Academic literature on the topic 'UPb dating'
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Journal articles on the topic "UPb dating"
Erel, Yigal, Yehudit Harlavan, Mordechai Stein, and Joel D. Blum. "UPb dating of Fe-rich phases using a sequential leaching method." Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 61, no. 8 (April 1997): 1697–703.
Full textSteiger, Rudolf H., Ruth A. Bickel, and Martin Meier. "Conventional UPb dating of single fragments of zircon for petrogenetic studies of Phanerozoic granitoids." Earth and Planetary Science Letters 115, no. 1-4 (March 1993): 197–209.
Full textBerzin, S. V., and V. S. Chervyakovsky. "U-Pb zircon age of a sheeted dike complex in ophiolites in the structure of the Revdinsky massif, Ural Рlatinum Belt." LITHOSPHERE (Russia) 21, no. 6 (December 29, 2021): 849–66.
Full textBracciali, Laura, Randall R. Parrish, Matthew S. A. Horstwood, Daniel J. Condon, and Yani Najman. "UPb LA-(MC)-ICP-MS dating of rutile: New reference materials and applications to sedimentary provenance." Chemical Geology 347 (June 2013): 82–101.
Full textSchärer, Urs, Edith Wilmart, and Jean-Clair Duchesne. "The short duration and anorogenic character of anorthosite magmatism: UPb dating of the Rogaland complex, Norway." Earth and Planetary Science Letters 139, no. 3-4 (April 1996): 335–50.
Full textEvans, Jane, and Jan Zalasiewicz. "UPb, PbPb and SmNd dating of authigenic monazite: implications for the diagenetic evolution of the Welsh Basin." Earth and Planetary Science Letters 144, no. 3-4 (November 1996): 421–33.
Full textChen, Y. D., T. E. Krogh, and S. B. Lumbers. "Neoarchean trondhjemitic and tonalitic orthogneisses identified within the northern Grenville Province in Ontario by precise UPb dating and petrologic studies." Precambrian Research 72, no. 3-4 (April 1995): 263–81.
Full textRasmussen, Birger, Ian R. Fletcher, and Janet R. Muhling. "Dating deposition and low-grade metamorphism by in situ UPb geochronology of titanite in the Paleoproterozoic Timeball Hill Formation, southern Africa." Chemical Geology 351 (August 2013): 29–39.
Full textJones, C. E., A. N. Halliday, and K. C. Lohmann. "The impact of diagenesis on high-precision UPb dating of ancient carbonates: An example from the Late Permian of New Mexico." Earth and Planetary Science Letters 134, no. 3-4 (September 1995): 409–23.
Full textTucker, R. D., T. E. Krogh, R. J. Ross, and S. H. Williams. "Time-scale calibration by high-precision UPb zircon dating of interstratified volcanic ashes in the Ordovician and Lower Silurian stratotypes of Britain." Earth and Planetary Science Letters 100, no. 1-3 (October 1990): 51–58.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "UPb dating"
Bootes, Nathaniel R. "Late Cenozoic Offshore Record of Exhumation and Sediment Routing in Southeast Alaska from Detrital Zircon U/Pb and FT double-dating." University of Cincinnati / OhioLINK, 2020.
Full textBrown, Stephen. "Analyse structurale et âge des déformations cassantes à micro- et méso-échelle dans un bassin sédimentaire intracontinental : le cas du Bassin de Paris." Electronic Thesis or Diss., CY Cergy Paris Université, 2024.
