Academic literature on the topic 'Urban and industrialized sites'
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Journal articles on the topic "Urban and industrialized sites"
Azman, Mohamed Nor Azhari, Mohd Sanusi S. Ahamad, Taksiah A. Majid, Ahmad Shukri Yahaya, and Mohd Hanizun Hanafi. "STATISTICAL EVALUATION OF PRE-SELECTION CRITERIA FOR INDUSTRIALIZED BUILDING SYSTEM (IBS)." Journal of Civil Engineering and Management 19, Supplement_1 (January 9, 2014): S131—S140.
Full textWebb, Wilse B. "Sleep in Industrialized Settings in the Northern Hemisphere." Psychological Reports 57, no. 2 (October 1985): 591–98.
Full textObadia, Lionel. "Urban Pareidolia." Bulletin for the Study of Religion 47, no. 1 (April 18, 2018): 29–38.
Full textMarian-Potra, Alexandra-Camelia, Ramona Ișfănescu-Ivan, Sorin Pavel, and Cătălina Ancuța. "Temporary Uses of Urban Brownfields for Creative Activities in a Post-Socialist City. Case Study: Timișoara (Romania)." Sustainability 12, no. 19 (October 1, 2020): 8095.
Full textTurko, Maxime, Marielle Gosset, Christophe Bouvier, Nanee Chahinian, Matias Alcoba, Modeste Kacou, and Apoline Yappi. "Rainfall measurement from mobile telecommunication network and potential benefit for urban hydrology in Africa: a simulation framework for uncertainty propagation analysis." Proceedings of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences 383 (September 16, 2020): 237–40.
Full textAndrade, Brunelle Ramos, Andreia Santos do Nascimento, Emanuella Lopes Franco, Daiane Rodrigues dos Santos, Rogério Marcos De Oliveira Alves, Maria Angélica Pereira de Carvalho Costa, and Carlos Alfredo Lopes de Carvalho. "Pollen Spectrum and Trophic Niche Width of Melipona scutellaris Latreille, 1811 (Hymenoptera: Apidae) in Highly Urbanized and Industrialized Sites." Sociobiology 66, no. 2 (August 20, 2019): 279.
Full textPalmisani, Jolanda, Alessia Di Gilio, Silvana Angela Franchini, Pietro Cotugno, Daniela Valeria Miniero, Paolo D’Ambruoso, and Gianluigi de Gennaro. "Particle-Bound PAHs and Elements in a Highly Industrialized City in Southern Italy: PM2.5 Chemical Characterization and Source Apportionment after the Implementation of Governmental Measures for Air Pollution Mitigation and Control." International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17, no. 13 (July 5, 2020): 4843.
Full textMcCulligh and Fregoso. "Defiance from Down River: Deflection and Dispute in the Urban-Industrial Metabolism of Pollution in Guadalajara." Sustainability 11, no. 22 (November 8, 2019): 6294.
Full textVega, E., G. Sanchez, and L. Molina. "Non-methane hydrocarbons source apportionment at different sites in Mexico City during 2002–2003." Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions 7, no. 5 (September 17, 2007): 13561–96.
Full textMonosson, Emily, and John J. Stegeman. "Induced Cytochrome P4501A in Winter Flounder, Pleuronectes americanus, from Offshore and Coastal Sites." Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 51, no. 4 (April 1, 1994): 933–41.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Urban and industrialized sites"
Ngagine, Soulemane Halif. "Chemical heterogeneity of atmospheric particles in urbanized and industrialized environments during pollution events." Thesis, Littoral, 2022.
