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Journal articles on the topic "U.S. BANK STRESS"
Dzhagityan, Eduard, Anastasiya Podrugina, and Sofya Streltsova. "U. S. Investment Banks in the Context of the Post-Crisis International Banking Regulation Reform." Moscow University Economics Bulletin 2020, no. 1 (February 27, 2020): 21–40.
Full textDuan, Guosheng, Haifei Liu, Dongdong Shao, Wei Yang, Zhiwei Li, Chen Wang, Shuo Chang, and Yu Ding. "Numerical Simulation of the Transportation of Cohesive Bank-Collapsed Materials in a Sharply Curved Channel." Water 14, no. 7 (April 2, 2022): 1147.
Full textIzaki, Marisa, José Soares Junior, Maria Clementina Pinto Giorgi, and Jose Claudio Meneghetti. "Influence of the arm position in myocardial perfusion imaging acquisition." Revista da Associação Médica Brasileira 60, no. 4 (July 2014): 311–17.
Full textAl-Asbahi, Bandar Ali. "Tuning Photophysical Properties of ZnO/TiO2 Nanocomposite Thin Films by Controlling Anatase Titania Content." ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology 11, no. 4 (April 1, 2022): 043008.
Full textSilitonga, Mirdat, Herien Puspitawati, and Istiqlaliyah Muflikhati. "MODAL SOSIAL, COPING EKONOMI, GEJALA STRES SUAMI DAN KESEJAHTERAAN SUBJEKTIF KELUARGA PADA KELUARGA TKW." JKKP (Jurnal Kesejahteraan Keluarga dan Pendidikan) 5, no. 1 (April 17, 2018): 20–30.
Full textWang, Daobing, Fang Shi, Bo Yu, Dongliang Sun, Xiuhui Li, Dongxu Han, and Yanxin Tan. "A Numerical Study on the Diversion Mechanisms of Fracture Networks in Tight Reservoirs with Frictional Natural Fractures." Energies 11, no. 11 (November 5, 2018): 3035.
Full textKoopman, Cheryl, Stanley F. Wanat, Shelly Whitsell, Darrah Westrup, and Robert A. Matano. "Relationships of Alcohol Use, Stress, Avoidance Coping, and other Factors with Mental Health in a Highly Educated Workforce." American Journal of Health Promotion 17, no. 4 (March 2003): 259–68.
Full textPayenok, A., and A. Kulyk. "The difference of anxiety, depression and cortisol levels in patients with acute and chronic vertebrogenic lumbosacral pain syndrome." Lviv clinical bulletin 1, no. 41 (March 21, 2023): 8–14.
Full textPassam, Freda H., Angelina Lay, Alexander Dupuy, Jessica Tieng, Lejla Hagimola, Jessica Maclean, Marc Ellis, and Philip Hogg. "Protein Disulphide Isomerase 6 (PDIA6) Attenuates Platelet Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress and Secretion in a Mouse Model." Blood 138, Supplement 1 (November 5, 2021): 3138.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "U.S. BANK STRESS"
Turková, Lucie. "Porovnání sekvenčních variant genů pro biotransformační enzymy u různých typů karcinomů." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta chemická, 2017.
Full textHollasová, Sára. "Proměnné predikující efekt operace u pacientů s bolestí zad." Master's thesis, 2020.
Full textTřísková, Kateřina. "Copingové strategie u lidí s diagnózou deprese." Master's thesis, 2019.
Full textBrožová, Kateřina. "Zvládání zátěže u rodičů dětí s poruchou autistického spektra." Master's thesis, 2015.
Full textŠandová, Jana. "Zkušenosti s jógou u tenisových trenérů." Master's thesis, 2017.
Full textHALO, Dagmar. "Strategie zvládání stresu u lidí s psychotickým onemocněním." Master's thesis, 2015.
Full textTurková, Hana. "Možnosti genetického vyšetření u pacientů s feochromocytomem a paragangliomem." Doctoral thesis, 2016.
