Academic literature on the topic 'Victimes – Hommes'

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Journal articles on the topic "Victimes – Hommes"


Ewering, Neil, Katia Morosini, Thérèse Cuttelod, and Pascal Roman. "Les hommes victimes d’abus sexuels dans l’enfance." Criminologie 46, no. 1 (April 30, 2013): 221–41.

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Il existe dans notre société une certaine réticence à accepter l’idée qu’un garçon puisse être sexuellement abusé, bien qu’un intérêt grandissant ait été porté à l’égard de ce phénomène au cours de ces dernières années. Le tabou entourant ce type d’abus semble cependant subsister, rendant ainsi les hommes réticents à révéler leur histoire. Cette recherche a pour but de comprendre les éléments qui amènent les hommes victimes d’abus sexuels dans l’enfance à entreprendre une démarche d’aide dans le cadre d’un groupe de parole. Les quatorze entretiens qualitatifs réalisés ont permis de souligner l’apport précieux des groupes de parole pour faire face aux conséquences du traumatisme. En même temps, les données recueillies montrent l’existence d’une difficulté majeure pour les hommes à parler de l’abus et à demander de l’aide. Cette difficulté peut être mise en lien avec la problématique du refus de la passivité, le questionnement sur l’identité sexuelle et le doute quant à sa propre « normalité » provoquée par le traumatisme.
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Brodeur, Normand. "Le discours des défenseurs des droits des hommes sur la violence conjugale." Service social 50, no. 1 (October 3, 2003): 145–73.

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RésuméSe disant victimes d'injustices non reconnues, les défenseurs des droits des hommes dénoncent le discours féministe sur la violence masculine et les politiques sociales mises en place depuis vingt ans pour combattre la violence conjugale. Cet article résume leurs principaux arguments à partir d'une analyse de contenu de trois ouvrages publiés au Québec. La seconde partie de l'article situe ces arguments à l'intérieur des controverses autour de la définition de la violence, de la violence des femmes et du maintien d'un équilibre entre les droits des victimes et ceux des personnes accusées devant les tribunaux. Elle fait aussi état de données qui remettent en question les thèses des défenseurs des droits des hommes sur la symétrie générale de la violence entre les sexes et sur la discrimination systématique dont les hommes seraient victimes au sein du système judiciaire.
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Lhérault, Marie, and Jamil Dakhlia. "Information people : les hommes politiques, victimes ou responsables ?" Le Temps des médias 10, no. 1 (2008): 209.

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Vasseur, P., M. Dupont, and C. Rey-Salmon. "Hommes victimes de violences conjugales constats et perspectives." La Revue de Médecine Légale 11, no. 2 (June 2020): 56–62.

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Ebouat, K. M. E. V., J. Hiquet, E. Christin, J. Fougas, O. Dubourg, and S. Gromb-Monnoyeur. "Étude rétrospective descriptive relative aux hommes victimes de violences intrafamiliales." La Revue de Médecine Légale 8, no. 2 (June 2017): 61–67.

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KANUMUANGI, B. O., and R. O. SANNI. "UNE EXPOSITION DE LA VIOLENCE CONJUGALE CONTRE LES HOMMES DANS VERRE CASSÉ D’ALAIN MABANCKOU." Journal of Humanities, Social Science and Creative Arts 14, no. 1 (November 6, 2020): 19–29.

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La société doit être une place où les gens sont protégés contre la violence conjugale, que ce soit la violence contre les femmes ou contre les hommes. Mais la société de nos jours sous l’influence du mouvement féministe débarrasse la violence contre les hommes ce qui causeun déséquilibre de justice contre les hommes. Ce travail analyse le roman Verre cassé d’Alain Mabanckou en utilisant l’approche réaliste pour identifier et exposer les violences et leurs effets que les hommes subissent en mariage. L’étude montre que les victimes masculins de la violence conjugale sont moins considérés, et défavorisés dans la justice et au publique. C’est ainsi que cette recherche fait appel aux individus, organisations non-gouvernementales et aux gouvernements pour qu’ils combattent le problème de la violence contre les hommes et pour sensibiliser la société à l’égard de la gente masculine opprimée par la femme.
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Schlagdenhauffen-Maïka, Régis. "Les lesbiennes sont-elles des victimes du nazisme ? Analyse d’une controverse mémorielle à Berlin." Revue d’Allemagne et des pays de langue allemande 42, no. 4 (2010): 553–67.

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Courant 2010, la vidéo représentant un baiser entre deux hommes aurait dû être remplacée par une vidéo représentant un baiser entre deux femmes au mémorial en souvenir des victimes homosexuelles du nazisme de Berlin. Cette décision a ravivé la controverse qui avait éclaté en 2006 au sujet de la reconnaissance des lesbiennes en tant que victimes du nazisme. Cet article aborde la question de la persécution nazie des lesbiennes, de la constitution d’une mémoire collective et bien entendu, la controverse qui oppose militants gay, militantes lesbiennes et féministes. En s’appuyant sur une étude sociologique relative à la perception des couples homosexuels, l’article montre qu’à travers la commémoration des victimes homosexuelles du nazisme, c’est en fait l’acceptation différentielle des couples de même sexe qui est au cœur du débat.
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Dalrymple, Theodore. "Une horrible histoire." Revue française de criminologie et de droit pénal N° 9, no. 2 (October 2, 2017): 17–28.

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Frederick et Rosemary West tuèrent au moins une douzaine de personnes entre 1967 et 1987. Toutes les victimes étaient des jeunes femmes, et la plupart des meurtres furent accompagnés de viols et de tortures. Les cas des époux West, considéré correctement, nous rappelle ce dont les hommes sont capables, lorsque toutes les contraintes ont disparu ; et parce que les crimes commis par les West dépassaient tellement en horreur tout ce qui pouvait être expliqué par leur situation personnelle, ce cas nous rappelle aussi qu’aucune perfection concevable de la société ne rendra jamais superflues toutes les contraintes extérieures sur le comportement des hommes.
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Romeral, Francisca. "Françoise Lalande et ses hommes tristes." ALTERNATIVE FRANCOPHONE 2, no. 3 (September 1, 2018): 87–98.

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Cet article s’intéresse à la façon dont la beauté et la douleur sont remises en perspective dans l’œuvre de Françoise Lalande comme support de vie à la fois artistique, spirituel et biologique. Il cherche à montrer comment des personnages divers, et en particulier celui du gringo de La Séduction des hommes tristes, sont porteurs de ces éléments fondateurs de toute existence et en même temps déclencheurs de souvenirs et de création selon l’écrivaine. L’analyse essayera de montrer au moyen d’une lecture précise de quelques textes choisis par quels processus Lalande parvient à créer une œuvre partagée entre l’exaltation et l’effroi, une œuvre abondante en discours amoureux, dans laquelle sa propre existence se trouve reflétée. L’écrivaine insiste spécialement sur le recours à des biographies à demi imaginaires qui lui permettent d’approfondir son étude sur les destructions de l’âme dont ont été victimes aussi bien des êtres injustement oubliés que des génies vagabonds.
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Lippel, Katherine, and Diane L. Demers. "L'Invisibilité facteur d'exclusion : Les Femmes victimes de lésions professionnelles." Canadian journal of law and society 11, no. 2 (1996): 87–133.

