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Journal articles on the topic "Veterani"



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V Atenah je bila leta 2015 sprejeta odločitev, da prihodnjo konferenco vojaških zgodovinarjev v raziskovalni skupini za proučevanje konfliktov (Conflict Studies Working Group – CSWG) znotraj programa Partnerstvo za mir gosti Slovenija. V sodelovanju in s finančno podporo Ministrstva za obrambo smo oblikovali organizacijski odbor, ki so ga sestavljale štiri ustanove: Vojaški muzej (za MO), Inštitut za novejšo zgodovino, Fakulteta za družbene vede in francosko obrambno ministrstvo, ki ga je predstavljala Agencija za veterane in žrtve vojne. Ministrici za obrambo Andreji Katič in brigadirju Milku Petku pa smo hvaležni za podporo pri organizaciji, financiranju ter razumevanju vloge Republike Slovenije v mednarodnih znanstvenih krogih. Razumevanje in vsestranska podpora sta nam omogočila uspešno izvedbo odmevnega mednarodnega posveta. Na njem smo uspeli soočiti (pre)nekatere izkušnje in predstaviti številne izzive. Predvsem pa so vsi udeleženci zapuščali Ljubljano z oblico prijaznih vtisov in novim znanjem o slovenskem obrambnem sistemu ter naši zgodovini. Pri izbiri tem, ki naj bi jih raziskovalci iz več kot 30 držav raziskovali in nato tudi predstavili na letni konferenci, smo se strinjali, da bi tokrat morda postavili v ospredje manj izrazito vojaško temo – veterane. Zakaj? Vojaški zgodovinarji smo vse prevečkrat osredinjeni na pomembne spopade, bitke in vojne, v katerih imajo najpomembnejšo vlogo vojaški poveljniki, politični odločevalci in koalicije sil. Z vso vnemo proučujemo taktiko, operatiko, strategijo, razlagamo vlogo vseh mogočih bolj ali manj pomembnih dejavnikov, ki so vplivali bodisi na potek spopada bodisi na njegov rezultat. Posledice spopadov, bitk in vojn analiziramo in tolmačimo z veliko količino arhivskega gradiva in odstiramo tančice skrivnosti številnih, morda že običajnih dejstev … Toda, ko orožje utihne in besedo ponovno prevzamejo politiki, ko se življenje na različne načine začne vračati v čim normalnejše razmere, saj so vojna in njene posledice nedvomno nenormalne, se v ospredje postavi odpravljanje posledic te vojne. Obnova porušenih mest in infrastrukture ter vsestransko oživljanje gospodarstva so v središču pozornosti. Vojske, tako tiste, ki so zmagale, še bolj pa tiste, ki so bile poražene, stopijo v ozadje. Še bolj v ozadje pa stopijo vojaki, morda najbolj tisti, ki zaradi vojnih posledic ne morejo več nadaljevati dela v vojaških strukturah. In prav te nepopravljive posledice nepovratno in vsestransko spreminjajo njihove osebnosti, da pogosto za vedno spremenijo način življenja. Največkrat tako, da se njihov status, družbeni, socialni in tudi vsestranski, spremeni na slabše. Prav zaradi tega so se oblikovale različne veteranske organizacije, ki niso namenjene le vzdrževanju stikov med nekdanjimi vojaki, temveč so tudi združenje, ki zagovarja njihov status in njihove pravice ter opozarja na njihovo neenakost v družbi. Pričakovati bi bilo, da je položaj veteranov tako zadovoljivo rešen in da kakršna koli nadaljnja marginalizacija nekdanjih pripadnikov oboroženih sil ni več mogoča, pa vendar ni tako. Čeprav je odnos države do veteranov pravzaprav ogledalo njene zrelosti, občutljivosti do ranljivih ter spoštovanja do najbolj zaslužnih, ta pogosto ni tak, kot bi pričakovali. Razlogi so na obeh straneh: tako pri odločevalskih elitah, ki veliko prehitro dajejo prednost drugim, nemara aktualnejšim izzivom, pa tudi pri veteranskih organizacijah, ki bi prav gotovo morale biti z boljšim načinom organiziranja neposreden in tudi trši pogajalec, ko se razpravlja o statusu veteranov. Med gospodarsko krizo, ko skoraj po pravilu posledice prizadenejo nižje družbene sloje, ni dosti drugače tudi z veterani. Manjšanje nacionalnih ter obrambnih proračunov pomeni zmanjševanje sredstev tudi za veterane, največkrat se finančni rezi začnejo prav pri njih. Zato je razprava o statusu veteranov zelo primerna tudi danes. Hkrati pa so prav veteranske organizacije živ zgodovinski spomin na izjemne napore in velike žrtve, zato nas opominjajo na krute posledice vojn in dogodke po njej. Zelo, zelo bi se morali odločevalci zgledovati po njih … Mogoče ta razprava in njej podobne vsaj malo spremenijo tudi odnos do njih. Vam, spoštovane veteranke in veterani, pa se moramo zahvaliti in pokloniti ter z velikim spoštovanjem negovati čim pristnejše odnose z vami. Vemo, da je temeljna značilnost veterana, da je pred svoje interese ter interese svojih bližnjih in drugih skupin postavil narod kot celoto. Da je bil zanj pripravljen žrtvovati največ – svoje življenje. Zato je prav in tudi spodobi se, da našim veteranom z dostojnim odnosom in vsestranskim vključevanjem v sodobno družbo zagotovimo kakovostno življenje.
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Povzetek V 50. letih so veterani druge svetovne vojne postali pionirji mednarodne sprave. V članku so z osredotočanjem na nemške in francoske vojake analizirane okoliščine, pojavitev in funkcije tega procesa v kontekstu zunanje in notranje politike Zahodne Nemčije. Postavljena je teza, da so organizirani vojni veterani sprejeli vzorce razlage in argumentiranja povojne družbe v Zahodni Nemčiji ter jih prilagodili svojemu konceptu zgodovine, da bi pridobili zgodovinsko samozavest. Predvsem pa so svoje mednarodno delovanje predstavljali kot evropsko pobudo o dogovoru. V nasprotju z 20. in 30. leti prejšnjega stoletja so bila prizadevanja nemških vojaških veteranov v 50. letih skladna z vladno politiko. Na temelju pluralističnega kulturno-zgodovinskega ozadja so veterani vzpostavili stike na lokalni, območni in regionalni ravni v procesu, ki ga lahko poimenujemo sprava. Ključne besede: veterani, sprava, 50. leta, Nemčija, Francija. Abstract In the 1950s, World War II veterans became pioneers of international reconciliation. Focusing on former German and French soldiers, this article analyses the conditions, manifestations, and functions of this process within the context of West Germany’s foreign and domestic policies. The thesis is that organised war veterans accepted the patterns of interpretation and argumentation of post-war West German society, and adapted them to their concept of history for the purpose of gaining historical self-assurance. Most of all, they presented their international activity as a European initiative for a better understanding between nations. In contrast to the 1920s and 1930s, the efforts of German war veterans in the 1950s were in accordance with the policy of the government. Against the backdrop of a pluralistic cultural-historical background, the veterans established contacts at the local, district and regional levels in a process that can be called reconciliation. Key words Veterans - Reconciliation - 1950s - Germany - France.
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Povzetek V prispevku predstavljamo ugotovitve, ki izhajajo iz proučevanja slovenskih domoljubnih in veteranskih organizacij. Na tej podlagi razpravljamo o značilnostih funkcionalnega in socialnega imperativa. Pri tem obravnavamo devet organizacij, ki so povezane v posebno koordinacijo. Veteranstvo na Slovenskem ima več kot 140-letno tradicijo in posebno razvojno pot vse do obdobja po osamosvojitvi Slovenije pred četrt stoletja. Slovenski primer tako vključuje domoljubne in veteranske organizacije, povezane z veterani prve in druge svetovne vojne ter osamosvojitvenega obdobja 1990–1991, pa tudi generacije, povezane z mednarodnimi operacijami in misijami, v katerih slovenski vojaki in policisti sodelujejo zadnjih dvajset let. Slovenija ima sodoben in tudi zelo liberalen pristop k organizaciji ter delovanju domoljubnih in veteranskih društev in zvez, ki jih financira prek obrambnega ministrstva, izjema so organizacije vojnih in civilnih invalidov vojn, ki jih financira pristojno ministrstvo za socialne zadeve. Dve slovenski posebnosti sta povezani z vprašanjem, kako in kdo ščiti vrednote, ki jih zastopajo in ohranjajo domoljubne in veteranske organizacije, ter kako te dejavnosti lahko prispevajo k spravi zaradi dejanj, ki so med nacistično in fašistično okupacijo ter družbeno revolucijo najbolj razklale in razdelile številne generacije Slovencev, takrat in pozneje. Ugotovitve kažejo, da tranzicijsko obdobje teh zadev v Sloveniji še ni končano. Ključne besede domoljubne in veteranske organizacije, društva, Koordinacija domoljubnih in veteranskih organizacij Slovenije, vojni veterani, zaščita vojnih veteranov. Abstract The paper presents the findings from the study of Slovenian patriot and veteran organizations (PVO). On the basis of this, we discuss the characteristics of the functional and social imperative. In this respect, nine different PVOs are discussed, which are linked through a special coordination. Veteran activities on Slovenian soil have had an over 140-year old tradition and a special development path up to the period after Slovenia gained independence a quarter of a century ago. Slovenian example includes PVOs related to 1st and 2nd World War veterans, veterans of the 1990 through 1991 independence period as well as the generations associated with international operations and missions, which have included Slovenian soldiers and police officers for the last twenty years. Slovenia has a modern, but also a very liberal approach to the organization and functioning of patriot and veteran societies and associations, which are financed by the Ministry of Defence, with the exception of military and civilian war-disabled organizations, funded by the Ministry responsible for social affairs. Two Slovenian particularities are linked to the question of how and who is protecting the values represented and cherished by PVOs, and how their activities can contribute to the reconciliation with respect to the offenses which during the time of Nazi-Fascist occupation and social revolution divided the then and many subsequent generations of Slovenians. According o the findings, the transition period with regard to these matters in Slovenia is not yet complete. Key words: Patriot and veteran organizations, societies, coordination of patriot and veteran organizations of Slovenia, war veterans, protection of war veterans.
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Povzetek Čeprav je Danska država, ki je imela v več sto letih več deset tisoč vojnih veteranov, so raziskave na to temo še vedno na začetni stopnji v primerjavi z drugimi državami. To najboljše pojasnjujejo številni zgodovinski, kulturni in politični dejavniki, od katerih je najbolj presenetljiva resnična odsotnost vojne že od leta 1864. Zaradi vedno večje vključenosti Danske v misije OZN in Nata od konca hladne vojne pa je pojem danskih »veteranov« ponovno oživel kot politični dejavnik in kot predmet proučevanja. Vlada je zato leta 2010 prvič v zgodovini sprejela državno veteransko politiko. Članek obravnava skoraj popolno neprepoznavnost vojnih veteranov v danski družbi in odsotnost uradne veteranske politike do leta 2010. Vzrok, zakaj je Danska šele pred kratkim sprejela politiko veteranov, najverjetneje izhaja iz kombinacije dejavnikov, kot so majhno število vojnih veteranov, socialna država, politična konjunktura in sprememba danskih čezmorskih vojaških operacij iz prvotnih operacij za ohranjanje miru v prave bojne operacije. Ključne besede: vojni veterani, vojaška zgodovina, Danska. Abstract Despite Denmark being a nation that over the course of hundreds of years has produced tens of thousands of war veterans, research on this subject is still in its nascent phase compared to that of other nations. This is best explained by a number of historical, cultural and political factors, of which the virtual absence of war since 1864 is the most striking. Following Denmark’s increasing involvement in “hot” UN and NATO missions since the end of the Cold War, the notion of Danish “veterans” has resurfaced, both as a political factor and as a subject of study. Consequently, in 2010 the government adopted the first-ever Danish veterans’ policy. This paper addresses the virtual invisibility of Danish war veterans in Danish society and the absence of an official veterans’ policy until 2010. It is argued that a combination of factors, such as the low number of war veterans, the existence of a welfare state, political conjunctures, and the change in Danish overseas military operations from primarily involving peacekeeping to being actual combat missions, may explain why Denmark has only recently adopted a veterans’ policy. Key words War veterans, military history, Denmark
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Marković-Savić, Olivera. "RATNI VETERANI: PERCEPCIJA INSTITUCIONALNE PODRŠKE." Srpska politička misao 60, no. 2 (2018): 177–93.

