Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Van der Waals structures'
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Andrinopoulos, Lampros. "Including van der Waals interactions in first-principles electronic structure calculations." Thesis, Imperial College London, 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/10044/1/22152.
Full textLee, Hee-Seung. "The structure, spectroscopy and dynamics of Small Van Der Waals Complexes /." The Ohio State University, 2001. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=osu1486572165276376.
Full textSCHMIDT, PER MARTIN. "Structure et dynamique des complexes de van der waals benzene-argon." Paris 11, 1992. http://www.theses.fr/1992PA112315.
Full textWatkins, Jason Derrick. "X-ray structures of P22 c2 repressor-DNA complexes the mechansism of direct and indirect readout /." Diss., Atlanta, Ga. : Georgia Institute of Technology, 2008. http://hdl.handle.net/1853/26709.
Full textCommittee Chair: Loren D. Williams; Committee Member: Donald Doyle; Committee Member: Nicholas V. Hud; Committee Member: Roger Wartell; Committee Member: Stephen Harvey. Part of the SMARTech Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Collection.
Economides, George. "Investigations of open-shell open-shell Van der Waals complexes." Thesis, University of Oxford, 2013. http://ora.ox.ac.uk/objects/uuid:e27330e0-2eaa-4181-af30-70e8b7a3a692.
Full textConstantinescu, Gabriel Cristian. "Large-scale density functional theory study of van-der-Waals heterostructures." Thesis, University of Cambridge, 2018. https://www.repository.cam.ac.uk/handle/1810/274876.
Full textWalters, Alan. "Spectroscopy and structure of jet cooled aromatics and van der Waals complexes." Thesis, University of Nottingham, 1991. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.280097.
Full textSkouteris, Dimitris. "Structure and dynamics of weakly bound complexes." Thesis, University of Oxford, 1998. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.301422.
Full textDuval-Été, Marie-Christine. "Structure électronique et mouvements moléculaires dans les complexes de Van der Waals du mercure." Paris 11, 1988. http://www.theses.fr/1988PA112191.
Full textCe travail porte sur l'étude de la structure électronique et vibrationnelle de complexes de van der Waals du mercure. Il met en évidence l'influence de la nature électronique et vibrationnelle du niveau optiquement excité sur les voies de désactivation. L'étude spectroscopique des différents systèmes, mercure-atome : Hg-Ar et mercure-molécule : Hg-N₂ , Hg-CH₄ , Hg-NH₃ et Hg-H₂ 0, conduit à la détermination des potentiels d'interaction van der Waals. Dans le cas du complexe mercure-argon on a pu montrer, par un modèle simple, que pour les premiers états électroniques excités, états corrélés aux niveaux 6³P du mercure, le facteur essentiel décrivant l'interaction van der Waals est l'orientation moyenne de l'orbitale 6³p du mercure par rapport à l'axe internucléaire du complexe. L'étude des états excités supérieurs corrélés à l'état de Rydberg 7³s₁ du mercure a révélé une structure en double puits. L'argon peut occuper deux positions d'équilibre, situé à l'intérieur du nuage électronique de l'orbitale 7s du mercure, le complexe a les caractéristiques de l'ion Hg+-Ar, situé à l'extérieur de ce nuage il forme une molécule de van der Waals très peu liée. Les mouvements moléculaires du complexe : Allongement et torsion et leur influence sur les mécanismes de désactivation, sont plus spécialement étudiés avec le système Hg-N₂. La modélisation des spectres expérimentaux: Excitation de fluorescence, émission, excitation du fragment Hg (6 ³P0), conduit à une description des potentiels d'interaction de l'état fondamental et des états excités atteints. Les mouvements de torsion du complexe peuvent être décrits comme une rotation bloquée de l'azote. Observant une dépendance de la dissociation du complexe avec le niveau vibrationnel excité, on a pu mettre en évidence le rôle du moment angulaire de vibration sur la dissociation du complexe induisant la relaxation intra multiplet du mercure vers le niveau ³P0. Enfin, l'excitation optique des complexes de van der Waals mercure-ammoniac et mercure-eau permet l'observation directe et la caractérisation spectroscopique des complexes collisionnels dont les émissions ont été observées précédemment. Donnant une image précise de la structure électronique, des mouvements moléculaires et des processus de désactivation de ces complexes, cette étude contribue à la compréhension de leur formation et des émissions caractéristiques leur étant liées. Un mécanisme de double échange de charge entre le mercure et la molécule est proposé pour rendre compte des énergies de liaison des complexes les plus liés à l'état excité. Il est de même nature que ceux ayant lieu entre ligands et surfaces métalliques, aussi les complexes très liés peuvent-ils être considérés comme des systèmes catalytiques ou pré-catalytiques
Hay, Henri. "Étude de la structure et des propriétés des polymorphes de SiO2 et B2O3 par méthodes ab initio." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Paris 6, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016PA066318.
