Academic literature on the topic 'Ukraine`s economics'

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Journal articles on the topic "Ukraine`s economics"


Pantin, V., and V. Lapkin. "Domestic and Foreign Political Factors of Ukrain' s Integration with Russia and the EU." World Economy and International Relations, no. 11 (2012): 50–56.

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The article covers the issue of the Ukraine's upcoming choice in the present difficult situation: to move toward Russia or the EU. Forecasting that the agreement between Ukraine and the EU will be concluded, the authors, however, suppose, the integration of Kiev and Brussels will be insignificant. This is accounted for both the intensification of internal political struggle in Ukraine and uncertainty of the President Yanukovich's perspectives, and the danger of Ukrainian industry destruction, less competitive than the European industry, which will lead to mass unemployment and sharp rise in social strain.
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Olshanska, Oleksandra, Valeria Kostynets, and Inna Stenicheva. "METHODOLOGICAL APPROACH TO EVALUATION OF INNOVATIVE SPACE�S OF REGIONS FORMATION." Actual Problems of Economics 1, no. 232 (2020): 6–17.

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The article is devoted to substantiation of belonging of regions to a certain type of innovation space, evaluation and systematization of separate scientific approaches to the typology of regions of the country. The authors substantiate the methodological approach to assessing the factors of formation of the innovation space of the regions of Ukraine. A system of preliminary and final indicators for assessing the formation of the innovation space of the region is proposed and systematized. It is proposed to implement the division of the regions of Ukraine according to the parameters that assess the activities of the innovation sphere, and indicate the formation of the innovation space of the region
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Petrushenko, Yuriy, Maxim Korneyev, Natalia Nebaba, Olena Banchuk-Petrosova, and Anna Bohorodytska. "Assessment of the external debt impact on a country’s economic development indicators: Evidence from Ukraine." Investment Management and Financial Innovations 19, no. 1 (April 4, 2022): 360–69.

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External public debt is not only a means of raising funds to finance public needs, but also an effective tool for stabilizing a country`s economic development, the assessment and analysis of which allows making effective management decisions at the state level and developing effective measures to improve the economic and debt situation. The paper aims to assess the impact of external public debt on Ukraine’s economic development indicators (GDP, foreign direct investment, foreign exchange reserves). In order to achieve the stated goal distributed lag models are used, which allow modeling a country’s economic development (according to key indicators) within certain forecast scenarios. The study covers the period from 2009 to 2021. An analysis of the dynamics of external public debt in Ukraine led to the conclusion about the unstable debt situation in Ukraine and a significant increase in external debt in recent years. Econometric models with a distributed lag of three years are built and the results of the influence of external public debt in different time periods are analyzed. The average lag in the built models is about one and a half years (for GDP) and two and a half years (for foreign direct investment). This value indicates that the average change (increase/decrease) in external public debt will change economic development over time. A positive conclusion is made on the possibility of not only assessing the time lag between the indicators, but also on the prospects for forecasting both the public debt and key indicators of Ukraine`s economic development. AcknowledgmentThe article was published as part of research projects “Convergence of economic and educational transformations in the digital society: modeling the impact on regional and national security” (No. 0121U109553) and “Reforming the lifelong learning system in Ukraine for the prevention of the labor emigration: a coopetition model of institutional partnership” (No. 0120U102001).
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Chebotarov, V. "At the Core of Economic Educational, Scientific and Pedagogical Elaboration." Economic Herald of the Donbas, no. 1 (63) (2021): 233–37.

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The article is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of one of the oldest institutions of higher education in the south-eastern Ukraine – Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University. The achievements and contribution of LNU in the fields of pedagogy, history, geography, philology and linguistics, physics and mathematics, and Olympic sports are widely known in Ukraine and abroad. At the level of the best achievements there are also achievements of Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University in the field of economic science, which is shown by the example of the modern department of economics, marketing and entrepreneurship. The author makes an attempt to establish historical justice in the history of world economics: to prove the unsurpassed importance of the developments of the former head of the department Vasily Antonovich Bader. In the late 1960 s, in parallel with the world-famous Ota Šik, in the context of the theory of "market socialism" he substantiated the doom and disintegration of the socialist economic system and its transformation into a market economy (much later, under other economic and socio-political conditions, Deng Xiaoping, the father of the "Opening of China", came to similar views). At the beginning of the 2000s, for the first time in Ukraine and Central and Eastern Europe, the department introduced a process of organizational and economic combination of research and educational activities – the establishment of a branch of the Institute of Industrial Economics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine at the Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University. With the beginning of the war in Donbass, the department became the first and only in Ukraine, on the basis of which was established a communication and consulting support center for leading international charitable organizations in Luhansk and Donetsk regions. The department has developed one of the first in Ukraine concepts of "Marshall Plan" for the Revival of the Donbas". The academic mobility experience of the department gained via the Visiting Professor program in teaching professional disciplines in Poland to students from the European Union, Asia and Africa under the ERASMUS+ Program is unique. Innovative are the practices of participation in the most prestigious European scientific and practical research projects, encouragement on a regular basis to the domestic educational process of leading entrepreneurs, teaching disciplines of free choice in English and cooperation with public authorities.
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Cichos, Katarzyna. "„Wartości” czy bezpieczeństwo? Polityka sąsiedzka UE (na przykładzie relacji z Ukrainą)." Przegląd Wschodnioeuropejski 9, no. 1 (June 1, 2018): 119–28.

