Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'TUTELA PENALE DEL PATRIMONIO'
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VARESANO, BRIGIDA. "I CRIMINI CONTRO IL PATRIMONIO CULTURALE: NUOVE PROSPETTIVE DI TUTELA DEI DIRITTI UMANI." Doctoral thesis, Università degli Studi di Milano, 2020. http://hdl.handle.net/2434/791194.
Full textThe principle of individual criminal responsibility plays a crucial role among all the different strategies to face the manifold criminal phenomena which currently undermine cultural heritage. Against the recent historical background, where the cultural heritage has been intentionally injured because of iconoclastic waves, the present research pursues a main objective, which can be summarized into the following query: is it possible to affirm the consolidation of the principle of the individual criminal responsibility vis-à-vis the intentional destruction of cultural property committed during peace time? In order to solve this question, the research follows the reasoning adopted by international criminal courts in order to affirm the principle of individual criminal responsibility for violations of international law. In particular the present work, which consists of two parts, aims to ascertain the fulfillment of the three criteria enunciated by the international criminal courts: (a) the existence of rules of international law laying down a specific obligation to protect cultural property; (b) the production of serious consequences in case of violation of such rules; (c) the generalized criminalization, into national legal systems, of a such offence. Consequently, the first part of the work – of an introductive character – is addressed to a systematic overview of the relevant legal framework, whose evolution highlights how the international tools have been characterized by either a progressive extension of cultural good notion, or an evolution of the pursued ratio legis. Therefore, the analysis takes moves from the ius in bello norms which have granted an immunity to cultural property, based on its civilian character and aiming to prevent those damages which are typically caused by armed conflicts. Finally, and especially, it considers those norms of a wider scope which – embracing the broader notion of cultural heritage – have interpreted the cultural property protection as a constituent part of the human rights protection system. Thus, addressing the attention on the most recent achievements of this evolutional process, the research turns to those legal instruments – such as Article 27 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) and Article 15 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (1966) – whereby the international obligations related to cultural property could be interpreted as tools to defend a humankind interest, namely the peaceful enjoyment of the cultural rights: i.e. the right to take part to cultural life, as well as the right to have a cultural identity. However, the pivot of the present research is its second part, which is focused on the consequences deriving from the violations of the relevant international rules protecting cultural property and, consequently, from the cultural rights infringements. Indeed, the second part intends to establish whether the Rome Statute provisions has been overtaken by new rules of customary international law, according to which the intentional destruction of cultural heritage constitutes, besides a war crime, even a crime against humanity. To this scope, the analysis deals with the reactions that international actors have implemented for facing the iconoclasm plague. In order to ascertain the criminalization degree, the work firstly focuses on the pertinent case-law of the international criminal tribunals: indeed it is known that the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia before, and the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia then, have already condemned the intentional attacks directed against cultural sites as crimes against humanity sub specie of persecution. Ultimately, the object of the last part is represented by the national legal systems, whereby it is given to retrace the criminal relevance degree which is recognized to the destruction of cultural heritage.
BANDIERA, EDOARDO. "I terzi nel procedimento di prevenzione patrimoniale finalizzato alla confisca. Diritti, poteri e tutela dei soggetti coinvolti nel procedimento alla luce della direttiva 2014/42/UE e del regolamento 2018/1805/UE." Doctoral thesis, Università degli studi di Ferrara, 2020. http://hdl.handle.net/11392/2488047.
Full textThe investigation has as its object the procedural protection that the system recognizes to third parties involved in a procedure aimed at the adoption of a measure of confiscation of prevention; therefore, the analysis focuses on the rights and powers that these subjects can exercise during the procedure. The assumption from which the research is taken into consideration is that, in recent years, the attention of the Legislator, in the criminal matter, has been catalyzed more and more by the patrimonies and riches illegally accumulated by the criminal organizations, which have become the privileged target of the punitive intervention. Alongside a criminal patrimonial law, a "trial of the patrimony" has been built up, which has seen in the forms of patrimonial incapacitation, recte in the confiscation, the privileged form of coercive state response. In particular, the Italian model has been characterized by a paroxysmal recourse to the use of the confiscation measure of prevention, a sanction of a non-criminal nature. The consideration for which the dispositions of attorney, whether precautionary or definitive, risk involving property formally in the ownership or availability of third parties, has moved the legislator, national and European, to prepare a minimum statute of guarantee in respect of these subjects. This is why the most recent European legislation (Directive 2014/42/EU on the freezing and confiscation of instrumental property and the proceeds from crime in the European Union) calls on the Member States to guarantee a minimum statute for the protection of the rights of third parties when transposing it (Articles 6 and 7). From the point of view of the general theory of the trial, in fact, the third party, not being a part of the criminal trial, but a stranger, cannot propose any appeal against the sentence of first instance which provides for the confiscation of goods and properties on which, for whatever reason, a claim is made. The protection of third parties, on the other hand, has long been a "cross and delight" of the procedure of patrimonial prevention. The research has been characterized by two poles: on the one hand, the process of patrimonial prevention; on the other, the participation of the third party in the same. In conclusion, particular attention was paid to the issue of evidence, differentiating with regard to the object of evidence that each category of third party is required to demonstrate.