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Barcellona, Francesco Scorza. "Per una lettura della Passio Typasii veterani." Augustinianum 35, no. 2 (1995): 797–814.

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Пантелеев, Алексей Дмитриевич. "«Passio Julii Veterani»: Hagiography, History, and Rhetoric." Библия и христианская древность, no. 1(13) (July 2, 2022): 44–67.

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Целью публикации является перевод на русский язык и всесторонний анализ «Страстей Юлия Ветерана» (BHL 4555). Описываемые события произошли в конце мая 303 г. в Дуросторуме в Нижней Мезии (совр. Силистра в Болгарии). Особое внимание при рассмотрении данных этого краткого, но очень интересного текста уделено таким вопросам, как исторический контекст мученичества, история раннего христианства на Балканах по данным литературной и археологической традиции, отношение христиан к воинской службе. Мы полагаем, что причиной смерти мученика стала проверка лояльности солдат XI Клавдиева легиона в связи со скорым прибытием туда Диоклетиана. The publication is a translation into Russian of «Passio of Julius the Veteran» (BHL 4555). Julius was executed on May 27, 303 in the Durostorum in Lower Moesia (now Silistra, Bulgaria). Commentary discusses some aspects of this text, related to the circumstances of the Julius’ martyrdom, the history of early Christianity in the Balkans, and the attitude of Christians to military service. We think that the cause of the martyr’s death was a test of the loyalty of the legion’s soldiers that was connected with the imminent visit of Diocletian (he was in the Durostorum on June 8, 303 - CJ 5.73.4).
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Magaramov, Sharafetdin A. "Report of the Brigadier A. Veterani to the Emperor Peter I: A New Document on the Expedition of Russian Troops to the Village of Endirei in Dagestan (1722)." Herald of an archivist, no. 4 (2021): 1118–30.

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The article and publication of archival sources is devoted to one of the chapters in the Persian campaign (1722–23) of the Emperor Peter I on the territory of Dagestan. The author focuses on the military expedition of Russian troops commanded by Brigadier Andrei Veterani against one of the Dagestan rulers – the Endirei ruler Aidemir (July 23, 1722). The expedition was undertaken on account of his anti-Russian position; the Dagestan ruler had repeatedly made forays to Cossack towns and to the fortress of Terki. The Astrakhan governor A. P. Volynsky personally convinced the tsar of the necessity to punish Aidemir; he was a supporter of active military actions against Dagestan rulers who were not loyal to the Russian side. The publication of a new source (1722) from the Russian State Archive of Ancient Acts — report of the Brigadier A. Veterani to the Emperor Peter I on the results of expedition to the village of Endirei in Dagestan — highlights details of the first battle of the Russian troops with the Dagestan detachments during the Persian campaign of 1722–23. The published archival document contains valuable information on command structure of the Brigadier A. Veterani’s corps, consisting of dragoons, Ukrainian Cossacks, and Kalmyks; it provides data on the number of detachments and their tactics, as well as (which is very important in any battle) on the losses of the Russian troops. Unfortunately, the document does not contain any information about the Endirei losses. Another document introduced by the author into scientific use, "Description of the campaign of Emperor Peter the Great to the Persian provinces lying on the Caspian Sea" from the Russian State Military Historical Archive (RGVIA), also contains information about the Endirei expedition. There is data complementing the A. Veterani report, in particular, about the arrival of Colonel Naumov with his squad and about the brigadier’s tactical mistake. Both documents reconstruct a quite comprehensive picture of the campaign of the imperial troops in Enderi, its assault and capture. The author concludes that before the battle of Enderi, Russian military leaders underestimated combat capabilities of the Dagestan detachments and did not take into account geographical features. In future, lessons were learned: heeding geographical features in combat operations allowed the Russian troops approaching Derbent to avoid heavy losses in the next battle with another Dagestan ruler, Sultan Mahmud Utamyshsky.
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Timoc, Călin. "Fortificatia quadriburgium (?) de la pestera Veterani din Clisura Dunării." Cercetări Arheologice 29, no. 2 (December 2022): 613–28.

