Academic literature on the topic 'Vaccination – Immunologie'
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Journal articles on the topic "Vaccination – Immunologie"
Bazin, Hervé. "L’histoire des vaccinations. 2e partie : des vaccins pastoriens aux vaccins modernes." Bulletin de la Société Française d'Histoire de la Médecine et des Sciences Vétérinaires 13, no. 1 (2013): 45–63.
Full textOlsen, S. C., and C. Johnson. "Immune Responses and Safety after Dart or Booster Vaccination of Bison with Brucella abortus Strain RB51." Clinical and Vaccine Immunology 19, no. 5 (March 29, 2012): 642–48.
Full textRidolfi, Irene, Luca Lo Sardo, Stefania Nicola, Richard Borrelli, Ludovica Comola, Valentina Marmora, Iuliana Badiu, Federica Corradi, Maria Carmen Rita Azzolina, and Luisa Brussino. "MAURIVAX: A Vaccination Campaign Project in a Hospital Environment for Patients Affected by Autoimmune Diseases and Adult Primary Immunodeficiencies." Vaccines 11, no. 10 (October 11, 2023): 1579.
Full textRosenblat, Todd L., Mark G. Frattini, Suzanne M. Chanel, Tao Dao, Yvette Bernal, Joseph G. Jurcic, Rhong Zhang, et al. "Phase II Trial of WT1 Analog Peptide Vaccine in Patients with Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) in Complete Remission (CR)." Blood 120, no. 21 (November 16, 2012): 3624.
Full textGates, Dana M., Steven A. Cohen, Kelly Orr, and Aisling R. Caffrey. "Pharmacist-Administered Influenza Vaccination in Children and Corresponding Regulations." Vaccines 10, no. 9 (August 28, 2022): 1410.
Full textBuckwalter, Matthew, and Pramod Srivastava. "Form of antigen dictates immunity: Irradiated cell vs. whole cell lysate vaccination (48.16)." Journal of Immunology 178, no. 1_Supplement (April 1, 2007): S77.
Full textHuppke, L., C. Gebhardt, L. Grümme, J. Lichtnekert, D. Singh, F. Ullrich, S. Wolfrum, A. Skapenko, and H. Schulze-Koops. "AB1326 DIFFERENCES IN ADVERSE EVENTS EXPERIENCED BY INDIVIDUALS WITH INFLAMMATORY RHEUMATIC DISEASES AND HEALTHY INDIVIDUALS AFTER SARS-CoV-2 VACCINATION." Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 82, Suppl 1 (May 30, 2023): 1892.1–1892.
Full textWu, Yufei, Huanjie Li, Yangyang Wang, Ping Huang, Yihui Xu, Mingjie Xu, Qianqian Zhao, et al. "Opinion Polls and Antibody Response Dynamics of Vaccination with COVID-19 Booster Vaccines." Vaccines 10, no. 5 (April 20, 2022): 647.
Full textRobinson, Stacie J., Michelle M. Barbieri, Samantha Murphy, Jason D. Baker, Albert L. Harting, Meggan E. Craft, and Charles L. Littnan. "Model recommendations meet management reality: implementation and evaluation of a network-informed vaccination effort for endangered Hawaiian monk seals." Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 285, no. 1870 (January 10, 2018): 20171899.
Full textHanson, Lars Å., and Sven Arne Silfverdal. "Vaccination immunology." Scandinavian Journal of Infectious Diseases 40, no. 9 (January 2008): 696–701.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Vaccination – Immunologie"
Baey, Camille. "Etude de l’efficacité et des mécanismes de la présentation croisée d’antigènes cellulaires tumoraux intacts par les cellules dendritiques." Thesis, Paris 5, 2013.
