Academic literature on the topic 'Victimes – Hommes'
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Journal articles on the topic "Victimes – Hommes"
Ewering, Neil, Katia Morosini, Thérèse Cuttelod, and Pascal Roman. "Les hommes victimes d’abus sexuels dans l’enfance." Criminologie 46, no. 1 (April 30, 2013): 221–41.
Full textBrodeur, Normand. "Le discours des défenseurs des droits des hommes sur la violence conjugale." Service social 50, no. 1 (October 3, 2003): 145–73.
Full textLhérault, Marie, and Jamil Dakhlia. "Information people : les hommes politiques, victimes ou responsables ?" Le Temps des médias 10, no. 1 (2008): 209.
Full textVasseur, P., M. Dupont, and C. Rey-Salmon. "Hommes victimes de violences conjugales constats et perspectives." La Revue de Médecine Légale 11, no. 2 (June 2020): 56–62.
Full textEbouat, K. M. E. V., J. Hiquet, E. Christin, J. Fougas, O. Dubourg, and S. Gromb-Monnoyeur. "Étude rétrospective descriptive relative aux hommes victimes de violences intrafamiliales." La Revue de Médecine Légale 8, no. 2 (June 2017): 61–67.
Full textKANUMUANGI, B. O., and R. O. SANNI. "UNE EXPOSITION DE LA VIOLENCE CONJUGALE CONTRE LES HOMMES DANS VERRE CASSÉ D’ALAIN MABANCKOU." Journal of Humanities, Social Science and Creative Arts 14, no. 1 (November 6, 2020): 19–29.
Full textSchlagdenhauffen-Maïka, Régis. "Les lesbiennes sont-elles des victimes du nazisme ? Analyse d’une controverse mémorielle à Berlin." Revue d’Allemagne et des pays de langue allemande 42, no. 4 (2010): 553–67.
Full textDalrymple, Theodore. "Une horrible histoire." Revue française de criminologie et de droit pénal N° 9, no. 2 (October 2, 2017): 17–28.
Full textRomeral, Francisca. "Françoise Lalande et ses hommes tristes." ALTERNATIVE FRANCOPHONE 2, no. 3 (September 1, 2018): 87–98.
Full textLippel, Katherine, and Diane L. Demers. "L'Invisibilité facteur d'exclusion : Les Femmes victimes de lésions professionnelles." Canadian journal of law and society 11, no. 2 (1996): 87–133.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Victimes – Hommes"
Bernier, Yannick. "Perspective psychosociale du vécu des hommes ayant été agressés sexuellement au cours de leur enfance ou de leur adolescence." [S.l. : s.n.], 2005.
Find full textCouppey, Auréliane. "Victimes en tant qu'hommes ? : la construction victimaire des hommes qui dénoncent des violences au sein du couple." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Paris, EHESS, 2024.
Full textBy considering the condition of victimhood as the result of a collective process, this thesis aims to reveal how the interviewed men "become" victims of intimate partner violence. Indeed, at a time when intimate partner violence has been publicized and a time where there is a predominant feminist framing that places these violences within the broader issue of violence against women, how does a man in a relationship (or who has been in a relationship) with a woman come to see himself as a victim of intimate partner violence, to identify his partner or ex-partner as the perpetrator of this violence, and to seek recognition as a victim? Even when this man committed acts of violence and was convicted for it? To understand this, through interviews conducted with fifty-four men who contacted non-profit organizations helping male victims (Help Abused Men and Let's Help Abused Men), we studied how the respondents perceive themselves, how they view the condition of being a victim, the violence they have suffered and perpetrated. What does it mean to endure violence? Does feeling suffering equate to having experienced acts of violence? By delving into the details of how the interviewees came to be aware that they were being subjected to various violent acts, and how they established causal links, we were able to observe the emergence of the loss suffered and the central role of third parties to whom men turn for support and advice. We also analyzed the production of the perpetrators. Firstly, the ex-partner, often pathologized, characterized as deviant, and guilty of having a voracious intent to harm, which led us to reflect on the contemporary dynamics of accountability. We deepened our reflection by focusing our attention on the other perpetrator, the State, through the judiciary paths of the interviewees. Whether they have initiated legal proceedings or have been accused of violence, the men interviewed denounce a biased state treatment which favors women and they believe they are experiencing forms of violence from the State. The State, which ordinarily has political responsibility, comes to be seen as having a causal responsibility. By generalizing, the men interviewed come to denounce a gendered power relationship in which they are the "new" dominated group. The development of a conservative style of thought, in its masculinist variation, comes with the denunciation of contemporary feminist movements and struggles, and a call for a return to a society perceived as fairer. This masculinist discourse results in the formation of a category of men who are victims of women, the State, and feminist movements. This influences who can become a victim: women are constantly suspected of having provoked their partner and being responsible for the violence they endure. From then on, all men, including those who have committed deadly violence, can become victims of their partner or ex-partner. However, the development of this conservative thought clashes with the egalitarian individualism that prevails in contemporary society. The interviewees oscillate at various moments between conservative and individualistic forms of victimization and accountability, and cannot completely part with the reference to gender equality, even when they come to criticize it
Bégin, Jean-Claude. "Les corrélats psychosociaux de la violence des hommes envers leur conjointe." Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1999.
