Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Vehicle-driver interaction'
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Park, Shinsuk 1966. "Driver-vehicle interaction in braking." Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1999. http://hdl.handle.net/1721.1/9421.
Full textIncludes bibliographical references (leaves 81-86).
While antilock brake systems (ABS) have become more and more popular with the public, statistics reports imply that ABS-equipped cars have no advantage over non-ABS-equipped cars in reducing fatal accidents. While the brake pedal needs to be pushed down (full-brake) to activate the ABS, many drivers on ABS-equipped cars fail to do this simple maneuver, reducing the effectiveness of ABS and even contributing to some accidents. Because of such behavior on the driver's part, the major feature of this brake assistance system is often ineffective. The goal of this thesis is to design brake systems that provide intuitive brake control and proper braking performance information for the driver. As a preliminary study in brake system design, the characteristics of human leg motion and its underlying motor control scheme were studied through experiments and simulations. Automotive brake systems were modeled as a type of master-slave tele-manipulator. Human force-displacement interaction at the master end (the brake pedal) has a strong effect on the system's ability to control the operations at the slave end (the braking performance). By providing drivers with "force feel" at the brake pedal, they can obtain information about braking conditions or performance. This thesis developed novel brake systems based on two new aspects. First, the mechanical impedance characteristics of the leg action of the driver were taken into consideration in designing the brake systems. Second, the brake systems provide the driver with kinesthetic feedback of braking conditions or performance. Since the effectiveness of brake systems needs to be examined as a combined driver-vehicle system, driving simulations were used to investigate the performance of the proposed designs.
by Shinsuk Park.
Löfgren, Pär. "Identification of Driver Unawareness based on User Interaction." Thesis, Linköping University, Department of Electrical Engineering, 2007. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-8761.
Full textIn new cars of today there are several electronically controlled systems that seek to aid the driver and make the journey as safe as possible. This include not only systems that directly control the vehicle such as ABS and ESP, but also systems that might make driving easier such as navigation systems, cruise control and even seat adjustments.
It is important that the effects on the driver from the use of such systems do not lead to an environment that diverts the attention of the driver from the main task, i.e. driving safely.
In this thesis a possible way of modeling the driver distractedness level due to the operation of these systems is discussed. This is done in Simulink with vehicle CAN data as inputs. An expert field test is done with 6 drivers over 18 trial runs with 31 secondary tasks on a highway. Two criteria are used to measure the distractedness, one objective based on the attributes of an element and one subjective, based on the use of the elements while driving during the trials. A lane monitoring system is evaluated and the offset from the lane center over time is used as an external criteria to the distractedness level. There is however no significant correlation between the external criteria and the subjective distractedness level.
The results of the subjective distractedness level are used in the model and possible future extensions to it are discussed.
Nash, Christopher James. "Measurement and modelling of human sensory feedback in car driving." Thesis, University of Cambridge, 2018. https://www.repository.cam.ac.uk/handle/1810/270641.
Full textErséus, Andreas. "Driver-Vehicle Interaction : Identification, Characterization and Modelling of Path Tracking Skill." Doctoral thesis, KTH, Fordonsdynamik, 2010. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-13209.
Full textQC20100701
Lundin, Maria, and Lena Kanstrup. "Method for detection of sleepiness : - measurement of interaction between driver and vehicle." Thesis, Linköping University, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 2006. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-7714.
Full textAs more and more people conduct vigilance-based activities at times other than the traditional daytime work hours, the time utilization will continue to escalate in the next century and will further increase the risks of sleepiness-related accidents.
This project, which is commissioned by Scania CV AB, is to nvestigate the potential of a method for sleepiness detection belonging to esium AB. Our objective is to examine whether Scania CV AB should continue with the investigation of the patent method, and in that case, which patent parameters, that indicate sleepiness, should be more closely inquired. The purpose with the method of patent is to discover a sleepy driving behaviour. This method is based on the interaction that appears between the driver and the vehicle. The interaction consists of small spontaneous corrections with the steering wheel that in this report is called micro communication. How well the interaction is functioning can be measured in degree of interaction, which shows how well the driver and the truck interact with each other. The interaction between the driver and the vehicle is in this report looked upon as answers and questions with a certain reaction time, which appears with a certain answered question frequency. The differences in the signal’s amplitudes are measured in variation in amplitudes.
Experiments to collect relevant signals have to be conducted in order to investigate the potential with the method of the patent. It is eligible to collect data from a person falling asleep, which implies experiments conducted in a simulator. The experiments are executed in
a simulator, one test when they are alert and one when they are sleep deprived. Tests are also executed in a Scania truck. The purpose with these experiments is to collect data of the subject’s normal driving pattern in a truck and to investigate if it is possible to obtain
acceptable data in a truck.
