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Russell, Peter J. C. "The identity of the type material of the subspecies of Melitaea phoebe ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775) described by Emilio Turati (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae)." SHILAP Revista de lepidopterología 50, no. 200 (December 30, 2022): 681–84.

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Two taxa described by Turati in 1920 as subspecies of Melitaea phoebe ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775), are examined from high resolution photographs. M. phoebe phoebina Turati, 1920 is identified from morphological features as M. ornata Christoph, 1893, and M. phoebe rostagnoi Turati, 1920, is confirmed as M. phoebe. The quadrinomial M. phoebe rostagnoi sterlineata Turati, 1920 from the same locality as subsp. rostagnoi is also confirmed as M. phoebe.
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Mujahidin, Zaenul, and Sri Rahayu Lestari. "KAJIAN KRITIS ATAS KITAB AL-TAFSIR AL-TAUHIDI KARYA HASAN AL-TURABI." el-'Umdah 4, no. 1 (July 1, 2021): 75–92.

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Tulisan ini mengkaji tentang kajian kritis terhadap Hasan al-Turabi melalui kitabnya al-Tafsir al-Tauhidi, Hasan al-Turabi dalam menyajikan kesatuan petunjuk al-Qur’an melalui kesatuan gagasan yang diusung al-Qur’an melalui surat-surat Al-Qur’an. Pendekatan tauhidi yang didengungkan Hasan al-Turabi dapat menjawab tantangan tafsir dan pemikiran keislaman serta problem aktual di masyarakat kekinian. Namun di balik itu semua, proyek al-Tafsir al-Tauhidi yang diajukan oleh Hasan al-Turabi tersebut sejatinya belum mapan dan banyak sekali kekurangan, karena gagasan tentang kesatuan al-Qur’an melalui pendekatan surat al-Qur’an kurang mumpuni dalam menjaawab konteks kikiniaan, artinya tema yang diajukan oleh Hasan al-Turabi sejatinya sudah ada lebih dulu dan dikenal dengan istilah maudui, wihdah mauu’iyyah, asas. Oleh karenanya tulisan ini mengakaji dan mengkritisi kajian kitab Al-Tafsir Al-Tauhi ala Hasan al-Turabi.
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Shamima Shultana, Kazi M. Maraz, Farhana Islam, Kazi M. Haque, Md. Mukul Hossain, Md. Marjanul Haque, Md. Razzak, and Ruhul A. Khan. "Investigation of the water samples of six central rivers of Banglades." GSC Advanced Research and Reviews 10, no. 3 (March 30, 2022): 062–70.

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Six central rivers of Bangladesh were selected for this investigation. The name of the rivers are Meghna, Shitalakshya, Dhaleshwari, Padma, Buriganga and Turag. The Electrical Conductivity (EC), pH, Total Dissolved Solid (TDS), Salinity, Dissolved Oxygen (DO), Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) and Turbidity of the six river waters were evaluated. The EC values of the water of the Meghna, Shitalakshya, Dhaleshwari, Padma, Buriganga and Turag rivers were found to be 202.8, 225.8, 362, 264.4, 586 and 609 µS/cm respectively. The EC values were found higher for the Turag River water than that of the other five river waters. Similarly, the pH values of 6.8, 6.8, 6.6, 6.5, 6.4 and 6.5 were found for the river waters of the Meghna, Shitalakshya, Dhaleshwari, Padma, Buriganga and Turag respectively. The pH values were found lower for the Turag river water than that of the other five river waters. The TDS and salinity of the Turag river water were found 305 ppm and 1.2% respectively. On the other hand, the TDS and salinity of the Meghna river water was found 101.4 and 0.4% which is lower compared to the other five rivers. From this research, this is clear that the quality of the Meghna river water is much better than the river waters of the Shitalakshya, Dhaleshwari, Padma, Buriganga and Turag. The quality of the Turag river water was found inferior. The Turag is one of the most important rivers of Dhaka city, the capital of Bangladesh, and a large number of unban waste goes directly to the river Turag. As a result, the water of Turag river became deteriorated. This investigation proved that the Meghna river water quality is still much better and suitable for many applications.
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Shevnina, Irina, and Andrey Logvin. "Neolithic Turgai: Climate, Environment, Paleoeconomics and Man (based on materials of the Mahanjar culture)." Stratum plus. Archaeology and Cultural Anthropology, no. 2 (April 30, 2021): 15–29.

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The article is devoted to the interaction with the environment of the Mahanjar Neolithic population of Turgai. As part of the study, the authors offer a reconstruction of the paleoclimatic conditions in the territory of the Turgai trough in the Neolithic era. They used the data obtained from the spore-pollen analysis of four peat bogs located in the region: Sukhoye Zaymishche, Mokhovoye, Naurzum and Shaitomar; paleoclimatic reconstructions of Siberia and Central Asia; palynological data of the Turgai trough; research by a group of scientists led by S. A. Guskov concerning the finds of the Aral-Caspian microfauna in the sediments of lakes in the south of Western Siberia. A reconstruction of livelihood of the Mahanjar Neolithic population of Turgai (economy, production of stone products, pottery, etc.) is offered. The article covers the results of isotope analysis of ceramics from the Bestamak settlement, in which mare’s milk lipids were recorded. The main conclusion of the work is the statement of the high level of adaptation of the Mahanjar population to the environment and climatic conditions of the Holocene of Turgai.
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Punzo, Maurizio. "Il “salotto” di Anna Kuliscioff e Critica Sociale." Forum Italicum: A Journal of Italian Studies 54, no. 1 (March 30, 2020): 312–30.

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Studio o salotto che fosse, la stanza come “luogo” nel quale si manifestavano, oltre agli affetti famigliari di Filippo e Anna, l’elaborazione e il dialogo politici della coppia più celebrata del socialismo italiano, Turati e Kuliscioff, merita l’attenzione di storici e critici letterari. Vi passò fior fiore di personaggi che fecero la storia della politica e della cultura di quei decenni, in particolare nell’ambito laico socialista, contribuendo alla formazione di un buon numero di futuri combattenti contro il fascismo. Ricco di citazioni di testimoni di quei decenni, il saggio fornisce al lettore il sapore dell’ambiente colto e progressista, nel quale prendevano forma opzioni culturali e politiche che avrebbero trovato, nel primo dopoguerra, modo di crescere e affermarsi. Sotto questo profilo, di grande efficacia l’incrociarsi, nel salotto di casa Turati in portici Galleria a Milano, di generazioni e correnti di socialismo di ogni tipo, nello spirito di libertà e aperto confronto che lo contraddistingueva. Il “salotto” di Anna Kuliscioff era in realtà più uno studio che un salotto. Il 1° gennaio 1899 la stessa Kuliscioff, libera dopo quattro mesi di detenzione, datava la sua prima lettera da Milano a Turati, ancora detenuto a Pallanza, “da casa del tuo-nostro studio” (Turati e Kuliscioff, 1977: vol. I, 239) ed anche Turati si riferiva a quella stanza soprattutto come al loro studio: “la luce della Camera – scriveva per esempio il 30 novembre 1903 – fa rimpiangere le belle lampade del nostro studio e del nostro tinello” (Turati e Kuliscioff, 1977: vol. II, t. I, 130). In diverse occasioni però definiva “salotto”, senza alcuna ironia, quello stesso ambiente: “Il Bollettino e le inchieste dell’Ufficio del Lavoro sono tutte in salotto, nella libreria che è accanto alla porta della tua camera da letto dal lato della finestra”, il 14 giugno 1910 (Turati e Kuliscioff, 1977: vol. III, t. I, 242–243).
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Mustafa Ali, Nada. "Sudan after Al-Turabi." Hawwa 14, no. 1 (August 22, 2016): 3–19.

