Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Vagues de chaleur marines'
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Grimmelpont, Margot. "Réponses physiologiques et comportementales des organismes marins exposés aux vagues de chaleur marines et aux écrans solaires." Electronic Thesis or Diss., La Rochelle, 2023. http://www.theses.fr/2023LAROS002.
Full textMarine heatwaves (MHW) have increased in frequency and intensity since the last century. High atmospheric temperatures drive MHW and are often associated with an increase in coastal recreational activities, leading to the release of Organic Ultra Violet Filters (OUVF) present in sunscreens into bathing waters. Recently, adverse effects have been documented in marine organisms exposed to MHW and OUVF. However, little is known about the ecophysiological and behavioural responses to realistic exposures. The objective of this thesis was to study these responses on two key nearshore species with different ecological functions, the blue mussel (Mytilus edulis) and the golden grey mullet (Chelon auratus). This thesis demonstrated that (1) a realistic MHW caused metabolic or behavioural adjustments in both species, which in turn limited their ability to recover from the MHW and (2) that the behaviour of individuals exposed to environmental concentrations of OUVF increased the risk of bioaccumulating these pollutants in their tissues and induced adverse physiological effects (observed in C. auratus at the cellular and organ level). This work highlights the importance of considering the ability of individuals to cope with stress, by measuring their responses at several organizational levels in order to have a holistic view of the effects
Guibourd, de Luzinais Vianney. "L'impact des vagues de chaleurs marines sur le fonctionnement des écosystèmes de l'océan à l'échelle mondiale." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Rennes, Agrocampus Ouest, 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024NSARH121.
Full textIntensifying climate change is increasingly affecting marine life in the world's oceans. Extreme events like marine heatwaves (MHWs), associated with climate change, are projected to grow in duration, intensity, and frequency, further impacting marine ecosystems throughout the 21st century. In this dissertation, I investigated the effects of climate change and MHWs on biomass flows in marine food webs and their consequences on ecosystem structure and functioning. I developed a dynamic version of the EcoTroph model, named EcoTroph-Dyn, which represents the functioning of marine ecosystems as a single flow of biomass from primary producers to top predators. To study MHW effects using EcoTroph-Dyn, I estimated MHW-induced mortality from 1982 to 2021 based on the thermal preferences of various taxa. The results reveal that MHWs may have impacted biomass flow through the perturbation of the kinetics of biomassflow and transfer efficiency and caused biomass loss through instantaneous mortality. Secondly, using EcoTroph-Dyn, I hindcasted consumer biomass in marine food webs from 1998 to 2021. By integrating changes in temperature and primary production, marine animal biomass was estimated at each trophic level on a 1° x 1° grid of the global ocean. Findings show significant biomass loss due to MHWs, with more pronounced impacts at higher trophic levels. Finally, projections from 1950 to 2100 indicate that MHW-induced changes in biomass flows could drive a global consumer biomass decline, surpassing the impacts of background climate change. Overall, this dissertation demonstrates that climate change and MHWs jointly disrupt biomass flows in marine ecosystems, leading to reduced future ocean animal biomass with direct repercussions on fisheries
Darmaraki, Sofia. "Canicules océaniques en Méditerranée : détection, variabilité passée et évolution future." Thesis, Toulouse 3, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019TOU30072.
Full textThe Mediterranean Sea is considered a "Hot Spot" region for future climate change and depending on the greenhouse emission scenario, the annual mean basin sea surface temperature (SST) is expected to increase from +1.5 °°C to +3 °°C at the end of the 21st century relative to present-day. This significant SST rise is likely to intensify episodes of extreme warm ocean temperatures in the basin, named as Marine heatwaves (MHWs), that are known to exert substantial pressure on marine ecosystems and related fisheries around the world. In this context, the main aim of this PhD work is to study the past variability and future evolution of MHWs in the Mediterranean Sea. We propose a detection method for long lasting and large-scale summer MHWs, using a local, climatological 99th percentile threshold, based on present-climate daily SST. MHW probability of occurrence and characteristics in terms of spatial variability and temporal evolution are then investigated, using additional integrated indicators (e.g. duration, intensity, spatial extension, severity) to describe past and future events. Within the PhD and depending on the applications, the detection method is applied to various datasets : In-situ observation at buoys, high-resolution satellite product, various high- resolution and fully-coupled Regional Climate System Models including the recently developed CNRM-RCSM6 and the multi-model (5), multi-scenario (3) Med-CORDEX ensemble. The detection method is first tested on the 2003 MHW in order to assess its sensitivity to various tuning parameters. We conclude that its characterization is partly sensitive to the algorithm setting. Hindcast and historical mode simulations show that models are able to capture well observed MHW characteristics. We then assess past surface MHW variability (1982-2017) and their underlying driving mechanisms using the CNRM-RCSM6 model. We examine their characteristics from surface to 55m depth, where most thermal stress-related mass mortalities of Mediterranean ecosystems have been observed in the past. The analysis indicates an increase in duration and intensity of surface events with time, while MHWs of 2003, 2012 and 2015 are identified as the most severe events of the period. In particular, an anomalous increase in shortwave radiation and a lower-than-normal vertical diffusion and latent heat loss appeared to be responsible for the development of the MHW 2003, with wind playing a key role in the intensity of temperature anomalies at the sea surface. Differences on the dominant forcing, however, are sometimes evident in the different subbasin.We finally use the Med-CORDEX RCSM ensemble to assess the future MHW evolution in the basin over 1976-2100. Our results suggest longer and more severe events with higher global-warming rates. By 2100 and under RCP8.5, simulations project at least one long- lasting MHW every year, up to 3 months longer, about 4 times more intense and 42 times more severe than present-day events. Their occurrence is expected between June-October affecting at peak the entire basin. Their evolution is found to mainly occur due to an increase in the mean SST but an increase in daily SST variability plays also a noticeable role. Up to mid-21st century MHW characteristics rise independently of the choice of the emission scenario, whose influence becomes more evident by the end of the period
Barbier, Jessica. "Extrêmes climatiques - les vagues de chaleur au printemps sahélien." Phd thesis, Toulouse, INPT, 2017. http://oatao.univ-toulouse.fr/19810/6/Barbier_Jessica_2_sur_3.pdf.
Full textHafemeister, Collomb Laurence. "Détection, estimation de phénomènes d'onde en analyse d'image : application à l'étude des surfaces marines." Paris 11, 1994. http://www.theses.fr/1994PA112076.
Full textRey, Grégoire. "Surmortalité liée aux vagues de chaleur : Facteurs de vulnérabilité sociodémographiques et causes médicales de décès." Paris 11, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007PA11T050.
Full textDéry, Jean-Simon. "Analyse géographique de la vulnérabilité de la population québécoise face aux vagues de chaleur accablante." Master's thesis, Université Laval, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/33028.
Full textSommet, Agnès. "Médicaments et vague de chaleur : approche pharmacoépidémiologique." Toulouse 3, 2009. http://thesesups.ups-tlse.fr/592/.
