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Pantin, V., and V. Lapkin. "Domestic and Foreign Political Factors of Ukrain' s Integration with Russia and the EU." World Economy and International Relations, no. 11 (2012): 50–56.

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The article covers the issue of the Ukraine's upcoming choice in the present difficult situation: to move toward Russia or the EU. Forecasting that the agreement between Ukraine and the EU will be concluded, the authors, however, suppose, the integration of Kiev and Brussels will be insignificant. This is accounted for both the intensification of internal political struggle in Ukraine and uncertainty of the President Yanukovich's perspectives, and the danger of Ukrainian industry destruction, less competitive than the European industry, which will lead to mass unemployment and sharp rise in social strain.
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Olshanska, Oleksandra, Valeria Kostynets, and Inna Stenicheva. "METHODOLOGICAL APPROACH TO EVALUATION OF INNOVATIVE SPACE�S OF REGIONS FORMATION." Actual Problems of Economics 1, no. 232 (2020): 6–17.

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The article is devoted to substantiation of belonging of regions to a certain type of innovation space, evaluation and systematization of separate scientific approaches to the typology of regions of the country. The authors substantiate the methodological approach to assessing the factors of formation of the innovation space of the regions of Ukraine. A system of preliminary and final indicators for assessing the formation of the innovation space of the region is proposed and systematized. It is proposed to implement the division of the regions of Ukraine according to the parameters that assess the activities of the innovation sphere, and indicate the formation of the innovation space of the region
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Petrushenko, Yuriy, Maxim Korneyev, Natalia Nebaba, Olena Banchuk-Petrosova, and Anna Bohorodytska. "Assessment of the external debt impact on a country’s economic development indicators: Evidence from Ukraine." Investment Management and Financial Innovations 19, no. 1 (April 4, 2022): 360–69.

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External public debt is not only a means of raising funds to finance public needs, but also an effective tool for stabilizing a country`s economic development, the assessment and analysis of which allows making effective management decisions at the state level and developing effective measures to improve the economic and debt situation. The paper aims to assess the impact of external public debt on Ukraine’s economic development indicators (GDP, foreign direct investment, foreign exchange reserves). In order to achieve the stated goal distributed lag models are used, which allow modeling a country’s economic development (according to key indicators) within certain forecast scenarios. The study covers the period from 2009 to 2021. An analysis of the dynamics of external public debt in Ukraine led to the conclusion about the unstable debt situation in Ukraine and a significant increase in external debt in recent years. Econometric models with a distributed lag of three years are built and the results of the influence of external public debt in different time periods are analyzed. The average lag in the built models is about one and a half years (for GDP) and two and a half years (for foreign direct investment). This value indicates that the average change (increase/decrease) in external public debt will change economic development over time. A positive conclusion is made on the possibility of not only assessing the time lag between the indicators, but also on the prospects for forecasting both the public debt and key indicators of Ukraine`s economic development. AcknowledgmentThe article was published as part of research projects “Convergence of economic and educational transformations in the digital society: modeling the impact on regional and national security” (No. 0121U109553) and “Reforming the lifelong learning system in Ukraine for the prevention of the labor emigration: a coopetition model of institutional partnership” (No. 0120U102001).
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Chebotarov, V. "At the Core of Economic Educational, Scientific and Pedagogical Elaboration." Economic Herald of the Donbas, no. 1 (63) (2021): 233–37.

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The article is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of one of the oldest institutions of higher education in the south-eastern Ukraine – Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University. The achievements and contribution of LNU in the fields of pedagogy, history, geography, philology and linguistics, physics and mathematics, and Olympic sports are widely known in Ukraine and abroad. At the level of the best achievements there are also achievements of Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University in the field of economic science, which is shown by the example of the modern department of economics, marketing and entrepreneurship. The author makes an attempt to establish historical justice in the history of world economics: to prove the unsurpassed importance of the developments of the former head of the department Vasily Antonovich Bader. In the late 1960 s, in parallel with the world-famous Ota Šik, in the context of the theory of "market socialism" he substantiated the doom and disintegration of the socialist economic system and its transformation into a market economy (much later, under other economic and socio-political conditions, Deng Xiaoping, the father of the "Opening of China", came to similar views). At the beginning of the 2000s, for the first time in Ukraine and Central and Eastern Europe, the department introduced a process of organizational and economic combination of research and educational activities – the establishment of a branch of the Institute of Industrial Economics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine at the Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University. With the beginning of the war in Donbass, the department became the first and only in Ukraine, on the basis of which was established a communication and consulting support center for leading international charitable organizations in Luhansk and Donetsk regions. The department has developed one of the first in Ukraine concepts of "Marshall Plan" for the Revival of the Donbas". The academic mobility experience of the department gained via the Visiting Professor program in teaching professional disciplines in Poland to students from the European Union, Asia and Africa under the ERASMUS+ Program is unique. Innovative are the practices of participation in the most prestigious European scientific and practical research projects, encouragement on a regular basis to the domestic educational process of leading entrepreneurs, teaching disciplines of free choice in English and cooperation with public authorities.
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Cichos, Katarzyna. "„Wartości” czy bezpieczeństwo? Polityka sąsiedzka UE (na przykładzie relacji z Ukrainą)." Przegląd Wschodnioeuropejski 9, no. 1 (June 1, 2018): 119–28.

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At the historical foundation of today’s EU, economic growth had subordinate role to the primary goal which was the desire for peace in Europe. Since the 90’s, the original goal of peace-keeping has been replaced by other objectives, such as promotion of democracy and other values of the EU. This policy has been implanted into EU’s relations with Ukraine. The article examines the relation between the EU and Ukraine and raises a question if the Neighborhood Policy of the EU can be called successful and tries to find a way out of the crisis within the EU – Ukraine – Russia relations.
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Topicality. Recent economic-organizational transformations in maritime branch of Ukrainian economics influenced the essential changes in the system of its management, leads up to essential decreasing of state regulation of transportation and transshipment of cargo, to appearance of set independent shipping and stevedoring companies of ports terminals. This fact leads up to the national competition environment�s formation and to increasing the competition in international transportation market. Under these circumstances the Ukrainian enterprises of maritime sector of economics, in particular stevedoring companies of ports terminals are subjected to influences of market�s instability and are faced to necessity of effective regulation of their development from the side of Ministry of infrastructure of Ukraine. One of the main specific features of competition struggle among operators of port�s terminals is necessity of their participation in logistic supply chains of cargo delivery what can strengths their competitive position in the market of stevedoring service. Under modern conditions the successful stevedoring activity is determined by ability of the companies to exchangeable market�s conditions adaptation. Variability of market�s environment in the sphere of stevedoring service demands application of new methods of management of cargo transshipment which must be based on adaptation and flexibility not only managerial decisions but organization structure of stevedoring company itself. When developing the managerial decisions related to port�s infrastructure development it is necessary to take into account the uncertainty of market�s environment and force major factors that are inherent to maritime business, as well. That is why for increasing the effectiveness of Ukrainian stevedoring companies activities the corresponding researches are needed that will allow to develop the conceptual foundations of this activities in the sea ports of regions and corresponding methodical aids that can be used by ports operators and administrations of Ukrainian commercial sea ports in their everyday activity. Despite of the existence of number theoretical and applied works in the field of stevedoring companies activity and economic justification of projects of creation or reconstruction of port�s terminals there exists a lot of unsolved problems concerning methodological foundation of priority directions of ports infrastructure elements development under market�s uncertainty, risks and competition. Aim and tasks. The aim of article is development of method for optimal distribution of investments among port terminals in a region under random fluctuation of cargo flows and competition taking into account the method NPV � Net Present Value � for evaluation of economic results of stevedoring activities. Research results. The methodical approach is proposed for optimal distribution of investments determination directed on creation of berths for terminals of seaports located in same region. It is based on results of queuing and storage theories. The ports terminals are presented as the multi-channel queuing systems of the Poisson-Erlang type with warehouses for cargo storage. Besides, it is supposed that rates of Poisson streams of ships are the non-decreasing functions of number of berths of corresponding terminal. The method of mean current profit of terminal�s operator determination is proposed (for steady-state regime) and discrete optimization problem for number of berths determination is formulated under restricted investment fund. Conclusions. The method of optimal distribution of investments directed on development of ports terminals of a region is proposed. It may be a tool for decision making for State Administration of Sea Ports. Its application allow to increase the effectiveness of terminal operators activity under random fluctuation of cargo flows and taking into account possibility of their ruin. The method proposed id based on results of queueing and storage theories. In the further researches in this direction it is interesting, from theoretical and practical points of view, its generalization for the case of competition among terminals operators.
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Vlasenko, Lev. "History of Ukraine-China Bilateral Trade." Modern Economics 25, no. 1 (February 23, 2021): 40–45.

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Annotation. Introduction. During the years of Ukrainian independence, China has risen from a relatively insignificant country in Asia to the biggest trade partner of Ukraine surpassing even Russia and other post-Soviet republics both in amount and the importance of bilateral trade. To fully understand the current dynamics of bilateral trade between Ukraine and China, it is necessary to explore the history of these relations from ancient times to the current stage to improve the strategy for cooperation between Ukraine and China. Purpose. To study the history of bilateral trade relations of Ukraine and China from first diplomatic contacts to contemporary relations, to identify patterns and trends that affect the dynamics of trade, to outline mistakes and shortcomings of Ukrainian diplomacy, and to provide recommendations for improvement. Result. The revealed pattern of diplomatic and trade relations between Ukraine and China may be considered as an indicator s that China has been viewing Ukraine as a political entity even before the declaration of independence in 1991. International relations between Ukraine and China have a deep and strong historical tradition with a wide range of forms and methods of cooperation in the fields of politics, economics, and culture. Conclusions. The revealed dynamics of bilateral trade prove that the negative trends in trade between Ukraine and China are not always related to the competitiveness of the Ukrainian economy or global market conditions and may have resulted from the mistakes and failures of Ukrainian diplomacy. To prevent these mistakes in the future, it is necessary to have qualified specialists trained to work with China and conduct effective negotiations at the highest level and monitor their correct coverage in the official documents and press. Keywords: international trade; bilateral trade; Ukraine-China trade; Soviet-China trade.
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Шауренко, Анна. "ДОБРОБУТ СЕЛЯН У ПОСТРАДЯНСЬКИЙ ПЕРІОД." Уманська старовина, no. 8 (December 30, 2021): 44–54.

