1989-1999) /." [S.l] : [s.n.], 2000. http://demeter.univ-lyon2.fr:8080/sdx/theses/lyon2/2000/chambolle_l.
Full textGilles, Philippe-Louis. "La contribution du régime de Vichy au statut juridique contemporain du cinéma français." Toulouse 1, 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003TOU10010.
Full textThe mode of Vichy is far from constituting a simple bracket on the cinematographic ground. It's under its impulse that are undertaken the rationalization of the administrative organization and professional of the cinema like that of its framing. The mode of Vichy is a precursor as regards administrative centralization, of organization corporatist, professional control, financing of the production and vocational training. This time of the cinematographic life is capital in the institutional history of the French cinema because it's at this period that is born the substantive law : several of the fundamental elements of the contemporary organization find their structuring there
Chelkoff, Grégoire. "L'urbanité des sens : perceptions et conceptions des espaces publics urbains." Grenoble 2, 1996. http://www.theses.fr/1996GRE21037.
Full textMarchi, Claudio. "La vie et le cinéma de Monty Banks : reconstruction historique du parcours professionnel de l'acteur et metteur en scène Mario Bianchi (1897-1950)." Paris 1, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012PA010738.
Full textMarchand, Dorothée. "Relations entre la structure urbaine, les modes d'appropriation et les représentations spatiales et conceptuelle de la ville." Paris 5, 2001. http://www.theses.fr/2001PA05H052.
Full textThis research focuses on the role played by urban structure, and more specifically the centrality, in the psychological construction of the urban space. We support the assumption that the urban structure determines the representation of a town which the individuals are building and which induces the way they appropriate the structure, linked with the identity processes. We carried out a survey on 236 subjects selected along three main variables : the urban structure (traditional/modern), the stage in life cycle (young working people/students), and the place of residence within the city (according to the spatial position in relation to the physical centre and a spatial fracture in the urban tissue). (. . . )
Poitras, Diane. "Le traitement de la nuit au cinéma, deux postures épistémologiques." Thesis, Paris 8, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015PA080153.
Full textThis PhD thesis addresses the presence of night in films and what it might express of a relation to the world.The research part of the thesis identifies two epistemological positions expressing connections between night and day (and between the subject and the world) in either a dualistic opposition or in a belonging (or holistic) relationship.The conceptual tools taken from Merleau-Ponty’s existential phenomenology (perception, body, flesh) give theoretical basis to the intuitions in the creative process. Moreover, the concepts of the hermeneutic current of the analytic philosophy help to redefine the links between documentary cinema, reality and world.The corpus studied includes Pan American Exposition by night (Porter & Smith, 1901), supposedly the first film shot in exterior night, Double Indemnity (Wilder, 1944) and Lady from Shanghai (Welles, 1945), showing that film noir diverts the codes of Hollywood without challenging its dualism, Shadows (Cassavetes, 1959) which exemplifies the turn initiated by the Nouvelles Vagues in the relation to cinematographic night and, finally, Elegy of a Voyage (Sokourov, 2001), which proposes a holistic approach to night.The creation part of this thesis consists of a documentary film, NIGHTS. Pertaining to the “creation documentary” current, the film, instead of explaining concepts, evokes the sensorial experience of diverse nocturnal states.Devoted to the production process of the film, a chapter of the thesis connects its theoretical and creative parts by examining the embodiment of theory in the film as well as the contribution of the creative work to the theoretical reflection
Clément, Cécile Claisse Gérard. "Espaces de vie, espaces en ville parcours migratoires, représentations et pratiques de l'espace urbain à Niamey /." [S.l.] : [s.n.], 2000. http://demeter.univ-lyon2.fr:8080/sdx/theses/lyon2/2000/clement_c.
Full textChung, Lak-kil. "La force poétique à travers la vie quotidienne dans les films de John Cassavetes." Paris 1, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005PA010614.
Full textCouriol, Etienne. "La parenté spirituelle à Lyon sous l'Ancien Régime : prénomination, vie sociale et vie religieuse." Thesis, Lyon 3, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015LYO30021/document.
