Academic literature on the topic 'UniverCM'

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Journal articles on the topic "UniverCM"


Guglielmo, Luigi Di, Franco Fummi, Graziano Pravadelli, Francesco Stefanni, and Sara Vinco. "UNIVERCM: The UNIversal VERsatile Computational Model for Heterogeneous System Integration." IEEE Transactions on Computers 62, no. 2 (February 2013): 225–41.

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Potočnik Mesarić, Tanja. "Vpliv globalizacije na neoliberalne oblike internacionalizacije univerze." Andragoška spoznanja 23, no. 4 (December 29, 2017): 87–101.

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Globalizacija je proces, ki zaznamuje praktično vse sfere družbenega življenja, tudi izobraževanje oziroma konkretneje univerzo, z njenim izrednim študijem pa tudi izobraževanje odraslih. Internacionalizacija je bistvena konstitutivna lastnost univerze (poleg akademske svobode, avtonomije, kolegialnega vodenja in elitnosti), ki je skozi čas, predvsem v obdobju nacionalne zaprtosti, zbledela. Vsako zgodovinsko obdobje je univerzi in njeni internacionalizaciji dalo neizbrisan pečat, zato moramo novodobni proces ponovne internacionalizacije univerze razumeti v kontekstu današnjih neoliberalnih motivov. Univerza si mora prizadevati, da obdrži svoj konstitutivni člen – internacionalizacijo, pri čemer pa bo morala braniti svoje akademske korenine nasproti neoliberalnim tržnim vplivom (na primer GATS), ki poleg vprašljive kakovosti prinašajo tudi skrb vzbujajoči akademski imperializem.
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Šantej, Alijana. "Razvoj in poslanstvo slovenske univerze za tretje življenjsko obdobje." Andragoška spoznanja 15, no. 3 (December 1, 2009): 22–30.

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Avtorica v članku predstavi zgodovino, rast in poslanstvo Univerze za tretje življenjsko obdobje skozi petindvajset let njenega delovanja. Univerza za tretje življenjsko obdobje je rezultat dolgoletnega prostovoljnega dela strokovnjakov s področja izobraževanja odraslih, pa tudi prostovoljnega dela mentorjev in številnih slušateljev te organizacije. Njeno temeljno poslanstvo so izobraževanje starejših za osebnostni razvoj, vključenost starejših v družbo, prav tako pa tudi spreminjanje pogleda na starost in staranje in s tem družbenega položaja starejših. Avtorica v nadaljevanju opiše, kako poteka študij na Univerzi za tretje življenjsko obdobje in predstavi študijske programe ter strukturo slušateljev po spolu, starosti in izobrazbi. Posebej predstavi mrežo 39 slovenskih univerz za tretje življenjsko obdobje, ki so se skozi petindvajset let razvile v vseh večji mestih in krajih Slovenije.
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Percy, Keith. "Učenje v poznejših letih: univerze, poučevanje, medgeneracijsko učenje in kohezivnost skupnosti." Andragoška spoznanja 19, no. 2 (July 7, 2013): 29.

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Na področju učenja v poznejših letih ni ustaljenih pojmov. Članek sprva opozori, da posplošitvam o učenju starejših ne kaže zaupati in da se načini obravnave spreminjajo skozi čas. Srečujemo se z vrsto trditev o tem, kateri načini učenja in poučevanja naj bi bili primerni za starejše, vendar je za večino v empiričnih raziskavah najti le malo podpore. Članek se potem usmeri na oceno manjšega inovativnega projekta, ki je potekal na Univerzi Lancaster v letih 2009/10 in ga je financirala britanska vlada. V projektu so skušali člane skupine lokalne univerze za tretje življenjsko obdobje pritegniti k učnim dejavnostim v bližnjem univerzitetnem centru, pri čemer so uporabili študijsko ponudbo na preddiplomski stopnji. Namen projekta je bil preveriti pomisleke, ki naj bi jih imeli člani univerze za tretje življenjsko obdobje glede povezave z javno visokošolsko ustanovo in s tem izgube »čistosti« načela samopomoči pri učenju starejših, značilnega za britanske univerze za tretje življenjsko obdobje, na račun bolj formalnih oblik učenja. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da je večina starejših, ki so bili vključeni v projekt, cenila možnost uporabe univerzitetnih učnih virov in da jih ideologija britanskih univerz za tretje življenjsko obdobje pri tem ni ovirala. Nadalje se kaže, da je s prisotnostjo starejših pridobila tudi univerza, morda pa tudi okoliška skupnost. Sledi krajša razprava o pomenu teh ugotovitev za medgeneracijsko učenje, za kohezivnost skupnosti in za marginalizirane starejše. Članek se zaključi z mislijo, da bi se britanske univerze morale oz. mogle bolj dinamično in izrazito zavzeti za odpiranje učnih možnosti za starejše.
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Jelenc Krašovec, Sabina. "Preoblikovanje univerze." Andragoška spoznanja 8, no. 2 (December 1, 2002): 36–51.