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At the historical foundation of today’s EU, economic growth had subordinate role to the primary goal which was the desire for peace in Europe. Since the 90’s, the original goal of peace-keeping has been replaced by other objectives, such as promotion of democracy and other values of the EU. This policy has been implanted into EU’s relations with Ukraine. The article examines the relation between the EU and Ukraine and raises a question if the Neighborhood Policy of the EU can be called successful and tries to find a way out of the crisis within the EU – Ukraine – Russia relations.
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Topicality. Recent economic-organizational transformations in maritime branch of Ukrainian economics influenced the essential changes in the system of its management, leads up to essential decreasing of state regulation of transportation and transshipment of cargo, to appearance of set independent shipping and stevedoring companies of ports terminals. This fact leads up to the national competition environment�s formation and to increasing the competition in international transportation market. Under these circumstances the Ukrainian enterprises of maritime sector of economics, in particular stevedoring companies of ports terminals are subjected to influences of market�s instability and are faced to necessity of effective regulation of their development from the side of Ministry of infrastructure of Ukraine. One of the main specific features of competition struggle among operators of port�s terminals is necessity of their participation in logistic supply chains of cargo delivery what can strengths their competitive position in the market of stevedoring service. Under modern conditions the successful stevedoring activity is determined by ability of the companies to exchangeable market�s conditions adaptation. Variability of market�s environment in the sphere of stevedoring service demands application of new methods of management of cargo transshipment which must be based on adaptation and flexibility not only managerial decisions but organization structure of stevedoring company itself. When developing the managerial decisions related to port�s infrastructure development it is necessary to take into account the uncertainty of market�s environment and force major factors that are inherent to maritime business, as well. That is why for increasing the effectiveness of Ukrainian stevedoring companies activities the corresponding researches are needed that will allow to develop the conceptual foundations of this activities in the sea ports of regions and corresponding methodical aids that can be used by ports operators and administrations of Ukrainian commercial sea ports in their everyday activity. Despite of the existence of number theoretical and applied works in the field of stevedoring companies activity and economic justification of projects of creation or reconstruction of port�s terminals there exists a lot of unsolved problems concerning methodological foundation of priority directions of ports infrastructure elements development under market�s uncertainty, risks and competition. Aim and tasks. The aim of article is development of method for optimal distribution of investments among port terminals in a region under random fluctuation of cargo flows and competition taking into account the method NPV � Net Present Value � for evaluation of economic results of stevedoring activities. Research results. The methodical approach is proposed for optimal distribution of investments determination directed on creation of berths for terminals of seaports located in same region. It is based on results of queuing and storage theories. The ports terminals are presented as the multi-channel queuing systems of the Poisson-Erlang type with warehouses for cargo storage. Besides, it is supposed that rates of Poisson streams of ships are the non-decreasing functions of number of berths of corresponding terminal. The method of mean current profit of terminal�s operator determination is proposed (for steady-state regime) and discrete optimization problem for number of berths determination is formulated under restricted investment fund. Conclusions. The method of optimal distribution of investments directed on development of ports terminals of a region is proposed. It may be a tool for decision making for State Administration of Sea Ports. Its application allow to increase the effectiveness of terminal operators activity under random fluctuation of cargo flows and taking into account possibility of their ruin. The method proposed id based on results of queueing and storage theories. In the further researches in this direction it is interesting, from theoretical and practical points of view, its generalization for the case of competition among terminals operators.
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Vlasenko, Lev. "History of Ukraine-China Bilateral Trade." Modern Economics 25, no. 1 (February 23, 2021): 40–45.

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Annotation. Introduction. During the years of Ukrainian independence, China has risen from a relatively insignificant country in Asia to the biggest trade partner of Ukraine surpassing even Russia and other post-Soviet republics both in amount and the importance of bilateral trade. To fully understand the current dynamics of bilateral trade between Ukraine and China, it is necessary to explore the history of these relations from ancient times to the current stage to improve the strategy for cooperation between Ukraine and China. Purpose. To study the history of bilateral trade relations of Ukraine and China from first diplomatic contacts to contemporary relations, to identify patterns and trends that affect the dynamics of trade, to outline mistakes and shortcomings of Ukrainian diplomacy, and to provide recommendations for improvement. Result. The revealed pattern of diplomatic and trade relations between Ukraine and China may be considered as an indicator s that China has been viewing Ukraine as a political entity even before the declaration of independence in 1991. International relations between Ukraine and China have a deep and strong historical tradition with a wide range of forms and methods of cooperation in the fields of politics, economics, and culture. Conclusions. The revealed dynamics of bilateral trade prove that the negative trends in trade between Ukraine and China are not always related to the competitiveness of the Ukrainian economy or global market conditions and may have resulted from the mistakes and failures of Ukrainian diplomacy. To prevent these mistakes in the future, it is necessary to have qualified specialists trained to work with China and conduct effective negotiations at the highest level and monitor their correct coverage in the official documents and press. Keywords: international trade; bilateral trade; Ukraine-China trade; Soviet-China trade.
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Шауренко, Анна. "ДОБРОБУТ СЕЛЯН У ПОСТРАДЯНСЬКИЙ ПЕРІОД." Уманська старовина, no. 8 (December 30, 2021): 44–54.