The sleepiness experiments have indicated that the micro communication takes place in a frequency range of 0.25 to 6.0 Hz. The variables that have been found to detect sleepiness with high reliability are the reaction time and the degree of interaction presented in spectra.
The validation experiments have shown it is possible to collect exact and accurate data from the lateral acceleration and the steering wheel torque. But, there is more noise in the signals from truck then there is in the signals from the simulator.
This method for sleepiness detection has, according to the authors, a great potential. However, more experiments have to be conducted. The authors suggest further sleepiness experiments only conducted during night time. The subjects are sufficiently alert in the beginning of the test to receive data from normal driving behaviour. Physiological measurement could be interesting to have by the side of the subjective assessments as an additional base for comparison.
Stoltz-Sundnes, Max. "STPA-Inspired Safety Analysis of Driver-Vehicle Interaction in Cooperative Driving Automation." Thesis, KTH, Skolan för industriell teknik och management (ITM), 2019. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-263933.
Full textAutonoma fordon på allmänna vägar blir verklighet och genom kooperativ funktionalitet öppnas nya möjligheter för att hitta säkrare och effektivare trafiklösningar än dagens förare har möjlighet till men för att tillåta dessa system måste de kunna bevisas säkra. Denna avhandling fokuserar på säkerhetsanalys av kooperativ körning och människa/maskininteraktion i autonoma fordon. Forskningen bygger på en fallstudie av KTH:s deltagande i en tävling där autonoma kooperativa fordon kör i tre verklighetsinspirerade trafiksituationer (GCDC 2016). Funktionssäkerheten hos den kooperativa körnings-funktionaliteten bedöms med hjälp av den nya metoden Systems Theoretic Process Analysis (STPA) vilket resulterade i ett antal säkerhetsbegränsningar på systemnivå. Analysen visade att utveckling i HMI-relaterade aspekter saknades och modulen som analyserats krävde fortsatt arbete. Under denna utveckling införs visuella aspekter, nya förarcentrerade risker i form av förvirring kring föraransvar och orättvisa övergångar samt en strategi för säker övergång mellan autonoma och manuella tillstånd. Den vidareutvecklade modulen, som resulterade i nya interaktions-möjligheter mellan förare och fordon, analyserades och STPA jämfördes med en ny metod utvecklad för säker läges-växling i autonoma fordon för att identifiera och kvantifiera HMI-relaterade risker. Resultaten visade att oavsiktlig inmatning eller felaktiga inmatningar från föraren innebar störst hot för förvirring, dvs risken för att antingen både fordon och förare eller ingen av dem tror sig ha ansvar för framfarten av fordonet.
Schnelle, Scott C. "Development of Personalized Lateral and Longitudinal Driver Behavior Models for Optimal Human-Vehicle Interactive Control." The Ohio State University, 2016. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=osu1480362246357462.
Full textCocron, Peter. "Regenerative braking and low vehicle noise of electric vehicles – implications for the driver." Doctoral thesis, Universitätsbibliothek Chemnitz, 2014. http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bsz:ch1-qucosa-155303.
Full textPagliarecci, Nico. "On the understanding of the vehicle-driver interaction using the objectification of subjective assessment : application to the tire development process." Thesis, Mulhouse, 2020. http://www.theses.fr/2020MULH4104.
Full textThe tire is heavily involved in the performance of a vehicle. Vehicle's fuel consumption (rolling resistance, aerodynamics), noise, comfort, handling and safety are related to the tire chosen. By using objective measurements, it is possible to predict some of those features but for some others like handling we cannot really predict the subjective evaluation made by experienced test drivers. Trial/error methodology is sometimes applied to identify tire potential and to gauge the tire performance related to specific designs and mechanical characteristics.Today, in the automotive industry, the evaluation of vehicle and tire handling performance is still largely performed on a subjective basis by experienced test drivers. This is justified by the fact that customer perception of vehicle performance is also made subjectively and, no reliable relationship has been found to relate objective performance measures to the human perception of performance.An extensive literature review on the objectification of subjective assessment, the vehicle-driver interaction, the vehicle dynamics simulation and the explorative multivariate data analysis as well as statistical hypothesis testing is the first research step aimed to investigate the methodologies, the data analytics and statistical tools used by other researchers.Based on the literature review, the thesis proposes a methodology that allows to translate subjective evaluations into objective metrics (vehicle environment as well as vehicle-tire environment) enabling the prediction of the outcome of a subjective test by using objective measurements leading to a reduction of the iterations during the tire development process. The choice of the most relevant vehicle dynamics model’s complexity depicts the main tire mechanical features affecting the handling performance and their effect on the objective metrics of interest. Specific experimental vehicle dynamics maneuvers have been selected for this study with the aim of unpacking the complexity of the subjective handling assessment without being simplistic and paying attention to interconnectedness of the different variables and their interplay with contextual factors.In the frame of the above-mentioned correlation study, the role of the driver in the driver-vehicle system is investigated. The results presented show that, with the chosen methodology, it is possible to gain insights on the driver’s testing strategy identifying the main vehicle responses affecting all the stages of the subjective evaluation. To deepen and strengthen the understanding of the driver’s role, two panel studies involving professional and non-professional drivers have been carried out. Those allowed the study and analysis of the vehicle-driver interaction in terms of proprioception and vision, audio-visual influences and aftereffects in motion
Wanner, Daniel. "Controlling over-actuated road vehicles during failure conditions." Doctoral thesis, KTH, Fordonsdynamik, 2015. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-166819.