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Prispevek govori o razvojnih usmeritvah in moznostih za spreminjanje univerze v uceci se druzbi. Ob tern je nakazano, kako naj bi se univerza v uceci se druzbi spreminjala, kaksno ucenje naj bi spodbujala in kako bi prispevala k razvijanju kriticnosti v druzbi. V prispevku se postavlja vprasanje, kaksne inovacije bi bile na univerzi potrebne, da bi postala dejavni del ucece se druzbe.
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Petrič, Marko, and Ida Poljanšek. "Prof. dr. Primož Oven – prejemnik Zlate plakete Univerze v Ljubljani." Les/Wood 71, no. 2 (December 28, 2022): 67–72.

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Na Univerzi v Ljubljani (UL) je med 28. novembrom in 2. decembrom 2022 potekal Teden univerze in tudi letos, ob 103. rojstnem dnevu univerze, so bili predstavljeni najodličnejši raziskovalni dosežki, podeljeni častni nazivi, plakete, nagrade in priznanja vsem, ki so pripomogli, da je Univerza v Ljubljani iz leta v leto boljša. Na Oddelku za lesarstvo Biotehniške fakultete UL smo zelo ponosni, da je na slavnostni seji Senata Univerze v Ljubljani 29. 11. 2022 Zlato plaketo prejel tudi naš sodelavec, prof. dr. Primož Oven, vodja Katedre za kemijo lesa in druge lignocelulozne materiale. Prof. Oven je mednarodno uveljavljen raziskovalec in pedagog na področju proučevanja zvez med funkcijami, strukturami, kemizmom in lastnostmi lesa, biorafinacije ter valorizacije lesne biomase s poudarkom na pridobivanju in uporabi nanoceluloze in lesnih ekstraktivov. V akademskem in gospodarskem okolju promovira trajnostno izrabo lesa v krožnem biogospodarstvu in skrbi za ugled UL doma in v tujini.
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Jelenc Krašovec, Sabina. "Univerza kot del učeče se družbe." Andragoška spoznanja 7, no. 4 (December 1, 2001): 22–25.

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Posameznik ima danes na voljo različne vire in sredstva. To spreminja tudi razmerje moči med univerzo in drugimi organizacijami, ki so prožnejše in se bolj prilagajajo posamezniku. Znanje ni več nakopičeno le v univerzitetnih središčih, temveč je čedalje bolj razpršena. Ugotovitve kažejo, da se univerza, ki je prvi korak v akademski karieri ali strokovni uspešnosti, le počasi odziva na pobude po ustvarjanju » Učeče se družbe« ali pa se sploh ne. Razvoj učeče se družbe bi zahteval spreminjanje organizacije ter delovanja univerze in njeno drugačno povezovanje s subjekti v družbi. S tem univerza ne bi zanikala svojih bistvenih značilnosti. Izboljševala naj bi dostop odraslih do visokošolskega študija, se intenzivneje odpirala navzven in se na različnih ravneh povezovala z zunanjimi družbenimi subjekti (organizacijami, društvi, posamezniki idr.), tradicion alne metode poučevanja naj bi nadomeščala ali dopolnjevala z aktivnejšimi metodami poučevanja in učenja, v učni proces uvajala inovacije, ki so posledica tehnološkega, ekonomskega ter socialnega razvoja in postopno spreminjala svoje delovanje ter strukturo in tako postajala učeča se organizacija.
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Diachok, Natalia, and Artem Oblap. "PRINCIPLES OF COMPLINING OF DICTIONARY OF UNIVERBS (on the material of the game glossary)." Problems of General and Slavic Linguistics, no. 3 (July 1, 2019): 10–15.