Full textPilon-Rousseau, Olivier. "Le processus de prise de conscience de la violence chez les hommes qui en ont été victimes dans le cadre d'une relation intime ou amoureuse avec un autre homme." Master's thesis, Université Laval, 2019.
Full textEven though the scientific community has recognized intimate partner violence in same-sex relationships for more than 30 years, this problem has only been socially recognized in recent years. Prevention and intervention practices for this population are still under development. Therefore, studying the process by which male victims of intimate partner violence by a same-sex partner understand their situation as violence could help to inform practices. The few researches on the subject explored this process using samples of heterosexual females, their result might not apply to male victims. Moreover, these models don’t explain how this process is initiated. This research seeks to better understand how French-speaking men victims of an intimate partner violence by a same-sex partner become aware of this violence. This research also seeks to understand the type of violence experienced, and the consequences associated with them. Ten participants took part in a semi-structured interview exploring intimate partner violence. Results of thematic analysis suggest all participants experienced sexual violence, almost all experienced psychological violence and most reported economic and physical violence. The consequences of this violence are diverse and persist over time. Analysis led to a three-phase model of the violence awareness process. First, violent behaviors are understood as a normal part of the relationship. Second, they are perceived as something abnormal and dangerous. Third, they are finally understood as intimate partner violence. In light of these results, implications for prevention, intervention practices as well as research on intimate partner violence in same-sex relationships are discussed.
Résumé en espagnol
Lelaurain, Solveig. "Violence conjugale et représentations sociales : vécu et légitimation au prisme des rapports sociaux de sexe." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2018.
Full textEllington, Lisa. "Conceptions et expériences des hommes amérindiens ayant vécu des incidents de violence conjugale au Québec." Master's thesis, Université Laval, 2015.
Full textGodbout, Natacha. "Relations entre l'abus sexuel et l'ajustement dyadique chez l'homme." Master's thesis, Université Laval, 2003.
Full textLavoie, Vicky. "Étude longitudinale de la relation entre les habitudes de consommation d'alcool et le recours aux conduites violentes chez les jeunes couples." Master's thesis, Université Laval, 2003.
Full textAlvarez-Lizotte, Pamela. "Les besoins des enfants exposés à la violence conjugale : la perspective des parents." Master's thesis, Université Laval, 2018.
Full textPlusieurs personnes gravitent autour des enfants exposés à la violence conjugale et ces personnes ont parfois des perceptions différentes des intérêts et des besoins de ces enfants. Des auteurs soulignent d’ailleurs l’importance de mieux comprendre la complexité des besoins de ces enfants. Comme on n’en connait peu sur l’opinion des parents à ce sujet, la recherche s’intéresse aux points de vue des parents d’enfants exposés à la violence conjugale concernant les besoins de leurs enfants. En plus de décrire les points de vue des parents à ce sujet, cette recherche qualitative, descriptive et exploratoire compare les points de vue de mères et de pères. Les données ont été recueillies par des entretiens individuels semi-dirigés auprès de cinq mères et cinq pères. L’analyse révèle que, selon les parents, les enfants exposés à la violence conjugale ont cinq principaux besoins : 1) besoin d’aide, 2) besoin d’une vie de famille, 3) besoins affectifs, 4) besoin de comprendre, de s’exprimer et d’être écouté ainsi que 5) besoin de sécurité et de stabilité. Ces besoins ont été identifiés à la fois par des mères et par des pères, leurs points de vue étant particulièrement convergents lorsqu’ils parlent des besoins affectifs de leurs enfants. Des différences de points de vue en fonction du genre du parent sont toutefois identifiées concernant la manière de décrire les quatre autres besoins. Selon des parents, certaines caractéristiques des besoins des enfants exposés varient aussi en fonction de l’âge des enfants. Les résultats suggèrent que le contexte de violence conjugale entraîne des défis particuliers pour répondre aux besoins des enfants exposés. Afin d’être en mesure de mieux soutenir les enfants exposés, il est donc important de mieux comprendre leur vécu et les enjeux qu’ils rencontrent, notamment à partir du point de vue de leurs parents tel qu’effectué dans ce mémoire.