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RésuméCet article présente les résultats de trois études démontrant comment une législation qui est en apparence neutre peut avoir des effets discriminatoires. Trois aspects de la législation québécoise en matière d'indemnisation des lésions professionnelles ont été examinés afin de déterminer si leur application aux travailleuses était équitable. La première étude a porté sur l'examen de 179 décisions en appel relatives aux réclamations pour dommages psychiques reliés au stress au travail. Elle conclut que l'accès à l'indemnisation est plus difficile pour les femmes que pour les hommes. Les difficultés ne s'expliquent pas par des différences individuelles. La discrimination est véhiculée à travers l'application par les décideurs de normes floues (stress inusité). La deuxième étude a porté sur l'examen des règles concernant l'indemnisation pour l'incapacité d'effectuer le travail domestique suite à une lésion professionnelle. La disparité des obligations des hommes et des femmes à l'égard du travail domestique avec le caractère inadéquat des programmes de réadaptation sociale ont eu pour effet de sous-indemniser les femmes pour les conséquences économiques réelles de leurs lésions corporelles. La troisième partie présente les conclusions préliminaires d'une étude sur les décisions et les politiques en matière de réadaptation professionnelle des victimes de lésions professionnelles. Elle fournit une illustration de la discrimination systémique découlant de la détermination de l'emploi convenable. L'accès aux programmes de réadaptation dépend en grande partie du salaire gagné au moment de la lésion. Le fait que le travail des femmes est sous-évalué de manière systémique se traduit par un accès limité aux programmes de réadaptation professionnelle qui seraient appropriés pour elles et qui tiendraient compte des conséquences réelles de leur lésion.
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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Victimes – Hommes"


Bernier, Yannick. "Perspective psychosociale du vécu des hommes ayant été agressés sexuellement au cours de leur enfance ou de leur adolescence." [S.l. : s.n.], 2005.

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Couppey, Auréliane. "Victimes en tant qu'hommes ? : la construction victimaire des hommes qui dénoncent des violences au sein du couple." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Paris, EHESS, 2024.

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En considérant la condition de victime comme le résultat d’un processus collectif, cette thèse veut mettre au jour la manière dont les hommes interrogés « deviennent » victimes de violences au sein du couple. En effet, à une époque où les violences au sein du couple ont été publicisées et où prédomine un cadrage féministe qui inscrit ces violences dans le problème plus large des violences faites aux femmes, comment un homme en couple (ou ayant été en couple) avec une femme en vient-il à se dire victime de violences conjugales, à désigner sa partenaire ou ex-partenaire comme étant l’autrice de ces violences, et à demander à être reconnu comme victime ? Et ce même lorsque cet homme a exercé des violences et a été condamné pour cela ? Pour le comprendre, au fil des entretiens effectués avec cinquante-quatre hommes qui ont contacté des associations d’aide aux victimes masculines (Help Hommes Maltraités et Aidons les Hommes Maltraités), nous nous sommes intéressée à la manière dont les enquêtés se pensent, dont ils pensent la condition de victime, les violences subies et exercées. Que signifie subir une violence ? Ressentir de la souffrance équivaut-il à avoir vécu des violences ? En approfondissant dans le détail la prise de conscience des violences et l’établissement des liens de causalité, nous avons pu observer la mise au jour du préjudice, et le rôle central des tiers auxquels s’adressent les hommes afin d’obtenir soutien et conseils. Nous avons également analysé la production des perpétrateur·rice·s. L’ex-conjointe d’abord, souvent pathologisée, caractérisée comme déviante, et coupable d’avoir une intention de nuire dévorante, ce qui nous a amené à réfléchir sur les dynamiques contemporaines de la responsabilisation. Cette réflexion a été approfondie en portant notre attention sur l’autre perpétrateur, l’État, au travers des parcours judiciaires des enquêtés. Qu’ils aient engagé des démarches judiciaires ou qu’ils aient été accusés de violences, les hommes interrogés dénoncent un traitement étatique biaisé en faveur des femmes, et estiment vivre des formes de violences de la part de l’État. L’État, ordinairement responsable politique, devient responsable causal. En montant en généralité, les hommes interrogés en viennent à dénoncer un rapport de genre dans lequel ils seraient les « nouveaux » dominés. Le développement d’un style de pensée conservateur, dans sa déclinaison masculiniste, s’accompagne d’une dénonciation des mouvements et luttes féministes contemporaines et de la demande d’un retour en arrière, à une société perçue comme plus juste. Ce discours masculiniste aboutit à former une catégorie d’hommes victimes des femmes, de l’État et des mouvements féministes. Cela influe sur quelle personne peut devenir victime : les femmes sont en permanence soupçonnées d’avoir provoqué leur compagnon et d’être responsables des violences qu’elles subissent. Dès lors, tous les hommes, y compris ceux ayant exercé des violences meurtrières, peuvent devenir victimes de leur partenaire ou ex-partenaire. Pour autant, le développement de cette pensée conservatrice se heurte à l’individualisme égalitaire qui prévaut dans la société contemporaine. Les enquêtés oscillent à divers moments entre des formes conservatrices et individualistes de victimisation et de responsabilisation, et ne peuvent complètement se départir de la référence à l’égalité homme-femme, y compris lorsqu’ils en viennent à la critiquer
By considering the condition of victimhood as the result of a collective process, this thesis aims to reveal how the interviewed men "become" victims of intimate partner violence. Indeed, at a time when intimate partner violence has been publicized and a time where there is a predominant feminist framing that places these violences within the broader issue of violence against women, how does a man in a relationship (or who has been in a relationship) with a woman come to see himself as a victim of intimate partner violence, to identify his partner or ex-partner as the perpetrator of this violence, and to seek recognition as a victim? Even when this man committed acts of violence and was convicted for it? To understand this, through interviews conducted with fifty-four men who contacted non-profit organizations helping male victims (Help Abused Men and Let's Help Abused Men), we studied how the respondents perceive themselves, how they view the condition of being a victim, the violence they have suffered and perpetrated. What does it mean to endure violence? Does feeling suffering equate to having experienced acts of violence? By delving into the details of how the interviewees came to be aware that they were being subjected to various violent acts, and how they established causal links, we were able to observe the emergence of the loss suffered and the central role of third parties to whom men turn for support and advice. We also analyzed the production of the perpetrators. Firstly, the ex-partner, often pathologized, characterized as deviant, and guilty of having a voracious intent to harm, which led us to reflect on the contemporary dynamics of accountability. We deepened our reflection by focusing our attention on the other perpetrator, the State, through the judiciary paths of the interviewees. Whether they have initiated legal proceedings or have been accused of violence, the men interviewed denounce a biased state treatment which favors women and they believe they are experiencing forms of violence from the State. The State, which ordinarily has political responsibility, comes to be seen as having a causal responsibility. By generalizing, the men interviewed come to denounce a gendered power relationship in which they are the "new" dominated group. The development of a conservative style of thought, in its masculinist variation, comes with the denunciation of contemporary feminist movements and struggles, and a call for a return to a society perceived as fairer. This masculinist discourse results in the formation of a category of men who are victims of women, the State, and feminist movements. This influences who can become a victim: women are constantly suspected of having provoked their partner and being responsible for the violence they endure. From then on, all men, including those who have committed deadly violence, can become victims of their partner or ex-partner. However, the development of this conservative thought clashes with the egalitarian individualism that prevails in contemporary society. The interviewees oscillate at various moments between conservative and individualistic forms of victimization and accountability, and cannot completely part with the reference to gender equality, even when they come to criticize it
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Bégin, Jean-Claude. "Les corrélats psychosociaux de la violence des hommes envers leur conjointe." Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1999.

