Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Vie intellectuelle – Histoire – 14e siècle'
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Bouloux, Nathalie. "Culture et savoirs géographiques dans l'Italie du XIVe siècle." Paris 1, 1999. http://www.theses.fr/1999PA010550.
Full textThe subject deals with a cultural history matter, namely the representation of space in the middle ages. The period concerned is the italian xivth century, which prepares for an important mutation in the perception of space, traditionally attributed to the xvth and xvith centuries. Two fields of studies are investigated : on the one hand, a traditional geography represented by the university scholars and the encyclopaedists, supported by the knowledge of previous centuries while contributing to the renewal of knowledges about space ; on the other hand the geography of humanists whose first ambition is to recreate the space of the antiquity. The interest in the antiquity leads the latter to actively search for new texts, as is the case in other intellectual fields. The realization of the difficulties he had in fitting together the space of the antiquity and the world in which he lived induced petrarch to conceive a geographical method based on the confrontation of texts between each other and of texts to reality. The consequence of this programme was to point out the contradictions between authors and hence between knowledges. Confronted to the inconsitency of texts, petrarch's followers give up the idea of producing a synthesis of ancient and new knowledges, and choose to follow the alphabetical order in their geographical writings, which allows them to juxtapose knowledges while respecting the obligation of exhaustiweness. If the geography of xivth century italian humanists is often confronted to doubts, it also prepares the success of ptolemy's geography and the new representation of space it proposes
Blumenthal, Edward. "Exils et constructions nationales en Amérique du sud : proscrits argentins et chiliens au XIXe siècle." Paris 7, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013PA070085.
Full textThis dissertation analyses the role of exile in nation building in Argentina and Chile (1810-1860). Analyzing the correspondence and other writings of mid-century romantic intellectuals as a corpus produced in, and shaped by, exile, it looks at the production, circulation and reception of these texts, and the effects this circulation had on the development of nation building projects in both countries. It also examines the circulation of the exiles themselves in the region and shows how exiles used cross-border networks, based on commercial and family networks that pre-dated independence, to find employment and fight for change at home, as well as working in professions associated with the articulation of nation-building projects. Participation in the host countries' public sphere profoundly shaped both the exiles' political projects as well as debates in the host countries themselves. Argentinians in Chile found a model of stability and ordered progress, which tempered their liberal romanticism, but also affected on political conflict in Chile. Chileans in the Rio de la Plata brought with them a series a representations of exile, developed by Argentinian exiles, which would shape both their view of Chile and their participation in the conflicts between Buenos Aires and the Confederation. Furthermore, the effects of the encounter between Chilean and Argentinian exiles had repercussions in the founding texts, debates and historiography of both countries. Indeed, in part because of exile, the mid-century liberal nation-building projects of both countries were profoundly intertwined
Garane, Abdullahi Garane. "Gli intellettuali fiorentini (1250-1350) : Dante, Petrarca, Boccaccio." Grenoble 3, 1986. http://www.theses.fr/1986GRE39018.
Full textKriegel, Blandine. "La constitution de l'histoire savante aux XVIIe-XVIIIe siècle." Lyon 3, 1988. http://www.theses.fr/1988LYO30000.
Full textViel, Guillaume. "Sociabilité et érudition locale : les sociétés savantes du département de la Manche, du milieu du XVIIIe siècle au début du XXe siècle." Thesis, Normandie, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017NORMC023/document.
Full textAppearing during the 18th century in French provinces, knowledge societies have developped and multiplied throughout the 19th century.This thesis aimes to identify which knowledge societies have been created in Normandy, in the department of Manche, from 1755 to the First World War. This work consisted, in a first point, of determining how they were established, organized, ruled and financed. In our second point, we tried to identify what kind of people were involved, where they lived and what their professional activities were. In our last point, we wanted to understand what kind of activities were practised by Manche knowledge societies, especially how their private and public sessions worked, and how they managed to spread knowledge to a larger audience thanks to, for example, their publications or their involvment in local cultural life
Uomini, Steve. "Histoire cachée : polygraphie historique et comportements intellectuels dans la France du XVIIème siècle." Paris 4, 1997. http://www.theses.fr/1997PA040052.
Full textThe aim of this study is a thorough analysis of a large body of French historiographical works written between 1612 and 1696. Divided into three main stages, the examination of thematic and structural characteristics of seventeenth-century narrative historiography focuses on tragic, romantic and anecdotal traditions. A series of preliminary biographical surveys is intended to collate ascertainable data pertaining to the specific professional strategies involved in historiographical-related careers. Concurrently, critical inquiry devoted to documentary procedures, referential options, epistemological presuppositions and historiological considerations is conducted as a contribution to the understanding of inherent methodological conventions substructing early modern historical narrative genre. In addition to prosopographical and diplomatological areas of investigation, an exploration of emblematic discursive presumptions underlying the deployment of formal and thetic configurations is designed to reveal operative intellectual paradigms. The exhaustive inventory of topological processes and the complete enumeration of salient locutionary features conjointly fulfill the purpose of reconstructing both implicit and recurrent behavioral indications exclusively discernible through collective representational perspectives. Finally, close inspection of the principal phases of contemporaneous literary criticism ranging from tutelary and censorial intervention to scholarly opinion, including publisher's and reader's scrutiny, accredits a reevaluation of prevalent assumptions regarding antecedent historical culture in light of hitherto unutilized source materials
Joseph, Délide. "Genèse d'« une idée avantageuse d'Haïti » : socio-histoire de l'engagement des intellectuels haïtiens, 1801-1860." Paris, EHESS, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014EHES0013.