Full textDuring this PhD I use density functional theory and quantum Monte Carlo to evaluate the importance of van der Waals effects on the structures, the energies, and the properties of SiO2 and B2O3 polymorphs. I show that exchange-correlation functionals including dispersion effects lead to an error cancellation between an overestimation of the Si-O distances and an underestimation of the Si-O-Si angles in low densities SiO2 polymorphs. By using quantum Monte Carlo calculations, I have predicted with high accuracy the relative energy of a new B2O3 polymorph, which allowed me to evaluate the performances of different exchange-correlation functionals on this material. I then use the best functional possible to compute the mechanical and electronic properties of 25 predicted B2O3 polymorphs. Some of the predicted polymorphs exhibit intriguing mechanical properties, such as negative linear compressibility, auxeticity and anisotropy. These calculations allow me to make a hypothesis explaining the crystallization anomaly in B2O3. They underline a seemingly universal link between low energy polymorphism and ease of vitrification
Duval-Eté, Marie-Christine. "Structure électronique et mouvements moléculaires dans les complexes de Van der Waals du mercure." Grenoble 2 : ANRT, 1988. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb376134263.
Full textJasinski, Jakub. "Contrôle des propriétés excitoniques dans les structures à base de dichalcogénures de métaux de transition." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université de Toulouse (2023-....), 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024TLSES204.
Full textIn recent years, atomically thin transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) have emerged as promising semiconducting materials. Their unique properties stem from their electronic band structure emerging from the broken inversion symmetry and strong spin-orbit coupling, as well the presence of strongly bound excitons. This endows them with additional degrees of freedom for charge carriers and excitons, which are promising for both studies of fundamental physical phenomena and applications in opto-electronic devices. Van der Waals nature of the interlayer bonding of TMDs and other emerging layered materials allows for fabrication of complex multi-layered structures, which add additional complexity and opportunity for achieving desired opto-electronic properties. Despite intense research, many mysteries regarding the fundamental physical phenomena governing properties of such structures remain to be solved. The ongoing need for investigation of the intriguing characteristics of TMDs motivated the realization of this thesis. Here I present studies of several TMD-based structures, the focus of which was the possibility of controlling the excitonic properties via both intrinsic and extrinsic factors. In monolayer MoS2 deposited on patterned substrate I demonstrate the unexpected effect of anisotropic strain on the fine structure and polarization properties of the charged exciton state. In monolayer WSe2 I show the importance of the Dexter-like coupling mechanism on the valley polarization and that it can be used for broad tunability of the degree of valley polarization by the choice of excitation energy. In WSe2/2D-perovskite heterostructure I reveal the succesful spin injection from TMD into the 2D-perovskite and the formation of an interlayer exciton state, whose properties are closely related to that of the constituent WSe2 monolayer. Finally I explore the excitonic landscape of a natural bilayer of MoSe2 and the tunability of the excitonic states via application of electric field, which revealed formation of new excitonic states and their complex interactions. Overall, the results presented in this thesis constitute an important step towards understanding of fundamental properties of TMDs and TMD-based structures
Di, Felice Daniela. "Electronic structure and transport in the graphene/MoS₂ heterostructure for the conception of a field effect transistor." Thesis, Université Paris-Saclay (ComUE), 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018SACLS267/document.