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Peștera Veterani este una dintre cele mai cunoscute peșteri naturale de pe teritoriul României. În prezent este vizitată adeseori de turiști și iubitori de speologie. Nu este doar un monument impresionant al naturii, ci și un sit arheologic multistratificat cu o istorie foarte bogată. Fortificarea grotei este sigură pentru perioada Evului Mediu și epoca modernă. Urmele epocii romane sunt mai puțin inteligibile, specialiștii ezitând între a o recunoaște ca așezare pescărească care la un moment dat, în epoca romană târzie, ar fi putut fi fortificată și a o clasifica ca peșteră sacră sau chiar mithraeum. Așa cum este și firesc, poziția sa strategică în zona strâmtorii Cazanelor Dunării a făcut ca acest loc neobișnuit să fie inclus în lista UNESCO a Limesului Dunărean al Imperiului Roman. În rândurile următoare, încercăm să descifrăm caracterul ruinelor romane de la Peștera Veterani (Peskabara) coroborând toate sursele pe care le avem la îndemână: arheologice, epigrafice, arhivistice și cartografice. Suntem de părere că în fața grotei a existat începând de la sfârșitul secolului al III-lea d.Hr. un mic fort (asemănător unui quadriburgium) cu un mic port adiacent, la fel apărat de ziduri.
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Hibler, David, Cheryl A. Krause-Parello, Brian Gliba, James Morris, and C. Daniel Mullins. "Joining Forces with Veterans: Veterans’ and Researchers’ Perspectives on Veteran-Centered Engagement Practices." Journal of Community Engagement and Scholarship 15, no. 2 (January 25, 2023): 2.

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Community-engaged research must reflect the uniqueness of the specific community involved. To help researchers produce quality community-engaged research with the veteran community, the authors of this paper (a coalition of both veterans and academic researchers) have highlighted essential considerations when engaging the veteran community in the research enterprise. Research with veterans requires unique sensitivity based on the impacts of their military service, history, and experiences. Understanding the impacts of veteran culture and community on recruitment is an essential prerequisite for anyone engaging with this population. At a minimum, community-engaged researchers should have an understanding of veteran history in relation to research, how veterans have experienced “volunteering” while under the chain of command, the impacts of a veteran’s military experience, and veterans’ views of the research process. The element most crucial to a successful research project conducted with the veteran community is incorporating veterans as full research team members. Building a veteran-centered research team requires academic researchers to establish trust with veteran team members and the veteran community, to conduct the research project with respect, and to actively encourage veterans’ participation in project activities. All of these are facilitated by having veterans as full members of a research team. It is our hope that sharing the lessons we have learned through working with veteran communities, as well as our lived experiences as veteran research team members, will help pave a smoother path forward for others wishing to conduct impactful veteran-centered research.
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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Veterani"



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Questa tesi si propone di affrontare alcune specifiche questioni riguardanti il ius militare, ovvero quello specifico ius singulare, che, a partire da Augusto, disciplinò le esistenze dei soldati e dei veterani dell’esercito romano. Nello specifico, l’indagine si concentra unicamente sulle norme regolanti la condizione di milites e veterani nell’età del Principato. La ricerca si divide in quattro parti. Nella prima si propone una breve descrizione della storia istituzionale dell’esercito, a partire dalla riforma di Caio Mario fino agli interventi di Augusto in ambito militare. Con riguardo alla riforma militare augustea ci si è soffermati, innanzitutto, sull’istituzione del servizio militare professionale e, in secondo luogo, sull’istituzione dei premi di congedo (i cosiddetti praemia militiae) e dell’aerarium militare (ovvero della cassa specificamente preposta al pagamento dei praemia). Nella seconda parte si prendono in esame le norme che disciplinavano il procedimento di reclutamento e le condizioni di accesso ai differenti corpi dell’esercito, vale a dire le legioni, le truppe ausiliarie, le coorti pretorie e urbane, le coorti dei vigiles, gli equites singulares Augusti e le flotte pretorie e provinciali. Oltre ai requisiti fisici e a quelli giuridici, previsti per accedere a tali corpi, si è approfondito lo studio dello status civitatis attribuito ai milites di alcuni reparti (segnatamente i classiarii delle flotte pretorie e gli equites singulares Augusti), al momento della loro iscrizione nei ranghi dell’unità. La terza parte approfondisce un tema molto controverso, quello del divieto di matrimonio dei militari. Dopo un’analisi approfondita delle differenti opinioni formulate su questo problema, la mia tesi si rivolge ad alcuni nodi mai sciolti dagli studiosi, chiarendo che esso, certamente introdotto prima di Claudio, fu revocato soltanto da Settimio Severo nel 197. L’indagine ha poi affrontato due questioni tra loro connesse: da un canto la natura giuridica delle unioni che i soldati intrattenevano con le donne conosciute durante la ferma, dall’altro la condizione dei figli concepiti in tali relazioni. Quanto a quest’ultimo aspetto mi sono soffermato in particolar modo sui contenuti della nota epistula di Adriano a Ramnius Martialis, la quale concesse ai figli dei soldati di alcuni reparti (in particolare a quelli dei legionari) la bonorum possessio unde cognati. Nella quarta e ultima parte si affronta il tema dei privilegi concessi con il congedo ai veterani e alle loro famiglie. L’indagine si incentra sull’esame dei formulari dei diplomata militaria, ovvero di quei documenti consegnati, al momento dell’honesta missio (congedo onorevole), agli auxiliares, ai classiarii delle flotte pretorie e provinciali, ai pretoriani, agli urbaniciani e agli equites singulares Augusti. L’esame del loro formulario ha permesso di definire la specifica condizione giuridica dei veterani di questi differenti reparti dell’esercito. Lo studio dei diplomata propone, inoltre, altre spinose questioni: occorre comprendere, in primo luogo, perché essi, salvo alcuni casi eccezionali, non furono mai consegnati ai veterani delle iustae legiones. La tesi si chiude con un’indagine sulla natura giuridica delle cosiddette leges veteranorum, vale a dire quelle constitutiones poste a fondamento del rilascio dei singoli diplomi. A tal riguardo l’indagine tenta di individuare le ragioni per le quali le leges veteranorum concernenti gli ausiliari, i classiarii e gli equites singulares Augusti, si differenziavano, anche sul piano diplomatico, da quelle dei pretoriani e degli urbaniciani.
This dissertation aims to deal with some particular questions about ius militare, namely the specific ius singulare, which regulated the condition of Roman soldiers and veterans from the age of Augustus. In particular, the study focuses solely on the rules regulating the condition of milites and veterans in the period of the Roman Principate. The research is divided into four parts. In the first part there is a short description of the institutional history of the Roman army, from the reform of Caius Marius up to the interventions of Augustus in military affairs. With regard to the Augustan military reform, I have concentrated first on the creation of the professional military service and, secondly, on the foundation of the awards of discharge (the so-called praemia militiae) and of the aerarium militare (namely the treasury that would specifically finance the praemia). In the second part, I examine the rules pertaining to the procedure of recruitment and the conditions of access to the different units of the Roman army, namely the legions, the auxiliary units, the Praetorian Guard, the urban cohorts, the vigiles, the equites singulares Augusti, and the praetorian and provincial classes. In addition to the physical and legal requirements, necessary for access to these units, I examine in depth the status civitatis that was conferred to the milites of some units (in particular the classiarii of praetorian classes and the equites singulares Augusti), at the moment of their enrolment in the military. The third part examines a very controversial issue, namely the marriage ban for the soldiers. Following a detailed examination of the different opinions on this question, my dissertation investigates some complex issues which are still to be resolved, clarifying that the ban, certainly introduced befor Claudius, was withdrawn only by Septimius Severus in 197 AD. Furthermore, the research deals with two other related matters: namely, the legal status of the relationships maintained by the soldiers with the women that they met during the service, and, the condition of the children conceived in these relationships. As far as the latter is concerned, I particularly concentrate on the content of the well-known epistula of Hadrian to Ramnius Martialis, which conferred to the children of some milites (in particular those of the legionaries) the bonorum possessio unde cognati. In the fourth and last part, I examine the issue of the privileges conferred to the veterans and their families upon discharge. The research focuses on the analysis of the formularies of diplomata militaria, namely the documents delivered upon the honesta missio (the honorable discharge) to the auxiliares, to the classiarii of the praetorian and provincial fleet, to the praetorians, to the urbaniciani and to the equites singulares Augusti. The examination of their formularies has allowed us to clarify the specific legal condition of the veterans from these different military units. Furthermore, the study on diplomata proposes other thorny questions: firstly it must be understood why they, apart from some exceptional cases, were never delivered to the veterans of iustae legiones. The dissertation ends with a research on the legal nature of the so-called leges veteranorum, namely the constitutiones on the basis of the delivery of each diploma. In this regard, the study attempts to identify the reason why the leges veteranorum concerning the auxiliaries, the classiarii, and the equites singulares Augusti, are different from those of the praetorians and of the urbaniciani, also as regards their diplomatic structure.
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Perez, Marco <1977&gt. "Luis Arana e i veterani di Euzkeldun Batzokija: la corrente ortodossa del nazionalismo basco." Doctoral thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2012.