Rocchi, Filippo Giuseppe <1997>. "Il trust tra tutela del patrimonio familiare ed elusione fiscale." Master's Degree Thesis, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, 2021. http://hdl.handle.net/10579/19746.
Full textCadamuro, Elena. "Tutela penale e soglia dell'offensività: il regime del "reato bagatellare" e del "fatto irrilevante"." Doctoral thesis, Università degli studi di Padova, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/11577/3423136.
Full textDopo una lunga stagione in cui la necessità di riordino del sistema-giustizia si è tradotta in molteplici leggi di depenalizzazione, l'esigenza persistente di rinnovamento del sistema penale sembra richiedere qualcosa di diverso dalla semplice elisione, in radice, della risposta sanzionatoria penale, ossia degli strumenti attraverso cui adeguare la risposta dell'ordinamento penale alla peculiarità del fatto tipico nella sua concreta realizzazione. Abbiamo così voluto appurare, in primo luogo, se nella logica di un sistema penale ispirato al principio della necessaria offensività, in forza del quale il reato deve sostanziarsi nell'offesa del bene giuridico, fosse comunque possibile ritagliare un margine significativo di operatività all'istituto dell'irrilevanza penale del fatto. Lo studio delle clausole di irrilevanza già previste nel nostro ordinamento penale, nel processo minorile e nel rito avanti il giudice di pace, nonché delle soluzioni adottate in altri ordinamenti europei, ha permesso di svolgere un'analisi critica della nuova causa di esclusione della punibilità per particolare tenuità del fatto, introdotta nel codice penale. La nuova causa di non punibilità ha trovato collocazione in un contesto certamente caratterizzato dall'offensività, salvo il successivo esonero punitivo da parte del giudice. L'esiguità del fatto-reato viene così assunta come criterio di selezione in concreto dei fatti non meritevoli di risposta sanzionatoria. La ricerca si è dunque di seguito rivolta all'analisi dei vari indici di esiguità che caratterizzano il fatto come bagatellare, sia sotto il profilo oggettivo che soggettivo. Si è rilevato dunque come i fili del reato bagatellare e del fatto irrilevante si intrecciano nella logica, appunto, di introdurre nel sistema penale degli istituti che individuino nella scarsa gravità in concreto dell'illecito penale la ragione di rinuncia all'applicazione della sanzione attraverso meccanismi di estinzione della punibilità. L'indagine, anche attraverso un approccio comparato, si è poi estesa ad esaminare l'incidenza delle condotte riparatorie post-factum sulla portata offensiva del reato, pervenendo ad individuare nella pressoché inesistente valorizzazione di tali condotte, l'elemento più carente dell'attuale disciplina normativa. Un'occasione mancata per dare spazio ad una giustizia penale conciliativa e riparativa concepita ormai come la frontiera più avanzata per una risposta adeguata ai reati di lieve e media gravità, in grado di ovviare all'inflazione penalistica e di valorizzare una concezione gradualistica del reato, nonché la dimensione dell'esiguità penale.
BOGA, VICTORIA ALLEGRA. "La retroattività nel sistema penale: prospettive di tutela dell'affidamento." Doctoral thesis, Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, 2022. http://hdl.handle.net/10281/366466.
Full textThe citizen has an expectation towards the State regarding the stability of legislative choices. This legitimate expectation is linked to the protection of the legal security of citizens and the calculability of the choices of action of individuals. Assuming that the protection of this expectation is a fundamental element of the rule of law, this thesis examines in depth the instruments set up to defend this expectation, also considering the developments in post-modern criminal law. From a criminal law perspective it has long been assumed that the protection of such an expectation would necessarily be achieved by the ideal of legal certainty, which was initially considered feasible. However, recent studies have shown that this illusion should be discarded. The traditional legal guarantees (such as the ideal of certainty, the prohibition of retroactivity, the principle of precision and the prohibition of analogical application) have shown significant weaknesses. The principle of certainty of law is, in fact, threatened by the progressive processualisation of the criminal system, as well as by the case law. Furthermore, by virtue of the increasing rate of volatility of the law, this topic is of growing interest. Therefore, the present study deals with the instruments of protection developed in other fields of the legal system, in which the lack of a constitutional prohibition of ex post facto laws has led scholars as well as constitutional, European and conventional case law to find new routes to protect the legitimate expectations of the citizen.
INGRAO, Cristina. "Un altro volto del diritto penale: la vittima nei reati contro il patrimonio." Doctoral thesis, Università degli Studi di Palermo, 2022. https://hdl.handle.net/10447/563387.
Full textPirocco, Katrin. "Tutela e sicurezza del patrimonio architettonico del Novecento. L'Istituto di Zoologia dell'Università di Bologna (1934)." Master's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2021.
Find full textSecco, Stefano <1988>. "Il ruolo del patrimonio forestale nella tutela dell'ambiente e per la valorizzazione del territorio rurale." Master's Degree Thesis, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/10579/2450.