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Ключові слова. побут, селянство, матеріальний добробут, інфраструктура, медицина, культура, освіта. Анотація У статті розглянуто особливості добробуту сільського населення у пострадянський період. Акцентується увага на забезпеченості населення необхідними для життя матеріальними благам. Насамперед, продуктами харчування, промисловими товарами, послугами та умовами, що задовольняють певну потребу людини і відповідають її інтересам. У не найкращому стані перебувала соціальна сфера, комунальне господарство і медицина. Кризові явища, якими супроводжувалися трансформаційні процеси в економіці, завдали відчутних збитків матеріальному забезпеченню селян. За результатами зібраних матеріалів доведено, що економічна криза, швидкі темпи інфляції, проблема дефіциту товарів, затримка коштів для виплати заробітної плати в 90-х рр. ХХ ст. ускладнювали матеріальне становище сільського населення України. Посилання Bakhovskyi, 2003 ‑ Bakhovskyi V. Tsiny na prodovolchi tovary i riven zhyttia naselennia [Food prices and living standards]. // Ekonomika APK. 2003. №12 S.81-87. [in Ukrainian]. Balanovska, 2000 – Balanovska T. Silskyi sektor Ukrainy na rubezhi tysiacholit [Ukraine's rural sector at the turn of the millennium]. T.1. : Potentsial silskoho sektora. Kyiv : Instytut ekonomiky NAN Ukrainy, 2000. 396 s. [in Ukrainian]. Derzhavna sluzhba statystyky Ukrainy, 1992‑2001 ‑ Derzhavna sluzhba statystyky Ukrainy: statystychna informatsiia [State Statistics Service of Ukraine: statistical information]. URL: (data zvernennia 25.11.2021) [in Ukrainian]. Ihnatenko, 2009 ‑ Ihnatenko M. Ukrainske selianstvo: pobutova ta kulturno-osvitnia sfera (1991‑1997 rr.) [Ukrainian peasantry: household and cultural-educational sphere (1991–1997)]. // Osvita, nauka i kultura na Podilli: zb. naukovykh prats, prysviachenyi 90-richchiu Kamianetskoi doby UNR. Kamianets-Podilskyi : Opiium, 2009. T. 13. S. 386-394. [in Ukrainian]. Kasianov, 2008 ‑ Kasianov H. Ukraina 1999 – 2007: narysy novitnoi istorii [Ukraine 1999–2007: Essays on Recent History].Kyiv : Nash chas, 2008. 432 s. [in Ukrainian]. Kovpak, 2003 ‑ Kovpak L. V. Sotsialno-pobutovi umovy zhyttia naselennia Ukrainy v druhii polovyni KhKh st. (1945–2000 rr.) [Socio-living conditions of the population of Ukraine in the second half of the twentieth century (1945–2000)] Kyiv : Instytut istorii Ukrainy NAN Ukrainy, 2003. 250 s. [in Ukrainian]. Prokopa, 1996. ‑ Prokopa I. V. Sotsialna infrastruktura sela: formuvannia novoho mekhanizmu rozvytku [Social infrastructure of the village: formation of a new mechanism of development]. Kyiv : NAN Ukrainy, Instytut ekonomiky, 1996. 172 s. [in Ukrainian]. Riven zhyttia naselennia Ukrainy, 2006 ‑ Riven zhyttia naselennia Ukrainy [The standard of living of the population of Ukraine]. / za red. L. M. Cherenko. Kyiv : TOV «Vydavnytstvo «Konsultant», 2006. 428 s. [in Ukrainian]. Riven zhyttia naselennia Ukrainy, 2006 Derzhavnyi komitet statystyky Ukrainy: riven zhyttia naselennia Ukrainy [State Statistics Committee of Ukraine: living standards of the population of Ukraine]. URL: (data zvernennia 25.11.2021) [in Ukrainian]. Sabluk, 2002 ‑ Sabluka P. T., Orlatyi M. K. Materialnyi dobrobut silskykh zhyteliv [Material well-being of rural residents]. Kyiv : Instytut ahrarnoi ekonomiky UAAN, 2002. 369 s. [in Ukrainian]. Smolii, 2006 ‑ Smolii V. A. Istoriia ukrainskoho selianstva: narysy: v 2 t. [History of the Ukrainian peasantry: essays in 2 volumes]. Kyiv : Naukova dumka, 2006. T. 2. 653 s. [in Ukrainian]. Statystychnyi shchorichnyk Ukrainy, 2010 ‑ Statystychnyi shchorichnyk Ukrainy 2009 rik [Statistical Yearbook of Ukraine 2009]. / za red. O.H. Osaulenka. Kyiv : Derzhkomstat Ukrainy, 2010. 567 s. [in Ukrainian]. Statystychnyi zbirnyk, 1997 ‑ Sotsialno-ekonomichne stanovyshche silskykh naselenykh punktiv Ukrainy: statystychnyi zbirnyk [Socio-economic situation of rural settlements of Ukraine: statistical collection]. Kyiv : Derzhkomstat Ukrainy, 1997. 175 s. [in Ukrainian]. Zavalniuk, 2004 ‑ Zavalniuk O., Rybak I. Novitnia ahrarna istoriia Ukrainy [Recent agrarian history of Ukraine]. Kamianets-Podilskyi : Abetka-NOVA, 2004. 288 s. [in Ukrainian].
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Tokarieva, Kateryna. "Legal regulation of «available loans 5-7-9%» in Ukraine." Law and innovations, no. 3 (31) (October 2, 2020): 60–65.

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Problem setting. In modern conditions, every country in the world is trying to do everything to develop existing business and improve the conditions for opening a new business, increase attractiveness for foreign investors and attract additional funds to the state economy. In order to achieve a quick and effective outcome, it is considered necessary to address the issues in an integrated manner. The point is that a number of factors that are important for the activities of economic entities and affect the choice of the country in which the new business will be created and investments should be made should be taken into account. In our opinion, it is advisable to include among such important factors: the absence of excessive bureaucratic barriers for entrepreneurs, stable legislation, a flexible tax system, financial support (assistance) to business. Analysis of recent researches and publications. The study of some aspects of providing state financial support (assistance) to economic entities was carried out by such scientists as: N. M. Vnukova, S. V. Hlibko, A. A. Dmytryk, G. L. Znamensky, D. V. Lichak, Ya. Petrunenko and others. However, given the changes that have taken place in society in connection with the COVID19 pandemic, and the innovations that have been introduced to regulate legal relations in the field of economics, the need for modern research is necessitated. So, the purpose of this publication is to analyze the legal regulation of the provision of “available loans 5-7-9%” in Ukraine. Article’s main body. It is significant that since the introduction of quarantine, a large number of regulatory legal acts have been adopted in Ukraine aimed at mitigating the consequences of the crisis. In particular, a number of legislative acts have been adopted to amend tax legislation. Also, the standard owner did not ignore the economic legislation in terms of making appropriate adjustments to the legal mechanism for providing financial support to economic entities. In accordance with the Procedure for providing financial state support to micro-entrepreneurs and small businesses one of the forms of support is the provision of loans to business entities. Conclusions and prospects for the development. Attention is focused on peculiarities of providing financial support to economic entities. The legal mechanism for providing “available loans of 5-7-9%” as a type of financial support for business entities in Ukraine has been disclosed. It was noted that now the introduction of state guarantees on a portfolio basis as a form of state support for economic entities is insufficiently reasoned. The need to improve the legal regulation of the Program 5-7-9% is justified taking into account the positive experience of foreign countries.
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Stolyarov, Vasyl. "Reflections on the Creative Legacy of Vladimir Kirillovich Chernyak and Alexander Sergeevich Emelyanov (Part 1. Legacy is the Basis of the Future)." Herald of the Economic Sciences of Ukraine, no. 1(40) (2021): 180–89.

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The article in the form of memoir-analytical reflections reveals the leading components of the creative heritage of Doctor of Economics, Professor V. K. Chernyak and Doctor of Economics, Professor, Corresponding Member of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine A. S. Emelyanov. The creative heritage of V. K. Chernyak disclosed by his innovative ideas of fighting poverty through a radical reform of wages, increasing the population’s ability to pay and assessing the effectiveness of the central and regional authorities using the provisions of the Human Development Concept: the dynamics of the Human Development Index, an increase in life expectancy, an improvement in the ratio of fertility and mortality. The historical reference points of scientific and socio-political activities of V. K. Chernyak are revealed in 1973-2020. A comparative analysis of its metrology of human development with the adopted state decisions, including in the State strategies for regional development for the period up to 2020, has been carried out and for 2021-2027. The most important guidelines and advice to “Servants of the People” on achieving mutual responsibility of the authorities and the people are given. The administrative blunders of the Ukrainian bureaucracy are revealed in the calculations and analysis of the Human Development Index at the national level and the Regional Human Development Index at the level of administrative regions. The creative heritage of A. S. Emelyanov disclosed in the part of his recommendations on enhancing the role of the state in the management of the market economy. The characteristic features of the mission of A. S. Emelyanov are given as “personally involved” in the problems of the formation of Ukrainian Market within the framework of official, scientific and parliamentary activities in 1992-2012. The revolutionary ideas of A. S. Emelyanov are disclosed to harmonize the planning principles of public administration with market methods of management. The article contains examples of joint cooperation between V. K. Chernyak and A. S. Emelyanov in the state building of Ukraine. Examples of professional incompetence of the Ukrainian bureaucracy are given. The article makes an appeal to “Servants of the People” with an insistent recommendation for the study, understanding and use of the attitudes of the creative heritage of V. K. Chernyak and A. S. Emelyanov. In the context of updating the Appeal of scientists to the First President of Ukraine L. M. Kravchuk in 1994, the author’s directions for further scientific and applied research were determined.
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Zhorova, Iryna. "The Development of the School’s Economical Education in Ukraine (the end of the 20th- the beginning of the 21th centuries)." Professional Education: Methodology, Theory and Technologies, no. 9 (February 28, 2019): 70–86.

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The article clarifies the main tendencies of the school economic education development in Ukraine from the end of the 20th to the beginning of the 21st century. The stages of the economic disciplines’ implementation in the educational process of secondary education establishments are revealed as: the first stage (it was between 1991 – 1993) was a period of the search of content, forms and methods of teaching economics; the second stage (between 1994-2000) was the period of formation and updating of the school economic education content; the third stage (2001-2004) was the period of mass introduction of economy in general educational establishments; the fourth stage (since 2005) was the period of the formation of continuous economic education. It was revealed that the socio-political and socio-economic changes taken place in the early 1990s with the proclamation of Ukraine’s independence actualized the issue of providing the high level of the younger generation economic competence. That is why, since the middle of the 90’s, the optional classes in economics are opened in schools, and later ‒ the economics and entrepreneurship classes. In the process of the research it has been found out that the beginning of the 21st century was marked by the adoption of a number of state acts proclaiming general trends in the development of education in Ukraine and identified the peculiarities of school educational management including economic (the inclusion of economic education in the invariant and variation part of the curriculum, introduction of the economic profile of the social and humanitarian direction, the expansion and differentiation of the content of economic education, the improvement of the quality of personnel and logistics of teaching disciplines and economic direction). It is emphasized that the quality of secondary education is ensured through the implementation of the invariant and variation parts of the curriculum. The corresponding disciplines are presented as those that form the students’ outlook, economic culture and entrepreneurship. It was indicated that a positive step towards the reforming of secondary education was the introduction of profile education in secondary schools, which included the economic profile of the social and humanitarian direction. It was stated that at the beginning of the XXI century, in the conditions of permanent changes in society, integration into the world educational space, a school economic education also sustains a constant modernization on the way of upgrading the content and finding the effective forms of the students’ economic competence development.
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Babenko-Levada, Viktoriia. "Development of the insurance market in Ukraine and forecasting its crises." Investment Management and Financial Innovations 18, no. 3 (September 23, 2021): 385–96.