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The death of Sudanese Islamist ideologue Hassan Al-Turabi (1932–2016) warrants an examination of Al-Turabi’s and Islamism’s legacy in Sudan and in the broader Middle East and Africa regions. This article outlines the reasons for the rise of Islamism and extremism in these regions, and argues that this rise is rooted, among other factors, in local and global processes that exacerbated inequalities within and between countries in the two regions; and between these regions and other parts of the world. The article further examines the gendered politics of the National Islamic Front (nif)/National Congress Party (ncp) within a wider discussion of the rise of politicised Islam in the Middle East and North Africa. I highlight Islamist discourses and practices and the impact on women in Sudan.
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Kappasov, Marat. "Crafts by Nomads of the Ural and Turgai Regions at the Beginning of the 20th Century." Vestnik Volgogradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Serija 4. Istorija. Regionovedenie. Mezhdunarodnye otnoshenija, no. 4 (August 2021): 102–16.

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Introduction. The article, based on the “Materials on the Kyrgyz (Kazakh) Land Use Collected and Developed by the Statistical Parties of the Turgai-Ural Resettlement Region”, examines the crafts of the nomads of the Lbischensky, Uralsky, Turgai, Irgiz, Temir uyezds in the early 20th century. Temir, Lbishchensky and Ural uyezds belonged to the Ural region, Turgai and Irgiz uyezds to the Turgai region. Methods and materials. Using the mathematical method, the method of comparative analysis and content analysis, the author shows how much income per person came from crafts in the studied uyezds and proves that crafts were only additional industries and could not compete with nomadic cattle breeding. The article examines the crafts that brought the greatest income. Farmhands, transportation, groundhog hunting, fishing, etc., were well-known crafts; the Muslim spiritual cult and its servants was an unusual craft. Analysis. Our article shows that the studied uyezds had their own craft specializations. For example, a significant number of nomads in Lbischensky uyezd were engaged in transportation, in Turgai uyezd in hunting groundhogs, in Irgiz uyezd in hunting and fishing. Results. At the end of the article, the author concludes that the majority of nomads were primarily engaged in crafts as farmhands due to their poverty.
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Nawshin, N., N. Sultana, MAH Chowdhury, and MA Baten. "Chemical Properties of Buriganga and Turag River Water." Journal of Environmental Science and Natural Resources 9, no. 2 (April 14, 2017): 9–14.

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The present study was undertaken to evaluate the chemical properties of Buriganga and Turag river water, Bangladesh. Water samples were collected from 15 locations of each river from January to February, 2016 to analyze chemical properties, which includes: pH, EC, TDS, DO, cations ( Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+), Anions (Cl-, HCO3-, SO42-, CO3-, PO43-) and heavy metal contents (Pb, Cd, Ni, Cr, As, Zn, Cu). The average value of pH was 8.47 and 8.41 in Buriganga and Turag water indicating moderate alkalinity. The average values of EC content of Buriganga and Turag river water were 327 and 272 ?S cm-1 indicating low to moderate salinity. The mean values of TDS and DO content were 1468.4 and 2.93 mg L-1 in Buriganga river water and 1202 and 3.91 mg L-1 in Turag river water, respectively. Average concentration of Pb, Cd, Ni, Cr, As, Zn, and Cu found in Buriganga and Turag river water were 0.068, 0.016, 0.081, 0.237, 0.006, 0.473, 0.19 mg L-1 and 0.012, 0.021, 0.015, 0.034, 0.002, 0.075, 0.014 mg L-1, respectively. From the study it is found that the value of Pb, Cd and Cr content in Buriganga and Cr content in Turag river water exceeded the standard limits of DoE and WHO. Therefore, Government and local people should take some effective measures to control the pollution of Buriganga and Turag river.J. Environ. Sci. & Natural Resources, 9(2): 9-14 2016
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Turag, among all the rivers, is vital lifeblood for the metropolis of Dhaka. This study was carried out to investigate the vital causes of Turag River pollution and subsequent consequences for local inhabitants. The data for this exploratory study were gathered through qualitative analysis and a review of the relevant literature. Field visits were conducted, and relevant data were gathered through individual in-depth interviews (IDIs, N=70), focus group discussions (FGDs, N=02), and researcher observations combined with transect walk along the adjacent areas. The investigation discovered various causes of pollution in the Turag River, the two most significant of which are industrial effluents along with municipal and illegal residential sewage outfalls that release directly into the river. Likewise, abundant different types of garbage, fecal excrement, pesticides from nearby agricultural land, slaughterhouse wastes, spills from a variety of water vehicles, and other human activities such as housing projects and brickfield construction contribute to Turag water pollution. Manifest evidence has been found regarding the consequences of Turag River pollution having of dark color and perilous odor of the Turag River water; local people suffering from diseases such as allergy, skin infection, cold cough, diarrhea, dysentery, hepatitis, typhoid, respiratory problem, and various others; impact on aquatic lives, fisheries, and livestock; reduced agricultural production; shifts in occupational status; breeding ground for mosquitoes; and many more. This study provides a thoughtful perspective on the origin of Turag River pollution and its various repercussions on riverine communities. To reduce pollution from diverse sources, efforts should be made to decrease the concentration of contaminants.
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Alexander Vasilievich Vasiliev (1861–1943) was a missionary, worked in the field of organizing foreign education during the period of the Russian Empire. A Turkologist who speaks the Chuvash, Tatar, Kazakh and Arabic languages. By nationality - Chuvash. A. Vasiliev studied at the Cheboksary Theological School in 1869-1876, then at the Kazan Theological Seminary in 1876-1882, later at the Kazan Theological Academy with a degree in anti-Muslim religion. After graduating from the Kazan Theological Academy in 1886, he taught Greek, missionary subjects, and music at the Orenburg Theological Seminary.After teaching, he works as an official. One of these positions was his work as an inspector of the Turgai region in 1889-1894. In this position, he deeply familiarized himself with the history of the spread of Russian education in the Turgai region. As a result, his historical work “Historical sketch of Russian education in the Turgai region” was published, published in 1896 in Orenburg. Under the influence of the class ideology that prevailed in the Soviet era, this study was “closed” and little known in the scientific community.This research by A. Vasiliev is a valuable historical work based on the works of N. Ilminsky, V. Grigoriev, official letters from the Orenburg administration, government documents, archival materials that were at the forefront of attracting Russian education in the Turgai region. The work contains detailed historical data on the opening of Russian-Kazakh schools in the Turgai region, teachers who worked there, students who received education. The book also contains the first information about the pedagogical activity of the teacher A. Baitursynov.
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Nawshin, N., FR Sadab, MAH Chowdhury, and MA Baten. "Effects of Buriganga and Turag River Water on the Yield and Heavy Metal Contents of Indian Spinach." Journal of Environmental Science and Natural Resources 9, no. 2 (April 14, 2017): 15–20.