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Ключові слова. побут, селянство, матеріальний добробут, інфраструктура, медицина, культура, освіта. Анотація У статті розглянуто особливості добробуту сільського населення у пострадянський період. Акцентується увага на забезпеченості населення необхідними для життя матеріальними благам. Насамперед, продуктами харчування, промисловими товарами, послугами та умовами, що задовольняють певну потребу людини і відповідають її інтересам. У не найкращому стані перебувала соціальна сфера, комунальне господарство і медицина. Кризові явища, якими супроводжувалися трансформаційні процеси в економіці, завдали відчутних збитків матеріальному забезпеченню селян. За результатами зібраних матеріалів доведено, що економічна криза, швидкі темпи інфляції, проблема дефіциту товарів, затримка коштів для виплати заробітної плати в 90-х рр. ХХ ст. ускладнювали матеріальне становище сільського населення України. Посилання Bakhovskyi, 2003 ‑ Bakhovskyi V. Tsiny na prodovolchi tovary i riven zhyttia naselennia [Food prices and living standards]. // Ekonomika APK. 2003. №12 S.81-87. [in Ukrainian]. Balanovska, 2000 – Balanovska T. Silskyi sektor Ukrainy na rubezhi tysiacholit [Ukraine's rural sector at the turn of the millennium]. T.1. : Potentsial silskoho sektora. Kyiv : Instytut ekonomiky NAN Ukrainy, 2000. 396 s. [in Ukrainian]. Derzhavna sluzhba statystyky Ukrainy, 1992‑2001 ‑ Derzhavna sluzhba statystyky Ukrainy: statystychna informatsiia [State Statistics Service of Ukraine: statistical information]. URL: (data zvernennia 25.11.2021) [in Ukrainian]. Ihnatenko, 2009 ‑ Ihnatenko M. Ukrainske selianstvo: pobutova ta kulturno-osvitnia sfera (1991‑1997 rr.) [Ukrainian peasantry: household and cultural-educational sphere (1991–1997)]. // Osvita, nauka i kultura na Podilli: zb. naukovykh prats, prysviachenyi 90-richchiu Kamianetskoi doby UNR. Kamianets-Podilskyi : Opiium, 2009. T. 13. S. 386-394. [in Ukrainian]. Kasianov, 2008 ‑ Kasianov H. Ukraina 1999 – 2007: narysy novitnoi istorii [Ukraine 1999–2007: Essays on Recent History].Kyiv : Nash chas, 2008. 432 s. [in Ukrainian]. Kovpak, 2003 ‑ Kovpak L. V. Sotsialno-pobutovi umovy zhyttia naselennia Ukrainy v druhii polovyni KhKh st. (1945–2000 rr.) [Socio-living conditions of the population of Ukraine in the second half of the twentieth century (1945–2000)] Kyiv : Instytut istorii Ukrainy NAN Ukrainy, 2003. 250 s. [in Ukrainian]. Prokopa, 1996. ‑ Prokopa I. V. Sotsialna infrastruktura sela: formuvannia novoho mekhanizmu rozvytku [Social infrastructure of the village: formation of a new mechanism of development]. Kyiv : NAN Ukrainy, Instytut ekonomiky, 1996. 172 s. [in Ukrainian]. Riven zhyttia naselennia Ukrainy, 2006 ‑ Riven zhyttia naselennia Ukrainy [The standard of living of the population of Ukraine]. / za red. L. M. Cherenko. Kyiv : TOV «Vydavnytstvo «Konsultant», 2006. 428 s. [in Ukrainian]. Riven zhyttia naselennia Ukrainy, 2006 Derzhavnyi komitet statystyky Ukrainy: riven zhyttia naselennia Ukrainy [State Statistics Committee of Ukraine: living standards of the population of Ukraine]. URL: (data zvernennia 25.11.2021) [in Ukrainian]. Sabluk, 2002 ‑ Sabluka P. T., Orlatyi M. K. Materialnyi dobrobut silskykh zhyteliv [Material well-being of rural residents]. Kyiv : Instytut ahrarnoi ekonomiky UAAN, 2002. 369 s. [in Ukrainian]. Smolii, 2006 ‑ Smolii V. A. Istoriia ukrainskoho selianstva: narysy: v 2 t. [History of the Ukrainian peasantry: essays in 2 volumes]. Kyiv : Naukova dumka, 2006. T. 2. 653 s. [in Ukrainian]. Statystychnyi shchorichnyk Ukrainy, 2010 ‑ Statystychnyi shchorichnyk Ukrainy 2009 rik [Statistical Yearbook of Ukraine 2009]. / za red. O.H. Osaulenka. Kyiv : Derzhkomstat Ukrainy, 2010. 567 s. [in Ukrainian]. Statystychnyi zbirnyk, 1997 ‑ Sotsialno-ekonomichne stanovyshche silskykh naselenykh punktiv Ukrainy: statystychnyi zbirnyk [Socio-economic situation of rural settlements of Ukraine: statistical collection]. Kyiv : Derzhkomstat Ukrainy, 1997. 175 s. [in Ukrainian]. Zavalniuk, 2004 ‑ Zavalniuk O., Rybak I. Novitnia ahrarna istoriia Ukrainy [Recent agrarian history of Ukraine]. Kamianets-Podilskyi : Abetka-NOVA, 2004. 288 s. [in Ukrainian].
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Tokarieva, Kateryna. "Legal regulation of «available loans 5-7-9%» in Ukraine." Law and innovations, no. 3 (31) (October 2, 2020): 60–65.

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Problem setting. In modern conditions, every country in the world is trying to do everything to develop existing business and improve the conditions for opening a new business, increase attractiveness for foreign investors and attract additional funds to the state economy. In order to achieve a quick and effective outcome, it is considered necessary to address the issues in an integrated manner. The point is that a number of factors that are important for the activities of economic entities and affect the choice of the country in which the new business will be created and investments should be made should be taken into account. In our opinion, it is advisable to include among such important factors: the absence of excessive bureaucratic barriers for entrepreneurs, stable legislation, a flexible tax system, financial support (assistance) to business. Analysis of recent researches and publications. The study of some aspects of providing state financial support (assistance) to economic entities was carried out by such scientists as: N. M. Vnukova, S. V. Hlibko, A. A. Dmytryk, G. L. Znamensky, D. V. Lichak, Ya. Petrunenko and others. However, given the changes that have taken place in society in connection with the COVID19 pandemic, and the innovations that have been introduced to regulate legal relations in the field of economics, the need for modern research is necessitated. So, the purpose of this publication is to analyze the legal regulation of the provision of “available loans 5-7-9%” in Ukraine. Article’s main body. It is significant that since the introduction of quarantine, a large number of regulatory legal acts have been adopted in Ukraine aimed at mitigating the consequences of the crisis. In particular, a number of legislative acts have been adopted to amend tax legislation. Also, the standard owner did not ignore the economic legislation in terms of making appropriate adjustments to the legal mechanism for providing financial support to economic entities. In accordance with the Procedure for providing financial state support to micro-entrepreneurs and small businesses one of the forms of support is the provision of loans to business entities. Conclusions and prospects for the development. Attention is focused on peculiarities of providing financial support to economic entities. The legal mechanism for providing “available loans of 5-7-9%” as a type of financial support for business entities in Ukraine has been disclosed. It was noted that now the introduction of state guarantees on a portfolio basis as a form of state support for economic entities is insufficiently reasoned. The need to improve the legal regulation of the Program 5-7-9% is justified taking into account the positive experience of foreign countries.
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Stolyarov, Vasyl. "Reflections on the Creative Legacy of Vladimir Kirillovich Chernyak and Alexander Sergeevich Emelyanov (Part 1. Legacy is the Basis of the Future)." Herald of the Economic Sciences of Ukraine, no. 1(40) (2021): 180–89.