Full textQC 20150520
Kang, Yue. "Sensor-based navigation for robotic vehicles by interaction of human driver and embedded intelligent system." Thesis, Compiègne, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016COMP2291.
Full textThis thesis presents an approach of cooperative navigation control pattern for intelligent vehicles in the context of human-vehicle interaction, in which human driver and autonomous servoing system cooperate for the purpose of benefiting from mutual advantages of manual and auto control. The navigation of the vehicle is performed in parallel by the driver and the embedded intelligent system, based on the perception of the environment. The cooperative framework we specify concerns the analysis and correction of the human navigation gestures by the intelligent system for the purpose of performing local navigation tasks of road lane following with obstacle avoidance. The human-vehicle interaction algorithm is based on autonomous servoing components as Visual Servoing (VS) controllers and obstacle avoidance method Dynamic Window Approach (DWA) based on Occupancy Grid, which are supported by the environment perception performed carried out by on-boarded sensors including a monovision camera and a LIDAR sensor. Given the technical/legal impossibility of validating our interaction method on our robotic vehicle (a robotic Renault Zoé), the driver-in-the-loop structures of system are designed for simulative environment of both Matlab and SCANeRTM Studio. In Matlab environment human driver is modeled by a code-based Human Driver Behaviour (HDB) Controller, which generates potential dangerous behaviors on purpose as manual control of the cooperative system. In SCANeR Studio environment the HDB is replaced by real-time manual command (a real human driver) via driving interface of this simulator. Results of simulative validation show the feasibility and performance of the cooperative navigation system with respect to tasks of driving security including road lane following, obstacle avoidance and safe distance maintenance
Jentsch, Martin. "Eignung von objektiven und subjektiven Daten im Fahrsimulator am Beispiel der Aktiven Gefahrenbremsung - eine vergleichende Untersuchung." Doctoral thesis, Universitätsbibliothek Chemnitz, 2014. http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bsz:ch1-qucosa-142603.
Full textBertoldi, Eduardo. "Sistema anti-colisão de alerta ao motorista com o uso de estímulo auditivo e háptico." Universidade de São Paulo, 2011. http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/3/3141/tde-11082011-124349/.
Full textIn this work, we develop a study about the usage of auditive and haptic alerts in the vehicular environment. It is proposed a driver assistance system to warn the driver that a lateral collision with other vehicle may be imminent, when the rear mirror observation is insufficient or the driver is distracted. The system is composed by an activation module and a warning module. The activation module detects the dangerous condition using sensors placed around the vehicle and on the identification of a lane departure tendency. This work focuses on the warning module, which proposes the usage of three-dimensional sound together with vibration stimulus. A simulation environment is proposed to reproduce in laboratory the environment where the driver actuates. In this environment, the subject is requested to play a driving game projected in the frontal wall using a steering wheel and pedals to accelerate and brake. While the driver conducts the vehicle over the game route, he is submitted to the situation where another vehicle approaches very fastly from behind. The seat is equipped with the vibration and auditory stimuli generator elements. In the first experiment, it is assessed the behavior of 12 subjects in the critical situation without the usage of the warning system and it is concluded that the major reaction in such situation is the steering of the wheel. In the second experiment, 23 subjects are submitted to the same scenario adding the auditory and haptic warning system. The following data are collected: reaction time, wheel steering, pedal pressing and distance between the vehicles. The perception of the participants about the used warning system is registered. The analysis of all data indicates that the system is eligible to be used and is able to help regarding reaction times. Nevertheless, it is still necessary to review the characteristics of the used warnings, specially the auditory, to reduce discomfort and avoid loss of control during driving.
Wahlberg, Linnea. "Eyes on the Road! : Off-Road Glance Durations when Performing Tasks on In-Vehicle Systems while Driving in a Simulator." Thesis, Linköpings universitet, Institutionen för datavetenskap, 2013. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-94622.