Full textA " Haitian Intellectual " is a person who, by all sorts of practices, product ideas that tend to define, question Haitian society. The study takes as its starting point, the Constitution of 1801 and ended with the restoration of the republican regime in 1859. Haitian intellectuals themselves as defenders of Haiti but also present as the embodiment of the capacity of countries access Civilization. This objective gives rise to a dual strategy of positioning. It is, first, to address the external stakeholders, as must be met defamatory writings of the ancient settlers and opponents of the project of a new state born of the struggle against slavery. It was then express a clear desire to distance themselves from other social groups in the country who do not share or do not master the accepted and dominant at the time social codes. The thesis therefore explores how such recognition sought out. The quest for recognition of intellectual expresses himself through a claim of Haiti's ability to access the civilization and progress, but also by the development of a knowledge that legitimize their political power. A practical effect of their application for recognition through the rehabilitation ofthe "black race. " This thesis shows how the Haitian intellectuals fail to think the relationship between universalism from their westemized training and the particularity of other cultures existing in Haitian society
Avlami, Chryssanthi. "L'antiquite grecque a la francaise : modes d'appropriation de la grece au xixe siecle." Paris, EHESS, 1998. http://www.theses.fr/1998EHESA031.
Full textCan the representation of ancient greece provide an analytical framework for understanding post-revolutionary france? this thesis argues the affirmative and examines french readings of greek antiquity in the context of its philosophical and ideological debates. The very extensive literature on this subject is examined by means of five thematic analyses, in each case concentrating on the reflection of a thinker deemed representative. I analyse the invocation of greek antiquity in revolutionary and counter-revolutionary thought and practice (chateaubriand), the definition of modern literature (germaine de stael), the religious debates (benjamin constant), the institutionalisation of philology (emile egger), and finally in thinking the political (louis menard). Two conceptual criteria have governed the thematic choice and textual interpretation: the concept of progress and that of historical comparison. Progress, as the principle catalyst in all of nineteenth-century theoretical thought, gives rise to a homogenisation and linearisation of time and accords the future a teleological function. Seen throught this conceptual grid, greek antiquity becomes an intellectual entity synonymous with the infancy of humanity. The historic comparison of the greek city with nineteenth-century french society wich takes place in terms of this conceptualisation of time is the thematic focus of the five studies
Sugiyama, Haruko. "Les Almanachs russes." Paris 4, 1995. http://www.theses.fr/1995PA040039.
Full textMoktefi, Amirouche. "Déduire et séduire : La logique symbolique de Lewis Carroll." Université Louis Pasteur (Strasbourg) (1971-2008), 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007STR13112.
Full textGonzález, Bernaldo de Quirós Pilar. "La création d'une nation : histoire politique des nouvelles appartenances culturelles dans la ville de Buenos Aires entre 1829 et 1862." Paris 1, 1992. http://www.theses.fr/1992PA010531.
Full textThis research aims at explaining how the portenos leading community agreed upon the nation as a basic entity which led to the national organisation of 1862. The first point of this investigation shows how this elite from the buenos aires province united in favour of a national representation of the collective being. The feeling of a collective identity specific to a national society then spread out througth a particular type of social relatienships : civility. The second point deals with the correlation between the development of new forms of associations and the building up of a national power. This network of social relations through associative life was then used as a basic to a modern political structure which provided a kind of national representativity to the power of the town leading community
Lamy, Jérôme. "Archéologie d'un espace savant : l'observatoire de Toulouse aux 18e et 19e siècles : lieux, acteurs, pratiques, réseaux." Paris, EHESS, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004EHES0023.
Full textThe study of the observatory of Toulouse, of its foundation in 1734 at the departure, in 1908, of Benjamin Baillaud, the director who completed the reforms of the third republic, allows to apprehend, through the various regimes of knowledge which are successively spread, the evolutions of a place of knowledge in its multiple dimensions. The changes of the figure of the astronomer, of the spaces of observation and the technical tools constitute a first axis of analysis to discern the historical process in progress. The examination of the scientific practices, of the gestures of the observer to the publication of the results, makes it possible to locate the processess of validation of the achieved results. Finally the Toulouse astronomers of the 18th and 19th centuries fit at the same time in the scientific community and the "garonnaise" city : by their will to be integrated into it, they reveal the access modes and the tensions which are established between science and the social request. The transition from a regime of knowledge to another is visible in each dimension of the place of knowledge. Partial continuities make it possible to establish the link and ensure the permanence of the observatory
Gorochov, Nathalie. "Le collège de Navarre de sa fondation (1305) au début du XVème siècle : histoire de l'institution, de sa vie intellectuelle et de son recrutement." Paris 1, 1994. http://www.theses.fr/1994PA010655.
Full textThe foundation of the College could be studied with the texts of the statues written by the queen Jeanne de Navarre (in 1305) and by her executors (in 1315). The queen conceived a very original project with the organization of courses in the college, courses intended for the 70 bursars that the fundation has to receive. The institution doesn't function very well during the first half century of its history (1rst part of the thesis: 1315-1418), as the processes which oppose bursars and candidates to bursaries of the 1340 years can prove it. The 280 bursars before 1360 aren't well known the second part of the thesis concern the history of the college during its reformation and the reign of charles v (1356-1380) and is based on the analysis of several important. Acts of the parlement and the royal chancellery charles v brings the college closer to the royal power, giving the choice of the bursars to his confessor. The study of the 225 bursaries of his reign shows that the recruitment is now turned towards the formation of humanists and servitors of the state. During the reign of charles vi (3rd par of the the sis), the college has a new place in the university and in the realm
Steinhauer, Alfred. "Le "parti" physiocratique et la formation de l'opinion publique dans la France pré-révolutionnaire (1756-1776)." Paris 1, 1997. http://www.theses.fr/1997PA01A003.
Full textThis thesis is based on a hypothesis concerning the structural elements of the "ideological" crisis of the ancien regime in france (1750-1790). The physiocratic group, made up of theorists whose main concern was renovating and strengthening the judicial and economic order of the monarchy 30 years before the revolution, is examined as a possible source of influence. The analysis lies on two interconnected levels : 1) a detailed presentation of the topics and the evolution of the physiocratical discourse, 2) a look at the historical context of the two decades between its rise and fall. On the first level, we explore the scope of influences that link the intellectual commitment of the physiocrats to the enlightenment, in philosophical terms. The contextual analysis, on the other hand, defines the link between the theoretical stances of the physiocrats and the historical situations, clarifying the structural dimension of physiocratic ideology. From the latter we deduce the existence of an ideological "party", a social group influenced by their liberal and authoritarian discourse. The analysis focuses on the, often polemical, relations between the physiocrats and the philosophers before, during and after the grain war, a major popular upheaval. We thus present the evolution of a political program, its failures in 1770 and 1776 and evidence of this effort in pre-revolutionary literature
Gobert, Jean-Marie. "L'itinéraire intellectuel et politique de "La Revue des deux mondes", 1848-1893." Paris, Institut d'études politiques, 1985. http://www.theses.fr/1985IEPP0012.