Full textThe intracontinental domain is located far from tectonic plate margins, where significant stress can accumulate. Deformation of the intraplate domain is a consequence of stress transmission from plate boundaries. It results in lithospheric buckling, regional deformations, and meso to microscale fracture networks. These intraplate deformations reflect the nature of stress regimes at continental plate boundaries. They often have a heterogeneous distribution, and on a regional scale, are frequently impacted by the directions of pre-existing faults or weaknesses. The role of a structural inheritance remains to be shown on a micro and mesoscale.Understanding intraplate deformation is crucial for assessing geological hazards and fluid circulation in the context of subsurface solicitation. This is especially true in densely populated areas with substantial underground infrastructure. In this PhD, we investigate the geometries, distribution, kinematics, and timing of these intraplate deformations within the intracontinental Paris Sedimentary Basin, with the city of Paris at its center.To achieve this and to attempt to link the different scales of structures, we use multiple techniques, combining fieldwork and laboratory work, in order to approach the problem from two different scales: the mesoscale (metric to centimetric) and microscale (centimetric to millimetric). The structural analyses include calculating paleostress fields from microtectonic data collected in the field and in-situ U-Pb absolute dating of synkinematic calcites and calcitic veins. The microscale is investigated through the inversion of magnetic susceptibility and P-wave velocity data to characterize the internal microstructures of rock samples.The data show that an extensive network of multi-directional brittle joints exists and is expressed at different scales. In chalk samples for example, the measured anisotropy of P-wave velocity reflects the directions of mesoscale joints measured in the field. When the applied shear stress exceeds the shear strength of the joint, failure occurs. This can manifest as sliding or fracturing along the joint plane. Thus, some of the joints are reactivated later. Evidences of faulting, while less common than joints, also exist in the Paris Basin. Calculated paleostress tensors indicate mostly strike-slip faulting regimes with maximal principal stress axes (sigma1) roughly N-S. This direction is concordant with the N-S orientation of Pyrenean compression more so than Alpine compression or Tertiary extension at the origin of the European rifted continental basins. Furthermore, through in-situ U-Pb dating of calcite mineralized along fault planes or within veins, we show that the Late Cretaceous to Eocene timing of the fault network is more aligned with the Pyrenean Orogeny than the Alpine Orogeny or the European Cenozoic Rift System (ECRIS)
Demory, François. "Paleomagnetic dating of climatic events in Late Quaternary sediments of Lake Baikal (Siberia)." Phd thesis, Universität Potsdam, 2004.
Full textLake Baikal provides an excellent climatic archive for Central Eurasia as global climatic variations are continuously depicted in its sediments. We performed continuous rock magnetic and paleomagnetic analyses on hemipelagic sequences retrieved from 4 underwater highs reaching back 300 ka. The rock magnetic study combined with TEM, XRD, XRF and geochemical analyses evidenced that a magnetite of detrital origin dominates the magnetic signal in glacial sediments whereas interglacial sediments are affected by early diagenesis. HIRM roughly quantifies the hematite and goethite contributions and remains the best proxy for estimating the detrital input in Lake Baikal. Relative paleointensity records of the earth′s magnetic field show a reproducible pattern, which allows for correlation with well-dated reference curves and thus provides an alternative age model for Lake Baikal sediments. Using the paleomagnetic age model we observed that cooling in the Lake Baikal region and cooling of the sea surface water in the North Atlantic, as recorded in planktonic foraminifera δ18 O, are coeval. On the other hand, benthic δ18 O curves record mainly the global ice volume change, which occurs later than the sea surface temperature change. This proves that a dating bias results from an age model based on the correlation of Lake Baikal sedimentary records with benthic δ18 O curves. The compilation of paleomagnetic curves provides a new relative paleointensity curve, “Baikal 200”. With a laser-assisted grain size analysis of the detrital input, three facies types, reflecting different sedimentary dynamics can be distinguished. (1) Glacial periods are characterised by a high clay content mostly due to wind activity and by occurrence of a coarse fraction (sand) transported over the ice by local winds. This fraction gives evidence for aridity in the hinterland. (2) At glacial/interglacial transitions, the quantity of silt increases as the moisture increases, reflecting increased sedimentary dynamics. Wind transport and snow trapping are the dominant process bringing silt to a hemipelagic site (3) During the climatic optimum of the Eemian, the silt size and quantity are minimal due to blanketing of the detrital sources by the vegetal cover.
Kleinwächter, Kai, and Martin Anselm Meyerhoff. "Türkei : Daten und Fakten." Universität Potsdam, 2008.
Full textKralemann, Björn Christian. "Die Rekonstruktion invarianter Phasenmodelle aus Daten." Phd thesis, Universität Potsdam, 2010.
Full textThe aim of this work is to bridge the gap between the theoretical description of the phase dynamics of coupled oscillators and the application of the theory to model reconstruction from time series analysis. In the theory, the phase of a self-sustained oscillator is defined in an unambiguous way, whereas the standard techniques used to estimate phases from given time series provide observabledependent results, so that generally these estimates deviate from the true phase. To stress this crucial issue, we term the observable-dependent phase-like variables as protophases. The main goal of this work is to develop a deterministic transformation from arbitrary protophases to the true, unique phase of the selfsustained oscillator. This approach allows us to obtain an invariant description of coupled oscillators and of their interaction. The application of the transformation and its efficiency are illustrated by means of numerical examples, as well as by the reconstruction of phase models of the cardiorespiratory interaction from multivariate time series of ECG, pulse and respiration. Next, the transformation from protophases to phases is extended for the case of three coupled oscillators. Finally, we go beyond the phase approximation and extend the phase transformation for autonomous oscillators to the case when the amplitude dynamics cannot be neglected. This technique for example allows us to compute numerically the isochrones of the chaotic Roessler system.