Full textThis thesis aims at improving our knowledge of the near and distant sources controlling the exceedance of the regulatory thresholds of air quality, as detected by the air quality monitoring networks, at the strongly industrialized and urban site of Great Dunkirk Area (GDA). This appreciation is notably based on the calculation of a mixing state index of the particles, taking into account the heterogeneity of their elementary composition, this one being related to their residence time in the atmosphere and the distance between the sources and the studied receptor site. To do that, it was firstly necessary to develop a time resolved cascade impactor with high temporal resolution, named "TRAPS", which answered the need to follow the rapid changes observed within the atmospheric particles during pollution episodes. Coupled with a particle size analyser and after individual analysis of the collected particles by electron microscopy (SEM-EDX), TRAPS allows to report the physicochemical evolution of atmospheric particles over time. In the first part of this thesis, laboratory experiments and a field campaign allowed to validate our prototype, to report the dynamics of particle deposition on the impaction stages and to verify the cut-off diameters of the coarse and fine stages of TRAPS, determined respectively at 1.32µm and 0.13µm. A statistical study of PM₁₀ pollution episodes occuring over the GDA was then carried out over 3 years, between 2018 and 2020. It allowed us to identify 12 main types of episodes based on their spatial extent, but also on the local conditions of pollutant dispersion. We were able to identify local episodes and regional episodes observed, either in stationary or dispersive atmospheric conditions. While 78% of the PM₁₀ exceedance days correspond to local episodes, the remaining 22% correspond to pollution plumes with at least a regional extent, with an equal proportion of exceedance days in dispersion and stationary conditions. Except for very localized episodes, a detailed study of these pollutions episodes shows the systematic presence of a period of pollutant accumulation, of about 10 hours, characterized by an important contribution of fine particles (PM₂.₅) except for episodes of limited spatial coverage. The last part of this work consisted in the study of the composition and mixing state of the individual particles collected during pollution events in the GDA in 2021. The campaign allowed the sampling and characterization of 5 pollution episodes, during which TRAPS was deployed in parallel with other instruments providing complementary information on aerosol granulometry, or atmospheric dynamics. Nearly 28000 individual particles were characterized by SEM-EDX. With more than 90% of the samples associated with values of the mixing state index higher than 0.5, it can be said that the particles collected in the GDA during pollution episodes are in general of very heterogeneous composition at the particle scale (internal mixing). Nevertheless, the results show an influence of the local or transported origin of the particles on their chemical composition, but also on the mixing state index. An increasing evolution of this index with the particles residence time during these events is observed
Kim, Aehyung. "Technological adaptation and innovation in newly industrialized countries : the case of Korea." Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1990.
Full textHuang, Feiya. "Determinants of energy intensity in industrialized countries : a comparison of China and India." Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2006.
Full textIncludes bibliographical references (p. 72-73).
The amount of final energy per unit of economic output (usually in terms of gross domestic product, or GDP), known as energy intensity, is often used to measure the effectiveness of energy use and the consumption patterns of different economies. China and India are both developing countries with large population and rapid economic growth. China has decreased its energy intensity by 67% from 1978 to 2003; while India only decreased its energy intensity by 5% over the same period. By applying shift-share analysis on each country's industry sector, I decompose their changes of industrial energy intensity into two factors: structural change and efficiency change; then, I explore the determining factors of energy intensity in China and India, and analyze why they are different. The result shows that, in China, the driving force of energy-intensity change is the improvement of energy efficiency, which decreases the energy intensity. Meanwhile, structural-mix changes played a low, but positive, role in decreasing the energy intensity. In India, energy efficiency also plays a positive role.
(cont.) However, the industrial structure has become more energy-intensive because of the increasing share of energy-intensive sub-sectors, which offsets the impact of energy efficiency on energy intensity; thus, the overall energy intensity only decreased slightly in India over time.
by Feiya Huang.
GALVAO, E. S. "Chemical Characterization of Particles in Iron-rich Atmosphere of Urban and Industrialized Regions." Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2018.