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The paper is a practice to compile one of the parts of a dictionary of univerbs of the Russian language. Univerbal segment of lexicon of gamers, being cybergame players of Dota2, has determined object of the study. Subject of the study is declaring principles for lexicographic description of slangism univerbs. More and more active occurrence and functioning of univerbs in the context of different Russian-speaking slangism systems have stipulated the necessity to determine criteria to form lexical entry of each of the units under study. Objective of the study is to identify principles to form lexical entry of neological univerbs, to define its structure, and to generalize such basic characteristics of the units as unique and universal. Structural, descriptive, comparative, classificatory, and resumptive methods have been applied. Practical implication of the results may be used while studying neology of the Russian language. Conclusions. We believe that lexicographic description is the logic and required stage following the analytic studies of the units. They should be included in the corresponding dictionary type as a part of clearly structurized lexical entry demonstrating each unique and universal peculiarity of the units. Lexicographic description of univerbs relies upon a strict structure of lexical entry involving following structural elements: 1) univerb: а) ability to very, generic assignment, b) part-of-speech assignment, c) stylistic assignment; 2) its alternative word combination; 3) model of the word combination; 4) model of the univerb; 5) onomasiologic model where marker of onomasiologic basis coincides with the naming unit of lexical-semantic group; 6) lexical meaning of a univerb, being essentially more explanatory interpretation of alternative word combination; 7) univerbal type in terms of its origin; 8) qualification of a process of the univerb origination (according to a type, determined in p. 7); and 9) context of functioning of the univerb as well as identical word combination.
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Coghetto, Roland. "Non-Trivial Universes and Sequences of Universes." Formalized Mathematics 30, no. 1 (April 1, 2022): 53–66.

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Summary Universe is a concept which is present from the beginning of the creation of the Mizar Mathematical Library (MML) in several forms (Universe, Universe_closure, UNIVERSE) [25], then later as the_universe_of, [33], and recently with the definition GrothendieckUniverse [26], [11], [11]. These definitions are useful in many articles [28, 33, 8, 35], [19, 32, 31, 15, 6], but also [34, 12, 20, 22, 21], [27, 2, 3, 23, 16, 7, 4, 5]. In this paper, using the Mizar system [9] [10], we trivially show that Grothendieck’s definition of Universe as defined in [26], coincides with the original definition of Universe defined by Artin, Grothendieck, and Verdier (Chapitre 0 Univers et Appendice “Univers” (par N. Bourbaki) de l’Exposé I. “PREFAISCE-AUX”) [1], and how the different definitions of MML concerning universes are related. We also show that the definition of Universe introduced by Mac Lane ([18]) is compatible with the MML’s definition. Although a universe may be empty, we consider the properties of non-empty universes, completing the properties proved in [25]. We introduce the notion of “trivial” and “non-trivial” Universes, depending on whether or not they contain the set ω (NAT), following the notion of Robert M. Solovay2. The following result links the universes U 0 (FinSETS) and U 1 (SETS): Grothendieck Universe ω = Grothendieck Universe U 0 = U 1 {\rm{Grothendieck}}\,{\rm{Universe}}\,\omega = {\rm{Grothendieck}}\,{\rm{Universe}}\,{{\bf{U}}_0} = {{\bf{U}}_1} Before turning to the last section, we establish some trivial propositions allowing the construction of sets outside the considered universe. The last section is devoted to the construction, in Tarski-Grothendieck, of a tower of universes indexed by the ordinal numbers (See 8. Examples, Grothendieck universe, [24]). Grothendieck’s universe is referenced in current works: “Assuming the existence of a sufficient supply of (Grothendieck) univers”, Jacob Lurie in “Higher Topos Theory” [17], “Annexe B – Some results on Grothendieck universes”, Olivia Caramello and Riccardo Zanfa in “Relative topos theory via stacks” [13], “Remark 1.1.5 (quoting Michael Shulman [30])”, Emily Riehl in “Category theory in Context” [29], and more specifically “Strict Universes for Grothendieck Topoi” [14].
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Oven, Primož. "Zaslužni profesor, prof. dr. dr. h.c. Niko Torelli." Les/Wood 69, no. 2 (December 30, 2020): 125–31.