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There are different types of essential nutrients are found in vegetables which are good for human health. But now a days the vegetables which are irrigated with Buriganga and Turag river water may be contaminated with heavy metals because of industrial effluents discharge into the Buriganga and Turag river water. The present study was conducted to investigate the levels of heavy metals like Lead (Pb), Cadmium (Cd), Cupper (Cu), Chromium (Cr), Zinc (Zn), Arsenic (As), Nickel (Ni), and Iron (Fe) in Indian Spinach irrigated with polluted Buriganga and Turag river water. Heavy metals contaminated water and vegetable samples were analyzed by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer. The Pb, Cd, Ni, Cr, As, Zn, and Cu contents in Buriganga river water applied in Indian spinach ranged from 0.798-2.06, 0.011-0.60, 0.001-3.87, 0.378-1.25, 0.001-0.610, 6.21-23.24, and 2.01-13.69 ?g g-1, respectively and those of Turag river water ranged from 0.023- 0.781, 0.001-0.610, 0.001-0.360, 0.133-0.279, 0.001-0.360, 3.16-8.97, and 0.210-6.47 ?g g-1, respectively. The root and shoot length was decreased from 5.3 to 3.2 cm and from 7.2 to 5.5 cm for Buriganga river water applied plant samples. The root and shoot length of Turag river water applied plant samples were decreased from 3.83 to 3.10 cm and 6.93 to 6.18 cm, respectively. The number of leaves was decreased from 7.46 to 5.58 and 8.69 to 5.32 for Buriganga and Turag river water applied plant samples, respectively. The yield of Buriganga and Turag river water applied Indian spinach sample decreased 23.06% and 24.70% from the control plant sample. It is recommended that in spinach plant the concentration of Pd, Zn and Cu crossed the standard limits of FAO and WHO, indicating a potential risk to human body. Awareness should be created among the farmers about the serious consequences of using polluted river water for growing leafy vegetables in city areas.J. Environ. Sci. & Natural Resources, 9(2): 15-20 2016
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Rahman, M. Mostafizur, Amena Ferdousi, Mohammad Abdur Rob, and Muhammad Mahfuz Hasan. "Researches in Effluence and Environmental flow of Turag River – a review." AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE) 19, no. 1 (April 29, 2020): 25–32.

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Articles regarding water pollution of Turag river have been reviewed and compiled as a review paper from various published articles of international reputed journals annual/environmental reports of recognized organization and e-books. Besides, this work finds the interpretation of data and discussions published in different research papers. The water of Turag river is not fit for washing, underwater life and domestic supply because of the sever effect of the release of untreated industrial and domestic effluents. The water quality of Turag river. A wide range of contaminants are continuously introduced into the Turag river and their toxicity is a problem of increasing significance for ecological, evolutionary, and environmental reasons. The prevailing condition of the river is of serious concern, and there is an urgent need to take strict measures to ensure cleansing of the river and prevent further contamination. This review work provides views and proposals to explain the assessment of water pollution of river water.
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Absadyk, A. A., Z. E. Kabul’dinov, and Z. Arykbaeva. "HISTORICAL VALUE AND COGNITIVE SIGNIFICANCE OF A. VASILIEV’S BOOK “HISTORICAL ESSAY ON RUSSIAN EDUCATION IN THE TURGAY REGION” (according to sections I, III of the study)." History of the Homeland 97, no. 1 (March 30, 2022): 5–15.

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Alexander Vasilievich Vasiliev (1861–1943) was a missionary, he worked in the field of organizing education for “inorodtsy” (indigenous people) during the period of the Russian Empire. He was a Turkologist who could speak the Chuvash, Tatar, Kazakh and Arabic languages. He was Chuvash by his origin. A. Vasiliev studied at the Cheboksary Theological School in 1869-1876, then at the Kazan Theological Seminary in 1876-1882, later at the Kazan Theological Academy with a degree in anti-Muslim religion. After graduating from the Kazan Theological Academy in 1886, he taught Greek, missionary subjects, and music at the Orenburg Theological Seminary.After teaching, he works as an official. One of these positions was his work as an inspector of the Turgai region in 1889-1894. In this position, he deeply familiarized himself with the history of the spread of Russian education in the Turgai region. As a result, his historical work “Historical sketch of Russian education in the Turgai region” was published, published in 1896 in Orenburg. Under the influence of the class ideology that prevailed in the Soviet era, this study was “closed” and little known in the scientific community.This research by A. Vasiliev is a valuable historical work based on the works of N. Ilminsky, V. Grigoriev, official letters from the Orenburg administration, government documents, archival materials that were at the forefront of attracting Russian education in the Turgai region. The work contains detailed historical data on the opening of Russian-Kazakh schools in the Turgai region, teachers who worked there, students who received education. The book also contains the first information about the pedagogical activity of the teacher A. Baitursynov. This book is important for understanding the history of the spread of Russian education in the Kazakh steppe.
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LI, HOUHUN, and KLAUS SATTLER. "A taxonomic revision of the genus Mesophleps Hübner, 1825 (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae)." Zootaxa 3373, no. 1 (July 4, 2012): 1.

