Journal articles on the topic 'Unmeasured confounders'
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Burne, Rebecca M., and Michal Abrahamowicz. "Adjustment for time-dependent unmeasured confounders in marginal structural Cox models using validation sample data." Statistical Methods in Medical Research 28, no. 2 (August 24, 2017): 357–71.
Full textHandorf, Elizabeth A., Daniel F. Heitjan, Justin E. Bekelman, and Nandita Mitra. "Estimating cost-effectiveness from claims and registry data with measured and unmeasured confounders." Statistical Methods in Medical Research 28, no. 7 (February 22, 2018): 2227–42.
Full textRodday, Angie Mae, Theresa Hahn, Peter K. Lindenauer, and Susan K. Parsons. "67409 Quantifying Unmeasured Confounding in Relationship between Treatment Intensity and Outcomes among Older Patients with Hodgkin Lymphoma (HL) using Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Results (SEER)-Medicare Data." Journal of Clinical and Translational Science 5, s1 (March 2021): 49–50.
Full textYin, Xiang, Elizabeth Stuart, Mehmet Burcu, Mark Stewart, Elizabeth B. Lamont, and Ruthanna Davi. "Assessing the impact of unmeasured confounding in external control arms via tipping point analyses." Journal of Clinical Oncology 42, no. 16_suppl (June 1, 2024): e23065-e23065.
Full textPalta, Mari, and Tzy-Jyun Yao. "Analysis of Longitudinal Data with Unmeasured Confounders." Biometrics 47, no. 4 (December 1991): 1355.
Full textSzarewski, A., and D. Mansour. "Study subject to unmeasured confounders and biases." BMJ 342, may31 1 (May 31, 2011): d3349.
Full textNavadeh, Soodabeh, Ali Mirzazadeh, Willi McFarland, Phillip Coffin, Mohammad Chehrazi, Kazem Mohammad, Maryam Nazemipour, Mohammad Ali Mansournia, Lawrence C. McCandless, and Kimberly Page. "Unsafe Injection Is Associated with Higher HIV Testing after Bayesian Adjustment for Unmeasured Confounding." Archives of Iranian Medicine 23, no. 12 (December 1, 2020): 848–55.
Full textMcCandless, Lawrence C. "Meta-Analysis of Observational Studies with Unmeasured Confounders." International Journal of Biostatistics 8, no. 2 (January 6, 2012): 1–31.
Full textFlanders, W. Dana. "Negative-Control Exposures: Adjusting for Unmeasured and Measured Confounders With Bounds for Remaining Bias." Epidemiology 34, no. 6 (September 26, 2023): 850–53.
Full textLuiz, Ronir Raggio, and Maria Deolinda Borges Cabral. "Sensitivity analysis for an unmeasured confounder: a review of two independent methods." Revista Brasileira de Epidemiologia 13, no. 2 (June 2010): 188–98.
Full textCabral, Maria Deolinda Borges, and Ronir Raggio Luiz. "Sensitivity analysis for unmeasured confounders using an electronic spreadsheet." Revista de Saúde Pública 41, no. 3 (June 2007): 446–52.
Full textGroenwold, Rolf H. H., Jonathan A. C. Sterne, Debbie A. Lawlor, Karel G. M. Moons, Arno W. Hoes, and Kate Tilling. "Sensitivity analysis for the effects of multiple unmeasured confounders." Annals of Epidemiology 26, no. 9 (September 2016): 605–11.
Full textHauptman, Paul J., and John T. Chibnall. "Unmeasured Confounders and Predictive Models: What's Your C-Statistic?" Journal of Cardiac Failure 21, no. 11 (November 2015): 857–58.
Full textWyss, Richard, Mark Lunt, M. Alan Brookhart, Robert J. Glynn, and Til Stürmer. "Reducing Bias Amplification in the Presence of Unmeasured Confounding through Out-of-Sample Estimation Strategies for the Disease Risk Score." Journal of Causal Inference 2, no. 2 (September 1, 2014): 131–46.
Full textLeow, Jeffrey J., Alexander P. Cole, Maxine Sun, and Quoc-Dien Trinh. "Association of Androgen Deprivation Therapy With Alzheimer’s Disease: Unmeasured Confounders." Journal of Clinical Oncology 34, no. 23 (August 10, 2016): 2801–3.
Full textMcGowan, Lucy D’Agostino. "tipr: An R package for sensitivity analyses for unmeasured confounders." Journal of Open Source Software 7, no. 77 (September 5, 2022): 4495.