Full textPantina, Marina. "Joseph de Maistre dans la vie intellectuelle russe : étude de la réception et de l’héritage du philosophe." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Sorbonne université, 2023. https://accesdistant.sorbonne-universite.fr/login?url=https://theses-intra.sorbonne-universite.fr/2023SORUL093.pdf.
Full textThe thesis on the intellectual reception of Joseph de Maistre in Russia is part of interdisciplinary studies. Oriented towards French literature, the history of ideas, and Slavic studies, it delves into the career of the Sardinian philosopher from his arrival in the Russian capital in 1803. A man of letters and a diplomat, he forged connections at the court of Alexander I, in the salons, through correspondence, and by sharing his works to selected readers. To analyze this period, two correspondences were chosen: with R. Sturdza and S. Uvarov. The second part of the thesis is devoted to the reception of Maistrian thought in Russia after his departure in 1817. Indeed, he influenced both Westernist philosophers, such as P. Chaadaev and V. Soloviev, who appreciated his Catholic and European thought, and the Slavophiles and traditionalists who sought a foundation for their conservative thinking in his ideas, like K. Leontiev. The third part of the thesis is devoted to the reception of Maistre in the 20th century, especially after the Russian Revolution of 1917. His counter-revolutionary thought took center stage and inspired the philosophers forced to leave their homeland, especially N. Berdyaev, who frequently cited Maistre. This reception is distinct in its blending of Joseph de Maistre's ideas with other, later concepts characteristic of 20th-century thought. The final chapter of the thesis discusses the publishing history of Maistre in the USSR, abruptly halted in the late 1930s. Focused on the reception of conservative thought, the thesis raises the question of the sources of neo-conservatism that currently dominates the Russian political field
Rathier, Carole. "Les réseaux des Lumières à Bordeaux : étude de correspondances (1768-1788)." Bordeaux 3, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007BOR30017.
Full textEnlightenment networks in Bordeaux: study of correspondences (1768-1788) is a thesis in one volume – written back to back - of 686 p, together with a CD-ROM containing the Website “Ecrire au XVIIIe siècle” (“Writing in the XVIIIth century”). This is not a mere annex but rather a relational database created for this research and available to the readers. As a thesis on cultural history offering a Study of correspondences in Bordeaux during the last two decades of the Ancien Régime, it innovates through the use of FileMaker and Arcane software – the latter enabled to edit this thesis – in order to work thoroughly on the documentation corpus constituted. Chapter II of Book I constitutes therefore a key part of this demonstration. This study has enabled to precisely draw relational spaces, to clarify the ways of life and to underline the value of material movements. The thesis is divided in four parts, starting with the presentation of the corpus and tools which enabled to make use of it. Book II presents three letter writers in Bordeaux as observers of their universe and witnesses of their time: Mme Duplessy, Jean-Baptiste de Secondat, François de Paule Latapie. Book III focuses on the Enlightenment sociability with respects to institutions, particularly the Academy and the Museum. The study of academic correspondences enables to link this part to the whole project of the thesis and the two preceding books. Finally, Book IV studies the nobiliary culture and the culture of mobility of these representatives of the provincial elite. Two indexes and a bibliography complement this thesis
Belo, André. "Nouvelles d'Ancien Régime : la Gazeta de Lisboa et l'information manuscrite au Portugal (1715-1760)." Paris, EHESS, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005EHES0093.
Full textThis thesis proposes a historical reading of the news of the Lisbon gazette considered in its first phase of existence, between 1715 and 1760, during the kingdoms of D. João V (1707-1750) and D. José I (1750-1777). Starting from the political silences of the gazette's news items, the scope of the analysis extends to the handwritten information that circulated contemporaneously to the printed newspaper. Handwritten and printed news were exchanged within the same social networks. From it resulted a diffesrentiated publication, according to the social and political features of each media. The relationship between these two different media is described as both structural and complementary, and it forms the axis of the research. It will lead us to two other fundamental aspects described in this dissertation : a description of the gazette as a paradoxical textual genre, located between history and periodicity; and the ideological meaning of the circulation of news on European warfare in XVIIIth century Portugal
Gherardi, Eugène F. X. "L'esprit corse au souffle du romantisme : notes et jalons pour une histoire culturelle." Corte, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000CORT0023.
Full textRabiot, Jérémie. "Ecrire, comprendre et expliquer l'histoire de son temps au XIVe siècle : étude et traduction des livres XI à XIII de la nuova cronica de Giovanni Villani." Thesis, Lyon 2, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015LYO20152.
Full textAs a major work of communal historiography, Giovanni Villani's Nuova cronica is a milestone for whoever intends to immerse themselves into the history of medieval Florence. Merchant, statesman and writer, the author embodies the figure of the Florentine popolano grasso. Narrating in thirteen books the history of both his city and the world, from its origins to 1348, the chronicle has left more than one hundred manuscripts, contributed to making Tuscan the language of Italians, and has inspired an abundant bibliography. This thesis focuses on a largely ignored aspect of this book, namely the relationship the author has to the history of his time, focusing on the last three books covering the years 1326-1348. Those years were a period of important political and economic change, as of deep cultural liveliness, and marked a turning point in the communal history: the Nuova cronica reveals the prosperity of this early Florentine Trecento. The chronology of the writings shows a particularly small time span between the events and their transcription: this has its consequences on both the tools and methods of the historian, who is therefore required to re-study his information channels, renew his sources and reinterpret the explicative frameworks. In addition to relying on merchant networks, the study of the sources reveals an extensive use of archive documents, which create a memory of communal institutions. The analysis of the interpretive frameworks of history attests of the importance of the author's religious mindset; this paints his historical narrative with a strong moralistic and uplifting dimension, sometimes giving it the appearance of a sum of secular exempla or a manual of civic virtues. However, the remarkable aspect of the last books lies in the way they open new perspectives into the culture of the great Florentine merchants of this time. Through the study of two aspects of this culture, theological and scientific, the capacity of a moderately literate secular man to capture a large part of scholar culture is revealed. This makes the chronicle a true work of vulgarization which builds a link between different levels of culture
Gramfort, Valérie. "L'année 1869." Paris 3, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005PA030033.