Full textThe isolation of graphene, a single stable layer of graphite, composed by a plane of carbon atoms, demonstrated the possibility to separate a single layer of atomic thickness, called bidimensional (2D) material, from the van der Waals (vdW) solids. Thanks to their stability, 2D materials can be used to form vdW heterostructures, a vertical stack of different 2D crystals maintained together by the vdW forces. In principle, due to the weakness of the vdW interaction, each layer keeps its own global electronic properties. Using a theoretical and computational approach based on the Density Functional Theory (DFT) and Keldish-Green formalism, we have studied graphene/MoS₂ heterostructure. In this work, we are interested in the specific electronic properties of graphene and MoS₂ for the conception of field effect transistor: the high mobility of graphene as a basis for high performance transistor and the gap of MoS₂ able to switch the device. First, the graphene/MoS₂ interface is electronically characterized by analyzing the effects of different orientations between the layers on the electronic properties. We demonstrated that the global electronic properties as bandstructure and Density of State (DOS) are not affected by the orientation, whereas, by mean of Scanning Tunneling Microscope (STM) images, we found that different orientations leads to different local DOS. In the second part, graphene/MoS₂ is used as a very simple and efficient model for Field Effect Transistor. The role of the vdW heterostructure in the transistor operation is analyzed by stacking additional and alternate graphene and MoS₂ layers on the simple graphene/MoS₂ interface. We demonstrated that the shape of the DOS at the gap band edge is the fundamental parameter in the switch velocity of the transistor, whereas the additional layers do not improve the transistor behavior, because of the independence of the interfaces in the vdW heterostructures. However, this demonstrates the possibility to study, in the framework of DFT, the transport properties of more complex vdW heterostructures, separating the single interfaces and reducing drastically the calculation time. The 2D materials are also studied in the role of a tip for STM and Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM). A graphene-like tip, tested on defected MoS₂, is compared with a standard copper tip, and it is found to provide atomic resolution in STM images. In addition, due to vdW interaction with the sample, this tip avoids the contact effect responsible for the transfer of atoms between the tip and the sample. Furthermore, the analysis of defects can be very useful since they induce new peaks in the gap of MoS₂: hence, they can be used to get a peak of current representing an interesting perspective to improve the transistor operation
Ward, P. Daniel. "Rotational Structure of Extremely Floppy van der Waals Complexes: Adiabatic Separation of Angular and Radial Motion." DigitalCommons@USU, 2000. https://digitalcommons.usu.edu/etd/7026.
Full textHay, Henri. "Étude de la structure et des propriétés des polymorphes de SiO2 et B2O3 par méthodes ab initio." Thesis, Paris 6, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016PA066318/document.
Full textDuring this PhD I use density functional theory and quantum Monte Carlo to evaluate the importance of van der Waals effects on the structures, the energies, and the properties of SiO2 and B2O3 polymorphs. I show that exchange-correlation functionals including dispersion effects lead to an error cancellation between an overestimation of the Si-O distances and an underestimation of the Si-O-Si angles in low densities SiO2 polymorphs. By using quantum Monte Carlo calculations, I have predicted with high accuracy the relative energy of a new B2O3 polymorph, which allowed me to evaluate the performances of different exchange-correlation functionals on this material. I then use the best functional possible to compute the mechanical and electronic properties of 25 predicted B2O3 polymorphs. Some of the predicted polymorphs exhibit intriguing mechanical properties, such as negative linear compressibility, auxeticity and anisotropy. These calculations allow me to make a hypothesis explaining the crystallization anomaly in B2O3. They underline a seemingly universal link between low energy polymorphism and ease of vitrification
Karam, Jean-Christophe. "Collision d'un atome métastable de gaz rare sur une surface nono ou micro-structurée et optique atomique." Paris 13, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005PA132029.
Full textJouvet, Christophe. "Étude de la réactivité chimique et de la relaxation électronique dans les complexes de Van der Waals du mercure." Paris 11, 1985. http://www.theses.fr/1985PA112064.
Full textIn this work, the dissociation of the electronic excited state of Van der Waals complexes have been studied. The excitation of the Van der Waals complex allows the direct observation of the collisional complex. The study of the Hg-N₂ complex has shown that rotations play a major role to induce the fine structure transition: Hg (³P₁) + N₂ → Hg (³P₀) +N₂. The chemical reaction within the complex has been studied. In the excitation of the Hg-Cl₂ complex near the Hg (³P₁ - ¹S₀) transition we have observed the Hg⁺ + Cl₂⁻ ionic intermediate of the reaction Hg* + Cl₂ → Hg*Cl + Cl. For the reaction Hg(³P₁) + H₂ → Hg H + H studied in the HgH₂ complex the difference of reactivity between the electronic states of the complex have been observed
Fujiwara, Takashige. "Structure and Excited-State Dynamics of 9,9′-Bianthryl and its van der Waals Clusters Studied by Rotational Coherence Spectroscopy." 京都大学 (Kyoto University), 2000. http://hdl.handle.net/2433/151661.
Full textBonetti, Daniel Rodrigo Ferraz. "Aumento da eficiência do cálculo da energia de van der Waals em algoritmos genéticos para predição de estruturas de proteínas." Universidade de São Paulo, 2010. http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/55/55134/tde-20052010-110415/.