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Pilon-Rousseau, Olivier. "Le processus de prise de conscience de la violence chez les hommes qui en ont été victimes dans le cadre d'une relation intime ou amoureuse avec un autre homme." Master's thesis, Université Laval, 2019.

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Même si des écrits scientifiques portant sur la violence dans les relations intimes ou amoureuses entre hommes sont publiés depuis trente ans, ce problème n’est reconnu socialement que depuis quelques années. Les pratiques de prévention et d’intervention auprès de cette population sont encore en élaboration à ce jour. Dans ce contexte, comprendre le processus de prise de conscience des hommes victimes de violence conjugale dans une relation homosexuelle pourrait contribuer au développement d’outils de sensibilisation. Quelques recherches sur la prise de conscience ont été réalisées auprès de femmes hétérosexuelles vivant la même situation, mais ces résultats pourraient ne pas s’appliquer directement aux hommes. De plus, ces modèles n’expliquent pas comment s’amorce la prise de conscience. Ce mémoire vise principalement à comprendre comment les hommes ayant une relation intime ou amoureuse avec un autre homme prennent conscience de la violence dont ils sont victimes. Il tente également de spécifier les formes de violence vécues et leurs conséquences. Pour ce faire, dix participants ont été rencontrés lors d’entrevues semi-dirigées portant sur la violence conjugale. Les résultats de l’analyse thématique indiquent que tous ont vécu de la violence sexuelle, presque tous ont subi de la violence psychologique et la majorité a connu au moins un épisode de violence économique ou physique. Les conséquences sont diverses et perdurent dans le temps. L’analyse a conduit à modéliser le processus de prise de conscience de la violence en trois phases. Durant la première phase, les comportements violents sont interprétés comme un aspect normal de la relation. Durant la seconde, ils sont perçus comme anormaux et dangereux, et c’est dans la troisième phase qu’ils sont compris comme de la violence. À la lumière de ces résultats, des recommandations sont formulées concernant la recherche et l’intervention auprès d’hommes victimes de violence.
Even though the scientific community has recognized intimate partner violence in same-sex relationships for more than 30 years, this problem has only been socially recognized in recent years. Prevention and intervention practices for this population are still under development. Therefore, studying the process by which male victims of intimate partner violence by a same-sex partner understand their situation as violence could help to inform practices. The few researches on the subject explored this process using samples of heterosexual females, their result might not apply to male victims. Moreover, these models don’t explain how this process is initiated. This research seeks to better understand how French-speaking men victims of an intimate partner violence by a same-sex partner become aware of this violence. This research also seeks to understand the type of violence experienced, and the consequences associated with them. Ten participants took part in a semi-structured interview exploring intimate partner violence. Results of thematic analysis suggest all participants experienced sexual violence, almost all experienced psychological violence and most reported economic and physical violence. The consequences of this violence are diverse and persist over time. Analysis led to a three-phase model of the violence awareness process. First, violent behaviors are understood as a normal part of the relationship. Second, they are perceived as something abnormal and dangerous. Third, they are finally understood as intimate partner violence. In light of these results, implications for prevention, intervention practices as well as research on intimate partner violence in same-sex relationships are discussed.
Résumé en espagnol
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Lelaurain, Solveig. "Violence conjugale et représentations sociales : vécu et légitimation au prisme des rapports sociaux de sexe." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2018.

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A partir d’une approche socio-représentationnelle et féministe de la violence conjugale, cette thèse interroge les processus et les enjeux psychosociaux qui sous-tendent la légitimation de cette violence ainsi que les freins du recours aux dispositifs d’aide. Suite à une revue systématique de la littérature pointant le manque de problématisation de ces questions dans une perspective multi-niveaux, un programme de recherche pluri-méthodologique a été réalisé auprès de femmes victimes de violence et de personnes « toutes-venantes ». Les résultats montrent que les représentations sociales associées à la violence conjugale traduisent plusieurs tensions : d’une part, entre condamnation et légitimation de la violence à travers un processus de psychologisation et certaines logiques de raisonnements conduisant à diminuer la responsabilité de l’auteur et à augmenter celle de la victime ; et d’autre part, entre expérience subjective des victimes et attentes sociales relatives à la violence. Ces représentations sont co-construites dans la dynamique des interactions sociales et s’ancrent dans un réseau de significations préexistantes en jeu dans la définition patriarcale des rapports socio-symboliques entre les sexes, notamment dans des normes et valeurs associées au couple et à l’amour. Elles contribuent par ailleurs à façonner le vécu de la violence, impactent son identification ainsi que sa dénonciation et le recours à l’aide. Ce travail de thèse permet de mettre au jour des données socio-représentationnelles idéologiquement marquées et symptomatiques du climat sociétal dans lequel se trouvent les victimes de violence conjugale
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Ellington, Lisa. "Conceptions et expériences des hommes amérindiens ayant vécu des incidents de violence conjugale au Québec." Master's thesis, Université Laval, 2015.

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La violence conjugale est une problématique sociale très répandue au sein des peuples autochtones (Jones, 2008). Malgré ce constat, les travaux de recherche sur le sujet ne sont pas légion et ont été majoritairement réalisés auprès de femmes ou d’intervenants, le discours des hommes étant éclipsé par la perception qu’ont les chercheurs de la problématique. Cette recherche vise alors à rendre compte de l’expérience et du point de vue des hommes amérindiens ayant vécu des incidents de violence conjugale au Québec. L’analyse de contenu des neuf entrevues réalisées suggère la nécessité de considérer l’interaction dynamique et l’influence mutuelle de différents facteurs (historiques, environnementaux, individuels et culturels) qui façonnent les conceptions de la violence conjugale et les logiques d’action des hommes amérindiens. Ce mémoire met également en lumière la diversité des rôles joués par ces derniers lors des incidents, qu’ils soient les instigateurs et/ou les victimes, à travers les différents types de violence dans lesquels ces rôles s’inscrivent (violence conjugale situationnelle ou terrorisme conjugal).
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Godbout, Natacha. "Relations entre l'abus sexuel et l'ajustement dyadique chez l'homme." Master's thesis, Université Laval, 2003.