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The article in the form of memoir-analytical reflections reveals the leading components of the creative heritage of Doctor of Economics, Professor V. K. Chernyak and Doctor of Economics, Professor, Corresponding Member of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine A. S. Emelyanov. The creative heritage of V. K. Chernyak disclosed by his innovative ideas of fighting poverty through a radical reform of wages, increasing the population’s ability to pay and assessing the effectiveness of the central and regional authorities using the provisions of the Human Development Concept: the dynamics of the Human Development Index, an increase in life expectancy, an improvement in the ratio of fertility and mortality. The historical reference points of scientific and socio-political activities of V. K. Chernyak are revealed in 1973-2020. A comparative analysis of its metrology of human development with the adopted state decisions, including in the State strategies for regional development for the period up to 2020, has been carried out and for 2021-2027. The most important guidelines and advice to “Servants of the People” on achieving mutual responsibility of the authorities and the people are given. The administrative blunders of the Ukrainian bureaucracy are revealed in the calculations and analysis of the Human Development Index at the national level and the Regional Human Development Index at the level of administrative regions. The creative heritage of A. S. Emelyanov disclosed in the part of his recommendations on enhancing the role of the state in the management of the market economy. The characteristic features of the mission of A. S. Emelyanov are given as “personally involved” in the problems of the formation of Ukrainian Market within the framework of official, scientific and parliamentary activities in 1992-2012. The revolutionary ideas of A. S. Emelyanov are disclosed to harmonize the planning principles of public administration with market methods of management. The article contains examples of joint cooperation between V. K. Chernyak and A. S. Emelyanov in the state building of Ukraine. Examples of professional incompetence of the Ukrainian bureaucracy are given. The article makes an appeal to “Servants of the People” with an insistent recommendation for the study, understanding and use of the attitudes of the creative heritage of V. K. Chernyak and A. S. Emelyanov. In the context of updating the Appeal of scientists to the First President of Ukraine L. M. Kravchuk in 1994, the author’s directions for further scientific and applied research were determined.
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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Ukraine`s economics"


Kovács, Levente, and Roman Poberezhny. "The purpose and characteristics of financial information for SME: European experience." Thesis, NTU "KhPI", 2016.

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Describes the purpose and features of financial information for small and medium businesses. Summarized the European experience, developed scientific and practical recommendations on its use in Ukrainian conditions.
Розглянуто цілі і характеристики фінансової інформації для малого і середнього бізнесу. Узагальнено європейський досвід, розроблено науково-практичні рекомендації по його використанню в українських умовах.
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Books on the topic "Ukraine`s economics"


Gorbachev, Mikhail Sergeevich. Aktivno deĭstvovatʹ, ne teri͡a︡tʹ vremeni: Vystuplenie na vstreche s kollektivom Dnepropetrovskogo metallurgicheskogo zavoda i rechʹ na sobranii aktiva respublikanskoĭ partiĭnoĭ organizat͡s︡ii Ukrainy, 26, 27 ii͡u︡ni͡a︡ 1985 goda. Moskva: Izd-vo polit. lit-ry, 1985.

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Nikitenko, P. G. Makroėkonomicheskai︠a︡ situat︠s︡ii︠a︡ v Respublike Belarusʹ i perspektivy ėkonomicheskogo sotrudnichestva s Rossiĭskoĭ Federat︠s︡ieĭ i Ukrainoĭ: Materialy dli︠a︡ Kruglogo stola "Perspektivy dalʹneĭshego razvitii︠a︡ ėkonomicheskikh svi︠a︡zeĭ Belarusi, Rossii i Ukrainy" : senti︠a︡brʹ 2000 g., g. Kiev. Minsk: Pravo i ėkonomika, 2000.

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V, Vasilʹev A., and Tuzovskai͡a︡ M. G, eds. Priazovo-Krymskiĭ proekt: S prilozheniem protokola no. 5/9 ot 23 apreli͡a︡ 1998 goda sovmestnogo zasedanii͡a︡ uchenogo soveta predstavitelʹstva v Ukraine (Azovskogo otdelenii͡a︡) AĖNPD Rossii i Uchenogo Soveta instituta ėkonomiko-sot͡s︡iokulʹturnykh issledovaniĭ s uchastiem nauchnykh sotrudnikov IĖPI NAN Ukrainy i Proekt v programmu TASIS 1998 po teme "Ėkonomiko-ėtnosot͡s︡ialʹnye tendent͡s︡ii integrat͡s︡ionnogo prot͡s︡essa v Vostochnoĭ Evrope na osnove sravnitelʹnogo analiza regionalʹnykh i ėtnicheskikh osobennosteĭ razvitii͡a︡ raĭonov Frant͡s︡ii, Polʹshi i Ukrainy s promyshlenno sopostavimym potent͡s︡ialom" : s prilozheniem plana NIR na 1997 god s informat͡s︡ieĭ o vypolnenii na 22 okti͡a︡bri͡a︡ 1997 goda : preprint doklada. Mariupolʹ: In-t ėkonomiko-sot͡s︡iokulʹturnykh issledovaniĭ, 1998.

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Polpred: Delovai︠a︡ Ukraina: ekonomika i svi︠a︡zi s Rossieĭ. Moskva: Biznes-press, 2002.

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Avrutin, Eugene M. Photographing the Jewish Nation: Pictures from S. an-Sky's Ethnographic Expeditions. Brandeis University Press, 2014.

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Photographing the Jewish nation: Pictures from S. An-Sky's ethnographic expeditions. Waltham, Mass: Brandeis University Press, 2009.

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Johansen, Bruce, and Adebowale Akande, eds. Nationalism: Past as Prologue. Nova Science Publishers, Inc., 2021.

