Academic literature on the topic 'Tsiganes – Droit'
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Journal articles on the topic "Tsiganes – Droit"
Baronnet, Marie-Paule. "Les jeunes tsiganes : le droit au savoir." Reliance 27, no. 1 (2008): 130.
Full textClanet, Elisabeth. "Le droit et l'accès à l'instruction des enfants du Voyage." Diversité 159, no. 1 (2009): 129–34.
Full textHollo, Lanna. "Du droit à l'éducation pour les Tsiganes et Gens du voyage." Diversité 159, no. 1 (2009): 56–64.
Full textBruggeman, Delphine. "Le métier d'enseignant en camion-école : enseigner et militer pour le droit à l'école des enfants tsiganes." Pensée plurielle 18, no. 2 (2008): 121.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Tsiganes – Droit"
Valls, Ramounet. "Le droit coutumier gitan : approche catalane." Perpignan, 2007.
Full textThe purpose of this study is to highlight originality of lifestyle gipsy Catalan, conditioned by the customs must be respected by all the people claiming their affiliation to this society. Indeed, if at first glance one would think that this society is organized so anarchic, the survey carried out within this people has demonstrated that in reality, this is not the case. The rules that members of this people respect since the dawn of time have to essential object to preserve the cultural cohesion of the group. To support this demonstration, this thesis is articulated in two parts: The first part concerns the customary law intra Community, represented mainly by the family law, people are composed in the facts that a multitude of families claiming a common identity. The second part is the customary laws governing social relations extra allowance, represented, for in their relations within the framework of their professions, partly in their relations with the institutions, such as education or national democratic institutions of this country. For example, can we make a stone supplementary to the building of tolerance and mutual respect
Gynther, Päivi. "From utopia to quintessence : education law from the viewpoint of Roma and skills deficiency /." Åbo : Åbo akademi, 2006.
Full textCollin, Alice. "Gens du voyage et droit de l'urbanisme : contribution à l'étude d'un habitat en marge des règles d'occupation et d'utilisation des sols." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Lorient, 2023.
Full textTraveller housing is governed by the Besson Act issued in 2000 (Law n°2000-614 of the 5th of July relating to the Halting and Housing of Travellers). Local authorities, mostly municipalities, are required to designate land for caravans. In order to actualise this, urban planning legislation must take this specific housing into account, especially when elaborating land-use plans. Even though it is possible to find signs of temporary housing inclusion in some texts, one cannot help but notice the lack of consideration in many documents. Traveller housing is not usually taken into account under urban planning law, and references are scarce and sometimes absent. This failure questions the ability of the legislation to respect travellers’ rights, which are in particular guaranteed by the European Convention on Human Rights. That is highlighted in Winterstein and others vs. France, ruled by the European Court of Human Rights in 2013.Furthermore, according to article L. 101-2 of the town planning code, any land-use act should satisfy the current and future needs of all types of housing. It is thus necessary to examine the capacity of special legal provisions and urban planning law, in general, to respond to the needs of people who lead a nomadic way of life
Roudié-Deyglun, Colette. "Nomadisme et libertés publiques en France." Paris 1, 2009.
Full textCongoste, Myriam. "L'innommé : portrait d'un voleur." Bordeaux 2, 2007.
Full textFocusing on the character of Youchka, a car thief, this thesis written in the narrative mode has adopted a microscopic approach. Drawing from reflexive anthropology, it records the three stages of an investigation in which course the ethnographer abandoned her original conception of the thief (as an anti-social, misfit, violent and cupid being) in order to enter the thief world and be able to collect his own interpretations. All along this process of interactions, where the thief reveals himself and the anthropologist becomes receptive, eventually emerges the significance of robbing: the thief doesn't rob in order to get rich but rather as a way of being free to exist. After detailing the obstacles that needed to be overcome so as to establish a relationship with a thief, the narrative highlights the double constraint: relations with society determined by perpetual secrecy and invisibility; and subjection to the rules of a marginal world. The anthropological approach reveals a character in love with freedom who indulges in illegal practices out of revenge for what he holds as social injustice, with the hope of gaining a made of existence in adequacy with his own idea of happiness. No one else but a thief can talk better about theft. This could be the conclusion of the thesis which, by letting such a character speak, a victim of prejudice more fantasized than known, sheds a light on otherness
Admant, Jules. "L' existence régionale de la "nation bohémienne" : les Bohémiens lorrains à la fin de l'Ancien Régime : (XVIIe-XVIIIe siècles)." Thesis, Dijon, 2015.