Full textAn exceptional heat wave occurred during august 2003 in France, leading to more than 14,800 deaths estimated. We characterized all 'serious' adverse drug reactions (ADR) occurred in patients older than 70 years between 1st July and 31st August 2003, recorded in the French PharmacoVigilance Database, and related to excessive heat (n=68). The most frequently ADRs were metabolic. Drugs more frequently involved were diuretics, angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors, and antidepressants. During another summer with a heat wave in 2006, diuretics were more frequently involved, whereas the number of ADRs was similar. In 2007, we performed a multicentric case-control study in 3 university hospitals in France, to compare drugs taken by patients hospitalized for a 'serious' hyperthermia and/or dehydratation with controls. Cases took more drugs than controls (4. 3 vs 3. 9; p<0. 001), particularly neuroleptic drugs (3. 6% vs 0. 5%; p=0. 007), and presented more severe renal impairment. This pilot work could allow improving methodology of further studies on drugs during heat waves
Quesada, Benjamin. "Extrêmes de températures en Europe : caractéristiques, retroactions, sol atmosphère et prévisibilité." Versailles-St Quentin en Yvelines, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014VERS0002.
Full textExtreme temperature events largely impact socio-economic and environmental systems. Combining statistical analyses and modelling experiments in Europe, I show that in winter, global climate models simulate cold waves and associated climate variables. However, they overestimate their number by about 40%. A correct representation of snow cover and of the snow/atmosphere feedback reduces this bias in the models. In summer, they also simulate heat waves but tend to underestimate some linked physical mechanisms. Soil-moisture/atmosphere feedback explains the asymmetric predictability of heat waves: while high spring precipitation in Southern Europe contribute to their inhibition, in case of deficit, heat waves can develop or no. As soils become drier, this seasonal predictability is likely to be reduced in the future
Diallo, Fatoumata Binta. "Simulations multi-échelles de la saisonnalité des vagues de chaleur et des pluies de mousson en Afrique de l'Ouest." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Sorbonne université, 2018. https://accesdistant.sorbonne-universite.fr/login?url=https://theses-intra.sorbonne-universite.fr/2018SORUS459.pdf.
Full textThis thesis deals with the study of the climate of West Africa using the global model developed at the Pierre Simon Laplace Institute and observations mainly acquired during the Multidisciplinary Analysis campaign of the African Monsoon AMMA. The work of the thesis aims more specifically at improving the representation of the West African climate by reducing the biases observed in the intercomparison exercise of coupled models CMIP5, in particular from atmosphere-surface interactions, with the aim of better predict the distribution of rainfall over the region but also extreme events such as heat waves. The results showed that the representation of seasonality of temperatures and rainfall in West Africa was altered by strong biases on the surface energy budget and large-scale circulation (latitudinal positioning of the key elements of the monsoon). The first part of the work consists of implementing an evaluation technique based on two experimental protocols and aimed at: i) distinguishing the biases due to the circulation of those due to the energy budget at the surface, ii) facilitating the exploitation of data on sites, iii) isolating the effect of parameterizations. In this section, the biases on circulation and water budget are illustrated. This study first demonstrates the great interest of the nudging method for the confrontation of a GCM with station data and for analyzing the effect of model parameterizations in West Africa. Then, The in-situ data are used to: 1) identify the biases on the energy budget, 2) link these biases to the defects of the parameterizations used in order to find ways to improve. With this study, a number of problems, such as a poor specification of bare soil albedo and different plant functional type or "bug" in the coupling between thermal inertia and soil moisture have been identified . Some are now corrected in recent versions of the model developed for the CMIP6 exercise. Also in this manuscript, we show the progress achieved through this methodology on the representation of the water and energy budget, as well as the remaining problems. Finally, one of the major aims of this study is the work on the role of aerosols in the representation of the West African climate and in the setting up of heat waves. In this part, we introduced a representation of dust interactive with meteorology and calculated its impact on the representation of the energy budget at the surface. Then, in the framework of the ANR ACASIS, we studied the heat wave of 2010. This work allowed us to highlight the link between aerosols and the increase of precipitable spring water and to demonstrate by this is the importance of aerosols in the representation of heat waves. Finally, we discussed the issue of dynamic-physical coupling using a new experimental protocol and through the analysis of the aerosols impact on monsoon rains
Josseran, Loïc. "Surveillance syndromique : évaluation du système mis en place en France depuis la crise de la canicule en 2003." Paris 6, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010PA066191.
Full textFouillet, Anne. "Surmortalité liée aux vagues de chaleur : modélisation des variations spatio-temporelles de la mortalité générale en fonction des caractéristiques climatiques." Paris 11, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007PA11T031.
Full textMascolo, Valeria. "Studying extreme heatwaves using novel theoretical approaches." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Lyon, École normale supérieure, 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024ENSL0056.
Full textStudying extreme weather events, such as heatwaves, is a fascinating growing field and poses several methodological and computational challenges. Understanding the physical mechanisms which drive heatwaves and being able to forecast them is of pivotal importance in the context of mitigation and adaptation to the current climate crisis. A new theoretical framework which addresses both tasks is developed in this thesis and applied to mid-latitudes heatwaves. This framework, called the Gaussian Approximation, relies on simple but meaningful assumptions on the statistics of weather fields relevant for heatwaves. It proves to capture well the salient features of atmospheric conditions predominant during those events and to have competitive or even better predictive skills than other more complex weather prediction models. Another major challenge when dealing with extreme heatwaves, and extreme events in general, is that they suffer from an intrinsic sampling problem, due to their rareness. Historical records are too short and direct simulations are simply too expensive for having a good estimation of these events. Sampling algorithms, such as the rare events algorithms, tackle this task resulting in both improving the quality and the efficiency of extreme events simulation. In this thesis, this class of algorithm has been applied for the study of double jet stream state, an interesting rare phenomenon which is linked to heatwave occurrence at mid-latitudes. The study consists in coupling a climate model (CESM) with a properly chosen score function, which describes the salient features of the phenomenon, in order to sample extreme and unprecedented events
NGUYEN, HONG DUC. "Dissociation des bouchons d'hydrates de gaz dans les conduites pétrolières sous-marines." Phd thesis, Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Saint-Etienne, 2005. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00009985.
Full textPour étudier ce problème, nous avons utilisé deux appareillages. Avec ces deux systèmes, nous avons obtenu des bouchons de différentes tailles (7 cm, 10,75 cm et 12 cm de diamètre). Ils ont une porosité entre 0,25 et 0,9.
Nous avons proposé un modèle numérique qui est basé sur la méthode d'enthalpie en milieu infini selon l'axe de symétrie radiale et pour des coordonnées cylindriques. Le modèle utilise une équation de la loi de Fourier modifiée afin de déterminer l'enthalpie en toutes positions de la phase liquide. Ce modèle intègre la porosité du bouchon, la structure des hydrates ainsi que la géométrie de la conduite. Ce modèle est validé par les données expérimentales présentes dans la littérature et nos résultats expérimentaux.
