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Deline, Philip. "L'étagement morphodynamique de la haute montagne alpine : l'exemple du Val Veny (Val d'Aoste, Italie)." Revue de géographie alpine 86, no. 3 (1998): 27–35.

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Matocq, Armand. "Une nouvelle espèce de Physatocheila Fieber, 1844, du Val d’Aoste (Italie du Nord) (Heteroptera, Tingidae, Tinginae)." Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France 121, no. 3 (2016): 257–60.

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PETTENELLA (D.). "Ecocertifier les forêts de montagne ? Interrogations et enjeux à partir de l'exemple du Val di Fiemme (Trentin, Italie)." Revue Forestière Française, sp (1998): 180.

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Perrone, Vincenzo, Paola de Capoa, and Francesco Cesarini. "Remise en question, à propos de la Nappe du Val Marecchia, d'attributions paléogéographiques et structurales de l'Apennin nord-oriental (Italie)." Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences - Series IIA - Earth and Planetary Science 326, no. 5 (March 1998): 347–53.

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Verger, JP. "Importance des facteurs édaphiques dans la répartition des forêts subalpines d'adret sur serpentines, prasinites et gneiss en Val d'Aoste (Italie)." Annales des Sciences Forestières 47, no. 1 (1990): 43–56.

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Matocq, Armand. "Rectificatif et complément à l’article “Une nouvelle espèce de Physatocheila Fieber, 1844, du Val d’Aoste (Italie du Nord) (Heteroptera, Tingidae, Tinginae)”." Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France 122, no. 2 (2017): 214.

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Ali, Adam A., Marion Martinez, Nicolas Fauvart, Paul Roiron, Gianfranco Fioraso, Jean-Louis Guendon, Jean-Frédéric Terral, and Christopher Carcaillet. "Incendies et peuplements à Pinus mugo Turra dans les Alpes occidentales (Val de Suse, Italie) durant la transition Tardiglaciaire–Holocène : une zone refuge évidente." Comptes Rendus Biologies 329, no. 7 (July 2006): 494–501.

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Morin, Denis, and Marco Tizzoni. "Aux origines des techniques minières. L’exploitation d’un gisement filonien au Premier Âge du fer. Les mines de Silter di Campolungo et de Baita Cludona di Fondo (Val Camonica, Alpes lombardes, Italie)." Bulletin de la Société préhistorique française 106, no. 1 (2009): 109–41.

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Lanfranchi, Catherine de. "Jardins du Val de Loire et influences italiennes." Italies, no. 8 (November 1, 2004): 51–60.

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D'Anastasio, Ruggero. "Perimortem weapon trauma in an adult male skeleton from the Italic necropolis of Opi Val Fondillo (VI-V century BC; Central Italy)." Anthropologischer Anzeiger 66, no. 4 (December 19, 2008): 385–94.

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Bisio, Luigi, Piero Giuntelli, and Gianni Allegro. "I Coleotteri Carabidi della Val Pesio (Alpi Liguri) (Coleoptera Carabidae)." Memorie della Società Entomologica Italiana 90, no. 2 (December 16, 2013): 61.

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Dopo avere brevemente illustrato i principali caratteri geologici, climatici e vegetazionali della Val Pesio (Alpi Liguri, Piemonte, Cuneo, Italia), gli autori propongono una sintesi delle ricerche carabidologiche condotte sino ad oggi in questa valle. Viene presentato un catalogo topografico delle 174 specie di Carabidi (Cicindelinae incluse) segnalate in questo territorio, con note riguardanti l’ecologia e la corologia di quelle più interessanti. Infine, vengono descritte le principali carabidocenosi osservate.
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Hermann, Jörg, Othmar Müntener, Volkmar Trommsdorff, Werner Hansmann, and Giovanni B. Piccardo. "Fossil crust-to-mantle transition, Val Malenco (Italian Alps)." Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 102, B9 (September 10, 1997): 20123–32.

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Crosta, G. B., H. Chen, and C. F. Lee. "Replay of the 1987 Val Pola Landslide, Italian Alps." Geomorphology 60, no. 1-2 (May 2004): 127–46.

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Callegari, A., F. Mazzi, and L. Ungaretti. "The crystal structure of the orthorhombic calzirtite from Val Malenco (Italy)." Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie - Monatshefte 1997, no. 10 (November 24, 1997): 467–80.