Full textGuo, Chunshi. "Conception des principes de coopération conducteur-véhicule pour les systèmes de conduite automatisée." Thesis, Valenciennes, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017VALE0020/document.
Full textGiven rapid advancement of automated driving (AD) technologies in recent years, major car makers promise the commercialization of AD vehicles within one decade from now. However, how the automation should interact with human drivers remains an open question. The objective of this thesis is to design, develop and evaluate interaction principles for AD systems that can cooperate with a human driver. Considering the complexity of such a human-machine system, this thesis begins with proposing two general cooperation principles and a hierarchical cooperative control architecture to lay a common basis for interaction and system design in the defined use cases. Since the proposed principles address a dynamic driving environment involving manually driven vehicles, the AD vehicle needs to understand it and to share its situational awareness with the driver for efficient cooperation. This thesis first proposes a representation formalism of the driving scene in the Frenet frame to facilitate the creation of the spatial awareness of the AD system. An adaptive vehicle longitudinal trajectory prediction method is also presented. Based on maneuver detection and jerk estimation, this method yields better prediction accuracy than the method based on constant acceleration assumption. As case studies, this thesis implements two cooperation principles for two use cases respectively. In the first use case of highway merging management, this thesis proposes a cooperative longitudinal control framework featuring an ad-hoc maneuver planning function and a model predictive control (MPC) based trajectory generation for transient maneuvers. This framework can automatically handle a merging vehicle, and at the mean time it offers the driver a possibility to change the intention of the system. In another use case concerning highway lane positioning and lane changing, a shared steering control problem is formulated in MPC framework. By adapting the weight on the stage cost and implementing dynamic constraints online, the MPC ensures seamless control transfer between the system and the driver while conveying potential hazards through haptic feedback. Both of the designed systems are evaluated through user tests on driving simulator. Finally, human factors issue and user’s perception on these new interaction paradigms are discussed
Rondahl, Robert, and Filip Larsson. "Slag Hauler User Interface Design : Using human-centred design to create a user interface for heavy machinery." Thesis, Luleå tekniska universitet, Institutionen för ekonomi, teknik och samhälle, 2017. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:ltu:diva-63939.
Full textI tunga fordon har förarmiljön och dess användargränssnitt ofta varit lågt prioriterad under produktutvecklingen. Detta håller på att förändras då användarupplevelsen, i synnerhet för föraren, blir ett allt viktigare försäljningsargument. Kiruna Utility Vehicles (Kiruna UV), som tillverkar slaggtruckar för stålindustrin, har tagit fram en ny förarhytt för att möta dessa nya krav. Utvecklingen av förarhytten har skett i samarbete med studenter vid Luleå Tekniska Universitet. Detta examensarbete på masternivå har haft som syfte att skapa ett digitalt användargränssnitt för Kiruna UV:s slaggtruck modell SH60.Användarnas behov är viktiga för att kunna säkerställa en bra användarupplevelse. Därför valdes en människocentrerad designprocess för detta projekt. Omfattande användarstudier har genomförts tillsammans med förare, mekaniker, beslutsfattare och tillverkaren av slaggtrucken. Efterforskningarna har utförts i form av en fältstudier där intervjuer, observationer och eye-tracking användes som huvudsakliga verktyg.Slaggtrucksföraren manövrerar slaggtrucken i två olika positioner, där informationsbehovet skiljer sig åt. Vid körning av slaggtrucken är föraren vänd framåt och i detta läge är den ganska lik andra tunga maskiner. Användargränssnittet måste förmedla information om varvtal, hastighet, växel och bränslenivå.Vid lastning eller tömning av slaggdeglar vänder sig föraren om för att manövrera tippsystemet. I detta läge måste gränssnittet förmedla information om lyftarmarnas position, låsningar och stödben.Genom brainstorming och idéskapande workshops med intressenter och deltagare utan erfarenhet av slaggtruckar, skapades idéer om hur information kan presenteras. Även idéer för gränssnittets layout togs fram. Idéerna kopplades sedan till fyra olika koncept som utvecklades i flera iterationer. Dessa utvärderades genom en enkätundersökning, ett användartest samt återkopplingsmöten med slaggtrucksförare, mekaniker och tillverkare. Ett slutligt koncept skapades, som innehåller den information som behövs för att manövrera och underhålla slaggtrucken på ett säkert och effektivt sätt. Exempel på detta är varvtal, hastighet och information om tippsystemet. Konceptet innehåller de delar av de fyra koncepten som visade sig fungera bäst under konceptutvärderingen. Användargränssnittet har ett modernt utseende som passar in i den nya förarhytten. Vi har visat att användarupplevelsen för förare och servicepersonal kan förbättras genom att anpassa gränssnittet efter deras behov. Vi har också visat vilka fördelar som finns med att använda en människocentrerad designprocess för produktutveckling av tunga maskiner.