Une méthode quasi-stationnaire est aussi proposée permettant de simplifier l'estimation de la durée de dissociation. L'erreur moyenne du temps de dissociation obtenu entre les deux méthodes est environ de 2,7 % pour une température comprise dans l'intervalle [273,15 K; 277,15 K] et une porosité entre 0,3 et 0,9.
Ngoungue, Langue Cédric Gacial. "Détection, caractéristiques et prédictibilité des évènements à potentiels forts impacts humains sur les villes ouest-africaines : cas des vagues de chaleur." Electronic Thesis or Diss., université Paris-Saclay, 2023. http://www.theses.fr/2023UPASJ021.
Full textHeat waves (HWs) are a real threat to humans and their environment. Due to climate change, heat waves will become more frequent and more intense. Climatic conditions in West Africa make the region more vulnerable to heat waves. West African cities are highly populated centers, and when it comes to the impact of heat waves on human activities, it's important to study these events at these scales. This study aims to monitor heat waves in major West African cities and evaluate their predictability in subseasonal to seasonal forecast models. The first part of this work focuses on monitoring heat waves in fifteen cities over West Africa located in coastal and continental regions. Three sources of uncertainty encountered in the heat wave detection process were identified: the first related to reanalysis data, the second to the choice of threshold used to define a heat wave, and the last to the methodology adopted. The inter-annual variability of heat waves in the different regions highlighted particularly hot years with a high frequency of heat wave events for all the three indicators AT, T2m,Tw: 1998, 2005, 2010, 2016, 2019 and 2020, mostly corresponding to El Nino years. The GU region has been more affected by heat waves over the past decade (2012-2020) than the CONT and ATL regions. However, the most persistent and intense heat waves occurred in the CONT region. An increase in the frequency, duration and intensity of heat waves has been observed over the last decade (2012-2020), probably due to global warming acting on extreme events." In the second part of this study, we focused on the predictability aspect of heat waves. A preliminary study of the predictability of heat waves has been carried out for the period 2001-2020 using subseasonal to seasonal forecast models from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) and the United Kingdom Meteorological Office (UKMO). The forecast models perform better than a reference climatology, particularly for short-term forecasts (up to two weeks) in all the three regions. Nighttime heatwaves are more predictable than daytime heatwaves. According to the FAR values, only 15 to 30% of the predicted heatwave days by the models are actually observed in the reanalyses, respectively for lead weeks 5 and 2. This suggests that the models overestimate the duration of heat waves compared with ERA5 reanalysis. ECMWF issues fewer false alarms than UKMO for short-term forecasts. Although the models show skills to detect heat waves compared to a reference climatology, their ability to forecast the intensity of events remains weak even for a short lead time. The predictability of heat waves was performed using machine learning methods. The BRF model demonstrated better heat wave detection skills than subseasonal forecast models in all the three regions. The BRF model considerably improves heat wave detection in forecast models, but on the other hand it generates a high rate of false alarms. The predictability of heat waves using large-scale predictors such as the Saharan Heat Low (SHL) was investigated using two seasonal forecast models: the fifth version of the European Center Seasonal Forecast Model "SEAS5" and the seventh version of the Météo-France Seasonal Forecast Model "MF7". The models show skills on the representation of the mean seasonal cycle of the SHL and capture some characteristics of its inter-annual variability, such as the warming trend observed during the 2010s. SEAS5 makes a more realistic representation of the climatic trend of the SHL compared to MF7. Using bias correction techniques, the results highlight the capacity of the models to represent the intra-seasonal variability of the SHL. Bias correction helps to improve the Continuous Ranked Probability Score (CRPS), but the skills of the model remain low for lead times beyond one month
Stegehuis, Annemiek. "Summer climate and heatwaves in Europe." Thesis, Université Paris-Saclay (ComUE), 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016SACLV052/document.
Full textThrough this work I aimed to improve the understanding of the role of land-atmosphere feedbacks and large-scale circulation that lead to warm summer temperatures in Europe. This is challenging due to the scarcity of observations and the uncertainties of parameterized atmospheric processes. I focused on four main issues: 1) How do land-atmosphere feedbacks affect climate projections and their uncertainties? 2) How do different physical parameterizations affect the simulation of extreme heatwaves? 3) How large are the roles of soil moisture and atmospheric circulation in the development of European summer temperature anomalies? And 4) What are the impacts of heat and drought stress on vegetation?Regarding the first question I found that the different partitioning of land heat fluxes between models leads to spatially different warming over Europe in the future. The uncertainty of future climate change was especially high in central Europe, largely due to the uncertainty in heat flux partitioning, while in Southern Europe the models mostly agreed. The use of observation-based sensible heat fluxes allowed to reduce this climate change uncertainty regionally up to 40%.While studying different atmospheric parameterizations for the extreme heatwaves of 2003 and 2010, I found a large temperature spread between the simulations. Compared to observations, temperature was mostly underestimated. Shortwave radiation and precipitation were generally overestimated. I selected a reduced model ensemble of well performing configurations compared to observations, to perform future studies on warm summer temperatures over Europe.The best physics configuration was consequently used to quantify the role of early summer soil moisture and large-scale drivers on summer temperature anomalies. The contribution of soil moisture was up to maximum 1°C during the heatwaves of 2003 and 2010. The contribution of large-scale drivers was larger, reaching up to 3°C in 2003 and up to 6°C in 2010. However, the contribution of early summer soil moisture to the temperature anomalies has been increasing over the last decades over parts of central Europe and Russia, corresponding to the regions with a significant negative trend of soil moisture. Large-scale drivers showed an increasing importance in the Eastern European region.Lastly, I studied the impacts of drought and heat stress on several European forest tree species. I found an overestimation of modeled GPP at a local scale in the Mediterranean region during summer with ORCHIDEE. This indicates that the vegetation model does not well reproduce the complicated consequences of drought stress. To model future, possibly more severe impacts of drought, the model may need to be adapted with drought-specific processes and lagged effects
Thierry, Julien. "Impact des arbres d’alignement sur le microclimat et le stress thermique humain en ville : effet des vagues de chaleur et des sécheresses." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Rennes, Agrocampus Ouest, 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024NSARD108.
Full textCities are characterized by an urban overheating which, combined to more frequent and intense heatwaves caused by climate change, expose the city dwellers to an increasing human thermal stress. Street trees may partially mitigate overheating by means of cast shadows and transpiration, two processes which may depend on their morphological and physiological characteristics. At the same time, periods of severe water shortage are multiplying and the ability of street trees to thrive and maintain significant cooling benefits under heat and drought conditions is crucial. In order to improve the understanding of the factors influencing tree climatic benefits, a methodology based on the monitoring of the interactions along the soil-tree atmospherecontinuum in two complementary experimental facilities was developed. On the one hand, a 1/5 scale canyon street, partially planted with young potted drip-irrigated ornamental apple trees (Malus Coccinella® ‘Courtarou’) located in Angers, France was monitored to quantify the effect of street trees experiencing different water supplies on the microclimate. On the other hand, an in-situ monitoring of the microclimate inside and outside the canopy for 36 mature street trees from 9 different tree species located in 5 sites in Paris, France, was performed. On the basis of a detailed cross-analysis of these two experimental facilities, an integrated assessment of the street trees climatic benefits was proposed to explore the sources of variability of the climatic benefits provided by trees and help stakeholders understand the relationship between drought resistance and human thermal stress mitigation for different tree species
Stegehuis, Annemiek. "Summer climate and heatwaves in Europe." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université Paris-Saclay (ComUE), 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016SACLV052.