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Boattini, Alessio, Federico C. F. Calboli, Maria José Blanco Villegas, Paola Gueresi, Marcello G. Franceschi, Giorgio Paoli, Sandro Cavicchi, and Davide Pettener. "Migration matrices and surnames in populations with different isolation patterns: Val di Lima (Italian Apennines), Val di Sole (Italian Alps), and La Cabrera (Spain)." American Journal of Human Biology 18, no. 5 (2006): 676–90.

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Fanti, Fabrizio. "Catalogo critico delle Cantharidae d’Italia (Insecta, Coleoptera)." Memorie della Società Entomologica Italiana 91, no. 1-2 (December 15, 2014): 61.

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Questo articolo, di carattere essenzialmente compilativo ma arricchito da numerosi dati inediti, prende in considerazione la corologia delle specie italiane della Famiglia Cantharidae e riflette il punto di vista personale dell’autore relativamente a numerose indicazioni dubbie presenti in letteratura. La forma proposta è quella di un Catalogo delle specie italiane di Cantharidae con l’indicazione esplicita di tutte le regioni nelle quali ogni specie è nota. I taxa che attualmente compongono la famiglia, conosciuti per l’italia, sono 219 (215 specie e 4 sottospecie), ai quali bisogna aggiungere le 12 specie che sono state ritenute dubbie, o dal punto di vista della validità tassonomica, oppure perché la loro presenza in italia resta da confermare (citazioni molto vecchie e/o dubbie). Molte specie sono citate per la prima volta (o confermate nei casi dubbi) di varie regioni italiane: <em>Cantharis decipiens</em> (Umbria), <em>Cantharis falzonii</em> (Campania), <em>Cantharis flavilabris</em> (Umbria), <em>Cantharis</em> <em>fusca</em> (Friuli Venezia Giulia, Umbria, conferma per il Veneto), <em>Cantharis montana</em> (Val d’aosta, Piemonte), <em>Cantharis</em> <em>pallida</em> (Umbria),<em> Cantharis terminata</em> (Val d’aosta, Lombardia, Veneto), <em>Metacantharis clypeata</em> (Friuli Venezia Giulia), <em>Podistra</em> <em>rufotestacea</em> (Friuli Venezia Giulia, toscana), <em>Rhagonycha gallica</em> (Lombardia, Friuli Venezia Giulia), <em>Rhagonycha lignosa</em> (Umbria), <em>Rhagonycha lutea</em> (Veneto), <em>Rhagonycha nigriceps</em> (Molise), <em>Malthinus bilineatus</em> (Lombardia), <em>Malthinus deceptor</em> (Umbria), <em>Malthinus devillei</em> (toscana, Umbria, Lazio), <em>Malthinus facialis</em> (Lombardia, Veneto), <em>Malthinus fasciatus</em> (Emilia Romagna: nuovo per San Marino), <em>Malthinus glabellus</em> (Umbria), <em>Malthinus neapolitanus </em>(Toscana, Umbria),<em> Malthinus pseudobiguttatus</em> (conferma per Piemonte, Liguria e Basilicata), <em>Malthinus reflexus</em> (Piemonte, toscana, Umbria), <em>Malthinus seriepunctatus</em> (Umbria, Basilicata), <em>Malthinus sordidus sordidus</em> (Val d’aosta, Lombardia, Umbria), <em>Malthodes brevicornis</em> (Umbria, Lazio), <em>Malthodes facetus</em> (Umbria), <em>Malthodes flavoguttatus</em> (Val d’aosta), <em>Malthodes latialis</em> (toscana), <em>Malthodes lobatus</em> (Umbria), <em>Malthodes parthenias</em> (Umbria), <em>Malthodes pinnatus</em> (Calabria), <em>Malthodes siculus</em> (Umbria), <em>Malthodes solarii</em> (toscana), <em>Malthodes spectabilis</em> (Umbria), <em>Malthodes umbrosus</em> (Umbria). Vengono infine discusse brevemente le specie da escludere dalla fauna italiana.
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Carrer, Francesco, and Diego E. Angelucci. "Continuity and discontinuity in the history of upland pastoral landscapes: the case study of Val Molinac and Val Poré (Val di Sole, Trentino, Eastern Italian Alps)." Landscape Research 43, no. 6 (November 20, 2017): 862–77.