Full textThe legal system and criminal law can not remain strangers to the dynamics of multiculturalism, if they want to effectively ensure the peaceful coexistence. The feeling of religious and cultural belonging, which is both a cognitive procedure and a prerequisite for the formation of identity, does characterize multicultural and multireligious society. This feeling has been considered in relation with the principles of the liberal legal system and of the criminal law, as developed by the Italian and German doctrine. The research has shown that it can be protected by criminal law itself. From the sanctionatory point of view the analysis leads to deem appropriate paths of restorative justice. Criminal law also needs to face the problem represented by crimes which are caused by cultural or religious affiliation (so called cultural offences). The American experience has dealt with such crimes through the so called cultural defences. This means that various institutions of positive law are used in order to mitigate or even exclude liability. This work aims to identify the essential characteristics of a legislative reform in order to give recognition, within the categories of Italian criminal law, to the cultural or religious orientation. An essential element in this evaluation is the consideration of the cultural orientation or religious order as one of the true purposes of the legal system, which would help to assess the wrongfulness of crimes which are culturally or religiously oriented.
Full textThe legal system and criminal law can not remain strangers to the dynamics of multiculturalism, if they want to effectively ensure the peaceful coexistence. The feeling of religious and cultural belonging, which is both a cognitive procedure and a prerequisite for the formation of identity, does characterize multicultural and multireligious society. This feeling has been considered in relation with the principles of the liberal legal system and of the criminal law, as developed by the Italian and German doctrine. The research has shown that it can be protected by criminal law itself. From the sanctionatory point of view the analysis leads to deem appropriate paths of restorative justice. Criminal law also needs to face the problem represented by crimes which are caused by cultural or religious affiliation (so called cultural offences). The American experience has dealt with such crimes through the so called cultural defences. This means that various institutions of positive law are used in order to mitigate or even exclude liability. This work aims to identify the essential characteristics of a legislative reform in order to give recognition, within the categories of Italian criminal law, to the cultural or religious orientation. An essential element in this evaluation is the consideration of the cultural orientation or religious order as one of the true purposes of the legal system, which would help to assess the wrongfulness of crimes which are culturally or religiously oriented.
Slaghenauffi, Carlotta <1991>. "La tutela del patrimonio culturale in aree di crisi: il caso della Palestina." Master's Degree Thesis, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/10579/8177.
Full textBonon, Camilla. "La tipicità del fatto colposo nel diritto penale del lavoro. Tra principi generali in tema di colpa e nuove esigenze di tutela." Doctoral thesis, Università degli studi di Padova, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/11577/3423943.
Full textIl tema oggetto del progetto di ricerca assegnato alla scrivente concerne “La tipicità del fatto colposo nel diritto penale del lavoro. Tra principi generali in tema di colpa e nuove esigenze di tutela”. Il lavoro è sostanzialmente suddiviso in tre parti: una prima parte avente ad oggetto il concetto classico di colpa nei suoi profili filosofici, dogmatici ed esistenziali; una seconda, che concerne l’introduzione nel nostro ordinamento del principio c.d. precauzionistico ed i suoi riflessi sul concetto classico di colpa; una terza parte, infine, che concerne i riflessi di detto principio nel settore specifico del diritto penale del lavoro attraverso un excursus sia normativo sia giurisprudenziale. Il presente lavoro costituisce, quindi, l’approfondimento dello specifico tema costituito dalla rilevanza del principio di precauzione in contesti che involgono a vario titolo la sicurezza e dai riflessi dello stesso nel settore specifico del diritto penale del lavoro con riferimento all’evoluzione del concetto classico di colpa penale. L’attività di ricerca svolta, quindi, nella prima fase ha avuto ad oggetto lo studio del concetto classico di colpa. Si sono, pertanto, analizzate le diverse concezioni di colpevolezza sviluppatesi in dottrina e gli elementi fondanti il giudizio di responsabilità colposa, ossia la non volontà del fatto, le regole cautelari, la c.d. concretizzazione del rischio, la prevedibilità ed evitabilità dell’evento lesivo ed, infine, l’esigibilità da parte del soggetto agente del comportamento alternativo lecito. In una seconda fase si è proceduto, poi, allo studio del c.d. principio precauzionistico quale criterio di gestione del rischio in condizioni di incertezza scientifica. Sul tema, sono stati analizzati in primo luogo, le fonti, i presupposti e i campi di applicazione di detto principio, in secondo luogo la legittimazione dello stesso nell’ambito del diritto penale, individuando le differenze tra diritto penale della prevenzione e della precauzione, ed infine, le deformazioni che a seguito dell’ingresso di tale principio nel nostro ordinamento stanno subendo il nesso di causalità e la colpa penale con particolare riferimento all’evoluzione del concetto di prevedibilità dell’evento. Sulla base dell’approfondimento effettuato, si è giunti alla conclusione che tale principio, attesa la genericità precettiva che lo caratterizza, rischia di confliggere con il carattere di