Full textProteins are molecules present in the living organism and essential for their life. To understand the function of a protein, its threedimensional structure (the correct positions of all its atoms in the space) should be known. From the structure of a vital protein of an organism that causes a human disease, it is possible to develop medicines for treatment of the disease. To find a protein structure, biophysical methods, as Crystallography of X-Ray and Magnetic Nuclear Resonance, have been employed. However, the use of those methods have practical restrictions that impede the determination of several protein structures. Aiming to overcome such limitation, computational methods for the problem of protein structure prediction (PSP) has been investigated. Several classes of computational methods have been developed for PSP. Among them, ab initio approaches are very important since they use no previous information from other protein structure, only the sequence of amino acids of the protein and the Ramachandran graph are employed. The ab initio PSP is a combinatorial problem that involves relatively large instances in practice, i. e. proteins in general have hundreds or thousands of variables to be determined. To deal with such problem, metaheuristics as Genetic Algorithms (GAs) have been investigated. The solutions generated by a GA are evaluated by the calculus of the potencial energies of the protein. Among them, the calculation of the interaction of van der Waals energy is computationally intense making the evolutionary process of a GA very slow even for non-large proteins. This work investigated techniques to significantly reduce the running time for that calculus. Basically, we proposed modifications parallelization of the resultant algorithm using MPI and OpenMP techniques. The results show that such calculus can be 1.500 times faster when applying the techniques investigated in this work for large proteins
Kowalczyk, Philippe. "Super-réseaux GeTe/Sb2Te3 pour les mémoires iPCM : croissance PVD par épitaxie van der Waals et étude de leur structure." Thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes (ComUE), 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018GREAT109/document.
Full textIn order to satisfy the demand for more and more efficient memory in computer systems, new technologies have been developed. Among the latter resistive phase-change memories (PCM) exhibit capacities and sufficient maturity to achieve the so-called new SCM (for Storage Class Memory) devices as evidenced by the recent commercialization of Optane products by INTEL®. Nevertheless, PCM still require strong electrical consumption limiting their performance. Integration of (GeTe)2/(Sb2Te3)m superlattices in so-called iPCM (for interfacial Phase Change Memory) was shown to permit a significant decrease in programming currents. However, the switching mechanism of this memory and the structure of the material in its two resistance states are still under debate. The aim of this thesis is therefore to deposit crystalline (GeTe)2/(Sb2Te3)m (m=1,2,4 et 8) superlattices, to determine their structure and to integrate them into memory devices. GeTe and Sb2Te3 materials are alternately deposited by means of sputtering in an industrial deposition tool to perform van der Waals epitaxy of these superlattices. Stoichiometric superlattices with the desired periodicity and with an orientation of the (0 0 l) crystalline planes parallel to the surface of the substrate are obtained by innovative co-sputtering of Sb2Te3 and Te targets during Sb2Te3 deposition. A description of the local atomic order of superlattices is then carried out by studying HAADF-STEM images coupled to simulations. Intermixing between GeTe and Sb2Te3 deposited layers is thus revealed, leading to the local formation of rhombohedral GexSbyTez. Quantitative measurements of the Ge/Sb atomic plans occupation in further confirm the phenomenon. A long-range order structural model of superlattices by means of random stacking of crystalline blocks allows the simulation of experimental diffraction curves. Finally, the first integrations of (GeTe)2/(Sb2Te3)m (with m=1,2,4 et 8) superlattices in devices demonstrate a programming current up to 4 times lower than a PCM reference with an endurance exceeding 10 millions cycles
Al, Mohammad Ahmad. "Structure et morphologie des surfaces d'Al2O3α et des films minces WO3 : application à leurs interactions avec Au." Aix-Marseille 3, 2001. http://www.theses.fr/2001AIX30011.
Full textThis work concerns the study of the oxyde surfaces (preparation, structure, morphology) and their interaction with metallic deposit (granulometry and reactivity). The oxide surfaces which were used are the alumina surfaces and tungsten oxide. We prepared and characterized the crystallographic structure of the substrate surfaces by RHEED, AFM, and AES techniques. We studied the growth of gold deposit on these various surfaces. We studied the influence of the surface atomic structure on the gold deposit growth and investigated the interactions between the surface and the gold atoms. For that we examined gold deposits of various thicknesses, deposited at various temperatures on stoichiometric or reduced surfaces (1012 ) and (0001) of alumina. .
Dennis, Christopher Roger. "High resolution spectroscopy of open shell clusters." Thesis, University of Oxford, 1997. http://ora.ox.ac.uk/objects/uuid:43ac8ad5-724a-4a23-a03f-3eb78e6f4e72.