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The genus Mesophleps Hübner (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) is revised; 54 available names (including one unjustifiedemendation), one junior primary homonym and one unavailable name were considered; type material of 44 previouslydescribed nominal species was examined. Nine new species are described: M. acutunca sp. nov., M. bifidella sp. nov., M.unguella sp. nov., M. gigantella sp. nov., M. coffeae sp. nov., M. parvella sp. nov., M. aspina sp. nov., M. truncatella sp.nov. and M. undulatella sp. nov. Two possibly new species are discussed but not formally named for lack of material.Twenty-five new combinations are introduced: M. safranella (Legrand, 1965) comb. nov., M. epichorda (Turner, 1919)comb. nov., M. tabellata (Meyrick, 1913) comb. nov., M. crocina (Meyrick, 1904) comb. nov., M. ochracella (Turati,1926) comb. nov., M. geodes (Meyrick, 1929) comb. nov., M. catericta (Meyrick, 1927) comb. nov., M. tephrastis(Meyrick, 1904) comb. nov., M. cycnobathra (Lower, 1898) comb. nov., M. tetrachroa (Lower, 1898) comb. nov., M.ochroloma (Lower, 1901) comb. nov., M. trichombra (Lower, 1898) comb. nov., M. mylicotis (Meyrick, 1904) comb. nov.,M. macrosemus (Lower, 1900) comb. nov., M. apentheta (Turner, 1919) comb. nov., M. meliphanes (Lower, 1894) comb.nov., M. chloranthes (Lower, 1900) comb. nov., M. centrothetis (Meyrick, 1904) comb. nov., M. chloristis (Meyrick,1904) comb. nov., M. argonota (Lower, 1901) comb. nov., Megacraspedus arnaldi (Turati & Krüger, 1936) comb. nov.,Aponoea cinerellus (Turati, 1930) comb. nov., Pycnobathra acromelas (Turner, 1919) comb. nov., Sarotorna mesoleuca(Lower, 1900) comb. nov., S. dentata Meyrick, 1904, comb. nov. One species, Nothris mesophracta Turner, 1919, isremoved from Mesophleps but no current genus is available. Fourteen new synonymies (one genus, 13 species-group taxa)are established: Bucolarcha Meyrick, 1929, syn. nov. of Mesophleps Hübner, [1825]; Stiphrostola longinqua Meyrick,1923, syn. nov. and Brachyacma trychota Meyrick, 1929, syn. nov. of M. ioloncha (Meyrick, 1905); Lipatia crotalariellaBusck, 1910, syn. nov. of M. adustipennis (Walsingham, 1897); Brachyacma epichorda Turner, 1919, syn. nov. of M.epiochra (Meyrick, 1886); Mesophleps pudicellus var. apicellus Caradja, 1920, syn. nov. and Mesophleps silacellus subsp.calaritanus Amsel, 1939, syn. nov. of M. silacella (Hübner, 1796); Mesophleps lala Agenjo, [1961], syn. nov. of M.corsicella (Herrich-Schäffer, 1856); Crossobela barysphena Meyrick, 1923, syn. nov. of M. trinotella Herrich-Schäffer,1856; Mesophleps orientella Nel & Nel, 2003, syn. n. and Mesophleps gallicella Varenne & Nel, 2011, syn. nov. of M.ochracella (Turati, 1926); Nothris centrothetis Meyrick, 1904, syn. nov. and Nothris chloristis Meyrick, 1904, syn. nov.of M. chloranthes (Lower, 1900); Mesophleps cinerellus Turati, 1930, syn. nov. of Aponoea obtusipalpis Walsingham,1905. One genus and one species are recalled from synonymy: Pycnobathra Lower, 1901, gen. rev., and M. ioloncha(Meyrick, 1905) sp. rev. Lectotypes are designated, in accordance with the Code, article 74.7.3, for 14 species: Gelechiapalpigera Walsingham, 1891; Paraspistes ioloncha Meyrick, 1905; Lathontogenus adustipennis Walsingham, 1897;Brachyacma epichorda Turner, 1919; Nothris crocina Meyrick, 1904; Nothris ochracella Turati, 1926; Nothris tephrastisMeyrick, 1904; Ypsolophus ochroloma Lower, 1901; Ypsolophus macrosemus Lower, 1900; Nothris centrothetis Meyrick,1904; Nothris chloristis Meyrick, 1904; Ypsolophus argonota Lower, 1901; Mesophleps arnaldi Turati & Krüger, 1936,and Mesophleps cinerellus Turati, 1930. Mesophleps is a widely distributed Old World genus, except for one New Worldspecies, with seed-feeding larvae on Cupressaceae, Cistaceae, Cruciferae (Brassicaceae), Leguminosae (Fabaceae), Rubiaceae and doubtfully Dipterocarpaceae.
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Serikbay Ospanov, Kulzada Myrzagalieva, and Aslan Alimbayev. "THE PROPAGANDA OF ABAI BEGAN IN TURGAI FROM AKHMET BAITURSYNOV (devoted to Akhmet Baitursynov)." Bulletin of the Eurasian Humanities Institute, Philology Series, no. 2 (June 15, 2022): 78–85.

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The article presents an analytical work on familiarization with the poet Abai, carried out by the representatives of the Turgai poetic school. During the propaganda of Abay Kunanbaiuly, the works of Akhmet Baitursynov were studied. Moreover, the poet's poems are analyzed and included in the "Kazakh chrestomathy" of the enlightener and writer Ybyray Altynsarin, who became not only a figure of the Kazakh people, but also of humanity. The first article, where thoughts about the art of poetic lines are touched upon was written by A. Baitursynuly. An artistic and aesthetic assessment of Abai's work is given in the article and it says that the way was opened to future Abai scholars in the Kazakh literature. The works of representatives of Turgai poetic school, writers and journalists connected with the promotion of the work of the great poet Abai are considered. New facts and literary arguments of such creative personalities of the Turgai region as: Mirzhakyp Dulatov, Abikai Nurtazauly, Syrbai Maulenov, Gafu Kairbekov were presented.
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Ushbu maqolada qadimgi va o‘rta asrlarda Markaziy Osiyoda tarqalgan qo‘lda yasalgan bezakli sopol idishlarning yasash texnikasi xususida qisqacha mulohazalar bayon etilgan. Yevroosiyo kengliklarida jez va temir davridan rivojlangan o‘rta asrlarga qadar ko‘plab yodgorliklardan qo‘lda yasalgan bezakli sopol idishlar topilgan. Bu turdagi sopol idishlar eramizdan oldingi I ming yillik oxiri va eramizning I ming yilliklari boshlarida kamayib ketsa-da, X-XIII asr boshlarida, Qoraxoniylar davridan O‘rta Osiyoning juda katta hududida yana paydo bo‘lgan. Maqolada shu turdagi sopol majmualarini yasash texnikasini o‘rganilishi va texnologik xususiyatlari xususida fikrlar bildirilgan
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Murodova, Nilufar. "BLOGERLIK FAOLIYATIDA MAHORAT MASALALARI." Ижтимоий-гуманитар фанларнинг долзарб муаммолари / Актуальные проблемы социально-гуманитарных наук / Actual Problems of Humanities and Social Sciences. 3, no. 6 (June 6, 2023): 220–24.