Skrobot, Sarah L. "Dating and Hooking up: An Analysis of Hooking up as a Campus Norm and the Impact on Women's Self Perception." Ohio University / OhioLINK, 2010.
Full textAngiolini, Giacomo. "Ottimizzazione di protocolli di trasmissione dati tramite interfaccia usb implementati su fpga." Bachelor's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2014.
Full textBetzin, Jörg. "Ein korrespondenzanalytischer Ansatz für Pfadmodelle mit kategorialen Daten." Universität Potsdam, 1996.
Full textFrieg, Hendrike, and Eva Belke. "Ein Verfahren zur altersübergreifenden Analyse schriftsprachlicher Daten in der Grundschule." Universität Potsdam, 2013.
Full textNeri, Lorenzo. "Progetto e realizzazione di un sistema UWB per comunicazioni audio e dati a breve raggio." Bachelor's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2016.
Full textBooks on the topic "UPb dating"
Patricia, Hutchison, ed. Hang-ups, hook-ups, and holding out: Stuff you need to know about your body, sex, and dating. Deerfield Beach [Fla.]: Health Communications, 2008.
Find full textGreenspan, Sam. 11 points guide to hooking up: Lists and advice about first dates, hotties, scandals, pick-ups, threesomes, and booty calls. New York: Skyhorse Pub., 2010.
Find full textWierenga, Kathy. Double exposure: Real faith meets real life. Minneapolis, Minn: Bethany House, 2002.
Find full textPratesi, Giovanni, ed. Il Museo di Storia Naturale dell'Università degli Studi di Firenze. Le collezioni mineralogiche e litologiche | The Museum of Natural History of the University of Florence.The Mineralogical and Lithological Collections. Florence: Firenze University Press, 2012.
Full textDane, Bauer Marion, ed. Am I blue?: Coming out from the silence. New York: HarperCollins, 1994.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "UPb dating"
Petrowiste, Judicaël. "Des poêles, des chaudrons et des couvertures. Payer son impôt par des objets dans le bourg de Najac (1258-1273)." In Datini Studies in Economic History, 431–51. Florence: Firenze University Press, 2024.
Full textCoquery, Natacha. "Guerre, dirigisme, approvisionnement. Les marchandises de luxe, monnaie d’échanges alternative sous la Terreur." In Datini Studies in Economic History, 139–69. Florence: Firenze University Press, 2024.
Full textde Camargo Penteado, Sarah Kassim. "Social Protection in Mozambique from the 1990s to the 2000s." In International Impacts on Social Policy, 237–46. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022.
Full textJordanova, Neli, Diana Jordanova, and Maria Kostadinova-Avramova. "Synergy of Environmental Magnetism and Archaeomagnetism for the Benefit of Archaeology—State of the Art in Bulgaria." In One World Archaeology, 65–89. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2024.
Full textHill, Virginia, and Alexandru Mardale. "The dative/accusative alternations in Old Romanian." In Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today, 232–52. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2023.
Full textNederman, Cary J. "Convergences of Private Self-Interest and the Common Good in Medieval Europe: An Overview of Economic Theories, c. 1150–c. 1500." In Common Good and Self-Interest in Medieval and Early Modern Philosophy, 91–113. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2024.
Full textBührig-Hollmann, Annette. "Die Gruppendiskussion – Bilder über Bilder." In Die Unterrichtsnachbesprechung in der zweiten Phase der Lehrerausbildung, 205–44. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2023.
Full textMiles, Sam. "Let’s (not) Go Outside: Grindr, Hybrid Space, and Digital Queer Neighborhoods." In The Life and Afterlife of Gay Neighborhoods, 203–20. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.
Full text"2. From Dating to Hooking Up." In Hooking Up, 11–23. New York University Press, 2020.
Full textSun, Lu. "Mobile Dating." In Impacts of Mobile Use and Experience on Contemporary Society, 53–69. IGI Global, 2019.
