Academic literature on the topic 'Variabilité saisonnière du SSS'
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Journal articles on the topic "Variabilité saisonnière du SSS"
Côté, R., D. Bussières, and P. Desgagnés. "Distribution spatio-temporelle du phytoplancton et du zooplancton dans le lac Saint-Jean (Québec), un réservoir hydroélectrique." Revue des sciences de l'eau 15, no. 3 (April 12, 2005): 597–614.
Full textFaliński, J. B. "Variabilité saisonnière des frontières des phytocénoses." Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae 31, no. 2 (2015): 239–63.
Full textDjebata, Jean-Marie, Cyriaque R. Nguimalet, and Pierre Camberlin. "Variabilité saisonnière et intra-saisonnière de la pluviométrie en milieu forestier dans le Sud-ouest centrafricain." Proceedings of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences 384 (November 16, 2021): 367–73.
Full textHariz, H., F. Triki, R. Hammami, H. Rekik, L. Abid, and S. Kamoun. "La variabilité saisonnière de l’embolie pulmonaire fibrinocruorique. À propos de 150 cas." La Revue de Médecine Interne 33 (December 2012): A189—A190.
Full textDabire, W. P. I., Bruno Barbier, and Nadine Andrieu. "Evaluation ex ante de la prévision saisonnière climatique en petit paysannat burkinabé." Revue d’élevage et de médecine vétérinaire des pays tropicaux 64, no. 1-4 (January 1, 2011): 43.
Full textVowinckel, E., and Svenn Orvig. "Répercussions météorologiques découlant de modifications naturelles ou délibérées de la surface. Principes généraux et prospectives, région de la Baie James." Cahiers de géographie du Québec 18, no. 45 (April 12, 2005): 445–61.
Full textTraore, L., O. D. Bello, Balogoun B., F. Chabi, M. Y. Issifou, Yabi Y., E. L. Ahoton, and A. Saïdou. "Variabilité Intra-saisonnière des Pluies et Production du Sorgho en Zones Soudanienne et Sahélienne du Mali." European Scientific Journal, ESJ 18, no. 40 (December 31, 2022): 161.
Full textMarchane, Ahmed, Lionel Jarlan, Lahoucine Hanich, and Abdelghani Boudhar. "Caractérisation de l'enneigement sur l'atlas marocain par le capteur MODIS et relation avec le climat (période 2000-2011)." Revue Française de Photogrammétrie et de Télédétection, no. 204 (April 8, 2014): 13–22.
Full textLaamari, A., K. EL Kharrim, R. Mrifag, M. Boukbal, and D. Belghyti. "Dynamique des populations de tiques parasites des bovins de la région du Gharb au Maroc." Revue d’élevage et de médecine vétérinaire des pays tropicaux 65, no. 3-4 (March 1, 2012): 57.
Full textNasseh, A., and H. Texier. "Comportement des métaux traces dans le bassin versant de l'Orne. Variabilité saisonnière et bilan des transferts (1994-1995)." Hydroécologie Appliquée 12 (2000): 159–82.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Variabilité saisonnière du SSS"
Houndegnonto, Odilon Joël. "Analyse des variations thermohalines des échelles intrasaisonnière à saisonnière des panaches d'eau douce du Golfe de Guinée." Thesis, Brest, 2021.
Full textIn the Gulf of Guinea (GG), freshwater originated from river discharges and high precipitation rates contribute to the upper ocean density stratification, and play a key role in modulating air-sea interactions. However, the thermohaline variations of the ocean upper layers within the freshwater plumes in the GG are still poorly known, as they are poorly observed and documented. The main objective of this thesis is therefore to study and document the spatial variability at horizontal mesoscale (10-100 km) and vertical (0-100m), from intra-seasonal to seasonal time scales of the thermohaline 3D structure in the freshwater plume areas of the GG: mainly the Congo and Niger Rivers plumes. First, using SSS SMOS satellite data, our study showed that freshwater plumes in this region extend towards the open ocean following two propagation regimes. During September to January, they propagate northwestward while from January to April they redirect to the southwest, where their maximum extension is observed in April. The rest of the year, from May to August, is marked by a surface salinization episode, where the freshwater plumes dissipate with a minimum extension observed in August. A salinity budget analysis in the surface mixed layer allowed highlighting the main physical processes controlling the seasonal variability of salinity within these freshwater plumes. We showed that horizontal advection processes and freshwater fluxes by precipitation and river discharges are the main contributors of low SSS distribution in this region. In the southeastern Gulf of Guinea, off Congo, the horizontal SSS advection is dominated by Ekman wind-driven currents. Second, we showed that the offshore distribution of the Congo plume on intra-seasonal time scales is associated with salt barrier layers and with thermohaline staircases profiles. In a case study (for 2016/03/31), we showed that the observed thermohaline staircases would result from the shear dynamics between the surface Ekman flow associated with the offshore (North-Westward) distribution of the Congo plume, and the geostrophic (South-Eastward) flow associated with the denser and saltier subsurface water masses of the open ocean to the west. Finally, using a Lagrangian approach, we have highlighted the origin and large-scale structuring of water masses involved in the strong haline stratification observed off Congo. This study showed the strong shear of the currents associated with the vertical salinity gradients within the water column associated with the staircases profiles
Thierry, Virginie. "Observation et modélisation de la variabilité saisonnière dans l'Océan Atlantique Equatorial profond." Brest, 2000.