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Blogerlar ijodida jurnalistikaning turli vazifalarini birlashtirish hodisasi uchrab turadi, ya’ni ular rasmiy materiallarni kamroq sharhlaydilar. Ammo rasmiy OAV esa ulardan iqtiboslar keltirib turadi. Zamonaviy virtual jurnalistika uchun hozirda bu odatiy hol bo‘lib qolgan. Bugungi kunda bir jurnalist ikki maqomda ish olib borishi tabiiy bo‘lib qolmoqda, professional xodim va bloger. Albatta bu bir tomondan togri hamdir. Tadqiqotchi ushbu maqolada blogerlik faoliyatining muhim xususiayatlaridan biri content masalasiga alohida etabor qaratgan. Tezkor va xolis eng muhimi auditoriyani chalgitmaydigan, kop vaqt talab etilmaydigan qisqa, aniq matnlar bilan ishlash mahorati haqida ham so‘z yuritgan.
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Jamaluddin, Jamaluddin. "Epistemologi Pembaharuan Usul Fikih Hasan Turabi." JURNAL MAHKAMAH 2, no. 1 (August 2, 2017): 59.

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The article is the research result of the reform of Ushul Al Fiqh proposed by Hasan Turabi. The method applied is descriptive qualitative, exposing the entire ideas of Hasan Turbi pertaining to the reform of Ushul Fiqh and proceeded by the approach of content analysis. The next step is to make comparison with ideas of other Ushul Fiqh scholars. The reform of Ushul Fiqh according to Hasan Turbi is to implement qiyas al-wasi (wide qiyas) and istishab al-wasi (wide qiyas). The method applied by Hasan Turbi has already been used by former Ushul Fiqh scholars. Hasan Turbi only adds the words al-wasi. The essence of qiyas al-wasi and istishab al-wasi by Hasan Turabi is traditional issues already been done for a long time in a certain community or actual issues
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-, Masadah. "EPISTEMOLOGI PEMBAHARUAN USUL FIKIH HASAN TURABI." DINAMIKA : Jurnal Kajian Pendidikan dan Keislaman 3, no. 1 (September 8, 2018): 1–32.

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The article is the research result of the reform of Ushul Al Fiqh proposed by Hasan Turabi.The method applied is descriptive qualitative, exposing the entire ideas of Hasan Turbi pertaining to the reform of Ushul Fiqh and proceeded by the approach of content analysis. The next step is to make comparison with ideas of other Ushul Fiqh scholars.The reform of Ushul Fiqh according to HasanTurbi is to implement qiyas al - wasi ( wide qiyas) and istishab al-wasi (wide qiyas). The method applied by Hasan Turbi has already been used by former Ushul Fiqh scholars. Hasan Turbi only adds the words al – wasi . The essence of qiyas al – wasi and istishab al –wasi by Hasan Turabi is traditional issues already been done for a long time in a certain community or actual issues. Keywords: Tajdid, al-Qiyās wāsi, Istishāb al-Wāsi.
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Baki, Mohammad, Muzammel Hossain, and Naser Bhouiyan. "Checklist of Freshwater Mollusca (Gastropoda and Bivalvia) Recorded from the Buriganga and Turag Rivers, Dhaka, Bangladesh." Festivus 48, no. 4 (November 1, 2016): 221–28.

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Freshwater mollusks have received little attention from conservation scientists. We collected museum records and conducted an inventory of freshwater mollusks to develop a species checklist for the Buriganga and Turag Rivers. The study area extended from the Posthoghola Bridge (90°26´12'' E and 23°40´25''N), Buriganga River to the Tangi Bridge, Turag River (90°24´29''E and 23°53´59''N). Surveys were conducted every two weeks from December 2012 to November 2013 in both rivers. During the survey period we collected mollusks by hand picking. A total of 17 species belonging to 8 families (Ariophantidae, Viviparidae, Pilidae, Thiaridae, Lymnaeidae, Unionidae, Cyrenidae and Solecurtidae) were identified from both rivers. Among the 17 species, 14 were identified in the Buriganga River and 12 species were found in the Turag River. Corbicula fluminea (O. F. Müller, 1774), Lymnaea luteola (Lamarck 1822) and Macrochlamys sequax (Benson, 1859) were found in the Buriganga River and Bellamya dissimilis (Müller, 1774), Paludomus conica (Gray, 1834) and Novaculina gangetica (Benson, 1853) were found in the Turag River. Muddy, sandy and stony benthic and littoral habitats were observed in both rivers. It is our hope that this study will stimulate additional mollusk research in this area.
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Pinzari, M., and M. Pinzari. "Mesophleps ochracella (Turati, 1926), nueva para Italia (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae)." SHILAP Revista de lepidopterología 48, no. 189 (March 30, 2020): 125–28.

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Church, Sir Arthur H. "Notes on Turacin and the Turacin-Bearers." Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 83, no. 3 (May 28, 2010): 639–43.

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KAYA, CÜNEYT. "Spirlins of the southern Black Sea basin, with the description of a new species (Teleostei: Leuciscidae)." Zootaxa 4763, no. 3 (April 14, 2020): 419–28.

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Alburnoides turani, new species, from the Filyos River drainage is described and the distribution of the nine other Alburnoides species known from the southern Black Sea basin is revised. Alburnoides turani is distinguished by having a naked ventral keel, or the keel is covered with 1–3 scales between the posterior pelvic-fin base and the anus, an interorbital distance wider than the eye diameter and the snout length, 48–55 total lateral-line scales, 5–6 scale rows between the anal-fin origin and the lateral line, 13½–14½ branched anal-fin rays, and 41–42 total vertebrae.
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Shevnina, I. V. "Ceramic Complex of the Neolithic Camp Ekidin 24." Bulletin of Kemerovo State University 21, no. 1 (May 29, 2019): 37–43.

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The camp Ekidin 24 is located in the southern part of the Turgai Depression (Northern Kazakhstan, Kostanay region). The monument was explored by the Turgai archeological expedition in the 1989 field season. The present research featured the ceramic complex of camp Ekidin 24. The research objective was to study technological aspects in the manufacture of ceramic vessels of the Ekidin potters. An important aspect of the work is the generalization of all currently known camp data. The ceramic collection of the Ekidin 24 camp consists of 48 fragments, including 6 fragments of the upper parts of vessels with a grooved neck, one fragment of a vessel bottom, and 38 fragments of vessel walls. All fragments of ceramics from the Ekidin 24 camp were subjected to a technical and technological analysis. The study employed petrographic analysis and binocular microscopy. The initial raw material of the Ekidin potters was iron clay (iron hydroxides, such as hematite and magnetite), or hydromica. A formula of molding mass was revealed: clay + organic (wool) + chamotte. The Ekidin 24 camp is the reference monument of the Mahanjar culture of the Turgai Depression. The age of Mahanjar finds is determined primarily on the analogies with early Neolithic monuments of the Central Asian interfluves as late 7,000 – 5,000 B.C. The obtained radiocarbon dates indicate 6,000 B.C. Mahanjar-like Ceramics are still represented by single fragments outside the Turgai Depression and, as a rule, are not recognized by researchers as Mahanjar. We can confidently say that the Mahanjar culture is not an isolated phenomenon, and the identification of new Mahanjar sites in different regions of the steppe and forest-steppe Eurasia is only a matter of time.
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Ross, D. J., N. A. Scott, S. M. Lambie, C. M. Trotter, N. J. Rodda, and J. A. Townsend. "Nitrogen and carbon cycling in a New Zealand pumice soil under a manuka (Leptospermum scoparium) and kanuka (Kunzea ericoides) shrubland." Soil Research 47, no. 7 (2009): 725.