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Bonazzi, Paola, Silvio Menchetti, and Andrea Palenzona. "Strontiopiemontite, a new member of the epidote group, from Val Graveglia, Liguria, Italy." European Journal of Mineralogy 2, no. 4 (August 31, 1990): 519–24.

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Costa, John E. "Nature, mechanics, and mitigation of the Val Pola Landslide, Valtellina, Italy, 1987-1988." Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie 35, no. 1 (May 17, 1991): 15–38.

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Argentieri, Maria Pia, Moira Madeo, Pinarosa Avato, Marcello Iriti, and Sara Vitalini. "Polyphenol content and bioactivity of Achillea moschata from the Italian and Swiss Alps." Zeitschrift für Naturforschung C 75, no. 3-4 (March 26, 2020): 57–64.

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AbstractAchillea moschata Wulfen, which grows in the Alps, is extensively used by local people for its medicinal properties. Two studied samples were collected, at the flowering stage, in Val Mustair (Switzerland) and Valchiavenna (Italy), respectively. The aerial parts were defatted with petroleum ether (PET) and successively extracted with dichloromethane (DCM) and methanol (MeOH). High-performance liquid chromatography and electrospray ionization-tandem mass spectrometry analyses of the methanolic extracts evidenced that flavonoids were the predominant compounds compared to phenolic acids in both samples (89.5 vs. 33.0 μg/mg DW in A. moschata Valchiavenna and 82.5 vs. 40.0 μg/mg DW in A. moschata Val Mustair). Among flavonoid derivatives, luteolin and apigenin were the predominant aglycones, free and glycosilated. The A. moschata Valchiavenna extract was characterized by apigenin as the main compound (60.4 μg/mg DW), while A. moschata Val Mustair was characterized by its derivative apigenin 7-O-glucoside (44.7 μg/mg DW). The antioxidant activity of all the obtained extracts was tested by the DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-picryl hydrazyl) and ABTS (2,21-azino-bis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid)) methods, which showed their increasing scavenger capacity in relation to extract polarity (PET extract < DCM extract < MeOH extract). The extracts were also investigated against three Gram-positive (Bacillus cereus, Enterococcus faecalis and Staphylococcus aureus) and three Gram-negative (Escherichia coli, Proteus mirabilis and Pseudomonas aeruginosa) bacterial species using the disc diffusion assay. DMC and PET were the most active extracts (inhibition diameter: ≥12 mm).
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Iannazzo, Sergio, Lorenzo Pradelli, and Orietta Zaniolo. "Pharmacoeconomic analysis of valsartan for the treatment of chronic congestive heart failure in Italy." Farmeconomia. Health economics and therapeutic pathways 9, no. 3 (September 15, 2008): 125–35.

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Objective: to evaluate pharmacoeconomic implications of the use of valsartan, an angiotensin II antagonist in addition to standard therapy for the treatment of chronic congestive heart failure (CHF). Methods: the study was conducted performing cost-utility and budget impact (B.I.) analyses by means of a cohort simulation based on a probabilistic Markov model and projecting 23-months follow-up results in the Val-HeFT trial study over a 10-years time horizon. The model included four states (class NYHA I, II and III and death), and had a cycle of 1 year. Two probabilistic simulations (varying first patients parameters and after model parameters) were performed using WinBUGS, a software for bayesian analysis. The distributions of patients parameters (sex, age, use of ACE inhibitors) corresponding to Val-HeFT inclusion criteria in the simulated population were derived from the Italian CHF patients population. Individual mortality was derived from general mortality by adjusting with a NYHA state-specific HR, and the probability of changing NYHA class from Val-HeFT. Costs were calculated in the perspective of the Italian NHS and account for drugs and CHF hospitalizations. Quality of life weights were obtained by elaborating published HRQoL data of CHF patients. A 3.5% annual discount rate was applied; probabilistic sensitivity analysis was performed on each parameter using original-source 95% CI, or a ±10% range where it was unavailable. Results: in the 10 years horizon, patients were estimated to live an average of 4.4 years or 3.2 QALYs, with slight increases in the valsartan group. In this group, hospitalizations are predicted to be sensitively reduced and overall costs decreased by about 500 €/pz. In subgroup analysis, valsartan loses dominance in NYHAII and ACE-using patients, for which ICURs are 17,330 and 27,000 €/QALY, respectively. B.I. analysis predicts a saving of about 172 millions €. Conclusions: valsartan in addition to standard therapy is predicted to be a cost/effective strategy for Italian patients with mild-to-severe CHF and cost-saving from the perspective of the NHS.
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Praz, Christophe, Gilles Carron, and Denis Michez. "Dasypoda braccata Eversmann (Hymenoptera, Dasypodaidae), nouvelle espèce pour l’apidofaune italienne." Osmia 2 (2008): 16–20.