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Nationalism: Past as Prologue began as a single volume being compiled by Ad Akande, a scholar from South Africa, who proposed it to me as co-author about two years ago. The original idea was to examine how the damaging roots of nationalism have been corroding political systems around the world, and creating dangerous obstacles for necessary international cooperation. Since I (Bruce E. Johansen) has written profusely about climate change (global warming, a.k.a. infrared forcing), I suggested a concerted effort in that direction. This is a worldwide existential threat that affects every living thing on Earth. It often compounds upon itself, so delays in reducing emissions of fossil fuels are shortening the amount of time remaining to eliminate the use of fossil fuels to preserve a livable planet. Nationalism often impedes solutions to this problem (among many others), as nations place their singular needs above the common good. Our initial proposal got around, and abstracts on many subjects arrived. Within a few weeks, we had enough good material for a 100,000-word book. The book then fattened to two moderate volumes and then to four two very hefty tomes. We tried several different titles as good submissions swelled. We also discovered that our best contributors were experts in their fields, which ranged the world. We settled on three stand-alone books:” 1/ nationalism and racial justice. Our first volume grew as the growth of Black Lives Matter following the brutal killing of George Floyd ignited protests over police brutality and other issues during 2020, following the police assassination of Floyd in Minneapolis. It is estimated that more people took part in protests of police brutality during the summer of 2020 than any other series of marches in United States history. This includes upheavals during the 1960s over racial issues and against the war in Southeast Asia (notably Vietnam). We choose a volume on racism because it is one of nationalism’s main motive forces. This volume provides a worldwide array of work on nationalism’s growth in various countries, usually by authors residing in them, or in the United States with ethnic ties to the nation being examined, often recent immigrants to the United States from them. Our roster of contributors comprises a small United Nations of insightful, well-written research and commentary from Indonesia, New Zealand, Australia, China, India, South Africa, France, Portugal, Estonia, Hungary, Russia, Poland, Kazakhstan, Georgia, and the United States. Volume 2 (this one) describes and analyzes nationalism, by country, around the world, except for the United States; and 3/material directly related to President Donald Trump, and the United States. The first volume is under consideration at the Texas A & M University Press. The other two are under contract to Nova Science Publishers (which includes social sciences). These three volumes may be used individually or as a set. Environmental material is taken up in appropriate places in each of the three books. * * * * * What became the United States of America has been strongly nationalist since the English of present-day Massachusetts and Jamestown first hit North America’s eastern shores. The country propelled itself across North America with the self-serving ideology of “manifest destiny” for four centuries before Donald Trump came along. Anyone who believes that a Trumpian affection for deportation of “illegals” is a new thing ought to take a look at immigration and deportation statistics in Adam Goodman’s The Deportation Machine: America’s Long History of Deporting Immigrants (Princeton University Press, 2020). Between 1920 and 2018, the United States deported 56.3 million people, compared with 51.7 million who were granted legal immigration status during the same dates. Nearly nine of ten deportees were Mexican (Nolan, 2020, 83). This kind of nationalism, has become an assassin of democracy as well as an impediment to solving global problems. Paul Krugman wrote in the New York Times (2019:A-25): that “In their 2018 book, How Democracies Die, the political scientists Steven Levitsky and Daniel Ziblatt documented how this process has played out in many countries, from Vladimir Putin’s Russia, to Recep Erdogan’s Turkey, to Viktor Orban’s Hungary. Add to these India’s Narendra Modi, China’s Xi Jinping, and the United States’ Donald Trump, among others. Bit by bit, the guardrails of democracy have been torn down, as institutions meant to serve the public became tools of ruling parties and self-serving ideologies, weaponized to punish and intimidate opposition parties’ opponents. On paper, these countries are still democracies; in practice, they have become one-party regimes….And it’s happening here [the United States] as we speak. If you are not worried about the future of American democracy, you aren’t paying attention” (Krugmam, 2019, A-25). We are reminded continuously that the late Carl Sagan, one of our most insightful scientific public intellectuals, had an interesting theory about highly developed civilizations. Given the number of stars and planets that must exist in the vast reaches of the universe, he said, there must be other highly developed and organized forms of life. Distance may keep us from making physical contact, but Sagan said that another reason we may never be on speaking terms with another intelligent race is (judging from our own example) could be their penchant for destroying themselves in relatively short order after reaching technological complexity. This book’s chapters, introduction, and conclusion examine the worldwide rise of partisan nationalism and the damage it has wrought on the worldwide pursuit of solutions for issues requiring worldwide scope, such scientific co-operation public health and others, mixing analysis of both. We use both historical description and analysis. This analysis concludes with a description of why we must avoid the isolating nature of nationalism that isolates people and encourages separation if we are to deal with issues of world-wide concern, and to maintain a sustainable, survivable Earth, placing the dominant political movement of our time against the Earth’s existential crises. Our contributors, all experts in their fields, each have assumed responsibility for a country, or two if they are related. This work entwines themes of worldwide concern with the political growth of nationalism because leaders with such a worldview are disinclined to co-operate internationally at a time when nations must find ways to solve common problems, such as the climate crisis. Inability to cooperate at this stage may doom everyone, eventually, to an overheated, stormy future plagued by droughts and deluges portending shortages of food and other essential commodities, meanwhile destroying large coastal urban areas because of rising sea levels. Future historians may look back at our time and wonder why as well as how our world succumbed to isolating nationalism at a time when time was so short for cooperative intervention which is crucial for survival of a sustainable earth. Pride in language and culture is salubrious to individuals’ sense of history and identity. Excess nationalism that prevents international co-operation on harmful worldwide maladies is quite another. As Pope Francis has pointed out: For all of our connectivity due to expansion of social media, ability to communicate can breed contempt as well as mutual trust. “For all our hyper-connectivity,” said Francis, “We witnessed a fragmentation that made it more difficult to resolve problems that affect us all” (Horowitz, 2020, A-12). The pope’s encyclical, titled “Brothers All,” also said: “The forces of myopic, extremist, resentful, and aggressive nationalism are on the rise.” The pope’s document also advocates support for migrants, as well as resistance to nationalist and tribal populism. Francis broadened his critique to the role of market capitalism, as well as nationalism has failed the peoples of the world when they need co-operation and solidarity in the face of the world-wide corona virus pandemic. Humankind needs to unite into “a new sense of the human family [Fratelli Tutti, “Brothers All”], that rejects war at all costs” (Pope, 2020, 6-A). Our journey takes us first to Russia, with the able eye and honed expertise of Richard D. Anderson, Jr. who teaches as UCLA and publishes on the subject of his chapter: “Putin, Russian identity, and Russia’s conduct at home and abroad.” Readers should find Dr. Anderson’s analysis fascinating because Vladimir Putin, the singular leader of Russian foreign and domestic policy these days (and perhaps for the rest of his life, given how malleable Russia’s Constitution has become) may be a short man physically, but has high ambitions. One of these involves restoring the old Russian (and Soviet) empire, which would involve re-subjugating a number of nations that broke off as the old order dissolved about 30 years ago. President (shall we say czar?) Putin also has international ambitions, notably by destabilizing the United States, where election meddling has become a specialty. The sight of Putin and U.S. president Donald Trump, two very rich men (Putin $70-$200 billion; Trump $2.5 billion), nuzzling in friendship would probably set Thomas Jefferson and Vladimir Lenin spinning in their graves. The road of history can take some unanticipated twists and turns. Consider Poland, from which we have an expert native analysis in chapter 2, Bartosz Hlebowicz, who is a Polish anthropologist and journalist. His piece is titled “Lawless and Unjust: How to Quickly Make Your Own Country a Puppet State Run by a Group of Hoodlums – the Hopeless Case of Poland (2015–2020).” When I visited Poland to teach and lecture twice between 2006 and 2008, most people seemed to be walking on air induced by freedom to conduct their own affairs to an unusual degree for a state usually squeezed between nationalists in Germany and Russia. What did the Poles then do in a couple of decades? Read Hlebowicz’ chapter and decide. It certainly isn’t soft-bellied liberalism. In Chapter 3, with Bruce E. Johansen, we visit China’s western provinces, the lands of Tibet as well as the Uighurs and other Muslims in the Xinjiang region, who would most assuredly resent being characterized as being possessed by the Chinese of the Han to the east. As a student of Native American history, I had never before thought of the Tibetans and Uighurs as Native peoples struggling against the Independence-minded peoples of a land that is called an adjunct of China on most of our maps. The random act of sitting next to a young woman on an Air India flight out of Hyderabad, bound for New Delhi taught me that the Tibetans had