Full textJežková, Klára. "Syndrom vyhoření u pedagogů v základních školách speciálních, pracujících s žáky s kombinovaným postižením." Master's thesis, 2020.
Full textSovová, Klára. "Syndrom vyhoření u pedagogů v základních školách speciálních, pracujících s žáky s kombinovaným postižením." Master's thesis, 2019.
Full textOłdakowski, Łukasz. "Stres oksydacyjny jako koszt reprodukcji u nornicy rudej Myodes glareolus." Phd thesis, 2015.
Full textW niniejszej rozprawie testowałem hipotezę, że stres oksydacyjny, uwidaczniający się w oksydacyjnych uszkodzeniach tkanek, jest bezpośrednim fizjologicznym kosztem rozrodu. Obiektem badań były samice nornicy rudej Myodes glareolus. W pierwszym eksperymencie samice mogły urodzić jeden lub dwa naturalne mioty. Miałem także osobniki nie rozmnażające się. Oznaczyłem uszkodzenia oksydacyjne lipidów i białek w różnych tkankach. Wbrew oczekiwaniom, uszkodzenia te albo nie różniły się między samicami z grup reprodukcyjnych, albo były niższe u samic rozmnażających się. W drugim eksperymencie różnicowałem więc wysiłek samic poprzez dodawanie dwóch młodych do oryginalnego miotu lub zmniejszałem go do dwóch młodych w kolejnych czterech miotach rodzonych przez samice. Wbrew przewidywaniom uszkodzenia u samic rozmnażających się nie różniły się od uszkodzeń samic nie rozmnażanych lub były od nich niższe. Takie same oznaczenia uszkodzeń oksydacyjnych, wykonałem u samic nornicy bezpośrednio po odłowieniu z naturalnego środowiska, przed i po okresie rozrodu. Ogólnie samice po reprodukcji najczęściej albo się nie różniły pod względem poziomu stresu oksydacyjnego od osobników przed reprodukcją, albo poziom ten był nawet niższy. Podsumowując moje wyniki falsyfikują hipotezę, że stres oksydacyjny jest mechanizmem odpowiedzialnym za powstawanie kompromisów pomiędzy aktualnym inwestowaniem energii w rozród a przeżywalnością i przyszłym sukcesem reprodukcyjnym.
I tested the hypothesis that oxidative stress is the proximate mechanism of reproduction costs, using bank vole Myodes glareolus as a model species. In the first experiment, the oxidative damage to lipids and proteins was measured in breeding females after rearing one and two litters, and in non-breeding females. Surprisingly, the level of oxidative damage did not differ between females from different reproductive treatments or was lower in breeding than in non-breeding females. In the sceond experiment, I experimentally manipulated the reproductive effort of females from selected and control lines by reducing or enlarging the original litter size in four consecutive litters. The level of oxidative damage to tissues in breeding voles did not differ from non-breeding individuals or was even lower. I also measured the level of the same oxidative stress markers in bank vole females from a free-living population. In general, females afterreproduction did not differ in the level of oxidative stress form females before reproduction, and in a few cases the level was even lower. In summary, my results undermine the hypothesis that oxidative stress is the key proximate mechanism underlying the trade-off between the current investment in reproduction and future survival or reproductive success.
Wydział Biologiczno-Chemiczny.
Books on the topic "U.S. BANK STRESS"
ebrary, Inc. Deutsche Bank in the U. S. 2nd ed. Philadelphia, PA: WetFeet, 2010.
Find full textBowers, Q. David. Whitman encyclopedia of U. S. paper money. Atlanta, GA: Whitman Pub., 2009.
Find full textNovac u Jugoslaviji za vreme Drugog svetskog rata: S naročitim osvrtom na metode finansiranja okupacije. Beograd: Jugoslovenski preglad, 2000.
Find full textNovac u Jugoslaviji za vreme Drugog svetskog rata: S naročitim osvrtom na metode finansiranja okupacije. Beograd: Jugoslovenski pregled, 2000.