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Insurance market is an important part of the financial market, the functioning of which helps to protect individuals and legal entities from the negative and stressful effects of today’s unstable economic environment. The purpose of this study is to determine trends in the insurance market in Ukraine and its potential crises.The study found that Ukraine’s insurance market constantly grows, but is volatile and in a state of concentration. The dynamics of most indicators are cyclical, with a cycle length from 4,66 quarters to 14 quarters. The randomized R/S-analysis confirmed the stability of the dynamics of Ukraine’s insurance market and its fractal similarity. Fractal similarity was proved for six out of ten analyzed indicators of the insurance market. In addition, it was confirmed that at the moment of transition from one fractal to another, a trend break occurs. Thus, the emergence of crises on the insurance market of Ukraine is associated with the self-similarity of the dynamics and the coincidence of the moments of bifurcation of certain indicators in its development. A partial crisis on the Ukrainian insurance market at the beginning of 2019 coincided with the bifurcation of the number of concluded insurance contracts, determined based on the results of fractal analysis.Calculations made it possible to conclude that potentially crisis periods for the insurance market of Ukraine fall on Q1-2 2017, Q1 2019, Q1 2020, of which only one was realized (Q1 2019). The nearest potential moments of crises on the insurance market of Ukraine may be the following periods: Q1 2023 and Q1 2026.
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Mishchanyn, V. V. "Methodology of the research of the Transcarpathia Sovietization in 1944–1950." Rusin, no. 64 (2021): 223–39.

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The article analyzes the modern methodology of the Transcarpathia Sovietization research in 1944–1950. Though there are individual (N. Makara, V. Mishchanyn) and collective monogrpahs (N. Makara, R. Ofitsinsky), it is too early to speak about a serious methodological base to present the causal links of this process. A better understanding of Sovietization in Transcarpathia requires studying the historical and geographical space. A contemporary researcher should go beyond the narrowed framework of the regional approach in the study of the Sovietization in Transcarpathia and compare its post-war transformations with those in Western Ukraine, Belarus, the Baltic Republics, Central and Eastern Europe (A. Applebaum) using the methodology of comparative analysis. The epistemological approach employed by P.R. Magocsi can be used to study the historical specificity of the region with its multi-ethnicity, multiculturalism, multiconfessionality (S. Makarchuk). The Ukrainian emigration was rather critical of the post-war policy of the Soviet regime. In particular, V. Markus defines the entry of Transcarpathia into Soviet Ukraine as annexation. The Encyclopedia of Ukraine published in the 1950s and 1980s in Canada analyzes many aspects of Sovietization in the Ukrainian SSR. A contemporary researcher should clearly understand such concepts as “totalitarianism” (H. Arendt), “Sovietization”, “socialist version of modernization” (S. Gavrov), “transit”, “transformation”, etc. The article also points out some errors of scholars studying the problems of Sovietization in the region. Thus, the problem of Sovietization of Transcarpathia is still under development. Its multifaceted nature requires interdisciplinary approaches using the tools of history, economics, law, statistics, political science, social science, ethnology, and cultural studies.
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Budzar, Maryna, and Tetiana Tereshchenko. "Kyiv City Communities of the Early 1880s in the Context of Alexander Polovtsov’s “Diary”." Kyiv Historical Studies 13, no. 2 (December 21, 2021): 21–29.

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The article examines the life of urban communities of Kyiv in 1880–1881 in the perception of an imperial official, senator Alexander Polovtsov (1832–1909). The author`s concept based on the opinion that an important part of historical urban studies is the analysis of the activities of urban communities. They represent the state of urban life at a particular historical stage. The article uses excerpts from the “Diary” of Alexander Polovtsov, the Head of the Senatorial Revision Commission, dedicated to his stay in Kyiv in the autumn of 1880 and early 1881. This source is valuable mainly because the author, who did not live in Kyiv (wider — in Ukraine), looked at inhabitants of the city from “outside”. Such a detached view allows us to see Kyiv citizens, firstly the officials of the administrative and administrative apparatus, clergy, landlords, intellectuals — from conservatives to liberals — through the eyes of an “outsider”, a representative of imperial power. At the same time, the article presents diaries and memoirs of representatives of the Kyiv national-democratic intelligentsia, where the events described by Alexander Polovtsov are shown from a different perspective. This perspective of the study deepens the ideas about the peculiarities of the social and cultural life of Kyiv at a crucial moment in history — on the eve of the death of Alexander II and the accession of Alexander III and the change in the political course of the Empire. The informative character of Polovtsov`s diary is determined by its genre specificity. The text is full of facts, descriptions of events, meetings with people. From the position of the imperial high official represented a diverse range of beliefs, opinions, and attitudes of Kyivans in the field of politics, economics, land tenure, education, urban development, etc. The diary is full of succinct descriptions of the individuals contacted by the author. Polovtsov`s assessments help to understand not only how the tsarist government dealt with pressing economic, social and political problems in Ukraine. It helps understand the actions in resolving urgent economic and sociopolitical problems of Ukrainian provinces, the tsarist official`s own attitude to the people in whose milieu he found himself.
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Zildzovic, Emir. "The sustainability of Serbia's external position: The impact of fiscal adjustment and external shocks." Ekonomski anali 60, no. 204 (2015): 31–60.

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This paper studies the impact of fiscal policy and external shocks on the sustainability of Serbia?s external position. The key determinants of Serbia's current account balance are identified using model averaging techniques and are compared with estimates obtained for other small open economies (Poland, Georgia, Morocco, Ukraine, and Estonia). The paper uses estimated influences of macrovariables on the current account balance to generate a rich set of possible outcomes for the external position of the country. The results suggest the importance of fiscal policy for the reduction of external imbalances in all countries in our sample. In particular, credible and sustained fiscal adjustment can reduce current account deficit and stabilize Serbia?s external position close to its current level over the medium term. The analysis also warns that lack of success in fiscal consolidation coupled with external shocks may easily push the external position onto an unsustainable path.
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Altukhov, Oleksii. "„Banking Encyclopedia” as a source on the history of stock exchange business in Ukraine in the late nineteenth – early XX century." Bulletin of Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University, no. 9 (347) (2021): 15–20.

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The article considers and analyzes the informational significance of the leading economic specialized publication of the late XIX – early XX centuries. „Banking Encyclopedia”. It is noted that in 1917 the second volume of this work, fundamental at that time in the field of economics, was published in Kyiv, which was entirely devoted to the study of stock exchange business in the leading countries, the Russian Empire and the Ukrainian lands. The co-authors of the work were leading contemporary economists and lawyers, in particular A. N. Antsiferov, G. V. Afanasyev, H. A. Baranovsky, M. N. Bogolepov, E. V. Vanshtein, I. M. Goldstein, N. S. Dobrokhotov, V. Ya. Zheleznov, A. M. Lazarev, D. N. Levin, E. S. Lurie, P. P. Migulin, N. D. Silin, P. B. Struve, M. P. Tugan-Baranovsky and others. Among the aspects considered were, in particular, the activities of the leading stock exchange institutions of Dnieper Ukraine: in Odessa, in Kyiv, in Kharkiv. Leading economist, professor of the Kyiv Commercial Institute, long-term deputy of the State Duma Leonid Mykolayovych Yasnopolsky became the editor-in-chief of the publication. Analyzing the scientific works collected in the Second Volume of the Banking Encyclopedia of 1917, the author of the article came to the conclusion that they make it possible to trace the state of affairs in the development of the stock market in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. In particular, one can trace the state policy towards these financial institutions, which in many respects slowed down the development of the stock market, both in Ukraine and in the Russian Empire as a whole.
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Skorba, Oleh, Tetyana Pasko, Viktoriia Babenko-Levada, and Tetiana Tereshchenko. "Dynamics of tax revenues in the budget of Ukraine and their forecast during the crisis period." Public and Municipal Finance 10, no. 1 (October 20, 2021): 106–18.

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It is extremely important for the budget process to obtain accurate forecasts of potential tax revenues, especially in periods of disruption and crisis. The paper is devoted to the study of dynamics of tax revenues’ volumes in the budget of Ukraine and the forecast of their values during the crisis.The dynamics of tax revenues in the Consolidated Budget of Ukraine, studied by using randomized R|S-analysis, fractal and probabilistic analyses as well as entropy calculation based on the data on monthly tax revenues for the period 2011–2021, is anti-persistent, fractal-like and unpredictable based on parametric dependencies, simple and complex trends. The topological dimension of the lines of dynamics for tax revenues of all types of taxes is much higher than 1, and the Hirst index indicates either fractal similarity of dynamics or its chaos. The map of dissipation periods of tax revenues in Ukraine, determined on the basis of entropy calculation and periods of negative entropy production according to the dynamics of tax revenues, coincided with the periods of maximum reduction in their volumes. The most crisis periods in the formation of tax revenues are 2019–2020, for certain types of taxes – 2016–2020, but the dissipation of tax revenues is projected for 2021–2022.The comparison of the level of fractal similarity in dynamics of the volume of tax revenues and peculiarities of the dynamics of entropy and entropy production, allowed to substantiate the division of taxes into nine types, of which five were found in Ukraine.
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Pudryk, D., O. Kwilinski, and A. Nazarenko. "Economic convergence of the national economy under the EU integration: impact of international migration." Actual Problems of Economics 1, no. 238 (2021): 6–16.

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The paper generalizes the arguments and counterarguments within the scientific discussion on the migration impact on the countries� economic convergence. European integration in the long run provide for the convergence of the Ukrainian socio-economic development to the level of member states of the European Union (EU). Considering the neoclassical model of growth of Solow-Swan, the convergence of the national economy to the EU could be bosting by intensifying international processes. In particular, the international migration of labor resources allows increasing the amount of private income from abroad, which makes it possible to improve the socio-economic quality of migrant families and achieve the welfare of the EU society. Based on the theoretical analysis of the scientific literature, the authors highlighted the diversified nature of the migration impact on economic growth and economic convergence. The paper aims to determine the migration impact on the Ukrainian and EU economic convergence. The paper�s object is Ukraine and EU member states, which have the common features of long-term development in the economic and political dimensions. The time for analysis is 2000-2020. The methodological basis of the investigation is the concept of s � and b � convergence. The endogenous parameter of the econometric model of b � convergence is the GDP per capita, and exogenous parameters: the volume of private remittances to countries from abroad, the volume of net migration.
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Urgency of the research. The globalization of business permeates all spheres of life of economic agents and their functioning can not be successful without increasing the social value of marketing and logistics. Target setting. The competent detection of problem areas in the field of marketing and logistics can influence the speed of the exit from the innovation crisis in various sectors of the economy. Actual scientific researches and issues analysis. Significant contributions to the development of the methodo-logical provisions on the problems of innovation economics and the interaction of marketing and logistics were made by foreign and domestic scientists, such as I. Ansoff, F. Kotler, V. L. Dykan, S. N. Illyashenko, Ye. V. Krykavsky, N. I. Chukhray et al. Uninvestigated parts of general matters defining. In the field of marketing and logistics include both hidden large reserves and the potential for emerging from crisis situations and the innovative development of market participants. The objective of the research is to identify new economic zones of problem marketing and logistics situations and development of a systematic approach in innovation management activity on macro- and mіcro levels. The statement of basic materials. Identification of new economic zones of problem marketing and logistics situations for the purpose of implementation of the system approach to management of innovation activity is given. The scheme of interaction of marketing and logistics with the change of priorities in the activity of the innovative active enterprise is shown. Conclusions. Identification of problem areas and stable relationships of market agents opens up new perspectives for enriching the content of marketing and logistics relation-ships and their emergence from the innovation crisis.
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Kolesnik, Yana, Olena Dobrovolska, Iryna Malyuta, Anna Petrova, and Sergiy Shulyak. "The investment model of fixed assets renovation in the agricultural industry: case of Ukraine." Investment Management and Financial Innovations 16, no. 4 (December 12, 2019): 229–39.