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L'objectif de la présente étude est d'évaluer la relation entre l'abus sexuel chez l'homme et l'ajustement dyadique, à l'aide de modèles théoriques intégrant l'attachement (échelles d'anxiété et d'évitement) et la détresse psychologique. Les participants sont 316 hommes qui forment un échantillon représentatif des Québécois francophones en relation de couple. Des analyses d'équations structurales indiquent un bon ajustement entre les modèles théoriques et les données, tant pour l'échelle d'anxiété que pour l'échelle d'évitement. D'une part, il appert que l'abus sexuel influence indirectement l'ajustement dyadique par le biais de l'échelle d'anxiété face à l'abandon et de la détresse psychologique. D'autre part, les résultats n'indiquent aucun lien entre l'abus sexuel et l'évitement de l'intimité, bien que cette dernière variable influence directement et indirectement l'ajustement dyadique.
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Lavoie, Vicky. "Étude longitudinale de la relation entre les habitudes de consommation d'alcool et le recours aux conduites violentes chez les jeunes couples." Master's thesis, Université Laval, 2003.

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La présente étude a pour but d'examiner, dans une perspective longitudinale, la valeur prédictive de l'alcool comme facteur déterminant de la fréquence du recours aux conduites violentes chez les jeunes couples. Le genre de l'agresseur (homme versus femme) de même que le type de conduites violentes perpétrées (psychologique versus physique) sont évalués distinctement à l'intérieur de cette recherche. L'échantillon se compose de 88 couples âgés de 18 à 30 ans. Ces derniers répondent à deux reprises à un ensemble de questionnaires portant sur les habitudes de consommation d'alcool, la perception de désaccord entre les partenaires concernant les habitudes de consommation et la fréquence du recours aux conduites violentes. Les résultats suggèrent que les habitudes de consommation d'alcool de l'homme permettent de prédire la fréquence à laquelle il émet des conduites psychologiquement violentes envers sa partenaire aux temps 1 et 2, mais ce uniquement lorsque les habitudes de consommation représentent un sujet de désaccord à l'intérieur du couple. L'importance du différend à ce sujet agit comme variable modératrice dans la relation entre l'alcool et la violence. Ces résultats prévalent uniquement dans un contexte où l'homme inflige des conduites abusives à sa partenaire, aucune relation n'ayant été relevée entre la consommation d'alcool des femmes et la fréquence à laquelle elles recourent aux conduites violentes.
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Alvarez-Lizotte, Pamela. "Les besoins des enfants exposés à la violence conjugale : la perspective des parents." Master's thesis, Université Laval, 2018.

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Tableau d’honneur de la Faculté des études supérieures et postdoctorales, 2017-2018
Plusieurs personnes gravitent autour des enfants exposés à la violence conjugale et ces personnes ont parfois des perceptions différentes des intérêts et des besoins de ces enfants. Des auteurs soulignent d’ailleurs l’importance de mieux comprendre la complexité des besoins de ces enfants. Comme on n’en connait peu sur l’opinion des parents à ce sujet, la recherche s’intéresse aux points de vue des parents d’enfants exposés à la violence conjugale concernant les besoins de leurs enfants. En plus de décrire les points de vue des parents à ce sujet, cette recherche qualitative, descriptive et exploratoire compare les points de vue de mères et de pères. Les données ont été recueillies par des entretiens individuels semi-dirigés auprès de cinq mères et cinq pères. L’analyse révèle que, selon les parents, les enfants exposés à la violence conjugale ont cinq principaux besoins : 1) besoin d’aide, 2) besoin d’une vie de famille, 3) besoins affectifs, 4) besoin de comprendre, de s’exprimer et d’être écouté ainsi que 5) besoin de sécurité et de stabilité. Ces besoins ont été identifiés à la fois par des mères et par des pères, leurs points de vue étant particulièrement convergents lorsqu’ils parlent des besoins affectifs de leurs enfants. Des différences de points de vue en fonction du genre du parent sont toutefois identifiées concernant la manière de décrire les quatre autres besoins. Selon des parents, certaines caractéristiques des besoins des enfants exposés varient aussi en fonction de l’âge des enfants. Les résultats suggèrent que le contexte de violence conjugale entraîne des défis particuliers pour répondre aux besoins des enfants exposés. Afin d’être en mesure de mieux soutenir les enfants exposés, il est donc important de mieux comprendre leur vécu et les enjeux qu’ils rencontrent, notamment à partir du point de vue de leurs parents tel qu’effectué dans ce mémoire.
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Poulin, Stéphanie. "Étude sur la violence et le support social chez les jeunes couples." Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 2000.

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Books on the topic "Victimes – Hommes"


Sheel, Julia. Guide d'intervention médicosociale auprès des victimes d'agression sexuelle: Enfants, adolescentes, adolescents, femmes et hommes. Québec: [Direction des communications du ministère de la santé et des services sociaux, 2001.

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Tutty, Leslie Maureen. Violence à l'égard du mari: Vue d'ensemble sur la recherche et les perspectives. Ottawa, Ont: Santé Canada, 1999.

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Napier-Hemy, John. When males have been sexually abused : a guide for adult male survivors =: Les hommes victimes de violence sexuelle dans l'enfance : guide à l'intention des survivants adultes. Edited by Broatch Joanne, Raynault Johanne, Canada. Family Violence Prevention Division., Canada. Division de la prévention de la violence familiale., and Family Services of Greater Vancouver. Vancouver, B.C: Family Services of Greater Vancouver, 1994.

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Unit, Canada Family Violence Prevention. A national directory of services and programs for men who are or have been victims of violence =: Répertoire national des services et programmes destinés aux hommes qui sont ou ont été victimes de violence. Ottawa, Ont: National Clearinghouse on Family Violence = Centre national d'information sur la violence dans la famille, 2002.

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Crowder, Adrienne. Quand la porte s'ouvre: Modèle de traitement des personnes de sexe masculin qui ont survécu à l'abus sexuel. Ottawa, Ont: Centre national d'information sur la violence dans la famille, 1993.

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Collard, Roselyne. Modèle d'organisation des services pour l'intervention médico-socio-judiciaire auprès des victimes d'agression sexuelle et de leurs proches en Estrie: (enfants, adolescentes, adolescents, femmes, hommes). [Sherbrooke]: Agence de développement de réseaux locaux de services de santé et de services sociaux Estrie, 2004.

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Torrent, Sophie Bosshard. L' homme battu: Un tabou au coeur du tabou. Québec: Éditions Option santé, 2002.

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Lesseux, Jean-Marie de Bazelaire de. Deux serviteurs de la vérité, victimes de la folie des hommes: De Lusse à Mauthausen et Dora, 1940-1945. [Paris: J.M. de Bazelaire de Lesseux, 1994.

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Jean-Marie de Bazelaire de Lesseux. Deux serviteurs de la vérité, victimes de la folie des hommes: De Lusse à Mauthausen et Dora, 1940-1945. [Paris: J.M. de Bazelaire de Lesseux, 1994.

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Adams, David. Interventions d'inspiration féministe à l'intention des maris violents. Ottawa, Ont: Centre national d'information sur la violence dans la famille, 1988.

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Book chapters on the topic "Victimes – Hommes"


Pfitzner, Naomi, Kate Fitz-Gibbon, Sandra Walklate, Silke Meyer, and Marie Segrave. "The Pandemic Pivot: DFV Service Innovation and Remote Delivery During COVID-19 Restrictions." In Violence Against Women During Coronavirus, 75–91. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2023.