Full textThrough this work I aimed to improve the understanding of the role of land-atmosphere feedbacks and large-scale circulation that lead to warm summer temperatures in Europe. This is challenging due to the scarcity of observations and the uncertainties of parameterized atmospheric processes. I focused on four main issues: 1) How do land-atmosphere feedbacks affect climate projections and their uncertainties? 2) How do different physical parameterizations affect the simulation of extreme heatwaves? 3) How large are the roles of soil moisture and atmospheric circulation in the development of European summer temperature anomalies? And 4) What are the impacts of heat and drought stress on vegetation?Regarding the first question I found that the different partitioning of land heat fluxes between models leads to spatially different warming over Europe in the future. The uncertainty of future climate change was especially high in central Europe, largely due to the uncertainty in heat flux partitioning, while in Southern Europe the models mostly agreed. The use of observation-based sensible heat fluxes allowed to reduce this climate change uncertainty regionally up to 40%.While studying different atmospheric parameterizations for the extreme heatwaves of 2003 and 2010, I found a large temperature spread between the simulations. Compared to observations, temperature was mostly underestimated. Shortwave radiation and precipitation were generally overestimated. I selected a reduced model ensemble of well performing configurations compared to observations, to perform future studies on warm summer temperatures over Europe.The best physics configuration was consequently used to quantify the role of early summer soil moisture and large-scale drivers on summer temperature anomalies. The contribution of soil moisture was up to maximum 1°C during the heatwaves of 2003 and 2010. The contribution of large-scale drivers was larger, reaching up to 3°C in 2003 and up to 6°C in 2010. However, the contribution of early summer soil moisture to the temperature anomalies has been increasing over the last decades over parts of central Europe and Russia, corresponding to the regions with a significant negative trend of soil moisture. Large-scale drivers showed an increasing importance in the Eastern European region.Lastly, I studied the impacts of drought and heat stress on several European forest tree species. I found an overestimation of modeled GPP at a local scale in the Mediterranean region during summer with ORCHIDEE. This indicates that the vegetation model does not well reproduce the complicated consequences of drought stress. To model future, possibly more severe impacts of drought, the model may need to be adapted with drought-specific processes and lagged effects
Vallières, Rosemarie. "Effets des vagues de chaleur au cours de la phase d'acclimatation sur la biologie hivernale de l'arpenteuse de la pruche, Lambdina ficsellaria (Lepidoptera : Geometridae)." Thesis, Université Laval, 2013. http://www.theses.ulaval.ca/2013/30182/30182.pdf.
Full textThe increase in frequency and intensity of extreme climatic events such as fall heat waves, resulting from the ongoing climate warning could interfere with the winter metabolism of the hemlock looper (Lambdina fiscellaria Guen), an important forest pest in eastern Canada. The main objective of this study is to determine the impact of the host plant quality, the geographic origin of populations and the conditions prevailing during the cold acclimation period on hemlock looper winter biology. Our results show that eggs contents in trehalose, glucose and mannitol were significantly influenced by fall heat waves and by the origin of the population. Egg winter survival of the southern population was negatively affected by strongest heat waves while the northern population was not affected. This study suggests that the metabolism and winter survival of southern hemlock looper populations in Québec will be more affected by fall heat waves than northern populations.
Villafranca, Ingrid Pourriat Jean-Louis. "Un index pour prédire la mortalité extra-hospitalière liée à la canicule à partir de données des patients consultant aux urgences." Créteil : Université de Paris-Val-de-Marne, 2006. http://doxa.scd.univ-paris12.fr:80/theses/th0242995.pdf.
Full textCorona, Lozada Monica Cecilia. "Télédétection appliquée à l’étude de l’effet de la variabilité climatique et de la gestion pastorale sur la productivité et la phénologie végétale des prairies supra-forestières." Thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes (ComUE), 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018GREAV049/document.
Full textMountain grasslands are wide distributed ecosystems which are particularly vulnerable to climate and land use changes. In this context, the main objective of this thesis was to assess the effect of climate and pastoral drivers on mountain grasslands vegetation at different spatiotemporal scales. In particular, we wanted to understand plant responses to annual variations of climate (temperature and precipitation), long term warming and extreme events (heat waves and droughts); as well as the land management impact (grazing intensity and calendars). Hence, we performed several analyses using phenological, meteorological and pastoral metrics. First, we derived phenological metrics mainly from the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) extracted from two sources: satellite remote sensing images at moderate (MODIS) and high (Landsat and SPOT) resolution and field remote sensing measures acquired with portable and fixed sensors over five mountain grasslands. Second, we estimated meteorological metrics from reanalysis of the climatic model SAFRAN provided by Météo France. Third, we estimated pastoral metrics from two regional pastoral surveys (1996-1997 and 2012-2014) and several local documents (“cahiers d’alpage”) produced within the project “Alpages Sentinelles”. Regarding mountain grasslands vegetation, our results showed: (i) widely distributed greening trends, (ii) higher tolerance to heat waves than to droughts, (iii) higher sensibility to climate factors than to grazing pressures, (iv) weak but positive responses to grazing, and (v) a regrowth potential at the end of the season. The originality of our results was to exhibit the stronger relationships between climate factors and vegetation phenology, than between the latter and grazing pressures. Moreover, we highlighted the important contributions of remote sensing data to study mountain ecosystems
Benmarhnia, Tarik. "Vulnérabilité à la chaleur dans le contexte des changements climatiques." Thesis, Paris 11, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015PA11T003/document.