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La tesi di Marco Perez intitolata “Luis Arana e i veterani di Euzkeldun Batzokija: la corrente ortodossa del nazionalismo basco”, può essere considerata come la biografia politica di uno dei personaggi più importanti del nazionalismo basco. Il lavoro di ricerca si centra fondamentalmente sull'ispiratore del nazionalismo euskaldun (e cofondatore del Partido Nacionalista Vasco) e della corrente che ne accompagnò e sostenne l'azione politica. Euzkeldun Batzokija fu il nome dato al primo circolo del PNV, fondato da Luis e Sabino Arana nel 1894. Successivamente, gli statuti del circolo e i suoi membri veterani furono presi come modello del nazionalismo primordiale (che si pretendeva definire sull'esempio dell'Ordine gesuita). Sul piano organizzativo la tesi si divide in sette capitoli che ricostruiscono il percorso politico di Luis Arana, dai primi documenti del 1879 fino alle ultime lettere inviate negli anni quaranta. Si tratta di un lungo periodo, che comprende momenti diversi della storia spagnola (dalle guerre carliste alla Guerra Civile spagnola) e del movimento aranista. In questo senso, sulla base di una generale e comparata riflessione sul nazionalismo, si analizza il movimento basco nei suoi rapporti con la modernità. Una realazione costruita attraverso concetti “diacronicamente” legati a un passato mitico e leggendario e comunque subalterna ai rapporti di forza tra le correnti del PNV. La corrente ortodossa fece sempre riferimento al nazionalismo “originario” (definito dai fratelli Arana nei primi anni del movimento) che fu un'espressione regionale del nazionalcattolicesimo spagnolo. Fu proprio Luis Arana a ricordare la finalità religiosa ed etnica del nazionalismo basco, respingendo qualsiasi aggiornamento teorico e organizzativo del PNV, intesi come una grave violazione dell'ortodossia aranista.
Marco Perez's thesis entitled “Luis Arana and the Veterans of Euzkeldun Batzokija: The Orthodoxy of the Basque Nationalism”, can be considered as a political biografy of one of the most important figure of basque nationalism. The research focuses primarily on the co-founder of the PNV (Basque National Party) and those people who accompanied and sustained his political action. Euzkeldun Batzokija was the name given to the first circle of the PNV, founded by Luis and Sabino Arana in 1894. Thereafter, the statutes of the association and its veteran members were taken as a model of primordial nationalism. In the organizational field the thesis is divided into seven chapters that reconstruct the political career of Luis Arana, from early 1879 until the final letters of 1951. This is a long period, which includes several moments in spanish history (from the Carlist Wars to the Spanish Civil War). In this sense, on the basis of a general and comparative reflection on nationalism, basque movement is analyzed in its relationship with modernity. A relationship constructed through concepts “diachronically” linked to a mythical past, however legendary, and subordinate to the power relations inside the PNV. The orthodox nationalism had always refer to the “original” nationalism (defined by Arana brothers in the early years of the movement), which was a regional expression of spanish nationalcatolicism. It was Luis Arana to remember the religious and ethnic purposes of basque nationalism, rejecting any different way to understand the theory and organization of PNV (as a serious violation of aaranist orthodoxy).
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Perez, Marco <1977&gt. "Luis Arana e i veterani di Euzkeldun Batzokija: la corrente ortodossa del nazionalismo basco." Doctoral thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2012.

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La tesi di Marco Perez intitolata “Luis Arana e i veterani di Euzkeldun Batzokija: la corrente ortodossa del nazionalismo basco”, può essere considerata come la biografia politica di uno dei personaggi più importanti del nazionalismo basco. Il lavoro di ricerca si centra fondamentalmente sull'ispiratore del nazionalismo euskaldun (e cofondatore del Partido Nacionalista Vasco) e della corrente che ne accompagnò e sostenne l'azione politica. Euzkeldun Batzokija fu il nome dato al primo circolo del PNV, fondato da Luis e Sabino Arana nel 1894. Successivamente, gli statuti del circolo e i suoi membri veterani furono presi come modello del nazionalismo primordiale (che si pretendeva definire sull'esempio dell'Ordine gesuita). Sul piano organizzativo la tesi si divide in sette capitoli che ricostruiscono il percorso politico di Luis Arana, dai primi documenti del 1879 fino alle ultime lettere inviate negli anni quaranta. Si tratta di un lungo periodo, che comprende momenti diversi della storia spagnola (dalle guerre carliste alla Guerra Civile spagnola) e del movimento aranista. In questo senso, sulla base di una generale e comparata riflessione sul nazionalismo, si analizza il movimento basco nei suoi rapporti con la modernità. Una realazione costruita attraverso concetti “diacronicamente” legati a un passato mitico e leggendario e comunque subalterna ai rapporti di forza tra le correnti del PNV. La corrente ortodossa fece sempre riferimento al nazionalismo “originario” (definito dai fratelli Arana nei primi anni del movimento) che fu un'espressione regionale del nazionalcattolicesimo spagnolo. Fu proprio Luis Arana a ricordare la finalità religiosa ed etnica del nazionalismo basco, respingendo qualsiasi aggiornamento teorico e organizzativo del PNV, intesi come una grave violazione dell'ortodossia aranista.
Marco Perez's thesis entitled “Luis Arana and the Veterans of Euzkeldun Batzokija: The Orthodoxy of the Basque Nationalism”, can be considered as a political biografy of one of the most important figure of basque nationalism. The research focuses primarily on the co-founder of the PNV (Basque National Party) and those people who accompanied and sustained his political action. Euzkeldun Batzokija was the name given to the first circle of the PNV, founded by Luis and Sabino Arana in 1894. Thereafter, the statutes of the association and its veteran members were taken as a model of primordial nationalism. In the organizational field the thesis is divided into seven chapters that reconstruct the political career of Luis Arana, from early 1879 until the final letters of 1951. This is a long period, which includes several moments in spanish history (from the Carlist Wars to the Spanish Civil War). In this sense, on the basis of a general and comparative reflection on nationalism, basque movement is analyzed in its relationship with modernity. A relationship constructed through concepts “diachronically” linked to a mythical past, however legendary, and subordinate to the power relations inside the PNV. The orthodox nationalism had always refer to the “original” nationalism (defined by Arana brothers in the early years of the movement), which was a regional expression of spanish nationalcatolicism. It was Luis Arana to remember the religious and ethnic purposes of basque nationalism, rejecting any different way to understand the theory and organization of PNV (as a serious violation of aaranist orthodoxy).
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Strazzabosco, L. "La sostenibilità degli interventi su alberi veterani: un protocollo per la valutazione integrata e la cura." Doctoral thesis, Università degli studi di Padova, 2014.