Full textDendritic cells (DC) are specialized in the capture, processing and antigen presentation. They have developed a special antigen presentation mechanism, known as cross-presentation, allowing them to internalize exogenous antigens, to digest and associate them to MHC class I molecules for presentation to CD8+ T lymphocytes. The cross-presentation is essential to the presentation of antigens that are not directly synthesized by the DC (self antigens, tumor antigens, microorganisms that don’t infect DC) and therefore to establish anti-infectious or anti-tumoral CD8+ T cell responses. His study is therefore essential for vaccination and immunotherapy involving a presentation by the DC. Our team showed that, like apoptotic cells, living cells are an efficient antigen source for cross-presentation by DC in vitro and in vivo. We have shown that immunization of mice with DCs that have captured material from living cells could protect effectively against a B16 melanoma challenge in a prophylactic model. During my PhD, I have shown that immunization was also very effective in a therapeutic model. Surprisingly, the protection and the CD8+ T cell response obtained using living cells as antigen source, are better than those obtained with apoptotic cells. DCs cultured with live or apoptotic antigen donor cells, expressed equivalent levels of costimulatory molecules. In contrast, DCs cultured with apoptotic cells secrete more IL- 10, giving them a tolerogenic phenotype. Furthermore, we have also shown that tumor antigens were better preserved within living cells than apoptotic cells, and the amount of MHC-I/peptide complexes at the surface of DC after culture with living cells was greater than after culture with apoptotic cells. In a second part of my thesis, I tried to characterize the receptors and mechanisms involved in the transfer of antigen from living cells to DCs. I have shown that this transfer is not dependent on exosomes transfer, nor on "cross-dressing". However, it is initiated after a close contact with the DC that seems to depend at least in part in scavenger receptors (SR) and calreticulin. The microscopy images obtained suggest the passage of large molecules in a structure, which may be similar to annular junctions (Annular Gap Junctions). Indeed, we observe the passage of connexin 43 (Cx3) and cellular material in a native conformation (GFP 70 kDa protein) from the living cell that partially colocalize with the early endosome marker EEA-1 in DCs. However, the use of an shRNA specific for Cx43 indicates that the cross-presentation does not require its expression. Our results suggest the existence of a mechanism of intercellular communication allowing the passage of large antigen, which could then be processed by DCs
Beignon, Anne-Sophie. "Exploitation du système immunitaire de la peau pour l'administration non-invasive de vaccins." Université Louis Pasteur (Strasbourg) (1971-2008), 2002.
Full textLeite, Pereira Adrien. "Découverte de marqueurs immunologiques permettant d’évaluer l’innocuité des nouveaux vaccins." Thesis, Université Paris-Saclay (ComUE), 2018.
Full textVaccination is often not well regarded by the general population. To reassure this latest, it will be interesting to set up an in vitro platform predicting the vaccine safety. The aim of this thesis is to develop the beginnings of this platform. The principle is simple, to get inflammatory signature of a candidate vaccine to evaluate it safety. For that, this signature will be compared with those obtained by vaccine currently on the market or by pathogens.During this thesis, we selected a list of biomarkers that can be used to determinate the inflammatory signature of a vaccine. To obtain this list, we used different inflammatory models (HIV and TLR ligands) and the mass cytometry. Then, we had developed in vitro test to obtain inflammatory signatures induced by Vaccinia Virus or Modified Vaccinia virus Ankara, each used to eradicate the smallpox. We identified specific inflammatory signatures for each virus, both in healthy individuals and HIV-infected humans.The continuation of these studies, by obtaining a large number of signatures coming from vaccines on the market or induced by pathogens, could make it possible to finalize the setting up of this platform. Indeed, the obtaining of the latter would make it possible to obtain reference signatures which could predict the dangerousness of a vaccine
Mahé, Brice. "Etude de la vaccination par la voie transcutanée : modèles expérimentaux et études cliniques." Paris 6, 2007.
Full textDupuy-Papin, Catherine. "Vaccination anti-papillomavirus : réponse systémique et vaginale contre la protéine majeure de capside." Tours, 1998.
Full textGross, David Alexandre. "Identification et optimisation d'antigènes tumoraux en vue d'une vaccination antitumorale." Paris 6, 2001.
Full textÇobanoglu, Özmen. "Contribution de la sénescence cellulaire à la vaccination anti-tumorale chez l’individu âgé." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université de Lille (2022-....), 2023.
Full textAge-related decline of immunity reduces vaccine efficacy in the elderly. Cellular senescence - a hallmark of aging - is a physiological process characterized by a state of chronic low-grade inflammation. Senescent cells accumulate with age and are resistant to cell death as a result of increased Bcl-2 expression. Senescent cells show an enhanced pro-inflammatory phenotype, as a part of senescence associated secretory phenotype (SASP) which contributes to inflammation and other detrimental effects. Pre-existing senescent cells cause many aging-related disorders and therapeutic strategies aiming at selectively eliminating these cells have recently gained attention.The potential role of pre-existing senescent cells in vaccine efficacy in the aged populations has not yet been reported to our knowledge. This can be achieved through different approaches such as the use of senolytic drugs that selectively target and eliminate these cells. Using the specific Bcl-2 family inhibitor senolytic ABT-263 (Navitoclax), we investigated the effects of senolysis on the immune response induced by vaccination. To this end, aged mice (22-months) and young adult mice (2 months) were treated with Navitoclax before immunization and few days later mice were immunized with the antigen Ovalbumin (OVA) plus adjuvant (Quil-A and CpG ODN). Antibody production was quantified by ELISA and the T cell response was quantified by measuring the production of interferon gamma after antigen re-stimulation. To study the efficacy of the immune response post-vaccination, mice were engrafted with OVA-expressing B16 melanoma cells and melanoma outgrowth was measured.ABT-263 treatment depleted senescent cells in the spleen. This was evidenced by immunohistochemistry using antibodies against p16 (a marker of senescence) and Bcl-2 and by quantifying beta-galactosidase activity, another marker of senescence. Depletion of senescent cells also led to a reduced production of systemic SASP-related factors in blood. In the same line, splenocytes isolated from Navitoclax-treated aged mice produced less inflammatory cytokines in response to LPS compared to controls. Having validated the efficacy of Navitoclax, we then turned to analyze the consequences of senescent cell's removal on the immune, anti-tumor response. Navitoclax treatment slightly reduced antigen-specific antibody production. Both IgM and IgG were affected. In contrast, T cells from Navitoclax-treated aged mice produce more IFN-gamma compared to controls. A similar effect was observed in young adult mice. Strikingly, depletion of pre-existing senescent cells before vaccination abrogated the protective effect of the vaccine on tumor outgrowth in aged mice, and to a lower extent, in young adult mice. We conclude that senolysis influences the quality of the immune responses post-vaccination and strongly affects the anti-tumor response in vaccinated aged mice
Deutscher, Mathieu Meyer Gilles. "Infection expérimentale par le virus respiratoire syncytial bovin étude des interactions entre la vaccination et l'évolution du virus /." [S.l.] : [s.n.], 2007.