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Dasypoda braccata Eversmann (Hymenoptera, Dasypodaidae), new species for the Italian apidofauna. - We detail the first Italian record of Dasypoda braccata Eversmann 1852 in the Val di Susa (Near Torino, Piemonte, Italy). This new occurrence shifts the occidental limit of this ponto-mediterranean species of several hundreds kilometres westwards. We describe the habitat and discuss the presence of this oriental species in the Alps. We compare the distribution of D. braccata with that of other insects that occur in the same region and exhibit a similar oriental distribution. This finding points out the entomological richness of this continental and xeric alpine valley.
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Dramis, F., M. Govi, M. Guglielmin, and G. Mortara. "Mountain permafrost and slope instability in the Italian Alps: The Val Pola Landslide." Permafrost and Periglacial Processes 6, no. 1 (January 1995): 73–81.

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Clément, Maxime, José Alberto Padrόn-Navarta, and Andréa Tommasi. "Interplay between Fluid Extraction Mechanisms and Antigorite Dehydration Reactions (Val Malenco, Italian Alps)." Journal of Petrology 60, no. 10 (October 1, 2019): 1935–62.

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Abstract We investigate the feedback between antigorite dehydration reactions and fluid extraction mechanisms through the analysis of field-scale structures and microtextures formed by antigorite dehydration reactions producing olivine and talc in the Bergell intrusion contact aureole at Alpe Zocca (Malenco Unit, Northern Italy). The reactions, which resulted in the replacement of serpentinites by metaperidotites, occurred under quasi-static conditions. The main reaction front, which defines the equilibrium isograd, is an ∼150 m wide zone composed of variably reacted rocks with an irregular distribution at scales ranging from a few centimeters to a few meters. Veins composed of the prograde mineral assemblage occur downstream (&lt;100 m) of this front. They are often surrounded by centimeter- to decimeter-scale dehydration reaction zones that propagate into the serpentinite wall-rock. Olivine in the metaperidotites and partially reacted serpentinites has a crystallographic preferred orientation (CPO) correlated with the antigorite CPO, with [010]Ol axes parallel to [001]Atg. This CPO is accompanied by a shape-preferred orientation (SPO) that marks the foliation in both rock types. Olivine crystals in Ol–Tlc dehydration veins also have SPO and CPO that define a jackstraw texture within the plane of the vein. They are elongated parallel to [001] within the vein plane and have their [010]Ol axes normal to the vein. We interpret the olivine–talc assemblage in the veins as resulting from dehydration reactions at lower temperature than the equilibrium conditions owing to fluid extraction from the wall-rock into the veins. The jackstraw texture indicates fast kinetics, with the crystal orientation controlled by anisotropic growth under a fluid pressure gradient. We interpret the foliated metaperidotites as formed at near equilibrium conditions, with pervasive fluid extraction from the metaperidotite by viscous metamorphic compaction. Olivine CPO in these rocks may result from topotaxy, oriented growth in the presence of an anisotropic (foliation-controlled) fluid flow, and/or solid reorientation of the anisometric olivine crystals accommodated by the deformation of the weaker talc (± chlorite) matrix during compaction.
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Sardi, Iacopo, Guglielmina Pepe, Rossella Marcucci, Tamara Brunelli, Domenico Prisco, Cinzia Fatini, Monia Capanni, Ignazio Simonetti, Gian Franco Gensini, and Rosanna Abbate. "The High Prevalence of Thermolabile 5-10 Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase (MTHFR) in Italians Is not Associated to an Increased Risk for Coronary Artery Disease (CAD)." Thrombosis and Haemostasis 79, no. 04 (1998): 727–30.