determinatezza della norma penale e si presta a giocare un ruolo di potenziale fattore di espansione delle categorie classiche del diritto penale. Esso potrebbe, infatti, incidere su due fattori fondamentali per la configurazione del fatto tipico: innanzitutto, sul piano oggettivo del nesso di causalità, sfruttandone la struttura probabilistica e trasformandolo in un “ nesso di rischio”; in secondo luogo sul piano soggettivo della colpa deformandone gli aspetti propriamente cognitivi di riconoscibilità del rischio e prevedibilità del risultato. Infine, la terza parte del progetto di ricerca concerne lo studio dei riflessi che il principio precauzionistico ha avuto nell’ambito specifico del diritto penale del lavoro attraverso un excursus sia normativo sia giurisprudenziale. La materia della sicurezza sul lavoro, attesi i beni giuridici tutelati di grado primario, si sta, invero, caratterizzando da un passaggio dalla regola cautelare alla regola precauzionale: tale circostanza segna lo sganciamento della prevenzione dell’evento dalla condotta conforme alla regola previamente individuata ponendo, conseguentemente, in crisi la stessa funzione garantistica della regola cautelare. In tale settore, quindi, si potrebbe giungere ad affermare la responsabilità colposa di un soggetto a prescindere da una concreta verifica circa l’effettiva efficacia predittiva della regola cautelare in relazione alla specifica offesa al bene giuridico tutelato dalla norma, così da imputare l’evento anche ove sussista soltanto la possibilità che le conseguenze dannose si verifichino, con diretti ed evidenti riflessi sul piano soggettivo della prevedibilità ed evitabilità, che non hanno più ad oggetto un evento specifico, bensì una classe o genere di eventi. Emblematiche sul tema, ed oggetto di studio, alcune sentenze relative all’esposizione dei lavoratori all’amianto o a sostanze nocive quali il cloruro di vinile monomero. A fronte, infatti, della tutela delle vittime e di esigenze di giustizia sostanziale, si assiste ad un’evidente flessibilizzazione del paradigma della colpa e la responsabilità penale da amianto, offrendo una ricca casistica giurisprudenziale, costituisce un particolare campo di riflessione per quel che concerne l’evoluzione delle categorie dogmatiche classiche del diritto penale ai fini dell’imputazione dell’evento lesivo. Dall’analisi giurisprudenziale effettuata, sembra, invero, prendere il largo un micro-sistema penale da esposizioni professionali, in cui la destrutturazione della colpa, per il tramite dello snaturamento della valenza regolamentare della regola cautelare, determina un’istanza di tutela assoluta della vittima, con un corrispondente carico di iperdeterrenza per l’autore, chiamato a sopportare rischi penali che gravitano al di fuori della sua sfera di riconoscibilità.
RIBOLI, ORESTE. "La prevenzione del danno da prodotto alimentare: aporie del reato colposo d'evento e modelli di tutela anticipata." Doctoral thesis, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, 2011. http://hdl.handle.net/10280/988.
Full textThis academic research wanted to investigate crucial issues involving, on one hand, the most suitable regulatory instruments to foster an effective prevention against food risk and, on the other hand, the opportunities that criminal law has to be effective in leading more and more complex social processes and legittimate. In order to support this statement, firstly, we focused our attention on the most controversial points of the criminal law, pointing out the essential features of the intricate relationship between traditional criminal law and risikogesellschaft; secondly, we tested the opportunity for a penal intervention that could combine, on one hand, social demands for security and, on the other hand, the responsibilities of a modern criminal law. Adopting first a de jure condito perspective and then a de jure condendo approach, we tried to critically assess the most recent measures of penal intervention introduced by the legislator and the main results produced lately by the forensic science on the chance to set new outlines of potential risk that – created according to the features of the empiric phenomenology of reference – still respect the constitutional criteria.
RIBOLI, ORESTE. "La prevenzione del danno da prodotto alimentare: aporie del reato colposo d'evento e modelli di tutela anticipata." Doctoral thesis, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, 2011. http://hdl.handle.net/10280/988.
Full textThis academic research wanted to investigate crucial issues involving, on one hand, the most suitable regulatory instruments to foster an effective prevention against food risk and, on the other hand, the opportunities that criminal law has to be effective in leading more and more complex social processes and legittimate. In order to support this statement, firstly, we focused our attention on the most controversial points of the criminal law, pointing out the essential features of the intricate relationship between traditional criminal law and risikogesellschaft; secondly, we tested the opportunity for a penal intervention that could combine, on one hand, social demands for security and, on the other hand, the responsibilities of a modern criminal law. Adopting first a de jure condito perspective and then a de jure condendo approach, we tried to critically assess the most recent measures of penal intervention introduced by the legislator and the main results produced lately by the forensic science on the chance to set new outlines of potential risk that – created according to the features of the empiric phenomenology of reference – still respect the constitutional criteria.
ROTOLO, GIUSEPPE. "CONOSCIBILITA' DEL PRECETTO PENALE COME AFFERRABILITA' DELL'OFFESA. UN'ANALISI DOGMATICA E POLITICO-CRIMINALE." Doctoral thesis, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, 2009. http://hdl.handle.net/10280/565.