Poulin, Stéphanie. "Étude sur la violence et le support social chez les jeunes couples." Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 2000.
Full textBooks on the topic "Victimes – Hommes"
Sheel, Julia. Guide d'intervention médicosociale auprès des victimes d'agression sexuelle: Enfants, adolescentes, adolescents, femmes et hommes. Québec: [Direction des communications du ministère de la santé et des services sociaux, 2001.
Find full textTutty, Leslie Maureen. Violence à l'égard du mari: Vue d'ensemble sur la recherche et les perspectives. Ottawa, Ont: Santé Canada, 1999.
Find full textNapier-Hemy, John. When males have been sexually abused : a guide for adult male survivors =: Les hommes victimes de violence sexuelle dans l'enfance : guide à l'intention des survivants adultes. Edited by Broatch Joanne, Raynault Johanne, Canada. Family Violence Prevention Division., Canada. Division de la prévention de la violence familiale., and Family Services of Greater Vancouver. Vancouver, B.C: Family Services of Greater Vancouver, 1994.
Find full textUnit, Canada Family Violence Prevention. A national directory of services and programs for men who are or have been victims of violence =: Répertoire national des services et programmes destinés aux hommes qui sont ou ont été victimes de violence. Ottawa, Ont: National Clearinghouse on Family Violence = Centre national d'information sur la violence dans la famille, 2002.
Find full textCrowder, Adrienne. Quand la porte s'ouvre: Modèle de traitement des personnes de sexe masculin qui ont survécu à l'abus sexuel. Ottawa, Ont: Centre national d'information sur la violence dans la famille, 1993.
Find full textCollard, Roselyne. Modèle d'organisation des services pour l'intervention médico-socio-judiciaire auprès des victimes d'agression sexuelle et de leurs proches en Estrie: (enfants, adolescentes, adolescents, femmes, hommes). [Sherbrooke]: Agence de développement de réseaux locaux de services de santé et de services sociaux Estrie, 2004.
Find full textTorrent, Sophie Bosshard. L' homme battu: Un tabou au coeur du tabou. Québec: Éditions Option santé, 2002.
Find full textLesseux, Jean-Marie de Bazelaire de. Deux serviteurs de la vérité, victimes de la folie des hommes: De Lusse à Mauthausen et Dora, 1940-1945. [Paris: J.M. de Bazelaire de Lesseux, 1994.
Find full textJean-Marie de Bazelaire de Lesseux. Deux serviteurs de la vérité, victimes de la folie des hommes: De Lusse à Mauthausen et Dora, 1940-1945. [Paris: J.M. de Bazelaire de Lesseux, 1994.
Find full textAdams, David. Interventions d'inspiration féministe à l'intention des maris violents. Ottawa, Ont: Centre national d'information sur la violence dans la famille, 1988.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Victimes – Hommes"
Pfitzner, Naomi, Kate Fitz-Gibbon, Sandra Walklate, Silke Meyer, and Marie Segrave. "The Pandemic Pivot: DFV Service Innovation and Remote Delivery During COVID-19 Restrictions." In Violence Against Women During Coronavirus, 75–91. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2023.
Full textMurakami, Takeo. "Emergency Response to the 2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake." In Progress in Landslide Research and Technology, 1–7. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2025.
Full textPfitzner, Naomi, Kate Fitz-Gibbon, Sandra Walklate, Silke Meyer, and Marie Segrave. "In the Shadow of COVID-19: The Invisibility of Children’s Experiences of Violence in Homes During the Pandemic." In Violence Against Women During Coronavirus, 53–74. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2023.
Full textSköld, Johanna, Bengt Sandin, and Johanna Schiratzki. "Redressing or Excusing the Past? The Evaluation of Sexual Child Abuse in the Swedish Redress Scheme for Historical Abuse in Out-of-Home Care." In Palgrave Studies in the History of Experience, 317–42. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2023.
Full textBates, Elizabeth, Julie Taylor, and Elizabeth Harper. "Barriers to help-seeking from the victim/survivor perspective." In Children and Adolescent’s Experiences of Violence and Abuse at Home, 107–18. London: Routledge, 2023.
Full textKadelbach, Stefan. "State Immunity, Individual Compensation for Victims of Human Rights Crimes, and Future Prospects." In Remedies against Immunity?, 143–57. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2021.