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Shrubland communities dominated by manuka (Leptospermum scoparium J. Forst. and G. Forst.) and kanuka (Kunzea ericoides var. ericoides ((A. Rich) J. Thompson) are widespread throughout New Zealand. They frequently colonise disturbed land surfaces and are important for erosion mitigation, and also for their capacity to act as a carbon (C) sink. We here investigate C and nitrogen (N) cycling in 3 stands (~26–56 years old) that had established on a repeatedly burned forest site on a Podzolic Orthic Pumice soil in the Turangi area, central North Island. For comparison, limited measurements of N cycling were also made at other manuka–kanuka sites on non-volcanic soils. Leaf N concentrations at the Turangi site were 11.8–13.9 g/kg, and lower than those at many of the other manuka–kanuka stands. Total annual litterfall and N content increased with stand age, as did total N concentrations in FH material and mineral soil (0–100 mm depth). Total C concentrations in mineral soil did not, however, differ significantly in the 3 stands. Levels of soil microbial C and N, rates of carbon dioxide production, and metabolic coefficients (qCO2 values) suggest C cycling could be fairly rapid at this site. In contrast, rates of net mineral-N and nitrate-N production were low to very low compared with those in similar pumice soils under angiosperm–conifer forests, and in the non-volcanic soils under other manuka–kanuka stands. Low N availability and tight N cycling at the Turangi site are thereby strongly suggested. No definitive explanation for the atypically low N availability at this site is apparent, although the possible effects of previous forest burnings may have been a contributing factor. The continued growth of these shrubs, nevertheless, shows they can compete successfully for the N that does become available through gross N mineralisation in the Turangi ecosystem.
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Ali, Ibrahim Gali, Auwal Abdullahi Salisu, and Dr Salisu Garba. "Walwalar Harshen Hausa a Hausar Turai." Tasambo Journal of Language, Literature, and Culture 2, no. 02 (June 15, 2023): 190–96.

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Wannan muƙala an nazarci walwalar harshen Hausa a Turai. Kamar yadda aka sani, harshe abu ne da yake da walwala, don haka ne ma yakan iya aro daga wani harshen zuwa wani, ko kuma a samu bambance-bambancen lafazi daga wani rukuni na al’umma ko nahiya da suke amfani da harshe ɗaya. Don haka, muƙalar ta gano akwai hargitsa-ballen Faransanci da Hausa inda aikin ya kira irin wannan yanayi da Farausa. Haka kuma, an sami hargitsa-balle na Jamusanci da Hausa a nan kuma aka samu Jamausa hakazalika, an samu Ingausa da Arabsa. da ake samu a sakamakon haɗa Hausa da Ingilishi a lokaci guda da kuma haɗa Hausa da Larabci. Daga ƙarshe aikin ya ƙirƙiro sababbin kalmomi da ya kira su da Jamausa da Farausa kamar yadda ya gabata a baya.
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Shevnina, Irina V. "Ceramics of the Boborykino Appearance of Turgai." Povolzhskaya Arkheologiya (The Volga River Region Archaeology) 3, no. 41 (September 30, 2022): 135–50.

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Results of the analysis of ceramics of the Boborykino appearance from the Neolithic sites of Turgai are represented in the paper. The initial raw materials and molding masses of ceramic products were studied using the technique of binocular microscopy and petrographic analysis. When analyzing the ceramic collections of the sites Bestamak, Belkaragai 1 and Sulukol 1, according to the profling of the necks, the technique of applying the ornament, a group of ceramics of the Boborykino appearance was identifed. The dishes of this group were molded from silty clays with the addition of freclay and an organic solution; in one case, talcum gruss was added. The penetration of the Boborykino groups of population into the Turgai steppes was episodic, and the groups were quite small (based on the number of artifacts found), which indicates not migration, but rather family and marriage contacts.
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Rahman, Mizanur, M. Mahfuzur Rahman, Sirajul Hoque, and Hassan Mahmud. "Seasonal physico-chemical attributes of the river Buriganga, Turag and Balu, Bangladesh." Jahangirnagar University Journal of Biological Sciences 3, no. 1 (June 19, 2016): 9–16.

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Seasonal physico-chemical attributes (pH, EC, TSS, TDS, DO, BOD, COD, Cl, HCO3, NO3-N, NH4-N, Na, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Zn, Cu, Ni, Al, Pb, Cd, Cr, and Hg) of the river Buriganga, Turag and Balu have been studied to determine the pollution level of these rivers. It was revealed that most of the attributes exceeded the standard values set by GOB. Specially the parameters measured for the river Buriganga and Turag were in danger level. The level of pollution was much higher in winter and summer seasons compared to monsoon.Jahangirnagar University J. Biol. Sci. 3(1): 9-16, 2014 (June)
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BELIAKOVA, ANNA. "Refined invariants and TQFTs from Homfly skein theory." Journal of Knot Theory and Its Ramifications 08, no. 05 (August 1999): 569–87.

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We work in the reduced SU(N, K) modular category as constructed recently by Blanchet. We define spin type and cohomological refinements of the Turaev-Viro invariants of closed oriented 3-manifolds and give a formula relating them to Blanchet's invariants. Roberts' definition of the Turaev-Viro state sum is exploited. Furthermore, we construct refined Turaev-Viro and Reshetikhin-Turaev TQFTs and study the relationship between them.
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Mohiuddin, KM, MS Islam, S. Basak, HM Abdullah, and I. Ahmed. "Status of heavy metal in sediments of the Turag river in Bangladesh." Progressive Agriculture 27, no. 2 (August 17, 2016): 78–85.

