Academic literature on the topic 'Val (Italie)'
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Journal articles on the topic "Val (Italie)"
Deline, Philip. "L'étagement morphodynamique de la haute montagne alpine : l'exemple du Val Veny (Val d'Aoste, Italie)." Revue de géographie alpine 86, no. 3 (1998): 27–35.
Full textMatocq, Armand. "Une nouvelle espèce de Physatocheila Fieber, 1844, du Val d’Aoste (Italie du Nord) (Heteroptera, Tingidae, Tinginae)." Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France 121, no. 3 (2016): 257–60.
Full textPETTENELLA (D.). "Ecocertifier les forêts de montagne ? Interrogations et enjeux à partir de l'exemple du Val di Fiemme (Trentin, Italie)." Revue Forestière Française, sp (1998): 180.
Full textPerrone, Vincenzo, Paola de Capoa, and Francesco Cesarini. "Remise en question, à propos de la Nappe du Val Marecchia, d'attributions paléogéographiques et structurales de l'Apennin nord-oriental (Italie)." Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences - Series IIA - Earth and Planetary Science 326, no. 5 (March 1998): 347–53.
Full textVerger, JP. "Importance des facteurs édaphiques dans la répartition des forêts subalpines d'adret sur serpentines, prasinites et gneiss en Val d'Aoste (Italie)." Annales des Sciences Forestières 47, no. 1 (1990): 43–56.
Full textMatocq, Armand. "Rectificatif et complément à l’article “Une nouvelle espèce de Physatocheila Fieber, 1844, du Val d’Aoste (Italie du Nord) (Heteroptera, Tingidae, Tinginae)”." Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France 122, no. 2 (2017): 214.
Full textAli, Adam A., Marion Martinez, Nicolas Fauvart, Paul Roiron, Gianfranco Fioraso, Jean-Louis Guendon, Jean-Frédéric Terral, and Christopher Carcaillet. "Incendies et peuplements à Pinus mugo Turra dans les Alpes occidentales (Val de Suse, Italie) durant la transition Tardiglaciaire–Holocène : une zone refuge évidente." Comptes Rendus Biologies 329, no. 7 (July 2006): 494–501.
Full textMorin, Denis, and Marco Tizzoni. "Aux origines des techniques minières. L’exploitation d’un gisement filonien au Premier Âge du fer. Les mines de Silter di Campolungo et de Baita Cludona di Fondo (Val Camonica, Alpes lombardes, Italie)." Bulletin de la Société préhistorique française 106, no. 1 (2009): 109–41.
Full textLanfranchi, Catherine de. "Jardins du Val de Loire et influences italiennes." Italies, no. 8 (November 1, 2004): 51–60.
Full textD'Anastasio, Ruggero. "Perimortem weapon trauma in an adult male skeleton from the Italic necropolis of Opi Val Fondillo (VI-V century BC; Central Italy)." Anthropologischer Anzeiger 66, no. 4 (December 19, 2008): 385–94.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Val (Italie)"
Remacle, Claudine. "La maison rurale en vallée d'Aoste (Bionaz, Oyace, Torgnon) : étude de géographie historique et sociale." Grenoble 1, 1991.
Full textIn the aosta valley rural houses are adapted to the development of families since the lower middle ages. The organisation of villages is directly related to the farming layout of the soils distributed according to height. The present state of inertia of ancient houses is due to mass emigration and to its land consequences, which are connected to the egalitariam succession system; this has caused an indivisibility of real estates. The hierarchy of the local society explains the process of old and new settlements through cadastral records: for example on one side the land retention practiced by the biggest elderly landowners freezing real estates, and the other hand the action of promoters, taking advantage of the touristic residential pressure, who are purchasing the least profitable land and abandoned houses. The landscape is rapidly changing according to the development sectors chosen by the local societies. Second homes are surrounding the villages of torgnon. Model cowsheds are supplanting the former habitat of the higher valpelline region. Everywhere the estate situation of the past is a clue to the present evolution of rural space
Brugiapaglia, Elisabetta. "Dynamique de la végétation tardiglaciaire et holocène dans les Alpes italiennes nord-occidentales." Aix-Marseille 3, 1996.
Full textJosserand, Jérôme-Frédéric. "Conquête, survie et disparition : italien, français et francoprovençal en Vallée d'Aoste /." Uppsala : Uppsala universiteit, 2003.