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Prof. dr. dr. h.c. Nikolaj Torelli je konec leta 2020 postal zaslužni profesor Univerze v Ljubljani. Naziv zaslužna profesorica in zaslužni profesor Univerza v Ljubljani podeljuje upokojenim profesoricam in profesorjem za prepoznaven prispevek pri delovanju, ugledu in razvoju Univerze v Ljubljani. V prispevku predstavljamo zaslužnega profesorja in njegovo delo.
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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "UniverCM"


Motta, Mariele Katherine Faria 1983. "The dark universe = observables and degeneracies = O universo escuro : observáveis e degenerecências." [s.n.], 2013.

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Orientador: Pedro Cunha de Holanda
Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Fisica Gleb Wataghin
Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-23T06:10:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Motta_MarieleKatherineFaria_D.pdf: 1550492 bytes, checksum: f768e755d887ba2e47b72fc56b22c14f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013
Resumo: Gostaríamos de explorar as consequências da ausência de conhecimento prévio sobre o modelo correto para energia escura que permita interpretar as observações cosmológicas. A magnitude das distorções no espaço de redshift e da lente gravitacional fraca é determinada pela métrica na quais galáxias e luzes se propagam. Mostramos que, com observações precisas o suficiente, é possível utilizar estes dados para reconstruir a métrica no nosso cone de luz passado e portanto, o stress-anisotrópico e os potenciais gravitacionais podem ser medidos independentemente de modelo. Exploramos a degenerescência escura, ou o fato de que matéria e energia escura são indistinguíveis pois afetam o setor visível apenas através dos potenciais gravitacionais que produzem. Esta degenerescência permanece a menos que se suponha um modelo para energia escura: o bias entre galáxias e perturbações de matéria escura não pode ser determinado; e apenas quando o princípio da equivalência é assegurado, pode-se identificar a velocidade da matéria escura com a das galáxias. Mesmo com estas limitações, é possível construir testes para classes de modelos de energia escura que se baseiam em medidas em diferentes escalas e redshifts e não dependem de parametrizações ou condições iniciais. Demonstramos como se pode descartar a classe mais geral de modelos escalares-tensoriais sem precisar supor a validade do regime quasi-estático. Finalmente, discutimos como a degenerência escura se manifesta em uma análise dependente de modelo
Abstract: We would like to explore the consequences of having no prior knowledge about the correct model for dark energy that would allow us to interpret observations. The magnitude of redshift-space distortions and weak gravitational lensing is determined by the metric on which galaxies and light propagate. With precise enough observations it is then possible to use this data to reconstruct the metric on our past lightcone, therefore anisotropic stress and gravitational potentials can be measured in a model-independent way. We explore the dark degeneracy, or the fact that dark matter and dark energy are indistinguishable, for they affect the visible sector only through the gravitational potential they produce. This degeneracy remains unless a dark energy model is provided: the bias between dark matter and galaxies cannot be determined; and only when the Equivalence Principle is valid, one can identify the velocities of dark matter with that of the galaxies. In spite of these limitations, it is possible to construct tests for classes of dark energy models that are based on measurements at different scales and redshifts and do not depend on parametrizations or initial conditions. We demonstrate how one can rule out the most general class of scalar-tensor models without having to assume quasi-staticity. Finally, we discuss how the dark degeneracy manifests itself in a model-dependent analysis
Doutora em Ciências
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McCabe, Gordon. "Universe creation." Thesis, University of Reading, 1999.

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Benson, Emily A. "A Second Universe." FIU Digital Commons, 2016.