Full textThe thesis is aimed at studying the theme of knowledge about criminal norm particularly concerning the perception of offense correspondent to the types of wrongdoing. The enquiry has been divided into three parts. Firstly it has been examined, with a historical prospective, the discipline of ignorance of law, focusing on its contents with regard to the criminal justice system. Particular attention has been paid to the historical sentence of the Constitutional Court n. 364 of the 1988 and to the effects of such a paramount decision into the criminal justice system. The second part has been dedicated to draw a connection between culpability and harm principle, with particular concern to limiting the application of criminal law. The research has developed into two perspectives: a dogmatic one and one of criminal policy. Primarily, it has considered the key point of the knowledge of the offense as regards to the elements of the crime; subsequently, it has meant to define a criminal policy perspective that enhances the perception of the criminal disvalue of the fact as a necessary condition to the knowledge of the criminal norm from which drawn a selective criterion for penal legislation. Lastly, the study has been centred upon the criminal implications deriving from the violation of the environmental law, which is characterized, in Italy, by the uncertainty of the discipline due also to the intangibility of the offence. The dissertation has intended to highlight some critical profiles of the regulation in respect to the harm principle and the principle of culpability; specifically, it has delved into the situations where the certainty of law appeared to be compromise. The option for such a specific area of legislation depends on the deficiency that distinguishes these cases of the environmental legislation from the point of view of the harm. Furthermore, related to this, the enquiry has attempted to gain some confirmations on this statement of the problem. Both the definition of the environmental interest and the most frequent techniques of safeguard have been object of a close examination. In conclusion, this thesis intends to offer some indications concerning the environmental matter about a system of safeguard which guarantees the perception of the harm and, thus, the knowledge of the criminal norm. Considering this requirement as an essential one for the sake of the principles of criminal justice system, this research has been evaluating the opportunity to have recourse to different kinds of legal safeguards, like an administrative one, in particular, when the condition expressed above appear not to be accomplished.
ROTOLO, GIUSEPPE. "CONOSCIBILITA' DEL PRECETTO PENALE COME AFFERRABILITA' DELL'OFFESA. UN'ANALISI DOGMATICA E POLITICO-CRIMINALE." Doctoral thesis, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, 2009. http://hdl.handle.net/10280/565.
Full textThe thesis is aimed at studying the theme of knowledge about criminal norm particularly concerning the perception of offense correspondent to the types of wrongdoing. The enquiry has been divided into three parts. Firstly it has been examined, with a historical prospective, the discipline of ignorance of law, focusing on its contents with regard to the criminal justice system. Particular attention has been paid to the historical sentence of the Constitutional Court n. 364 of the 1988 and to the effects of such a paramount decision into the criminal justice system. The second part has been dedicated to draw a connection between culpability and harm principle, with particular concern to limiting the application of criminal law. The research has developed into two perspectives: a dogmatic one and one of criminal policy. Primarily, it has considered the key point of the knowledge of the offense as regards to the elements of the crime; subsequently, it has meant to define a criminal policy perspective that enhances the perception of the criminal disvalue of the fact as a necessary condition to the knowledge of the criminal norm from which drawn a selective criterion for penal legislation. Lastly, the study has been centred upon the criminal implications deriving from the violation of the environmental law, which is characterized, in Italy, by the uncertainty of the discipline due also to the intangibility of the offence. The dissertation has intended to highlight some critical profiles of the regulation in respect to the harm principle and the principle of culpability; specifically, it has delved into the situations where the certainty of law appeared to be compromise. The option for such a specific area of legislation depends on the deficiency that distinguishes these cases of the environmental legislation from the point of view of the harm. Furthermore, related to this, the enquiry has attempted to gain some confirmations on this statement of the problem. Both the definition of the environmental interest and the most frequent techniques of safeguard have been object of a close examination. In conclusion, this thesis intends to offer some indications concerning the environmental matter about a system of safeguard which guarantees the perception of the harm and, thus, the knowledge of the criminal norm. Considering this requirement as an essential one for the sake of the principles of criminal justice system, this research has been evaluating the opportunity to have recourse to different kinds of legal safeguards, like an administrative one, in particular, when the condition expressed above appear not to be accomplished.
Vandelli, Federica. "Tutela e valorizzazione del patrimonio costruito del Novecento. Una proposta per il parco del Dopolavoro Ferroviario e l'Arena Puccini di Bologna." Master's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2022.
Find full textSciantarelli, Anna <1984>. "Censimento del patrimonio archivistico dei Comuni della Federazione del Camposampierese e proposte per la sua gestione, tutela e valorizzazione." Master's Degree Thesis, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/10579/5489.
Full textCasalboni, Andrea. "Tutela e conservazione del patrimonio storico: la riqualificazione delle facciate della Facoltà di Ingegneria di Bologna." Master's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2017.
Find full textZAPPIA, GIULIA. "Tutela, valorizzazione e recupero delle imbarcazioni del patrimonio: Linee guida per il processo di restauro nautico." Doctoral thesis, Università degli studi di Genova, 2019. http://hdl.handle.net/11567/943856.
Full textDa, Dalt Katia <1995>. ""Oltre il Prosecco c'è di più" - Analisi di tutela e valorizzazione di un territorio Patrimonio dell'Umanità." Master's Degree Thesis, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, 2020. http://hdl.handle.net/10579/17732.
Full textpellos, gian marco. "Responsabilità penale del Data Protection Officer e tutela transnazionale della privacy dopo il Regolamento (UE) 2016/679." Doctoral thesis, Urbino, 2019. http://hdl.handle.net/11576/2664164.
Full textCasaña, Carabot Luis. "Tutela y Gestión del Patrimonio Cultural de la Iglesia: análisis de actuación en la Diócesis de Lleida." Doctoral thesis, Universitat Internacional de Catalunya, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/10803/291828.
Full textDE, NINO FRANCESCO. "La responsabilità da reato dell'ente in materia di salute e sicurezza del lavoro. Profili problematici e prospettive di tutela." Doctoral thesis, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/10280/1232.