something to share with the Lakota, the Iroquois, and hundreds of other Native American states and nations in North America. Active resistance to Chinese rule lasted into the mid-nineteenth century, and continues today in a subversive manner, even in song, as I learned in 2018 when I acted as a foreign adjudicator on a Ph.D. dissertation by a Tibetan student at the University of Madras (in what is now in a city called Chennai), in southwestern India on resistance in song during Tibet’s recent history. Tibet is one of very few places on Earth where a young dissident can get shot to death for singing a song that troubles China’s Quest for Lebensraum. The situation in Xinjiang region, where close to a million Muslims have been interned in “reeducation” camps surrounded with brick walls and barbed wire. They sing, too. Come with us and hear the music. Back to Europe now, in Chapter 4, to Portugal and Spain, we find a break in the general pattern of nationalism. Portugal has been more progressive governmentally than most. Spain varies from a liberal majority to military coups, a pattern which has been exported to Latin America. A situation such as this can make use of the term “populism” problematic, because general usage in our time usually ties the word into a right-wing connotative straightjacket. “Populism” can be used to describe progressive (left-wing) insurgencies as well. José Pinto, who is native to Portugal and also researches and writes in Spanish as well as English, in “Populism in Portugal and Spain: a Real Neighbourhood?” provides insight into these historical paradoxes. Hungary shares some historical inclinations with Poland (above). Both emerged from Soviet dominance in an air of developing freedom and multicultural diversity after the Berlin Wall fell and the Soviet Union collapsed. Then, gradually at first, right wing-forces began to tighten up, stripping structures supporting popular freedom, from the courts, mass media, and other institutions. In Chapter 5, Bernard Tamas, in “From Youth Movement to Right-Liberal Wing Authoritarianism: The Rise of Fidesz and the Decline of Hungarian Democracy” puts the renewed growth of political and social repression into a context of worldwide nationalism. Tamas, an associate professor of political science at Valdosta State University, has been a postdoctoral fellow at Harvard University and a Fulbright scholar at the Central European University in Budapest, Hungary. His books include From Dissident to Party Politics: The Struggle for Democracy in Post-Communist Hungary (2007). Bear in mind that not everyone shares Orbán’s vision of what will make this nation great, again. On graffiti-covered walls in Budapest, Runes (traditional Hungarian script) has been found that read “Orbán is a motherfucker” (Mikanowski, 2019, 58). Also in Europe, in Chapter 6, Professor Ronan Le Coadic, of the University of Rennes, Rennes, France, in “Is There a Revival of French Nationalism?” Stating this title in the form of a question is quite appropriate because France’s nationalistic shift has built and ebbed several times during the last few decades. For a time after 2000, it came close to assuming the role of a substantial minority, only to ebb after that. In 2017, the candidate of the National Front reached the second round of the French presidential election. This was the second time this nationalist party reached the second round of the presidential election in the history of the Fifth Republic. In 2002, however, Jean-Marie Le Pen had only obtained 17.79% of the votes, while fifteen years later his daughter, Marine Le Pen, almost doubled her father's record, reaching 33.90% of the votes cast. Moreover, in the 2019 European elections, re-named Rassemblement National obtained the largest number of votes of all French political formations and can therefore boast of being "the leading party in France.” The brutality of oppressive nationalism may be expressed in personal relationships, such as child abuse. While Indonesia and Aotearoa [the Maoris’ name for New Zealand] hold very different ranks in the United Nations Human Development Programme assessments, where Indonesia is classified as a medium development country and Aotearoa New Zealand as a very high development country. In Chapter 7, “Domestic Violence Against Women in Indonesia and Aotearoa New Zealand: Making Sense of Differences and Similarities” co-authors, in Chapter 8, Mandy Morgan and Dr. Elli N. Hayati, from New Zealand and Indonesia respectively, found that despite their socio-economic differences, one in three women in each country experience physical or sexual intimate partner violence over their lifetime. In this chapter ther authors aim to deepen understandings of domestic violence through discussion of the socio-economic and demographic characteristics of theit countries to address domestic violence alongside studies of women’s attitudes to gender norms and experiences of intimate partner violence. One of the most surprising and upsetting scholarly journeys that a North American student may take involves Adolf Hitler’s comments on oppression of American Indians and Blacks as he imagined the construction of the Nazi state, a genesis of nationalism that is all but unknown in the United States of America, traced in this volume (Chapter 8) by co-editor Johansen. Beginning in Mein Kampf, during the 1920s, Hitler explicitly used the westward expansion of the United States across North America as a model and justification for Nazi conquest and anticipated colonization by Germans of what the Nazis called the “wild East” – the Slavic nations of Poland, the Baltic states, Ukraine, and Russia, most of which were under control of the Soviet Union. The Volga River (in Russia) was styled by Hitler as the Germans’ Mississippi, and covered wagons were readied for the German “manifest destiny” of imprisoning, eradicating, and replacing peoples the Nazis deemed inferior, all with direct references to events in North America during the previous century. At the same time, with no sense of contradiction, the Nazis partook of a long-standing German romanticism of Native Americans. One of Goebbels’ less propitious schemes was to confer honorary Aryan status on Native American tribes, in the hope that they would rise up against their oppressors. U.S. racial attitudes were “evidence [to the Nazis] that America was evolving in the right direction, despite its specious rhetoric about equality.” Ming Xie, originally from Beijing, in the People’s Republic of China, in Chapter 9, “News Coverage and Public Perceptions of the Social Credit System in China,” writes that The State Council of China in 2014 announced “that a nationwide social credit system would be established” in China. “Under this system, individuals, private companies, social organizations, and governmental agencies are assigned a score which will be calculated based on their trustworthiness and daily actions such as transaction history, professional conduct, obedience to law, corruption, tax evasion, and academic plagiarism.” The “nationalism” in this case is that of the state over the individual. China has 1.4 billion people; this system takes their measure for the purpose of state control. Once fully operational, control will be more subtle. People who are subject to it, through modern technology (most often smart phones) will prompt many people to self-censor. Orwell, modernized, might write: “Your smart phone is watching you.” Ming Xie holds two Ph.Ds, one in Public Administration from University of Nebraska at Omaha and another in Cultural Anthropology from the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing, where she also worked for more than 10 years at a national think tank in the same institution. While there she summarized news from non-Chinese sources for senior members of the Chinese Communist Party. Ming is presently an assistant professor at the Department of Political Science and Criminal Justice, West Texas A&M University. In Chapter 10, analyzing native peoples and nationhood, Barbara Alice Mann, Professor of Honours at the University of Toledo, in “Divide, et Impera: The Self-Genocide Game” details ways in which European-American invaders deprive the conquered of their sense of nationhood as part of a subjugation system that amounts to genocide, rubbing out their languages and cultures -- and ultimately forcing the native peoples to assimilate on their own, for survival in a culture that is foreign to them. Mann is one of Native American Studies’ most acute critics of conquests’ contradictions, and an author who retrieves Native history with a powerful sense of voice and purpose, having authored roughly a dozen books and numerous book chapters, among many other works, who has traveled around the world lecturing and publishing on many subjects. Nalanda Roy and S. Mae Pedron in Chapter 11, “Understanding the Face of Humanity: The Rohingya Genocide.” describe one of the largest forced migrations in the history of the human race, the removal of 700,000 to 800,000 Muslims from Buddhist Myanmar to Bangladesh, which itself is already one of the most crowded and impoverished nations on Earth. With about 150 million people packed into an area the size of Nebraska and Iowa (population less than a tenth that of Bangladesh, a country that is losing land steadily to rising sea levels and erosion of the Ganges river delta. The Rohingyas’ refugee camp has been squeezed onto a gigantic, eroding, muddy slope that contains nearly no vegetation. However, Bangladesh is majority Muslim, so while the Rohingya may starve, they won’t be shot to death by marauding armies. Both authors of this exquisite (and excruciating) account teach at Georgia Southern University in Savannah, Georgia, Roy as an associate professor of International Studies and Asian politics, and Pedron as a graduate student; Roy originally hails from very eastern India, close to both Myanmar and Bangladesh, so he has special insight into the context of one of the most brutal genocides of our time, or any other. This is our case describing the problems that nationalism has and will pose for the sustainability of the Earth as our little blue-and-green orb becomes more crowded over time. The old ways, in which national arguments often end in devastating wars, are obsolete, given that the Earth and all the people, plants, and other animals that it sustains are faced with the existential threat of a climate crisis that within two centuries, more or less, will flood large parts of coastal cities, and endanger many species of plants and animals. To survive, we must listen to the Earth, and observe her travails, because they are increasingly our own.
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Book chapters on the topic "Ukraine`s economics"


