Academic literature on the topic 'Urban policy “politique de la Ville”'
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Journal articles on the topic "Urban policy “politique de la Ville”"
Dieci, Daniele. "La politique de la ville e i quartiers sensibles in Francia: un profilo." STORIA URBANA, no. 135 (February 2013): 91–118.
Full textWharton, Chris, and John Fenwick. "Real urban images: policy and culture in northern Britain." Culture and Local Governance 4, no. 1 (December 20, 2012): 1–30.
Full textLeo, Christopher. "Deep Federalism: Respecting Community Difference in National Policy." Canadian Journal of Political Science 39, no. 3 (September 2006): 481–506.
Full textEstrada Díaz, Gabriela. "Prevenir riesgos o atender desastres en las ciudades. Dos opciones de política con alcances distintos." Revista Trace, no. 56 (July 9, 2018): 41.
Full textLefebvre, Sylvain, and Romain Roult. "Politiques urbaines et planification territoriale dans la ville festive/Urban policy and territorial planning in the festive city." Loisir et Société / Society and Leisure 36, no. 1 (January 2, 2013): 1–7.
Full textHelluin, Jean-Jacques. "La géographie prioritaire de la politique de la ville, un contour de la banlieue ? / Geographical priorities of urban policy : an approach for defining problem suburbs ?" Géocarrefour 75, no. 2 (2000): 117–22.
Full textRibardière, Antonine. "Les territoires de la politique de la ville et leur environnement : une approche spatiale de la précarité sociale (Urban-policy territories and their environment : a spatial approach to social insecurity)." Bulletin de l'Association de géographes français 81, no. 1 (2004): 31–44.
Full textCampuzano, Enrique Pérez. "Periferia urbana e incentivos económicos para la conservación ambiental." Regions and Cohesion 1, no. 2 (June 1, 2011): 78–103.
Full textTriana Sánchez, Jorge Luis. "Seguridad pública, violencia urbana y prevención social del delito en Acapulco, Guerrero, México." Clivajes. Revista de Ciencias Sociales, no. 14 (July 1, 2020): 229.
Full textGuillaume, Pierre. "L’histoire urbaine en France." Articles 16, no. 2 (August 8, 2013): 164–75.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Urban policy “politique de la Ville”"
Benchakroun, Mohamed. "Marrakech, une ville à la recherche d'une politique de gestion." Thesis, Paris 4, 2011.
Full textRefusing the image most oftenly negative of certain parts of urban agglemerations, we are convinced to have found viable solutions for the new town of Tamansourte. This research shows that it is possible to do town planing in a whole new way, by proposing new reforms.Based on references such as feedback and narratives from the actors of the urban layout, this research proposes directions for reflection concerning the construction of a new social transformation project for a new town planning policy. The solution for a city like Marrakesh most certainly resides in a compromise between several urban forms, taking into account historical, morphological and cultural specificites and serving eventually as a basis for city policies. As far the new town of Tamansourte is concerned, the balance sheet is in the negative, easily understandable by a simple visit of the premises where several obvious factors demonstrate the scarcity of the population toghether with a feeble commercial activity. An « urban re-qualification » study is to be done urgently for this new town to be commercially, economically dynamised and permitting fruitful exchanges between all the actors of the township-thus founding a new era of vitality for this new town
Jamar, David. "Les rugosités de Bruxelles : ethnographie politique d'un milieu culturel d'intervention urbaine : entre ville des possibles et ville par projet." Doctoral thesis, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, 2012.
Full textCette thèse propose une description de l’émergence, de la constitution, des modes de stabilisation, de rigidification, de fermeture et de solidification de ce milieu à partir des situations hétérocilites qui le font autant diverger que tenir. Ces situations sont autant des actions culturelles, des actions de dénonciation, des plate-formes émergentes visant à peser sur le développement urbain, que des projets urbanistiques et architecturaux. Elle décrit les capacités dont se dotent des collectifs – parfois qualifiés d'alternatifs – à mettre la ville en problèmes ainsi que les effets de la capture de ces expériences sur la production de nouveaux dispositifs publics d'action urbaine.
C’est alors qu’est interrogée la constitution, à partir de nouvelles zones d’interventions publiques à Bruxelles, d’un nouveau pli institutionnel au sein de couches préexistantes héritières des premières luttes urbaines. Ce pli s’appuie sur une requalification des rapports entre créativité, attractivité urbaine, participation et action politique. Architectes et urbanistes jouent alors un rôle central dans la constitution d’un urbanisme par projet qui suppose à la fois une planification plus procédurale sensible à la spécificité des nouveaux pôles de développement et une nouvelle échelle de référence visant à situer Bruxelles comme métropole internationale.
Le milieu décrit oscille – et parfois se fragmente – entre des expérimentations de villes des possibles et constitution d’une ville par projet. Entre les deux, ce sont les effets de ce milieu qui font enjeu. Les frictions urbaines, les formes de créativité, les usagers, les interstices que ces deux acceptions partagent peuvent constituer de nouveaux mots d’ordre, des présupposés destinés à être digérés dans de nouvelles généralisations utopiques – une ville créative à appliquer sur des espaces pour des publics cibles à éduquer – ou alors devenir l’occasion de cultures interstitielles favorisant des reprises usagères de co-constructions de localités. L’engagement propositionnel de cette thèse consiste, à partir des réussites et des échecs partiels du terrain, à rechercher certaines des conditions de possibilité de cette dernière acception.