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SummaryMild hyperhomocysteinemia was found to be related to venous thrombosis, cerebrovascular and coronary artery disease (CAD). Some recent studies suggested that a mutation in the gene encoding for 5-10 methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR), due to a transition C→ at nucleotide 677, is a genetic risk factor for vascular disease. However, several further studies could not confirm this association.We investigated 84 patients with CAD who underwent percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) and 106 healthy subjects.The prevalence of the mutated homozygous genotype was much higher than in other Italian populations, Europeans or other major human groups, but no excess of the Val/Val homozygotes was found in patients (28.5%) with respect to healthy subjects (30.2%). Mutated homozygous MTHFR genotype (+/+) was not found to be related to the clinical manifestations of CAD, to the prevalence of the common risk factors and to the rate of restenosis.In conclusion, thermolabile MTHFR does not appear to be associated “per se” with the risk for CAD or for restenosis after PTCA. The high frequency of the +/+ genotype in our Italian population (from Tuscany) confirms a wide macroheterogeneity and suggests a microheterogeneity in the genotype frequencies of the different ethnic populations.Preliminary data of this paper were selected for an Oral Communication at the XVIth ISTH Congress.
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Macchi, Mirjam. "Kulturlandschaft oder Wildnis in den Alpen? Fallstudien im Val Grande-Nationalpark und im Stronatal (Piemont/Italien)." Mountain Research and Development 27, no. 1 (February 2007): 99–100.[99:kowida];2.

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Gorga, Roberto, and A. Mottana. "Il clinocrisotilo nelle serpentiniti amiantifere del giacimento di Dossi Franscia in Val Brutta (Alpi Retiche, Italia)." Rendiconti Lincei 8, no. 1 (March 1997): 5–17.

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Zuliani, G., T. Imbastaro, A. Mezzetti, F. Romagnoni, E. Palmieri, S. Volpato, G. Riario Sforza, and R. Fellin. "The Val Vibrata aging project: metabolic profile in 100 healthy free-living Italian octogenarians." Atherosclerosis 109, no. 1-2 (September 1994): 30–31.

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Casale, Fabio, Cristina Movalli, Radames Bionda, Lorenzo Laddaga, Andrea Mosini, and Manuel Piana. "Gli uccelli del Parco Nazionale della Val Grande e delle aree limitrofe (Verbano Cusio Ossola, Piemonte, Italia)." Rivista Italiana di Ornitologia 83, no. 1-2 (December 16, 2014): 3.

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Dal Cengio, Martina. "«E l’autorità di Dante (perdoninmi alcuni) non vale»: riflessioni intorno all’incisività del Dante lirico nella poesia veneta del XVI secolo." Italique, no. XXIV (December 15, 2021): 227–69.

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Lonardi, Serena, and Yvonne Unterpertinger. "The Relevance of Intangible Cultural Heritage and Traditional Languages for the Tourism Experience: The Case of Ladin in South Tyrol." Sustainability 14, no. 5 (February 25, 2022): 2729.

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Cultural tourists have become increasingly interested in intangible cultural heritage and in minority, peripheral areas. This paper will focus on the ICH of minority communities, with a closer look at minority languages, considering the Ladin communities of South Tyrol (Italy). This study uses a qualitative methodology—16 semi-structured interviews with German- and Italian-speaking tourists in Val Pusteria, with a video presenting a real-life situation in Ladin. It reveals that, although culture is not the main motivation to travel to South Tyrol, tourists are fascinated by tangible and intangible aspects of the South Tyrolean culture, such as the architecture, traditional lifestyle, events, practices, dresses, and the language. What is particularly interesting is the role that cultural sustainability plays for the region: the successful maintenance of traditions, including the traditional languages—dialect and Ladin—are mentioned with affection. Tourism practitioners in Val Pusteria and the neighboring Ladin valleys should consider experiences in and with the Ladin language as fun and interesting for tourists but should also provide interpretational and educational support.
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Allevato, Emilia, Francesco Fedele, Filippo Terrasi, Manuela Capano, and Gaetano Di Pasquale. "High-Resolution Archaeoenvironmental Study of a Cultic Episode at a Statue-Menhir Copper Age Site (Ossimo Anvòia, Italian Alps)." Radiocarbon 55, no. 01 (2013): 49–58.