Full textEstudos epidemiológicos mostram a associação do tamanho do material particulado (MP) no ar e sua composição química com problemas de saúde, nas quais afetam o sistema nervoso central e cardiorrespiratório. Portanto, a identificação das fontes de MP é um passo importante nos programas de gerenciamento da qualidade do ar. Modelos receptores são frequentemente utilizados em estudos de distribuição de fontes de MP a fim de identificar a contribuição de fontes locais. Apesar dos benefícios do uso desses modelos no gerenciamento da qualidade do ar, algumas limitações como efeitos de colinearidade, principalmente para fontes que possuem perfis químicos similares, restringem sua aplicação ou comprometem uma separação precisa de fontes. Para fontes altamente correlacionadas, a identificação de marcadores específicos ainda é o melhor caminho para uma distribuição de fontes mais precisa. Existem vários trabalhos usando diferentes técnicas analíticas na caracterização química e física do MP a fim de fornecer informações de entrada para os modelos receptores. A escolha entre tais técnicas depende de: as propriedades físicas das partículas, do tipo de amostragem, do tempo de medição, do acesso às instalações e equipamentos, dos custos associados à aquisição e manutenção de equipamentos, entre outras considerações. Apesar das numerosas técnicas analíticas descritas na literatura para caracterização de MP, os laboratórios são normalmente limitados às técnicas disponíveis internamente, o que levanta a questão se uma determinada técnica é adequada para o propósito de um trabalho experimental específico. Neste trabalho, é apresentado o estado da arte sobre as tecnologias disponíveis para a caracterização de MP. Adicionalmente, é proposto um guia para a escolha da(s) técnica(s) mais apropriada(s) para um estudo específico. Uma nova abordagem também é proposta para identificar as fontes mais apropriadas associadas aos fatores revelados através do modelo Fatoração de Matriz Positiva (PMF), na qual são utilizados conjuntamente a caracterização de espécies químicas, inorgânicas e orgânicas, e a direcionalidade dessas espécies através das rosas dos poluentes. Amostras de MP foram coletadas em uma região costeira, urbana e industrializada no Brasil e analisadas por EDXRF, TD-GC-MS e TOC para a caracterização de metais, PAHs, EC e OC. Esta região possui uma particularidade, uma atmosfera rica em ferro devido à presença de indústrias de pelotização e siderurgia. A metodologia proposta revelou que marcadores consolidados pela literatura: veiculares como o carbono elementar (EC) e carbono orgânico (CO), marcador de sal marinho: cloreto (Cl) e sódio (Na) e marcador industrial: ferro (Fe), também estavam fortemente associados a outras fontes. Cl, um marcador típico de sal marinho, também foi atribuído às atividades industriais de sinterização. Alguns fatores de PMF mostraram altas cargas de CO, um marcador típico tanto para exaustão veicular quanto para queima de carvão. A definição da fonte mais adequada para esses fatores só foi possível devido à avaliação da direcionalidade dessas espécies pelas rosas dos poluentes. O potássio (K), um marcador comum de queima de biomassa, foi predominantemente associado a ventos advindos de um parque industrial e, portanto, provavelmente associado a emissões do processo de sinterização. Alguns PAHs como naftaleno, criseno, fenantreno, fluoreno e acenaftileno foram essenciais como marcadores que permitiram a separação de fontes com perfis químicos inorgânicos similares, entre elas a sinterização, a pelotização e a queima de biomassa. Os resultados mostraram que a combinação de marcadores químicos orgânicos e inorgânicos, e a análise das rosas dos poluentes para a identificação da direcionalidade das fontes melhorou a interpretação dos resultados do PMF no estudo de distribuição de fontes. Além disso, a técnica de Difração Ressonante de Raios-X por Luz Síncrotron (RSr-XRD) foi conduzida no Laboratório Nacional de Luz Síncrotron (LNLS) em Campinas, Brasil, para análise de partículas sedimentáveis (SP), partículas suspensas totais (TSP), PM10 e PM2.5. Os resultados mostram altos níveis de fases cristalinas baseadas em ferro. Em comparação com o uso de espécies químicas elementares, a identificação das fases cristalinas proporcionou uma abordagem aprimorada para classificar marcadores específicos de fontes baseadas em ferro. Compostos como α-Fe2O3, Fe metálico, FeS2 e K2Fe2O4 estão associados, respectivamente, ao minério de ferro, pelotização e sinterização; altos fornos e siderurgia; depósitos de carvão; e emissões de sinterização. A atribuição da composição cristalina, e não apenas elementar, na identificação de fontes melhorou a precisão dos estudos de distribuição de fontes. K2Fe2O4 e NH4ClO4 são compostos especificamente ligados ao processo de sinterização, formado principalmente durante a queima de matérias-primas em fornos. Cristais de sulfatos incomuns como FeAl2(SO4)4.22H2O e (NH4)3Fe(SO4)3 em amostras de PM2.5 mostraram a forte influência de α-Fe2O3 na foto-redução atmosférica de Fe em sulfatos. Os resultados também mostraram, além do mar, alta influência de outras fontes com alta contribuição de Cl, como sinterização e fornos de coque. Portanto, acreditamos que o uso de modelos de receptores em conjunto com os perfis químicos das fontes definidos por fases cristalinas, espécies elementares e compostos orgânicos, como os HPAs, podem melhorar os resultados de fontes altamente correlacionadas.