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AbstractGovernment-imposed restrictions introduced through the COVID-19 pandemic raised challenges for services providing support to victims of domestic and family violence. The lack of face-to-face services and the constant presence of perpetrators in victim-survivors’ homes during periods of stay-at-home restrictions limited specialist practitioners’ abilities to respond to DFV, to assess victim risk and to engage in effective safety planning. To counter these service system barriers, frontline and specialist DFV practitioners in many countries developed service innovations and pivoted to deliver support for victim-survivors remotely during periods of restrictions. This chapter considers some case studies of service innovation during the pandemic and reflects on the degree to which these offer lessons for practice beyond the pandemic.
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Murakami, Takeo. "Emergency Response to the 2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake." In Progress in Landslide Research and Technology, 1–7. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2025.

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AbstractThe earthquake that struck the Noto region of Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan on 1 January 2024 caused extensive damage to many lives, homes, and lifelines in the region and elsewhere, and the extent of the damage extended as far as Niigata, Toyama and other prefectures. Many victims are still forced to live in evacuation centres, and the government continues to support them under the “Emergency Disaster Headquarters for the 2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake,” which was established on 1 January. The government is also making concerted efforts for recovery and reconstruction of the affected areas under the “Headquarters for Recovery and Reconstruction Support of the 2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake,” established on 31 January. This contribution covers the earthquake and tsunami, the damage caused by these disasters, the initial response after the disaster, and support activities for victims.
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Pfitzner, Naomi, Kate Fitz-Gibbon, Sandra Walklate, Silke Meyer, and Marie Segrave. "In the Shadow of COVID-19: The Invisibility of Children’s Experiences of Violence in Homes During the Pandemic." In Violence Against Women During Coronavirus, 53–74. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2023.

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AbstractThe invisibility of children and their wellbeing during the COVID-19 pandemic became an early issue of global concern. The UN and specialist children’s services raised concerns at the outset of the pandemic that children may be the biggest victims of COVID-19 restrictions, due to their exacerbated vulnerability and invisibility associated with added household stressors and wide-ranging closures of education and childcare settings. Despite this, globally the policy discourse around violence in the home and the role of pandemic-related restrictions in increased risk and decreased detection remained overwhelmingly adult-focused. This chapter explores children’s experiences and their invisibility throughout the first two years of the pandemic. Emerging evidence highlights the critical need to ensure attention is paid to children’s experiences of violence in the home during the pandemic, and to their related recovery needs going forward.
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Sköld, Johanna, Bengt Sandin, and Johanna Schiratzki. "Redressing or Excusing the Past? The Evaluation of Sexual Child Abuse in the Swedish Redress Scheme for Historical Abuse in Out-of-Home Care." In Palgrave Studies in the History of Experience, 317–42. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2023.

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AbstractThis chapter addresses how adult victims of historical institutional child abuse have been treated in the Swedish state’s financial redress scheme. It demonstrates how the experiences of child abuse in welfare institutions materialize in new experiences of the welfare state when the state decides to acknowledge and offer redress to its historically abused citizens. It is shown how the Swedish state’s redress scheme shifted away from an explicit aim to acknowledge the victims’ unjustifiable suffering to the limited ways in which the state could be considered responsible for past harms. As a case, the chapter scrutinizes which details were pivotal for why victims of child sexual abuse in out-of-home care did not receive the financial redress as adjudicated by a temporary redress board. The chapter highlights how it proved difficult to combine an acknowledgement of the victims’ experiences of abuse with an assessment of the responsibility of the state. Furthermore, it demonstrates how contemporary tort law came to influence the assessment of the historical redress claims and set the standards for who received financial redress and who did not. This resulted in renewed experiences of the lived welfare institution caused by a “non-apology” from the welfare state.
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Bates, Elizabeth, Julie Taylor, and Elizabeth Harper. "Barriers to help-seeking from the victim/survivor perspective." In Children and Adolescent’s Experiences of Violence and Abuse at Home, 107–18. London: Routledge, 2023.

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Kadelbach, Stefan. "State Immunity, Individual Compensation for Victims of Human Rights Crimes, and Future Prospects." In Remedies against Immunity?, 143–57. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2021.

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AbstractThis chapter first recapitulates the state of affairs as to the principle of state immunity and why exceptions from jurisdictional immunity for gross violations of human rights and humanitarian law are not recognized. It explores customary law and the global compensation treaty between Germany and Italy. Both indicate that Italy would be obligated to indemnify Germany from individual claims raised before Italian courts.In a second step, the development towards individual rights in public international law will be taken up. It appears that human beings are increasingly recognized as holders of individual claims but, apart from human rights treaty systems, lack the capacity under international law to invoke their rights before courts. Instead, they depend on their home states, which have standing but are not entitled to waive the individual rights of their citizens.In order to reconcile the seemingly antagonistic regimes of state immunity and claim settlement, prospects for a friendly solution of the present dilemma will be assessed. Against the background of cases pending before Italian courts, it will be examined whether the distinction between jurisdictional immunity and immunity from execution opens up a way out of the impasse, which the two states and private capital could pursue, and whether this solution would create a precedent for other similar constellations.Lastly, some concluding remarks will address lessons to be learnt for future conflicts. They will deal with elements of a general regime of compensation, drawing from the experience of both past reparation schemes and the experience of reconciliation in post-totalitarian societies. Such elements could be a duty to seek bona fide settlements, possible consequences of violations for domestic court proceedings, methods of assessing damages inspired by mass claim processing, the categorization of claims according to the gravity of violations, rules on evaluating evidence, procedures to give victims a say, and appropriate forms of monetary and non-pecuniary compensation including the necessary institutional framework.
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Koss, Mary P., Lisa A. Goodman, Angela Browne, Louise F. Fitzgerald, Gwendolyn Puryear Keita, and Nancy Felipe Russo. "Understanding the perpetrator and the victim: Who abuses and who is abused?" In No safe haven: Male violence against women at home, at work, and in the community., 19–38. Washington: American Psychological Association, 1994.

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Godbout, Natacha, Cloé Canivet, Mathilde Baumann, and Audrey Brassard. "HOMMES VICTIMES D’AGRESSIONS SEXUELLES, UNE RÉALITÉ PARFOIS OUBLIÉE…" In Réalités masculines oubliées, 243–66. Presses de l'Université Laval, 2019.

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Godbout, Natacha, Cloé Canivet, Mathilde Baumann, and Audrey Brassard. "Hommes victimes d’agressions sexuelles, une réalité parfois oubliÉe…" In Réalités masculines oubliées, 243–65. Les Presses de l’Université de Laval, 2019.

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Thibault, Sylvie, Valérie Roy, Cécily Tudeau, and Claudia Fournier. "Expériences d’hommes gais victimes de violence dans leurs relations intimes ou amoureuses." In Regards sur les hommes et les masculinités., 417–36. 2nd ed. Presses de l'Université Laval, 2022.

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Conference papers on the topic "Victimes – Hommes"


Saldanha, Ana Beatriz dos Santos, Hellen Vieira Gomes, Maria Erica Barbosa de Paula, Marcos Wendell Nascimento Matos, Rebeca Ximenes de Moura, Sara Regina Alves de Castro Morais, and Larissa Nadally da Conceição Feitoza. "Combating child sexual abuse and exploitation: an experience report." In III SEVEN INTERNATIONAL MULTIDISCIPLINARY CONGRESS. Seven Congress, 2023.

