Academic literature on the topic 'Ultrasound transmission tomography'

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Journal articles on the topic "Ultrasound transmission tomography"


Jago, J. R., and T. A. Whittingham. "Experimental studies in transmission ultrasound computed tomography." Physics in Medicine and Biology 36, no. 11 (November 1, 1991): 1515–27.

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Koulountzios, Panagiotis, Tomasz Rymarczyk, and Manuchehr Soleimani. "Ultrasonic Time-of-Flight Computed Tomography for Investigation of Batch Crystallisation Processes." Sensors 21, no. 2 (January 18, 2021): 639.

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Crystallisation is a crucial step in many industrial processes. Many sensors are being investigated for monitoring such processes to enhance the efficiency of them. Ultrasound techniques have been used for particle sizing characterization of liquid suspensions, in crystallisation process. An ultrasound tomography system with an array of ultrasound sensors can provide spatial information inside the process when compared to single-measurement systems. In this study, the batch crystallisation experiments have been conducted in a lab-scale reactor in calcium carbonate crystallisation. Real-time ultrasound tomographic imaging is done via a contactless ultrasound tomography sensor array. The effect of the injection rate and the stirring speed was considered as two control parameters in these crystallisation functions. Transmission mode ultrasound tomography comprises 32 piezoelectric transducers with central frequency of 40 kHz has been used. The process-based experimental investigation shows the capability of the proposed ultrasound tomography system for crystallisation process monitoring. Information on process dynamics, as well as process malfunction, can be obtained via the ultrasound tomography system.
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Opielinski, Krzysztof J., and Tadeusz Gudra. "Multi-parameter ultrasound transmission tomography of biological media." Ultrasonics 44 (December 2006): e295-e302.

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Malik, Bilal, Robin Terry, James Wiskin, and Mark Lenox. "Quantitative transmission ultrasound tomography: Imaging and performance characteristics." Medical Physics 45, no. 7 (May 28, 2018): 3063–75.

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Gudra, T., and K. J. Opielinski. "The multi-element probes for ultrasound transmission tomography." Journal de Physique IV (Proceedings) 137 (November 2006): 79–86.

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Opielinski, Krzysztof J., and Tadeusz Gudra. "Main error sources in ultrasound transmission tomography imaging." Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 103, no. 5 (May 1998): 2793.

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Wiskin, James, Bilal Malik, Rajni Natesan, and Mark Lenox. "Quantitative assessment of breast density using transmission ultrasound tomography." Medical Physics 46, no. 6 (April 22, 2019): 2610–20.

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Koulountzios, Panagiotis, Tomasz Rymarczyk, and Manuchehr Soleimani. "A Quantitative Ultrasonic Travel-Time Tomography to Investigate Liquid Elaborations in Industrial Processes." Sensors 19, no. 23 (November 22, 2019): 5117.

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This work presents an ultrasound tomography imaging system and method for quantitative mapping of the sound speed in liquid masses. It is highly desirable to be able to inspect vessel fluid mass distribution, notably in the chemical and food industrial operations. Optimization of industrial reactors has been crucial to the improvement of industrial processes. There is a great need to investigate how and if tomographic imaging sensors could aid the automatic control of these process tanks. Single-measurement ultrasound techniques and especially spectrometric methods have been a subject of study of industrial applications. Tomographic systems provide key multi-dimensional and spatial information when compared to the well-established single-channel measurement system. Recently, ultrasound tomography has attracted a great deal of interest in a wide spectrum of industrial applications. The system has been designed as 32 piezoelectric ring-array positioned in a 30 cm tank, with an excitation frequency of 40 kHz. Two-dimensional transmission travel-time tomography was developed to reconstruct the fluid mass distributions. Prior experiments are mainly based on inclusions of a few centimetres and on a liquid solution of different concentrations. They have been conducted to test the spatial and quantitative resolution of the ultrasound imaging device. Analysing the reconstructed images, it is possible to provide accurate spatial resolution with low position errors. The system also demonstrated inclusion movement with a temporal resolution of 4 frames per second (fps) in dynamical imaging sense. Sound velocity quantitative imaging was developed for the investigation of ultrasonic propagation in different liquids. This work, for the first time, shows how quantitative sound velocity imaging using transmission mode time of flight data could be used to characterize liquid density distribution of industrial reactors. The results suggest that ultrasound tomography can be used to quantitatively monitor important process parameters.
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Rymarczyk, Tomasz, Michał Gołąbek, Piotr Lesiak, Andrzej Marciniak, and Mirosław Guzik. "CONSTRUCTION OF AN ULTRASONIC TOMOGRAPH FOR ANALYSIS OF TECHNOLOGICAL PROCESSES IN THE FIELD OF REFLECTION AND TRANSMISSION WAVES." Informatyka, Automatyka, Pomiary w Gospodarce i Ochronie Środowiska 9, no. 4 (December 15, 2019): 43–47.