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Nine excavation seasons at Ossimo Anvòia in the Val Camonica (Central Alps, Italy) have brought to light a Copper Age ceremonial area with symbolic monoliths (statue menhirs) in their original position. Hundreds of artifacts and ecofacts indicate ideological activity during the 3rd millennium BC. A large pit (F18) was discovered that was unusual for its great size and the abundance of well-preserved charcoal. The pit housed a fallen monolith (M9) showing complicated reshaping. A detailed spatial study based on 6 radiocarbon accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) measurements combined with charcoal analysis has untangled key information to define the history of feature F18-M9.14C data show that the burning event occurred most probably in the 4th century AD, not in prehistory. We infer a unique episode of “reconsecration” during the very latest phases of pagan cult activity in the Val Camonica. Further studies are needed to resolve the relationships with other features of the site. In addition, charcoal analysis has produced paleobotanical information for a scarcely known period in the environmental history of the area. A sparse forest withPicea abies, Larix decidua,andFagus sylvaticaexisted, associated with areas likely devoted to grazing. There is a remarkable absence of chestnut.
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Gizzi, Martina, Glenda Taddia, and Stefano Lo Russo. "Reuse of Decommissioned Hydrocarbon Wells in Italian Oilfields by Means of a Closed-Loop Geothermal System." Applied Sciences 11, no. 5 (March 9, 2021): 2411.

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Geological and geophysical exploration campaigns have ascertained the coexistence of low to medium-temperature geothermal energy resources in the deepest regions of Italian sedimentary basins. As such, energy production based on the exploitation of available geothermal resources associated with disused deep oil and gas wells in Italian oilfields could represent a considerable source of renewable energy. This study used information available on Italian hydrocarbon wells and on-field temperatures to apply a simplified closed-loop coaxial Wellbore Heat Exchanger (WBHE) model to three different hydrocarbon wells located in different Italian oilfields (Villafortuna-Trecate, Val d’Agri field, Gela fields). From this study, the authors have highlighted the differences in the quantity of potentially extracted thermal energy from different analysed wells. Considering the maximum extracted working fluid temperature of 100 °C and imagining a cascading exploitation mode of the heat accumulated, for Villafortuna 1 WBHE was it possible to hypothesise a multi-variant and comprehensive use of the resource. This could be done using existing infrastructure, available technologies, and current knowledge.
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Perani, D., F. Grassi, S. Sorbi, B. Nacmias, S. Piacentini, P. Piersanti, L. Provinciali, L. Amaducci, and F. Fazio. "PET study in subjects from two Italian FAD families with APP717 Val to Ileu mutation." European Journal of Neurology 4, no. 3 (May 1997): 214–20.

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Scotti, Riccardo, and Francesco Brardinoni. "Evaluating millennial to contemporary time scales of glacier change in Val Viola, Central Italian Alps." Geografiska Annaler: Series A, Physical Geography 100, no. 4 (July 2, 2018): 319–39.

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Scotti, Riccardo, Francesco Brardinoni, Giovanni Battista Crosta, Giuseppe Cola, and Volkmar Mair. "Time constraints for post-LGM landscape response to deglaciation in Val Viola, Central Italian Alps." Quaternary Science Reviews 177 (December 2017): 10–33.

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Rapposelli, Ilario Giovanni, Ornella Fusco, Panagiotis Deligiannis, Alessandro Pastorini, Mario Saverio Fiumanò, Elisabetta Menatti, Valentina Viaggi, et al. "Libro Blu as a mobile app to improve cancer care." Journal of Clinical Oncology 35, no. 15_suppl (May 20, 2017): e18190-e18190.

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e18190 Background: When ASCO published Top Five List to improve cancer care in 2012, we applied the same principles to build local guidelines, resulting in first edition of our “Libro Blu” (Blue Book), named after a similar tool previously adopted by the Swiss institution IOSI. In 2015 a reform of Lombardy public health, with the establishment of ASST-VAL, covering a huge area with 5 hospitals, brought a further need for harmonization of our work; moreover, the increasing appearance of high cost drugs and the simultaneous restrictions in public health budget required a more rational expense. Methods: After first edition in 2012, Libro Blu underwent periodic updates. In 2015 a major revision took place; besides up-to-date guidelines in the management of specific cancers, edited by Oncology, Hematology and Radiation Therapy specialists, attention was paid to supportive care, with consultants from many other fields. All recommendations in Libro Blu derive from Italian and international guidelines, adapted to our local reality after multidisciplinary discussion, and have been approved after a final joint review. Results: The implementation of Libro Blu resulted in a more consistent application of treatment protocols in ASST-VAL, ensuring all patients the same standard of care, and allowed to raise the level of both specific cancer treatment and supportive care. Furthermore, guidelines for a rational use of drugs allowed to reduce costs in our institution. After one year, 2015 edition of Libro Blu was submitted for review by a number of Italian oncologists from other institutions. Following this review, we used the updated version of Libro Blu to build, with unconditional support from Eli Lilly, a mobile app that will soon be available for download. Conclusions: Libro Blu established a common standard of care in a broad area and allowed a cost reduction that is particularly relevant at this moment, with cancer care facing the appearance of many high cost drugs along with a spending review that involves the Italian health system. The review from other Italian oncologists ensured the adherence of Libro Blu to national guidelines and to state-of-the-art clinical practice. Finally, the mobile app will make consultation easier and will allow to share this tool across all Italian institutions.
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Allevato, Emilia, Francesco Fedele, Filippo Terrasi, Manuela Capano, and Gaetano Di Pasquale. "High-Resolution Archaeoenvironmental Study of a Cultic Episode at a Statue-Menhir Copper Age Site (Ossimo Anvòia, Italian Alps)." Radiocarbon 55, no. 1 (2013): 49–58.