Full textClimate change is one of the biggest public health threats in the 21th century. An increase in temperatures will lead to an increase in mortality attributable to temperature. In addition, some populations and territories are particularly vulnerable to the impact of increases in heat. It is thus necessary to identify these populations and territories as well as examine future heat-Related health impacts in order to recommend equity-Oriented policies today and in the future. The general objective of this thesis is to document current and future heat-Related vulnerability factors in the context of climate change. In order to address this general objective, the thesis involved four components: a) to conduct a systematic review and a meta-Analysis to assess the heterogeneity in the heat-Mortality associations with respect to individual and contextual population characteristics; b) to identify whether and how the magnitude of mean temperature effects on all-Cause mortality were modified by chronic air pollution exposure, social deprivation, and a combination of these two dimensions; c) to develop a method to quantify the climate change impacts on heat-Related mortality using climate modeling; d) to assess historical and future social disparities in years of life lost caused by ambient temperature in Montreal and Paris, and compare these estimates as well as the impact of climate change on social disparities between the two cities. This thesis highlights which populations are more vulnerable to heat and shows that several differences exist with regard to guidelines from international public health institutions for the identification of vulnerable populations. This thesis also identified chronic air pollution exposure as a new vulnerability factor in heat-Related mortality and that it has a double interaction with social deprivation. Furthermore, in this thesis a novel method to quantify future heat-Related mortality was developed which emphasized the strong evidence of an increase in heat-Related mortality under climate change. This method was then applied to estimate the increase in daily years of life lost social disparities in both Montreal and Paris under climate change which showed that this increase would be greater in Montreal compared to Paris in the future. Thus, this thesis which used a variety of epidemiologic methods has clarified which populations are particularly vulnerable to heat impacts and challenges guidelines for the identification of vulnerable populations from international public health institutions. It has also highlighted the climate change impacts on health inequalities and aims to reorient equity-Focused policies
Yahou, Zina. "Etude des cas de coup de chaleur admis en réanimation au cours de la canicule 2003 en France et en Europe." Paris 13, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004PA130028.
Full textNoyelle, Robin. "Statistical and dynamical aspects of extreme heatwaves in the mid-latitudes." Electronic Thesis or Diss., université Paris-Saclay, 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024UPASJ013.
Full textHeatwaves are increasing both in frequency and intensity as a result of anthropogenic global warming. This PhD studies statistical and dynamical aspects of extreme and very extreme heat events in the mid-latitudes with a particular focus on European heatwaves. It addresses the questions of the maximal nearsurface air temperatures that can be reached during a heatwave event, the difference between the physical mechanisms leading to extreme vs very extreme heatwaves, the possibility to simulate efficiently very extreme heatwaves in a climate model and the dynamical evolution of extreme heatwaves with global warming.The first part of the PhD investigates statistical aspects of extreme heatwaves. It addresses the question of the upper bound for near-surface air temperatures. The approach is based on Extreme Value Theory (EVT) and I compare the results of this method to the physical processes that fundamentally limit the increase of air surface temperatures. The shortcomings of the traditional EVT approach are demonstrated and I propose an approach to alleviate the latter by physically constraining the fit of the EVT-based probability distributions.The second part of the PhD addresses the question of the dynamical mechanisms by which the climate system organizes to produce intense heat events. I first show in a long control run of a climate model that extreme heatevents tend to be typical, i.e. to be more similar to each other than moderate heat events. Because the study of extremes is impaired by a strong under-sampling problem, I then detail the interest of using so-called rare events algorithms which allow to sample more extremes than regular simulations can provide. I apply such a rare events algorithm in the IPSL-CM6A-LR model to sample extreme and very extreme hot summers inWestern Europe underpre-industrial, present and future conditions of anthropogenic forcings. In particular I investigate changes in the dynamics leading to these extreme summers in the different periods. I show that, in the model, global warming is associated to a decrease of the variability of the atmospheric circulation but to an increase of the thermodynamic variability.The work presented in this thesis demonstrate the interest of bridging the gap between physical and statistical approaches for the study of extreme and very extreme climate events. I show in particular that using techniques like rare events algorithms allows to answer physical questions about the climate system that are out of reach for classical methods
Hendel, Martin. "Pavement-Watering in Cities for Urban Heat Island Mitigation and Climate Change Adaptation : A Study of its Cooling Effects and Water Consumption in Paris." Sorbonne Paris Cité, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015USPCC180.
Full textThis dissertation examines pavement-watering as a cooling strategy for cities seeking to reduce the intensity of their urban heat island (UHI) and/or as an adaptation tool against increasing heat wave frequency and intensity resulting from climate change. This research is based on measurements obtained from a field experiment of pavement-watering conducted at two sites ir Paris, France over the summers of 2013 and 2014. First, an analysis method was developed to determine the method's microclimatic effects in the field. Air temperature, relative humidity and mean radiant temperature effects were investigatec as well as pedestrian thermal comfort using the Universal Thermal Climate Index and UHI-mitigation. Second, the thermal effects of pavement-watering were determined, including surface temperature as well as pavement heat flux and temperature 5 cm deep. Finally, the water footprint of pavement-watering was determined based on a linear relationship found between pavement heat flux and solar irradiance. In addition, possible improvements for the watering method were determined and discussed. The research provides useful information for decision-makers considering pavement-watering as part of their heat-wave adaptation and/or UHI-mitigation strategy. Future work should focus on the effects of different materials and street configurations on pavement-watering cooling as well as cumulative effects arising from watering large areas rather than a single street portion. Certain methodological aspects also require further investigation and may be improved
Adrot, Anouck. "Quel apport des technologies de l’information et de la communication (tic) a l’improvisation organisationnelle durant la réponse à la crise ?" Paris 9, 2010. https://bu.dauphine.psl.eu/fileviewer/index.php?doc=2010PA090037.
Full textWe explore Information and Communication Technology (ICT) support to organizational improvisation during crisis response by completing three studies. The first study confirms diversity in research on improvisation and suggests that author’s perspectives on improvisation diverge with respect to four tasks within the research process. The second study identifies five constituents of organizational improvisation. In addition, it reports six ICT properties that promote the settling of appropriate conditions for interaction during organizational improvisation in crisis response. In the empirical work, we provide a more integrative picture of ICT support to organizational improvisation in crisis response by retrospectively observing crisis responders’ interactions during the 2003 French heat wave. Our empirical findings suggest that improvisation enables crisis responders to cope with organizational emptiness that burdens crisis response. However, crisis responders’ participation in organizational improvisation depends on their communicative genres. During the 2003 French heat wave crisis, administrative actors who had developed what we call a dispassionate communicative genre in relation to their email use, barely participated in organizational improvisation. Conversely, improvisers mainly communicated in what we call a fervent communicative genre. Therefore, our findings reveal that the ICT support to organizational improvisation in crisis response is mediated by the communication practices and strategies that groups of crisis responders develop around ICT tools
Machard, Anaïs. "Towards mitigation and adaptation to climate change : Contribution to Building Design." Thesis, La Rochelle, 2021. http://www.theses.fr/2021LAROS020.