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The purpose of this study was to develop and implement a protocol for risk analysis and assessment of veteran trees in public places. One of the main objectives of the management plans of the historical sites is the preservation of the trees "founders". Many of the trees "founder" survivors are subjected to inappropriate management practices, which lowered their life expectancy and greatly reduced their biomechanical safety factor. The protocol developed for the assessment of these trees is based on two types of analysis: a biological assessment of tree health and well-being, and a new method for assessing the biomechanical stability of the tree ( OREBLA - a worksheet digital based tree modeling and evaluation system ). The biological evaluation of tree health is a critical step to evaluate the ability of a veteran tree to react to management practices that lead to the reduction of the biomass. In particular, the metabolic activity of the root system is evaluated by measuring the starch content of the root that has been shown to be related to the response to tree management practices. OREBLA is an integrated tool biomechanical analysis, which includes a modeling of the tree structure based on the protocol EUROCODE for the evaluation of the safety factor of structures exposed to the wind . The evaluation is based on data dendrometric and diagnostic, non-invasive tools for the analysis of the trunk and limbs ( Sonic tomography and electrical ) , and also on an assessment of the risk of tree failure due to fracturing of the plate ( Pulling Test). The protocol was tested in the assessment of veterans 'founders' of the Park trees Revedin Bolasco in Castelfranco Veneto (Italy).
Lo scopo dello studio è stato quello di sviluppare e implementare un protocollo per l'analisi del rischio e la valutazione di alberi veterani in luoghi aperti al pubblico. Uno dei principali obiettivi dei piani di gestione dei siti storici è la conservazione degli alberi " fondatori". Molti degli alberi "fondatore" superstiti sono sottoposti a pratiche gestionali inadeguate, che ha abbassato la loro speranza di vita e notevolmente ridotto il loro fattore di sicurezza biomeccanico. Il protocollo messo a punto per la valutazione di questi alberi si basa su due tipi di analisi: una valutazione biologica di salute degli alberi e il benessere e un nuovo metodo per la valutazione biomeccanica della stabilità dell'albero ( OREBLA - un foglio di lavoro digitale basato modellazione albero e sistema di valutazione ). La valutazione biologica di salute degli alberi è un passo fondamentale per valutare la capacità di un albero veterano di reagire alle pratiche di gestione che comportano la riduzione della biomassa. In particolare l'attività metabolica del sistema radicale viene valutata mediante la misurazione del contenuto di amido radice che è stato dimostrato essere correlata alla risposta albero alle pratiche di gestione. OREBLA è uno strumento integrato analisi biomeccanica , che comprende una modellazione della struttura ad albero basato sul protocollo EUROCODE per la valutazione del fattore di sicurezza di strutture esposta al vento. La valutazione si basa su dati dendrometriche e diagnostici, strumenti non invasivi, per il tronco e gli arti di analisi ( Sonic e tomografia elettrica), e anche su una valutazione del rischio di fallimento albero a causa della zolla fratturazione (Pulling Test). Il protocollo è stato testato nella valutazione degli alberi veterani " fondatori " del Parco Revedin Bolasco a Castelfranco Veneto ( Italia).
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Redaelli, Davide. "I veterani delle milizie urbane in Italia e nelle province di lingua latina. Indagine storico-epigrafica." Doctoral thesis, Università degli studi di Trieste, 2015.

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Le coorti pretorie, le coorti urbane e gli equites singulares Augusti costituivano i corpi d'élite dell'esercito romano per via di un reclutamento selezionato e di un trattamento privilegiato rispetto alle altre unità. Lo studio si propone di indagare il fenomeno del veteranato di queste tre formazioni in un arco di tempo che va da Augusto all'ascesa di Diocleziano e in uno spazio che copre l'Italia, con l'esclusione di Roma e del suo suburbio fino al X miglio, e le province di lingua latina. L'indagine si basa sull'esame della documentazione epigrafica nella quale lo status di veterano di uno o più personaggi menzionati nel testo è sicuro e l'appartenenza ad uno dei tre corpi analizzati è certa o molto probabile. Il lavoro si divide in due parti: nella prima vi è un commento ad ogni singola testimonianza, nella seconda vengono svolte considerazioni di carattere generale sui veterani delle milizie urbane. Tali considerazioni scaturiscono da una visione complessiva della documentazione. Si vuole tentare in questo modo di rispondere a interrogativi riguardanti i rapporti sociali e l'integrazione di questi veterani nelle comunità scelte come residenza dopo il congedo, la loro partecipazione alla vita civica e le attività economiche cui si dedicavano. Una particolare attenzione è rivolta a riconoscere quanti veterani decidevano di rientrare in patria o di stabilirsi in località diverse da quelle natie e le motivazioni che guidavano tale scelta, la loro provenienza e la loro estrazione sociale.
Due to a preferential treatment and special recruitment among the military units, praetorian guard, urban cohorts and equites singulares Augusti were the élite troops of ancient roman army. This research aims to investigate the social and material life of the veterans of this élite troops, in a period of time included between Augustan age and Diocletian rise. It also considers a territory including Italy, except Rome and its suburbs until the tenth mile, and latin speaking provinces. This work is based on an epigraphic documentation in wich the veteran status of one or more subjects is proven and the belonging to one of the three élite corps is certain or probable. The research is divided into two parts. In the first part an analysis and a description is made for each documentary source. In the second part, general considerations are expressed about the veterans of urban militias. These considerations stem from an accurate documentation overview. The purpose is to answer questions regarding the integration and social relations between veterans and the community chosen to live with after the disbandment or, for example, the activities and the role of a veteran in civic and economical life. Specific attention is also paid to the territorial origin, social background and about the choice, made by a veteran, to return home or settle elsewhere after the service.
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Brazzoduro, Andrea. "I veterani d’Algeria e la Francia contemporanea : Esperienze e memorie del contingente di leva, 1955-2010." Paris 10, 2011.

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Bien que la guerre d’indépendance algérienne (1954 - 1962) soit finie depuis plus de quarante ans, les recherches la concernant – et plus particulièrement lorsqu’il s’agit de recueillir les témoignages des participants – sont souvent réalisées dans un contexte de « post-conflit » caractérisé par des blessures non cicatrisées, autant physiques que psychologiques. En effet, le retour des soldats d’une « guerre sans nom » a été particulièrement difficile. Dans ce travail, mes entretiens avec les vétérans français (collectées entre 2007 et 2010) m’ont permis de mettre en lumière deux aspects cet énigme historique : tout d’abord, que la mémoire de ces vétérans a une forte influence sur la manière dont la société française comprend son présent ; mais que leur mémoire de ce passé est elle-même profondément influencée par la condition présente des sociétés tant française que algérienne. Après la montée du FIS et après dix ans d’extrême violence en Algérie, après le 11 Septembre et la guerre contre le terrorisme (islamiste), comment le vétérans font-ils face aux atrocités et aux violences dont ils ont été témoins et qu’ils ont commis il y a quarante ans ? la violence coloniale n’était pas un accident mais une pratique nécessaire : cela était plutôt un moyen privilégié d’établir une relation particulière entre la France et l’Algérie, la metropole et ses sujets coloniaux, soldats français et Indigènes musulmans. Avouée ou non, la violence hante encore aujourd’hui les vétérans ; cependant le contexte actuel engendre des luttes mémorielles dans une nouvelle narrative (d’auto-justification). « Cette guerre coloniale – comme l’avait écrit Franz Fanon – est singulière jusque dans la pathologie à laquelle elle a donne naissance »
Although the Algerian War of Independence (1954-1962) ended over forty years ago, research on that war—particularly when it involves gathering the testimony of participants—is still being carried out in a “post-conflict” environment, characterized by unhealed wounds, physical and psychological. Indeed, the soldiers’ homecoming from a “war without a name” has been particularly troubled. In this paper, I use my interviews with French veterans of the conflict (collected between 2007 and 2010) to illuminate two aspects of a historical conundrum: first, that the veterans’ memories of past conflict has a powerful influence on French society’s understanding of the present; but, second, that their memory of the past is profoundly influenced by more recent realities in French and Algerian society. After the rise of the Islamic Salvation Front (FIS) and the decade of extreme violence in Algeria, after September 11th and the global “war on (Islamist) terrorism”, how do veterans cope with atrocities they witnessed and violence they perpetrated forty years ago? Colonial violence was not a regrettable but necessary practice: it was instead the privileged way to establish a specific relationship between France and Algeria, the metropole and its colonial subjects, French soldiers and Muslim indigènes. Acknowledged or not, violence still haunts veterans; but the new framework organizes combat memories in a new (self-justificatory) narrative. “This colonial war”—as Frantz Fanon wrote—“is singular even in the pathology that it gives rise to”
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Parker, Harry. "Veterans First Contracting Program Preference Hierarchy: Effect on Veteran-Owned Small Business." ScholarWorks, 2016.