Full textKoss, Mary P., Lisa A. Goodman, Angela Browne, Louise F. Fitzgerald, Gwendolyn Puryear Keita, and Nancy Felipe Russo. "Understanding the perpetrator and the victim: Who abuses and who is abused?" In No safe haven: Male violence against women at home, at work, and in the community., 19–38. Washington: American Psychological Association, 1994.
Full textGodbout, Natacha, Cloé Canivet, Mathilde Baumann, and Audrey Brassard. "HOMMES VICTIMES D’AGRESSIONS SEXUELLES, UNE RÉALITÉ PARFOIS OUBLIÉE…" In Réalités masculines oubliées, 243–66. Presses de l'Université Laval, 2019.
Full textGodbout, Natacha, Cloé Canivet, Mathilde Baumann, and Audrey Brassard. "Hommes victimes d’agressions sexuelles, une réalité parfois oubliÉe…" In Réalités masculines oubliées, 243–65. Les Presses de l’Université de Laval, 2019.
Full textThibault, Sylvie, Valérie Roy, Cécily Tudeau, and Claudia Fournier. "Expériences d’hommes gais victimes de violence dans leurs relations intimes ou amoureuses." In Regards sur les hommes et les masculinités., 417–36. 2nd ed. Presses de l'Université Laval, 2022.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Victimes – Hommes"
Saldanha, Ana Beatriz dos Santos, Hellen Vieira Gomes, Maria Erica Barbosa de Paula, Marcos Wendell Nascimento Matos, Rebeca Ximenes de Moura, Sara Regina Alves de Castro Morais, and Larissa Nadally da Conceição Feitoza. "Combating child sexual abuse and exploitation: an experience report." In III SEVEN INTERNATIONAL MULTIDISCIPLINARY CONGRESS. Seven Congress, 2023.
Full textTardivel, Chloé. "Genre, justice et harcèlement sexuel au Moyen Âge. L’affaire Margarita/Nanino (Bologne, décembre 1351-janvier 1352)." In Webinaire AVISA (Historiciser le harcèlement sexuel). MSH Paris-Saclay Éditions, Université Paris-Saclay, 2023.
Full textAlshehri, Ahmed, Malek Ben Salem, and Lei Ding. "Are Smart Home Devices Abandoning IPV Victims?" In 2020 IEEE 19th International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom). IEEE, 2020.
Full textMukhametgaleeva, P. I., and A. A. Danilova. "Using artificial intelligence as a companion." In 2022 33th All-Russian Youth Exhibition of Innovations. Publishing House of Kalashnikov ISTU, 2022.
Full textShah, Simran, and Mallika Parveen. "Environmentally Sustainable Design: A Case Study of LILYPAD Project." In ASME 2015 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2015.
Full textKurapka, Vidmantas Egidijus, Henryk Malewsky, Snieguole Matuliene, and Rolandas Kriksciunas. "HATE CRIMES: TRENDS IN LITHUANIA." In 9th SWS International Scientific Conferences on SOCIAL SCIENCES - ISCSS 2022. SGEM WORLD SCIENCE, 2022.
Full textOprea, Daniela. "School Effects of Attachment Break in Context of Economic Migration of Parents." In ATEE 2020 - Winter Conference. Teacher Education for Promoting Well-Being in School. LUMEN Publishing, 2021.
Full textPorwal, Charles. "Exploring the spatial tools to generate social inclusive and empowered space for people living in margins." In Post-Oil City Planning for Urban Green Deals Virtual Congress. ISOCARP, 2020.
Full textPattin, Cheryl A. "Child Resistant Packaging: Regulations and Effectiveness, 1980–2002." In ASME 2005 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. ASMEDC, 2005.
Full textReports on the topic "Victimes – Hommes"
Christie, Lorna, and Susie Wright. Technology and domestic abuse. Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology, November 2020.
Full textYilmaz, Ihsan, Raja M. Ali Saleem, Mahmoud Pargoo, Syaza Shukri, Idznursham Ismail, and Kainat Shakil. Religious Populism, Cyberspace and Digital Authoritarianism in Asia: India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Pakistan, and Turkey. European Center for Populism Studies, January 2022.
Full textYilmaz, Ihsan, Raja M. Ali Saleem, Mahmoud Pargoo, Syaza Shukri, Idznursham Ismail, and Kainat Shakil. Religious Populism, Cyberspace and Digital Authoritarianism in Asia: India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Pakistan, and Turkey. European Center for Populism Studies (ECPS), January 2022.
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