Full textHaddad, Nadia. "Vaccination du chien contre la rage : fabrication et contrôles d'un vaccin à virus inactivé préparé sur encéphale d'agneau : étude comparée de l'activité de deux vaccins sur des chiens du terrain en Tunisie." Lyon 1, 1985.
Full textSagodira, Serge. "Vaccination génétique par voie nasale contre la cryptosporidiose : étude de la réponse immunitaire chez la souris et de la protection dans un modèle caprin." Tours, 1998.
Full textBooks on the topic "Vaccination – Immunologie"
Symposium in Immunology (7th 1997?). Symposium in Immunology VII: Vaccination. Berlin: Springer, 1998.
Find full text1956-, Zhang Jingwu, and Cohen Irun R, eds. T-cell vaccination. New York: Nova Biomedical Books, 2008.
Find full textAda, G. L. Vaccination: The facts, the fears, the future. St. Leonards, N.S.W: Allen & Unwin, 2000.
Find full textJ, Raus, ed. T cell vaccination and autoimmune disease. New York: Springer-Verlag, 1995.
Find full textFoged, Camilla. Subunit vaccine delivery. Edited by Rades Thomas author, Perrie Yvonne author, and Hook Sarah author. New York: Springer, 2015.
Find full textAlejandro, Schudel, Lombard Michel, and International Office of Epizootics, eds. Control of infectious animal diseases by vaccination: Buenos Aires, Argentina, 13-16 April, 2005 ; proceedings of a conference organized by the World Organisation for Animal Health-OIE. Basel: Karger, 2004.
Find full textAlejandro, Schudel, and Lombard Michel, eds. Control of infectious animal diseases by vaccination: Buenos Aires, Argentina, 13-16 April, 2005. Basel: Karger, 2005.
Find full textInternational, Meeting on the History of Vaccinology (1995 Marnes-la Coquette Hauts-de-Seine). Vaccinia, vaccination, vaccinology: Jenner, Pasteur, and their successors. Paris: Elsevier, 1996.
Find full textAronova, E. A. Immunitet: Teorii︠a︡, filosofii︠a︡ i ėksperiment : ocherki iz istorii immunologii XX veka. Moskva: KomKn., 2006.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Vaccination – Immunologie"
Catchpole, Brian, and Harm HogenEsch. "Vaccination." In Day's Veterinary Immunology, 217–33. 3rd ed. Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2023.
Full textKlimov, Vladimir V. "Vaccination." In From Basic to Clinical Immunology, 291–304. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2019.
Full textJaspreet, Dhami, Wang Vivian, Wang Ziwei, Pham Brittney, Yabuno Jamie, and Joseph Yusin. "Vaccination." In Absolute Allergy and Immunology Board Review, 307–15. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022.
Full textDurrant, L. G., I. Spendlove, and R. A. Robins. "Anti-idiotypic vaccination." In Cancer Immunology, 171–80. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2001.
Full textRijkers, G. T. "17 Vaccins en vaccinatie." In Immunologie, 361–76. Houten: Bohn Stafleu van Loghum, 2009.
Full textRijkers, G. T. "Vaccins en vaccinatie." In Leerboek immunologie, 421–39. Houten: Bohn Stafleu van Loghum, 2016.
Full textRijkers, G. T., and F. G. M. Kroese. "Vaccins en vaccinatie." In Leerboek immunologie, 435–54. Houten: Bohn Stafleu van Loghum, 2023.
Full textCohen, Noah D., and Angela I. Bordin. "Principles of Vaccination." In Equine Clinical Immunology, 263–78. Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2015.