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The violation of sexual rights, which involves the abuse or exploitation of minors' sexuality or bodies, is called sexual violence (BRASIL, 1988). Although many associate sexual violence with the sexual act itself, it actually encompasses a much wider range of actions that can result in traumatic experiences for children and adolescents. Regardless of the form it takes, the impact of child sexual violence is devastating (BRASIL, 2000). Between 2011 and 2017, the Brazilian public health system recorded 184,524 incidents of sexual violence perpetrated against children and adolescents across the country. The epidemiological analysis of sexual violence against children and adolescents in Brazil, released by the federal government the previous year, presented the profile of these notifications which revealed that 70% of the assaults took place in the victim's home and 80% of the aggressors were male. In addition, 64% of the victims had some kind of relationship or friendship with the aggressor (BRASIL, 2018). The year 2020 reported more than 60,000 cases of rape in Brazil, with a worrying 73.7% of victims unable to provide consent as a result of their vulnerable state, and 86.9% of these victims being female (BRASIL, 2021).
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Tardivel, Chloé. "Genre, justice et harcèlement sexuel au Moyen Âge. L’affaire Margarita/Nanino (Bologne, décembre 1351-janvier 1352)." In Webinaire AVISA (Historiciser le harcèlement sexuel). MSH Paris-Saclay Éditions, Université Paris-Saclay, 2023.

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Le présent article a pour objet une affaire judiciaire inédite issue des archives de Bologne reproduite et transcrite en annexe. Le 30 décembre 1351, une jeune femme de la localité de Gavaseto porte plainte contre un homme de la même localité pour des faits qu’on qualifierait aujourd’hui de harcèlement sexuel. L’analyse du procès-verbal est l’occasion d’étudier le vocabulaire utilisé pour nommer une situation qui n’a été conceptualisée que dans les années 1970, ainsi que les motivations invoquées par le harceleur. Preuve que ce dernier n’a pas conscience de porter atteinte à la dignité de sa victime, alors que celle-ci lui intime d’arrêter, il porte plainte en retour contre la jeune femme le 2 janvier 1352, vraisemblablement pour le motif de coups et blessures puisque celle-ci l’a frappé au visage lorsqu’il a tenté de poser sa main sur son sein. Harcèlement sexuel d’un côté, légitime défense de l’autre ? Cette affaire complexe, transcrite sur un seul et même libelle accusatoire du fait de réécritures notariales réalisées en l’espace de quelques jours, révèle des dynamiques sociales et genrées judiciarisées où s’entremêlent honneur des femmes et honneur des hommes. Plus largement, l’affaire Margarita/Nanino est une première occasion de réfléchir sur la notion de harcèlement sexuel et de consentement à l’aune des sources judiciaires médiévales.
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Alshehri, Ahmed, Malek Ben Salem, and Lei Ding. "Are Smart Home Devices Abandoning IPV Victims?" In 2020 IEEE 19th International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom). IEEE, 2020.

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Mukhametgaleeva, P. I., and A. A. Danilova. "Using artificial intelligence as a companion." In 2022 33th All-Russian Youth Exhibition of Innovations. Publishing House of Kalashnikov ISTU, 2022.

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The most frequent victims of fraudsters are minors and the elderly. According to VTsIOM statistics for 2020, fraudsters stole a total of about 150 billion rubles. In this regard, there is a need to develop means to protect the home. The paper presents a system that is a model of a smart home system using the capabilities of artificial intelligence and available technologies of today. The paper proposes a system, the principle of which is to obtain information from the outside, which is a model of controlling the functions of a smart house using the capabilities of AI. With the help of devices, the system monitors the state of the house and the well-being of its occupants, and further decision-making depends on the critical situation and the techniques embedded in it. Using the system will be possible through control through voice commands, which will allow you to fully focus on a comfortable and safe spending time in the house. The system functions with the help of "Crosscutting technologies", they are divided into collecting, transmitting/storing and analyzing/deciding.
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Shah, Simran, and Mallika Parveen. "Environmentally Sustainable Design: A Case Study of LILYPAD Project." In ASME 2015 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2015.

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Environmentally Sustainable Design is in accordance with the concept of sustainability to design objects and built environment achieving a balance that causes no overall net environmental burden. At a time when global warming is proceeding at a rate, unprecedented in the past 1,300 years, we not only need to switch to greener energy sources and reduce consumption on the whole, but also make provision for the victims of future calamities that are inevitable due to irreversible environmental damage. This paper talks about creating an ecological balance in natural and manmade ecosystems. The need for Environmentally Sustainable Energy as well as the concept and its principles has been explained. A case study was taken up on the LILYPAD Project by architect Vincent Callebaut to showcase an excellent example of an environmentally sustainable design concept for future climatic refugees. The prototype is termed as an “auto sufficient amphibious city” and takes up the challenges launched by the OECD namely climate, biodiversity, water and health. The research also states how we can incorporate the idea of living symbiotically with nature in the construction of future homes with the implementation of one such concept i.e. Passivhaus standards. This paper aims to create awareness about environmental responsibility and how the use of environmentally sustainable design can help us realize this practically. All structures must be constructed with the aim of making them as energy efficient as possible by implementing the Passivhaus Principles and many such standards that can reduce our energy consumption and emission.
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Kurapka, Vidmantas Egidijus, Henryk Malewsky, Snieguole Matuliene, and Rolandas Kriksciunas. "HATE CRIMES: TRENDS IN LITHUANIA." In 9th SWS International Scientific Conferences on SOCIAL SCIENCES - ISCSS 2022. SGEM WORLD SCIENCE, 2022.

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Human dignity is inviolable. It must be respected and protected. Everyone has the right to respect for his or her physical and mental integrity. [1] Hate crimes are crimes motivated by racial, ethnic, or religious hatred or hostility. Media regularly reports violence against certain ethnic groups. Lithuania, like other EU countries, applies EU law directly or transposes it into national law. These changes have also had an impact on the fight against hate crime, as this type of crime has received increasing attention from the international community in recent years. Crimes of this sort not only cause physical and mental suffering or economic loss but also lead to changes in relations between different social groups, mistrust, suspicion, and hostility. These crimes can also lead to armed conflicts, forcing many people to flee their homes and seek asylum abroad. The increase in the number of victims of these crimes is a breeding ground for radical extremism and even terrorism. Countries work on improving laws criminalising hate crimes. Over the course of writing the present article, the author held meetings with representatives of the Jewish and sexual minority (LGBT) communities, conducted 35 indepth interviews with representatives of each group, and examined the EU and Lithuanian case law. Possible hate incidents recorded in the study range from verbal abuse to assault and knife stabbing. It has been found that people belonging to the Jewish and LGBT communities feel hostility not only from strangers but also from co-workers and peers. The Jewish community daily face anti-Semitic stereotypes and jokes, whether spoken directly to them or behind their backs. LGBT people also experience hatred from family members and relatives who not only stop communicating with them upon learning about their sexual orientation but also make insulting comments.
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Violence is an evil that surrounds today's society because Humana beings are violent by naturally due to their Needle to protection and defend themselves. Violence in the EDUCATION field is understood as the intentional harmful action or omission carried out between members of the EDUCATION community (students, teachers, parents, administrative staff, others EDUCATION actors) and which takes place in the physical premises of the Educational Unit (school infrastructures), or in other spaces directly related to the school (around the Educational Unit or places where extracurricular activities are carried out). It is a phenomenon that must be jointly assumed by EDUCATION authorities, teachers, parents, and students themselves who have the right to exercise their voice _ _ establish preventive rather than corrections actions. From an early age, children learn that violence is a brave way to resolve various personal conflicts, especially if they have suffered in the home, either as victims of bullying or as witnesses. Violence is gradually becoming the usual way of expressing different emotional states, such as anger, frustration or fear, a situation that is not limited exclusively to the family, but will invariably drink have reflected in the interaction of each family member with society. The teacher in the EDUCATION field shows the opportunity to identify and even preventively risky situations for students, being able to relationship to the child and his family, thus favoring prevention in the EDUCATION community. The family is very important for the prevention of violence in the EDUCATION system because they become role models for their children.
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Oprea, Daniela. "School Effects of Attachment Break in Context of Economic Migration of Parents." In ATEE 2020 - Winter Conference. Teacher Education for Promoting Well-Being in School. LUMEN Publishing, 2021.