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The present state of the financial market in Ukraine determines a lack of funding for agricultural enterprises. The research aims to find internal sources of funding for the reproduction of fixed assets for agricultural enterprises. The calculation of the depreciation return index is a component of financial analysis of the efficient renovation investment use. It allows controlling its targeting and influence on enterprises in a financial aspect in order to provide a stable position of the enterprise`s investor.Implementation of economic and mathematical modeling using correlation and regression analysis verified a tight correlation between gross profit margins in agriculture and depreciation returns. For this purpose, general indexes were formed that is the primary value of fixed assets at the end of the year; the extent of their depreciation, depreciation and residual value of fixed assets at the end of the year, the average annual value of fixed assets, annual income, investment return and calculated gross profit and depreciation during 2001–2016 were determined. The results of the calculations showed that the funds saved through depreciation (renovation investments), and retained earnings are the financial resources for continuous renovation of fixed assets of agricultural enterprises. Also, attraction to internal reserves should have an impact on the increase of the agricultural enterprises’ profitability and should facilitate the increase of production volumes due to the implementation of innovations.
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Urgency of the research. The agricultural sector is an important component of the economy of Volyn region. However, at this stage of development in the industry there are several key problems to be resolved in the future. Target setting. Despite the fact that Volyn region occupies a special place in the geostrategic context of social and economic and political development of Ukraine, as the region is geographically bordered by two European countries, in our view, this opens up significant prospects of development of the analyzed sector of agriculture in Volyn, particularly in the framework of the signed Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU. Actual scientific researches and issues analysis. Agricultural Economics were studied in the works of B. Gldych, M. Berdar, O. Borodina, A. Bulatova, S. Pysarenko, V. Zbarski, V. Matsybora. Clusterization processes, including in the agricultural sector, were studied in the works M. Porter, E. Fezer, H. Swon. Uninvestigated parts of general matters defining. However, actual remains the problem of the study of the prospects of agriculture in the country as a whole and at the local level, taking into account regional peculiarities and possibilities of cross-border cooperation, increase exports of agricultural products to the EU. The research objective is analysis of the status and prospects of development of the agricultural sector of the Volyn region, considering the possibility of such a development due to the deepening of cooperation of our country with the EU, namely the current Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU. The statement of basic materials. The article analyzes the main indicators of agriculture in the region, including indices in agricultural production. The problems of agricultural exports to the EU. It was found opportunities on increasing exports of agricultural market within the region signed the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU. Conclusions. Considering that the EU has unilaterally cut the export duties, on condition of passing the appropriate certification, we believe that the region will be able to increase exports of agricultural product to the EU that provides significant opportunities for the development of agricultural enterprises in the region.
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MARTYNOVA, Liliia, and Valeriia YAKIMIVA. "Theoretical aspects of determining the content of forensic economic expertise." Economics. Finances. Law, no. 2 (February 21, 2020): 6–10.

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Introduction. At the present stage, the reforms being implemented in Ukraine are often accompanied by an increase in crime in the economic and financial spheres. And this poses the greatest and real threat to Ukraine's national security. In order to identify illegal economic activity and gather evidence in criminal proceedings, it is necessary to possess not only legal knowledge, but also special – economic. Therefore, forensic economic examinations can be considered as the most effective measure of gathering evidence on economic crime. The purpose of the paper is to study and analyze the main scientific and practical approaches regarding the interpretation of the content and essence of the concept of "forensic economic expertise." Results. In order to achieve this objective, the article identified and achieved the following objectives: Analysis and evaluation of approaches of domestic and foreign scientists and practitioners regarding the definition and interpretation of the concept of forensic economic expertise; Components of forensic and economic expertise have been identified. The methodological basis of the study was terminological analysis, which was used to disclose and clarify theoretical provisions that reveal the essential nature, peculiarities and nuances of scientists "views on the interpretation of the concept of forensic economic expertise; The method of scientific abstraction and concretization - with the author 's formulation of the constituent parts of forensic economic expertise and the formulation of the author 's definition of the concept of forensic economic expertise; Abstract-logical method – to formulate theoretical generalizations and conclusions of the study. Conclusion. Thus, according to the results of the study, there is no common position among scientists and practitioners on the definition of forensic economic expertise; It is noted that the definition of the essence of forensic economic expertise is divided by scientists into the following categories, such as: science, part of the study, method, process, type, procedural form; Attention was drawn to the homonymity in the interpretation of the concept of forensic economic expertise; The need for legislative consolidation of the concept of forensic economic expertise and its further elaboration is proposed and justified; Based on an analysis of the definitions of expertise and judicial economics, an author 's definition of forensic economic expertise has been proposed; The need for new theoretical developments and differentiation of existing scientific views and approaches regarding the interpretation of the content of forensic economic expertise is justified, which, in turn, will allow to expand the range of their functional purpose and increase the efficiency of practical application.
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Kostenko, Andriana M., Viktoriia O. Yasenok, Nina D. Svitailo, Mykola S. Nazarov, Nataliia М. Teslyk, Olha I. Smiianova, and Ihor V. Huschuk. "APPLICATION OF BEHAVIORAL ECONOMICS INSIGHTS TO INCREASE EFFECTIVENESS OF PUBLIC AWARENESS OF COVID-19." Wiadomości Lekarskie 74, no. 5 (2021): 1125–29.

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The aim: To determine the level of public awareness of COVID-19 and information needs, as well as level of public confidence in both official information on COVID-19 and to develop recommendations for communication policy on longer-term awareness in pandemic settings COVID-19, using principles of behavioral economics. Materials and methods: 4 focus group interviews were conducted in residents of Ukraine, with a total quantity of 48 people aged 16-70 years questioned and an anonymous questionnaire was conducted in 1,700 respondents, representing the adult population aged 18 years and older from all over Ukraine. The representative error of the study with probability of 0.95 does not exceed 4%. The processing of questionnaires was carried out by SDU Center of Social Researches (SDUCSR) employees, using the OSA program. Results: 28.5% of respondents believe that politicians and media underestimate the danger of the COVID-19 epidemic, while other 28.1% believe that politicians and media adequately assess its danger. 18.9% of respondents are sure that the danger is exaggerated. As much as 24.5% of Ukrainian respondents could not decide on such assessment. The most common sources of information about disease/treatment are Internet and social media. Traditional media and relatives/acquaints who endured the COVID-19 also gain population`s confidence. A family doctor is the least popular source of information. 42.1% of respondents do not trust official information on the number of infected people and severity of the disease, and another 40% are not sure whether they should trust or not. Only 17.9% of respondents trust official information. Conclusions: Within informing the society about public health in conditions of a COVID-19 pandemic it is better to provide communication strategy for various target audiences: for youth which is inclined to underestimate threats of epidemic and obtains information on social networks; for people of a retirement age (as risk group) who lack information because they use only traditional media (mainly TV); for women who need psychological support to decrease in level of stress in the family more often and also to overcome the negative post-stressful situations (connected with the death of the family/relatives); for men who are inclined to neglect their own health, etc.; for the people who have endured COVID-19 to prevent possible reinfection in them.
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Shelemba, Mykhailo, and Marta Shelemba. "The current state of the nationalization of the party systems in the Slovak Republic and Ukraine." Economic Annals-ХХI 188, no. 3-4 (May 10, 2021): 47–57.

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The paper assesses the current state of the nationalization of the party systems in the Slovak Republic and Ukraine based on the results of the latest parliamentary elections. By using formalized methods, the authors of the paper analyzed the composition of the party systems at the empirical level. The results of the conducted research show that the party landscape of the Ukrainian Parliament has changed in the direction of electoral preferences in favour of new participants of the political process. The analysis with the use of the Nagayama triangle showed that the electoral advantage of one political party was provided in most of the regions of Ukraine (the political party «Servant of the People»). Under the M. Jones’ and S. Mainwaring’s technique, a high level of the party system nationalization (0.70) was established while conducting the research. According to the methodology by G. Golosov, a Russian scientist, the nationalization index in 2019 was equal to 0.56. It was proved that the factors of presidentialism, socio-political delimitations of the political regime, forms of government, the entry barrier, and regionalization have impacted nationalization of the party system. Six political parties entered the Slovak Parliament. With the opposition center-right conservative political force «Ordinary People and Independent Individuals» being the leader of this election campaign. Parliament’s The assessment of the Slovak Parliament with the use of the Nagayama triangle shows that in most parts of Slovakia, no political force has been formed as a result of the elections, which would dominate the level of voters support and that competition provides a minimum gap between the two political forces. The analysis indicated that the nationalization of the party system of the Slovak Republic is 0.89 (the high value) according to the Jones and Mainwaring method and 0.67 (the above-average value) with regard to the Golosov method, being a higher value compared to a relatively similar indicator for Ukraine. It should be emphasized that the main factors impacting the actual state of the studied indicator were the entry barrier and the political regime in the country. The predominance in the level of nationalization of the party system of Slovakia, if compared with the relevant indicator in Ukraine is due to the fact that all political forces that entered the National Council of the Slovak Republic are stable and participate in electoral cycles.
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Slepecký, Jaroslav, Anna Vorontsova, Alex Plastun, Inna Makarenko, and Iryna Zhyhlei. "Net investment position and the stock market: The case of traditional and ESG indices." Investment Management and Financial Innovations 19, no. 2 (April 14, 2022): 51–66.

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This paper explores the influence of traditional and ESG stock market indices on a country’s net international investment position. To do this, different methods, including ANOVA analysis, multiply regression analysis, correlation analysis, VAR-analysis and R/S-analysis, as well as the Granger causality test, are applied to quarterly data on the net international investment position, traditional and ESG indices from Finland, Sweden, France, Spain and Ukraine over the period 2005–2021. The results of descriptive statistics show that ESG indices are more volatile than traditional, but these differences are statistically insignificant according to ANOVA analysis. Correlation analysis provides direct evidence that ESG indices are highly correlated with their traditional analogues (correlation level varies from 0.88 to 0.96). Regression analysis results show that traditional and ESG stock market indices have no significant impact on the net international investment position. ESG stock market indices and net international investment position data are persistent, and autoregressive models can be applied to these data sets. On average, Hurst exponent is above 0.75 for the case of ESG indices and above 0.85 for the net investment position. This paper provides recommendations to improve the responsible investment framework. Acknowledgment Alex Plastun gratefully acknowledges financial support from the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (0121U100473).
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Babenko, Vitalina, Yana Biletska, and Hanna Pelyak. "Ukraine-EU: economic integration strategy." Geopolitics under Globalization 3, no. 1 (January 14, 2020): 12–23.

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The practical aspects of Ukraine`s economic integration into the EU are still relevant, but are presented with insufficient formalization. The article aims to define the prospects of the Ukrainian integration strategy in the contemporary global space, in particular its Eurointegration strategy. The state and the prospects of the Ukraine’s economic integration into the EU were analyzed and the process of the Ukrainian foreign policy evolution in the European direction was studied. The possible potential membership of Ukraine in the EU was analyzed on the basis of characteristics of current state of the relationships between Ukraine and the member-states. The multi-vector integration course into the EU was stipulated with the aim to renovate the Ukrainian economy effectively; positive and negative aspects of Ukraine’s entrance into the integration association were analyzed. The article offers the measures for practical implementation of Ukraine’s integration intensions on the basis of the analysis of a variety of Ukrainian legislation documents in the field of foreign and domestic policy.
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Tirbakh, Lesya, and Galina Chaban. "Audit of payroll and ways of its improvement." University Economic Bulletin, no. 51 (December 21, 2021): 95–101.