Full textSharapova, Svetlana O. "Fever After DPT Vaccination." In Pediatric Immunology, 249–54. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2019.
Full textHuizinga, T. W. J., and L. G. Visser. "15 Vaccinatie en immunomodulatie." In Medische immunologie, 267–77. Houten: Bohn Stafleu van Loghum, 2016.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Vaccination – Immunologie"
Telgen, Maaike C., M. G. J. Brusse-Keizer, G. T. Rijkers, J. van der Palen, H. A. M. Kerstjens, M. G. R. Hendrix, and P. D. L. P. M. van der Valk. "Immunologic Responses In COPD Patients: The Annual Influenza Vaccination." In American Thoracic Society 2012 International Conference, May 18-23, 2012 • San Francisco, California. American Thoracic Society, 2012.
Full textPamar, P., K. Krolikowski, D. Rudym, M. Lesko, L. F. Angel, L. N. Segal, and J. G. Natalini. "Immunologic Effects of SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination in Lung Transplant Recipients." In American Thoracic Society 2023 International Conference, May 19-24, 2023 - Washington, DC. American Thoracic Society, 2023.
Full textGarrido, Greta, Brett Schrand, Agata Levay, Ailem Rabasa, Anthony Ferrantella, Diane Da Silva, Francesca D’Eramo, et al. "Abstract B26: Prorapeutic vaccination against shared antigens induced in future tumors." In Abstracts: AACR Special Conference on Tumor Immunology and Immunotherapy; November 17-20, 2019; Boston, MA. American Association for Cancer Research, 2020.
Full textBrody, Joshua D. "Abstract IA32: Improving checkpoint blockade for lymphoma with Flt3L-primed in situ vaccination." In Abstracts: AACR Special Conference on Tumor Immunology and Immunotherapy; October 1-4, 2017; Boston, MA. American Association for Cancer Research, 2018.
Full textKim, Ha, Keejong Hong, Byung Cheol Ahn, Jung Sun Yum, and Hyewon Youn. "Abstract B25: Visualization of immune response to Hepatitis B vaccination by in vivo mouse imaging." In Abstracts: AACR Special Conference on Tumor Immunology and Immunotherapy; October 20-23, 2016; Boston, MA. American Association for Cancer Research, 2017.
Full textCarpanese, D., I. Montagner, A. Dalla Pietà, V. Rossi, A. Penna, G. Zuccolotto, G. Pasut, A. Grigoletto, and A. Rosato. "P09.03 Hyaluronic acid as a new immunologic adjuvant in cancer: design of effective preventive and therapeutic vaccination strategies for HER2/neu-positive breast tumors." In iTOC8 – the 8th Leading International Cancer Immunotherapy Conference in Europe, 8–9 October 2021, Virtual Conference. BMJ Publishing Group Ltd, 2021.
Full textMarron, Thomas, Nina Bhardwaj, Elizabeth Crowley, Tibor Keler, Thomas Davis, Andres Salazar, and Joshua Brody. "Abstract IA03: Turning a tumor into a vaccine factory: In situ vaccination for low-grade lymphoma." In Abstracts: AACR Special Conference: Tumor Immunology and Immunotherapy: A New Chapter; December 1-4, 2014; Orlando, FL. American Association for Cancer Research, 2015.
Full textWitt, Kristina, Maarten Alexander Ligtenberg, Laura Conti, Stefania Lanzardo, Roberto Ruiu, Helena Tufvesson-Stiller, Jeanette Ostling, et al. "Abstract A77: Cripto-1 vaccination elicits protective immune response to metastatic breast cancer and breast cancer stem cells." In Abstracts: AACR Special Conference on Tumor Immunology and Immunotherapy; October 1-4, 2017; Boston, MA. American Association for Cancer Research, 2018.
Full textSchreiber, Taylor H., Louis Gonzalez, Dietlinde Wolf, Maria Bodero, and Eckhard R. Podack. "Abstract A38: T cell costimulation by TNFRSF4, TNFRSF18, and TNFRSF25 in the context of vaccination." In Abstracts: AACR Special Conference on Tumor Immunology: Multidisciplinary Science Driving Basic and Clinical Advances; December 2-5, 2012; Miami, FL. American Association for Cancer Research, 2013.
Full textAndersen, Brian M., G. Elizabeth Pluhar, Charles E. Seiler, Zhengming Xiong, Michelle R. Goulart, Matthew Gerry O'Sullivan, Matthew A. Hunt, Charles E. Schiaffo, David M. Ferguson, and John R. Ohlfest. "Abstract B32: Preclinical testing of three immune adjuvants in vaccination therapy for invasive canine meningioma." In Abstracts: AACR Special Conference on Tumor Immunology: Multidisciplinary Science Driving Basic and Clinical Advances; December 2-5, 2012; Miami, FL. American Association for Cancer Research, 2013.
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