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Romania is going through a period of economic transition, subject to the pressures of globalization that affect the evolution of the family, at the micro social level, structurally, from the behaviour and relational point of view. The continuous process of changes in the labour market, the inefficiency of the association between vocational training and job satisfaction, the financial difficulties felt by most families but also the challenge of modernity have emphasized the phenomenon of migration in the last decade. The departure of parents who have to work abroad has become a worrying phenomenon with a higher incidence in the eastern half of the country. It has got complex effects on the evolution of the family, especially on the children left at home with one of their parents or their tutors. Nowadays, the studies show more and more situations of neglect in which children become victims and suffer emotionally and physically. They also suffer various abuses, they are exploited through work or sex. In schools, there is a new profile of special educational requirements (not deficiencies), the profile of children left at home without parental support. It is worrying the migration phenomenon seen as a value model by the young generation and its negative effects at school level: decrease of motivation for learning or school abandonment. The present study discusses a review of the current scientific literature objectively, which examines the impact of breaking attachment relationships between children and parents on socio-emotional development and school outcomes. The Romanian society knows an important socio-economic phenomenon, which has grown since 1990: migration. In 2017, a study carried out at the request of the Romanian Government recorded more than 85,000 children left home alone with one of the parents or without parental supervision. We aim to analyse what effects at school and socio-emotional level have the loss of attachment ties having as moderators the gender of the migrant parent, the duration of the separation, the age at which the separation occurs. When these relationships are interrupted, the child’s emotional development is affected, his emotional balance having repercussions in his social life. The purpose of this study is to identify, monitor the dimensions of the phenomenon in intensely affected areas (Braila and Galati counties), the psycho-pedagogical aspects of children with migrant parents exposed to situations of vulnerability, marginalization and to propose a program of educational strategies in order to optimize school motivation. The main objective of the research is to identify, evaluate and involve them into adaptive actions that have as their objective the rebalancing of the socio-affective relations
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Porwal, Charles. "Exploring the spatial tools to generate social inclusive and empowered space for people living in margins." In Post-Oil City Planning for Urban Green Deals Virtual Congress. ISOCARP, 2020.

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A good public space must be accommodative for everyone including the marginal, the forgotten, the silent, and an undesirable people. With the process of development, the city leaves behind the marginalized section of the society especially urban poor, who constitute about 20-30 percent of the urban population and are majorly involved in informal settlement like congested housing typologies and informal economy in which they face the everyday social, physical and economic exclusion. Thus, the informal sector and the marginalized becomes the forgotten elements in urban space. ‘Cities for the Citizen’ a slogan described by Douglas address the same issues of democratization, multicultural/gender difference between humans. Though these people have strong characteristics and share a unique pattern and enhances the movement in the city which makes a city a dynamic entity. The lack of opportunities and participation to such section leaves the city divided and generates the negative impacts in the mind of victims which further leads to degradation of their mental health and city life because of their involvement in crime, unemployment, illiteracy and unwanted areas. The physical, social, cultural and economic aspects of space should accommodate the essential requirements for the forgotten and provide them with inclusive public environment. It is very necessary that they generate the association and attachment to the place of their habitation. We can easily summarize that the city which used to be very dynamic and energetic is now facing the extreme silence in the present pandemic times. The same people are returning back to their homes after facing the similar problems of marginalization and exclusion even during hard times where they had no place to cover their heads. So, we have to find the way in which they can be put into consideration and make them more inclusive and self-sustaining. With the economic stability, social stability is also equally necessary for the overall development of an individual. So, the paper tries to focus upon the idea of self-sustaining livelihood and social urbanism which talks about development of cities aiming to the social benefit and upliftment of their citizen. The social urbanism strategy in any project tries to inject investment into targeted areas in a way that cultivates civic pride, participation, and greater social impact. Thus, making the cities inclusive and interactive for all the development. The paper will tries to see such spaces as a potential investment in term of city’s finances and spaces to generate a spatial & development toolkit for making them inclusive by improving the interface of social infrastructure.
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Pattin, Cheryl A. "Child Resistant Packaging: Regulations and Effectiveness, 1980–2002." In ASME 2005 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. ASMEDC, 2005.

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Poisoning from household substances has been and continues to be a hazard to children under 5 years of age. In an effort to address this problem, the Poison Prevention Packaging Act (PPPA) of 1970 was enacted as of December 30, 1970. This act is a federally preemptive piece of legislation covering an ever expanding group of substances. The test methods used to establish compliance with the PPPA do not address the range of substances covered (e.g. liquids); the changing patterns of use of household substances such as increased use of liquid medications for children; or repeated access to and multiple reclosures of containers, as seen in the home situation. To examine the effectiveness of the PPPA in addressing actual poisonings in children under 5, national databases from 1980 through March 13, 2002 were examined. Reports mentioning the use of a CRC (child resistant container) were then analyzed. Assisted Access incidents involved an older child gaining access to the contents of a CRC and giving those contents to the younger victim. Transfer of Contents incidents involved ingestion of a substance that was originally packaged in a CRC and was transferred to a non-CRC The average age of children seen in hospitals is under 2, and fatalities due to Assisted Access and Transfer of Contents incidents were seen in children averaging under one year of age. These age ranges are below those of children used in CRC testing (3.5 to 4.25 years). More importantly, the average body weights — directly related to the susceptibility to poisoning injury — of children seen in hospitals is less than the 25 pound weight used to set toxicity thresholds by the PPPA. Training for children, the elderly, and parents would help increase awareness of Transfer of Contents and Assisted Access poisonings, which are disproportionately represented in fatal poisoning incidents of young children.
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Reports on the topic "Victimes – Hommes"


Christie, Lorna, and Susie Wright. Technology and domestic abuse. Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology, November 2020.