Full textSant, Roberto. "Exploration par rayonnement synchrotron X de la croissance et de la structure de dichalcogénures 2D." Thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes (ComUE), 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019GREAY075.
Full textTwo-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs) are promising materials for a variety of applications, especially in optoelectronics. However, the lack of understanding of their epitaxy - i.e. growth mechanism, microscopic structure, nature of the 2D layer-substrate interaction, etc. - is still a crucial issue to address. In this PhD thesis we explored a series of epitaxial growths of monolayer and thin film TMDCs grown by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) on a variety of substrates. We studied their atomic structures and we attempted the modifications of some of them with various in situ methods. Several systems and processes have been investigated: (i) transition metal ditellurides, ZrTe2 , MoTe2 and TiTe2 on InAs(111) substrate, (ii) the intercalation of alkali metal species between single layer MoS2 and its Au(111) substrate, (iii) the growth and the thermal treatments in H2S atmosphere of monolayer PtSe2 on Pt(111). Our work relies on both phenomenological and quantitative methods based on surface X-ray diffraction, often complemented by parallel analysis performed with other probes, e.g. STM, TEM, XPS, ARPES. Most notably, we found that: (i) a metastable orthorhombic phase and a charge density wave phase can be stabilized at room temperature in MoTe2 and TiTe2 owing to the epitaxial strain in the materials; (ii) the intercalation of Cs atoms under MoS2 induces structural and electronic decoupling of the 2D MoS2 layer from its Au(111) substrate; (iii) the sulfurization of PtSe2 promotes the Se-by-S substitution in one (or both) of its two chalcogen layers, leading either to the full conversion of the selenide into a sulfide or even to an ordered Janus alloy
Augustus, Adebayo Samuel. "Attractive steric interactions." Thesis, University College London (University of London), 1999. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.391708.
Full textChevereau, Élodie. "Synthèse et caractérisation physico-chimique d'un matériau membranaire à structure contrôlée : étude expérimentale de la sélectivité." Lorient, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011LORIS249.
Full textThe aim of this work was to synthesize mordenite membrane for an application in nanofiltration or in low cut-off ultrafiltration and to understand the transport mechanisms governing the retention of monovalent and divalent ions through a controlled structure mineral membrane. The approach what has been implemented has led us, at first, to ascertain the nature of synthesized products and identify their surface, morphological and electrical properties. We chose to determine the specific parameters of the synthesized mordenite (such as pore radius, surface area and surface charge) from the powders used to prepare the related membrane. In addition to these physical and chemical characterizations, filtration tests were carried out on pilot unit in order to study the mordenite membrane selectivity toward monovalent and divalent salt-water solution. For this, an experimental protocol was defined. We managed to observe the retention of small monovalent ions after changing the surface properties of mordenite. The preferential transport and the specific retention of mono- and divalent ions were also observed under certain operating conditions. Thus, the results obtained during the filtration tests in single and mixed solutions led us to make several hypotheses about solute-membrane interactions: the membrane behaves as a surface whose the polarity can be changed after an alkaline treatment, the polarizability of hydrated ions decreases with their enthalpies of hydration, the interaction between the treated surface and theses ions depend on the Van der Waals forces
Bonetti, Daniel Rodrigo Ferraz. "Algoritmos de estimação de distribuição para predição ab initio de estruturas de proteínas." Universidade de São Paulo, 2015. http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/55/55134/tde-03082015-193613/.