Find full textMei Ou yin hang bing gou fan long duan de fa lü gui zhi yan jiu: Legal research on the antitrust of bank mergers in the U. S. and EU. Beijing Shi: Zhongguo shang wu chu ban she, 2012.
Find full textPoot, Helen. DRI U.S. central data dictionary: Source guide for U.S. national indicators. Lexington, MA: DRI/McGraw-Hill, 1990.
Find full textU. S. Exportimport Bank. Taylor & Francis Group, 2021.
Find full textOppenheimer, Michael F., Norman A. Graham, James J. Emery, and Richard L. Kauffman. U. S. Exportimport Bank. Taylor & Francis Group, 2019.
Find full textAdrian, Tobias, and Peichu Xie. Non-U. S. Bank Demand for U. S. Dollar Assets. International Monetary Fund, 2020.
Find full textAdrian, Tobias, and Peichu Xie. Non-U. S. Bank Demand for U. S. Dollar Assets. International Monetary Fund, 2020.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "U.S. BANK STRESS"
Bauer, Paul W., Allen N. Berger,, and David B. Humphrey. "Efficiency and productivity growth in u. S. Banking." In The Measurement of Productive Efficiency, 386–414. Oxford University PressNew York, NY, 1993.
Full textRodden, John G. "After the Wall: Pride before the Fall, 1961–89." In Repainting the Little Red Schoolhouse. Oxford University Press, 2002.
Full textCutrer, Thomas W. "Cannot You Do Something to Operate Against Them on Your Side of the River!" In Theater of a Separate War. University of North Carolina Press, 2017.
Full text"Biology and Management of Inland Striped Bass and Hybrid Striped Bass." In Biology and Management of Inland Striped Bass and Hybrid Striped Bass, edited by Mark Mobley, Ed Shallenberger, Marc W. Beutel, Paul Gantzer, and Brian Sak. American Fisheries Society, 2013.
Full textYurdakul, Emrecan, Ali İmer, and Mustafa Cihan. "Timing and Nature of Mineralization and Associated Hydrothermal Alteration at the Öksüt High-Sulfidation Epithermal Au-Cu Deposit (Kayseri Province, Central Anatolia)." In Tectonomagmatic Influences on Metallogeny and Hydrothermal Ore Deposits: A Tribute to Jeremy P. Richards (Volume I), 49–68. Society of Economic Geologists, 2021.
Full text"WaymackJP, Miskell P, Gonce S. Anesth Analg 69:163-198, 1989. 27. W 19 a8y7m . ackJP, Warden GD, Alexander JW, Miskell P, Gonce S. J Surg Res 42:528-535, 28. JWSauyrmgaRceksJP4 , 9 M :3 o2l8d -a 3 w 32 er , L 19 L 9 , 0 L . owry SF, Guzman RF, Okerberg CV, Mason AD, Pruitt BA. 29. WaymackJP and Yurt RW. J Surg Res 48:147-143, 1990. 30. AWnanym Su arcgk JP, 20M4( c6N ): e6a8l1N -6 , 8W5, a 1 rd 9e8n6 . GD, Balakrishnan K, Gonce S, Alexander JW, Miskell P. 31. W BA aJyrm . aAcrkcJhPS , u H rg e rn 1a2n6d : e5z9 -G 62 , , C1a9p9p1e . lli PJ, Burleson DG, Guzman RF, Mason AD Jr, Pruitt 32. Gantt CL. Lancet ii:363, 1981. 33. Chung M, Steionmetz OK, Gordon PH. BrJ Surg 80:427-432, 1993. 34. W 19 e9i2 ss . MM, Jauch KW, Delanoff CL, Memple W, Schildberg FW. Proc ASCO 11:172, 35. H Si anaggh , 1S9K8 . 8. The Blood Bank, Rotterdam: Cip - Gegevens Koninklijke Bibiliotheek, Den 36. Taylor C and Faulk WP. Lancet ii:68-69, 1981. 37. Peters WR, Fry RD, Fleshman JW, Kodner IJ. Dis Col & Rect 32(9):749-753, 1989. 38. Williams JG and Hughes LE. Lancet H31-132, 1989. 