Academic literature on the topic 'TYRE CRUMBS'
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Journal articles on the topic "TYRE CRUMBS"
Maddalena, Riccardo. "Freeze/Thaw Resistance of Mortar with Recycled Tyre Waste at Varying Particle Sizes." Materials 16, no. 3 (February 3, 2023): 1301.
Full textKabade, Kushappa M., Bhagyashree Shinde, Akshata Beerappagol, Swarnakavya Rothod, and Sumalata Desai. "Experimental Investigation on Black Cotton Soil Mixed with Tyre Waste." International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology 10, no. 5 (May 31, 2022): 4104–10.
Full textKabade, Kushappa M., Bhagyashree Shinde, Akshata Beerappagol, Swarnakavya Rothod, and Sumalata Desai. "Experimental Investigation on Black Cotton Soil Mixed with Tyre Waste." International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology 10, no. 5 (May 31, 2022): 4104–10.
Full textbinti Salehuddin, Shamshinar, Nur Liza Rahim, Norlia Mohamad Ibrahim, Siti Aza Nurdiana Tajri, and Mohd Zuhaidi Zainol Abidin. "The Behaviour of Rubber Tyre as Fine Aggregate in Concrete Mix." Applied Mechanics and Materials 754-755 (April 2015): 427–31.
Full textKablov, V. F., A. V. Perfil'ev, V. P. Shabanova, and A. A. Perfil'ev. "An Alternative Technology for the Manufacture of Rubber Articles from Motor Vehicle Tyre Recycling Products." International Polymer Science and Technology 45, no. 4 (April 2018): 167–70.
Full textKashani, Alireza, Tuan Duc Ngo, Priyan Mendis, Jay R. Black, and Ailar Hajimohammadi. "A sustainable application of recycled tyre crumbs as insulator in lightweight cellular concrete." Journal of Cleaner Production 149 (April 2017): 925–35.
Full textImteaz, Monzur Alam, Arul Arulrajah, Suksun Horpibulsuk, and Amimul Ahsan. "Environmental Suitability and Carbon Footprint Savings of Recycled Tyre Crumbs for Road Applications." International Journal of Environmental Research 12, no. 5 (August 2, 2018): 693–702.
Full textGrinys, Audrius, Henrikas Sivilevičius, and Mindaugas Daukšys. "TYRE RUBBER ADDITIVE EFFECT ON CONCRETE MIXTURE STRENGTH." Journal of Civil Engineering and Management 18, no. 3 (June 29, 2012): 393–401.
Full textFernández-Peláez, Juan, Priscila Guerra, Cristina Gallego, and Manuel Gomez. "Physical Properties of Flours Obtained from Wasted Bread Crusts and Crumbs." Foods 10, no. 2 (January 31, 2021): 282.
Full textBandyopadhyay, S., S. Dasgupta, N. Mandal, S. L. Agrawal, S. K. Mandot, R. Mukhopadhyay, A. S. Deuri, and Suresh C. Ameta. "Use of Recycled Tyre Material in Natural Rubber based Tyre Tread Cap Compound: Part I (with Ground Crumb Rubber)." Progress in Rubber, Plastics and Recycling Technology 21, no. 4 (November 2005): 299–317.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "TYRE CRUMBS"
Full textAwan, Abdul Basir. "Development of Recycled tyre-bale and Recycled tyre Crumb Sandwich Panels." Thesis, Curtin University, 2022.
Full textGhasemi, Navid. "Rheology of bituminous mastics and mortars containing crumb rubber from tyres: a novel dry-hybrid technology." Master's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2016.
Find full textArtamendi, Ignacio. "A fundamental study into wet process modification of paving binders and mixtures by crumb rubber from used tyres." Thesis, University of Liverpool, 2003.
Full textFricke, Kristina [Verfasser]. "Differences in the key flavor compounds of crumb-type milk chocolate and continental milk chocolate with special emphasis on drivers of creaminess / Kristina Fricke." München : Verlag Dr. Hut, 2017.
Full textVenturucci, Filippo. "Innovative Infrastructures for Sustainable Mobility in Urban Areas: Protective Asphalt to Prevent Vulnerable Road Users Injuries." Master's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2021.
Find full textLandry, Raphaëlle. "Type de modes de gestion des crues saisonnières et leurs impacts sur la relation entre le climat et les débits en aval des barrages au Québec (Canada)." Thèse, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, 2013.
Full textZamorano, Cantó Manuel. "INVESTIGACIÓN CON FIBRA RECICLADA DE NEUMÁTICO (F.R.N.) PARA APLICACIONES ACÚSTICAS." Doctoral thesis, Universitat Politècnica de València, 2016.