Full textBergomi, Matilde. "Politica e amministrazione in Val Malenco nell'età moderna /." Sondrio : Società storica valtellinese, 2006.
Full textRoullet, Stefania. "Accent et intonation dans deux parlers francoprovençaux de la vallée d'Aoste (Sarre et Cogne)." Grenoble 3, 1999.
Full textA systematic analysis of word stress, group stress and sentence stress as well as the development of the intonational contour of each word, of each phrase and of each full sentence, in affirmative (declarative) and interrogative (yes/no question) sentences has been carried out to evaluate among other things the influence exerted by the position of the stressed syllable in the word and of the word in the sentence on accents and intonational patterns. The method followed in the acquisition of data - essentially based on the use of a fixed corpus (the results were also proved by means of free tape-recordings and spontaneous language) - has permitted of no limitate the attention on variations of fo, but to extend to the values of duration and intensity, thus dividing into its three principal parameters in correspondence of its vocalic segments. Besides, this method has assured us the possibility to dispose realizations that from a semantic point of view are little connotated and has made it possible to identify intonational patterns in the affirmative and interrogative utterances of the considered varieties. By means of essentially phonetic and instrumental approach, we have thus examined the principal prosodic phenomena which characterize the two francoprovencal varieties of aosta valley as well as the regional italian spoken in the two villages analysed. In this way we have the opportunity to verify the existence of phenomena such as "persistence" and variation in the use of the two different linguistic codes by the same speaker. The choice of these two villages (sarre and cogne) was based upon the aim to verify the presence vs. Absence ofcommun elements in the two varities which, though belonging to the same linguistic area, are perceived as being very different
Bessat, Hubert. "Dialectologie francoprovençale alpine et microtoponymie des alpages en Savoie et en Vallée d'Aoste." Grenoble 3, 1993.
Full textThe place names for pastures in savoie and the aoste valley that we investigated in this study often have their origin in the oral tradition of mountain communities that are in rapid evolution today. Thus, these place names constitute an ethnolinguistic heritage that is threatened with extinction, especially as the francoprovencal dialects themselves are disappearing, and it is these which make it possible to understand the toponymic designations in the context of natural and man-made aspects of the mountain environment. The dialectal approach of this toponymic study also makes it possible to locate these data in the alpine francoprovencal geographic area, through the presentation and analysis of dialectal and toponymic maps
Pavese, Monica. "Le Valcamonica : Histoire, épigraphie et contextualisation d'une vallée dans les Alpes Centrales à l'époque romaine." Nice, 2006.
Full textThe Romanisation of Camonica Valley concerns the impact of Rome on the life of a community in the middle of the Italian Alps north of Brescia and Bergamo, between Iseo Lake and Tonal Pass: the ancient Camunian people (Kamuni or Camunni). This is a systematic study of the context of 193 Latin Inscriptions that cover a period of time from the first Roman Imperial Age to the VII century A. D. , as well as an analysis of historic literary sources, rock carving art and all archaeological remains. After the campaigns of Druses and Tiberius, in fact, Augustus conquered the dominion of Alps and the Camonica Valley was annexed to Rome with other gentes alpinae devictae. The valley became then a buffer state in the Roman Empire, received soon the Roman citizenship and a certain degree of autonomy. The study examines especially the new social organisation of the native people, not only regarding the relationship between Roman and local people but also about the transformation process of Camonica Valley due the effects of Romanisation
Messiez, Maurice. "Les vignobles des pays du Mont-Blanc : Savoie, Valais, Vallée d'Aoste : étude historique, économique, humaine." Grenoble 1, 1998.
Full textGuérin, Marie-Anne. "Action publique locale et patrimoine culturel : production et légitimation des territorialités politiques : Savoie, Haute-Savoie, Valais, Val d’Aoste." Grenoble 2, 2004.