Yevmieshkina, Olena. "DEVELOPMENT OF CONCEPTUAL PRINCIPLES OF SOCIO-ECONOMIC FORECASTING." In Development of scientific, technological and innovation space in Ukraine and EU countries. Publishing House “Baltija Publishing”, 2021.

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The purpose of the paper examines the development of conceptual foundations of socio-economic forecasting. The subject of the study is socio-economic forecasting. The aim of the study is to carry out the conceptual analysis of social and economic forecasting. The theoretical and methodological basis of the study are the fundamental provisions of the theory of public administration, strategic planning, the work of domestic and foreign scientists in public administration, public administration, methodology of public administration science, forecasting, strategic planning. The choice of the subject of research was made by analyzing the development of forecasting in Ukraine and scientific opinion on the research problem. The study used general and special methods, in particular: analysis and synthesis in the formation of the theoretical basis of the study; analytical approach in the selection of scientific information on the research topic; comparative and logical-semantic methods used in the study of the conceptual apparatus and clarification of the concept of forecasting; systemic and historical in the analysis of the origins of the formation of the science of socio-economic forecasting; modeling method in identifying the principles of socio-economic forecasting; generalization – in developing the conclusions of the study. The analysis of the sources of formation of conceptual bases of social and economic forecasting are carried out. The origins of the formation of socio-economic forecasting are analyzed, in particular, the scientific contribution of I. Bestuzhev-Lada, M. Kondratiev, B. Lazarev, V. Lysychkin, N. Likarchuk, V. Matvienko, J. Forrester, J. Furastier, W. Rostow, S. Teleshun and others. Through the prism of the conceptual views of scientists who studied forecasting formed the concept of “forecasting of socio-economic development”. This is the process of developing forecasts of social and economic development of the country, certain sectors of the economy or individual administrative-territorial units, the possible state of the economy and social sphere in the future, as well as alternative ways and terms of achieving parameters of economic and social development. Socioeconomic forecasting based on scientific methods of cognition of socioeconomic phenomena. The principles and methodology of socio-economic forecasting are highlighted. From the variety of principles of socioeconomic forecasting can be distinguished those that distinguish forecasting from other management functions and indicate its exceptional features. These are the principles of probability, verifiability. Other principles point to the close connection between forecasting and management, namely: systematicity, coherence, continuity, integrity, scientificity and others. The methodology of socio-economic forecasting and application of methods at the stages of forecasting are considered. At the first stage, the problem is studied, which is best done using scanning methods, brainstorming. The second stage involves a qualitative analysis of the problem. This analysis can be performed using the method of cross-exposure. The third stage is the writing of scripts, using the method of analysis of hierarchies, the method of writing scripts. The fourth is the analysis and selection of scenarios using the Melissa Schilling Technological Prediction Method. This method considered the most effective because it focuses on the practical component.
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Conference papers on the topic "Ukraine`s economics"