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U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) leaders created a Veterans First Contracting Program (VFCP) under Public Law 109-461 to provide procurement opportunities for veteran-owned small businesses (VOSBs) and service-disabled veteran-owned small businesses (SDVOSBs). However, DVA leaders established a preference hierarchy that increased opportunities for SDVOSBs and decreased opportunities for VOSBs. Research was lacking regarding the effects of the preference policy on VOSBs as a distinct small business category. The purpose of this phenomenological study was to explore and understand the experiences of 20 VOSB owners actively enrolled in the VFCP from Maryland, Virginia, and District of Columbia. Through the lens of distributive justice theory, this study examined the perceptions of VOSB owners about seeking access to VFCP procurement opportunities. These perceptions were examined within a framework of fairness. Qualitative data was collected through semistructured interviews resulting in coding and thematic analysis according to Moustakas modified van Kaam method. Findings uncovered 3 major themes: (a) VOSBs perceived a benefit to VFCP enrollment, (b) preference afforded SDVOSBs affects VOSBs motivation and VFCP competition structure (c) VOSBs perceived an unfair opportunity distribution between SDVOSBs and VOSBs. The study informs government leaders of the need to improve VOSB standing as a small business group. Implications for positive social change may be realized with a policy adjustment designed to strengthen VOSB access to federal procurement opportunities because increased competition has the potential to promote DVA cost savings.
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Watson, David. "Veterans alone, together : the isolation and self reliance of the Australian Vietnam veteran community /." Title page, contents and introduction and explanation, 1996.

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Sellers, Gregory S. "A Sequential Explanatory Mixed Methods Study on the Reintegration of Military Veterans into the Civilian Population through Higher Education." University of Cincinnati / OhioLINK, 2021.

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Murray, Emma Teresa. "Reimagining the veteran : an investigation into violent veterans in England and Wales post 9/11." Thesis, Keele University, 2016.

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This thesis provides an original investigation into the status of violent veterans in the United Kingdom post 9/11. Drawing upon a series of interviews conducted during 2011-2014, it frames the problem through the focused lens of Veteranality. Veteranality is understood here to be the regulation and rehabilitation of veteran offenders within the criminal justice framework, with a conscious attempt to understand the limitations of governing regimes by foregrounding questions of political agency. It looks directly at the tensions and conflicts veteran offenders experience as they move from a war paradigm to one of criminal justice on domestic soil. Central here is the ethical decision to “give voice” to the veterans by allowing them to narrate their own experiences prior, during and after war, which proves crucial to the study. As violent veterans expose the limits of juridical approaches to their crimes, so they add further empirical weight to the claims that times of war and peace are less easily demarcated and set apart. Embodying the normalisation of violence in new security terrains, their testimonies present significant challenges and demand a thorough rethinking of the violence of warfare in the 21st Century.
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Books on the topic "Veterani"


Mitrović, Mitar. Veterani --: Osvajači plavog neba. 2nd ed. Zemun: Udruženje penzionisanih vojnih letača i padobranaca Jugoslavije, 2006.

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Ganchev, Marko. Veterani na nishtoto: Dokumentalni poemi. Varna: Kn-vo "Georgi Bakalov", 1985.

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Todisco, Elisabetta. I veterani in Italia in età imperiale. Bari: Edipuglia, 1999.

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Soldati e veterani nella vita cittadina dell'Italia imperiale. Roma: Quasar, 2010.

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Boi︠a︡nov, Ilii︠a︡n. Rimskite veterani v Dolna Mizii︠a︡ i Trakii︠a︡ (I-III v.): The Roman veterans in Lower Moesia and Thrace (1st-3rd century AD). Sofii︠a︡: Avalon, 2008.

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Boi︠a︡nov, Ilii︠a︡n. Rimskite veterani v Dolna Mizii︠a︡ i Trakii︠a︡ (I-III v.): The Roman veterans in Lower Moesia and Thrace (1st-3rd century AD). Sofii︠a︡: Avalon, 2008.

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Militi o veterani a Lestans di Sequals: Lo scavo archeologico della necropoli romana di via dei Tigli. San Dorligo della Valle - Trieste: Luglio editore, 2018.

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Million Veteran Program: A partnership with veterans. Washington, D.C.]: Dept. of Veterans Affairs, Veterans Health Administration, Research & Development, 2010.

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Veterans Day =: Día de los Veteranos. New York: PowerKids Press, 2012.

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What every veteran should know: Veterans benefits 2014. 7th ed. East Moline, IL: Veterans Information Service, 2014.

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Book chapters on the topic "Veterani"


Scott, Wilbur J., Karin Modesto De Angelis, and David R. Segal. "Veterans and Veterans' Issues." In Military Sociology, 201–19. London: Routledge, 2022.

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Wolfe, Jessica, and Kathleen R. Melia. "Veterans." In Encyclopedia of psychology, Vol. 8., 159–62. Washington: American Psychological Association, 2000.

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Douds, Anne S., and Eileen M. Ahlin. "Veterans." In The Veterans Treatment Court Movement, 45–63. Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY : Routledge, 2019. | Series: Directions and developments in CJ & law: Routledge, 2018.

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Roth, Florian. "Veteran." In Enzyklopädie der Neuzeit, 148–50. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler, 2011.

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Haynes, Ian. "Veterani and Other Veterans." In Blood of the Provinces, 338–67. Oxford University Press, 2013.

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"Veterani i njihove sudbine." In Saxa loquuntur: Roman Epitaphs from North-Western Croatia, 71–80. Archaeopress Publishing Ltd, 2017.

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Wool, Zoë H. "Afterwar Work for Life." In War and Health, 210–30. NYU Press, 2019.

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The post–9/11 wars often result in complex and chronic conditions for US service members. The ongoing need for veteran care intersects with a broader social ideal that posits normative couplehood as the sign of a successful postwar life. Both Veterans Affairs policy and sociocultural expectation are transforming family relationships into forms of care work aimed at maintaining veterans’ lives. In the shadow of soldier and veteran suicide, death looms as the possible consequence of not having or keeping these relationships. This chapter explores the nature of these complex and chronic conditions and the forms of couplehood that are entangled with them, suggesting that women’s caregiving is transformed into an afterwar work for life in which the object of care is narrowly construed as the veteran’s life itself, and the work of care is expected to last a long lifetime.
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"Veterans and Veteran Health." In The Encyclopedia of Elder Care. New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company, 2017.

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Gudmundsson, Peter A. "Messaging and Branding to Engage Veterans as Employees." In Military Veteran Employment, 57–71. Oxford University Press, 2021.

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This chapter offers suggestions on the two essential foundations of any veteran hiring initiative—branding (making the case for why a veteran would want to work for your organization) and engagement (ways to effectively connect with the veterans and attract them to work for your organization). Effective corporate branding to veterans includes a focus on the organization’s mission or higher purpose, a sense that the organization will provide veterans with momentum in their career as they transition into civilian employment, and mentorship to help veterans develop in their civilian careers. Recommendations are offered for effective messaging to veterans, including targeted emails, digital advertising, having a presence at veteran events, and corporate involvement in veteran philanthropy. Suggestions are offered on how to develop the metrics to measure the success of these initiatives are also presented.
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Eiler, Sherri, Ren Nygren, Sandra Olivarez, and Gary M. Profit. "Veteran Hiring and Retention." In Military Veteran Employment, 171–88. Oxford University Press, 2021.

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This chapter describes the experience and lessons learned regarding the veteran hiring initiative within Military Programs at Walmart. A proponent of veteran hiring for decades, Walmart formally launched the Veterans Welcome Home Commitment in 2013 and is currently the largest private sector employer of veterans and military spouses. While many companies understand the benefits of hiring veterans, a number of companies find that retaining veteran employees can be challenging. Using a four-step model, common-sense tactics utilized by Walmart are provided that can be used to help veterans successfully transition from their military careers to civilian organizations through understanding military and corporate culture and how veterans coming from the military’s culture fit in with an organization’s corporate culture. This chapter also describes how the lessons learned from Walmart’s veteran hiring efforts can be used by smaller companies that may be considering or are actively deploying veteran and military family member hiring initiatives.
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Conference papers on the topic "Veterani"


Ha, N. T., F. Alghanim, V. K. Holden, F. Nasim, E. Pickering, and A. Sachdeva. "Nocardia Veterana - Old Veteran or Emergent Entity?" In American Thoracic Society 2021 International Conference, May 14-19, 2021 - San Diego, CA. American Thoracic Society, 2021.