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The experiment was conducted to appraise the level of Cr, Pb, Cd, Ni, Zn, Cu, Fe and Mn contamination in 15 sediment samples of upstream of Turag river, at the Department of Agricultural Chemistry, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh. The concentrations of Cr, Pb, Cd, Ni, Zn, Cu, Fe and Mn were 178.0, 18.3, 0.8, 155.4, 194.1, 54.8, 13679 and 5501.6 µg g-1 and the pH and EC ranged from 2.01-7.85 and 391-3910µS cm-1, respectively. Heavy metal concentrations were compared with geochemical background and standard values of previous report on the Turag and other rivers in Bangladesh. The average concentrations of Cr, Zn and Ni in sediments of the Turag are almost twice of the geochemical background i.e. average worldwide shale standard and continental upper crust. Cadmium is about three times higher than the geochemical background values. Chromium and Ni concentration exceeded the severe effect level (SEL), where as Cd, Zn and Cu exceeded toxicity reference values (TRV). The average Enrichment Factors (EFc) for Mn, Cd, Cr and Ni reflected moderate to extremely contaminated pollution. The pollution load index (PLI) varied from 1.65 to 3.21. The geoaccumulation index (Igeo) for Mn of 11 locations and Cd for a single location were greater than 2.0, and exhibited moderately to strongly polluted sediment quality. The Igeo for Zn in two locations and Ni in one location were greater than 1.0, indicated moderately polluted sediment quality. Sediment pollution load signaled alarming condition for city dwellers and aquatic ecosystem of the Turag river. Pollution sources to be sealed immediately and continuous monitoring on pollution prevention and cleanup operation is suggested.Progressive Agriculture 27 (2): 78-85, 2016
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N Kimsanboyeva, B. "KVANTITATIVLIKNING LINGVOKULTUROLOGIK XUSUSIYATLARI." 2022-yil, 3-son (133/1) ANIQ FANLAR SERIYASI 2, no. 132/2 (March 2, 2022): 1–9.

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Ma’lumki, hech bir tilni “til egasi”dan ajratgan holda to‘g‘ri va to‘liq o‘rganish mumkin emas. Zero, har bir nutq aktida so‘zlovchi shaxsning izi sezilib turadi. Ushbu maqolada kvantitativlikning lingvokulturologik xususiyatlari tahlil qilingan.
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Ferris, Clifford D., and Vladimir G. Mironov. "Replacement name for Eupithecia deserticola (Lepidoptera: Geometridae: Eupitheciini)." Canadian Entomologist 139, no. 1 (February 2007): 131–32.

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AbstractThe name Eupithecia deserticola McDunnough, 1946 is a junior secondary homonym of Tephroclystia deserticola Turati, 1934, now included in the genus Eupithecia Curtis. The replacement name Eupithecia jamesi Ferris and Mironov is proposed.
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Garre, Manuel, John Girdley, Rosa M. Rubio, Juan J. Guerrero, and Antonio S. Ortiz. "DNA barcoding relationships and habitat description of Psorosa ferrugatella Turati, 1924 in Spain (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae, Phycitinae)." SHILAP Revista de lepidopterología 51, no. 202 (June 30, 2023): 359–66.

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First DNA barcode sequences of Psorosa ferrugatella Turati, 1924 from the Iberian Peninsula is published and compared with other European Psorosa and closely related species. Three different habitats where P. ferrugatella inhabits are described.
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Yu Karakhonova, O. "Boshlang‘ich sinf o‘quvchilarida mantiqiy fikrlashni rivojlantirish metodikasi." 2022-yil, 3-son (133/1) ANIQ FANLAR SERIYASI 2, no. 126/2 (March 5, 2021): 1–10.

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Ishda boshlang‘ich sinf o‘quvchilari uchun mantiqiy fikrlashga o‘rgatishda nostandart masalalar ko‘rib chiqiladi va ularni hal qilishning eng qulay usullaridan biri bo‘lgan fikrlash uslubi, xususan, o‘quvchilarning muayyan turdagi muammolarni hal qilish ko‘nikmalarini qanday rivojlantirish qaralgan.
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Burxanov, Zavqiddin. "O‘zbek mumtoz adabiyotida ahmadjon sahhof ijodi." Современные тенденции инновационного развития науки и образования в глобальном мире 1, no. 2 (March 14, 2023): 43–44.

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Jahon adabiyotshunosligida biror-bir xalq adabiy-estetik ideali yuzasidan xulosa chiqarishda barcha davr ijodkorlari merosi asosida umumlashma va xulosalar bildirish muhim sanaladi. Zero, har bir xalqning adabiy-estetik idealining badiiy ifodasining shakli o‘zgarib turadi.
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Kasimov, Nodirjon. "QASDDAN ODAM O‘LDIRISH JINOYATINING TUSHUNCHASI, TAVSIFI VA JINOIY HUQUQIY XUSUSIYATLARI." Ижтимоий-гуманитар фанларнинг долзарб муаммолари / Актуальные проблемы социально-гуманитарных наук / Actual Problems of Humanities and Social Sciences. 3, no. 3 (March 7, 2023): 186–96.

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Maqolada qasddan odam o‘ldirish jinoyatining tushunchasi, ushbu turdagi jinoyatlarning tavsifi va jinoiy huquqiy xususiyatlari, qasddan odam o‘ldirish jinoyatining ob’ekti, sub’ekti, ob’ektiv tomoni va sub’ektiv tomoni, og‘irlashtiruvchi holatlarda qasddan odam o‘ldirish jinoyatining ko‘rinishlari tahlil qilingan.
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Podzuban, E. V. "Karasor-2 Site in the Upper Tobol." Bulletin of Kemerovo State University 22, no. 3 (October 29, 2020): 636–47.

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The present article introduces a collection of prehistoric material culture finds obtained at the Karasor-2 site during a stationary study of the Karasor archaeological site in 1998. A group of Karasor monuments is located near the town of Lisakovsk in the Upper Tobol river valley, which is in the northern Turgai depression. The territory of the Turgai depression connects the West Siberian and Turan plains. The Turgai depression borders on the Trans-Ural Plateau in the west and on the Kazakh hillocky area and the spur of the Ulutau mountains in the east. The local nature and geography destroy the cultural layer on the monuments. Thus, the finds represented by fragments of ceramics and stone products at the Karasor-2 site were collected from the surface, as the cultural layer had been destroyed. The article gives descriptive characteristics of the ceramics, while the stone tools were studied with the technical and typological method. Since the ceramic fragments are too small, the dating and cultural affiliation of the artifacts was based on the results of the technical and typological analysis of the stone tools. Most likely, the stone finds date back to the Mesolithic and Late Eneolithic periods. Most tools are similar to the stone industry of the Tersek culture and belong to the Eneolithic Age. The author believes that the time range of the stone tools and ceramics is from the Late Mesolithic to the Bronze Age.
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Al-Mubarak, Tawfique. "Hasan Al-Turabi : Sudan's Political Visionary (1932 - 2016)." Islam and Civilisational Renewal 7, no. 2 (April 2016): 289–90.

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Hannemann, H. J. "Depressarien aus der Sammlung E. Turati. (Lep., Oecophoridae)." Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift 23, no. 1-3 (April 23, 2008): 207–11.

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Rabbani, Md Liton. "Pollution Sources Assesment of Turag River, Bangladesh." IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering 14, no. 02 (March 2017): 84–91.

