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Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Vecuronium'

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Nützel, Jakob. "Präkurarisierung mit Vecuronium inhibiert die Succinylcholinwirkung dosisabhängig." [S.l.] : [s.n.], 2001.

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SEGREDO, VERONICA. "Curarisation prolongee apres administration de vecuronium au long cours en reanimation." Nantes, 1992.

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Senotier, Jean-Marc. "Intubation rapide et curares non dépolarisants : contribution à l'étude du "priming" avec le vecuronium." Nantes, 1986.

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Dinsmore, Kristen G., Bethany Campbell, Timothy Archibald, Greg Mosier, Stacy D. Brown, and Alexei Gonzalez-Estrada. "Refrigerated Stability of Diluted Cisatracurium, Rocuronium, and Vecuronium for Skin Testing after Perioperative Anaphylaxis." Digital Commons @ East Tennessee State University, 2018.

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RATIONALE: The purpose of this study is to investigate the stored stability of dilutions of neuromuscular blocking agents (NMBAs), namely cisatracurium, rocuronium, and vecuronium, for skin prick/intradermal testing. METHODS: Concentrations of NMBAs were monitored by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) for a period of 14 days. Dilutions of NMBAs were prepared in saline by factors of 10x, 100x, 1,000x, and 100,000x as sensitivity of the assay allowed. Diluted drug products were stored in a laboratory refrigerator until sampling. On sampling days, aliquots of each dilution were removed and compared to a freshly prepared set of reference dilutions. RESULTS: The results are measured as beyond use date (BUD) defined as recovery of drug versus the reference (90-110%). Based on the LC-MS/MS data, the BUD for cisatracurium diluted to 10x and 100x is 96 hours. Higher dilutions (1,000x to 100,000x) should be used immediately following preparation (within less than 24 hours). Vecuronium at 10x and 100x also has a BUD of 96 hours, and the 1,000x dilution is stable for 24 hours. The 10,000x dilution should be used immediately. Rocurium at 10x to 1,000x has a BUD of 48 hours, yet higher dilutions (10,000x and 100,000x) should be used immediately. CONCLUSIONS: With increasing dilution factors, the stability of these drugs in saline decreases, increasing deviation between samples and references. The most stable dilutions for each of the drugs tested were 10x and 100x. Stability of these drugs is likely compromised by hydrolysis of the ester bonds in the drug molecules.
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Dinsmore, Kristen, Bethany Campbell, Timothy Archibald, Greg Mosier, Stacy PhD Brown, and Alexei MD Gonzalez-Estrada. "Refrigerated Stability of Diluted Cisatracurium, Rocuronium, and Vecuronium for skin testing after perioperative anaphylaxis." Digital Commons @ East Tennessee State University, 2018.

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Rationale: The purpose of this study is to investigate the stored stability of dilutions of neuromuscular blocking agents (NMBAs), namely cisatracurium, rocuronium, and vecuronium, for skin prick/intradermal testing. Methods: Concentrations of NMBAs were monitored by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) for a period of 14 days. Dilutions of NMBAs were prepared in saline by factors of 10x, 100x, 1,000x, 10,000x, and 100,000x as sensitivity of the assay allowed. Diluted drug products were stored in a laboratory refrigerator until sampling. On sampling days, aliquots of each dilution were removed and compared to a freshly prepared set of reference dilutions. Results: The results are measured as beyond use date (BUD) defined as recovery of drug versus the reference (90-110%). Based on the LC-MS/MS data, the BUD for cisatracurium diluted to 10x and 100x is 96 hours. Higher dilutions (1,000x to100,000x) should be used immediately following preparation (within less than 24 hours). Vecuronium at 10x and 100x, also has a BUD of 96 hours, and the 1,000x dilution is stable for 24 hours. The 10,000x dilution should be used immediately. Rocuronium at 10x to 1,000x has a BUD of 48 hours, yet higher dilutions (10,000x and 100,000x) should be used immediately. Conclusions: With increasing dilution factors, the stability of these drugs in saline decreases, increasing deviation between samples and references. The most stable dilutions for each of the drugs tested were 10x and 100x. Stability of these drugs is likely compromised by hydrolysis of the ester bonds in the drug molecules.
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Wyon, Nicholas. "On the interaction between a neuromuscular blocking agent and regulation of breathing during hypoxia /." Stockholm, 2003.

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Castillejo, Correa Julio César. "Evaluación de secuencia inversa con vecuronio en pacientes sometidos a anestesia general." Bachelor's thesis, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, 2004.