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The use of technology to perpetrate domestic abuse, referred to as tech abuse, has become increasingly common. Domestic abuse charity Refuge reported that in 2019, 72% of women accessing its services said that they had been subjected to technology-facilitated abuse. Common devices such as smartphones and tablets can be misused to stalk, harass, impersonate and threaten victims. Some groups have raised concerns that the growing use of internet-connected home devices (such as smart speakers) may provide perpetrators with a wider and more sophisticated range of tools to harm victims. How is technology being used to perpetrate domestic abuse, how can this be prevented and what role can technology play in supporting victims?
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Yilmaz, Ihsan, Raja M. Ali Saleem, Mahmoud Pargoo, Syaza Shukri, Idznursham Ismail, and Kainat Shakil. Religious Populism, Cyberspace and Digital Authoritarianism in Asia: India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Pakistan, and Turkey. European Center for Populism Studies, January 2022.

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Turkey, Pakistan, India, Malaysia, and Indonesia span one of the longest continuously inhabited regions of the world. Centuries of cultural infusion have ensured these societies are highly heterogeneous. As plural polities, they are ripe for the kind of freedoms that liberal democracy can guarantee. However, despite having multi-party electoral systems, these countries have recently moved toward populist authoritarianism. Populism —once considered a distinctively Latin American problem that only seldom reared its head in other parts of the world— has now found a home in almost every corner of the planet. Moreover, it has latched on to religion, which, as history reminds us, has an unparalleled power to mobilize crowds. This report explores the unique nexus between faith and populism in our era and offers an insight into how cyberspace and offline politics have become highly intertwined to create a hyper-reality in which socio-political events are taking place. The report focuses, in particular, on the role of religious populism in digital space as a catalyst for undemocratic politics in the five Asian countries we have selected as our case studies. The focus on the West Asian and South Asian cases is an opportunity to examine authoritarian religious populists in power, whereas the East Asian countries showcase powerful authoritarian religious populist forces outside parliament. This report compares internet governance in each of these countries under three categories: obstacles to access, limits on content, and violations of user rights. These are the digital toolkits that authorities use to govern digital space. Our case selection and research focus have allowed us to undertake a comparative analysis of different types of online restrictions in these countries that constrain space foropposition and democratic voices while simultaneously making room for authoritarian religious populist narratives to arise and flourish. The report finds that surveillance, censorship, disinformation campaigns, internet shutdowns, and cyber-attacks—along with targeted arrests and violence spreading from digital space—are common features of digital authoritarianism. In each case, it is also found that religious populist forces co-opt political actors in their control of cyberspace. The situational analysis from five countries indicates that religion’s role in digital authoritarianism is quite evident, adding to the layer of nationalism. Most of the leaders in power use religious justifications for curbs on the internet. Religious leaders support these laws as a means to restrict “moral ills” such as blasphemy, pornography, and the like. This evident “religious populism” seems to be a major driver of policy changes that are limiting civil liberties in the name of “the people.” In the end, the reasons for restricting digital space are not purely religious but draw on religious themes with populist language in a mixed and hybrid fashion. Some common themes found in all the case studies shed light on the role of digital space in shaping politics and society offline and vice versa. The key findings of our survey are as follows: The future of (especially) fragile democracies is highly intertwined with digital space. There is an undeniable nexus between faith and populism which offers an insight into how cyberspace and politics offline have become highly intertwined. Religion and politics have merged in these five countries to shape cyber governance. The cyber governance policies of populist rulers mirror their undemocratic, repressive, populist, and authoritarian policies offline. As a result, populist authoritarianism in the non-digital world has increasingly come to colonize cyberspace, and events online are more and more playing a role in shaping politics offline. “Morality” is a common theme used to justify the need for increasingly draconian digital laws and the active monopolization of cyberspace by government actors. Islamist and Hindutva trolls feel an unprecedented sense of cyber empowerment, hurling abuse without physically seeing the consequences or experiencing the emotional and psychological damage inflicted on their victims.
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Yilmaz, Ihsan, Raja M. Ali Saleem, Mahmoud Pargoo, Syaza Shukri, Idznursham Ismail, and Kainat Shakil. Religious Populism, Cyberspace and Digital Authoritarianism in Asia: India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Pakistan, and Turkey. European Center for Populism Studies (ECPS), January 2022.

Full text
Turkey, Pakistan, India, Malaysia, and Indonesia span one of the longest continuously inhabited regions of the world. Centuries of cultural infusion have ensured these societies are highly heterogeneous. As plural polities, they are ripe for the kind of freedoms that liberal democracy can guarantee. However, despite having multi-party electoral systems, these countries have recently moved toward populist authoritarianism. Populism —once considered a distinctively Latin American problem that only seldom reared its head in other parts of the world— has now found a home in almost every corner of the planet. Moreover, it has latched on to religion, which, as history reminds us, has an unparalleled power to mobilize crowds. This report explores the unique nexus between faith and populism in our era and offers an insight into how cyberspace and offline politics have become highly intertwined to create a hyper-reality in which socio-political events are taking place. The report focuses, in particular, on the role of religious populism in digital space as a catalyst for undemocratic politics in the five Asian countries we have selected as our case studies. The focus on the West Asian and South Asian cases is an opportunity to examine authoritarian religious populists in power, whereas the East Asian countries showcase powerful authoritarian religious populist forces outside parliament. This report compares internet governance in each of these countries under three categories: obstacles to access, limits on content, and violations of user rights. These are the digital toolkits that authorities use to govern digital space. Our case selection and research focus have allowed us to undertake a comparative analysis of different types of online restrictions in these countries that constrain space foropposition and democratic voices while simultaneously making room for authoritarian religious populist narratives to arise and flourish. The report finds that surveillance, censorship, disinformation campaigns, internet shutdowns, and cyber-attacks—along with targeted arrests and violence spreading from digital space—are common features of digital authoritarianism. In each case, it is also found that religious populist forces co-opt political actors in their control of cyberspace. The situational analysis from five countries indicates that religion’s role in digital authoritarianism is quite evident, adding to the layer of nationalism. Most of the leaders in power use religious justifications for curbs on the internet. Religious leaders support these laws as a means to restrict “moral ills” such as blasphemy, pornography, and the like. This evident “religious populism” seems to be a major driver of policy changes that are limiting civil liberties in the name of “the people.” In the end, the reasons for restricting digital space are not purely religious but draw on religious themes with populist language in a mixed and hybrid fashion. Some common themes found in all the case studies shed light on the role of digital space in shaping politics and society offline and vice versa. The key findings of our survey are as follows: The future of (especially) fragile democracies is highly intertwined with digital space. There is an undeniable nexus between faith and populism which offers an insight into how cyberspace and politics offline have become highly intertwined. Religion and politics have merged in these five countries to shape cyber governance. The cyber governance policies of populist rulers mirror their undemocratic, repressive, populist, and authoritarian policies offline. As a result, populist authoritarianism in the non-digital world has increasingly come to colonize cyberspace, and events online are more and more playing a role in shaping politics offline. “Morality” is a common theme used to justify the need for increasingly draconian digital laws and the active monopolization of cyberspace by government actors. Islamist and Hindutva trolls feel an unprecedented sense of cyber empowerment, hurling abuse without physically seeing the consequences or experiencing the emotional and psychological damage inflicted on their victims.
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles
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