Full text[ES] En este trabajo estudiamos el comportamiento como absorbentes acústicos de diferentes clases de fibras textiles, provenientes de métodos de extracción y separación en el reciclado de neumáticos fuera de uso, en adelante (fluff). El trabajo es un punto de partida en el estudio de este tipo de materiales para su uso en aplicaciones de acústica arquitectónica. Mediante diseño de experimentos, se estudia la influencia de las condiciones de conformación: presión, tiempo, temperatura, masa de fluff. Aplicando unas variables en los parámetros de conformado, variación de temperatura, variación de tiempo de exposición, variación de la masa de fluff, y variación del factor de conformación a fin de estudiar la relación de estos parámetros y las propiedades intrínsecas acústicas: porosidad, tortuosidad, permeabilidad al flujo de aire. Consiguiendo las condiciones más optimas, para la posterior conformación de un panel que obtenga las mejores cualidades absorbentes del sonido, en el mayor rango de frecuencias. El proceso de conformado, se ha llevado a cabo mediante un molde ortoédrico, compuesto por el seno, cubierto por una tapadera tipo pistón descendente en el cual, se han dispuesto homogéneamente una determinada masa de fibras, el molde ha sido situado en una prensa con platos calefactores. Comprimiendo las fibras mediante el descenso del pistón hasta el nivel establecido, aplicándoles energía calorífica, hasta obtener la temperatura indicada en cada muestra, permaneciendo en estas condiciones durante un tiempo determinado.
[CA] En aquest treball estudiem el comportament com a absorbents acústics de diferents classes de fibres tèxtils provinents de mètodes d'extracció i separació en el reciclat de pneumàtics fora d'ús, d'ara endavant (fluff). El treball és un punt de partida en l'estudi d'aquest tipus de materials per al seu ús en aplicacions d'acústica arquitectònica. Mitjançant disseny d'experiments s'estudia la influència de les condicions de conformació: pressió, temps, temperatura, aplicant unes variables en els paràmetres de conformat, variació de temperatura, variació de temps d'exposició, variació de la massa de fluff, i variació del factor de conformació a fi d'estudiar la relació d'aquests paràmetres i les propietats intrínseques acústiques porositat, tortuositat, permeabilitat al flux d'aire, aconseguint les condicions més optimes per a la posterior conformació d'un panell que obtinga les millors qualitats absorbents del so, en el major rang de freqüències. El procés de conformat s'ha dut a terme mitjançant un motle ortoedre, compost pel si cobert per una tapadora tipus pistó descendent en el qual s'han disposat homogèniament una determinada massa de fibres, el motle ha sigut situat en una premsa amb plats calefactors, comprimint les fibres mitjançant el descens del pistó fins al nivell establert, aplicant-los energia calorífica fins a obtenir la temperatura indicada en cada mostra romanent en aquestes condicions durant un temps determinat.
Zamorano Cantó, M. (2016). INVESTIGACIÓN CON FIBRA RECICLADA DE NEUMÁTICO (F.R.N.) PARA APLICACIONES ACÚSTICAS [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València.
Manohar, D. R. "Charaterization of Sand-Rubber Mixture and Numerical Analysis for Vibration Isolation." Thesis, 2016.
Full textManohar, D. R. "Charaterization of Sand-Rubber Mixture and Numerical Analysis for Vibration Isolation." Thesis, 2016.
Full textBooks on the topic "TYRE CRUMBS"
Gilannejad, Alireza. Vulcanised rubber crumb as a potential tyre tread material: A feasibility study. [s.l: The Author], 1998.
Find full textCopyright Paperback Collection (Library of Congress), ed. Recipe for murder: A cozy Crumb mystery. Uhlrichsville, OH: Barbour Pub., 2008.
Find full textBeaton, M. C. Agatha Raisin and the christmas crumble. Bath, England: Windsor/Paragon, 2013.
Find full textMehta, Shalika, and Rohit Sharma & Shalika Mehta. Partial Replacement of Fine Aggregate by Waste Tyre Crumb Rubber in Concrete. Independently Published, 2018.
Find full textMehta, Shalika, and Rohit Sharma. Partial Replacement of Fine Aggregate by Waste Tyre Crumb Rubber in Concrete. Independently Published, 2017.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "TYRE CRUMBS"
Ibrahim, Mohammed Tasiu, Kolawole Juwonlo Osinubi, Saeed Yusuf Umar, Abimiku Joshua, Ahmad Hussaini Jagaba, and Usman Bala Soja. "Stabilization of Lateritic Soil with Scrap Tyre Crumb Rubber." In Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation, 185–93. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2023.
Full textBharathi Murugan, R., E. Rama Sai, and C. Natarajan. "Impact Response of Paver Blocks with Waste Tyre Crumb Rubber." In Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, 669–79. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2018.
Full textMartínez Palou, Rafael, and Natalya V. Likhanova. "Application of ILs in the Transport of Heavy and Extra-heavy Crude Oils." In Applications of Ionic Liquids in the Oil Industry: Towards A Sustainable Industry, 75–93. BENTHAM SCIENCE PUBLISHERS, 2023.