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Olney, Christine, Jennifer Leestma, Andrew Hansen, John Ferguson, Mary Murphy Kruse, and Gary Goldish. "Skin Self-Screening Camera for Veterans With Spinal Cord Injury." In 2017 Design of Medical Devices Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2017.

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Veterans with spinal cord injury (SCI) are at high risk for developing debilitating pressure injuries, particularly to their seated areas (e.g. coccyx, sacral and gluteal) [1]. To prevent development of a pressure injury the Veteran with SCI is encouraged to invoke multiple prevention strategies [2]. One recommended prevention strategy is to conduct twice daily skin self-screenings. Skin self-screening is usually conducted in the bed, prior to arising in the morning and prior to sleep in the evening. The current method to conduct skin self-screening utilizes a mirror at the end of a long handle. The Veteran with SCI examines at-risk areas for changes in their skin integrity such as discoloration, swelling, or changes in skin texture. This method can take up to 20 minutes to complete. In the event there is a change to skin integrity, the pressure injury prevention protocol advises the Veteran with SCI to off-load that particular area for at least 24 hours [3]. Further, he/she is advised to consult with their skin specialist if the area does not resolve to normal color or texture within that next 24 hour period. The consequences of ignoring an early stage pressure injury can be serious e.g. weeks to months of hospitalization attempting to heal the injury, tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars in healthcare costs, possible surgery to close the wound and possibly death [4]. Informal interviews with Veterans with SCI clarified and validated that conducting skin screening with the mirror could be very challenging due to barriers such as: not having a baseline image to compare to; the mirror image not being viewable to the user due to lack of user flexibility or body habitus; the mirror does not easily allow a complete view of all the at-risk areas; the user not being able to discern what he/she is actually viewing possibly due to mirror image distortion and limited visual acuity. The need for a better skin self-screening device was evidenced by the advanced pressure injuries Veterans presented to their healthcare providers. Finding a pressure injury in the early stages of development and intervening immediately, such as repositioning, can improve the trajectory of the injury [5]. Therefore the project goal was to offer a better tool for and improve the efficacy of skin self-screening for the Veterans with SCI. To overcome the identified barriers, our team of VA clinicians and engineers of the Minneapolis Adaptive Design & Engineering (MADE) program invented such a device at the Minneapolis VA. This paper presents the patient centered iterative process that was used to develop a skin self-screening device and the future directions for this technology.
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Brooker, Jennifer, and Daniel Vincent. "The Australian Veterans' Scholarship Program (AVSP) Through a Career Construction Paradigm." In Tenth Pan-Commonwealth Forum on Open Learning. Commonwealth of Learning, 2022.

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In Australia, 6000 military personnel leave the military each year, of whom at least 30% become unemployed and 19% experience underemployment, figures five times higher than the national average (Australian Government 2020). Believed to be one of life's most intense transitions, veterans find it difficult to align their military skills and knowledge to the civilian labour market upon leaving military service (Cable, Cathcart and Almond 2021; AVEC 2020). // Providing authentic opportunities that allow veterans to gain meaningful employment upon (re)entering civilian life raises their capability to incorporate accrued military skills, knowledge, and expertise. Despite acknowledging that higher education is a valuable transition pathway, Australia has no permanently federally funded post-service higher education benefit supporting veterans to improve their civilian employment prospects. Since World War II, American GIs have accessed a higher education scholarship program (tuition fees, an annual book allowance, monthly housing stipend) (Defense 2019). A similar offering is available in Canada, the UK, and Israel. // We are proposing that the AVSP would be the first comprehensive, in-depth study investigating the ongoing academic success of Australia's modern veterans as they study higher and vocational education. It consists of four distinct components: // Scholarships: transitioning/separated veterans apply for one of four higher education scholarship options (under/postgraduate): 100% tuition fees waived // $750/fortnight living stipend for the degree duration // 50/50 tuition/living stipend // Industry-focused scholarships. // Research: LAS Consulting, Open Door, Flinders University, over seven years, will follow the scholarship recipients to identify which scholarship option is the most relevant/beneficial for Australian veterans. The analysis of the resultant quantitative and qualitative data will demonstrate that providing federal financial support to student veterans studying higher education options: Improves the psychosocial and economic outcomes for veterans // Reduces the need for financial and medical support of participants // Reduces the national unemployed and underemployed statistics for veterans // Provides a positive return of investment (ROI) to the funder // May increase Australian Defence Force (ADF) recruitment and retention rates // Career Construction: LAS Consulting will sit, listen, guide, and help build an emotional connection around purpose, identity, education and employment opportunities back into society. So, the veteran can move forward, crystalise a life worth living, and find their authentic self, which is led by their values in the civilian world. // Mentoring: Each participant receives a mentor throughout their academic journey.
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Fitzke, Reagan, Jordan Davis, and Eric Pedersen. "Co-use of Tobacco/Nicotine and Cannabis Among Veterans: A Preliminary Investigation of Prevalence and Associations with Mental Health Outcomes." In 2020 Virtual Scientific Meeting of the Research Society on Marijuana. Research Society on Marijuana, 2021.

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While tobacco and cannabis use rates remain high in the general U.S. population, veterans from the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan (i.e., OEF/OIF veterans) are at particularly high risk of high rates of cannabis and tobacco use. Co-use of tobacco/nicotine and cannabis (i.e., using both substances within a specified period of time or combining the drugs within the same device for use) is of growing prevalence in the United States. Tobacco/nicotine and cannabis use is often associated with poor mental health outcomes such as stress, anxiety, and depression. However, little is understood about the prevalence rates of tobacco/nicotine and cannabis co-use among U.S. veterans as well as associations with mental health symptomology. The current study aimed to investigate types of tobacco/nicotine and cannabis co-use among veterans, as well as associations between co-use and mental health outcomes of stress, depression, anxiety, and posttraumatic stress disorder. Participants (N= 1,548) were recruited through social media websites and completed an online survey as part of a larger study. The majority (80%) endorsed tobacco/nicotine and/or cannabis use in the past 30 days. Descriptive analyses were run to assess prevalence of use within the sample. Mean comparisons were conducted to assess differences in past 30-day frequency of use and for mental health outcomes between co-users and single users of either substance. Among the larger sample, 90% endorsed lifetime use of tobacco/nicotine, 23% endorsed lifetime use of cannabis, and 21% endorsed any lifetime co-use of both substances. These participants also endorsed past 30 day use of tobacco/nicotine (77%), cannabis (10%), and co-use (7%). Among the past 30-day cannabis users, 66% reported also using tobacco/nicotine, while 9% of past 30-day tobacco/nicotine users also reported cannabis use. When comparing cannabis-only users to co-users of cannabis and tobacco/nicotine, anxiety symptoms were reported as significantly higher among co-users. Tobacco/nicotine-only users endorsed higher past 30-day frequency of cigarettes and e-cigarettes compared to co-users; however, co-users endorsed significantly higher levels of stress and symptoms of PTSD, depression, and anxiety compared to tobacco/nicotine-only users. Results suggest that the addition of cannabis use in conjunction with tobacco/nicotine use may be associated with greater mental health symptoms among veterans. Findings have implications for future veteran mental health care and substance use treatment among tobacco/nicotine and cannabis co-users.
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Liu, Yanhong, Jennifer R. Kramer, Liang Chen, Zenab I. Yusuf, Vlad Sandulache, Li Jiao, Elizabeth Y. Chiao, Andrew G. Sikora, and Donna L. White. "Abstract 870: Immunogenetic determinants of head and neck cancer in Veterans in the Million Veteran Program cohort." In Proceedings: AACR Annual Meeting 2021; April 10-15, 2021 and May 17-21, 2021; Philadelphia, PA. American Association for Cancer Research, 2021.

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Seyler, S., E. Johnsen, and C. M. Bojanowski. "Vaping-Associated Pulmonary Injury in a 71 Year Old Vietnam Veteran Who Presented to the Southeast Louisiana Veterans Healthcare System." In American Thoracic Society 2020 International Conference, May 15-20, 2020 - Philadelphia, PA. American Thoracic Society, 2020.