Neumann, Isabel. "Energieeffizienz im Elektrofahrzeug – Implikationen für die Nutzerschnittstelle, die Fahraufgabe und motivationale Aspekte." Doctoral thesis, Universitätsbibliothek Chemnitz, 2016. http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bsz:ch1-qucosa-197385.
Full textAgainst the background of climate change, the reduction of human-induced CO2 emissions has become one of the key issues world-wide during the last years. In this context, battery electric vehicles are discussed as a promising solution for the reduction of CO2 emissions in the transportation sector and their use in road traffic is expedited through numerous national initiatives. Battery electric vehicles exhibit a number of specific features compared to conventional vehicles which pose new challenges to the driver. In this connection, the most specific feature of battery electric vehicles is the limited range, which is specifically important given the limited availability of charging stations and currently long charging durations. Moreover, with the electrification of transportation the concept of electricity with its unfamiliar units like Watt and Ampere is introduced in the driving context. Additionally, the regenerative braking system offers the possibility to actively regain energy during deceleration manoeuvers. One task of traffic psychology is to focus on and investigate the drivers’ needs and requirements related to these specific features and the interaction with the vehicle and the environment. Based on the acquired knowledge, recommendations and measures can be derived, which could facilitate the adoption of battery electric vehicles as well as the efficient and safe usage of this technology. In that sense the contribution of the present dissertation is to derive implications for the design of the user interface, the changed driving task, and regarding motivational aspects based on the specific features and new systems incorporated in battery electric vehicles. These issues are specifically considered in the light of energy efficiency which is of particular importance in the context of battery electric vehicles. The first research objective of the present dissertation was the user-centred evaluation of a driver interface generally against the background of the specific characteristics of battery electric vehicles as well as specifically based on drivers‘ interaction with the limited range. Based on the results, users’ needs for additional information became apparent, which were compiled in a taxonomy of user requirements and further highlight the relevance of energy-efficient interaction with battery electric vehicles. Furthermore, the results revealed difficulties for users’ in comprehending the concept of electricity in the driving context, specifically regarding electric units of measurement. Hence a presentation of energy consumption using the familiar unit kilometres, which has also practical relevance for the driving task, is recommended. Based on the evaluation results of the displayed information, design principles (Wickens, Lee, Liu, & Gordon-Becker, 2004) which are specifically important in the context of battery electric vehicles are derived. A transparent and trustworthy presentation of influencing factors on energy efficiency as well as drivers’ concrete opportunities for actions may support users in the adaptation process initiated when starting to use an electric vehicle and reduce feelings of uncertainty when interacting with the limited range. The eco-driving competence and associated processes of learning and transfer when driving a battery electric vehicle were examined within the scope of the second research objective. Investigations revealed an adaptation of eco-driving knowledge when starting to use a battery electric vehicle instead of a conventional vehicle. Additionally, the eco-driving knowledge increased with battery electric vehicle use. Both inexperienced and experienced battery electric vehicle drivers were able to reduce the energy consumption of the battery electric vehicle by applying effective eco-driving strategies, such as accelerating moderately or using regenerative braking for deceleration manoeuvers. That implies the transfer of drivers’ eco-driving skills from conventional to battery electric vehicles in terms of a positive transfer (Fitts & Posner, 1967). The effectiveness of an implemented knowledge-based intervention to enhance the eco-driving competence of inexperienced battery electric vehicle users was limited to an increase in drivers’ eco-driving knowledge and more positive subjective assessments of their eco-driving competence. In order to enhance users’ eco-driving competence also regarding eco-driving behaviour and performance (i.e. reduced energy consumption) the implementation of supplemental skill-based components might be effective. Beside a driver’s eco-driving competence, motivational aspects are important determinants of driving behaviour (Hatakka, Keskinen, Gregersen, Glad, & Hernetkoski, 2002; Rothengatter, 1997; Summala, 2007). The third research objective aimed to shed light on motivational aspects of battery electric vehicle eco-driving. In this regard the obtained medium-sized to strong correlations between rational (Ajzen, 1991) and hedonic (i.e. fun-oriented) motives and normal driving behaviour underline the relevance of motivational components in the context of eco-driving. Moreover, results indicate a to some extent higher motivation to drive efficiently with battery electric compared to conventional vehicles – a potential which should be fully exploited. Beside important rational motivators, hedonic values – i.e. feelings of pleasure or joy – could be used to experience eco-driving positively in terms of enjoying to efficiently interact with battery electric vehicles rather than merely prolonging the vehicle‘s range. From the perspective of traffic psychology the results of the dissertation emphasise the relevance of the monitoring layer of the driving task (Hollnagel & Woods, 2005) in battery electric vehicle use, which is characterised by a permanent comparison of the environment and the vehicle state. In this connection the design of the user interface is of specific relevance in terms of providing transparent, situation-specific, and action-oriented information to the driver. In sum, findings of the dissertation highlight the specific relevance of an energy-efficient interaction with battery electric vehicles. Focussing on this issue, results show concete possibilities to design the user interface of battery electric vehicles in a way to support the driver in eco-driving and to improve the comprehensibility of associated energy consumption information. Moreover, results reveal that adapation processes in terms of eco driving competence from internal combustine engine vehicles to battery electric vehicles occur and shed light on the deveopment of eco-driving competence with battery electric vehicle experience. Additionally, investigations concerning motivational aspects of eco-driving imply an increased potential of battery electric compared to conventional vehicles. Both rational and hedonic motives are important factors that are linked to battery electric vehicle eco-driving, which supplementary represent promising possibilities to further enhance the sustainability of this inherently „green“ technology
Ghasemi, Navid. "Improvement of the driving simulator control and comparison between driver-road-vehicule interaction in real and simulated environment." Thesis, Paris Est, 2020. http://www.theses.fr/2020PESC2010.