Full textDue to climate change projecting increased heatwaves occurrence, ensuring that buildings designed and built today will be adapted to future warmer temperatures is essential. The scope of this Ph.D. is to propose a methodological contribution to the design of buildings that both mitigate (minimize yearly energy needs) and adapt (minimize summer indoor overheating, limit health-heat-related risk) to climate change. The methodology can be applied to any building case study in any climate. For this purpose, bias-adjusted weather files containing both present, future typical conditions and future heatwave periods were developed. The potential of different passive cooling mitigation and adaptation strategies to reduce summer indoor overheating is evaluated using these weather files through dynamic thermal simulations, sensitivity analysis and optimization methods. The results of this research work highlight that for the building case study, the evaluated strategies (buffer spaces, thermal mass, roof optical properties, glazing ratio, ventilative cooling) have a strong capacity to enable summer thermal comfort in future typical summers in Paris and in La Rochelle. However, in Carpentras, and under recurring heatwaves in all three cities, the limits of these mitigation and adaptation measures are recognized. In fact, the future heatwaves consistently lead to consecutive days of indoor overheating exposure during both daytime and nighttime for building occupants, leading to a health-heat-related risk especially for the most vulnerable. These sequences are not detected when using only future typical years, which stresses the relevance of this work. Only the combination of optimized building envelopes, ventilative cooling strategies and adaptive opportunities from building occupants (solar control, increased indoor air velocities) have the potential to offset the projected recurring health-heat-related risk, particularly elevated in the South of France
Sakhy, Ariane. "Îlots de chaleur et morphologie urbaine de l'agglomération parisienne : conséquences sur la mortalité durant la canicule de 2003." Sorbonne Paris Cité, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016USPCC042.
Full textThe radiative conditions of strong heat in urban areas contribute to constitute the urban heat island effect. The latter is characterised by high night-time temperatures. Furthermore, these high temperatures have deadly consequences on the health during heat waves. This doctoral research aims at examining in Paris agglomeration the relationships between the extreme heats of 2003, the urban morphology and the mortality. A first aspect of this research deals about the relationship between the temperatures, the urban morphology and urban land use. Indeed, the urban morphology and the presence of green area1 have significant impacts on the variability of temperatures in urban areas. Our results show that surface temperatures are generally high-related to these variables. The second aspect of this research concerns the spatial distribution of mortality and excess mortality during the 2003 heat wave. We demonstrate that the strongest relationships are between mortality, excess mortality and night-time surface temperatures. However, the intensity of these relationships is globally quite average. This is why a comparison with sonne demographic, social and economic indicators is led. Each variable brings a part of answers about the spatial distribution of mortality and excess-mortality, but none provides a decisive explicative part. Taking these results into account, a hierarchical clustering is considered for a better understanding of the complexity of the relation between ail these indicators. We obtain four spatial clusters. These results suggest the role of social disparities on mortality and excess mortality during periods of heat waves
Adrot, Anouck. "Quel apport des technologies de l'information et de la communication (tic) a l'improvisation organisationnelle durant la réponse à la crise ?" Phd thesis, Université Paris Dauphine - Paris IX, 2010. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00675549.
Full textArdilouze, Constantin. "Impact de l'humidité du sol sur la prévisibilité du climat estival aux moyennes latitudes." Thesis, Toulouse, INPT, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019INPT0048/document.
Full textSevere heat waves and droughts that episodically hit temperate regions have detrimental consequences on health, economy and society. The design and deployment of efficient preparedness strategies foster high expectations for the prediction of such events a few weeks or months ahead. Their likely increased frequency throughout the 21st century, as envisaged by climate projections, further emphasizes these expectations. Nevertheless, the summer season is the most difficult to predict over mid-latitudes. Well-known sources of predictability are weaker than in winter and current climate prediction systems struggle to adequately represent associated teleconnection mechanisms. An increasing number of studies have shown a statistical link over some regions between spring soil moisture and subsequent summer temperature and precipitation. This link has been partly confirmed in climate numerical models, but many questions remain. The purpose of this PhD thesis is to better understand the role played by soil moisture onthe characteristics and predictability of the summer climate in temperate regions. By means of the CNRM-CM coupled general circulation model, we have designed a range of numerical simulations which help us evaluate the persistence level of spring soil moisture anomalies. Indeed, a long persistence is a necessary condition for these anomalies to influence the climate at the seasonal scale, through the process of evapotranspiration. By imposing in our model idealized initial and boundary soil moisture conditions, we have highlighted areas of the globe for which the average state and the variability of temperatures and precipitation in summer is particularly sensitive to these conditions. This is the case in particular for Europe and North America, including over high latitudes. Soil moisture is therefore a promising source of potential seasonal climate predictability for these regions, although the persistence of soil moisture anomalies remains locally very uncertain. An effective predictability coordinated experiment, bringing together several prediction systems, shows that a realistic soil moisture initialization improves the forecast skill of summer temperatures mainly over southeast Europe. In other regions, such as Northern Europe, the disagreement between models comes from uncertainty about the persistence of soil moisture anomalies. On the other hand, over the American Great Plains, even the forecasts with improved soil moisture initialization remain unsuccessful. Yet, the literature as well as our assessment of climate sensitivity to soil moisture have identified this region as a "hotspot" of soil moisture - atmosphere coupling. We assume that the failure of these predictions relates to the strong hot and dry bias present in all models over this region in summer, which leads to excessive soil drying. To verify this assumption, we developed a method that corrects these biases during the forecast integration based on the CNRM-CM6 model. The resulting forecasts are significantly improved over the Great Plains. Understanding the origin of continental biases in the summer and reducing them in future generations of climate models are essential steps to making the most of soil moisture as a source of seasonal predictability in temperate regions
Pinson, Laura. "Analyse et représentation des épisodes de caniculaires en zones urbaines denses : de la durée à la conception d'un indice de dangerosité." Thesis, Paris Est, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016PESC1061/document.
Full textThe IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) in its 4th report underlines that the European cities will be impacted by more frequent and more intense scorching episodes due to the climatic modifications taking place during the XXIth century. Peculiar climatic areas, significantly hotter than their surroundings, cities amplify the phenomenon of the urban heat island (UHI). In the example of Paris, the urban islands of heat can exceed by 8°C to 10°C the temperatures measured a few kilometers away. This effect is all the more fatal as heat wave periods become more and more regular (2003, 2006, 2010, 2015). The knowledge on the heat wave phenomenon requires to put in relation spatial and temporal data so as to define high-risk areas.To be able to simulate a heat wave, the SURFEX-TEB model, designed by Météo-France, and CNRS, was chosen. It allows to estimate the temperature in town from weather conditions of the highest atmospheres. These forecasts are particularly important in heat wave periods where temperature differences between cities and suburban areas can exceed 8°C. The heat wave risk, resulting from the UHI, is complex to both understand and represent.To characterize, understand and represent the heat wave by the means of the SURFEX-TEB model, we made a data fusion with measures realized during the 2015 heat wave in Paris. This assimilation highlights, for instance, the accumulation phenomena and the impact of the apartments configuration on the inside and outside temperatures. Our various configurations allowed to confirm the importance of taking into account the internal temperatures during heat waves periods.This research thus proposes a specific and technical perspective of the heat waves representation. Its objectives are a better representation of heat waves and a sharper estimation of their dangerousness according to the phenomenon duration, its intensity and the urban and human features. Maps describing the heat wave and its dangerousness are highlighted thanks to the elaboration of a public Web site.The results of this research rise an interrogation on the thresholds of heat wave. They underline the importance to introduce an internal threshold of heat wave and demonstrate the role of the urban configuration, particularly the types of house. This should contribute to better take into account the dangerousness of heat waves and to improve the mitigation of their effects
Toesca, Adrien. "Evaluer les performances des bâtiments urbains passifs face aux canicules à venir." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Lyon 1, 2023. http://www.theses.fr/2023LYO10054.