Full textThis research has been done through a synchronic study of the literary life in 1869, through the perusal of Paris daily press as well as analysis of novels, plays and poems from that period. First and foremost, we tried to take stock of the literary production taking into account the historical, economic, scientific and artistic context of the time. Why chose 1869 ? Because this date is both a sign and an inevitable landmark. Just one year before the war broke out between France and Prussia and the third republic was proclaimed, 1869 was marked by the opening of the Suez canal, the centenary of Napoléon I But also by the results general election that revealed already the weakness of Napoleon III reign. From a literary viewpoint, 1869 is a transition year when Balzac's entire works were republished, the framework of the Rougon-Macquart cycle was set up and were published the Education sentimentale, l'Homme qui rit, Madame Gervaisais, Vingt mille lieues sous les mers or Les Chants de Maldoror
Vittu, Jean-Pierre. "Le Journal des savants et la République des Lettres, 1665-1714." Paris 1, 1998. http://www.theses.fr/1998PA010537.
Full textThe purpose of this thesis is to study the content and the role of the first scientific periodical, the Paris Journal des savants, founded in 1665
Choné, Rosette. "La circulation transfrontière des objets, des idées et des hommes, entre Meuse et Rhin : 1815-1870 : histoire culturelle interfrontière." Metz, 1996. http://docnum.univ-lorraine.fr/prive/UPVM_T_1996_Chone_Rosette_LMZ966_1.pdf.
Full textIn 1815, the treaty of Vienna isolated France from the rest of europe. How open was the border in the region between the Maas and the Rhine to traffic in artifacts, ideas and people despite the authority of the Sainte-Alliance ? This study of the years from 1815 to 1870 suggests that three somewhat overlapping periods can be distinguished by variations in the form, frequency and intensity of international cultural exchanges. 1) Traffic of things : a period in which the concept of an economic and technical border region emerged. 2) Traffic of ideas : a turbulent period resulting from antagonisms and conflicts between peoples with great social, religious, political and linguistic differences which historical frontiers could not confine. 3) Traffic of men : a period in which commercial, industrial and artistic exchanges developed between the border region and other european countries. Some illustrations complete the text
Vignaud, Laurent-Henri. "Les "merveilles de la nature" : histoire naturelle et érudition à l'âge baroque, vers 1560-vers 1660." Versailles-St Quentin en Yvelines, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005VERS015S.
Full textPeople of 16th and 17th centuries were obsessed by the “wonders of Nature”: they observed, studied, described, collected and exchanged them passionately. Wonders of Nature were not only an intellectual category or a learned notion partly bequeathed by Ancient and Medieval thought, but also a body of pictures (drawings or engravings) easily reproducible and distributable, a series of natural phenomena which can be attested by letters and a set of objects on display in cabinets of curiosities. This works follows three directive patterns: 1) articulation between science and philological scholarship; 2) function of prodigies during French 16th century civil wars, and 3) appraisal processes used in giving account of strange natural objects. The first part of the study is devoted to the legacy, in other word to the notion of “wonders of Nature” as an inherited intellectual category, and is focused on the years 1560-1610. In the second part, the specific case of the prodigies is considered, mostly between 1580 and 1620, and through French historiography of the civil wars. Third part confronts the “science” of the wonders of Nature with the new experimental practice which, between 1610 and 1660, makes the wonder a pattern of “scientific fact”
Dange, François. "Les catholiques libéraux français et anglais des années 1840 aux années 1880." Paris 4, 2001. http://www.theses.fr/2001PA040020.
Full textAfter centuries of stability, the XIXth was a period of deep change. In essence, the Catholic Church is beyond time, but by its existence, it is included in time. Incapable of any adaptation, Rome wanted to conserve its traditions, centralised power and authority, even in different political surroundings. Intellectual socially elite Catholics were aware of the adaptability of the early Church. Although they accepted the Catholic Dogma, they opposed Rome's rejection of modern principles of freedom and decentralisation as had always existed in England, and in France since 1789. In France, the "Liberal Catholics" were led by F. Dupanloup and C. De Montalembert, their views being expressed in "Le Correspondant". In England, a few Britisch thinking Catholics such as Sir John Acton and Richard Simpson fought for freedom in their review, "The Rambler". John Henry Newman was their reference and inspiration. Did these two groups works together ? Up to now, research has been carried out separately on each group. However, detailed examination of correspondence between members of the two groups has shown that they discussed and adopted the same attitudes and actions towards Rome and the diehard Catholics. These matters concerned the laity in the Church, ecumenical discussions and freedom of decision in Catholic schooling. Concerted action was carried out in answer to the intransigence encountered in the Malines Case, the Syllabus, the Loyson Case and the First Vatican Council
Silva, Renán. "Les eclaires de nouvelle-grenade, 1760-1808 : genealogie d'une communaute d'interpretation." Paris 1, 1996. http://www.theses.fr/1996PA010676.
Full textFrom aproximately 1760-1808, that is around half a century, a cultural transformation process known as la ilustracion took place in the new grenade viceroyalty. One of the main consequences of this phenomenon whas the appearance of a group of intellectuals named as los ilustrados whose central features are carefully studied in the different chapters of this research. The most meaningful result of the mentioned transformation process was the emergence, within a relatively homogeneous culture, always dominated by a religious world perspective, of a new social life vision, according to which the rational exploitation of natural ressources, on the basis of science, will parallel the begining of a secularization process in some realms of the society. The new grenade territory was traveled and explored and, in a more general sense, the social and individual life was valued as a world perspective. Beyond salvation, the dominant ideal, of social life during the xvi and xvii, and most of the xviii century, happiness on earth by the way of material enrichment and earth exploitation will be looked for. These new ideals introduced a fundamental transformation in the value orientation of social life uo to that time. Nevertheless, the salvation idea didn't dissappear, embedded into a partial and limited mutation, wich didn't produce either a radical rupture. Therefore, it cant be conceived as a phenomenon which combined continuity and transformation in an original way, giving place to a particular synthesis between tradition and modernity
Valk, Karl. "Le projet intellectuel d'un réformateur : Philippe de Mézières (1327-1405)." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Sorbonne université, 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024SORUL145.