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This article presents the ultrasonic structure for the analysis of technological processes in the field of reflective and transmission waves. Ultrasound tomography enables the analysis of processes occurring in the examined object without interfering with its interior through appropriate acquisition and analysis of data. The design goal is to verify the repeatability of measurement results by eliminating laboratory equipment. The ultrasonic tomograph has been designed in a modular way and consists of a motherboard connected to an analog signal conditioning board, a liquid crystal display with an integrated graphics processor and a high voltage pulser with a 64 channel multiplexer. The solution was designed for tomographic measurements of technological process properties.
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Li, Yan Qiu, and Shi Liu. "Image Reconstruction Algorithm for Ultrasound Tomography Based on Transmission Mode." Key Engineering Materials 474-476 (April 2011): 754–59.

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One of the key issues in ultrasonic tomography is the calculation of sensitivity and image reconstruction based on the sensitivity. A method is developed to calculate the sensitivity of ultrasonic tomography in rectangular area in this paper. On this basis, numerical modelling calculation of different substances distribution in a rectangular area is made of by using LBP algorithm, the standard Tikhonov regularization method and the Landweber iteration method respectively. Reconstruction simulation experiments of changing the quantity of pixel is conducted. The results show that imaging results of Tikhonov regularization method and the Landweber iterative method are consistent with the original image for the overdetermined problem and superior to those reconstructed by LBP algorithm. The image quality of Tikhonov in the underdetermined problems is poor than that in overdetemined problem and still better than that in the Landweber and LBP algorithm. Compared by numerical simulation, Tikhonov regularization method in both overdetermined or underdetermined problems are better than Landweber iteration and LBP algorithm, and LBP algorithm is only suitable to qualitative analysis.
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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Ultrasound transmission tomography"


Pop, Tomáš. "Měření rychlosti šíření ultrazvuku průzvučnou tomografií." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta elektrotechniky a komunikačních technologií, 2008.

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The study deals with the image reconstructions using the ultrasound propagation speed measuring and it extends the project of the ultrasound transmission tomography organised in cooperation with the research centre Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe (Germany). There were data processed which had been gained with the 3D ultrasound transmission tomography system (3D USCT). The ultrasound propagation speed was measured using the detection of ultrasound ray travelling time from a transmitter to a receiver. There were three new algorithms developed for the detection of an ultrasound impulse and the software generating suitable testing data. The developed algorithms were consequently tried with these data and, then, included into the existing software. All software was developed within the Matlab programming environment.
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Filipík, Adam. "KALIBRACE ULTRAZVUKOVÉHO PRŮZVUČNÉHO SYSTÉMU VÝPOČETNÍ TOMOGRAFIE." Doctoral thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta elektrotechniky a komunikačních technologií, 2009.

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Tato dizertace je zaměřena na medicínskou zobrazovací modalitu – ultrazvukovou počítačovou tomografii – a algoritmy zlepšující kvalitu zobrazení, zejména kalibraci USCT přístroje. USCT je novou modalitou kombinující ultrazvukový přenos signálů a principy tomografické rekonstrukce obrazů vyvíjených pro jiné tomografické systémy. V principu lze vytvořit kvantitativní 3D obrazové objemy s vysokým rozlišením a kontrastem. USCT je primárně určeno pro diagnózu rakoviny prsu. Autor spolupracoval na projektu Institutu Zpracování dat a Elektroniky, Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, kde je USCT systém vyvíjen. Jeden ze zásadních problémů prototypu USCT v Karlsruhe byla absence kalibrace. Tisíce ultrazvukových měničů se liší v citlivosti, směrovosti a frekvenční odezvě. Tyto parametry jsou navíc proměnné v čase. Další a mnohem závažnější problém byl v pozičních odchylkách jednotlivých měničů. Všechny tyto aspekty mají vliv na konečnou kvalitu rekonstruovaných obrazů. Problém kalibrace si autor zvolil jako hlavní téma dizertace. Tato dizertace popisuje nové metody v oblastech rekonstrukce útlumových obrazů, kalibrace citlivosti měničů a zejména geometrická kalibrace pozic měničů. Tyto metody byly implementovány a otestovány na reálných datech pocházejících z prototypu USCT z Karlsruhe.
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Books on the topic "Ultrasound transmission tomography"