Full textThe related research activities were carried out in collaboration with the University of Bologna, Paris-Est University and Gustave Eiffel University (IFSTTAR) in the form of a cotutelle PhD. The activities are divided into two macro areas ; the driving simulation studies conducted in Gustave Eifel University (IFSTTAR) and on-road experiments organized by the University of Bologna. The first part of the research is focused on improving the physical fidelity of the two DOF driving simulator with particular attention to motion cueing and vehicle dynamics model. The vehicle dynamics model has been developed in MATLAB-Simulink and has the ability of real-time calculation of the vehicle states and control the motion platform. During this phase of the research, motion cueing algorithms were developed to control the simulator movements and the effect of the motion cues on drivers’ behaviour was analysed through experimentation. The results of these studies are discussed in the case studies I and II. In the second part of the research, the driver performance and visual behaviour were studied on the road under different scenarios. The driver visual behaviour was recorded with the use of a head mounted eye-tracking device, while the vehicle trajectory was registered with an instrumented vehicle equipped with Global Positioning System (GPS). During this phase, several case studies were developed to monitor drivers’ behaviour in the naturalistic environment. Case study III aims to integrate the traditional road safety auditing with an innovative driver behaviour monitoring system. The real road experiment with drivers was carried out in an urban arterial road in order to evaluate the proposed approach through innovative driver monitoring techniques. These same driving monitoring instruments were used for evaluating the improvement of a pedestrian crossing at the roundabout in case study IV. The eye-tracking data were evaluated in both studies in order to identify a driver visual attention indicator based on the participants gaze position and duration. Significant attention is given to the safety of vulnerable drivers in urban areas during the naturalistic driving behaviour study. Case study V analyzed the driver yielding behaviour in approach phase to a bicycle priority crossing with the use of surrogate safety measures. The drivers’ performance measures such as perception reaction time and gaze behaviour were used to assess the safety level of the crossing equipped with standard and innovative signalling systems. The improvement on the driver’s yielding behaviour towards an un-signalized crossing during night-time and their reaction to an integrated lighting-warning system was evaluated in the case study VI. The last phase of the thesis is dedicated to the study of Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) with on-road and simulator experimentation. The on-road experimentation investigated the driver assistant system influence on the drivers' adaptation with objective and subjective assessment, in which an eye tracking instrument and EEG helmet were used to monitor the drivers on a highway. The results are presented in Case studies VII and VIII and drivers’s visual attention was reduced due to adaptation to the ACC in the car following scenario. The results of the on-road test were later used to reproduce to the same scenario in the driving simulator and the adaptation of drivers’ behaviour with the use of ACC was confirmed through experimentation
"In-vehicle Multimodal Interaction." Master's thesis, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/2286/R.I.34851.
Full textDissertation/Thesis
Masters Thesis Computer Science 2015
Nieh, Heng-Chuan, and 聶亨全. "Investigation of driver-controller interaction for vehicle active safety system using game theory." Thesis, 2008. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/88107954670809453505.
Full text國立臺灣科技大學
In this thesis, we using game theory to analysis two different case. The main task in case study 1 is try to analysis the interaction between driver and ESP, by using game theory the results indicate that all the start probability of ESP is always tend to "on". Besides, the driver and safety system should not interact each other when one of them make a choice. In case study 2 we try to use game theory to integrate ESP and ROP, the results show that though the improvement is not clearly, it still can be another way to integrate two different active safety system. Finally, the driver simulator experimentation result prove that put β and LTR in payoff function of driver is a reasonable choice.