Full textThis thesis is devoted to the study of the literary activity of Philippe de Mézières (1327-1405) from an intellectual historical perspective. It draws from concepts elaborated by the “Cambridge school”, focusing on the interplay between intellectual languages - ways of speaking based on authoritative traditions - and language acts - particular utterances made using those languages. I begin by emphasising the importance of Philippe de Mézières himself in forming the narratives upon which historiographical accounts of his life have largely been based. An investigation of the main references used in Mézières' works then leads me to underline an ostentatious reliance on Biblical and Patristic sources. I explain this tendency by Mézières' affinities with an emerging intellectual culture centred around the papal court of Avignon and practised by an influential and highly mobile circle of clerics and laypeople with a penchant for literary creation and reformist thought. Case studies devoted to Nicole Oresme and Bridget of Sweden permit me to exemplify the social and intellectual relations that bind this network together. A final section is devoted to the basic tenets of Mézières's world-view. His work brings to the fore the historical relationship between God and the congregation of the faithful. Mézières' interest for the early church and his advocacy for a general council including laypeople connect him with both critics of the Avignon papacy and proponents of the conciliar movement. His project of the Order of the Passion evinces a preference for the vanguardist ecclesiology of the military orders as well as for the political institutions of Northern-Italian city-states
Junqua, Amélie. "Joseph Addison et le langage." Paris 7, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007PA070049.
Full textOur analysis focuses on Joseph Addison's conception and practice of language, as exposed in his periodical essays and more generally his prose. If Addisonian periodicals have been variously interpreted, it has seldom been considered how they could be also read as a possible popularization of Locke's theories on words, or more generally as a transmission of linguistic theories and cultural attitudes towards language to a vast readership (both in Europe and in America, and well until the XIXth century). We therefore endeavour in a first part to recreate Addison's social and cultural 'milieu,' to consider thé various conceptions of language it exposed him to, and to appreciate the respective influences of Thomas Hobbes and John Locke. Our second part deals with the peculiar status Addison bestows upon John Locke, the latter becoming a philosophical landmark as well as an intellectual façade or mask for Joseph Addison; and questions the assumption that Addison wrote primarily as a popularizer. Our third part is devoted to Addison's practice and observation of language - his obsessive concern for signs, his amateur attempt at establishing a semiotics of urban space and sartorial codes - which yet rarely complies with Lockean theories. Addison's paradoxical interpretation and practice of linguistic theories lead him to the unsolved - and unsolvable - dead-end of ambiguity. This position however provides him with unbounded powers of literary creation, endlessly dividing yet enriching his periodical essays
Catteau, Prune Iris. "Le Portugal à Paris : médiations et représentations de 1880-1914." Doctoral thesis, Université Laval, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/28011.
Full textThis thesis is dedicated to the study of Portugal’s literary and cultural presence in Paris from 1880 to 1914. Since the rise of the French press, Paris is an essential hub for the cultural and literary organization networks, both nationally and internationally, not only owing to the universal consecration it earned in the arts and literature but also because this capital city symbolizes creative freedom, inspiration and the meeting place of choice. Portuguese intellectuals, writers, diplomats and students travel or move to Paris to soak up the unique atmosphere, to learn, to bring back a number of ideas in their country but mainly to promote their culture and identity. Cosmopolitanism and nationalism are two major factors that foster not only bilateral exchanges but also a link between the two brotherly nations, as verified by pro-Latin and pro-republican Franco-Portuguese journal publications. This study, first of all, allows one to understand the activities and achievements of Parisian mediators of Portuguese culture, and to analyze these transfers in terms of their material aspects (media used, periodicity, distribution, networks). Furthermore, the analysis focuses on the discursive production that emanates from this context while paying attention to Portugal’s stagings and representations in Paris. Our intend to cover the field at best leads us to also consider so-called minor productions (literary event programs, invitations, posters, flyers). Some researchers, especially French (Pageaux 1984, Piwnik 2008, Quint 2006, Rivas 2015), have studied Franco-Portuguese literary and cultural relations, showing these exchanges’ importance without, however, focusing on intellectual weaving in general at the turn of the century. In addition, recent research has shown the extent of an international press development movement at the end of the nineteenth century without paying special attention to Portuguese implication (Thérenty and Vaillant 2010, Cooper-Richet, 2016). Since 1880 until the advent of World War I, Paris is interested in more than only Portugal's exoticism but by the specificity of its modern literature, especially through French and Portuguese Symbolists’ reciprocity and through various cultural agents established in Paris. The Paris of The Belle Epoque takes part in a real transformation in Portugal’s representation in France, namely the transition from a mythical depiction based on Portugal’s glorious past discoveries to a contemporary depiction conveyed by poetry, politics, travel and exhibitions. Camões as a political, historical and literary symbol of Portugal is renewed in France thanks to the tercentenary celebrations of his death in 1880 and sets the beginning of a new era in Portugal’s representation in France. Camões, in the mainstream press, in the press vanguard and in the institutional press, not only represents an epic national glory but he also symbolizes the whole country, the people, the nation, all social classes, the national soul, the Republican center and Coimbra’s academic class. While the Franco-Portugal relations culminated thanks to those Portuguese prints published in French by 1900 and to the proclamation of the Portuguese Republic in 1910, Camões brings universal consecration to Portugal and to a worshiped Europe : his bust is unveiled near the Eiffel tower in 1912 and a literary society “Les amis de Camoens”, composed of many French intellectuals (Anatole France, Pierre Loti), is founded and prints a journal on this bilateral literary friendship that lasts until 1914. In short, this work analyzes the media initiatives launched by some Portuguese in Paris, cultural and literary networks, social exchanges and interactions that underlie them. The main contribution of this work for research will be to provide a view which is as comprehensive as possible of Portugal’s literary and cultural presence in Paris and of its representation at a time when France and its capital city is a hub and a key intellectual model.