Full textProteins are molecules that perform critical roles in the living organism and they are essential for their lifes. To understand the function of a protein, its 3D structure should be known. However, to find the protein structure is an expensive and a time-consuming task, requiring highly skilled professionals. Aiming to overcome such a limitation, computational methods for Protein Structure Prediction (PSP) have been investigated, in order to predict the protein structure from its amino acid sequence. Most of computational methods require knowledge from already determined structures from experimental methods in order to predict an unknown protein. Although computational methods such as Rosetta, I-Tasser and Quark have showed success in their predictions, they are only capable to predict quite similar structures to already known proteins obtained experimentally. The use of such a prior knowledge in the predictions of Rosetta, I-Tasser and Quark may lead to biased predictions. In order to develop a computational algorithm for PSP free of bias, we developed an Estimation of Distribution Algorithm applied to PSP with full-atom and ab initio model. A computational algorithm with ab initio model is mainly interesting when dealing with proteins with low similarity with the known proteins. In this work, we developed an Estimation of Distribution Algorithm with three probabilistic models: univariate, bivariate and hierarchical. The univariate deals with multi-modality of the distribution of the data of a single variable. The bivariate treats the dihedral angles (Proteins are molecules that perform critical roles in the living organism and they are essential for their lifes. To understand the function of a protein, its 3D structure should be known. However, to find the protein structure is an expensive and a time-consuming task, requiring highly skilled professionals. Aiming to overcome such a limitation, computational methods for Protein Structure Prediction (PSP) have been investigated, in order to predict the protein structure from its amino acid sequence. Most of computational methods require knowledge from already determined structures from experimental methods in order to predict an unknown protein. Although computational methods such as Rosetta, I-Tasser and Quark have showed success in their predictions, they are only capable to predict quite similar structures to already known proteins obtained experimentally. The use of such a prior knowledge in the predictions of Rosetta, I-Tasser and Quark may lead to biased predictions. In order to develop a computational algorithm for PSP free of bias, we developed an Estimation of Distribution Algorithm applied to PSP with full-atom and ab initio model. A computational algorithm with ab initio model is mainly interesting when dealing with proteins with low similarity with the known proteins. In this work, we developed an Estimation of Distribution Algorithm with three probabilistic models: univariate, bivariate and hierarchical. The univariate deals with multi-modality of the distribution of the data of a single variable. The bivariate treats the dihedral angles (Φ Ψ) within an amino acid as correlated variables. The hierarchical approach splits the original problem into subproblems and attempts to treat these problems in a separated manner. The experiments show that, indeed, it is possible to achieve better results when modeling the correlation (Φ Ψ). The hierarchical model also showed that is possible to improve the quality of results, mainly for proteins above 50 residues. Besides, we compared our proposed techniques among other metaheuristics from literatures such as: Random Walk, Monte Carlo, Genetic Algorithm and Differential Evolution. The results show that even a less efficient metaheuristic such as Random Walk managed to find the correct structure, however using many prior knowledge (prediction that may be biased). On the other hand, our proposed EDA for PSP was able to find the correct structure with no prior knowledge at all, so we can call this prediction as pure ab initio (biased-free).
Shtogun, Yaroslav. "Properties of Carbon Nanotubes Under External Factors: Adsorption, Mechanical Deformations, Defects, and External Electric Fields." Scholar Commons, 2010. https://scholarcommons.usf.edu/etd/1771.
Full textVexiau, Romain. "Dynamique et contrôle optique des molécules froides." Phd thesis, Université Paris Sud - Paris XI, 2012. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00783399.
Full textZehnacker-Rentien, Anne. "Structure et dynamique de complexes aromatiques formés en jet supersonique." Paris 11, 1988. http://www.theses.fr/1988PA112125.
Full textBen, Jabra Zouhour. "Study of new heterostructures : silicene on graphene." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Aix-Marseille, 2021. http://www.theses.fr/2021AIXM0583.
Full textThe topic of this thesis deals with the study of the growth and properties of silicene (Si-ene) on graphene (Gr) on 6H-SiC(0001) with the final goal of forming free-standing (FS) Si-ene on an insulating or semiconductor substrate. I have described the substrate as a function of the CVD processing conditions. When the proportion of H2 is low it is possible to obtain homogeneous Gr on buffer layer (BL) on SiC. The STM and LEED show the superposition of the Gr mesh and the BL reconstruction representative of the epitaxial Gr. When the proportion of H2 is high, the resulting Gr layer is fully hydrogenated. This is a new result as no hydrogen intercalation process has been able to fully hydrogenate (6x6)Gr samples epitaxial on BL until now. For intermediate proportions of H2/Ar, the coexistence of (6x6)Gr and H-Gr is observed. Depending on the proportion of H2 in the gas mixture, either the SiC surface remains passivated during the entire Gr growth and H-Gr is obtained, or the H2 partially or totally desorbs and either both structures coexist or full plate (6x6)Gr is obtained. I have studied the MBE growth of Si-ene on (6x6)Gr. I have shown that it is possible to form Si-ene puddles for deposit thicknesses <0.5MC. We observe the presence of flat areas of 0.2-0.3nm thickness corresponding to a Si-ene monolayer, surrounded by 3D dendritic islands of Si. The Raman spectra show a peak up to 563cm-1 which is the closest value to Si-ene FS ever obtained. This demonstrates the formation of quasi-FS Si-ene. This work contributes to a better understanding of the CVD growth mechanism of Gr and to the advancement of research in the field of epitaxial growth of 2D materials
Karam, Jean-Christophe. "Collision d'un atome métastable de gaz rare sur une surface nano ou micro-structurée et optique atomique." Phd thesis, Université Paris-Nord - Paris XIII, 2005. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00383051.