Full textThe decentralisation process in France has highlighted cultural heritage issues which interest associations as well as the various strata of political institutions. Until the 1980s, the state remained the primary actor with regards to cultural heritage. At present, local communities invest alongside intermediate structures in the cultural heritage process. This evolution raises the question of political stakes beyond invested social interests or the development of tourism. If we consider cultural heritage as the result of a negociated social construction, our hypothesis proposes that heritage’s political stakes are focalised on the opportunity for local communities to legitimate their political power by asserting their cultural identity. Observations of the Valais canton in Switzerland, the autonomous region of Val d’Aosta in Italy and the Savoie and Haute Savoie departments in France demonstrate that three of them direct their own cultural heritage and influence the actions of other local heritage actors such as villages and associations. The Valais canton was the first to enagage in these policies, before the Val d’Aosta and the Savoie department. This time lapse is related to the political center/periphery relationship as well as distinct institutional stakes. Designating an element as belonging to one’s cultural heritage identifies the element as part of a common good and reinforces the existence of the community and the polity. Examination of heritage choices also reveal limitations - including, in the French and Italian cases, particular conceptions of national identity
Soubirou, Marina. "L'engagement solidaire des entrepreneurs du peuple No TAV bas-valsusain : analyse pragmatique d'un processus d'innovation sociale soutenable." Thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes (ComUE), 2018.
Full textA global transition towards sustainability is a pressing challenge in the current context of fast degradation of the biosphere and of rising socio-economic inequalities which generate multiple vulnerabilities. Qualitative and quantitative surveys have shown that sustainable principles and values appears to be emerging on a global scale. Various social movements have laid claim to such a transition. The No TAV movement in the lower part of the Susa valley in Italy is an example. Since the 1990’s, this area has been the scene of a territorial conflict pitting the local inhabitants against the Italian state on a 54km long railway tunnel project under the Alps, linking the Susa Valley to the French Maurienne Valley. By strongly rejecting this project and collective participation in numerous resistance movements, the Low-Valsusans have gradually become a territorialized community who’s members are linked by strong bonds of co-obligation to each other and seem to share a set of sustainable principles and values. In this thesis, we question the impact of this very peculiar context on the local small and medium entrepreneurs’ involvement into the sustainable development of their territory, trying to find out whether it influences their activities. We have conducted our investigation in a pragmatic style, paying attention to the actors’ self-reflexivity.Does the participation to a sustainable territorialized community favor the involvement of the entrepreneurs into a solidarity economy oriented towards a sustainable development? The first part of this thesis questions the relevance and the conditions necessary for the implementation of a sustainable development. We propose the notion of territorialized community, articulating the political principle of the common and the notion of territory. The second part deals with the characterization of the Low-Valsusan territorialized community. We question its spatial anchoring, its principles and values, as well as the trajectory through which it emerged. This community has crystallized through several decades of struggles. It is anchored in the lower part of the valley between the villages of Exilles and Avigliana and its members seem to share sustainable principles and values. Finally, the third part of this thesis characterizes a process of social innovation through which a solidarity involvement of the local entrepreneurs in favor of a sustainable development has emerged and spread in the lower Susa Valley
Books on the topic "Val (Italie)"
Musiche tradizionali della Val di Cogne (Valle d'Aosta): Le registrazioni di Sergio Liberovici (1956) = Musiques traditionneles du Val de Cogne (Vallée d'Aoste, Italie) : les enregistrements de Sergio Liberovici (1956). Roma: Squilibri, 2009.
Find full textTorenbeek, John. Afgezien van Italië. Amsterdam: Tabula, 1986.
Find full textStraatman, Tineke. De achterkant van Italië. Amsterdam: Atlas, 2000.
Find full textPauw, Freddy de. Italië, moeder van alle smeer. Leuven: Davidsfonds, 1994.
Find full textBianconi, Sandro. Plurilinguismo in Val Bregaglia. [Locarno]: Osservatorio lingustico della Svizzera italiana, 1998.
Find full textGaza, Giorgio. Urla di vittoria nella steppa: Gli alpini del "Val Chiese" sul fronte russo. Milano: Mursia, 2002.
Find full textNegri, Simona. Raccolta di proverbi e detti popolari in Val Pellice. Alessandria: Edzioni dell'Orso, 1996.
Find full textBianchini, Giovanni. Vocabolario dei dialetti della Val Tartano. Sondrio: Fondazione Pro Valtellina, 1994.
Find full textFalorni, Andrea. Montecatini Val di Cecina: Arte e storia. [Italy]: Associazione turistica Pro Pomarance, 2003.
Find full textAnna, Benvenuti Papi, ed. L'Amiata e la Val d'Orcia. Milano: A. Mondadori, 1999.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Val (Italie)"
Thies, Henning. "Itallie, Jean-Claude van." In Kindlers Literatur Lexikon (KLL), 1. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler, 2020.