Full textThis research aims to understand the use of spiritual kinship in Lyons during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries with a double context: urban population was in expansion while the Catholic Reformation was pre-eminent. The setting of this study is the parish of Saint-Nizier, which was located right in the town centre and presented real social variety. We want to investigate the complexity of social relationships and the flexibility of godparenthood, the strategies and behaviours which can be detected, thanks to precise social analyses.The main source is the parish registers. This research also aspires to call attention to the richness that spiritual relationships provide in urban social history. This classic source allows us to tackle religious history from a social point of view
Biget, Denis. "Une analyse du temps présent : aspects de l'identité et de la vie quotidienne dans une petite ville : Douarnenez." Paris 7, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006PA070026.
Full textDrawing an anthropology, sociology and history, the author examines aspects of identity and daily life in a small Brittany town. Renowned for its maritime history and cultural events it plays host to (bi-annual boat festival, the Mardi Gras carnaval. . . ), Douarnenez seems to endow its inhabitants with a special identity renowned throughout the region. The book is not simply a monography, but a distillation of interviews, research, and observations providing a textured account of the Personal circumstances of residents in this singular place. The author pursues his interest in the daily lives of "Douarnenistes", looking through their eyes, and striving to avoid reproducing an ethnological treatise that fail to take into account the various situations the ethnologist himself is caught up in. The author applies a kind of anthropology of action, reconstructing individual's words and actions by simply describing them, taking care not to interpret ex nihilo events and mannerisms observed which would otherwise appear to derive from an exterior authority. Examining two districts in the town, and other observations taken at random, the author claims there are two kinds of résident, on thé one hand, and on the other hand neighbourly relationships and other ties resulting from co-habitations do not always engender strong social relations, but generate a strong feeling of belonging specific to a district and to the town. Douarnenists (the elderly above all) are either active on the edge of it and construct their individual and collective identity in this way, or they live on the edge of it, finding their identity landmarks in other places, in other moments in time, and often through work
Gruet, Brice. "La rue à Rome, miroir de la ville : entre l'émotion et la norme /." Paris : PUPS, Presses de l'Université Paris-Sorbonne, 2006. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb401886822.
Full textDurang, Xavier. "Vivre et exister à Yaoundé : la construction des territoires citadins." Paris 4, 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2002PA040265.
Full textThrough a case study analysis of the cameroonian capital of Yaounde, this thesis aims to reveal the way "of be-in-the-world" of the African townsmen and the direction which they give to their life during this time of crisis. Thus, it underlines the modalities of the brutal transition from "the urbanity of revenue" to "the urbanity of crisis" which represents for many individuals a "descent into Hell". It also shows that the post-colonial African city is not a product of importation : behind the illusory signs of acculturation generally hides, a mode of appropriation or social regulation, or a significance quite specific to the local imaginary. The adopted geographical process, which involves a detailed comprehension of the relevant socio-political and cultural phenomenon, privileges the observation of the everyday life and lived spaces. With this micro-geographical approach, the town territories are examined according to three registers thus reconstituting their principal facets (from the visible to the hidden): morphologies, temporalities and mobilities. Lastly, the thesis seeks the déterminants and constraints of these lived space in the collective behaviors of existence and emotion
Yildirim, Tunç. "Une période emblématique du cinéma turc : le cinéma de Yeşilçam, de sa genèse à la fin de son éphémère apogée (1948-1971)." Paris 1, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011PA010541.
Full textLeguay, Jean-Pierre. "Vivre dans les villes bretonnes au Moyen âge /." Rennes : Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2009. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb41468025t.
Full textBOZOULS, LORRAINE. "Le privilège de l’entre-soi. Pratiques résidentielles et styles de vie des classes supérieures du privé." Doctoral thesis, Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, 2019. http://hdl.handle.net/10281/273245.
Full textThis research studies the mechanisms of formation and reproduction of upper classes particularly endowed with economic capital living in the parisian suburbs. In support of a multi-method survey (interviews, observations, archives, statistics) I show how this under-studied fraction works to maintain a homogeneous neighborhood-wide community. I also analyze the withdrawal on one’s house, especially for housewives, as well as the distant relationship to the public sector (privatization of school and security issues).