Doctorat en Sciences politiques et sociales
Zebiri, Imad. "La politique des transports en Algérie : l'impact du tramway sur l'aménagement urbain de la ville de Constantine." Thesis, Lyon, 2019.
Full textAccording to experts from the World Bank, our time is one in which the world is changing at the fastest pace because of the increase in the world's population. This phenomenon increases the demand for transport. Thus, existing infrastructures and previous public policies show their limits both in terms of the demand for mobility and transport infrastructure. The private car, often accused of causing both congestion and greenhouse gas emissions, is designated as responsible. Our study area, the city of Constantine in Algeria, is experiencing daily traffic jams, due to the massive presence of private cars and its morphology. In the same way the strong growth of the population and the urban sprawl of the city contribute to exacerbate the phenomenon in Constantine. In 2010, the Algerian government, aware of the congestion of large cities, decided to schedule the realization of a tram line in each major city. The arrival of the tramway in Constantine is part of this logic and has a twofold objective: to respond in an efficient and comfortable way to an ever-increasing demand for mobility and to develop and requalify the urban space. Our aim is therefore to understand the impact of the implementation of this tram line on the public spaces it crosses, on the one hand, and on the other hand, on the supply and quality of transport services made available to the population. Based on questionnaire surveys and direct observations, our research shows that the choice of the tramway has been accompanied by real transformations. Indeed, the arrival of the tramway in the city of Constantine has unquestionably led to a restructuring of urban space all along its corridor. Besides, the vast majority of tram users think that the latter responds quite well to their expectations in terms of urban mobility, under satisfactory conditions (comfort, length of journey, waiting time ...)
Shu, Yang. "Wuhan : aux interfaces ville / eau, les formes urbaines en mutation." Thesis, Paris Est, 2011.
Full textThis thesis takes an urbanistic and morphological vision on the relation city/environment. It focuses on the problem of urban form at a particular space: interface city/water. It studies the case of Wuhan – a Chinese fluvial metropolis where the waters have determined the special urban forms. The analysis focus at first on the current state of the interfaces city/water: their dynamic deployment, their spatial characters and the different logics of the urban fabric. And then the analysis concern in the evolution of these interfaces on reviewing the urban projects and spatial models applied at waterfront in four successive periods with four distinct policies: military, commercial, industrial and environmental. In the end, the thesis proposes to resume the dialogue between the city and its waters. It confirms that when the waters are consciously taken into account, they may be revealed as a stimulant element for the urban development in all scales
Kazemian, A. Reza. "Urban renewal planning versus local values : a study of modern policy and renewal processes and of their impact on a local community /." Göteborg : Chalmers university of technology school of architecture, 1991.
Full textBaglin, Géraldine. "Le dispositif des secteurs sauvegardés : entre valorisation et modernisation du patrimoine urbain : étude du cœur historique de la ville de Vitré." Thesis, Rennes 2, 2019.
Full textThe safeguarded sectors plan, created by the "Malraux Law" in 1962, aimed not only to ensure historical architecture sets preservation but also to give them back an active place within the contem-porary city. Considered for a long time as monuments in their own right, the safeguarded sectors have been tending over the past ten years to become innovation places in terms of architectural rehabilitation. These old districts which are today representing only a tiny portion of the french urbanized areas are distinguishable by the durability of their buildings and the cleverness of their morphology. The historic core of Vitré, whose the transformations are regulated by a safeguarded sector since 1976, testify the economic, political, and social richness of the city history from the 13th century. Spared from the brutal city planning which has spread in the first half of the 20th century thanks to the will of the Historic Monuments Department, it has been subject of numerous restoration and rehabilitation since the creation of the safeguarded sector. From the study of the Vitré city, this research looks at the housing heritage before the creation of the safeguarded sector, what has been achieved with it and what it tends to become. The study is composed of five volumes: the text (Volume I), the maps, plans, tables and iconographic documents (Volume II) and the inventory studies catalogue (Volume III to V)
Lobry, Sylvaine. "Les politiques urbaines de l'industrie : interroger la consistance des politiques publiques au prisme des politiques urbaines de l'industrie : l'exemple de Lyon et Munich." Thesis, Lyon, 2017.
Full textThis thesis aims at questioning the consistency of urban policies through an analysis of the policies in favour of industry in Lyon and Munich. Three fundamental issues are addressed. Do urban policies of the industry exist? Have these policies consistency as urban policies and what are the factors, particularly institutional factors, contributing to this consistency? Does the analysis of urban industry policies validate the thesis of the "return of cities"? By characterizing and contextualizing stakeholder systems in different national and local contexts, we focus on the production processes of policies in favour of industry and we investigate their policy frameworks. We propose a definition of the consistency of urban policies resulting from an analysis of the role of distinct levels of government in the production of policies in favour of the industry, the distribution of power, mobilized or created public policy instruments. The institutional approach reveals the influence of social, political and institutional factors that explain the distinguished empowerment of urban governments and their ability to produce consistent urban policies. Our definition of the consistency of urban policy gives significant importance to the capacity of a city to become autonomous and to constitute itself as a collective actor. In view of the differentiated affirmation of the Munich and Lyon’s urban powers, we propose to speak of an "unequal return", to point out the conditions favouring or not the return of cities
Béal, Vincent. "Les politiques du développement durable. : Gouverner l'environnement dans les villes françaises et britanniques (1970-2010)." Thesis, Saint-Etienne, 2011.