Guinle, Francis. "Accords parfaits : les rapports entre la musique et le théâtre de l'avènement des Tudors au début de la carrière de Shakespeare, c. 1485-1592." Paris 7, 1986. http://www.theses.fr/1986PA070138.
Full textThe evolution of drama in England in the 16th century is linked to the social, political and religious evolution. Drama evolves from well-established forms and structures. Under the influence of classical drama, the French farce and Italian comedy, it integrates new elements, but also retains the essential components of its own native traditions, adapting them to the new modes and conditions of performance met by the adult professional actors and the children's troupes. The use of the vernacular and the constant presence of music with well-defined functions are permanent aspects of this drama. Through established patterns and conventions, the musical element is closely linked to the structure and themes of the plays. It is analyzed here in its context throughout the repertoire of adult and children's troupes. The concept of a distortion and misappropriation of celestial harmony by the vices of the moral plays constitutes a basic element in the use and function of music, and in particular some forms of songs often associated with servants, pages, and in general low characters in pre-shakespearean court comedies
Lissalde, Corinne. "Théodore Aubanel et Ludovic Legré : histoire d'une amitié littéraire : édition de leur correspondance." Pau, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010PAUU1000.
Full textTheodore Aubanel, the mióugrano's félibre, is an eminent representative of the Provençal félibrige, beside Frederic Mistral. His correspondence is extremely rich, as he was in contact with more than six hundred correspondents. Ludovic Legré has a dominant position among them ; indeed, this lawyer, born in Marseilles, regularly exchanged letters with Theodore Aubanel, for thirty years, from 1856 to 1886. Their letters, which can now be consulted in Avignon, in the local archives of Vaucluse, and in Marseilles, in the natural history museum, have been used in many studies devoted to Theodore Aubanel or to the félibrige. But until now, these letters were only known in a lacunary and sometimes erroneous way. These 849 letters are now published, allowing us to have information about the 19th century Provence, and more accurately about the félibrige's development, which in the first years of this correspondence was not structured yet. Besides, Theodore Aubanel and Ludovic Legré both played a great role in its evolution; the first publishing his Armana prouvençau and the poetry anthology La Mióugrano entre-duberto, the other going to Paris with Frederic Mistral, who went there to present Mirèio. These two men, witnesses and actors of the rebirth provençale literature, commented the evolution of the félibrige on years after years, first with of enthusiasm but later with some disillusion. These letters also allow us to follow the writing of many of Aubanel's works, and to discover the personality of two men who confided in each other in a correspondence which was not supposed to be read by anyone else but themselves
Hubert, Thibaut d'. "Histoire culturelle et poétique de la traduction : Ālāol et la tradition littéraire Bengali au XVIIe siècle à Mrauk-U, capitale du Royaume d'Arakan." Paris, EPHE, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010EPHEA002.
Full textThe kingdom of Arakan, located at the frontier of modern Bangladesh and Myanmar, experienced a golden age during the 16th and 17th c. AD. This period witnessed the formation of a Bengali literary tradition among the Muslim subjects of the kingdom, in the rural area around the port of Chittagong and the capital Mrauk-U. This study analyzes the works of the main representative of this tradition: Ālāol (fl. 1651-1671). Originally from a small kingdom in central Bengal, he arrived as a slave and joined the royal service groups. He gained the protection of Muslim dignitaries of the Buddhist king’s court. Under their patronage, he composed six poetic works, all translations into Bengali from the Hindustani and Persian. The first part of the dissertation deals with the poet-translator and his milieu. I explore his discourse about poetical speech within the context of the literary assemblies in Mrauk-U in 17th c. The central topic of this part is the role of literary multilingualism in the economy of these secondary courts. I also provide an introduction to the poetics of the author in its synchronic and diachronic dimensions. The second part includes case studies illustrating the process of translation as conceived by Ālāol. Translation is considered as a part of the author’s poetics and his conception of the literary tradition. I give the integral texts and translations of the prologues to his works in the appendices. This study contributes to our knowledge of the cultural history of Arakan and opens new research perspectives in the field of premodern Bengali literature
Le multilinguisme littéraire d'Ālāol, un poète bengali dans la cour royale d'Arakan au 17e siècle, impliquant la connaissance de 4 langues : l'hindoustani, le persan, le sanskrit et le bengali
Hurson, Didier. "L'idée de totalité chez Johann Wolfgang von Goethe." Nancy 2, 1995. http://www.theses.fr/1995NAN21006.
Full textThe notion of totality postulates the existence of a sphere of reality inaccessible to the senses as well as to the discursive approach; totality is much more felt as the transcendental legitimacy of the phenomenal continuum and thus of the consent of existence. The scientific and literary works of Goethe are examined by way of large extracts which are placed into the diachronical context of the history of ideas (Presocrates, Stoa, European Renaissance, critical philosophy of Kant). The idea of totality appears to be a structure-creating principle, an heuristic base which directs the ontological request of Goethe during his investigations of the natura naturata and when being inspired by the natura naturans. Goethe's reflexion on art (Mantegna, Laocoon) reveals the existence of a mixed time contributing to a sense of completeness and serenity. The rare and unique appeatance called "apercu" makes us aware of a totality no longer being an enigma
Courouau, Jean-François. "Edition critique de "La Margalide Gascoue" et de "Meslanges" (1604) de Bertrand Larade." Montpellier 3, 1998. http://www.theses.fr/1998MON30050.
Full textThis edition contains a general presentation devoted to the author's biography and to the literary background in toulouse as well as in the west-occitan area in the early 17th century. A first bibliography gathers the works quoted in the edition of the two texts. La margalide is a collection in the petrarchan type consisting of 94 sonnets and 13 long poems. An introduction shows the literary interest of the original work. Meslanges consist of 37 sonnets dedicated to some of the author's near relations or friends and of 15 long poems of petrarchan or pastoral inspiration. They are preceded by an introduction too. Each of the two works is followed by a general glossary as well as an index of the proper names. A second bibliography gathers all the documents consulted for this survey. An appendix provides a map which help to locate the places and an index of the works published in toulouse under the reign of henry iv and the early reign of louis xiii (1589 -1622)
Vergriete, Édouard. "Fantasmes fin-de-siècle." Master's thesis, Université Laval, 1990. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/33469.