39. SGta eu st proW en H te , roBl ra SnudpA pl , 2W6: e 8 te 1 r -m 86 a , n1I9T9 , 1 . Zwinderman KH, Lamers CBHW, Gooszen. Scand J 40. Scott ADN, Ritchie JK, Phillips RKS. BrJ Surg 78:455-4587, 1991. 41. Tadros Tamer, Wobbes T, Hendriks T. Ann Surg 215(3):276-281, 1992. 42. R 74 o : s3s9 in -i 46A , A 1 , 9 F 84 a . ustman D, Woda BA, Like AA, Szymanski I, Mordes JP. J Clin Invest 43. Tartter PI, Heimann TM, Aufses AH Jr. Am J Surg 151: 358, 1986. 44. T ca anrc tt eerrpPaIt . i en Ttrsa . ns V fu osxioSnanhg is to 5r6y : , 80T , c1e9l8l9s . ub sets and natural killer cytotoxicity in colorectal 45. Beck I, Scott JS, Pepper M, Speck EH. Am J Repro Immunol 1:224, 1981. 46. Tartter PI. Transfusion 28:593-596, 1988." In Transfusion Immunology and Medicine, 302–56. CRC Press, 1995.
Full textConference papers on the topic "U.S. BANK STRESS"
Totta, Paul A. "Stress induced phenomena in metallizations: U. S. perspective." In AIP Conference Proceedings Volume 263. AIP, 1992.
Full textDeGiorgi, Virginia G., Peter Finkel, Lauren Garten, and Margo Staruch. "Transduction Using Functional Materials: Basic Science and Understanding at the U. S. Naval Research Laboratory." In ASME 2019 Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2019.
Full textRoh, Hee Seok, and Walid Mohamed. "Effect of Cooling Rates on Mechanical Behavior of U-10Mo Monolithic Mini-Plate." In 2016 24th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2016.
Full textTeitel, J. M., M. B. Garvey, and J. J. Freedman. "THE ENDOTHELIAL CELL AS THE SII$ OF THE FACTOR VIII BYPASSING ACTIVITY OF PROTHROMBIN COMPLEX CONCENTRATE (PCC)." In XIth International Congress on Thrombosis and Haemostasis. Schattauer GmbH, 1987.
Full textOgata, Takashi. "Creep and Creep-Fatigue Strength Property of a Long-Term Used Boiler Weldment Parts of 2.25Cr-1Mo Steel." In ASME 2002 Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference. ASMEDC, 2002.
Full textBenson, Michael L., Minh N. Tran, and Michael R. Hill. "Phase 2b Weld Residual Stress Round Robin: Mockup Design and Comparisons of Measurement and Simulation Results." In ASME 2015 Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2015.
Full textMartinčević, Ivana, Vesna Sesar, and Vjekoslav Kolar. "Risk management in the function of increase quality of banking operations." In Kvaliteta-jučer, danas, sutra (Quality-yesterday, today, tomorrow), edited by Miroslav Drljača. Croatian Quality Managers Society, 2021.
Full textOlden, Vigdis, Christian Thaulow, Roy Johnsen, and Erling O̸stby. "A Cohesive Zone Modeling Approach to Hydrogen Induced Stress Cracking in 25%Cr Duplex Stainless Steel." In ASME 2007 26th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering. ASMEDC, 2007.
Full textSanders, Wendy C., Elizabeth M. Ivy, Steven L. Ceccio, David R. Dowling, and Marc Perlin. "Microbubble Drag Reduction at High Reynolds Number." In ASME/JSME 2003 4th Joint Fluids Summer Engineering Conference. ASMEDC, 2003.
Full textJu, Xiaochen, Xiaogang Liu, Zhibin Zeng, and Xinxin Zhao. "Fatigue study on rib-to-deck welded joint considering weld penetration rate." In IABSE Congress, New York, New York 2019: The Evolving Metropolis. Zurich, Switzerland: International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering (IABSE), 2019.
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