Tofte, Christopher Shawn. "Urban Entertainment Destinations: A Developmental Approach for Urban Revitalization." Thesis, Virginia Tech, 2003.
Full textMaster of Landscape Architecture
Gan, Guo, and 甘果. "Urban vintage: revitalization of cultural andhistorical area in urban center." Thesis, The University of Hong Kong (Pokfulam, Hong Kong), 2011.
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Master of Landscape Architecture
Jones, Kathleen Lucy. "Visual representations of provincial urban sites in England, 1790-1860." Thesis, University of Cambridge, 2006.
Full textLanuza, Rilling F. A. "Layering through absence : from experiencing urban leftovers to reimagining sites." Thesis, University College London (University of London), 2017.
Full textTaljaard, Carolina Augusta. "Urban Currents: urban regeneration + boundary of isolated natural sites in the context of Wonderboom Nature Reserve." Diss., University of Pretoria, 2020.
Full textMini Dissertation (MArch(Prof))--University of Pretoria, 2020.
MArch (Prof)
Larsson, Paulina. "A comparison of the temperature climate at twourban sites in Uppsala." Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Luft-, vatten och landskapslära, 2001.
Full textVäderdata från två observationsplatser i Uppsala, Observatorieparken (Op) och Geocentrum(Gc), under perioden januari 1998 till september 2000, har använts för att undersökaskillnader i temperaturklimatet vid de två platserna. Eftersom Op ligger närmare stadenscentrum än Gc, anses platsen vara mer påverkad av den så kallade värmeöeffekten. Beroendeav olika meteorologiska parametrar, tid på dygnet och tid på året, har undersökts, samt olikametoder att korrigera för inhomogeniteten i temperaturen som introducerades dåobservationsplatsen flyttades från Observatorieparken till Geocentrum. Bland de olika metoder som undersökts för att korrigera de vid Geocentrum uppmättatemperaturerna så att de ska representera förhållandena vid Observatorieparken, visas enuppdelning med avseende på vindhastighet, vindriktning, molnighet och tid på året vara denmest pålitliga metoden, men hade det varit möjligt att dela in materialet även i tid på dygnet,skulle detta troligtvis ha ökat pålitligheten av korrektionen. För praktisk användning är enkorrektion baserad endast på de månatliga medelskillnaderna mellan de två platsernaantagligen tillräcklig, eftersom den viktigaste faktorn är den årliga cykeln itemperaturskillnaden mellan de två platserna.
Books on the topic "Urban and industrialized sites"
Kirkwood, Niall. Manufactured Sites. London: Taylor & Francis Group Plc, 2003.
Find full textInternational Conference on Brownfield Sites: Assessment, Rehabilitation, and Development. (4th 2008 Cephalonia, Greece). Brownfield sites IV: Prevention, assessment, rehabilitation and development of brownfield sites. Edited by Brebbia C. A and Beriatos Ēlias. Southampton, UK: WIT, 2008.
Find full textUrban, Colette. The performance sites of Colette Urban. Windsor, ON: Art Gallery of Windsor, 2001.