Full textIn the context of global warming, extreme weather events such as heatwaves will be longer, more frequent and more intense. These heatwaves are amplified in cities by the urban heat island phenomenon and are likely to affect a majority of the world's population since more than half of the world's people live in urban areas, with an increase in recent decades. Furthermore, residential buildings in Europe are currently very poorly equipped with air conditioning systems and the social benefits of increasing the penetration rate of air conditioning systems are questionable. A majority of people are therefore likely to be vulnerable to future heat waves. This observation reveals the need to address the following problem: how to assess the performance of passive urban residential buildings during the heatwaves expected in the coming decades? This thesis consisted in defining the different elements of an evaluation protocol to answer this problem. First of all, relevant simulation tools were defined. These tools were compared with in-situ measurements carried out in Lyon during the summer of 2020. The comparison reveals that the tools accurately model the indoor thermal environments of passive urban residential buildings. A methodology was then developed to create heatwave meteorological data sets that are representative of the diversity of heatwaves that buildings could experience in the coming decades. Bibliographic research was carried out to identify relevant indicators for assessing the sensation of heat in the indoor environment of buildings. Finally, the evaluation protocol was tested for 4 case studies located in the city of Lyon. The results show that building performances are varied with respect to the diversity of future heatwaves. Some heatwaves are problematic as they lead to extreme thermal sensations inside the buildings. For other heatwaves, the buildings tested are still able to provide healthy indoor environments
Neuvéglise, Sixtine. "Modélisation numérique et physique de la chaîne de récupération de l'énergie de la houle par un dispositif bord à quai." Thesis, Normandie, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018NORMLH34/document.
Full textThe study of a quayside wave energy converter is proposed. A simplified model composed ofa rectangular buoy oscillating in heave motion and installed close to a vertical dike is developedusing three different models. An analytical model based on potential flow theory is developed inintermediate water depth. A numerical model resolving the Navier-Stokes equation is developed.Experimental tests are performed for different floater dimensions and are used as references for the two other models. The comparison between the three models presents the validity domain of the analytical model. The existence of non-linear effects acting on the floater behaviour is shown.At first, the impact of the system dimensions on the floater behaviour are highlighted and quantified. According to these results a correction of the analytical model is proposed. Moreover, the corrected analytical model is applied to the wave energy converter behaviour. Secondly, the overtoppings are expressed using the wave height between the dike and the floater (provided by analytical model) and the Van Der Meer formula (2002). These overtoppings are also estimated using experimental tests. The comparison of these two models shows the presence of strong load losses when the floater is close to the dike. In those cases the analytical model needs a correction taking into account these load losses. It is also shown that when at the same time the wave length is high and the toe clearance between the dike and the floater is small, the dike overtopping are reduced by the presence of the floater
Qureshi, Aiman Mazhar. "Modélisation et aide à la décision multicritère du confort thermique en milieu urbain." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Amiens, 2022. http://www.theses.fr/2022AMIE0081.
Full textUrban areas are the prevalent places of residence for people and are vulnerable to exasperating weather conditions such as heat stress. Periods of heat waves are increasingly reoccurring in the current atmosphere, and they are known to pose a serious and major threat to the health of human beings all over the world. Urban heat islands and heat waves increase thermal risks in urban areas and the vulnerability of the urban population. The increase in the number of heat episodes in urban areas has become a significant concern due to its adverse effects on human health and economic activities. The objective of this work is to identify the sensitivity of thermal comfort and their action variables, the modeling of thermal stress using the most influential meteorological variables, the identification of risk factors and highlight the correlation of meteorological trends and influencing parameters, solutions for mitigating heat stress and mathematical support for decision-making. Several machine and deep learning techniques were used for the system dynamic modeling of the thermal comfort. Optimized results are obtained from the Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) model which is used for the development of a web simulation tool allowing the inhabitants to evaluate their level of comfort according to the weather conditions. A heat vulnerability index map has been developed to indicate the vulnerability of occupants considering different aspects in a medium-sized city such as planning, green space, density, energy, quality air, water bodies and extreme heat events. The obtained results highlighted that poor air quality and heat events are interrelated, which draws the attention for decision-makers to intervene the additional measures in high-risk places. Field monitoring is carried out using sensors and a thermal camera to measure relevant variables and take action to minimize the effects of heat stress. In Last, multi-criteria decision-making methods were applied for the initial development of a decision support tool for the selection of urban heat resilience interventions that allows flexible, dynamic, and predictive use for designers and the users
Paquier, Anne-Éléonore. "Interactions de la dynamique hydro-sédimentaire avec les herbiers de phanérogames, Étang de Berre." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014AIXM3064/document.
Full textBerre lagoon was occupied by extensive meadows at the turn of the 20th century which regressed down under the impact of urban and industrial pollution and inflow of the EDF canal. Even though freshwater inputs and pollutions were drastically reduced respectively in the 1980s and 1990s, meadows have not significantly gained ground. This thesis aims at analysing the interactions between seagrass meadows of Berre lagoon, hydrodynamics and sedimentary processes, based on the postulate that these mechanisms are important in the maintenance of the meadows in their present dispersed form. In the lagoon, winds constitute the dominant influence on hydrodynamics in the lagoon by generating wind waves and currents. Wave attenuation is linked to wave height, which is, in turn, dependent on wind intensity and fetch length and modified by the bay morphology. Wave attenuation is also modulated by meadow biometry, and by water levels and currents.Whereas currents are strong and strongly influenced by wind and wind waves above the meadow, a transition canopy-water layer dissipates waves and currents. In the canopy, currents are thus attenuated.The meadow is not just a passive element in the overall sediment dynamics since it reduces energy and thus modifies substrate changes within and in the back of the meadow, thus protecting the shoreline. However, it is the recurrence of strong wind that seems to drive sedimentary changes. The strong interactions between the meadow and the hydrodynamic and sedimentary processes could limit the extension of the meadow in areas more exposed to waves
Qasmi, Saïd. "Sensibilité du climat européen à la variabilité multidécennale de l'Atlantique Nord." Thesis, Toulouse 3, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018TOU30367.
Full textThe anthropogenic warming trend observed during the 20th century in Europe is characterized by fluctuations, which are partly explained by internal climate variability. The physical mechanisms between the Atlantic Multidecadal Variability (AMV, whose internal component contributes to shape atmospheric variability), and the European climate are investigated in this thesis. A comprehensive study of climate models shows a great diversity in the simulation of the teleconnection between the AMV and European summer temperature. The underestimation of its intensity relative to the observations contributes to explain the uncertainties within the decadal climate predictions. Numerical experiments used to assess the mechanisms of influence of the AMV on the European climate indicate that the AMV is likely to significantly modulate temperature, precipitation and the occurrence of extreme events in winter and summer
Tressol, Marc. "Etude de la canicule européenne de 2003 avec les données aéroportées MOZAIC." Phd thesis, Toulouse 3, 2008. http://thesesups.ups-tlse.fr/240/.