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Nine excavation seasons at Ossimo Anvòia in the Val Camonica (Central Alps, Italy) have brought to light a Copper Age ceremonial area with symbolic monoliths (statue menhirs) in their original position. Hundreds of artifacts and ecofacts indicate ideological activity during the 3rd millennium BC. A large pit (F18) was discovered that was unusual for its great size and the abundance of well-preserved charcoal. The pit housed a fallen monolith (M9) showing complicated reshaping. A detailed spatial study based on 6 radiocarbon accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) measurements combined with charcoal analysis has untangled key information to define the history of feature F18-M9. 14C data show that the burning event occurred most probably in the 4th century AD, not in prehistory. We infer a unique episode of “reconsecration” during the very latest phases of pagan cult activity in the Val Camonica. Further studies are needed to resolve the relationships with other features of the site. In addition, charcoal analysis has produced paleobotanical information for a scarcely known period in the environmental history of the area. A sparse forest with Picea abies, Larix decidua, and Fagus sylvatica existed, associated with areas likely devoted to grazing. There is a remarkable absence of chestnut.
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Carrer, Francesco. "An ethnoarchaeological inductive model for predicting archaeological site location: A case-study of pastoral settlement patterns in the Val di Fiemme and Val di Sole (Trentino, Italian Alps)." Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 32, no. 1 (March 2013): 54–62.

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Demartin, F., C. M. Gramaccioli, I. Campostrini, and V. Diella. "THE CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF MCKELVEYITE-(Y)-2M, A NEW MONOCLINIC POLYTYPE FROM VAL MALENCO, ITALIAN ALPS." Canadian Mineralogist 46, no. 1 (February 1, 2008): 195–203.

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FERRY, J. M. "Fluid Flow During Contact Metamorphism of Ophicarbonate Rocks in the Bergell Aureole, Val Malenco, Italian Alps." Journal of Petrology 36, no. 4 (August 1, 1995): 1039–53.

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Palombini, Augusto, and Sofia Pescarin. "Virtual Archaeology and museums, an italian perspective." Virtual Archaeology Review 2, no. 4 (May 20, 2011): 151.

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<p>The growing number of virtual museums and applications today available arises many questions concerning the problems connected to their fruition and maintenance. This paper aims at setting up an analysis of the topic, through the steps of three VM projects carried on by the Virtual Heritage Lab (2008, 2010, 2012 (in progress)). Such case studies are taken into account on the basis of three topics: technical maintenance, reliability and semantic density. The analysis aims also at contributing the debate on the future development of VMs and on the management of the relationships between reliability and wide dissemination.</p>
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Scetti, Fabio, and Federica Salamino. "Il progetto VVV: lessicografia, informatica e social network al servizio della promozione linguistica." Italianistica Debreceniensis 26 (December 1, 2020): 136–49.

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Questo contributo si basa su un progetto lessicografico e fornisce informazioni importanti sulla promozione del Valoc ’, un dialetto a rischio di estinzione parlato in Val Masino (Lombardia, Italia). Lo scopo del progetto VVV è sviluppare il nuovo dizionario, basato sulla ricerca antropologica e dialettologica. Grazie al nostro approccio metodologico ci proponiamo di osservare le pratiche del Valoc ', la sua trasmissione da una generazione all'altra e discorsi che sostengono principalmente le ideologie in relazione alle pratiche linguistiche e all'identità. In questo lavoro, vorremmo presentare il contesto, descritto da un punto di vista linguistico e sociolinguistico, concentrandoci sull'importanza di promuovere il Valoc ’attraverso lezioni, conferenze, il dizionario e i social network. Infatti, grazie alla nostra pagina sui social network, è stato possibile osservare l'evoluzione del linguaggio e analizzare il modo in cui i parlanti affrontano l'esercizio della scrittura.
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Esu, Daniela, and Odoardo Girotti. "Valvata mathiasi n. sp. (Gastropoda: Heterobranchia: Valvatidae) from the Lower Pliocene of the Val di Pesa (Tuscany, Central Italy)." Archiv für Molluskenkunde International Journal of Malacology 147, no. 1 (June 29, 2018): 49–54.