Full textThies, Henning. "Itallie, Jean-Claude van: America Hurrah." In Kindlers Literatur Lexikon (KLL), 1–2. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler, 2020.
Full textThies, Henning. "Itallie, Jean-Claude van: The Serpent." In Kindlers Literatur Lexikon (KLL), 1–2. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler, 2020.
Full textPons, Aline. "La lingua speciale dei minatori della Val Germanasca (Piemonte, Italia)." In Publications de l'Association Internationale d'Etudes Occitanes, 325–38. Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols Publishers, 2022.
Full textSastry, K. Subramanya, Bikash Mandal, John Hammond, S. W. Scott, and R. W. Briddon. "Brassica oleracea var. italica (Broccoli)." In Encyclopedia of Plant Viruses and Viroids, 310–12. New Delhi: Springer India, 2019.
Full textKhare, C. P. "Populus nigra Linn. var. italica Kochne." In Indian Medicinal Plants, 1. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2007.
Full textCohn, Ruby. "Actor-Activated: Gelber, Horovitz, van Itallie, Terry, Fornès." In New American Dramatists 1960–1990, 59–83. London: Macmillan Education UK, 1991.
Full textMetz, T. D. "Transgenic Broccoli (Brassica oleracea Var. italica) and Cabbage (Var. capitata)." In Transgenic Crops II, 69–86. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2001.
Full textLazzarini, Isabella. "«Recevì la vostra litera a la quale e respondo». Qualche nota intorno alle reti epistolari del Trecento padano." In Reti Medievali E-Book, 189–205. Florence: Firenze University Press, 2021.
Full textWalkey, D. G. A., and D. A. C. Pink. "Brussels Sprout (Brassica oleracea var. gemmifera) and Broccoli (B. oleracea var. italica)." In Crops II, 252–76. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1988.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Val (Italie)"
Duquenne, Nathalie, Marielle Cuvelier, François Baranowski, and Josette Bigot. "The VAL of Torino, First Italian Driverless Automatic Metro." In 10th International Conference on Automated People Movers. Reston, VA: American Society of Civil Engineers, 2005.
Full textCibecchini, Daniele, and Alberto Cavalli. "Increasing the value of Italian beech through structural use." In Secondo Congresso Internazionale di Selvicoltura = Second International Congress of Silviculture. Accademia Italiana di Scienze Forestali, 2015.
Full textSauvard, Philippe. "Siemens VAL Solution in Torino – The First Driverless Metro in Italy." In 10th International Conference on Automated People Movers. Reston, VA: American Society of Civil Engineers, 2005.
Full textGieré, Reto. "Micro- and Nano-Scale Characterization of Exceptionally Long Chrysotile Fibers from Val Malenco, Italy." In Goldschmidt2021. France: European Association of Geochemistry, 2021.
Full textHe, Siyuan, Tao Li, Yuxin Duan, Zhenning Yang, and Feixiang Li. "VAE Based- NCF for Recommendation of Implicit Feedback." In 2019 IEEE 8th Joint International Information Technology and Artificial Intelligence Conference (ITAIC). IEEE, 2019.
Full textFedi, M., G. Florio, I. Giori, and I. Loretti. "Full Tensor Gravity Gradient Analysis from Traditional Gravity Data in Chain Area, Val d'Agri, Southern Italy." In 64th EAGE Conference & Exhibition. European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers, 2002.
Full textCaproni, Cristiano, John Forbes Johnstone, and Giorgio Cavallaro. "The Use of Multi-Lateral Technology in an Environmentally Sensitive Area: The Val d'Agri Field, Italy." In SPE/IADC Middle East Drilling and Technology Conference. Society of Petroleum Engineers, 2007.
Full text"Organogenesis and Growth Response of Brassica oleracea var. Italica Through In Vitro Culture." In International Conference on Agricultural, Ecological and Medical Sciences. International Institute of Chemical, Biological & Environmental Engineering, 2015.
Full textValoroso, L., L. Improta, P. De Gori, R. Di Stefano, L. Chiaraluce, and C. C. "From 3D to 4D Passive Seismic Tomography - The Sub-surface Structure Imaging of the Val d’Agri Region, Southern Italy." In 70th EAGE Conference and Exhibition - Workshops and Fieldtrips. European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers, 2008.
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