Find full textKumar, Om. Sites and services in urban housing in India. New Delhi: Ess Ess Publications, 1987.
Find full textLane, Malcolm. The management of archaeology on urban development sites. Dublin: University College Dublin, 1998.
Find full textRedevelopment of industrial sites: Strategies for reclaiming the urban landscape. Hoboken, N.J: John Wiley & Sons, 2010.
Find full textHanna, Steven R. Wind flow and vapor cloud dispersion at industrial and urban sites. New York, NY: American Institute of Chemical Engineers, 2004.
Find full textCarrillo, Irma Magaña, and Carmen Padín Fabeiro. La identidad del centro histórico de la ciudad de Colima: Un modelo sistémico-estratégico. Colima, Colima, México: Universidad de Colima, 2009.
Find full textTowards an urbanism of entanglement: Site explorations in polarised Danish urban landscapes. Aarhus: Arkitektskolens forlag, 2011.
Find full textGender in urban Europe: Sites of political activity and citizenship, 1750-1900. New York: Routledge, 2014.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Urban and industrialized sites"
Thornbush, Mary J., and Sylvia E. Thornbush. "Urban Sites." In Heritage Stone Conservation in Urban Churchyards, 5–16. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2018.
Full textGenske, Dieter D. "Remediating Sites of Warfare." In Urban Land, 261–69. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2003.
Full textGenske, Dieter D. "Remediating Sites of Resource Extraction." In Urban Land, 249–60. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2003.
Full textLee-Smith, Diana, and Olufunke Cofie. "Urban food production sites." In The Routledge Handbook of Urban Ecology, 303–11. Other titles: Handbook of urban ecology Description: Second Edition. | New York: Routledge, 2020.: Routledge, 2020.
Full textMarins, R. V., L. D. Lacerda, and R. C. Villas Boas. "Relative Importance of Non-Point Sources of Mercury to an Industrialized Coastal System, Sepetiba Bay, SE Brazil." In Mercury Contaminated Sites, 207–20. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1999.
Full textBell, Simon, Anna Wilczynńska, and Jekaterina Balicka. "Docklands, harbours and post-industrial sites." In Urban Blue Spaces, 372–405. London: Routledge, 2021.
Full textHardman, Michael, and Peter J. Larkham. "Exploring Impact: Consulting Actors Surrounding Guerrilla Gardening Sites." In Urban Agriculture, 157–83. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2014.
Full textAkinwumi, Isaac I., Colin A. Booth, Oluwapelumi O. Ojuri, Adebanji S. Ogbiye, and Akinwale O. Coker. "Containment of Pollution from Urban Waste Disposal Sites." In Urban Pollution, 223–34. Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2018.
Full textMeuser, Helmut, and Robert H. M. Van de Graaff. "Characteristics of Natural and Urban Soils." In Dealing with Contaminated Sites, 91–136. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2010.
Full textMarker, Andreas, Marco Antonio Gunther, and Rodrigo C. Cunha. "Contaminated Sites and Urban Ecology in São Paulo, Brazil." In Urban Ecology, 446–50. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1998.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Urban and industrialized sites"
Dresnack, Robert, Eugene Golub, Joshua Greenfeld, F. H. (Bud) Griffis, and Louis J. Pignataro. "Effectiveness of U.S. and International Pipeline Regulations With Regard to Land Use Planning." In 1996 1st International Pipeline Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1996.
Full textLopes, M., M. L. Figueiredo, A. Monteiro, J. Ferreira, J. Martins, and C. Borrego. "A contribution to air quality management in urban industrialized areas." In AIR POLLUTION 2012. Southampton, UK: WIT Press, 2012.
Full textKumar, Rakesh, Harpreet S. Sawhney, Aydin Arpa, Supun Samarasekera, Manoj Aggrawal, Stephen Hsu, D. Nister, and Keith Hanna. "Immersive remote monitoring of urban sites." In AeroSense 2002, edited by Raja Suresh and William E. Roper. SPIE, 2002.