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A SECOND UNIVERSE is a memoir-in-essays that traces the author’s coming of age and her pursuit of self-discovery, belonging, and healing in all its forms. The book opens in the past, diving into the lives of the author’s parents before she was born and shedding light on the many obstacles they overcame to bring her earth-side. Set against the backdrop of the Southern Utah deserts and the clarity the author finds in the natural world, these essays wind through the author’s different childhood homes, down the lonely and desolate road of a sister’s addiction, and into the darkness that comes as she braces for her father’s impending blindness. Similar to Brenda Miller’s LISTENING AGAINST THE STONE, this collection explores the inherent desire for human connection and spiritual insight that we search for in the places we live, the people we love, and the nature that surrounds us.
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Bjöörn, Christopher, and Jacob Johnsson. "Universe-defining rules." Thesis, Blekinge Tekniska Högskola, Institutionen för teknik och estetik, 2014.

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Abstrakt I detta arbete undersöks hur konceptet lek går att applicera på digitala spel och hur man presenterar ett fiktivt universum och de regler som definierar det universumet. Syftet med denna undersökning är att öka kvaliteten på digitala spel för spelare genom att öka förståelsen för hur sådana regler introduceras. Frågeställningen som ämnas att besvaras är “hur kan man introducera realistiska, semi-realistiska och fiktiva regler i ett spel?”. Undersökningen baseras delvis på analyser kring varför vissa introduktioner av regler ofta accepteras och andra inte, dels på utvärdering av en gestaltning och dels på tidigare forskning. Denna undersökning är indelad i två delar; en researchdel och en produktionsdel. För att besvara frågan har research skett kring vad som känns till sedan tidigare och ett digitalt spel har producerats där den stora regeln som skiljer verkligheten från detta fiktiva universum är paranormal aktivitet, eller spöken. Nyckelord: regler, magisk cirkel, inlevelse och spelproduktion. Abstract In this work the concept of play and how it may be applied to digital games and how to introduce a fictional universe and the rules that define that universe is being investigated. The purpose of this work is to increase the quality of digital games by increasing our understanding of how such rules may be introduced. The question to be answered is “how may realistic, semi-realistic and fictional rules be introduced in a digital game?”. This work is based partly on analyses on why some introductions of rules are often accepted and some often not, partly on evaluation of a product created by us and partly on earlier research. This work is split into two parts; one research part and one production part. To answer the question research about what is previously known has been conducted and a digital game has been produced where the main rule that separates the fictional universe from ours is paranormal activity, or ghosts. Keywords: Rules, magical circle, immersion and game production.
Detta är en reflektionsdel till en digital medieproduktion.
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Nashaat, Sherif. "Powell's realizability universe." Thesis, McGill University, 2006. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=101645.

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After a brief introduction to the main results of Recursion Theory, we present the notion of Partial Applicative Structures (PAS). We follow that with a brief discussion of the axioms of Intuitionistic Zermelo-Fraenkel Set Theory (IZF). We then present the construction of a P -valued model of IZF where P is a Powell Algebra derived from a PAS. We follow this with a detailed discussion of the Realizability Universe, the P -valued model when P is derived from Kleene's PAS. Using the model above, we shall establish some independence and consistency results. The main result of the essay is to show that Strong Church's Thesis is consistent with IZF relative to IZF.
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Galstyan, Irina. "Black-Hole Universe." Licentiate thesis, Stockholms universitet, Fysikum, 2017.

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In this contribution, we have constructed new analytical solutions for initial data of the Einstein equations. Such solutions are valuable for gaining a better understanding of problems involving strong gravitational and/or electromagnetic interactions in general relativity. In this process, we have examined an inhomogeneous cosmological model consisting a lattice of regularly arranged, charged black holes with initial data corresponding to the maximum expansion of a cosmological solution. We have also refined the method in such a way that the values of the mass and charge of the sources can be prescribed beforehand subject to certain constraints dictated by the field equations.
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Shappee, Benjamin J. "The Transient Universe." The Ohio State University, 2014.

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Vaccaro, Santo Gabriel. "Arrabalde e universo." Florianópolis, SC, 2009.