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ilmiy maqolada globallashuv fenomeni va uning yoshlar ma’naviyatiga ta’siri masalalari tahlil etiladi. Bugungi kunda paydo bo‘layotgan turli yot g‘oyalar, “ommaviy madaniyat” va boshqa turdagi mafkuralar yoyilishi sharoitida yoshlarni qo‘llabquvvatlash, ularni milliy va umuminsoniy qadriyatlar negizida tarbiyalash masalalari yoritilgan.
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Umurzakova, Kh. "RESEARCH PROPERTIES OF RAW MATERIALS FOR NEW TYPES MEDICAL BANDAGE." Journal of Science and Innovative Development 4, no. 6 (December 27, 2021): 69–78.

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This article presents the topicality of the problem, the sequence of technological processes in manufacture of silk twisted yarn from raw silk used for making of a medical bandage. In order to fold a few threads, and give them a twist, first raw silk is rewound onto a spool. Before rewinding, hanks are checked for gluing, in our case low gluing is determined, therefore, in order to soften the glued spots, the thread is treated with an emulsion by spraying. Then, the raw silk is kept in the common room and is rewound to the two flange reel using the MT-85 machine according to the Japanese technology. The principle of operation and technological drawings are provided. Torsion is carried out by adding 3 raw silk 2,33 tex to give the left twist S 350 tw/m and adding 8 raw silk 3,23 tex with the left twisting S 500 tw/m. The torsion process is performed on a TK-2 twisting machine. The process of fixing the twist of the finished twisted yarns is implemented using Japanese equipment SC-750. The quality indicators of twisted yarn are as follows: linear density, coefficient of variation in linear density, breaking load, breaking elongation, direction and amount of twist, and coefficients of variation in twisting.
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Kambarova, Dildora. "Ingliz tilini o‘qitishdа gаzetаning o‘rni vа gаzetа mаteriаllаri bilаn ishlаsh metodlаri." Общество и инновации 3, no. 5/S (July 1, 2022): 212–16.

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Ushbu maqolada ingliz tilini o‘rgatishda gazetaning roli tahlil qilinadi. O‘qitishning turli jihatlari ko‘rib chiqiladi. Ingliz tilini o‘qitishning alohida texnika va usullari tegishli jihatlar bo‘yicha tahlil qilinadi. Har xil turdagi gazeta materiallarini o‘qish ko‘nikmalarini rivojlantirishga qaratilgan mumkin bo‘lgan vazifalar taklif etiladi.
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Mazkur ilmiy maqolada auditorlik tekshiruvlari jarayonida auditorlik dalillarini tushunish masalasi, ularga qo‘yiladigan talablar, ularni olishning tegishli usullari va yo‘llarini qo‘llash, ayrim turdagi operatsiyalar va hisobot ob’ektlari bo‘yicha auditorlik dalillarini yaratishning o‘ziga xos xususiyatlari, tashqi tasdiqlar (so‘rovlar) va boshqa jihatlar o‘rganilgan.
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Kozhabekov, S. S., A. A. Zhubanov, and Zh Toktarbay. "Study the rheological properties of waxy oil with modified pour point depressants for the South Turgai oil field in Kazakhstan." Oil & Gas Science and Technology – Revue d’IFP Energies nouvelles 74 (2019): 28.

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This work describes the performance of poly(ethylene-co-vinyl acetate) (EVA) copolymer and modified poly(ethylene-co-vinyl acetate) (EVA-M) as pour point reducer. Commercially available EVA copolymer modified with sodium hydroxide in methanol. Partially hydrolyzed EVA was obtained and Fourier Transform InfraRed (FTIR) analysis of the modified EVA was recorded. The modified and unmodified EVA was used to crude oil of South Turgai, Kazakhstan, in order to improve the flowability of the crude oil. According to the rheological behavior of oils in the South Turgai, the findings showed that modified EVA lowered the dynamic viscosity greater compared to unmodified EVA and heat treatment. Dynamic viscosities and yield points of different oils with various temperatures with using EVA and EVA-M were studied systematically. Finally microphotograph of crystal structures two oils with using EVA and EVA-M, under same conditions, were compared and discussed.
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Fang, Xiao-Li. "Gauge transformations for quasitriangular quasi-Turaev group coalgebras." Journal of Algebra and Its Applications 17, no. 05 (April 26, 2018): 1850080.

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The purpose of this paper is to introduce an equivalence relation on quasitriangular quasi-Turaev group coalgebras such that the categories of representations of two quasitriangular quasi-Turaev group coalgebras are tensor [Formula: see text]-equivalent. As an application, we construct a new Turaev braided group category by a gauge transformation and give a new solution of Yang–Baxter type equation.
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Maqolada Navoiy viloyatidagi chorvachilik tarmoqni hududiy tashkil etishning iqtisodiy-geografik jihatidan tahlil qilingan. Shuningdek barcha turdagi chorva sonini statistik ma’lumotlar asosida 2000-2022 yillar oralig’ida o‘sishi va ularning mahsuldorligi hududlar kesimida tahlili keltirilgan. Ushbu tarmoqni viloyatda rivojlantirish uchun taklif va tavsiyalar keltirilgan.
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Maqolada Navoiy viloyatidagi chorvachilik tarmoqni hududiy tashkil etishning iqtisodiy-geografik jihatidan tahlil qilingan. Shuningdek barcha turdagi chorva sonini statistik ma’lumotlar asosida 2000-2022 yillar oralig’ida o‘sishi va ularning mahsuldorligi hududlar kesimida tahlili keltirilgan. Ushbu tarmoqni viloyatda rivojlantirish uchun taklif va tavsiyalar keltirilgan.
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Axadova, K. "Raqamlashtirish davrida informatika va matematik modellashtirish bo‘lajak muhandislarning kasbiy faoliyati uchun asos sifatida." Современные тенденции инновационного развития науки и образования в глобальном мире 1, no. 3 (March 19, 2023): 74–77.

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Yangi axborot-kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari (AKT) va raqamli texnologiyalarning rivojlanishi jamiyat taraqqiyotining hozirgi bosqichida raqamlashtirish dav- rining rivojlanishiga olib keldi. Ushbu maqolada AKT va fundamental texnika fanlari darajasidagi bilimlarni o‘zaro integratsiyalash zarurligini asoslagan holda muhandisliktexnik turdagi zamonaviy mutaxassisni tayyorlashda fanlararo yondashuvning ahamiyati ochib berilgan.
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Detcherry, Renaud. "Growth of Turaev–Viro invariants and cabling." Journal of Knot Theory and Its Ramifications 28, no. 14 (August 20, 2019): 1950041.

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The Chen–Yang volume conjecture [Q. Chen and T. Yang, Volume conjectures for the Reshetikhin–Turaev and the Turaev–Viro invariants, preprint (2015), arXiv:1503.02547] states that the growth rate of the Turaev–Viro invariants of a compact oriented [Formula: see text]-manifold determines its simplicial volume. In this paper, we prove that the Chen–Yang conjecture is stable under [Formula: see text]-cabling.
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