Full textThe research specifically focuses on the statutory provisions on corporations’ liability for offenses of manslaughter and unintentional injuries committed in breach of the rules on protection of work health and safety. The survey analyses the new legislation in this area, in light of the provisions of Italian t.u. 81/2008, within the framework of criminal liability in work health and safety and the related corporate accountability. To this end, having identified the "empirical" problem of work accidents and diseases and the criminal potentiality of corporate bodies, and based on the assessment of the legal responses formulated in England, France and Spain, the research - starting from the analysis of individual liability for crimes of homicide and injury in the field of work safety – proceeds, on one hand, to consider the relationship between the offenses referred to in article 25 septies and the general criteria of attribution of corporate responsibility; on the other, to specifically analyse the business models in the field of work safety. Finally, the research draws the possible trends of development of the health protection and work safety system, and of the legal regime of corporate liability arising out from offenses; in this respect, the statutory proposals for amending the D.Lgs. 231/2001 are also taken into account.
DE, NINO FRANCESCO. "La responsabilità da reato dell'ente in materia di salute e sicurezza del lavoro. Profili problematici e prospettive di tutela." Doctoral thesis, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/10280/1232.
Full textThe research specifically focuses on the statutory provisions on corporations’ liability for offenses of manslaughter and unintentional injuries committed in breach of the rules on protection of work health and safety. The survey analyses the new legislation in this area, in light of the provisions of Italian t.u. 81/2008, within the framework of criminal liability in work health and safety and the related corporate accountability. To this end, having identified the "empirical" problem of work accidents and diseases and the criminal potentiality of corporate bodies, and based on the assessment of the legal responses formulated in England, France and Spain, the research - starting from the analysis of individual liability for crimes of homicide and injury in the field of work safety – proceeds, on one hand, to consider the relationship between the offenses referred to in article 25 septies and the general criteria of attribution of corporate responsibility; on the other, to specifically analyse the business models in the field of work safety. Finally, the research draws the possible trends of development of the health protection and work safety system, and of the legal regime of corporate liability arising out from offenses; in this respect, the statutory proposals for amending the D.Lgs. 231/2001 are also taken into account.
Scroccarello, Simona. "Tutela e prevenzione del patrimonio storico in ambito sismico. Un caso di studio nel centro storico di Ferrara." Master's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2018. http://amslaurea.unibo.it/15943/.
Full textAleotti, Lorenzo. "Tutela e sicurezza del patrimonio culturale in ambito sismico. Il caso della Basilica di San Domenico a Siena." Master's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2021.
Find full textTACCI, Lorena. "La garanzia del pubblic hearing nel processo penale italiano e il contesto europeo di tutela dei diritti fondamentali coinvolti." Doctoral thesis, Palermo, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/10447/105645.
Full textAppendino, Federica. "Sfide e opportunità per la tutela del patrimonio urbano nel XXI secolo : città storica e sostenibilità. Dall’esperienza francese al caso di Parigi." Thesis, Paris 4, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017PA040156.
Full textOver the past few decades sustainability concerns have gained central importance in the contemporary debate about the future development of cities. In this worldwide context a particular category of cities is suffering from pressures never seen before: the historic urban landscape, where urban conservation strategies must be integrated within the larger goals of overall sustainable development.In this frame, certain questions emerge: is it possible that sustainable development aims coexist with the principles of urban heritage preservation? What could it be the connection between urban heritage and sustainable development? How urban conservation can open up to sustainability, while keeping intact tangible and intangible values and heritage?Recognizing sustainability as a primary challenge that urban conservation faces, the thesis is divided in three parts: the first part is dedicated to the literature review, in order to converge the actual scientific production, abundant but sectorial; starting from an international perspective, the second part focuses on the French case study, reviewing the influence of national legislation concerning planning and environment, which includes sustainability aims, on urban conservation tools; lastly, the third part analyses critically the case study of Paris, emblematic to demonstrate the possible adaptation of urban conservation tools in order to take into account sustainability aims.The research finds that an integrated approach appears to be necessary, both at theoretical and operative level, and some first stage answers had been provided in this direction
Broilo, Federica Alessandra <1980>. "Itinera Constantinopolitana: la via Egnatia/Sol Kol attraverso alcune fonti documentarie del XVI e XVII secolo e alcuni aspetti relativi alla tutela del suo patrimonio architettonico artistico islamico." Doctoral thesis, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, 2009. http://hdl.handle.net/10579/873.
Full textAvezzu', Arianna <1991>. "Esperienza e ricerca diretta nel contesto evidenziato dal Centro de Cultura Tradicional-Museo Escolar de Pusol come espressione di esemplarità nella tutela del patrimonio culturale intangibile." Master's Degree Thesis, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/10579/7876.
Full textMONICI, SOFIA. "LA PROCURA EUROPEA NEL CONTESTO DEL PROCESSO DI INTEGRAZIONE IN MATERIA PENALE TRA VINCOLI NAZIONALI E SOVRANAZIONALI." Doctoral thesis, Università degli Studi di Milano, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/2434/565232.