Full textThis dissertation provides an analysis of the influence of environ mental issues on the transformation of urbanpolicy-making. Based on four case studies (Nantes and Saint-Etienne in France, Leicester and Manchesterin the United Kingdom), it examines the rise of environ mental issues on urban agendas and its influence inthe transformation of urban policies and urban governance. Built around three main theoretical perspectives- public policy analysis, urban political science and urban political economy -, this work shows that urbanenviron mental management has been shaped by three different emblems : the emblem of« urban ecology »with its grass roots frame in the 1970s and 1980s, the emblem of « sustainable development » with itsentrepreneurial frame in the 1990s and 2000s, and, finally, the emblem of « climate change » with its newmanagerial and control frame since 2005. This periodisation of urban environmental management stressesthe rise of cities as prominent scales of environ mental regulation and construction. However, this rise has notbeen synonymous of a strengthening of local public spaces around environ mental issues. It is argued thatthe reshaping of state/society relationships has led ta a gap between urban political elites and urbansocieties. By helping ta reshape political elites' activities towards the production of urban policies and tamarginalise actors who are not considered as «responsible», urban environmental policies have supportedthe roll out of oligarchie and post-democratie patterns of urban governance
Demongeot, Benoît. "Discuter, politiser, imposer une solution d'action publique : l'exemple du tramway." Thesis, Grenoble, 2011.
Full textThis thesis deals with the success of light rail schemes in French and European cities. It considers successively light rail as a generic policy solution, a spatialised project and a policy output. In such way it questions the "reinvention" of the solution in 1970s France. Then the analysis dwells on three cities : Marseille, Dublin and Grenoble. It focuses on arguments that are exchanged within the corresponding systems of actors. It appears that during a first period, light rail is essentially promoted as a transport solution, framed as rationale and comparable to other public transport modes. However, from the 1990's, supporting discourses evolve dramatically in Grenoble and Marseille. The solution happens to agregate a wider range of « virtues », that is to say admitted qualities concerning new fields of interest : urbanism, the distribution of public realm, socio-spatial polarizations or local elections results. Such an evolution can be interpreted as a form of politicisation. It seems to foster the emergence of new projects in France. On the contrary, the case of Dublin helps to understand the difficulties that are faced by a light rail that remains justified mainly by its "transport" dimension, and how these difficulties are more or less overcome
Kaddour, Rachid. "Quand le grand ensemble devient patrimoine : Réflexions sur le devenir d'un héritage du logement social et la fabrication du patrimoine à partir de cas exemplaires en région stéphanoise." Phd thesis, Université Jean Monnet - Saint-Etienne, 2013.
Full textBooks on the topic "Urban policy “politique de la Ville”"
Spizzichino, R. De la ville en politique. Paris: L'Harmattan, 2011.
Find full textWachter, Serge. Economie politique de la ville: Les politiques territoriales en question. Paris: Harmattan, 1998.
Find full textAnderson, Antoine. Politiques de la ville: De la zone au territoire. Paris: Syros, 1998.
Find full textDe l'utopie à la compassion: Sociologie critique de la politique de la ville. Paris: Publibook, 2004.
Find full textChevalier, Gérard. De l'utopie à la compassion: Sociologie critique de la politique de la ville. Paris: Publibook, 2004.
Find full textLa crise de la politique: Du désarroi militant à la politique de la ville. Paris: L'Harmattan, 1996.
Find full textJacques, Joly. Paysage et politique de la ville Grenoble, 1965-1985. Grenoble: Presses universitaires de Grenoble, 1988.
Find full textChaudoir, Philippe, and Jacques de Maillard. Culture et politique de la ville: Une évaluation. La Tour d'Aigues: Aube, 2005.
Find full textLe Maroc face au défi urbain: Quelle politique de la ville ? Rabat: Edition Dar Attaouhidi, 2012.
Find full textDaniel, Martin. Dix ans de politique de la ville en Bretagne: 1988-1997. Lyon: Certu, 1998.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Urban policy “politique de la Ville”"
Schuster, J. Mark. "CEPAT: Centre de Pecherche sur le Politique, I Administration, la Ville et le Territoire Université P ierre Mendès Erance (Grenoble II) Grenoble." In Informing Cultural Policy, 83–86. Routledge, 2017.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Urban policy “politique de la Ville”"
Catini, Raffaella. "La territorializzazione spontanea del centro storico: il caso di Viterbo." In International Conference Virtual City and Territory. Roma: Centre de Política de Sòl i Valoracions, 2014.
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