Full textMontréal Trigonix inc. 2018
Plisnier, René. "Contribution à l'étude de la vie culturelle d'une ville de province au XIXe siècle: le cas de Mons (1795-1914); enseignement, musées, bibliothèques, théâtres; musique, beaux-arts et sociétés." Doctoral thesis, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, 1997. http://hdl.handle.net/2013/ULB-DIPOT:oai:dipot.ulb.ac.be:2013/212113.
Full textBernardini, Jean-Marc. "Du Darwinisme social en France : diffusions et réfutations du Darwinisme social dans la pensée contemporaine française de 1859 à 1918." Paris 10, 1995. http://www.theses.fr/1995PA100117.
Full textAfter having analyzed the epistemological and metaphorical borrowings of the Darwinism performed by political talks or by social and anthropological sciences, the aim of this thesis is to study the incidences of Ch. Darwin's evolutionist theories on philosophical, religious and political debates from 1859 to 1918. It also studies the diffusion of social Darwinism as well as the resistances the debates generated among the scientific community. In the first part, the connections between the history of scientific Darwinism and the history of ideologies inspired by Darwinism are set up. The initial hypothesis of this work is validated: the history of the refutations of social Darwinism in France explains the difficulties for scientific Darwinism to be recognized. The study of the history of the definitions of "social Darwinism" in France and in Anglo-Saxon countries shows how complex this subject was to handle. The second part investigates the period from 1859 to the end of the century. A systematic confrontation is made between the arguments and the refutations based on the talks of the scientists (biologists or sociologists), the members of the parliament and the religious opponents in this period of particular Darwinian culture in France. The third part which concerns 1900 to 1918 is also built on the contrast between the arguments of social Darwinists and of the opponents. This last part analyzes the reasons for the decline of the Darwinian ideology. It makes the point on the talks
Artigas-Menant, Geneviève. "Les papiers de Thomas Pichon : recherches sur les manuscrits philosophiques clandestins au XVIIIe siècle." Paris 4, 1999. http://www.theses.fr/1999PA040107.
Full textHould, Fernand. "L'Institut Canadien de Québec (1848-1898), agent de promotion de la vie culturelle à Québec : mythes et réalité." Master's thesis, Université Laval, 1997. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/28452.
Full textZimmermann, Eva. "Baden-Baden - 'Capitale d'été de l'Europe' : une histoire des relations franco-allemandes." Thesis, Université de Lorraine, 2021. http://www.theses.fr/2021LORR0327.
Full textFor almost a quarter of a century, from the mid-1840s until the Franco-Prussian War of 1870/1871, Baden-Baden, situated between the Upper Rhine Plain and the Western Black Forest, was the "summer capital of Europe". In terms of visitor numbers and the internationality of its guests on the one hand, and the scope and quality of its entertainment program on the other, it was undoubtedly the leading sophisticated European spa resort of the 19th century, and no other was as popular. When contemporaries on both sides of the Rhine referred to the city as a "French colony" or a "branch of Paris," they had good points.The foreign guests came mainly from France, the signage of the public space and the language of communication were French, the stage of the theater was played by famous Parisian ensembles and the Paris Jockey Club organized the gallop races of Baden.Despite the strong French influence, however, Baden-Baden was a German city whose native population contributed much to its development, whose future was debated in German parliaments and decided by a German government. Culturally, too, the German or rather the regional element came to the fore, be it in music, theater or sports.German and French actors came into contact and interaction with each other at all levels in Baden-Baden. There were manifold phenomena of exchange and transfer in the fields of architecture, the performing arts, music and sports, but also in the context of professional cooperation and everyday practices such as eating.All of this is brought out in this history of Franco-German relations in the city of Baden-Baden in the 19th century. It also examines how this development related to the larger political and social developments of the era, namely the rise of nationalisms, and to the increasingly tense situation of Franco-German relations since the 1850s
Cheirif, Wolosky Alejandro. "La représentation du voyage comme interruption historique : du monde de Christoferens au monde d'Alexander von Humboldt." Paris, EHESS, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013EHES0111.
Full textThe following thesis is an inquiry into two different "worlds" detached by a "historical interruption" : on the one hand, the world of "Cristoferens" - Christopher Colombos regarded as a merchant and sailor of the late middle ages. On the other hand, the world of Alexander von Humboldt - a stereotypical modern explorer of the late 18th and early 19 th centuries. The methodological axis of the thesis is the notion of an interrupted history. The concept of "interruption" has been prolific in literature and rhetoric studies, as well as in musicology and films studies. In addition to being a narative technique, it is also a methodological and a heuristic approach. The thesis is an attempt to introduce this methodological concept in a pragmatic and widely documented historical research analysis. The aim of the thesis is to inquire into the continuites and discontinuities between the two different "worlds"
Chassot, Jean-Fabrice. "Le dialogue scientifique au XVIIIe siècle : postérité de Fontenelle et vulgarisation des sciences." Paris 4, 2008. http://www.theses.paris-sorbonne.fr/these.chassot.pdf.
Full textDuring the first eighteenth century, in France, scientific dialogue was the best way to popularize science. Fontenelle’s On the plurality of worlds was mostly imitated, but the dialogue became more and more didactic. As Pluche’s “Spectacle de la nature” shows, dialogue proved to be very useful for imposing an pious vision of the world. At the other side, Diderot’s “Rêve de d’Alambert” puts forward a materialist vision of the world. In fact, dialogue has less an educational value tha a propagandist one. Beyond differences between dialogue writers, it has mostly contributed to spread the Enlightenment
Ayad-Bergounioux, Soulef. "Bourgeoisie de Robe et esprit d'État : genèse sociale et historique de la domination symbolique institutionnalisée (1775-1815)." Paris 1, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012PA010616.
Full textWintermeyer, Rolf. "La "Description de ma vie" d'Adam Bernd (1676-1748) et les débuts de l'autobiographie en Allemagne au XVIIIe siècle." Paris 4, 1991. http://www.theses.fr/1991PA040091.