Full textGiunchi, Andrea <1993>. "Computing the structural and vibrational properties of polymorphic organic molecular crystals through van der Waals corrected density functional theory and the electronic properties of organic thin films through microelectrostatic calculations." Doctoral thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2021. http://amsdottorato.unibo.it/9829/1/tesi_Andrea_Giunchi_21.pdf.
Full textMarcon, Paul. "Calcul ab-initio des propriétés physiques d'hétérostructures associant des matériaux ferromagnétiques à anisotropie magnétique perpendiculaire et des dichalcogénures de métaux de transition." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Toulouse 3, 2023. http://www.theses.fr/2023TOU30273.
Full textThe ability to synthesize heterostructures made up of 2D materials provides significant opportunities for improving current spintronic components or developing new devices. Thus, the control and deep understanding of the physical properties of these systems become a critical technological challenge. During this thesis, we examined heterostructures composed of transition metal dichalcogenide (TMDC) monolayers and ferromagnetic crystals exhibiting perpendicular magnetic anisotropy, using ab initio calculations based on density functional theory (DFT). We focus on three main goals: (i) understanding how to use magnetic proximity to lift valley degeneracy and quantify the valley Zeeman effect; (ii) assessing the possibility of injecting spin-polarized electron gas into specific valleys of the TMDC sheet; (iii) investigating the impact of proximity on spin-orbit coupling in the TMDC sheet and on the Rashba and Dresselhaus phenomena in these systems. We first studied multilayers with an electrode made up of a metal and a non-2D insulating barrier. In the Fe/MgO/MoS2 system, we computed that a spontaneous electron transfer occurs from the Fe layer to the MoS2 monolayer, leading to the formation of a non-spin-polarized electron gas. We established a model explaining the competition between Rashba and Dresselhaus-type spin-orbit effects and magnetic proximity effect on the MoS2 valence bands: This model allowed us to show that proximity effect predominate for thin MgO (<0.42 nm) and tend to disappear in favor of spin-orbit effects for thicker layers (> 1.06 nm). We predicted that stronger spin-orbit effects can be achieved by replacing the Fe electrode with a non-magnetic V electrode. To boost the magnetic proximity effects, we finally decided to study [Co1Ni2]n/h-BN/WSe2 heterostructures, in which [Co1Ni2]n is a superlattice with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy, and h-BN is a two-dimensional insulator. For this system, we predict that it could be possible to have a spin polarization of the valleys at the K and K' points. Ultimately, we explored the unique properties of the van der Waals heterostructure Graphene/CrI3/WSe2, where the magnetic electrode is also replaced by 2D materials
Chrayteh, Mhamad. "Caractérisation physico-chimique de composés organiques volatils biogéniques et de leurs hydrates." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université de Lille (2018-2021), 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018LILUR054.
Full textOur study deal on the physicochemical properties of molecules of atmospheric interest in the gas phase, in particular the microsolvation process, which could be useful to better understand what leads to the formation of secondary organic aerosols. We studied the mechanism of hydration of several oxidation products of monoterpenes, which include myrtenal and perillaldehyde, which are two unsaturated aldehydes of close structures, with the verbenone and the fenchone, which are two ketones. The structures of many conformers (up to 3 molecules of water bound to molecules) have been optimized by quantum chemistry calculations at MP2 / 6-311++G(d,p) and B3LYP-D3BJ / def2-TZVP levels of theory. The hydrates cohesion is done thanks to hydrogen bonds and Van der Waals interactions. We were able to evidence of the existence of many of them by supersonic jet mircowave spectroscopy in the range of frequencies 2 - 20 GHz and determine their experimental structure. For the myrtenal, we recorded and analyzed the pure rotation spectra, as well as those of isotopologists in natural abundance (13C and 18O ). With the support of quantum chemistry calculations, we have determined its molecular structure in the gas phase. Regarding the hydrates of myrtenal, we analyzed the spectra of 2 mono-, 2 di- and a trihydrate, while for perillaldehyde 4 mono- and 2 dihydrates are characterized. With ketones, we analyzed the spectra of 2 mono-, 2 di- and 1 trihydrate of verbenone, while for the microhydration of fenchone, we characterized2 mono-, 2 di- and 3 trihydrates. In order to confirm the structure of the complexes, we used water enriched with oxygen 18, which allowed us through the constants of rotation of the isotopomers to calculate the structure of the detected hydrates by determining the position of the oxygen atoms by calculating their substitution coordinates, as well an effective structure limited to the arrangement of water molecules around the substrate
Bezzi, Luca. "Materiali 2D van der Waals." Master's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2020.