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EVALUACIÓN DE SECUENCIA INVERSA CON VECURONIO EN PACIENTES SOMETIDOS A ANESTESIA GENERAL EN EL HOSPITAL GUILLERMO ALMENARA IRIGOYEN. Dr. Julio César Castillejo Correa Hospital Guillermo Almenara Irigoyen. UNMSM Objetivo: Determinar como influye la secuencia de administración de Vecuronio en el tiempo, para lograr condiciones adecuadas de intubación en pacientes que reciben anestesia general. Metodología: Se diseño un estudio Experimental (Ensayo clínico), Prospectivo, Analítico, Longitudinal, Tipo Cohorte. La muestra incluyó 200 pacientes, que cumplieron los criterios de inclusión y fueron divididos al azar en dos grupos: Grupo 1: Inducción de secuencia normal (Propofol - Vecuronio) Grupo 2: Inducción de secuencia inversa (Vecuronio - Propofol) Con ayuda de un observador quien registraba los datos de la monitorización y otro (el mismo en todos los casos) realizaba la intubación. Las condiciones de intubación fueron evaluadas mediante la escala de Damoal-Mehta modificada. La intubación endotraqueal se realizó de acuerdo a las condiciones clínicas del paciente monitorizado y en correlación a un estimulador de nervio periférico con acelerómetro (TOF- GUARD). Se utilizo el programa Epi - Info 2000. Resultados: Ambos grupos de estudio fueron comparables para edad, sexo, estado físico (ASA) y condiciones de intubación. La técnica de inducción con secuencia inversa (Vecuronio 0.15 mg/Kg durante 20 seg, 20 seg después se aplicó Propofol 2 mg/Kg durante 20 seg), es capaz de producir condiciones adecuadas de intubación en menor tiempo (28 seg promedio), en comparación con la secuencia normal de inducción (Propofol 2 mg/Kg durante 20 seg, 20 seg después se aplicó Vecuronio 0.15 mg/Kg durante 20 seg) que logró adecuadas condiciones de intubación en 101 seg promedio. Se apreció una reducción del tiempo de 73% al compararse ambas secuencias de inducción. Se dio el menor tiempo en lograr adecuadas condiciones de intubación (18 seg) en una paciente de sexo femenino, de 21 años y ASA I, que fue inducida con secuencia inversa. Se comprobó que con la técnica de secuencia inversa se dieron mínimas variaciones hemodinámicas (frecuencia cardiaca, presión arterial sistólica y diastólica). La medida de relajación muscular por neuroestimulador (TOF), corroboró que los pacientes del estudio sometidos a inducción con secuencia inversa (56.043%) y secuencia normal (58.86%), presentaron porcentajes semejantes de relajación, logrando el grupo de secuencia inversa menos tiempo para alcanzar estos valores. Las condiciones de intubación no mostraron diferencias significativas entre ambos grupos. Todos los pacientes tuvieron condiciones buenas y excelentes al momento de intubar. Conclusión: La inducción de secuencia inversa produce condiciones adecuadas de intubación en un menor tiempo, que la inducción con secuencia normal, resultando esta técnica eficiente en acortar el periodo entre la administración del agente de inducción y la intubación (Inicio de acción del relajante), observándose que al administrar la dosis completa de intubación del relajante muscular antes del inductor, se gana algunos segundos en el periodo en que el paciente permanece inconsciente y sin aislar la vía aérea. Palabras Clave: Secuencia Inversa, secuencia normal, TFIT
-- EVALUATION OF THE INVERSE SEQUENCE WITH VECURONIO IN PATIENTS SUBMITED TO GENERAL ANESTHESIA IN THE GUILLERMO ALMENARA IRIGOYEN´S HOSPITAL. Julio César Castillejo Correa Hospital NacionalGuillermo Almenara Irigoyen. UNMSM Objective: Determine how the administration sequence of Vecuronio influences in time, to reach suitable conditions for intubation in patients that receive general anesthesia. Methodology: A experimental study (clinical rehearsal), prospective, analític, longitudinal, Cohort type. The sample include 200 patients, that obeyed the inclusion criteria and they were divided at random in two groups: Group 1: normal- sequence Induction (Propofol - Vecuronio) Group 2: inverse- sequence Induction (Vecuronio - Propofol) With an observer's help that was registering the monitorization's data and another one (the same one in all cases) perform the intubation. The intubation conditions were evaluated with the Damoal's - Mehta scale modified. The endotraqueal intubation were realize according to the clinical conditions of the patient and in correlation to a peripheric- nerve stimulator with accelerometer (TOF - GUARD). We use Epi - Info 2000 program. Results: Both study groups were comparable for age, sex, physical state (ASA) and intubation conditions. The induction technique with inverse sequence (Vecuronio 0.15 mg/Kg during 20 sec, 20 sec after, Propofol applied 2 mg/Kg during 20 sec), is able to produce suitable intubation conditions in less time (28 sec average), as compared with the normal induction sequence (Propofol 2 mg/Kg during 20 sec, 20 sec after, Vecuronio applied 0.15 mg/Kg during 20 sec) that obtain suitable intubation conditions in 101sec average. A time reduction of 73% was appreciated when both sequences were compared. We obtain the less time in produce suitable intubation conditions (18 sec) in a patient of female sex, of 21 years, ASA I, that was induced with inverse sequence. We checked that with the inverse-sequence technique appears minimal hemodinamics variations (cardiac frequency, blood pressure sistolic and diastolic). The measure of the muscular relaxation by neuroestimulator (TOF), corroborated that the study's patients submit to induction with inverse sequence (56.043%) and normal sequence (58.86%), presented similar relaxation percentages, achieving the inverse-sequence group less time to reach these values. The intubation conditions not shows significant differences among both groups. All of the patients had good and excellent conditions at the moment of the intubation.. Conclusion: The inverse- sequence induction produces suitable conditions of intubation in a less time, than the induction with normal sequence, resulting this technique efficient in shortening the period among the administration of the agent of induction and the intubation (start of the relaxant's action), observing that when we administrate the complete intubation dose of the muscular relaxant before the inductor, the patient wins some seconds in the period whereon remain unconscious and without isolating airway. Key words: Inverse Sequence, normal sequence, TFIT
Tesis de segunda especialidad
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Early, Marvin E. "Comparison of Succinylcholine Induced Fasciculation Attenuation with Defasciculating Doses of Vecuronium and Mivacurium Based on Ideal Body Weight." VCU Scholars Compass, 1993.