Full textAdam Bernd has qualms in front of the religious universe in which he wants to integrate his life as an "example". But his own obsessions, fears, diseases and childish needs become the basic criteria of the strange personalized theodicy which he propounds and in which the solitary subject of the autobiography impersonates all the parts. The pert ambivalence of Bernd's writing is as if brought to a standstill with the total encompassing of the world which he carries out and which aims at vindicating his own existence as a melancholy person unfairly marginalized. His involuntary autonomy and his desired self-redemption are examined in their relations and differences with the mythical figure of the dynamic recluse Robinson whose isolation releases the energies of a self-sufficient being which the age of enlightenment supposed man to have
Rebière-Cornet, Martine. "La société comme matière romanesque : convergences naturalistes dans les romans de Zola, Clarín, Pérez Galdos et Emilia Pardo Bazán." Bordeaux 3, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004BOR30019.
Full textThis study entitled, "Society as a subject for a novel". The convergence of elements of Naturalism in the novels of Zola, Clarín, Pérez Galdós and Emilia Pardo Bazán, endeavours to analyze the influence of the author of the Rougon-Macquart series on his fellow spanish authors. The Second Empire and the Spanish Restoration period will be shown to have been at the forefront of the literary scene. In Zola's works and those of the spanish naturalist writers, the middle class and the working class will express the economic and social changes in each country and in modern society. In their novels, Zola and the spanish naturalists manage to depict the society in which they lived from a literary point of view through the use of naturalist description, free indirect speech and everyday language. Both physiological or sociological determinism will play their part in the creation of Zola's Characters and those of the Spanish naturalists. However Galdós, Clarín and doña Emilia Pardo Bazán will never portray their characters in the same primitive way as Zola. Finally, spanish naturalism will soon develop into a form of spiritualism that is more characteristic of the French literature of the second half of the nineteenth century, the period which heralded the Decadent movement
Reungoat, Sabine. "William Petty observateur de la population des iles britanniques." Paris 4, 1997. http://www.theses.fr/1997PA040328.
Full textWilliam petty (1623-1687) is one of the English pioneers of demography. His interest in the study of population, which dates back to the years when he was in charge of the Cromwellian survey of Irish lands, led him to undertake a "political anatomy" aimed at assessing the country's economic and human resources. In the absence of a national census, petty produced the first estimates of the population of the British Isles based on statistical data, which form part of the subject matter of this work. Petty regarded the quantitative study of population as the only sound basis of government. His reflection on the structure and distribution of the population led him to tackle most political and social issues of restoration England, such as tax reform, penal policy, poor relief or employment. He also contemplated a final settlement of the Irish question based on the removal to England of a large part of the native population. The study of population dynamics took up most of Petty’s last years. His eagerness to promote population growth, typical of the populationist context in which he was working, spurred him to an analysis of nuptiality and the impact of demographic policies, thus opening new fields of investigation for future demographers. Petty's work brings out the ambiguous nature of 17th-century "political arithmetic", a discipline aimed both at a scientific depiction of reality and at political and social reform. It culminated in extravagant reform schemes, which reflect as much the scientific climate of the time as a strikingly acute perception of demographic mechanisms
Sountoura, Karim fakoro. "Nation et littérature : gloires et servitudes littéraires sous le Premier Empire." Thesis, Montpellier 3, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010MON30045.
Full textThis thesis concerns a general study of the literary life under the first Empire. It is not only a question of redrawing the literary history of this underestimated period, but also of analyzing the reports connections which had the writers with the napoleonic regime. Furthermore, this literature, so weak in literary production in the public opinion, already expect from the next revival of the French letters after the bloody events of the Revolution. It is the one thus naturally which opens the way to all this plethora of famous authors who will carry the romanticism in its fulfillment. Our problem thus is to analyze the role of the authors of the beginning of the century such as Chateaubriand, Madame de Staël and Senancour in this spectacular hatching of the romantic writing. This work also aims at drawing up a complete board of the genres under the first Empire: the novel, the theater, the poetry are treated in depth by highlighting the novelties intervened in these literary forms, a particular attention is tuned to the talented figures which become famous in this literature. The press is studied in a detailed way, we were especially interested in the conditions in which the journalists wrote in papers; that is we reviewed the restrictive legislation organized by the regime to manage the public spirit. In province, the same binding measures were observed under the attentiveness of the prefects, a creation of Napoleon. The napoleonic conception of the power and its legitimacy which stand on the glory constitutes the skeleton of this chapter which analyzes profoundly the sights and the innovations of the Emperor in the management of the country affairs. So this work aspires to concern a new lighting the decade which saw Napoleon coming to power and forging an imagination since become legendary. We thus tried to correct this omission by undertaking this work which brings a new vision and a new knowledge of the first Empire outside clichés and stereotypes concerning the weakness of its literary production
Mazauric, Simone. "Savoirs et philosophie à Paris dans la première moitié du XVIIe siècle : les conférences du Bureau d'adresse de Théophraste Renaudot (1633-1642)." Paris 1, 1994. http://www.theses.fr/1994PA010697.
Full textThe subject of this doctoral dissertation is the study of "the conferences du bureau d'adresse of Théophraste Renaudot". It aims to determine the role these conferences played in the intellectual life from a philosophic and scientific view point during the first half of 17th century france. The first part studies how the "conferences du bureau d'adresse", re placed within the context of a movement of academic sociability distinctive of that time, functioned as a particular structure of learned sociability. The second part analyses the relation between the "conferences du bureau d'adresse", and modernity using their sources of knowledge and their intellectual forms of exchange which they put to work and diffu sed. The third part apprehends these sources of knowledge from an apistemological point of view and highlights the original way the members of this academy, all issued from a cultivated fring of french society, were situated in relatio n to the scientific and philosophic revolution that was taking place at that time and aims to evaluate the extent of their participation. Finally to determine the specific way they have accomplished a slow, difficult, and chaotic intellectual mutaion, in the margin of the elite
Lesaulnier, Jean. ""Recueil de choses diverses" (Bibliothèque nationale, nouvelles acquisitions françaises, 4333) : édition critique avec introduction et notes." Paris 4, 1990. http://www.theses.fr/1990PA040044.
Full textBarrière, Mireille. "La société canadienne-française et le théâtre lyrique à Montréal entre 1840 et 1913." Doctoral thesis, Université Laval, 1990. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/17631.
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