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Relevance of the article. Many countries of the world and Ukraine, during the economic crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic, production fell, productivity fell, the number of workers decreased, and the unemployment rate increased, both in Ukraine and in the world. Therefore, this will affect the change in the structure of production and the system of remuneration. It should be noted that the formation of an effective incentive structure, the organization of its accounting depends on the timeliness and quality of work, production efficiency, production costs and many other aspects. Therefore, there is no doubt about the relevance of audit issues on remuneration and ways of solving them, but on the contrary, this topic requires special attention. Formulation of the problem. Analyzing the methods of auditing payroll accounting by experts, we found that the methodology for auditing payroll at the theoretical and practical levels does not exist, which is explained by different methods of determining the purpose of the audit. In this case, the main thing to consider is the use of continuous verification methods for organizing a payroll audit, as well as the possible use of selective and combined methods. Although the issue of audit of wages is the subject of research by many scientists, the question of the practical application of the method of audit of wages of a Ukrainian enterprise remains relevant. Analysis of recent studies and publications, which began to solve this problem. The works of famous scientists cover research on topical issues related to the accounting and audit of wages, namely: F. F. Butinets, M. D. Vedernikov, Yu. A. Veriga, Ya. D. Krupko, V. N. Goncharov, Z. V. Gutsaylyuk, O. V. Dodonov, Z. V. Zadorozhny, A. M. Kolot, T. A. Kostyshina, T. G. Melnik, M. S. Pushkar, V. V. Sopko, P. L. Suk, I. D. For example, improving employee remuneration, automating payroll, controlling pay, etc. Research assignment. To achieve this goal, the following tasks have been set: study the main practical issues of audit of wages, generalization of practical experience and determine the direction and method of solving this problem in Ukraine. Application area. The results of this study can be used at Ukrainian enterprises for the audit of payroll calculations, as well as in the initial process when teaching the discipline "Labor Economics and Socio-Economic Relations", "Audit". Conclusions. This article notes the nature of a payroll audit. Audit objects. The most important task of checking the calculation of workers' wages has been determined. Based on the results of the audit, typical violations of wage accounting were formulated. The type of liability for non-compliance with the law is indicated. Possible methods for resolving typical accounting violations are listed.
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Kozachenko, Ganna, Igor Andrushchenko, Yuriy Pogorelov, Larysa Gerasymenko, and Yuliia Romanovska. "Economic Security in Post-Soviet Countries: Level of Ensuring and Development Trends." Review of Applied Socio-Economic Research 22, no. 2 (December 2, 2021): 86–101.

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At the national level of economic security studies, a special place has alway s b e lon ged t o t he estimating side of the issue. Estimations of state economic security serve as input data for the determinat ion of directions and ways of further security provision. At the same time, such estimations should be considered not only as a result of a certain methodology application in a certain co un try b ut a lso i n t h e c o nte xt o f comparing the economic security estimations across a set of countries. The aim of the article is to determin e the level of ensuring economic security in post-Soviet countries and recognize patterns, ri sk s, a n d t h rea ts that affect the future development of state economic security. For comparative analysis of economic security, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Georgia, and period 2016-2020 have been selected. The methodological basis of the study included the followingmethods: comparative economic studies, methods of summation, arithmetic mean, weighted arithmetic, geometric mean, rating; international index systems we re used as a basis for comparative analysis. Using the suggested methodology of estimation allowed obta ini ng results that characterize level real economic security, is lower than average. None of the analyzed countri es has managed to maintain an acceptable level of economic security. The determined levels allow u s t o st a te that the economic systems of the analyzed post-Soviet countries demonstrat e h i gh p erc ep ti ve ne ss t o t h e actualization of various threats. And this perceptiveness, in its turn, leads to various negative changes in t h e economic systems of these countries. The high perceptiveness of the economic systems in the analyze d p o st-Soviet countries to the actualization of various threats can be explained by the c h an gin g q u ali ty o f t he ir economic potential, low levels of their innovativeness, and also the lack of proper condi ti ons t o a p ply t h e innovations
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Grigoriev, L., S. Agibalov, and M. Salikhov. "Ukraine: Divarication of Transformation." Voprosy Ekonomiki, no. 3 (March 20, 2009): 125–42.

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Ukraine has the greatest economic potential among transition economies, but economic activities in the country highly depend on external markets, especially on the Russian one. The country has come a long way from the 1990-s, but the process of institutional transformation has been slow and met with conflicts under conditions of deep transitional crisis. There were two main directions of adaptation: competitive survival attempt of eastern industry and economic migration of western agrarian population. Divarication by the level of development and economic interests has impeded the formation of constructive development policy and led to elections rush, gas conflicts and short strategic planning horizons. Current painful economic crisis and coming elections will finalize transition period in Ukraine. The country will define its choice and ambitions: maintaining identity together with industrial and science potential and integration in the global development after the World Recession is over or lasting inner conflicts and integration as a labor force and territory provider.
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Shyshkin, Viktor. "The place of small agricultural entrepreneurship in the development of amalgamated territorial communities." University Economic Bulletin, no. 48 (March 30, 2021): 7–20.

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Relevance of research topic. The number of Ukrainian holding-type organizations and their land bankcontinues to grow, "displacing" small and medium-sized producers from the agricultural economy.Since 2019, state policy has been refocusing on forced support for small and small-scale farms, and after the Ukrainian decentralization reform the leadership of the united territorial communities of the new tools they received depends on the development of small and medium-sized businesses. Formulation of the problem. Today, the actualization of local economic development requires significant financial resources from the united territorial communities. And the formation of their budget depends on the effectiveagricultural sector operation. After the Ukrainian reform of local self-government and decentralization, the economic development of the territories and of Ukraine as a whole, depends on the using of new tools and resources by the community leadership. The solution of theagrarian sphere problems of the united territorial communities is in the plane ofsmall agrarian entrepreneurship state support, strengthening of the state control over the activity of large agro-traders, as well as their social and financial responsibility to the united territorial communities. Analysis of recent research and publications. Theoretical questions on the study of small agrarian entrepreneurship in the development of united territorial communities were engaged in such scientists of the Institute of Economics of NASU, Institute of Agrarian Economics of NAAS of Ukraine, as Shemyakin D., Finagina O. V., Lysetsky A. S., Onishchenko O. M., and other national and foreign scientists. Selection of unexplored parts of the general problem. The issue of the impact of decentralization on theagricultural sector development of the united territorial communities needs to be detailed and further researched. Setting the task, the purpose of the study. The article aim is to investigate the theoretical aspect of organizational and legal foundations of the formation of united territorial communities in Ukraine, assess thesmall agricultural business current state and trace its relationship with the activities of united territorial communities for economic development. Method or methodology for conducting research. The set of general scientific methods of cognition and special methods of economic research are used in the work. Among them: analysis and synthesis, generalization and comparison, system-structural and comparative analysis, systematic method of cognition of economic processes and phenomena, index method and method of statistical groupings for analysis of united territorial communities activity development of the agro-industrial complex of Ukraine. Presentation of the main material (results of work). The article considers the theoretical aspect of organizational and legal foundations of the united territorial communities formation in Ukraine, assesses the current state of small agricultural business and reveals it’s main relationships with the united territorial communities activities for region economic development. Territorial communities are voluntary associations of residents of city, village and settlement councils, which directly receive funding from the state budget for the development of education, medicine, sports, culture, and social protection. Financial support from the state gives more opportunities to local communities to implement their own projects. The more active the territorial community, the more projects will be implemented and theterritorial communityprofitability level will be higher, which it will spend on the development of territories. This is the main incentive to attract additional investment to improve people's living standards. In 2020, theUkrainian Cabinet of Ministers adopted 24 orders on the definition of administrative centers and approval ofregional community’s territories. There are 1469 territorial communities in our country. After the launch of the decentralization process in Ukraine – the transfer of powers and resources to places from which the community itself determines the direction of funding, small communities require forresource lack for rural development. The solution has beena decision to consolidate several councils by merging, which allowed communities to use common resources for territorial development. Ukraine owns 60.3 million hectares, which is about 6% of Europe's territory.There are 32.7 millionarable land hectares of land in the structure ofUkrainian agricultural territory, of which almost 9 million are used as pastures, hayfields and other agricultural lands. The quarter of agricultural land was never distributed, remaining on the balance of the state. Thus, state and the communal property include 10.5 million hectares of agricultural land, which is 26% of the total area, of which 3.2 million hectares – in the permanent use of state enterprises, 2.5 million hectares – in stock, and the rest – for rent. Almost 40% of the total number of Ukrainian enterprises in the agricultural sector and 38% of the area of agricultural land cultivated by agricultural enterprises are absorbed by agricultural holdings and large agricultural traders. On June 1, 2019, there were more than 160 large agricultural holdings in the country, they cultivate more than 3.6 million hectares of agricultural land. Thus, today in Ukraine the number of holding-type organizations and their land bank continues to grow, "displacing" small and medium-sized producers from the agricultural economy. Thecommunity agrarian branch is a complex multi-sectoral system, the individual subsystems of which are unevenly represented in different territorial formations, but are in close interaction with each other. The role of small agrarian businesses in the development of united territorial community’sagriculture is constantly growing. In recent years, the share of farms has increased by 30%. With the development of farming in the agricultural regions of Ukraine, the opportunities to solve the problem of employment in rural areas and the revival of territories in general are increasing. Therefore, state support for agricultural producers is an important step in order to obtain funds for small business development in the agro-industrial sector. If earlier the preference of vectors of state support was in large agro-traders, then from 2019 the policy of the state was reoriented to the strengthened support of small and small-scale farms. Such support is confirmed by financial preferences for small agribusiness through regional branches of the Ukrainian State Farm Support Fund. Agricultural cooperatives will receive state support through cooperation with the Ministry of Agriculture of Ukraine with the assistance of the Department. Thus, today the promissory note form of payment has been abolished, and 70% of the cost of their equipment has been reimbursed for cooperatives. As a result of the crisis of 2014-2016, many Ukrainians started doing business and many successful cases of micro and small agricultural enterprises operating in the regions appeared in the country. However, barriers to rural development are a lack of financial resources and a lack of economic knowledge. Therefore, in order to maximally support farms and agro-industrial entrepreneurship in rural areas by the state, high-quality interaction and communication on the ground is needed. Thus, in addition to financial support, the state program also includes advising agricultural producers. Experienced specialists will help to structure the business, calculate the financial and create a business plan. In 2020, the budget of financial support for the agro-industrial sector of Ukraine is set at 4 billion UAH, which is only 43% of the limit – does not meet 1% of GDP. the real need for financial state support of a key sector of Ukraine's economy. The implementation of the program of financing micro and small agribusiness has great potential not only in the country, but also within each united territorial community. Each of them, which participates in the program of state support of small agrarian business, annually receives about 75 thousand UAH of taxes to its budget. On a national scale, this is an additional UAH 75 million ($ 3.06 million) in taxes to local budgets over 5 years. The possibility of organizational and legal forms of micro and small agribusiness, according to the current legislation of Ukraine, to hire labor – partially solves the problem of unemployment in rural areas. A significant contribution is also made by micro and small agribusiness in increasing the volume of gross domestic product in Ukraine. Small and medium business in Ukraine brings 55% of gross domestic product to the country's economy, and micro and small business 16%, while in Europe the figure is twice as high, and their efficiency is 10 times higher than in our country. It is the subjects of small and medium-sized businesses in the field of agriculture that are powerful catalysts and stimulators of business activity, determine the unification of all participants in economic relations in the country. Therefore, state support and effective development of united territorial community’sagribusiness create the basis for the emergence and functioning of the institutional environment. Thus, giving 12% of Ukraine's GDP and providing jobs for members of the local community, small agribusiness entities need the development of agricultural equipment suppliers, agricultural processors, research institutions that conduct breeding work and develop modern technologies, logistics infrastructure, market structures, as well as institutions of agricultural education. The agro-industrial sphere of the community is the main means of ensuring the socio-economic development of territorial united territorial communitiesand the effective functioning of rural areas. However, the distribution of agricultural land and land ownership remains an urgent problem for united territorial communities, as in addition to the territorial base, the land is a means of agricultural production. The population of the united territorial community is the main consumer of agricultural products produced by small agricultural enterprises. So, it provides a reproduction of labor for the industry. The vector of development of united territorial community’sagricultural production depends on the availability of natural, productive and labor resources of the community. The most energy-intensive are the production of vegetable crops, sugar beets, potatoes, industrial crops, as well as certain livestock industries, which are more often engaged in by farms and small agricultural enterprises. The study found that in Ukraine, government measures are the main obstacle to the development of agro-industrial entrepreneurship in united territorial communities, because it creates an extremely unfavorable climate for the development of small and medium enterprises or prohibits it altogether. For many years in a row, the sources of budget formation, which are generally local taxes, remain a significant problem in the development of agriculturally oriented united territorial communities. The limitation of incomes of agricultural enterprises and the population is the low efficiency of agricultural enterprises, the main reason for which is the low wages of peasants. The reason for this problem in the agricultural sector is low productivity, which forms the added value of agricultural products. Examining the structure of Ukrainian small agrarian business, its players in general education were classified into two large groups: 1. Farmers and agricultural producers living and working in rural areas. They live in a society within the lands of which they rent shares, pay all the necessary taxes, provide residents of general education with jobs, finished agricultural products at affordable prices. 2. Farmers who are registered in Ukrainian cities, however, use the land of the community, paying only the rent of agricultural land, depleting them due to non-compliance with crop rotations. Such agro-traders enjoy state support, soft loans and other preferences, receive super-profits and in no way contribute to the development of agricultural areas and society. These are the activities of large agro-industrial holdings, the form of interaction with rural general education and the mechanisms of social responsibility which need to be worked out with the help of the following measures by the government and agricultural producers: 1) development and restoration of the infrastructure of the united territorial communities and its elements used by agricultural holdings; 2) use of modern ecologically safe agrotechnologies. 3) training of qualified specialists in the field of agro-industrial complex, their employment in modern agro-industrial companies; 4) state support, restoration and preservation of recreational and health facilities of the united territorial communities, including agricultural lands, which are leased by large agricultural holdings; 5) involvement in the economic activity of the agricultural holding of farms on a partnership basis. Thus, partnerships and cooperation between large agricultural holdings and small agricultural producers of united territorial communities can contribute not only to the development of small agricultural businesses in Ukraine, but also to the socio-economic development of society and rural areas in general. The field of application of results. Thescientific research results on the problems of small agricultural entrepreneurship in the development of united territorial communities can be used in the field of state regulation of agribusiness and united territorial communities to support local agricultural producers. Conclusions according to the article. The agro-industrial sphere of the communities is the main means of ensuring the socio-economic development of territorial communities and the effective functioning of rural areas, because the development of farming opportunities increases the problem of rural employment and the revival of territories in general. That is why state support for agricultural producers is an important step to obtain funds for small business development in the agro-industrial sector.
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Romaniuk, Scott Nicholas. "Identities and Foreign Policies in Russia , Ukraine , and Belarus : The Other Europe , by S. White and V. Feklyunini (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014, ISBN 9780333993613); x+256pp., £73.00 hb." JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies 54, no. 3 (April 12, 2016): 766–67.