Full textLi, Yun, Yoonseok Lee, Friedrich K. Port, and Bruce M. Robinson. "The impact of unmeasured within- and between-cluster confounding on the bias of effect estimatorsof a continuous exposure." Statistical Methods in Medical Research 29, no. 8 (November 7, 2019): 2119–39.
Full textLiang, Wenbin, and Tanya Chikritzhs. "Examining the Relationship between Heavy Alcohol Use and Assaults: With Adjustment for the Effects of Unmeasured Confounders." BioMed Research International 2015 (2015): 1–10.
Full textKuroki, Manabu. "Identificability Criteria for Total Effects in the Presence of Unmeasured Confounders." Japanese journal of applied statistics 36, no. 2/3 (2007): 71–85.
Full textStürmer, Til, Robert J. Glynn, Kenneth J. Rothman, Jerry Avorn, and Sebastian Schneeweiss. "Adjustments for Unmeasured Confounders in Pharmacoepidemiologic Database Studies Using External Information." Medical Care 45, Suppl 2 (October 2007): S158—S165.
Full textSchneeweiss, Sebastian, Robert J. Glynn, Elizabeth H. Tsai, Jerry Avorn, and Daniel H. Solomon. "Adjusting for Unmeasured Confounders in Pharmacoepidemiologic Claims Data Using External Information." Epidemiology 16, no. 1 (January 2005): 17–24.
Full textArah, Onyebuchi A., Yasutaka Chiba, and Sander Greenland. "Bias Formulas for External Adjustment and Sensitivity Analysis of Unmeasured Confounders." Annals of Epidemiology 18, no. 8 (August 2008): 637–46.
Full textKuroki, Manabu, and Zhihong Cai. "Formulating tightest bounds on causal effects in studies with unmeasured confounders." Statistics in Medicine 27, no. 30 (September 9, 2008): 6597–611.
Full textHuang, Lihong, Jianbing Ma, Xiaochun Qiu, and Tao Suo. "Assess the Application of the E-Value in the Unmeasured Confounder Evaluation of Observational Pharmaceutical Studies." Scientific Programming 2021 (October 12, 2021): 1–10.
Full textLin, D. Y., B. M. Psaty, and R. A. Kronmal. "Assessing the Sensitivity of Regression Results to Unmeasured Confounders in Observational Studies." Biometrics 54, no. 3 (September 1998): 948.
Full textGuertin, Jason R., Elham Rahme, and Jacques LeLorier. "Performance of the high-dimensional propensity score in adjusting for unmeasured confounders." European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 72, no. 12 (August 30, 2016): 1497–505.
Full textGroenwold, R., A. Hoes, K. Nichol, and E. Hak. "Quantifying the potential role of unmeasured confounders: the example of influenza vaccination." International Journal of Epidemiology 37, no. 6 (August 25, 2008): 1422–29.
Full textZöller, Daniela, Leesa F. Wockner, and Harald Binder. "Automatic variable selection for exposure‐driven propensity score matching with unmeasured confounders." Biometrical Journal 62, no. 3 (March 23, 2020): 868–84.
Full textKaloth, Srivarsha, and Aayush Visaria. "The implications of unmeasured confounders on sleep's complex relationship with cardiometabolic health." Journal of Hypertension 42, no. 2 (January 4, 2024): 383–84.
Full textMcCandless, Lawrence C., and Julian M. Somers. "Bayesian sensitivity analysis for unmeasured confounding in causal mediation analysis." Statistical Methods in Medical Research 28, no. 2 (September 7, 2017): 515–31.
Full textLi, Lin, Tyra Lagerberg, Zheng Chang, Samuele Cortese, Mina A. Rosenqvist, Catarina Almqvist, Brian M. D’Onofrio, et al. "Maternal pre-pregnancy overweight/obesity and the risk of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in offspring: a systematic review, meta-analysis and quasi-experimental family-based study." International Journal of Epidemiology 49, no. 3 (April 26, 2020): 857–75.
Full textZhang, Xiang, James D. Stamey, and Maya B. Mathur. "Assessing the impact of unmeasured confounders for credible and reliable real‐world evidence." Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety 29, no. 10 (September 14, 2020): 1219–27.
Full textMa, Yiqun, Federica Nobile, Anne Marb, Robert Dubrow, Massimo Stafoggia, Susanne Breitner, Patrick L. Kinney, and Kai Chen. "Short-Term Exposure to Fine Particulate Matter and Nitrogen Dioxide and Mortality in 4 Countries." JAMA Network Open 7, no. 3 (March 1, 2024): e2354607.
Full textShaheen, Seif O., Cecilia Lundholm, Bronwyn K. Brew, and Catarina Almqvist. "Prescribed analgesics in pregnancy and risk of childhood asthma." European Respiratory Journal 53, no. 5 (March 17, 2019): 1801090.