Orlova, Valentina. "Banking System of Ukraine under Conditions of Overcoming the Consequences of 2008 Global Crisis." In International Conference on Eurasian Economies. Eurasian Economists Association, 2010.

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In the modern market models state banking system plays the most significant role in the functioning of economic mechanism. It ensures control of total money supply, regulates movement of cash flows, and realizes accumulation and investment of financial resources, crediting different trades and people. In transition from socialist model of economics to market economy a precondition for the start of reformation of economic relations is multi-branch state banking system. In the beginning of 1990-s creation of such banking system began in Ukraine. However, crisis situation in economics that developed in 2008 has shown how imperfect and unadapted to the regularities of market economy was banking system in Ukraine. Now Ukrainian economics like world economy is recovering. However, the problem of growing treasury deficit and national debt becomes issue of the day for the Government as drastic, not predicted variations of foreign currency are able to make an impact on loan market. The article describes history of building Ukrainian banking system starting from market reforms. It gives analysis of the reasons that have caused collapse of the banking system under conditions of the global economic crisis of 2008. It also evaluates prospects for further development of banking sector in Ukraine.
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Kurilo, Mariia. "GEOLOGICAL AND ECONOMIC EVALUATION OF MONOMINERAL QUARTZITE�S DEPOSITS FOR PRODUCTION OF DINAS IN UKRAINE." In 17th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM2017. Stef92 Technology, 2017.

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Olyanich, V. V., and L. V. Olyanich. "PEASANT FARMS AND ECONOMIC EFFICIENCY IN THE UKRAINIAN SSR IN THE 20S OF THE XX CENTURY." In Proceedings of the XXV International Scientific and Practical Conference. RS Global Sp. z O.O., 2021.

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The article investigates the economic efficiency of farms in the USSR in the 20's of the twentieth century. Much attention is paid to the study of socio-economic indicators, identifying opportunities to meet production farms and their welfare needs. The author argues that the farms in the USSR in the 20's of the twentieth century were characterized by rather sad indicators of economic efficiency, since a large number of households do not even have available land, livestock, tools and more. On the one hand this is due to the crisis of the early 20's. Caused by the devastating effects of war, revolution, social and economic experiments - nationalization and socialization of land, disruption of grain farming, a situation complicated famine and drought in the south of Ukraine, reducing livestock. On the other hand the socio-economic characteristics and the ability to establish a consumer economy to achieve functional norms to ensure its industrial and social needs in the Marxist paradigm of public relations coverage served only to establish the class structure and definition of objects of taxation, but not for the formation of economically developed farms.
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Manakova, Nataliia, Olha Kolisnyk, and Liudmyla Sokolova. "Ensembling Clustering Method for Evaluating of the Economic Security Components. Case Study: The Regions of Ukraine." In 2019 IEEE International Scientific-Practical Conference Problems of Infocommunications, Science and Technology (PIC S&T). IEEE, 2019.

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Voropayeva, Tatiana, and Nina Averianova. "Information and Economic Security as Priority Directions of the State Policy of Ukraine in the Context of the Strategy of «Smart Power»." In 2021 IEEE 8th International Conference on Problems of Infocommunications, Science and Technology (PIC S&T). IEEE, 2021.

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Bekker, Mikhail Viktorovich, Thomas Beuker, Uwe Thuenemann, and Steffen Paeper. "Re-Assessment Survey of Large Diameter Pipelines Using Compact Multi-Purpose Inline Inspection Tools." In 2004 International Pipeline Conference. ASMEDC, 2004.

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Large diameter pipelines of 48” and 56” traverse the Ukraine. These pipelines are the life-line for the Russian gas transit to high demand European Union (EU) markets. The high economic impact to several European regions and the complicated legislation of these pipeline systems reduces the operators’ ability to change operating conditions to better suit in-line inspection. Ukrtransgaz requested a reliable and compact inspection tool able to negotiate 1.5D bends. Thirty degree (30°) mitre bends and demanding elevation changes in the range of 1500m (4921ft) also had to be considered. The high economic impact of the pipeline systems did not allow Ukrtransgaz to reduce the high flow speed of the gas, which is more than 10 m/s (22.2mph), during the inspection. In combination with the before-mentioned elevation profile, an inspection tool with active speed control was required. As part of the planned re-assessment survey, an XYZ mapping inspection relying on an inertial navigation system was also required. The inspection solutions provided by ROSEN were multipurpose tools providing MFL technology, an XYZ mapping module and active speed control in a single body. It will be discussed in this paper how the miniaturization of electronics and computer technology is not only a key point for small diameter tools, but also essential to meet the demanding targets of inspecting large diameter gas lines. Breaking with the paradigm, that large pipe provides enough internal space, was the basis in accomplishing the demands of the operator.
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