Rauh, Nadine. "Interaction with Limited Resource Systems in the Context of Sustainable Mobility: User Experience when Dealing with Electric Vehicles in Critical Range Situations." 2017. https://monarch.qucosa.de/id/qucosa%3A21462.
Full textSolomon, Cleshain Theodore. "Driver attention and behaviour monitoring with the Microsoft Kinect sensor." Diss., 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/10500/21798.
Full textElectrical Engineering
M. Tech. (Electrical Engineering)
Neumann, Isabel. "Energieeffizienz im Elektrofahrzeug – Implikationen für die Nutzerschnittstelle, die Fahraufgabe und motivationale Aspekte." Doctoral thesis, 2015. https://monarch.qucosa.de/id/qucosa%3A20399.
Full textAgainst the background of climate change, the reduction of human-induced CO2 emissions has become one of the key issues world-wide during the last years. In this context, battery electric vehicles are discussed as a promising solution for the reduction of CO2 emissions in the transportation sector and their use in road traffic is expedited through numerous national initiatives. Battery electric vehicles exhibit a number of specific features compared to conventional vehicles which pose new challenges to the driver. In this connection, the most specific feature of battery electric vehicles is the limited range, which is specifically important given the limited availability of charging stations and currently long charging durations. Moreover, with the electrification of transportation the concept of electricity with its unfamiliar units like Watt and Ampere is introduced in the driving context. Additionally, the regenerative braking system offers the possibility to actively regain energy during deceleration manoeuvers. One task of traffic psychology is to focus on and investigate the drivers’ needs and requirements related to these specific features and the interaction with the vehicle and the environment. Based on the acquired knowledge, recommendations and measures can be derived, which could facilitate the adoption of battery electric vehicles as well as the efficient and safe usage of this technology. In that sense the contribution of the present dissertation is to derive implications for the design of the user interface, the changed driving task, and regarding motivational aspects based on the specific features and new systems incorporated in battery electric vehicles. These issues are specifically considered in the light of energy efficiency which is of particular importance in the context of battery electric vehicles. The first research objective of the present dissertation was the user-centred evaluation of a driver interface generally against the background of the specific characteristics of battery electric vehicles as well as specifically based on drivers‘ interaction with the limited range. Based on the results, users’ needs for additional information became apparent, which were compiled in a taxonomy of user requirements and further highlight the relevance of energy-efficient interaction with battery electric vehicles. Furthermore, the results revealed difficulties for users’ in comprehending the concept of electricity in the driving context, specifically regarding electric units of measurement. Hence a presentation of energy consumption using the familiar unit kilometres, which has also practical relevance for the driving task, is recommended. Based on the evaluation results of the displayed information, design principles (Wickens, Lee, Liu, & Gordon-Becker, 2004) which are specifically important in the context of battery electric vehicles are derived. A transparent and trustworthy presentation of influencing factors on energy efficiency as well as drivers’ concrete opportunities for actions may support users in the adaptation process initiated when starting to use an electric vehicle and reduce feelings of uncertainty when interacting with the limited range. The eco-driving competence and associated processes of learning and transfer when driving a battery electric vehicle were examined within the scope of the second research objective. Investigations revealed an adaptation of eco-driving knowledge when starting to use a battery electric vehicle instead of a conventional vehicle. Additionally, the eco-driving knowledge increased with battery electric vehicle use. Both inexperienced and experienced battery electric vehicle drivers were able to reduce the energy consumption of the battery electric vehicle by applying effective eco-driving strategies, such as accelerating moderately or using regenerative braking for deceleration manoeuvers. That implies the transfer of drivers’ eco-driving skills from conventional to battery electric vehicles in terms of a positive transfer (Fitts & Posner, 1967). The effectiveness of an implemented knowledge-based intervention to enhance the eco-driving competence of inexperienced battery electric vehicle users was limited to an increase in drivers’ eco-driving knowledge and more positive subjective assessments of their eco-driving competence. In order to enhance users’ eco-driving competence also regarding eco-driving behaviour and performance (i.e. reduced energy consumption) the implementation of supplemental