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Lucchetti, Gabriella. "Tephroite from the Val Graveglia metacherts (Liguria, Italy): mineral data and reactions for Mn-silicates and Mn-Ca-carbonates." European Journal of Mineralogy 3, no. 1 (February 21, 1991): 63–68.

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Agati, Salvatore, Giuseppe Bruschi, Claudio Russo, Tiziano Colombo, Marco Lanfranconi, and Ettore Vitali. "First successful Italian clinical experience with DeBakey VAD™." Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation 20, no. 8 (August 2001): 914–17.

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Römer, Ute, and James R. Garner. "The development of verb constructions in spoken learner English." Corpus-based Approaches to Spoken L2 Production 5, no. 2 (September 24, 2019): 207–30.

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Abstract Based on datasets of L1 Italian and Spanish learner language culled from the Trinity Lancaster Corpus Sample, this paper investigates how verb-argument constructions (VACs) develop in the spoken English of L2 learners across proficiency levels. In addition to proficiency and L1 effects, we focus on the potential influence of native English usage on learner VAC production. Insights into learners’ productive knowledge of five target VACs and the verbs used in those VACs are gained through (1) comparisons of normalized entropy scores for verbs in VACs; (2) correlation analyses comparing for each VAC the verbs produced by groups of learners and by native English speakers; and (3) regression analyses comparing learner verb-VAC associations against indices of VAC usage, including verb-VAC frequency, VAC-verb association strength and contingency. Results indicate that, across L1 backgrounds, more proficient learners are more productive in their VAC use and closer to patterns in L1 English usage than less proficient learners.
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Guidazzoli, Antonella, Maria Chiara Liguori, Daniele De Luca, and Silvano Imboden. "Valorizzazione cross-mediale di collezioni museali archeologiche italiane." Virtual Archaeology Review 5, no. 10 (May 2, 2014): 93.

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For the difficult task of capturing the attention of visitors and mark their memory, museums and cultural sites rely increasingly on computer applications. Are they all effective? VisitLab Cineca (Visual Information Technology Laboratory) is following three different projects, each based on a different application: from computer graphics movies to evocative installation, from augmented reality applications to the simulation of social dynamics and historical events. Time will tell if these are the most valid solutions to address and overcome the challenge.
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Marco, Focacci, Meo Isabella De, and Paletto Alessandro. "Relationship between innovation and networks in chestnut value chain: A case study in Italy." Journal of Forest Science 64, No. 1 (January 29, 2018): 43–51.

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In the last decades, the chestnut production has decreased in Italy due to diseases such as chestnut blight and chestnut gall wasp, and progressive depopulation of mountainous areas. The aim of the paper is to analyse the role of social network to enhance the dissemination of new ideas and innovations in view of the chestnut value chain development. The study was conducted in the Mugello-Val di Sieve area in the Tuscany region (Italy). A participatory value chain analysis approach was used for the strengthening of the local chestnut value chain. The data were collected by administering a questionnaire to a sample of 126 chestnut growers (83 chestnut growers enrolled and 43 not enrolled in the Consortium of “Marrone del Mugello Protected Geographical Indication”) to highlight the relationships between farmers and institutional actors. The network of the Consortium members was compared with the network of the non-members. The results show that a well-structured network allows for better dissemination of information and knowledge between farmers and greater diversification of product market sales.
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Zuliani, G., G. Bader, T. Imbastaro, A. Mezzetti, F. Romagnoni, E. Palmieri, S. Volpato, G. Riario Sforza, G. M. Kostner, and R. Fellin. "The val vibrata aging project: Lp(a) plasma levels and apo(a) isoforms in 150 Italian ocagenarians." Atherosclerosis 109, no. 1-2 (September 1994): 288.

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