Full textIn the eighteenth century, the "Bohémiens" are already in the kingdom of France and its provinces since over three hundred years. In the last two centuries of the Ancien Regime, their lifestyle is progressively criminalized, resulting in their rejection in marginal fringes of vagabonds, thieves, etc. Therefore, in the historiography of these groups in Western Europe in the modern era, criminal law and judicial archives dominate. However, it must be moved beyond an unambiguous reading of these documents. The study of the regulation of the "Bohémiens" in Lorraine (in fact Gypsies belonging to the Manouche or Sinti group) and considerations of doctrine provide a broad framework, but the many parts of the trial provide access to a more subtle anthropological reality as judges must prove the gypsy quality, and to this end, seek to characterize the accused. It is through investigative techniques, interrogations, and legal information they seek to carry out this business. The archival collection consisted primarily of garnering data from bailiwicks and maréchaussées, and is particularly based on the largely unpublished body of the bailiwick of Germany ("bailliage d’Allemagne"). The consequent mass of criminal court records relating to vagrancy required a real investigative work, first of all to identify the Gypsies. The pleadings therefore reveal an important source of information, and, through individual interviews, collective identity is emerging. The art of Gypsy ("métier de Bohémien") appears as a central concept in the characterization of these groups. Transnational nature of the movement of Lorraine’s "Bohémiens", whose traces are found throughout the territory of the kingdom of France, Belgium, Luxembourg, in the German provinces, Switzerland and Italy, lets nonetheless see strong roots in the Palatinate region and the German Lorraine. Still, judges are confined to the allocation of a virtual identity, which obliterates a real identity marked by the integration of Gypsies into the social fabric. The legal doctrine and human sciences in the making, seizing the question at the end of the eighteenth century, play an important role in this process
Bidet, Marie. "Les gens du voyage, locaux ou cosmopolites ? : la gestion publique du nomadisme en France." Phd thesis, École normale supérieure de Cachan - ENS Cachan, 2009.
Full textGaro, Morgan. "L' émergence de la nation rrom : de l'ostracisme à la reconnaissance nationale, utopie ou combat politique." Paris 8, 2004.
Full textIn May 2000, Emil Scuka, President of the International Rromani Union, called for international recognition and acknowledgement of the Roma nation, a unique nation without a state or territory. For the international Roma political movement, acknowledgement as a nation represents a way to improve the fate of the population, which for centuries has been struck by ostracism and misery. Today when the European Union is growing, by analysing the situation of Roma in Romania, the Czech Republic and France, this thesis aims at explaining the reasons for such a claim. It presents the Roma movement in all its diversity, its strengths, weaknesses, contradictions and prospect
Bidaud, Laure-Amélie. "L'enfant ROM." Thesis, Lyon 3, 2012.
Full textWhat makes the legal analysis of the rights of the Roma Child so unique is that he is at the cross-road of several legal approaches. Indeed, the Roma Child is unique in the sense that he belongs to an ethnic and/or national minority, is less than 18 years old, in most cases is considered as a foreigner where he lives (whether from one of the European Union countries or not), all this to be put in perspective of his legal status of Child. If the integration of the fact that this child belongs to a « minority community » is very challengeable in regard to the National Legal Rights, it is obviously much more meaningful in regard to the international and European rights of the Minorities, both in terms of laws and jurisprudence of the European court of Justice. Furthermore, the legal rights of the Roma child as member of a minority are superseded by the rights of the children under the age of 18. However, the reality is sometimes not aligned with the legal principles when the actual circumstances of the presence of this child on the French territory expose him to treatment which are un-respectful to his status of child, and to the legal principles against discrimination. This is particularly true with respect to the laws regulating the entrance and circulation of foreigners on the French territory, which will collide with his rights to education, health, social benefits and protection against delinquency
Books on the topic "Tsiganes – Droit"
Marie-Pascale, Baronnet, Bocquet Jacques, and Centre régional de documentation pédagogique d'Amiens., eds. Les jeunes Tsiganes, le droit au savoir. Amiens: Édition Licorne, 2007.
Find full textLa protection des droits des Tsiganes dans l'Europe d'aujourd'hui: Éléments de l'approche internationale. Paris: L'Harmattan, 2001.
Find full textFrance, pays des droits des Rom ?: Gitans, bohémiens, gens du voyage, Tsiganes face aux pouvoirs publics depuis l : e 19e siècle. Lyon: Ed. Carobella ex-natura, 2003.
Find full text1919-, Weyrauch Walter O., ed. Gypsy law: Romani legal traditions and culture. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2001.
Find full textDrummond, Susan G. Mapping Marriage Law in Spanish Gitano Communities (Law and Society). University of British Columbia Press, 2005.
Find full textJean-Pierre, Liégeois, Cossée Claire, and Groupe d'étude pour l'Europe de la culture et de la solidarité., eds. L' accès aux droits sociaux des populations tsiganes en France: Rapport d'étude de la direction générale de l'action sociale. Rennes: Ecole nationale de la santé publique, 2007.
Find full textGypsy Feminism: Intersectional Politics, Alliances, Gender and Queer Activism. Taylor & Francis Group, 2017.
Find full textCorradi, Laura. Gypsy Feminism: Intersectional Politics, Alliances, Gender and Queer Activism. Taylor & Francis Group, 2019.
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