Full textKuppusamy, Elamvazhuthi. "Circular Green Technology & Material for the Tire Industry." In Advances in Transdisciplinary Engineering. IOS Press, 2021.
Full textKeefer, Robert F. "Soil Organic Matter." In Handbook of Soils for Landscape Architects. Oxford University Press, 1999.
Full textAlshukri, Adnan A., Faieza A. Aziz, Mohd S. Salit, Nuraini A. Aziz, and Mohammed Al-Maamori. "Effect of Particle Size and Content of Crumb Rubber on the Dynamic Properties of Passenger Tyre Tread Using Finite Element Method." In Reference Module in Materials Science and Materials Engineering. Elsevier, 2019.
Full textNizamuddin, Sabzoi, and Filippo Giustozzi. "The role of new compatibilizers in hybrid combinations of waste plastics and waste vehicle tyres crumb rubber-modified bitumen." In Plastic Waste for Sustainable Asphalt Roads, 165–78. Elsevier, 2022.
Full textBrocx, Margaret, Vic Semeniuk, Tom J. Casadevall, and Dan Tormey. "Volcanoes: Identifying and Evaluating Their Significant Geoheritage Features from the Large to Small Scale." In Updates in Volcanology - Transdisciplinary Nature of Volcano Science. IntechOpen, 2021.
Full textRippon, Stephen. "Romano-British material culture." In Kingdom, Civitas, and County. Oxford University Press, 2018.
Full textConference papers on the topic "TYRE CRUMBS"
Šernas, Ovidijus, Audrius Vaitkus, and Deimantė Kilaitė. "A review of the best experience on crumb rubber – dry process modified asphalt mixture performance." In 6th International Conference on Road and Rail Infrastructure. University of Zagreb Faculty of Civil Engineering, 2021.
Full textŠernas, Ovidijus, Donatas Čygas, Audrius Vaitkus, and Vytautė Gumauskaitė. "The Influence of Crumb Rubber on Modified Bitumen Properties." In Environmental Engineering. VGTU Technika, 2017.
Full textGoto, Koji, Tetsuo Yamazaki, Naoki Nakatani, and Rei Arai. "Preliminary Economic Feasibility Analysis of Cobalt-Rich Manganese Crust Mining for Rare Metal Recovery." In ASME 2010 29th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering. ASMEDC, 2010.
Full textAnbazhagan, P., and D. R. Manohar. "Small- to Large-Strain Shear Modulus and Damping Ratio of Sand-Tyre Crumb Mixtures." In Geo-Chicago 2016. Reston, VA: American Society of Civil Engineers, 2016.
Full textAyres Neto, Arthur, Marco Antonio Cetale Santos, and Semara Lisane de Souza Lima Miguel. "Acoustic modeling for the characterization of polymetallic crusts from chirp type high-resolution seismic sources." In 2013 IEEE/OES Acoustics in Underwater Geosciences Symposium (RIO Acoustics). IEEE, 2013.
Full textCodina, Georgiana. "THE EFFECT OF CALCIUM LACTATE FORTIFICATON ON THE RHEOLOGICAL, TEXTURAL, CRUMB MICROSTRUCTURE AND SENSORY PROPERTIES OF BREAD FROM 1250 WHEAT FLOUR TYPE." In 18th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM2018. Stef92 Technology, 2018.
Full textBurukhina, A. I., and E. A. Fursenko. "DISTRIBUTION OF C4-C9 HYDROCARBONS IN OILS AND CONDENSATES FROM THE BOVANENKOVSKOYE FIELD (YAMAL PENINSULA, WEST SIBERIA)." In All-Russian Youth Scientific Conference with the Participation of Foreign Scientists Trofimuk Readings - 2021. Novosibirsk State University, 2021.
Full textChikhradze, Nikoloz, Edgar Mataradze, Guram Abashidze, Davit Tsverava, and Tamar Iashvili. "EXPERIMENTAL TESTING OF FIBER BASED STRUCTURES FOR PROTECTION OF STEEL SHEETS FROM EXPLOSION WAVE." In 22nd SGEM International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference 2022. STEF92 Technology, 2022.
Full textGaudencio, Julia Loureiro, Hilton Mariano Mariano da Silva Júnior, and Pedro Neves Fortunato. "Ramsay Hunt Syndrome complicated by Cerebral venous thrombosis (case report)." In XIII Congresso Paulista de Neurologia. Zeppelini Editorial e Comunicação, 2021.
Full textZhu, Zhe, Saqib Sohail Toor, Lasse Rosendahl, Donghong Yu, and Guanyi Chen. "Experimental Study of Subcritical Water Liquefaction of Biomass: Effects of Catalyst and Biomass Species." In ASME 2014 8th International Conference on Energy Sustainability collocated with the ASME 2014 12th International Conference on Fuel Cell Science, Engineering and Technology. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2014.
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