Torgerson,, Paul R., C. N. L. Macpherson, and D. A. Vuitton. Cystic echinococcosis. Oxford University Press, 2011.

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Cystic echinococcosis (CE)\cystic hydatid disease is one of the most widespread and important global helminth zoonoses. The parasite Echinococcus granulosus is maintained in a wide spectrum of intermediate hosts, including sheep, goats, camels, cattle, pigs and equines. A number of wild intermediate hosts occur, including cervids in the northern part of the North American continent and Eurasia, marsupials in Australia and wild herbivores in East and southern Africa. The application of a range of molecular techniques to the characterization of the parasite has confirmed the existence of mostly host-adapted strains and genotypes of the parasite and several new species have been proposed. The ubiquitous domestic dog serves as the most important definitive host for the transmission of the parasite throughout its wide geographical range.A wide range of diagnostic techniques, including necropsy, arecoline purgation, coproantigen ELISA and DNA based tests are available for detecting E. granulosus infection in the definitive host. In intermediate animal hosts, diagnosis at post mortem still remains the most reliable option. In humans, imaging techniques including ultrasound, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) or computer aided tomography (CAT-scan provide not only a method of diagnosis but also reveal important clinical information on the location, condition, number and size of the hydatid cysts in man. Of these ultrasound is the most widely used diagnostic technique and is the only imaging technique for screening of populations in rural areas, where the disease is most common. A classification system has been developed which can be used to assess the likely development of a cyst and hence guide the clinician in treatment options for the patient. Treatment relies on surgery and/or percutaneous interventions, especially ‘Puncture, Aspiration, Injection, Re-aspiration’ (PAIR) and/or antiparasitic treatment with albendazole (and alternatively mebendazole).CE is largely a preventable disease. Successful elimination programmes have focused on frequent periodic treatments of dogs with anthelmintics and the control of slaughter of domestic livestock. In many regions elimination or even control remains a problem as the parasite is endemic over vast areas of low income countries where there may be limited resources for control. In some areas, such as former communist administered countries, the parasite is resurgent. New tools are becoming available to control the parasite, including a highly effective vaccine in sheep which prevents the infection in sheep and breaks the transmission cycle. In addition cost effective methods are being developed which may be appropriate in low income countries where financial resources are not available for intensive control programmes that have been successful in high income countries.
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Book chapters on the topic "Ultrasound transmission tomography"


Natterer, F. "Image Reconstruction in Transmission Ultrasound Tomography." In Acoustical Imaging, 245–53. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2004.

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Li, Shengying, Klaus Mueller, Marcel Jackowski, Donald Dione, and Lawrence Staib. "Physical-Space Refraction-Corrected Transmission Ultrasound Computed Tomography Made Computationally Practical." In Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention – MICCAI 2008, 280–88. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2008.

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Kodali, Shyam P., Kalyanmoy Deb, Sunith Bandaru, Prabhat Munshi, and N. N. Kishore. "Simulation Studies on a Genetic Algorithm Based Tomographic Reconstruction Using Time-of-Flight Data from Ultrasound Transmission Tomography." In Adaptive and Natural Computing Algorithms, 253–62. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2009.

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Xu, Lingan, and Zhenxiang Chen. "A Transmission-Mode Ultrasound Computerised Tomographic System for Gas/Liquid Two-Phase Flow Visualization." In Flow Visualization VI, 414–18. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1992.

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Sanabria, Sergio J., Roman Furrer, Jürg Neuenschwander, Peter Niemz, and Urs Sennhauser. "Bonding Defect Imaging in Glulam with Novel Air-Coupled Ultrasound Testing." In Research Developments in Wood Engineering and Technology, 221–46. IGI Global, 2014.