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Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Comunicação e Expressão. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Literatura.
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Neste trabalho se explora a visão sobre a linguagem em alguns textos de Jorge Luis Borges em três períodos de escrita, os textos iniciais (1918-1925), os textos da sua primeira etapa (1925-1928) e os da segunda etapa (posteriores a 1930). Nestas etapas são identificados e comparados os elementos que caracterizam a tematização da linguagem. Assim, a escrita borgeana é analisada na sua profunda reflexão sobre as diversas temáticas lingüísticas e filosóficas que envolvem o estudo da linguagem, desde a análise da língua espanhola e de uma postura regionalista até as considerações universalistas que abordam a relação entre linguagem e realidade, bem como a partir de óticas convencionalistas e naturalistas que vêem na linguagem um sistema de signos arbitrários ou relacionados com as coisas às quais as palavras se referem.
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Hope, Ashley W. "The Everyday Universe." ScholarWorks@UNO, 2018.

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I take inspiration from ordinary objects and materials. Through photography, I attempt to transcend the familiar to discover complexity within the bits and pieces of my everyday life. Like other artistic representations, a photograph is a singular portrayal, not an actualization of physical reality. My artistic exploration of this involves incorporating elements of abstraction to point to the truth that all photographs are, by nature, an abstraction of our physical reality based on perspective. The resulting images often share a quality of impermanence, counterbalanced by the act of making a photographic document. By evoking this temporal quality of photography and abstracting familiar materials and surfaces, I aim to create a playful tension in my imagery.
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Dong, Dong. "Some bubble universe." Thesis, University of Iowa, 2019.

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Books on the topic "UniverCM"


Pour comprendre simplement la naissance, la vie et la mort de l'Univers. Paris: Ellipses, 2008.

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Lutz, Klaus. Klaus Lutz: Im Universum = In the universe. Heidelberg: Kehrer, 2012.

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Guth, Alan H. The inflationary universe: The quest for a new theory of cosmic origins. Reading, Mass: Perseus Books, 1997.

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Guth, Alan H. The inflationary universe: The quest for a new theory of cosmic origins. London, UK: Jonathan Cape, 1997.

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Guth, Alan H. The inflationary universe: The quest for a new theory of cosmic origins. Reading, Mass: Addison-Wesley Publishing, 1997.

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Camps, Catalina Cantarellas. L' univers artístic de Miquel Barceló = El universo artístico de Miquel Barceló = The artistic universe of Miquel Barceló. Palma: Universitat de les Illes Balears, 2003.

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Piazza, Mario. Universo Balan: Le monde de Balan = The Balan universe. Milano: Abitare Segesta, 2001.

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Cunha, José Antônio. O universo de J. Cunha: The universe of J. Cunha. Edited by Barata Danilo. Salvador, BA: Corrupio, 2016.

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Gennaro, Miele, and Longo G, eds. Thinking, observing and mining the universe: Proceedings of the international conference : Sorrento, Italy, 22-27 September 2003. Singapore: World Scientific, 2004.

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Univerza v Ljubljani. Zgodovinski arhiv in muzej Univerze. Varstvo arhivske in muzejske kulturne dediščine Univerze v Ljubljani. Ljubljana: Univerza v Ljubljani, 2007.

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Book chapters on the topic "UniverCM"


Field, George B., and Eric J. Chaisson. "Universe." In The Invisible Universe, 119–37. Boston, MA: Birkhäuser Boston, 1985.

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Buonanno, A. "The Early Universe, the Present Universe." In Recent Developments in General Relativity, Genoa 2000, 47–61. Milano: Springer Milan, 2002.

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Schwarzschild, Karl. "Vom Universum." In Gesammelte Werke/Collected Works, 607–11. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1992.

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Bainbridge, William Sims. "Entropia Universe." In Springer Series in Immersive Environments, 73–91. London: Springer London, 2011.

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Rozental, Iosif L. "The Universe." In Big Bang Big Bounce, 27–59. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1988.

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Povh, Bogdan, and Elisabeth Soergel. "Expandierendes Universum." In Anschauliche Physik, 315–21. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2014.

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Pismen, Len. "Morphogenetic Universe." In Morphogenesis Deconstructed, 1–10. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.

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Lipscomb, Stephen Leon. "Einstein’s Universe." In Art Meets Mathematics in the Fourth Dimension, 35–39. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2014.