Full textThe thesis deals with the issue of the creation of the European Public Prosecutor's Office (EPPO), established by Council Regulation (EU) 2017/1939 of 12 October 2017, after almost two decades of studies and proposals. Traditionally, the subject has been studied in the disciplinary fields of criminal law and criminal procedure, with all the merits but also all the limits of a research that involves the adoption of a perspective of domestic law. The predilection for such an approach was essentially due to the genesis of the project that developed from a comparative study, but above all to its implications. Reasonably, in fact, the Italian and foreign doctrine was mainly concerned with its compatibility with national laws and national legal traditions. Unlike these studies, the paper examines the subject from the perspective of EU law. In fact, EPPO set-up regulation must respect the principles that base the competence of the EU in criminal matters, regulate the exercise and finally establish the scope and the intensity of EU action in this "sensitive" sector. Furthermore, the Office will place itself in the panorama of the already existing cooperation and coordination actors and bodies, having specific competences in criminal matters and active also in the field of the protection of the financial interests of the EU. From this perspective, the first chapter represents the methodological premise and the key to understanding the entire work. In this chapter the issue is framed in the context of the specificities of the process of European integration in criminal matters, with particular attention to its inspiring principles and its inherent limits. The second chapter examines the studies, proposals, documents (both institutional and non-institutional) that started the debate around the figure of a European investigating authority and which led to the introduction of an ad hoc legal basis for the establishment of the Office, inserted by the Treaty of Lisbon in the art. 86 TFEU. The chapter ends with the long and complex legislative process that led to the approval of the regulation even if with significant renunciations compared to the original aspirations. First of all, the use of enhanced cooperation. The third, fourth and fifth chapters are dedicated, respectively, to institutional profiles, material competence and, lastly, to the operational aspects related to the functioning of the Office and to relations with "partners". In this part, the provisions of the regulation text are examined by highlighting the critical and potentially problematic profiles. The work also investigates the specific implications related to the use of enhanced cooperation.
Full textThe thesis focuses on some of the terrorism prevention tools in the light of the related guarantee statute; in particular, the listing systems developed by the UN and the European Union were considered, as well as the prevention measures governed by Legislative Decree 6 September 2011, no. 159; the attempt is to identify the common thread that unites these apparently very distant measures. From this point of view, the work moves along a twofold direction: on the one hand, the identification of the guarantees that must guard the prevention institutes, also in light of their legal nature in the perspective of the conventional concept of "criminal matter"; on the other hand, the reconstruction of the discipline of the institutes, based on national and supranational sources and jurisprudence. This analysis is contained mainly in Chapters III and IV, dedicated respectively to the identification of a possible guarantee statute valid for the prevention system as a whole and the reconstruction of the positive discipline of the institutions considered. This part, which constitutes the main focus of the work, is preceded by two chapters, with function of theoretical (Ch.. I) and historical framework (Ch. II). The first Chapter, in fact, wants to provide a frame of the conceptual coordinates in which we move in the next part of the work; it is ideally divided into three parts, which represent the three pillars of the entire thesis. The first axis, that of guarantees, is the object of attention by reconstructing the conventional and constitutional concept of "criminal matter"; the second, in some ways opposed to the previous one, focuses on the analysis of the concept of "security", understood as the value that the entire preventive anti-terrorism system is aimed at protecting. Finally, the last axis represents an attempt to synthesize the two areas already outlined, through the so-called balancing mechanism in terms of proportionality. The scheme adopted in the first Chapter is therefore re-proposed in the following and central part of the work, which has already been mentioned: the issue of guarantees is taken up and elaborated on in Chap. III; in Chap. IV, then, the analysis focuses on the institutes elaborated by the national and supranational legislator with the aim of guaranteeing “security”; in the fifth and final Chapter, an attempt is made to sift - with a view to balancing - the mechanisms set up to protect security claims in the light of fundamental individual guarantees. It is here that attempts have also been made to put forward some proposals for remodeling the system, in order to eliminate some of the aspects of its incompatibility with fundamental rights. The issue of the legal nature of the institutes examined, in the perspective in which it has been placed, is therefore played down by the centrality attributed to the criterion of proportionality as a balancing tool between opposing needs. Similarly, categories such as "enemy criminal law", "struggle criminal law " and "emergency law", even if considered in the first Chapter, are not used critically. The chosen perspective, in fact, is not that of an all-encompassing evaluation in terms of legitimacy-illegitimacy of the entire system, but, rather, an analysis that is as precise and specific as possible of the institutions examined in the light of the guarantee statute. elaborated by the Courts of Rights.
Danese, Livia <1995>. "Il Sistema Leonardo e la Banca Dati dei beni culturali illecitamente sottratti: struttura, processi, prospettive e contesto della base di dati del Comando Carabinieri Tutela Patrimonio Culturale." Master's Degree Thesis, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, 2020. http://hdl.handle.net/10579/16849.
Full textOrillo, Martina. "I calcestruzzi del "dissonant heritage": uno studio sperimentale sui bunker della II Guerra Mondiale nella Riviera romagnola." Master's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2021.
Find full textZaru, Caterina <1989>. "Il ruolo di Giorgio Castelfranco nella salvaguardia e tutela del patrimonio artistico italiano. La questione delle esportazioni illecite e delle spoliazioni di opere d'arte attuate dai nazisti in Italia negli anni precedenti e durante la Seconda Guerra mondiale." Doctoral thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2022. http://amsdottorato.unibo.it/10449/3/Il%20ruolo%20di%20Giorgio%20Castelfranco%20nella%20salvaguardia%20e%20tutela%20del%20patrimonio%20artistico%20italiano.pdf.