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The objective of this chapter is to provide an overview of novel non-destructive testing methodologies for bonding quality assessment in glued laminated timber developed within a recently completed Swiss National Science Foundation research project (Sanabria, 2012). The focus is set on air-coupled ultrasound testing, which has previously been applied to wood-based panels typically up to 50 mm thick. A novel prototype capable of transmitting ultrasound signals through up to 500 mm thick glulam was developed. A computerized-scanning system allowed imaging of the position and geometry of defects within the bonding planes. A normal transmission setup allows a global assessment of defective bonding planes stacks. Latest results are as well shown for a recently patented slanted lateral transmission setup, which allows separate assessment of individual bonding planes with unlimited beam height and length. The investigations allowed an improved understanding of the wave propagation phenomena in thick laminated timber components through both analytical calculations and finite-difference numerical simulations. An overview of the main findings is as well provided. Future research is planned to combine the developed theoretical and experimental tools in a tomographic inspection method.
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Conference papers on the topic "Ultrasound transmission tomography"


Marmarelis, Vasilis Z., Tae-Seong Kim, and Ramez E. N. Shehada. "High-resolution ultrasound transmission tomography." In Medical Imaging 2003, edited by William F. Walker and Michael F. Insana. SPIE, 2003.

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Malik, Bilal H., Sanghyeb Lee, Rajni Natesan, and James W. Wiskin. "Clustering based quantitative breast density assessment using 3D transmission ultrasound." In Ultrasonic Imaging and Tomography, edited by Nicole V. Ruiter and Brett C. Byram. SPIE, 2020.

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Levi, Ahiad, Sagi Monin, Evgeny Hahamovich, Aner Lev, Bruno G. Sfez, and Amir Rosenthal. "Increased SNR in acousto-optic imaging via coded ultrasound transmission." In Optical Tomography and Spectroscopy. Washington, D.C.: OSA, 2020.

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Hopp, Torsten, Franziska Zuch, Pierre-Antoine Comby, and Nicole Ruiter. "Fat ray ultrasound transmission tomography: preliminary experimental results with simulated data." In Ultrasonic Imaging and Tomography, edited by Nicole V. Ruiter and Brett C. Byram. SPIE, 2020.

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Wang, Hongjian, Hartmut Gemmeke, Torsten Hopp, and Jürgen Hesser. "Accelerating image reconstruction in ultrasound transmission tomography using L-BFGS algorithm." In Ultrasonic Imaging and Tomography, edited by Nicole V. Ruiter and Brett C. Byram. SPIE, 2019.

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Wiskin, James W., Martin Cwikla, and John Klock. "Analysis of timing results for 3D inverse scattering using transmission ultrasound." In Ultrasonic Imaging and Tomography, edited by Nicole V. Ruiter and Brett C. Byram. SPIE, 2021.

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Fan, Yuling, Hongjian Wang, Hartmut Gemmeke, Torsten Hopp, and Juergen Hesser. "Dual domain network architecture for non-linear ultrasound transmission tomography reconstruction." In Ultrasonic Imaging and Tomography, edited by Nicole V. Ruiter and Brett C. Byram. SPIE, 2021.

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Wiskin, James W., Bilal Malik, Nasser Pirshafiey, and John Klock. "Limited view reconstructions with transmission ultrasound tomography: clinical implications and quantitative accuracy." In Ultrasonic Imaging and Tomography, edited by Nicole V. Ruiter and Brett C. Byram. SPIE, 2020.

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Wiskin, James W., Sanghyeb Lee, Martin Cwikla, and Bilal Malik. "Quantitative Breast Density (QBD) estimation with 3D transmission ultrasound and incomplete information." In Ultrasonic Imaging and Tomography, edited by Nicole V. Ruiter and Brett C. Byram. SPIE, 2020.

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Cardona Cardenas, Diego Armando, and Sergio Shiguemi Furuie. "Improvement in transmission ultrasound tomography by refined dynamic programming and spatial filter." In Ultrasonic Imaging and Tomography, edited by Nicole V. Ruiter and Brett C. Byram. SPIE, 2019.

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