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This study was conducted to determine if Mivacurium (Miv) was as effective as Vecuronium (Vec) in attenuating Succinylcholine (Sch)-induced fasciculations with muscle relaxant doses based upon ideal body weight (IBW). A quasi experimental design was used to study 60 patients who were randomly assigned to one of three groups. The two study groups were compared to a control group and each other with regards to the incidence and intensity of fasciculations. Either Vec (0.01 mg/kg (IBW)), Miv (0.02 mg/kg (IBW)), or saline (control) was administered in a double-blinded manner 3 minutes prior an intubating dose of Sch (IBW). Both pretreatment modalities resulted in a significant (p < .05) decrease in the incidence (Vec 40%, Miv 60%) and intensity of fasciculations when compared to saline (90%). No significant differences (p > .05) were found between the two pretreatment groups with regards to the incidence and intensity of fasciculations. It was concluded that Miv 0.02 mg/kg (IBW) attenuated Sch-induced fasciculations with the same efficacy as Vec 0.01 mg/kg (IBW).
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Kellner, Bernhard [Verfasser], Jürgen [Akademischer Betreuer] Schüttler, Jürgen [Gutachter] Schüttler, and Carla [Gutachter] Nau. "Die Muskelrelaxanzien Rocuronium, Vecuronium, Pancuronium, Atracurium und Succinylcholin aktivieren TRPA1 - und TRPV1 - Rezeptoren nozizeptiver Neurone / Bernhard Kellner ; Gutachter: Jürgen Schüttler, Carla Nau ; Betreuer: Jürgen Schüttler." Erlangen : Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU), 2020.

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Wiederkehr, Heinz. "Verteilung, Ausscheidung und Metabolismus von C-14-Vecuronium-Bromid nach i.v.-Applikation bei der Ratte : Beiträge zur Aufklärung der Pharmakokinetik und des Metabolismus eines Pancuronium-Analogon /." Zürich, 1985.

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INTRODUCCIÓN: El bloqueo neuromuscular residual en la unidad de cuidados postanestésicos es un fenómeno que aumenta la morbimortalidad postoperatoria, con frecuencia que varía entre el 2 y 64%, la finalidad de este estudio fue evaluar la incidencia del bloqueo neuromuscular residual en la unidad de cuidados postanestésicos. MÉTODOS: fueron estudiados 40 pacientes sometidos a cirugías de diversas especialidades con el uso de bloqueantes neuromusculares de acción intermedia (bromuro rocuronio o vecuronio) y que cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión. Después de la admisión a la unidad de cuidados postanestésicos se le realizó TOF. El bloqueo neuromuscular residual fue definido como TOF radio <0,9 RESULTADOS: del total de 40 pacientes, el bloqueo neuromuscular residual fue del 40%.El mismo fue asociado a la no utilización de monitorización objetiva (TOF) durante el intraoperatorio y al uso de relajantes neuromusculares de acción intermedia. CONCLUSIONES: La incidencia del bloqueo neuromuscular fue elevada en el presente estudio, inclusive con el uso de relajantes musculares de acción intermedia. Es vital la monitorización objetiva de la función neuromuscular de todos los pacientes sometidos a anestesia general en los cual se utilizó bloqueantes neuromusculares no despolarizantes.
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Nützel, Jakob [Verfasser]. "Präkurarisierung mit Vecuronium inhibiert die Succinylcholinwirkung dosisabhängig / Jakob Nützel." 2001.

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ZHOU, CEN-XI, and 周辰熹. "Determination of vecuronium in human bloodusing HPLC with electrochemical detection." Thesis, 1988.

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Reimer, Michael [Verfasser]. "Der Einfluß von Desfluran auf die Wirkstärke der Muskelrelaxanzien Atracurium, Vecuronium und Pancuronium / vorgelegt von Michael Reimer." 2003.

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Ziegler, Astrid [Verfasser]. "Vergleich der Wirksamkeit von Sugammadex und Neostigmin im Bezug auf die Reversierung Rocuronium- bzw. Vecuronium-induzierter neuromuskulärer Restblockaden / Astrid Ziegler." 2010.

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