Full textLe, Boyer Arnaud. "Variabilité intra-saisonnière des courants de pente continentale forcés par la turbulence méso-échelle." Brest, 2010.
Full textOcean margin exchanges occur on continental slopes. In this study, the dynamics of these exchanges are forced by mesoscale turbulence in a period range of 2-90 days (High Frequency, HIF). In this area and for these time scales, the energy of the forcing (wind or off shore circulation) is converted into Coastal Trapped Waves (CTW). On the one hand, this study is interested in the transition between linear dynamic of continental slope and non-linear meso-scale turbulence. Numerical experiments were performed in a periodic zonal canal with North and South zonal continental slope. A meso-scale turbulent kid forced the slope circulation. There was a strong asymetrie between North and South slope. On the South, the forcing energy was stuck in the interior because of the opposition between the planetary beta effect and the topographic beta effect. On the North, this energy was radiated on the slope through CTW. On the other hand, the HF circulation is studied in high resolution simulation of the North Atlantic ocean at 1/12°. The model validation, utilising satellite and in-situ observations showed that the resolution was to coarse to simulate a realistic continental slope circulation. In weak eddy kinetic energy area and for period 2 ta days, the slope circulation was directly forced by HF wind. The circulation at longer period was driven by the ocean circulation. In weak eddy kinetic energy area and for period T > 10-15 days, the continental slope is a wave guide forced. By the off-shore circulation. The stratification and steep slopes drives the wave propagation. On the East Atlantic, those waves maybe a connection between the Equator and Mid-latitude
Lampert, Luis. "Dynamique saisonnière et variabilité pigmentaire des populations phytoplanctoniques dans l'Atlantique nord (golfe de Gascogne)." Brest, 2001.
Full textLempereur, Morine. "Variabilité saisonnière et interannuelle de la croissance du chêne vert méditerranéen et vulnérabilité au changement climatique." Thesis, Montpellier, 2015.
Full textTree secondary growth is responsible for woody biomass accumulation and is a major component of carbon storage in forest ecosystems. Environmental constraints on secondary growth in Mediterranean ecosystems must, however, be described in more to details to better understand how they will be modified by climate change. This dissertation aims at studying the functional responses of Mediterranean holm oak (Quercus ilex) to seasonal and inter-annual climate variations through the study of carbon allocation to secondary growth. Different experimental approaches, at spatial scales ranging from tree rings to the ecosystem and at temporal scales from the day to several decades, were used to identify the main environmental constraints (water availability, temperature warming, competition) to secondary growth and carbon isotopic composition of tree rings. The phenology of stem growth shows evidence for a direct environmental control on annual growth by winter temperature and summer drought that is more limiting than the carbon supply from photosynthesis. Climate change from 1968 to 2013 resulted in earlier water limitation on secondary growth, which was compensated by earlier growth onset, due to warmer winter temperature, and higher water use efficiency, due to increased atmospheric CO2 concentration. Thinning reduced tree mortality and increased stem growth, so thinning management in old holm oak coppices could prepare the ecosystem to better withstand the increasing drought forecasted for the Mediterranean region
Parard, Gaëlle. "Etude de la variabilité de la fugacité du CO2 dans l'Atlantique tropical : de l'échelle diurne à saisonnière." Phd thesis, Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris VI, 2011.
Full textCissé, Soukèye. "Etude de la variabilité intra saisonnière des précipitations au Sahel : impacts sur la végétation (cas du Ferlo au Sénégal)." Thesis, Paris 6, 2016.