Full textThis thesis aims to characterise and analyse pollution sources during summer european heat wave 2003 thanks to MOZAIC airborne data. Study of such intense event is necessary because of its probable frequency increase in a climate changing context. MOZAIC dataset contribution with frequent vertical profiles at Frankfurt, Vienna and Paris allows to describe and quantify vertical extension of pollutant anomalies (ozone, carbon monoxide CO, nitrogen oxides) with regards to an 11-years establish climatology. Synoptic condition study of heat wave formation identifies favorable factor to pollution and establishes the prominence of the planetary boundary layer intense expansion. In a second part, lagrangian analysis is used in order to assess impact of primary emissions sources of CO at MOZAIC measurements : European and North American anthropic emissions, and Portuguese biomass fire emissions. In a third part, global chemistry-transport model GEOS-Chem allows to examine important process during the episode (dry deposition and biogenic emissions). Simulations are previously evaluate versus MOZAIC data and sensibility tests utilizing shows the importance of surface-vegetation-atmopshere process and the importance of Portugal fire plumes transport thanks to a daily emission calendar
Bador, Margot. "Les changements d'extrêmes de température en Europe : records, canicules intenses et influence anthropique." Thesis, Toulouse 3, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016TOU30024/document.
Full textOver the 21st century, the mean increase in surface air temperatures is projected to be associated with an increase in warm temperature extremes and a decrease in the cold ones. Over the last decades, evidence already suggests these changes, as for example recurrent warm record-breaking temperatures or the increase in heatwave occurrence. We investigate the evolution of daily temperature extremes over the 20th and the 21st centuries in France and in Europe, their possible changes in frequency and intensity. We also focus on the mechanisms responsible for these projected climate extremes, as well as the maximum values of temperature extremes at the end of the century. First, we investigate the evolution of daily record-breaking temperatures in Europe based on the observations and an ensemble of climate models. From the 1950s to the 1980s, the theoretical evolution of the records in a stationary climate correctly reproduce the observed one, for both cold and warm records. From 1980, a shift from that theoretical evolution is observed, with an increase in the occurrence of warm records and a decrease in the occurrence of the cold ones. Climate models suggest an amplification of these changes over the century. At the end of the 21st century, the mean number of warm records shows a strong increase compared to the first decades of the observed period. The strongest increase in warm record-breaking temperatures is found in summer, and particularly over the Mediterranean edge. On the contrary, the occurrence of cold record-breaking temperatures is projected to strongly decrease, with almost no new records in the last decades of the century, for all seasons and over the entire European domain. Observed variations of daily record-breaking temperatures are still, at the beginning of the 21st century, consistent with internal climate variability only. Over the century, the anthropogenic influence emerge from these fluctuations in the summer record evolutions, around the 2030 and the 2020 for the warm and cold records respectively. By 2100, the mean changes in record occurrences cannot be explained by the internal climate variability solely, for all seasons and over the entire European domain. Then, we investigate future extreme temperatures at the end of the 21st century, as well as severe heatwaves leading to these extremes. Climate models analyses are associated with regional climate modeling and a French station-based dataset of observations. The summer 21st century evolution of the maximum values of daily warm record-breaking temperatures is first examined in the observations and the high resolution simulation of the regional model. By 2100, an increase of these values is projected, with maximum changes between +6.6°C and +9.9°C in summer among the French regions. These projections assessed from a regional model may underestimate the changes. The multi-model mean estimate of the maximum increase of these values is indeed around +11.8°C in summer over France. Finally, regional modeling experiments of severe heatwaves in the climate of the end of the 21st century in Europe are performed. These severe heatwaves are selected cases from a global climate model trajectory. The experiments results show the role of the soil-atmosphere interactions in the amplification of the extreme temperatures during such future severe warm events. The occurrence of the heatwave is first caused by the atmospheric circulation, but the temperature anomaly can then be amplified according to the soil moisture content before the event, and thus the climatic conditions of the preceding weeks and months
Bégin-Galarneau, Émilie. "Vagues de chaleur et santé des enfants à Ouagadougou." Thesis, 2021. http://hdl.handle.net/1866/25057.
Full textIt is generally recognized by the scientific community that the risk of morbidity increases during heatwaves. However, there are important differences in regard to the vulnerability of populations to increased temperatures. The effect of temperature on morbidity differs depending on several factors, including age. Children are one of the most vulnerable groups when it comes to heatwaves due to physiological and behavioral reasons (Hutter et al., 2007; Thompson et al., 2012). This study aims to analyze the influence of differential vulnerability on children’s health during heatwaves in Ouagadougou. The analysis of vulnerability on environmental risks takes into account the fragile conditions of individuals that can lead to experiences of suffering and dependence on others. Consequently, it influences the capacity to cope with and recover from disasters (Becerra, 2012; Muttarak et al., 2015). The data used were collected by the Ouagadougou Population Observatory (OPO) from March to May 2017 during a survey on the vulnerability and adaptability of the OPO population to heatwaves. The cross-sectional data brings together a random subsample of 332 children aged five and under, living in five neighborhoods in the northern outskirts of Ouagadougou. We first analyze them using crosstabs, chi-2 tests and factor analysis. Ordinal logistic regressions are then performed to study the strength and significance of the associations between the prevalence of symptoms during heatwaves and the variables associated with climatic vulnerability. Descriptive analysis reveals unexpected associations between the prevalence of certain symptoms in children during heatwaves and several independent variables. An in-depth analysis carried out with the use of ordinal logistic regressions shows that the results do not support our initial hypotheses. For example, when we study the gross effects of the independent variables on the dependent variable, we found that children with mothers who do not tend to provide extra help to very young children during intense periods of heat are more likely to be symptom-free than to have symptoms (OR = 0.60 * (0,36 ; 1,01), at the significant limit of 10%), compared to children with mothers who provide extra help. We also note that children whose room roof is insulated or built with cement / concrete (slab) are more likely to show symptoms during heat waves than to not show symptoms (OR = 1.68 * (0,97 ; 2,91), at the significant limit of 10%), compared to children whose room roof is made of galvanized sheet metal / metal / tinplate / zinc. Nevertheless, these results are very weakly significant (10% threshold) from a small sample size. Thus, the fact that the results are at the limit of significance at 10% leads us to interpret the existence of links between these variables cautiously. In an attempt to explain these results, we suspect that there is a bias in the self-reported symptoms. Data limitations include self-reporting of symptoms, small sample size, the cross-sectional nature of the data, and the presence of recall bias related to memory problems. Given these methodological limitations, it would be necessary to confirm our results with those obtained in future research. However, the results obtained may help guide future research about the effect of heatwaves on children’s health in Sahel.
Benmarhnia, Tarik. "Vulnérabilité à la chaleur dans le contexte des changements climatiques." Thèse, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/1866/12711.
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