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Tropina, Valentyna, and Natalia Yevtushenko. "Integration of Ukraine to the European financial space: prerequisites, problems, prospects." University Economic Bulletin, no. 38 (July 3, 2018): 145–53.

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Relevance of the research topic. The strategy of social and economic development of Ukraine declares the European choice of the state. Accordingly, it is relevant to study the processes of Ukraine's integration into the world financial space and its regional subsystems in order to determine the strategic directions of the country's economic policy, taking into account the latest trends in the development of the world market. Formulation of the problem. With the acceleration of financial globalization, its impact on the country's economy and its financial component is substantially changing and intensifying, the processes of integration into the world financial space are becoming irreversible, and their impact on national economies is controversial, which requires further scientific research of the theoretical and applied aspects of integrating the financial system of Ukraine into European financial space. Analysis of recent research and publications. The problem of the influence of globalization on the financial systems of countries, the consequences of integration of the Ukrainian economy and its financial component into the global economic space and its regional subsystems is now quite widespread in scientific research. These are the works of famous scientists: Raghuram G. Rajan, D. Lukianenko, S. Lutsyshyn, A. Mozgovyi, L. Petkova, A. Rogach, K. Rogoff, J. Stolyarchuk, N. Stukalo, and others. Selection of unexplored parts of the general problem. At the same time, these issues are being updated in connection with the acceleration of financial globalization and the European choice of Ukraine, which requires the solution of a number of specific tasks related to the integration of Ukraine into the global financial space. Setting the task, the purpose of the study. The objective of the study is to analyze the latest trends in the development of the world financial system to justify the conditions and the main directions of the country's integration into the European financial space. The purpose of the study is to determine the main directions of Ukraine's financial eurointegration policy. Method or methodology for conducting research. The article uses a set of methods of scientific research: the system approach, statistical analysis, structuring, analysis and synthesis. Presentation of the main material (results of work). The influence of financial globalization on the development of the financial system of Ukraine is determined and the conditions and main directions of the country's integration into the European financial space are justified. The advantages of sectoral integration of Ukraine in the financial sphere are proved. The field of application of results. The results of this study can be applied in the process of forming and implementing the financial Eurointegration policy of Ukraine. Conclusions according to the article. With the acceleration of financial globalization, its impact on the economies of the countries and their financial component is substantially changing and intensifying. Accordingly, it is relevant for Ukraine to monitor the latest trends in the development of the global economy, the world financial system and its regional subsystems to determine the strategic priorities for reforming the financial system of Ukraine and timely and effective adjustment of the state's financial eurointegration policy.
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MOLDAVAN, Lyubov. "THEORETICAL FOUNDATIONS OF AGROECONOMICS: RETROSPECTIVE AND MODERNITY." Economy of Ukraine 2018, no. 11-12 (December 7, 2018): 122–35.

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Formation of two diametrically opposed schools of agrarian economics in theory and practice is studied. The first one believes that agriculture is subject to the general economic laws of the capitalist economic system (A. Smith, D. Ricardo, K. Marx), while the second one believes that the branch has features that limit this subordination, with the result that this area only “reflects” the general capitalist political economy. The author reveals the foundations of schools of the second direction formed by the classics of agroeconomics (A. Thaer, J. von Th?nen, T. Brinkmann) and further developed by E. David, S. Bulgakov, T. von der Goltz, O. Chayanov, M. Makarov and other scientists. According to the review of economic practices in the global agrarian space, it is proven that agriculture is successfully developing where specificity of socio-economic relations in the agricultural sector is confirmed. The specificity in this area is caused by interweaving the natural and economic principles of reproduction, peculiarities of the use of material, technical, labor and land resources, influence of the rent factor, low elasticity of demand for the main types of agricultural products and foodstuffs and significancy of social and ecological functions of agriculture for the development of society. Countries where agrarian policy is based on the principles of the general economic laws of capitalism that argue the advantages of large capitalist farms, the concentration and deep specialization of agriculture, the subordination of the production to profit maximization, etc., face negative social and economic consequences. The losses from these consequences collectively outweigh the economic benefits of a capital-only management system. The development of agroeconomic science under conditions of modern scientific and technological progress and globalization processes is analyzed. The agroeconomic science, expanding the substantial content of social and ecological functions of agriculture under influence of positive results and negative consequences of these processes, proved the equivalence of these functions to the economic function of the industry. The essence of the concept of multifunctionality of agriculture, which is acknowledged by the international community as an instrument for developing agrarian policies for sustainable agriculture development, is revealed. In this context, the problems of domestic scientific agroeconomic trends and the consequences of their implementation in the process of reforming the agrarian sector of Ukraine are analyzed.
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Muhammad, Ali. "�Selamat Datang Perang Dingin!� Kepentingan Rusia Di Krimea Dan Ukraina Timur Dan Ketegangan Hubungan Dengan Barat." Insignia Journal of International Relations 2, no. 02 (November 1, 2015): 01.

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AbstrakPaper ini berupaya memahami memburuknya hubungan antara Rusia dan Barat (Uni Eropa danAmerika Serikat) terkait dengan dengan Ukraina. Yang akan menjadi fokus pembahasan adalahmengapa Rusia melakukan anekasi semenajung Krimea dan melakukan intervensi di Ukraina Timur.Inti argumennya adalah bahwa, pertama, aksi aneksasi Rusia sebenarnya adalah hal yang bisadipahami sebagai puncak reaksi terhadap aksi ekspansi masif pengaruh Barat ke Eropa Timur sejakberakhirnya Perang Dingin. Ukraina hanyalah salah satu sisa-sisa dan benteng akhir mitra Rusia diEropa Timur. Kejatuhan tragis presiden Viktor Janukovych yang pro-Rusia di negara tersebut hanyalahmenjadi faktor pemicu bagi tindakan petualangan Rusia. Kedua, sejauh mana efektivitas respons ataureaksi Barat yang berupa sanksi ekonomi dan diplomatik negara-negara Barat atas Rusia belum bisadipastikan. Bagi Barat, upaya mengendalikan aksi �illegal� Rusia sangat dilematis mengingat Rusiaadalah negara great power. Serangkian aksi Rusia sangat mengkawatirkan Barat dan telah memicuketegangan serius, yakni, �Perang Dingin Baru� yang tak terelakkan Kata-kata Kunci: Rusia, Barat, Ukraina, Krimea, Ukraina Timur, Perang Dingin AbstractThis paper attempts to explain the worsening relationship between Russia and the West (EuropeanUnion and the United States) related to Ukraine issue. The focus of the discussion is to elaborate whyRussia carried out an annexation of Crimea peninsula and intervention in the Eastern Ukraine. Themain argument of the paper consists of two points; firstly, annexation by Russia is a peak of reactionsagainst massive expansion of the Western to Eastern Europe since the end of Cold War. Ukraine wasthe last standing partner of Russia in the Eastern Europe. The tragic fall of Victor Janukovych whichwas pro-Russia in the country was only a trigger to Russia�s action. Secondly, the extent of effectivityof response or reaction from the West, for example the economic and diplomatic sanction of Westercountries to Russia is still uncertain. For the West, the attempts to control the �illegal� action of Russiais found to be a dillematic issue considering that Russia is one of the great powers. This worrisomeaction by Russia has led to a sirious tension, namely �a New Cold War�. Keywords: Rusia, West, Ukraine, Crimea, East Ukraine, Cold War
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Adamenko, Iryna, and Ivan Makohon. "Integration of Ukraine to the world financial space in the context of cooperation with the IMF and the world bank." University Economic Bulletin, no. 39 (December 20, 2018): 129–36.