skill-based components might be effective. Beside a driver’s eco-driving competence, motivational aspects are important determinants of driving behaviour (Hatakka, Keskinen, Gregersen, Glad, & Hernetkoski, 2002; Rothengatter, 1997; Summala, 2007). The third research objective aimed to shed light on motivational aspects of battery electric vehicle eco-driving. In this regard the obtained medium-sized to strong correlations between rational (Ajzen, 1991) and hedonic (i.e. fun-oriented) motives and normal driving behaviour underline the relevance of motivational components in the context of eco-driving. Moreover, results indicate a to some extent higher motivation to drive efficiently with battery electric compared to conventional vehicles – a potential which should be fully exploited. Beside important rational motivators, hedonic values – i.e. feelings of pleasure or joy – could be used to experience eco-driving positively in terms of enjoying to efficiently interact with battery electric vehicles rather than merely prolonging the vehicle‘s range. From the perspective of traffic psychology the results of the dissertation emphasise the relevance of the monitoring layer of the driving task (Hollnagel & Woods, 2005) in battery electric vehicle use, which is characterised by a permanent comparison of the environment and the vehicle state. In this connection the design of the user interface is of specific relevance in terms of providing transparent, situation-specific, and action-oriented information to the driver. In sum, findings of the dissertation highlight the specific relevance of an energy-efficient interaction with battery electric vehicles. Focussing on this issue, results show concete possibilities to design the user interface of battery electric vehicles in a way to support the driver in eco-driving and to improve the comprehensibility of associated energy consumption information. Moreover, results reveal that adapation processes in terms of eco driving competence from internal combustine engine vehicles to battery electric vehicles occur and shed light on the deveopment of eco-driving competence with battery electric vehicle experience. Additionally, investigations concerning motivational aspects of eco-driving imply an increased potential of battery electric compared to conventional vehicles. Both rational and hedonic motives are important factors that are linked to battery electric vehicle eco-driving, which supplementary represent promising possibilities to further enhance the sustainability of this inherently „green“ technology.:I Synopse 1 1 Einleitung 3 2 Die Nutzerschnittstelle im Elektrofahrzeug 7 2.1 Spezifika von Elektrofahrzeugen und ihre Bedeutung für die Gestaltung der Nutzerschnittstelle 7 2.2 Designprinzipien für die Gestaltung von Nutzerschnittstellen 9 2.3 Nutzerzentriertes Design 10 3 Energieeffizientes Fahren im Elektrofahrzeug als Fahrerkompetenz 11 3.1 Energieeffizientes Fahren – Definition und theoretische Überlegungen 11 3.2 Die Kompetenz zum energieeffizienten Fahren – Einordnung in psychologische Modelle des Fahrerverhaltens 12 3.3 Besondere Eigenschaften von Elektrofahrzeugen und ihre Relevanz für energieeffizientes Fahren 15 3.4 Die Wirksamkeit von Interventionen zur Steigerung der Kompetenz zum energieeffizienten Fahren 16 4 Energieeffizientes Fahren im Elektrofahrzeug - die motivationale Komponente 18 4.1 Motivationale Faktoren des Fahrerverhaltens 18 4.2 Motivationale Faktoren und ihre Eingliederung in psychologische Modelle des Fahrerverhaltens 18 5 Forschungsziele der Dissertation 21 5.1 Forschungsziel 1: Evaluation der Nutzerschnittstelle vor dem Hintergrund spezifischer Eigenschaften von Elektrofahrzeugen 21 5.2 Forschungsziel 2: Untersuchung der Kompetenz zum energieeffizienten Fahren mit dem Elektrofahrzeug 22 5.3 Forschungsziel 3: Untersuchung motivationaler Aspekte energieeffizienten Fahrens mit dem Elektrofahrzeug 23 6 Überblick über die Methodik der Dissertation 24 6.1 Der MINI E-Feldversuch 24 6.2 Studie im Realverkehr im Rahmen des Projekts EVERSAFE 25 7 Diskussion und kritische Reflexion der Ergebnisse 26 7.1 Forschungsziel 1: Evaluation der Nutzerschnittstelle vor dem Hintergrund spezifischer Eigenschaften von Elektrofahrzeugen 28 7.2 Forschungsziel 2: Untersuchung der Kompetenz zum energieeffizienten Fahren bei der Nutzung von Elektrofahrzeugen 31 7.3 Forschungsziel 3: Untersuchung motivationaler Aspekte energieeffizienten Fahrens mit dem Elektrofahrzeug 36 8 Implikationen und Schlussfolgerungen 37 8.1 Implikationen für die Gestaltung der Nutzerschnittstelle im Elektrofahrzeug 37 8.2 Implikationen für die Kompetenz zum energieeffizienten Fahren bei der Nutzung von Elektrofahrzeugen 38 8.3 Implikationen für die motivationale Komponente energieeffizienten Fahrens 39 9 Literatur 41 II Artikel 1: Battery Electric Vehicles – Implications for the Driver Interface 53 III Artikel 2: Eco-Driving Strategies in Battery Electric Vehicle Use – How Do Drivers Adapt over Time? 85 IV Artikel 3: Experiencing Range in an Electric Vehicle – Understanding Psychological Barriers 109 V Artikel 4: BEV Eco-Driving – Competence, Motivational Aspects, and the Effectiveness of Eco-Instructions 137 VI Lebenslauf 179 VII Publikationen 181