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Waksmunski, Andrea R., Tyler G. Kinzy, Lauren A. Cruz, Cari L. Nealon, Christopher W. Halladay, Scott A. Anthony, Paul B. Greenberg, et al. "Diversity is key for cross-ancestry transferability of glaucoma genetic risk scores in Hispanic Veterans in the Million Veteran Program." In Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing 2023. WORLD SCIENTIFIC, 2022.

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Fitzke, Reagan, Daniel Lee, Denise Tran, Jordan Davis, and Eric Pedersen. "Military sexual violence and cannabis use disorder among OEF/OIF veterans." In 2021 Virtual Scientific Meeting of the Research Society on Marijuana. Research Society on Marijuana, 2022.

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Sexual violence experienced during military service can have lasting negative psychosocial effects on veterans long after service ends. Current research reports veterans who have experienced military sexual violence are more likely to develop mental health and substance use disorders. Little is known, though, about the relationship between military sexual violence and subsequent cannabis use disorder (CUD). The current study investigated prevalence of military sexual violence among a large sample of OEF/OIF veterans (N = 1,005), its effect on later CUD, and the potential moderating role of resilience. First, t-tests examined differences in experience of military sexual violence between LGBQ vs. heterosexual and female vs. male veterans. Then, using logistic regressions controlling for sex, sexual orientation, and race/ethnicity, we assessed the effects of sexual violence on CUD (Cannabis Use Disorder Identification Test score of 12 or higher), followed by adding resilience into the model to examine independent and moderation effects. T-test results indicated that female (t(99) = -7.46, p < 0.001) and LGBQ veterans (t(38) = -3.85, p < 0.001) were significantly more likely to experience military sexual violence. Veterans who experienced military sexual violence had higher odds of screening for CUD (OR = 3.37; 95% CI = [1.76, 6.45]). Greater resilience was associated with lower odds of CUD (OR = 0.40; 95% CI = [0.23, 0.70]), but it did not moderate the relationship between sexual violence and CUD. Our findings are in line with prior work that female and LGBQ veterans may experience sexual violence during military service at higher rates. We also showed that veterans who experience military sexual violence are at increased risk for subsequent CUD. This suggests the importance of screening for military sexual violence among veterans, including among those seeking care for CUD, as well as screening for CUD symptoms among those who have experienced military sexual violence. Since we found that greater levels of resilience were associated with lower odds of CUD, programs and treatments aimed at building resilience to adverse events may have independent protective effects on CUD.
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Clary, Kelly Lynn, Hyojung Kang, Laura Quintero Silva, and Julie Bobitt. "Weeding out the Stigma: Experiences Shared by Older Veterans." In 2021 Virtual Scientific Meeting of the Research Society on Marijuana. Research Society on Marijuana, 2022.

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Background: Cannabis use today is the highest it has been in three decades, approaching 36.5% prevalence for past year use (Schulenberg et al., 2017). From a 2014 nationwide sample of Veterans over 18, approximately 9% reported past year cannabis use (Davis et al., 2018). It also showed that in states where medical cannabis was legal, 41% of Veterans who used cannabis in the past year reported doing so for medical purposes. Modern research findings continue to point to medical cannabis as a potentially effective alternative to prescription medications (i.e., opioids and benzodiazepines) for treating a broad range of medical conditions. Aims: The goal of our larger study was to develop a deeper understanding of cannabis use in US older Veterans (60 years +) who are using cannabis as a substitute or complement for opioids and/or benzodiazepines. While research exists on the use levels of cannabis, to our knowledge, limited research on the perceived stigma of using cannabis among older Veterans exists. For the current study, we sought to develop an understanding of stigma associated with older Veterans using cannabis. Methodology: We surveyed 121 older Veterans who were enrolled in the Illinois Medical Cannabis Patient Program during fall 2020. We then used maximum variation sampling to select a subset of 32 Veterans who completed the initial online survey. From November 2020 to February 2021, two researchers conducted 30-minute audiotaped semi-structured interviews. Participants represented diversity regarding the age of cannabis initiation, type of cannabis user, military branch, type of healthcare provider, and race/ethnicity. Interview topics included (1) use of cannabis, opioids, and benzodiazepines, (2) interactions with medical providers, (3) stigma regarding cannabis use, and (4) educational materials for older Veterans. For the current study, we present findings from the third topic regarding stigma associated with using cannabis. The interviews were transcribed verbatim for data analysis purposes. Weekly meetings among two coders ensued to debrief on coding procedures, reflect on biases and interpretations, and reach consensus regarding coding discrepancies. The final codebook reached an 87% inter-rater reliability. Then, the two coders independently coded the transcripts and employed a rigorous thematic analysis approach using NVivo12 QSR. A narrative was woven together with exemplary quotes to illustrate major themes. Findings: We identified three stigma focused themes: (1) stereotypes regarding people who use cannabis, (2) hesitation of disclosing cannabis use with others, and (3) media portrayal (i.e., movies, television shows) of cannabis users. Implications: Stigma creates situations in which older Veterans are hesitant to disclose their use of cannabis with physicians and friends/family which can be dangerous and also socially isolating. Additionally, older Veterans may benefit from shared experiences about cannabis use for medical purposes, but this often does not occur. The empirically-based insights gained from this work have the potential to inform public health leaders, healthcare administrators, and public messaging regarding the use of medical cannabis. Additional research is needed to expand upon our findings with more generalizable methods and a representative sample of older Veterans.
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Mandala, Mahender, Mary Goldberg, Jonathan Pearlman, and Rory Cooper. "Research Experience for Veterans and Teachers: Motivation, Program Description, Outcomes and Expectations for Future." In ASME 2014 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2014.

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Students, especially from the underrepresented groups, are largely underprepared for and unaware of all the STEM opportunities at the undergraduate level. We have recognized this need with two populations: students that come directly out of K-12 schools and military veterans transitioning into college. We offer two programs to combat lower STEM enrollment and attrition at post-secondary institutions: a Research Experience for Teachers program that instructs teachers on an innovative product realization process to excite their K-12 students about STEM disciplines and an Experiential Learning for Veterans in Assistive Technology and Engineering program as a mechanism to advise and prepare Veterans with disabilities for their transition from the combat field to an academic career. In the following paper we look at a novel attempt to combining the two seemingly diverse populations of Teachers and Veterans in a single training initiative, made possible by their overlapping needs and STEM theme.
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Reports on the topic "Veterani"


Boersma, Peter. NHSR 153: Multiple Chronic Conditions Among Veterans and Nonveterans: United States, 2015–2018. National Center for Health Statistics, 2021.

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This report describes the prevalence of multiple (two or more) chronic conditions (MCC) among veterans and nonveterans and examines whether differences by veteran status may be explained by differences in sociodemographic composition, smoking behavior, and weight status based on body mass index
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Lopez, Sindy, Emily Schwartz, and Elizabeth Davidson Pisacreta. Making the Case for Student Veterans: Building Support for Student Veteran Enrollment. Ithaka S+R, October 2020.

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Cohen, Robin, and Peter Boersma. Financial Burden of Medical Care Among Veterans Aged 25–64, by Health Insurance Coverage: United States, 2019–2021. National Center for Health Statistics (U.S.), March 2023.

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Angrist, Joshua. The Effect of Veterans Benefits on Veterans' Education and Earnings. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, October 1990.

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Peterson, Del. Improving Veteran Mobility. Tampa, FL: University of South Florida, February 2014.

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Boersm, Peter, and Robin Cohen. Physical, Speech, Rehabilitative, or Occupational Therapy Use Among Adults Aged 25–64, by Veteran Status: United States, 2019–2020. National Center for Health Statistics (U.S.), August 2022.

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This report describes the use of physical, speech, rehabilitative, or occupational therapy in the past 12 months by veteran status and selected sociodemographic characteristics among adults aged 25–64.
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Modder, Donald J. Putting Veterans to Work. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, February 2012.

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Sauer, Jennifer. Veteran Scams 2021 Metholodogy. Washington, DC: AARP Research, November 2021.

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Cantave, Cassandra. 2019 Veterans In America Infographics. AARP Research, May 2019.

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Caslen, Robert. Improving College Opportunity for Veterans. Ithaka S+R, March 2020.

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