Full textThe research deals with the issue of illegal export of cultural property and Nazi-looted art in Italy during the Second World War. Within this vast issue, we wanted to provide a broader perspective on the figure of Giorgio Castelfranco and on his role in safeguarding and protecting the Italian artistic heritage. Giorgio Castelfranco was an art historian and critic. During the twenties and thirties of the twentieth century, he was employed by the Italian Fine Arts Administration at the Superintendencies of Apulia, Umbria and Tuscany. Thus, he gave his first contribution to the protection of cultural heritage thanks to various actions he carried out during his career. He started working on some preventive protection measures such as: the compilation of the catalog of art objects; the development of lists of monuments; the preservation of natural beauties. With the emergence of the war then Castelfranco was engaged in a real work of recovery and reconstruction of the historical-artistic and monumental heritage. He also gave his contribution to the administration of Fine Arts as ruling General Director of the Ministry of Education throughout the governments of Badoglio and Bonomi. Moreover, on the inspections of the deposits of works of art in Tuscany and during the Mission for the recovery of works of art in Germany of 1946-1947, Castelfranco, thanks to his skills and experience gained in decades of professional activity, had the opportunity to work on looted-art identification and restitution.
Marinello, Eva <1988>. "I vizi di bilancio: dall'invalidità delle delibere di approvazione del bilancio alle false comunicazioni sociali. I postulati di chiarezza, veridicità e correttezza in bilico tra la tutela civilistica e quella penale, i nuovi orizzonti sulla trasparenza societaria e gli auspicabili interventi legislativi." Master's Degree Thesis, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/10579/2185.
Full textFornaciari, B. "LA DIRETTIVA 2012/13/UE SUL DIRITTO ALL'INFORMAZIONE.LA CONOSCENZA NEL PROCESSO PENALE FRA UNIONE EUROPEA E ORDINAMENTO INTERNO." Doctoral thesis, Università degli Studi di Milano, 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/2434/369477.
Full textThe present research examines the European Directive on the right to information in criminal proceedings (Directive 2012/13/EU, hereinafter ‘the Directive’), assessing the impact that it is likely to have on the Italian legal system. Before analyzing the legislation, the thesis provides an historical overview of the status of human rights safeguards in the EU and a description of its multi-layered system of protection. Starting from the early ECJ case law setting out a ‘human rights theory’, the research moves on to consider the Charter of Nice and the development of a European Area of Criminal Justice, until the Stockholm Program and the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty. In addition, it addresses the question as to whether and to what extent the directives ‘of new generation’ based on art. 82 par. 2 TFEU bring an added value to the aforementioned human rights protection system. Chapters 2 and 3 of the research focus on the analysis of the legislation and on the three meanings that the Directive attaches to the right to information in criminal proceedings, namely, the right to information about rights, the right to information about accusation, and the right to information about case file. The effort is shedding some light on the most innovative prescriptions, while at the same time highlighting how much the EU legislation owes to the ECtHR case law, which is used as a yardstick for the evaluation and interpretation of the Directive. Finally, Chapter 4 addresses the Italian implementing legislation (d. lgs. 101/2014) and the impact of the Directive on our legal system. It finds that the NIM is highly unsatisfactory, as the Italian legislator has failed to comply with the most innovative EU standards. In this regard, the research illustrates the impact of EU prescriptions on the jurisdiction of national judges, in particular, the impact of the ‘new’ right to information about accusation. It concludes that Italian judges can (in)directly apply ECtHR case law standards due the direct effect of the Directive (which can be regarded as an ‘ECtHR case-law codification’).
Mazzantini, Edoardo. "Il sistema dei delitti contro il patrimonio: tipologie aggressive e scopi di tutela." Doctoral thesis, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/2158/1126046.
Full textGauchi, Verónica. "Tutela jurídica del patrimonio documental en la legislación sudamericana." Thesis, 2010. http://eprints.rclis.org/17589/1/GauchiV%20Tutela%20juridica%20del%20patrimonio%20documental%20en%20la%20legislaci%C3%B3n%20sudamericana%20UIA%20pdf.pdf.
Full textBecherini, Pietro. "Le Mura di Verona. Il rilievo digitale per la tutela e valorizzazione del Patrimonio UNESCO." Doctoral thesis, 2020. http://hdl.handle.net/2158/1186421.
Full textRuffo, Lucia Fernanda, Gaetano Roberto De, Giuseppe Roma, and Margherita Ganeri. "Emissioni monetali di età normanno-sveva nel Mezzogiorno medievale: recupero del nucleo tutela patrimonio culturale di Cosenza." Thesis, 2011. http://hdl.handle.net/10955/951.
Full textBABALIS, DIMITRA. "Architetture per l’industria cartaria del Diciannovesimo secolo nella Valle del Pescia in Toscana: dalla tutela della memorie storiche ai problemi del recupero." Doctoral thesis, 1996. http://hdl.handle.net/2158/600461.
Full textAltomare, Chiara, Roberto Bartolino, and Raffaele Zinno. "<> ruolo delle indagini non invasive nella diagnostica: procedure integrate per la tutela e la valutazione della vulnerabilità del patrimonio architettonico." Thesis, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/10955/1280.
Full textBOUSSOUS, Nabil. "Beni culturali e valore d’uso: conoscenza tacita, creatività e innovazione." Doctoral thesis, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/11393/251082.
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