Full textEl Menchawy, A. "Urban regeneration in Mediterranean cities: an integrated urban development of Brownfield sites." In SUSTAINABLE CITY 2008. Southampton, UK: WIT Press, 2008.
Full textPerissin, Daniele, Claudio Prati, and Fabio Rocca. "ASAR parallel-track PS analysis in urban sites." In 2007 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. IEEE, 2007.
Full textStephens, C. T., R. Surolia, F. J. Li, Z. Wang, P. Singh, K. G. Dsouza, H. Zeng, et al. "Urban Superfund Sites and Impact on Local Community." In American Thoracic Society 2022 International Conference, May 13-18, 2022 - San Francisco, CA. American Thoracic Society, 2022.
Full textCruz, Herbert Melo, Breno da Cunha Costa, Gabriel Fonseca Reis, and Débora de Gois Santos. "Variabilidade do tempo no sistema construtivo em aço e a tendência dos sistemas industrializados." In XI SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE GESTÃO E ECONOMIA DA CONSTRUÇÃO. Antac, 2021.
Full textDoick, K. J., G. Sellers, T. R. Hutchings, and A. J. Moffat. "Brownfield sites turned green: realising sustainability in urban revival." In BROWNFIELDS 2006. Southampton, UK: WIT Press, 2006.
Full textVoronin, Viacheslav V., Maretta Kazaryan, and Mikhail Shahramanian. "The automated space-monitoring system of waste disposal sites." In Remote Sensing Technologies and Applications in Urban Environments, edited by Nektarios Chrysoulakis, Thilo Erbertseder, and Ying Zhang. SPIE, 2018.
Full textMuraca, Alessandro, and Matteo Balistrocchi. "Urban Runoff Management in High Concentration Industrial Sites: A Case Study." In Ninth International Conference on Urban Drainage (9ICUD). Reston, VA: American Society of Civil Engineers, 2002.
Full textReports on the topic "Urban and industrialized sites"
Desiderati, Christopher. Carli Creek Regional Water Quality Project: Assessing Water Quality Improvement at an Urban Stormwater Constructed Wetland. Portland State University, 2022.
Full textEhrhart, Brian David, Gabriela A. Bran Anleu, Dongmei Ye, Ethan Hecht, Alice Baca Muna, and Chris Bensdotter LaFleur. Hydrogen Stations for Urban Sites. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), October 2019.
Full textEhrhart, Brian, Gabriela Bran Anleu, Ethan Hecht, Alice Muna, Ethan Sena, and Carl Rivkin. Hydrogen Stations for Urban Sites Annual Progress Report. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), October 2018.
Full textPeck, Lindamae, Peter Styles, and Sam Toon. Characterization of Seismic Noise at Selected Non-Urban Sites. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, March 2010.
Full textEhrhart, Brian David, Gabriela A. Bran Anleu, Ethan Sena, Alice Baca Muna, Dongmei Ye, Ethan Hecht, and Carl Rivkin. Hydrogen Refueling Reference Station Lot Size Analysis for Urban Sites. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), March 2020.
Full textRobinson P. Khosah, John P. Shimshock, and Jerry L. Penland. COMPARATIVE EVALUATION OF AMBIENT FINE PARTICULATE MATTER (PM2.5) DATA OBTAINED FROM URBAN AND RURAL MONITORING SITES ALONG THE UPPER OHIO RIVER VALLEY. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), April 2004.
Full textRobinson P. Khosah, John P. Shimshock, and Jerry L. Penland. COMPARATIVE EVALUATION OF AMBIENT FINE PARTICULATE MATTER (PM2.5) DATA OBTAINED FROM URBAN AND RURAL MONITORING SITES ALONG THE UPPER OHIO RIVER VALLEY. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), October 2004.
Full textRobinson P. Khosah, John P. Shimshock, and Jerry L. Penland. COMPARATIVE EVALUATION OF AMBIENT FINE PARTICULATE MATTER (PM2.5) DATA OBTAINED FROM URBAN AND RURAL MONITORING SITES ALONG THE UPPER OHIO RIVER VALLEY. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), December 2004.
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