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Relevance of the research topic. After the national sovereignty proclamation, the Ukraine`s important task was to create a new model of socio-economic development of the country based on openness of the economy and integration into the world financial space. The process of integration is extremely complex and multifaceted, which involves the formation and implementation of an effective state policy in the field of international financial relations, raising the level of efficiency of the state administration system and creating conditions for the development of the real economy. Formulation of the problem. Transformations in the global economic environment, accelerating the processes of financial globalization are currently actualizing issues of countries integration into the world financial space. At the same time, the implications of integration are rather ambiguous, especially from the point of view of their financial component, which requires further scientific research of the theoretical and applied aspects of Ukraine's integration into the world financial space, in particular in the context of cooperation with the IMF and the World Bank. Analysis of recent research and publications. The problem of the globalization processes impact on the domestic economy, the development of international financial and economic relations is quite widespread today in the scientific research of famous foreign and domestic scientists: J. Buchanan, P. Samuelson, J. Stiglitz, T. Bogolib, V. Kolosova, G. Kucher, L. Lisyak, I. Lukyanenko, A. Mazaraki, V. Sidenko, I. Chugunov and others. Selection of unexplored parts of the general problem. The issues mentioned above are actualized in connection with the acceleration of the financial globalization processes, which determine the solution of a significant range of tasks related to the integration of developed and transformational economies into the world financial space. Setting the task, the purpose of the study. The purpose of the study is to determine the main directions of Ukraine's integration into the world financial space in the context of cooperation with the IMF and the World Bank. To achieve this goal, the following tasks were set: to analyze and evaluate the peculiarities of Ukraine's cooperation with the IMF and the World Bank; to substantiate the influence of globalization processes on the development of the financial and economic environment in Ukraine, to reveal the peculiarities and to determine the main directions of Ukraine's integration into the world financial space. Method or methodology for conducting research. The article uses a set of methods of scientific research: system approach, statistical analysis, structuring, analysis and synthesis, etc. Presentation of the main material (results of work). The analysis and evaluation of the peculiarities of Ukraine's cooperation with the IMF and the World Bank is carried out. The globalization processes influence on the development of the financial and economic environment in Ukraine is substantiated. The peculiarities and the main directions of integration of Ukraine into the world financial space are determined. The field of application of results. The results of this study can be applied in the process of formation and implementation of Ukraine's fiscal policy. Conclusions according to the article. Cooperation with international financial organizations is a powerful tool for attracting external state loans aimed at addressing the strategic objectives of socio-economic development of countries. Investments of international organizations create appropriate conditions for accelerating economic growth. The domestic economy restructuring in combination with the measures proposed by international financial organizations creates the basis for increasing the population welfare. The article substantiates that Ukraine's integration into the world financial space is a complicated and multi-faceted process, and the continuation of cooperation with international financial organizations will allow to receive financing on attractive conditions and to increase international reserves.
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The article presents factors influencing on the Ukrainian labor`s migration within conditions of European integration. We denoted the impact factors on migration processes in Ukraine within conditions of European integration. This analysis allows to work out measures for improving migration policy, and as a result � economical growth of the country. We defined the causes and effects. We traced the Ukrainian migration flows into the international economy. The impact factors of Ukrainian labor migration abroad within conditions of European integration in the current political and economic situation are the demographic situation, the unemployment rate, the rate of wages, migration policy, the political situation in Ukraine and in the world as well. We established the impact direction of each factor on the dynamics for the number of working migrators. So, in particular, the reduction and ageing of the population in the EU countries; the presence of hidden unemployment in Ukraine; the problems of youth employment after graduation; the excess of the EU countries� wages in 3-5 times over Ukraine`s wages; the absence of specific activity in Ukraine aimed at repatriation of Ukrainians, and, on the contrary, the presence of such activity in foreign countries; political instability in Ukraine are all factors that contribute increasing of Ukrainian migrants� number to the EU.
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The author of the article analyzes the collaboration of the domestic and foreign Ukrainians alike in the perennial intellectual support of restoring Ukraine‟s independence. The most important figures in this process were: V. Antonovych, M. Hrushevsky, M. Kostomarov, A. Krymsky, M. Maksymovych, I. Ogienko, O. Potebnya; V. Vytvytsky, M. Globenko, V. Holubnychy, S. Hordynsky, E. Glovinsky, D. Dontsov, A. Zhukovsky, Z.E. Kohut, I. Koshelivets, B. Kravtsiv, I. Krypyakevych, V. Kubiyovych, Z. Kuzelya, Y. Kuchabsky, V. Markus, M. Mikhnovsky, O. Ogloblin, E. Onatsky, J. asternak, E.-Yu. Pelensky, V. Petrov, S. Plokhii, N. Polonska-Vasylenko, O. Pritsak, I. Rakovsky, S. Rudnytsky, S. Smal-Stotsky, M. Stakhiv, O. Subtelny, A. Figol, V. Khvoyka, M. Chubaty, V. Shcherbakivsky, S. Yaniv; V. Balushok, V. Baran, M. Braichevsky, I. Gel, P. Grigorenko, J. Dashkevych, I. Dziuba, I. Drach, M. Zhulynsky, L. Zaliznyak, J. Isayevych, J. Kalakura, I. Kandyba, P. Kononenko, L. Lukyanenko, O. Nelga, G. Pivtorak, M. Popovych, O. Romanov, M. Rudenko, E. Sverstyuk, S. Segeda, V. Sergiychuk, V. Smoliy, V. Stus, M. Tymoshyk, V. Chornovil and others. The publishing of „Encyclopedia of Ukraine‟ was an extremely important event that became the means to centralize the worldview of the meaning field of the Ukrainian identity. „Encyclopedia of Ukraine‟ (Professor Volodymyr Kubiyovych, chief editor) is a scientific publication that combines the most significant systemized information in different scientific branches about the Ukrainianship, Ukraine, and Ukrainian world. Since Ukraine's study has a huge worldview potential, it is necessary to further fortify its influence on the forming of a complete worldview and common identity of Ukrainian citizens. We know that any political, economic, historical, and ethnocultural information requires the meaning processing when it is being studied. Because meaning is a unit of inner world of identity (O. Leontiev), while „the strive for the meaning‟ is one of the most efficient motivators of person's tendencies, and once it‟s gone people get trapped in an existential vacuum, alienation, depression, despair, etc. (V. Frankl). The meaning throughout the entire „Encyclopedia of Ukraine‟ could become a determinant of the worldview formation of the meaning field in Ukrainian identity (both personal and general). So, „Encyclopedia of Ukraine‟ with meaningful information and different forms (signs, symbols, images, axiological, etc.) of meaning representation may become a source of Ukraine‟s study competency and a system forming factor of centralizing the worldview of the meaning field of the Ukrainian identity, which was provided by the process of intellectual support of Ukraine's independence.
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Kostytsky, Wasyl W. "Dziedzictwo prawne Leona Petrażyckiego w nowoczesnej doktrynie prawnej Ukrainy." Studia Iuridica 74 (July 30, 2018): 163–84.

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The paper aims to study the work of Leon Petrazycki and analyze modern Ukrainian scholars’ opinions on Petrazycki’s scientific achievements. This study focuses on Petrazycki’s work, his psychological theory, in particular, in view of our own perspective on the law and within the framework of our theological and sociological theory, which considers the law as a social life phenomenon and regards moral imperative of the Almighty God as the basis of law. Every civilization communicates moral imperative through sacred writings (the Ten Commandments in Christian Bible, six hundred and seven rules in Jewish Torah, seventy-two rules in Muslim Quran). It is within the framework of this moral imperative that the society and the state develop the law. The paper addresses the modern absurdity and at the same time antinomy of law, lying in the fact that there is more and more law in the society but less and less law in life of an individual due to the fact that states rapidly upscale rulemaking, but laws are becoming less accessible to an individual. This study draws on conceptual issues of Petrazycki’s theoretical heritage, fundamental principles of his psychological theory, as well as connection between law and morality, described by Petrazycki, which are the spiritual heritage of society. The most important issues of Petrazycki’s work, in our opinion, are studying the nature of law, balance of emotion and intellect, official and intuitive, desirable and actual components in law, as well as subjective and objective law, law policy and power. The paper reveals that assessment of Petrazycki’s work in modern Ukrainian legal studies is ambivalent: from sharply critical (Prof. P. Rabinovich), compliant with Russian (O. Timoshina (St. Petersburg)) approach and critical yet positive perception of Petrazycki’s psychological theory (S. Maksymov, O. Merezhko, M. Kuz, O. Stovba) to admiration for Petrazycki’s genius, whose work was ahead of his time (I. Bezklubyi, N. Huralenko, V. Dudchenko, O. Rohach, M. Savchyn, V. Tymoshenko). Thus, the research findings suggest that Petrazycki’s work belongs not only to the past, but also to the present and future of jurisprudence, sociology, psychology, economics. Further in-depth analysis of Petrazycki’s heritage will contribute to more accurate diagnosis of urgent legal issues in social development of modern Ukraine, real assertion of personocentrism as a postulate of contemporary theoretical jurisprudence and guidelines for public authorities, as well as practical solution to many controversial scientific and legal issues.
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Roumyantsev, A. P. "Conceptual Aspects of Ukraine"s Integration into the World Economic System." Актуальні проблеми міжнародних відносин, Вип. 45, ч. 1 (2004): 49–53.

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Mazaraki, Anatoliy, Margaryta Boiko, Alla Okhrimenko, Svitlana Melnychenko, and Tetiana Zubko. "The impact of the national tourism system on the economic growth in Ukraine." Problems and Perspectives in Management 17, no. 4 (November 15, 2019): 93–103.

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The paper aims at analyzing the impact of tourism on the economic growth in Ukraine considering its global significance and dynamic development. Tourism should be considered not as a separate phenomenon, but as a complex socio-economic-ecological system, i.e. the national tourism system (NTS). The study attempts to reveal the nature and determinants of the national tourism system impact on economic growth, and also empirically substantiates this in the Ukrainian context. Since the economic decisions require a huge amount of information and different models, a multivariate least square model has been proposed to determine the causal links between NTS and economic growth. The paper also presents the economic parameters such as Ukrainian GDP as a dependent variable, volume of domestic tourism consumption, income from international passenger carriage, international tourism expenditures in the country, the volume of services provided in temporary accommodation and catering establishments, and country’s income from NTS as independent variables. The paper is based on the 2000–2017 statistical data. It concludes that the increase of total NTS contribution to GDP is influenced by all considered factors except the international tourism expenditures in the country. A proposed econometric factor analysis model can be used as a tool to analyze and forecast the socio-economic NTS processes. The hypothesis of the NTS`s impact on economic growth is substantiated.
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Postryhan, Tetiana. "Legal regulation of Innovation Park of the Poland." Theory and Practice of Intellectual Property, no. 6 (June 16, 2021): 134–39.