Bennour, Abdelmajid. "La participation des habitants à l'amélioration de leur cadre de vie : représentations sociales et stratégies des acteurs et des groupements dans deux quartiers populaires : théories et pratiques." Paris 8, 1997. http://www.theses.fr/1997PA081467.
Full textTheoretical and empirical analysis show that different meanings of participation exit (participation solidarity, participation-dispute and participationmanagement) and that several groups of inhabitants who have their own logical and strategy of action coexist. For some institutional actors, participation means the possibility of having the inhabitants to adhere to their plans - and is conceived as an instrument of management. For others, it means on the contrary a possibility to mobilize the inhabitants of one neighbourhood, to create a bound of solidarity and/or to contest the decisions taken by institutional actors. Three types of groups can be distinguished in one quarter that will develop logics and various strategies of action according to local context and the position of actors one to another and the relation to the overall social system. The groups promote various participations (militants, voluntaries, users, beneficiaries, etc. ) and can come into conflict, in competition or can be supplementary depending on the political context and each actor's position. In this context, partipation-management suggested by the institutional actors, in particular in one social quarter development, must take the actors configuration, in account in one social quarter where three types of groups exist. In this sens, the methods of participation suggested by elected representatives are at the same time the result of action strategies configuration developed by different actors and a new process of inhabitants participation
Pilon, Annie. "Vie quotidienne et imaginaire social du jardin public à Grenoble." Grenoble 2, 1995. http://www.theses.fr/1995GRE29040.
Full textThe stiring pecularity of the public garden makes it being a rare and vulnerable area in which not any turbulence or conflit are excluded. The garden is between heedlessness and intimism and looks like a source of inspiration for the city. The fascination comes from a number of small rules, itineraires, approaches, familiarities as well as free and light pleasures. Nature humbly completes this fascination that anyone can appreciate. Garden is both improvisation and break as well as natural and human environnement, factual territory and place for creation. It is heterogeneous and partitioned, and remains a green archipelago between daily life, fest and game. Before being trip and mediation, the garden is entertainment where society stages himself, a theatre where public and actors merge. It is invented and produced by urban society as entertainment area and aesthetic preservation. It is at the junction between nature and culture and cannot escape from the city nor ignore its presence. It may come from an urgent relation ship between man and city. It is issued from deep and nostalgic feelings with respect to giving up in from of nature. It reduces distance between urban being and nature. Identifying images that anyone spontaneously get about public garden, as well as both updating representations systems which governs and determines behaviors and daily pratices, and studying meaning structures which decides pratices, show that social imaginary marks and justifies people's attitudes and practices with respect to public garden. Public garden is an alive monument, issued from urbanity and artifice. It is not an outgrowth of the city. It is situated between thought and sensibleness and leads the visitor almost to an imaginary world. It is here for whom knows seing and appreciate it
Noizet, Hélène. "Pratiques spatiales, représentations de la ville, et fabrique urbaine de Tours (IXe au XIIIe siècles) : Chanoines, moines et lai͏̈cs à Saint-Martin et Saint-Julien." Tours, 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003TOUR2018.
Full textHemingway, Andrew. "Landscape imagery and urban culture in early nineteenth-century Britain /." Cambridge (GB) : Cambridge university press, 1992. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb35573738q.
Full textBargach, Selma. "Le statut et le rôle de la femme dans le cinéma marocain." Paris 1, 1997. http://www.theses.fr/1997PA010611.
Full text40 years after independence, Moroccan cinema continues to face numerous challenge due to the absence of an economic foundation and judicial status, the poor national production is inconsistent, creating a situation of extreme crisis. Directors are unceasingly drawing upon subject matters full of suffering ; these subjects address issues from ponderous daily life routine that develops into problematic cultural identity. The most prevalent subject is therefore an individual that is constrained in an ossified traditional society in which woman portray women's condition. After the colonisation period, cinema, throughout its evolution has introduced a trend in which women's role and status have been more considered. A status that depicts a more accurate picture which is supplied by director's experiences, often censured