Full textConference papers on the topic "UPb dating"
Panin, A., I. Arzhantseva, and V. Murasheva. "МЕТОДЫ СОГЛАСОВАНИЯ ВАРИАЦИЙ И АСТРОФИЗИЧЕСКИХ МАРКЕРОВ В СРЕДНЕВЕКОВОЙ АРХЕОЛОГИИ." In Радиоуглерод в археологии и палеоэкологии: прошлое, настоящее, будущее. Материалы международной конференции, посвященной 80-летию старшего научного сотрудника ИИМК РАН, кандидата химических наук Ганны Ивановны Зайцевой. Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education, 2020.
Full textSchlenger, R., D. Schneider, G. Dötsch, and G. Naumann. "Unilaterale pectineale Suspension (UPS) – Präliminäre Daten einer innovativen netzfreien endoskopischen Uterusfixation." In Kongressabstracts zur 16. Jahrestagung der Mitteldeutschen Gesellschaft für Frauenheilkunde und Geburtshilfe e.V. (MGFG). Georg Thieme Verlag, 2023.
Full textOcaña, Kary, Micaella Coelho, Guilherme Freire, and Carla Osthoff. "High-Performance Computing of BEAST/BEAGLE in Bayesian Phylogenetics using SDumont Hybrid Resources." In Brazilian e-Science Workshop. Sociedade Brasileira de Computação - SBC, 2020.
Full textЗацаринный, С. В. "Brushstone from excavations conducted in 2014 in the Tula Kremlin (connected to the chronology of biconical weights)." In Археология Подмосковья: Материалы научного семинара. Crossref, 2019.
Full textAksenov, A. O., D. Yu Bolshiyanov, S. A. Pravkin, and G. B. Lebedev. "Results of Optically Stimulated Luminescence Dating of Holocene Shoreline Formations of Lake Ladoga." In Всероссийская конференция и полевой симпозиум, 4–6. ФИЦ КНЦ РАН, 2024.
Full textZimmerling, Anton. "RUSSIAN PREDICATIVES AND FREQUENCY METRICS." In INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE on Computational Linguistics and Intellectual Technologies. RSUH, 2023.
Full textMalkov, B. A., and V. V. Kuratov. "ZIRCONS IN THE ZONAL DUNITE-CLINOPYROXENITE OREBEARING MASSIFS OF THE CONDER AND URAL-ALASKAN TYPES - CHRONOMETERS AND INDICATORS OF GLOBAL STAGING AND GALACTIC PERIODICITY OF THE FORMATION OF GEOSTRUCTURES AND EARTH’S MATTER." In Проблемы минералогии, петрографии и металлогении. Научные чтения памяти П. Н. Чирвинского. Пермский государственный национальный исследовательский университет, 2021.
Full textСупренков, А. А., М. А. Топоривская, Н. Ю. Требухина, and В. В. Фролов. "Tyritaka rampart in the Eastern Crimea. New chronology data." In Древности Боспора. Crossref, 2023.
Full textGermani, Alfonso. "Restoration of historical street names in the old city of Fiume/Rijeka." In International Conference on Onomastics “Name and Naming”. Editura Mega, 2022.
Full textFaidy, Claude. "Fatigue of Stainless Steel Components: Toward Codified Rules Improvements." In 2013 21st International Conference on Nuclear Engineering. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2013.
Full textReports on the topic "UPb dating"
Andrawes, Bassem, Isaias Colombani, Md Abdul Hamid Mirdad, and Alexander Chen. Load Rating of Reinforced Concrete Slab Bridges Using Field Testing. Illinois Center for Transportation, December 2024.
Full textLeitner, Karl-Heinz, Georg Zahradnik, Bernhard Dachs, and Robert Hawlik. Ex-post-Evaluierung der Pilotförderungaktion für Inkubatoren JumpStart Phase 1 und Phase 2. AIT - Austrian Institute of Technology, October 2021.
Full textDownes, Jane, ed. Chalcolithic and Bronze Age Scotland: ScARF Panel Report. Society for Antiquaries of Scotland, September 2012.
Full textKarlstrom, Karl, Laura Crossey, Allyson Matthis, and Carl Bowman. Telling time at Grand Canyon National Park: 2020 update. National Park Service, April 2021.
Full textKing, E. L., A. Normandeau, T. Carson, P. Fraser, C. Staniforth, A. Limoges, B. MacDonald, F. J. Murrillo-Perez, and N. Van Nieuwenhove. Pockmarks, a paleo fluid efflux event, glacial meltwater channels, sponge colonies, and trawling impacts in Emerald Basin, Scotian Shelf: autonomous underwater vehicle surveys, William Kennedy 2022011 cruise report. Natural Resources Canada/CMSS/Information Management, 2022.
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