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1. Hlibko S. V. Pravove rehuliuvannia diialnosti naukovoho parku yak subiekta natsionalnoi innovatsiinoi systemy. Pravo ta innovatsii № 4 (20) 2017. S. 15−27. 2. Ustawa z dnia 20 marca 2002 r. o finansowym wspieraniu inwestycji. URL: 3. Główny Urząd Statystyczny [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: cps/rde/xbcr/wroc/Dzialalnosc_badawcza_i_rozwojowa.pdf. 4. Medynska T. V., Cherevata R. Yu. Podatkove stymuliuvannia innovatsiinoi diialnosti v Ukraini ta Polshchi v umovakh yevropeiskoho vyboru. Ekonomika i suspilstvo. Vypusk # 13 / 2017. S. 1149−1156. 5. Poland: Tax exemption for venture capital funds aims to foster innovation [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: 6. Shliakhy rozvytku ukr. nauky Informatsiino-analitychnyi biuleten. Dodatok do zhurnalu «Ukraina: podii, fakty, komentari.» № 5 (126) traven 2016. [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: 7. [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: 8. [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL:, 411269,resort-nauki-przedstawil-biala-ksiege-innowacji.html. 9. [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: 10. Act of 20 October 1994 on Special Economic Zones [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: of law,22. 11. [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: OpenContent/Files/487/Poland_FreeZones_Atlas.pdf. 12. Tkach S. M. Rozvytok innovatsiinoi infrastruktury Ukrainy ta Polshchi. 92 Vypusk 3 (119), m. Lviv. 13. Kuryliak Ye. Yu. Klasterni formy orhanizatsii vyrobnytstva u hlobalnii ekonomitsi. Dys. na zdobuttia naukovoho stupenia k.e.n. Ternopil – 2015. URL:
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For a long time theoretical representations and real actions of the reformers of the socio-economic system were in the plane of the orthodox neoclassical theory. At the same time, reformist rhetoric contained leading neo-liberal ideas, which substantially discredited them. The main task of the author is to restore the reputation of the neo-liberal economic doctrine as a whole and to prove the necessity of liberalizing the Ukrainian economy in particular. The article reveals the essence of the liberalization of economic life as a movement towards economic freedom in the broadest sense. The main ideological and philosophical content of liberalization is the strengthening of human-centered economic system, the transparency of economic relations, the humanization of the economic space, the institutionalization of interactions between all economic actors. In turn, the key economic and political dimension of liberalization can be represented by an integrated index of economic freedom, which assesses the level of real support for economic freedom by the relevant institutions and policies of the countries. The author analyzes the sources and factors of the expansion or limitation of the influence of state policy and institutions on economic freedom, which determine the level of socio-economic development of countries. It has been determined that countries that have formed relevant institutions and policies that promote economic freedom have higher levels of income, wealth, investment and more rapid economic growth.
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Shulyk, Yuliia Vitaliivna, Nataliia Mykolayivna Matviichuk, and Tetiana Oleksandrivna Shmatkovska. "DEPENDENCE OF UKRAINE’S BUDGETARY POLICY ON POLITICAL CYCLES." SCIENTIFIC BULLETIN OF POLISSIA 1, no. 2(10) (2017): 143–51.

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Urgency of the research. It is important to determine the impact of political cycles on budgetary policy in order to improve budget funding of Ukraine, accelerate reforms and stimulate economic development. Target setting. The assessment of Ukraine’s budgetary policy dependence on political cycles is important in terms of regulating the budget performance security and financial stability of the state. Actual scientific researches and issues analysis. Political cycles are the subject of research for a number of scientists among them I. Bardin, V. S. Boyko, D. Buchanan, А. Vdovychenko, R. Wagner, N. Dehtyarova, N. M. Lypko, Y. Mironovich, V. Nordhaus, V. Shevchuk. Definition of uninvestigated parts of general matters. Identification of interconnections and interinfluences of political cycles and Ukraine’s budget policy as well as effects of such relations remain insufficient. The research objective. The aim of the article is to determine the dependence of Ukraine’s budgetary policy on political cycles. The statement of basic materials. The article reveals the presence of the influence of political cycles in Ukraine on budget policy. The deterioration of the Ukraine's budget deficit and state debt indicators is analyzed. Based on econometric models the author proves an artificial increase in expenditures. It was found that the growth of social protection costs is a major factor of political cycles influence on the economy. The author also relates Inflationary processes before and after the elections to adjustments in monetary policy, which in turn requires coordination of fiscal and monetary policies. The author characterizes the challenges for the budget policy of Ukraine. Conclusions. The main challenge to the fiscal policy now is to settle indicators Ukraine's budget security com-bined with the financial support of the reforms in the economic and political life, despite the military conflict, shadow economy, the political crisis.
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Stepanova, Alla, Oleksandr Bediukh, and Iryna Novikova. "Contradictions of Enterprise Europe Network development in Ukraine." Problems and Perspectives in Management 17, no. 4 (December 5, 2019): 190–202.

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Innovative development is the priority of the Ukraine’s ecomonic policy. In order to achieve the stated goal, it is necessary to ensure the transfer of innovative technologies to commercial production. The transmission of research and development (R&D) results to potential customers should be achieved through market mechanisms that cannot work effectively without, first of all, market research and contacts with interested counterparties.The study aims to clarify the possibility of using the IT platform of the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) as a tool for searching and establishing the contacts between domestic and foreign counteragents. The object of research was the EEN’s IT platform and its mechanism for the innovative solutions implementation. The features of the EEN functioning in Ukraine were investigated. Using the EEN`s tools, the marketing research of current trends in the economic sectors development in the context of cooperation processes was conducted. The possible advantages and disadvantages of the technology transfer in the Enterprise Europe Network were analyzed. The strategy for EEN’s implementation in Ukrainian conditions was formulated. The methods of economic (SWOT and force field) analysis, the comparison method, and the economic-statistical method of analysis of actual data were used. The results of study allowed formulating the strategy and the recommendations for EEN’s development in Ukraine.
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Davis, Jennifer, and Dale Whittington. "Challenges for water sector reform in transition economies." Water Policy 6, no. 5 (October 1, 2004): 381–95.

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This paper discusses the practical problems of implementing water policy and pricing reforms in transition economies by looking at the case of Odessa, Ukraine. Chief among the policy advice for the water and sanitation (W&S) sector in less developed countries is greater cost-sharing by customers through increased service prices, with the goals of encouraging more efficient water use by users, promoting a greater perceived stake among customers in the health of their W&S systems and enabling service providers to maintain and expand their networks as needed. While appropriate for much of the developing world, this policy advice has had limited applicability for many communities in transition economies. The complex existing water supply infrastructure in much of Central and Eastern Europe, along with residents' low effective demand for high-quality service, create an environment in which typical price reform strategies will initially be a minor component in sector reform efforts. We use the case of Odessa, Ukraine, to discuss the reasons why traditional advice on water pricing has been of limited use in the region.
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Yuan, Tian, and T. Yu Andreieva. "Political, economic and cultural exchange between Hubei province and Ukraine: 1950–1990’s." Chinese Studies, no. 2 (2020): 39–56.

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Topicality. Despite the slowdown in socio-economic development, the escalation of armed conflicts, and the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on all spheres of society, the objective conditions of industrial and scientific-technical development of Industry 4.0 contribute to the acceleration of innovative development in Ukraine. Aim and tasks. The purpose of the study is to substantiate aspects of innovative modeling of anthropoecosystem development, on the example of a comprehensive analysis of indicators of subjective assessment of the population of Ukraine and prospects for recreational and tourist development in the Black Sea economic region. Research results. It is substantiated that in the anthropoecosystem the central element is the individual around whom the environment operates: as a result of the evolution of anthropocentrism in relation to the Industry 4.0 phase, Homo Economicus dominates, which due to the inclusive approach and state support forms a symbiosis with Homo Socialis. State regulation is aimed at establishing rules and incentives for innovation. The high level of economic development requires first of all the operation of the market regulation mechanism, which catalyzes the innovative development of the country. The combination and joint action of mechanisms of state, market and social regulation is a prerequisite for the formation of policies for the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals. Conclusion. The article substantiates and generalizes aspects of innovative modeling of systems that have elements of economic, social and environmental development in Industry 4.0. Anthropoecosystem research is a response to the aggravation of the environment caused by a combination of socio-economic instability and the effects of the coronavirus pandemic on the lives of the country, region and individual. The paper presents a comparative rating analysis of indicators of subjective assessment of the population of economic regions, in particular, the Black Sea economic region of Ukraine. Provisions on the development of recreation and tourism, the innovation of which is aimed at overcoming the effects of the coronavirus pandemic and Ukraine�s economic integration, are considered.
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Mamrai, Vita. "ACTIVITIES OF THE ALL-UKRAINIAN NETWORK OF THE OBSERVATION POINTS (1920’S – 1930’S)." Scientific Journal of Polonia University 42, no. 5 (February 12, 2021): 142–48.

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The article analyzes the history of formation and development of agricultural research work – a component of the culture of agronomy, which was considered the basis of the agriculture. Despite the organizational and financial difficulties, the research work had developed. The flourishing of research in Ukraine fell on 20-30’s of the 20th century. At this time in the agrarian science of Ukraine there were the significant scientific and organizational changes, as a result of which the priorities in the tasks of research institutions changed and practice began to dominate over theoretical developments. In the conditions of agriculture of the Ukrainian SSR, successful control of the pests and plant diseases was the key to ensuring a good harvest. But the struggle without knowledge of the conditions of development of the pests or pathogens of the plant diseases, was a measure only of a palliative nature. The correct and expedient control of the plant diseases required knowledge of the course of development of the disease, the time of its occurrence, the prevalence and harmfulness and many other aspects of biological and economic nature.
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Urgency of the research. Theoretical and empirical studies show that investment allocation has a perceptible impact on local economic development. Target setting. Taking into consideration reasonably low quantity of high-quality investments, countries all over the world are eager to incentive foreign direct investments inflows. Therefore, realistic country investment potential evaluation is vitally important for respective government institutions within their policies getting done. Actual scientific researches and issues analysis. The major issues of country investment potential evaluation, and investment market in general, were made by the following scientists and technicians: O. Fedonin, I. Riepina, O. Oleksiuk, S. Lieonov, B. Chub, Ie. Lapin, J. Dunning, A. Thompson., D. Kaufmann, M. De Melo, K. Berden, S. Sarno, P. Buckley, A. Fukumi and others. Uninvestigated parts of general matters defining. At the same time, insufficient scientific works cover approaches to assessing investment potential of Ukraine, based on latest research results of foreign scientists within current topic. Current socio-economic determinants of foreign direct investment need to be studied. The research objective is to identify key determinants of foreign direct investment inflow in the economy of Ukraine. The statement of basic materials. The article have considered determinants of foreign direct investment inflows, which are related to country socio-economic development and state institutions indicators. Conclusions. Studies of statistics of groups in transition economies have shown that the simultaneous adoption indicators of socio-economic development and quality of public institutions into the model of country investment potential evaluation allows to evaluate the elasticity of foreign direct investment to changes in each of the determinants.
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The COVID-19 epidemic in Ukraine and around the world has led to unprecedented restrictive measures by countries to counter the spread of viral diseases and support national health systems. At the same time, the quarantine measures introduced in Ukraine rather exposed and deepened the negative trends in the economy, which have been observed since the second half of 2019. In the first nine months of 2020, Ukraine\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s real GDP fell by 5.4% and consumer inflation last year was below the target range of the NBU, which indicates signs of full-fledged stagnation in the real sector of the economy. The efficiency of the financial intermediation and monetary transmission in Ukraine remains low. The stagnation of bank lending has been going on for the third year in a row, and the measures taken by the NBU to stimulate the economy have not been effective enough. The loan-to-deposit ratio is following the downward trend since 2015. The risk of lower revenues of the state budget of Ukraine and increasing the cost of government borrowing significantly complicates the implementation of state programs to support the economy. The lack of sufficient fiscal space to finance public expenditures at an affordable cost puts Ukraine on an unequal footing with the countries of Central and Eastern Europe in the context of overcoming the crisis. In order to counter the COVID-19 crisis, countries use a combination of government fiscal mechanisms with monetary and macroprudential instruments of central banks. Given the risk of a vicious cycle of deterioration of the financial condition of the banking and corporate sectors in Ukraine, authors justified a comprehensive approach to improving public economic and financial policy, which will synergize the effect of the measures taken and ensure long-term sustainable growth of Ukraine's economy based on effective credit support of the banking system.
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