Full textThe Sahel is characterized by a strong intra-seasonal variability of rainfall. This variability strongly affects ecosystems during the vegetation growth. The objective of this thesis is to characterize this variability at the local scale from the relationship between rainfall and vegetation dynamics, and to identify relevant indicators to better describe the variability in each season. This study is carried out in the Ferlo’s catchment, a basin located in northern Senegal. The first part is devoted to the characterization of the relationship between rainfall anomalies and growth of vegetation from remote sensing data TRMM3B42, RFE 2.0 SM-ECV (Soil Moisture) and MODIS LAI. Aiming that, the Ferlo basin is divided into 9 zones "homogeneous entity", in terms of vegetation cover class and soil type. For each one are analyzed the rain data from both databases, soil moisture and LAI over the period 2000-2010. In a second time, with a vegetation model adapted to the region forced by satellite rain fields, the LAI is simulated on several entities and is compared to the MODIS LAI, applying on the simulations the same methodologies as for observations. The results of this study show consistency between rainfall variations with both databases and soil moisture. The LAI variations are more strongly correlated with the soil moisture variations than with the rainfall. On the Ferlo, we observe that vegetation needs two weeks to respond to rainfall anomalies during the rainy season. At the season scale, the starting date of the rainy season does not affect the maximum LAI, unlike the duration and intensity of the dry spells. Entities located on sandy soil (ferruginous) have better sensitivity to rainfall fluctuations as those located on lithosoils. In addition, on entities located in the Southeast, the density of the shrub and tree vegetation induces a different phenological cycle than those of the herbaceous (lag of the maximum LAI). The model STEP, initialized with satellite rainfall data, reproduces after adjustment the vegetation growth stage in the entities where grassland dominates. The response of the simulated LAI to the rain anomalies is consistent with those observed, confirming the interpretation of observations. This study allowed to define the most relevant parameters that affect the dynamics of vegetation but also to highlight the capabilities of the model to describe the seasonal cycle of vegetation
Athié, de Velasco Gabriela. "Étude de la structure spatio-temporelle de la variabilité intra-saisonnière dans les couches superficielles de l'océan Atlantique tropical." Brest, 2008.
Full textLntra-seasonal variability with 2-50 days scales is present at the surface of Tropical Atlantic Ocean. This variability bas different periods depending on its dynamic origin : forced by the high-frequency wind or by the oceanic instabilities. Satellite observations as well as numerical model simulations analysis shows a dominate signal with periods between 20 and 50 days at west of 10°W in the Tropical Atlantic ocean, corresponding to the Tropical Instability Waves (T1W). Two regions of variability between 20 and 50 days have been identified. The first one is equatorially-trapped with a latitudinal structure corresponding to a Yanai wave with periods between 25 and 35 days. The second region is located north and south of the equator, with a complex cross-equatorial structure that varies in time. This suggests that several intra-seasonal Rossby waves at periods slightly higher than those of equatorial TlWs (30-50 days) are involved in the TlWs dynamics in off-equatorial regions. This study demonstrates that TlWs are principally composed by wave-pattern anomalies resulting from a combination of several intra-seasonal equatorial waves. A numerical study using different wind fields, shows that the characteristics of the intra-seasonal variability in the Tropical Atlantic upperlayers are strongly dependent of the wind forcing. The high-frequency winds generate a 2-10 day variability that diminishes significantly the TlWs amplitude in the surface mixed layer. Moreover this forcing modifies the intra-seasonal variability of the SST
Lapouyade, Agnès. "Quantification, variabilité saisonnière et comparaison du transport advectif de la matière particulaire sur différentes marges continentales en Méditerranée nord." Aix-Marseille 3, 2001.
Full textThe continental margins are the receptacle of the continental inputs and form a buffer zone with the open ocean. Significant quantities of matter and energy transit on these margins under the effect of a very active hydrodynamism. This work focus on the study of advective transport between the continental shelf and the open ocean, of the paniculate matter and organic carbon. The objectives are to provide a seasonal and, if possible, annual quantification of advective paniculate flux and to consider the importance of the shelf-basin exchanges in the total budgets of the margins by identification of the principal mechanisms responsible for these exchanges and their relative importance. Three sites in the Northern Mediterranean were studied within the framework of the european programs METRO-MED and MATER: Gulf of Lions, Gulf of Thermaikos and the shelf of Samothrace. Data of eight oceanographic cruises were used. They cover, at least, the two principal hydrological seasons: the stratified summer period and the not stratified winter period Concentrations of paniculate organic carbon and matter are derived from light-transmission data and water sample analyses. The circulation is determined from the geostrophic current field. The uncertainty on the transport estimation, related to the error on the prediction of the particle concentrations and to the error on speeds, is assessed. Particulate matter flux result mainly from the water flux variations rather than from variations of paniculate matter concentration. These fluxes vary seasonally and present a maximum intensity in winter. Also the autochthonous and allochtonous paniculate inputs as well as the intensity of the exchange processes between the shelf and the basin, on these three margins present a winter intensification. The studied margins show different behaviours with regard to the exchanges from paniculate matter and organic carbon with the open ocean. A compilation of annual budgets estimated from the seasonal budgets of the margins in the Northern Mediterranean, suggest that the Gulf of Lions exports paniculate matter offshore whereas the other margins import matter
Imbaud, Pierre. "Dynamique saisonnière d'une communauté bactérioplanctonique subantarctique (Archipel de Kerguelen)." Lyon 1, 1987.
Full textBook chapters on the topic "Variabilité saisonnière du SSS"
Balasse, Marie, Matthieu Keller, Adrian Balasescu, Anne Tresset, and Philippe Chemineau. "Cycle de reproduction des ovins et rythme saisonnier de l’élevage : un schéma plurimillénaire bouleversé par la recherche agronomique." In Regards croisés: quand les sciences archéologiques rencontrent l'innovation, 25–50. Editions des archives contemporaines, 2017.
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