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Grego, Peter, and David Mannion. "Newton’s Universe." In Astronomers' Universe, 95–117. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2010.

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Field, George B., and Eric J. Chaisson. "Das Universum." In Das unsichtbare Universum, 165–86. Basel: Birkhäuser Basel, 1986.

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Conference papers on the topic "UniverCM"


Di Guglielm, Luigi, Franco Fummi, Graziano Pravadelli, Francesco Stefanni, and Sara Vinco. "UNIVERCM: The UNIversal VERsatile computational model for heterogeneous embedded system design." In 2011 IEEE International High Level Design Validation and Test Workshop (HLDVT). IEEE, 2011.

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Braga, Diego, Franco Fummi, Graziano Pravadelli, and Sara Vinco. "The strange pair: IP-XACT and univerCM to integrate heterogeneous embedded systems." In 2012 IEEE International High Level Design Validation and Test Workshop (HLDVT). IEEE, 2012.

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Eversman, Dillon, Timothy Major, Mithila Tople, Lauren Schaffer, and Janet Murray. "United Universe." In TVX'15: ACM International Conference on Interactive Experiences for TV and Online Video. New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2015.

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Хурамшин, Иштимер Шагалиевич. "OUR UNIVERSE." In Высокие технологии и инновации в науке: сборник избранных статей Международной научной конференции (Санкт-Петербург, Март 2021). Crossref, 2021.

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Обсуждается вопрос о рождении нашей Вселенной на основе теории циклической космологии. Во время схлопывания предыдущей Вселенной в центре коллапса создается вакуум являющейся основой для экспоненциальной инфляции. В результате отскока происходит квантование энергетической плазмы в лучистую энергию, с последующим формированием фотонных частиц, которые являются основой образования барионной материи. The question of the birth of our Universe is discussed on the basis of the theory of cyclic cosmology. During the implosion of the previous Universe, a vacuum is created at the center of the collapse, which is the basis for exponential inflation. As a result of the rebound, the energy plasma is quantized into radiant energy, followed by the formation of primary particles, which are the basis for the formation of baryonic matter.
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Mattos Monken, Priscila, Gilberto Lourenço Gomes, and Eliana Crispim França Luquetti. "Universo condicional." In CONINTER 2020. Even3, 2020.

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Maslov, L. I., and I. M. Kirpichnikova. "Electric Universe." In SCIENCE OF RUSSIA: GOALS AND OBJECTIVES. L-Journal, 2020.

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Nyagolov, Tihomir, Ivan Nikolaev, and Georgi Georgiev. "Zen universe." In SA '20: SIGGRAPH Asia 2020. New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2019.

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Meira, Silvio, Vanilson Burégio, Paulo Borba, Vinicius Garcia, Jones Albuquerque, and Sergio Soares. "Programming the Universe." In the 30th Brazilian Symposium. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press, 2016.

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Diamond, Phil. "Modern Radio Universe." In From Planets to Dark Energy: the Modern Radio Universe. Trieste, Italy: Sissa Medialab, 2008.

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Subramanian, Kandaswamy. "Magnetizing the universe." In From Planets to Dark Energy: the Modern Radio Universe. Trieste, Italy: Sissa Medialab, 2008.

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Reports on the topic "UniverCM"


Lloyd-Ronning, Nicole Marie. Explore Your Universe. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), May 2017.

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Torroba, Gonzalo. A Simple Harmonic Universe. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), December 2011.

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Vitev, Ivan. Unravelling the extreme universe. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), June 2022.

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Schramm, D. N. The age of the universe. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), October 1996.

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Harnik, Roni, Graham D. Kribs, and Gilad Perez. A Universe without Weak Interactions. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), April 2006.

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George, Colin B. System Description Document for Universe. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), July 2014.

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Samuel, Stuart, and Stuart Samuel. Comments on an Expanding Universe. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), December 2005.

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Noyes, H. Pierre. Program Universe and Recent Cosmological Results. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), January 1999.

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Alcock, C. R. ,. LLNL. Highest energy phenomena in the universe. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), May 1998.

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M. WARREN, B. BROMLEY, and ET AL. DETERMINING THE MASS OF THE UNIVERSE. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), November 2000.

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