Find full textBoddison-Chouinard, Justin. "Fabricating van der Waals Heterostructures." Thesis, Université d'Ottawa / University of Ottawa, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/10393/38511.
Full textMa, Yingfang. "Electronic Structure, Optical Properties and Long-Range-Interaction Driven Mesoscale Assembly." Case Western Reserve University School of Graduate Studies / OhioLINK, 2017. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=case1497049273517057.
Full textTiller, Andrew R. "Spectra of Van der Waals complexes." Thesis, University of Cambridge, 1993. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.333415.
Full textMauro, Diego. "Electronic properties of Van der Waals heterostructures." Master's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2016. http://amslaurea.unibo.it/10565/.
Full textKlein, Andreas. "Energietransferprozesse in matrixisolierten van-der-Waals-Komplexen." [S.l. : s.n.], 2001. http://deposit.ddb.de/cgi-bin/dokserv?idn=962344761.
Full textOdeyemi, Tinuade A. "Numerical Modelling of van der Waals Fluids." Thèse, Université d'Ottawa / University of Ottawa, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/10393/22661.
Full textMarsden, Alexander J. "Van der Waals epitaxy in graphene heterostructures." Thesis, University of Warwick, 2015. http://wrap.warwick.ac.uk/77193/.
Full textConnelly, James Patrick. "Microwave studies of Van der Waals complexes." Thesis, University of Oxford, 1993. http://ora.ox.ac.uk/objects/uuid:3865eb1d-d288-44c9-8d42-84f7ff2c0608.
Full textWright, Nicholas J. "Bound states of Van der Waals trimers." Thesis, Durham University, 1998. http://etheses.dur.ac.uk/5048/.
Full textBryan, Robert. "Theoretical studies of Van der Waals clusters." Thesis, Durham University, 1997. http://etheses.dur.ac.uk/4712/.
Full textTulegenov, Akyl S. "SIMPER method for van der Waals complexes." Thesis, University of Nottingham, 2006. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.431329.
Full textMcDowell, Sean Alistair Courtney. "Theoretical studies of Van der Waals molecules." Thesis, University of Cambridge, 1992. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.259733.
Full textLe, Sueur Catherine Ruth. "Induction effects in Van der Waals complexes." Thesis, University of Cambridge, 1990. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.385523.
Full textWillberg, Dean Michael Zewail Ahmed H. "Picosecond spectroscopy of van der Waals clusters /." Diss., Pasadena, Calif. : California Institute of Technology, 1994. http://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechETD:etd-04042008-110156.
Full textSukhomlinov, Sergey. "Development of effective interatomic potentials for computer simulation of oxides." Thesis, Lille 1, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012LIL10092/document.
Full textThe effective interatomic potential model (force field) for the atomistic modeling of oxide materials was developed with the extensive use of ab initio density functional calculations. The force field represents the total potential energy of system as a sum of the long-range electrostatic, dispersion, and short-range energy contributions. The long-range energy electrostatic energy was described with the use of split-charge equilibration (SQE) model based on the chemical potential equalization (CPE) approach. The electrostatic potential was used as the reference quantity for the calibration of parameters of the SQE model. The computation of dispersion coefficients, which determine the magnitude of the dispersion interactions, was carried out with the use of maximally localized Wannier functions (MLWF). The position of MLWF centers close to the nuclei in oxides permits the computation of the dispersion coefficients in an atom-wise manner. The values of the dispersion coefficients were found to be affected by the coordination number and the radius of the first coordination sphere of atom. The short-range (SR) interaction potentials were designed with the use of force-matching method, which has allowed a judicious choice of the functional form of the SR potentials. The parametrization of the force field components was performed on the basis of extensive quantum-chemical calculations of isolated and periodic silicate systems. The complete force field was tested in the molecular dynamics simulations of crystalline silica polymorphs. Results of the calculations allowed to choose the best model. The selected force field well reproduces structural characteristics of the α-quartz and α-cristobalite polymorphs. The calculation of the vibrational spectra of the systems has shown that the model underestimates the Si-O force constants that leads to a downward shift of the vibrational spectra in comparison with the experimental data. A number of ways aimed at improving the force field's performance are suggested