Full textBrew, Bronwyn K., Tong Gong, Dylan M. Williams, Henrik Larsson, and Catarina Almqvist. "Using fathers as a negative control exposure to test the Developmental Origins of Health and Disease Hypothesis: A case study on maternal distress and offspring asthma using Swedish register data." Scandinavian Journal of Public Health 45, no. 17_suppl (July 2017): 36–40.
Full textTozzi, Viola, Aitana Lertxundi, Jesus M. Ibarluzea, and Michela Baccini. "Causal Effects of Prenatal Exposure to PM2.5 on Child Development and the Role of Unobserved Confounding." International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 16, no. 22 (November 9, 2019): 4381.
Full textVanderWeele, Tyler J., and Onyebuchi A. Arah. "Bias Formulas for Sensitivity Analysis of Unmeasured Confounding for General Outcomes, Treatments, and Confounders." Epidemiology 22, no. 1 (January 2011): 42–52.
Full textCai, Zhuangyu, and Babette A. Brumback. "Model-based standardization to adjust for unmeasured cluster-level confounders with complex survey data." Statistics in Medicine 34, no. 15 (April 8, 2015): 2368–80.
Full textSchneeweiss, Sebastian. "Sensitivity analysis and external adjustment for unmeasured confounders in epidemiologic database studies of therapeutics." Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety 15, no. 5 (2006): 291–303.
Full textHwang, S., A. Verhoek, M. Diamond, and M. Rutherford. "MSR130 Current Trends in Quantitative Bias Analysis for Unmeasured Confounders: A Targeted Literature Review." Value in Health 26, no. 12 (December 2023): S418.
Full textEzzalfani, Monia, Raphaël Porcher, Alexia Savignoni, Suzette Delaloge, Thomas Filleron, Mathieu Robain, and David Pérol. "Addressing the issue of bias in observational studies: Using instrumental variables and a quasi-randomization trial in an ESME research project." PLOS ONE 16, no. 9 (September 15, 2021): e0255017.
Full textByun, Garam, Ho Kim, Sun-Young Kim, Seung-Sup Kim, Hannah Oh, and Jong-Tae Lee. "Validity evaluation of indirect adjustment method for multiple unmeasured confounders: A simulation and empirical study." Environmental Research 204 (March 2022): 111992.
Full textBjörk, Jonas, and Ulf Strömberg. "Model specification and unmeasured confounders in partially ecologic analyses based on group proportions of exposed." Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health 31, no. 3 (June 2005): 184–90.
Full textMcCandless, Lawrence C., Paul Gustafson, and Adrian R. Levy. "A sensitivity analysis using information about measured confounders yielded improved uncertainty assessments for unmeasured confounding." Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 61, no. 3 (March 2008): 247–55.
Full textErly, Steven J., Christine M. Khosropour, Anjum Hajat, Monisha Sharma, Jennifer R. Reuer, and Julia C. Dombrowski. "AIDS Drug Assistance Program disenrollment is associated with loss of viral suppression beyond differences in homelessness, mental health, and substance use disorders: An evaluation in Washington state 2017–2019." PLOS ONE 18, no. 5 (May 4, 2023): e0285326.
Full textDuke, Naomi, and Ross Macmillan. "Schooling, Skills, and Self-rated Health." Sociology of Education 89, no. 3 (June 22, 2016): 171–206.
Full textArah, Onyebuchi A. "Bias Analysis for Uncontrolled Confounding in the Health Sciences." Annual Review of Public Health 38, no. 1 (March 20, 2017): 23–38.
Full textSchroeder, Mary C., Cole G. Chapman, Elizabeth A. Chrischilles, June Wilwert, Kathleen M. Schneider, Jennifer G. Robinson, and John M. Brooks. "Generating Practice-Based Evidence in the Use of Guideline-Recommended Combination Therapy for Secondary Prevention of Acute Myocardial Infarction." Pharmacy 10, no. 6 (November 3, 2022): 147.
Full textXu, Stanley, Christina L. Clarke, Sophia R. Newcomer, Matthew F. Daley, and Jason M. Glanz. "Sensitivity analyses of unmeasured and partially‐measured confounders using multiple imputation in a vaccine safety study." Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety 30, no. 9 (May 31, 2021): 1200–1213.
Full textThygesen, Lau Caspar, Anton Pottegård, Annette Kjaer Ersbøll, Søren Friis, Til Stürmer, and Jesper Hallas. "External adjustment of unmeasured confounders in a case-control study of benzodiazepine use and cancer risk." British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 83, no. 11 (July 12, 2017): 2517–27.
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